The classic A-Star path finding algorith built in Nim
For more information about A-Star itself, the folks over at Red Blob Games put together a very comprehensive introduction:
This is a "Bring Your Own Graph" implementation. Meaning, this implementation relies on your own graph implementation. This library will then call your functions and pluck out the edges of your graph.
This was done to avoid needless data copying. In most cases, your data will already be represented in a data structure somewhere. Having to keep two parallel copies in place doesn't make sense in this case.
So, to actually hook your graph into this algorithm, there are three functions you need:
: An iterator that returns the neighbors of a nodecost
: A proc that returns the cost of moving from one node to anotherheuristic
: A proc that determines the priority of a node. This is the real magic of A-Star; the heuristic determines which nodes are looked at first so it can skip looking at obviously wrong nodes. There are a few implementations provided by default. For example,asTheCrowFlies
. See the API docs for more information.
Example code is provided below. What you'll notice is that the code required to get a grid up and running takes longer than actually using the algorithm. As mentioned before, this is on purpose. Odds are that you will have already done this work for some other part of your application, so this disappears in the real world.
To connect a graph with the AStar library, you must implement three functions:
neighbors, which iterates over the neighbors of a node. Its signature should look like this:
iterator neighbors*(grid: MyGraph, node: MyNode): Node
cost, which returns the exact price for moving between nodes. It should look like this:
proc cost*(grid: MyGraph, a, b: MyNode): Distance
heuristic, which estimates the how close a point is to the goal. It has three possible signatures:
proc heuristic*(grid: MyGraph, next, goal: MyNode): Distance
proc heuristic*(grid: MyGraph, next, start, goal, parent: MyNode): Distance
proc heuristic*( grid: MyGraph, next, start, goal, parent: MyNode, grandparent: Option[MyNode] ): Distance
import astar, hashes
Grid = seq[seq[int]]
## A matrix of nodes. Each cell is the cost of moving to that node
Point = tuple[x, y: int]
## A point within that grid
template yieldIfExists( grid: Grid, point: Point ) =
## Checks if a point exists within a grid, then calls yield it if it does
let exists =
point.y >= 0 and point.y < grid.len and
point.x >= 0 and point.x < grid[point.y].len
if exists:
yield point
iterator neighbors*( grid: Grid, point: Point ): Point =
## An iterator that yields the neighbors of a given point
yieldIfExists( grid, (x: point.x - 1, y: point.y) )
yieldIfExists( grid, (x: point.x + 1, y: point.y) )
yieldIfExists( grid, (x: point.x, y: point.y - 1) )
yieldIfExists( grid, (x: point.x, y: point.y + 1) )
proc cost*(grid: Grid, a, b: Point): float =
## Returns the cost of moving from point `a` to point `b`
proc heuristic*( grid: Grid, node, goal: Point ): float =
## Returns the priority of inspecting the given node
asTheCrowFlies(node, goal)
# A sample grid. Each number represents the cost of moving to that space
let grid = @[
@[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
@[ 0, 3, 3, 3, 0 ],
@[ 0, 3, 5, 3, 0 ],
@[ 0, 3, 3, 3, 0 ],
@[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
let start: Point = (x: 0, y: 3)
let goal: Point = (x: 4, y: 3)
# Pass in the start and end points and iterate over the results.
for point in path[Grid, Point, float](grid, start, goal):
echo point
This library is released under the MIT License, which is pretty spiffy. You should have received a copy of the MIT License along with this program. If not, see