An implementation of the JSON Merge Patch RFC 7396
JSON Merge Patch (RFC 7396) is a standard format that allows you to update a JSON document by sending the changes rather than the whole document. JSON Merge Patch plays well with the HTTP PATCH verb (method) and REST style programming.
Install the current version (and save it as a dependency):
$ npm install json-merge-patch --save
jsonmergepatch.apply(obj: Object, patch: Object) : Object
Applies patch
onto source obj
const source = {
title: "Goodbye!",
author: {
givenName: "John",
familyName: "Doe",
const patch = {
title: "Hello!",
author: {
familyName: null,
const target = jsonmergepatch.apply(source, patch);
// target = {
// "title": "Hello!",
// "author" : {
// "givenName" : "John",
// }
// }
jsonmergepatch.generate(source: Object, target: Object) : Object
Compares source
and target
object and generates a patch
of the changes necessary to convert source
into target
const source = {
title: "Goodbye!",
author: "John Doe",
const target = {
title: "Hello!",
const patch = jsonmergepatch.generate(source, target);
// patch = {
// "title": 'Hello!',
// "author": null
// }
This function is outside the scope of the RFC, its purpose is to combine/squash successive patches of the same entity into one patch. Use it at your own risks.
This library is primarily designed to work with JSON.
Nonetheless, it is possible to use Javascript objects if the method toJSON()
is implemented, the library will then serialize your object using it.
const patch = jsonmergepatch.generate(
"title": "Goodbye!"
toJSON: () {
return {
"title": "I am serialized"
// patch = {
// "title": "I am serialized",
// }
const patch = jsonmergepatch.generate(
date: new Date("2020-05-09T00:00:00.000"),
// patch = {
// date: "2020-05-09T00:00:00.000"
// }
npm test