diff --git a/config/locales/ar.yml b/config/locales/ar.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 05c3d1188f..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/ar.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3047 +0,0 @@
- applicants:
- enroll:
- errors:
- email_should_not_have_bounced: The email address you supplied cannot be used because an email we sent earlier bounced
- ensure_time_between_requests: An email was sent less than two minutes ago. Please wait for a few minutes before trying again.
- not_a_student: You are already enrolled in %{course_name} course. Try signing in, instead.
- link_expired: انتهت صلاحية هذا الرابط أو أنه غير صالح، في حال أنك أكملت التسجيل بالفعل فيرجى تسجيل الدخول
- welcome: مرحبا بكم في %{school_name}!
- resolve_applicant_path:
- welcome: مرحبا بكم في %{school_name}!
- calendar_events:
- create:
- success: Event created successfully!
- create_or_update_form:
- calendar_error: Please select a calendar from the list
- color_error: Please select a valid color for the event
- invalid_url: Please enter a valid URL for the event
- start_time_error: Please select a valid time for the event
- title_error: Please enter a valid title for the event
- delete:
- success: Event deleted successfully!
- update:
- success: Event updated successfully!
- calendars:
- create:
- success: Calendar created successfully!
- update:
- success: Calendar updated successfully!
- cohorts:
- shared:
- overview_link: Overview
- students_link: Students
- show:
- distribution_heading: Level-wise student distribution
- students_completed: Students Completed
- total_students: Total Students
- view_all: View All
- student:
- level_label: Level
- never_signed_in: Has never signed in
- time_ago: Last seen %{time_ago} ago
- students:
- distribution_heading: Level-wise student distribution
- nothing_to_show: There are no students matching the selected filters.
- pagination_notice: Now showing %{page_start}-%{page_end} of a total of %{count} such students.
- communities:
- show:
- community_title: مجتمع %{name}
- new_topic: موضوع جديد
- note: " يملك مشرفون الأكاديمية صلاحية لجميع المجتمعات"
- welcome: مرحبا بكم في
- components:
- AdminCoursesShared__CohortsEditor:
- add_new_cohort: إضافة مجموعة جديدة
- cohort:
- label: اسم المجموعة
- message: ادخل اسمًا مناسبًا للمجموعة
- placeholder: مثال، المجموعة الأولى
- cohort_description:
- label: وصف المجموعة
- message: ادخل وصفًا مناسبًا للمجموعة
- placeholder: مثال، المجموعة الأولى من السنة الثانية
- cohort_ends_at:
- help: سيتم حفظ المجموعة في الارشيف في هذا التاريخ
- label: تاريخ إنهاء المجموعة
- update_cohort: تحديث المجموعة
- AdminCoursesShared__StudentsPicker:
- all_students_selected: تم اختيار جميع الطلاب
- no_students_found: لا يوجد طلاب
- no_students_selected: لم يتم اختيار أي طالب
- AdminCoursesShared__TeamEditor:
- add_new_team: أضف فريقًا جديدًا
- select_cohort:
- label: اختر مجموعة
- placeholder: اختر إحدى المجموعات
- team_name:
- label: اسم الفريق
- message: ادخل اسمًا مناسبًا للفريق
- placeholder: مثال، الفريق الأول
- update_team: تحديث الفريق
- Api:
- error_notification_body: تم إعلام فريق الدعم الفني بهذه المشكلة يرجى إعادة تحميل الصفحة والمحاولة مرة أخرى
- error_notification_title: خطأ غير متوقع
- AppRouter__Dropdown:
- more: المزيد
- show_more_links: عرض المزيد
- AppRouter__Header:
- edit_profile: تعديل الحساب
- sign_in: تسجيل الدخول
- sign_out: تسجيل الخروج
- AppRouter__Nav:
- calendar: Calendar
- close_sidebar: إغلاق
- curriculum: المنهاج
- leaderboard: لوحة المتفوقين
- report: تقرير
- review: مراجعة
- sign_out: تسجيل الخروج
- students: الطلاب
- CalendarsIndex__DatePicker:
- today: اليوم
- ClickToCopy:
- copied: Copied!
- copy: Copy to clipboard
- CoachesIndex__Root:
- button_about: About
- button_connect: Connect
- filter_input_label: Filter by
- filter_input_placeholder: Search by name, or select a course
- filter_label_name_like: Name Like
- filter_label_teaches_course: Teaches Course
- filter_result_empty: The filters you've applied does not match any coach. Please change the filter and try again.
- filter_search_string_course: teaches course %{name}
- heading: Coaches
- CohortsActions__Root:
- button_text: Merge and delete
- edit: Edit
- merge_heading_html: Merge %{cohort_name} into another cohort
- merge_help: Merging cohorts will move all students from the selected cohort to the target cohort. This action can be used to delete unnecessary cohorts. This action cannot be undone.
- page_description: Actions for the cohort.
- pick_a_cohort: Pick a Cohort
- CohortsCreator__Root:
- page_description: Create a new cohort for the course.
- page_title: Add new cohort
- CohortsDetails__Root:
- page_description: Update cohort details
- page_title: Edit %{cohort_name}
- CohortsIndex__Root:
- active_cohorts: Active Cohorts
- add_new_cohort: Add new cohort
- all_cohorts: All Cohorts
- coaches: Coaches
- cohort: cohort
- cohorts: cohorts
- cohorts_end_date: Cohort end date
- edit: Edit
- filter:
- first_created: First Created
- last_created: Last Created
- last_ending: Last Ending
- name: Name
- search_by_name: Search by Name
- load_more: Load More
- no_cohorts_found: No Cohorts Found
- students: Students
- CommunitiesNewTopic__Root:
- asked_on: "Asked on "
- back: Back
- be_descriptive: If you're asking a question, try to be as descriptive as possible to make it easier for others to post answers. You can use Markdown to format this text.
- body: Body
- clear: Clear
- count_replies_label: " replies"
- create_topic: Create Topic
- create_topic_discussion: Create a new topic of discussion
- done: Done!
- failed_fetch_similar: We failed to fetch similar topics from the server! Our team has been notified about this error.
- linked_target: "Linked Target: "
- missing_info: Missing Info!
- no_category_found: "Unable to find category with ID:"
- no_replies: No replies
- not_selected: Not Selected
- one_reply: 1 reply
- oops: Oops!
- please_reload: Please reload the page before trying to post again.
- redirecting: Redirecting to new topic now...
- select_category: Select Category
- similar_topics: Similar Topics
- title: Title
- title_placeholder: Title for the new topic
- topic_body_present: Topic title and body must be present.
- CommunitiesShow__Root:
- all_categories_button: All Categories
- button_load_more: Load More...
- empty_topics: There's no discussion here yet.
- filter_input_label: "Filter by:"
- filter_input_placeholder_categories: Filter by category, solution or search within topics
- filter_input_placeholder_default: Search within topics or filter by solution
- sort_criterion_input_label: "Sort by:"
- sort_criterion_last_activity: Last Activity
- sort_criterion_posted_at: Posted At
- sort_criterion_views: Views
- topic_last_updated_text: Last updated
- topic_posted_by_text: Posted by
- topic_stats_likes:
- one: 1 Like
- other: "%{count} Likes"
- topic_stats_replies:
- one: 1 Reply
- other: "%{count} Replies"
- topic_stats_views:
- one: 1 View
- other: "%{count} Views"
- topics_fully_loaded_text: Showing all %{total_topics} topics
- topics_partially_loaded_text: Showing %{loaded_topics_count} of %{total_topics} topics
- unable_find_id: "Unable to find topic category with ID: "
- CourseApplicants__EditForm:
- add_as_student_button: Add as Student
- affiliation:
- label: Affiliation
- placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- email:
- label: Email
- placeholder: Student email here
- name:
- error: is not valid
- label: Name
- placeholder: Student name here
- notify_students:
- label: Notify students, and send them a link to sign into this school.
- page_title: Add as a student
- tabs:
- actions: Actions
- details: Details
- tags:
- label: Tags
- title:
- label: Title
- placeholder: Student, Coach, CEO, etc.
- CourseApplicants__Root:
- applicants_fully_loaded_text: Showing all %{total_applicants} applicants
- applicants_page_title: Applicants
- applicants_partially_loaded_text: Showing %{loaded_applicants_count} of %{total_applicants} applicants
- button_load_more: Load More Applicants...
- empty_applicants: You don't have any applicants!
- filter:
- input_label: Search
- input_placeholder: Filter and Search Applicants by name
- label:
- search: Search by name or email
- tag: Tag
- onboard_as_student: Onboard as Student
- show_actions: Show Actions
- show_details: "Show Details: "
- sort_criterion:
- created_at: Created At
- name: Name
- updated_at: Updated At
- sorter:
- label: Sort by
- CourseAuthors__Form:
- add_new_author: Add new author
- create_author: Create Author
- email: Email
- email_message: Enter a valid Email
- email_placeholder: Add email here
- name: Name
- name_message: Enter a valid name
- name_placeholder: Add name here
- saving: Saving
- update_author: Update Author
- CourseAuthors__Root:
- window_confirm_post: from the list of authors?
- window_confirm_pre: Are you sure you want to remove
- CourseCertificates__CreateDrawer:
- certificate_base_image:
- help: This base image must include a full line's space to insert a student's name.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/certificates#uploading-a-new-certificate
- label: Certificate Base Image
- placeholder: Select a base image for certificate
- create_action: Create New Certificate
- create_button_text: Create Certificate
- name_label: Name
- name_placeholder: A name to identify this certificate
- success_notification: You can now edit this certificate.
- CourseCertificates__EditDrawer:
- active:
- help: While you can have multiple certificates, only one can be automatically issued; it will be issued when a student completes a course.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/certificates#automatically-issuing-certificates
- label: Should students be automatically issued this certificate?
- edit_action: Edit Certificate
- font_size_label: Font Size
- margin_label: Margin
- name_error: Name can't be blank
- name_label: Name
- name_offset_top_label: Name Offset (from top)
- name_placeholder: A short name for this certificate
- qr_bottom_left_label: Bottom Left
- qr_bottom_right_label: Bottom Right
- qr_hidden_label: Hidden
- qr_position_label: QR Code Position
- qr_scale_label: QR Code Scale
- qr_top_left_label: Top Left
- qr_top_right_label: Top Right
- qr_visibility:
- help: It will contain a link to a page on your school that anyone can visit to verify an issued certificate.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/certificates
- label: Add QR Code?
- update_issued_certificates_warning:
- one: This certificate has been issued once.
These changes will also be applied to the issued certificate.
- other: This certificate has been issued %{count} times.
These changes will also be applied to these %{count} issued certificates.
- CourseCertificates__Root:
- auto_issue_tag: Auto-issue
- certificate: Certificate
- create_action: Create New Certificate
- delete_button_title: Delete Certificate %{name}
- delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this certificate?
- deleting: Deleting...
- edit_button_title: Edit Certificate %{name}
- heading: Certificates
- issued_count:
- one: Issued only once
- other: Issued %{count} times
- zero: Never issued
- no_certificates: You haven't created any certificates yet!
- CourseCoaches__EnrollmentForm:
- add_course: Add Course Coaches
- notification_coach_enrollment: Coach enrollments updated successfully
- search_coaches_all: You have selected all coaches!
- search_coaches_empty: No coaches selected
- search_coaches_placeholder: Search coaches
- search_cohorts_all: You have selected all cohorts!
- search_cohorts_empty: No cohorts selected
- search_cohorts_placeholder: Search cohorts
- select_coaches: Select coaches
- select_cohorts: Select Cohorts
- CourseCoaches__InfoForm:
- no_students_assigned: There are no students assigned to this coach. You can assign coaches directly while editing the student details.
- notification_coach_updated: Coach updated successfully
- pending_submissions: Pending Submissions
- revied_submissions: Reviewed Submissions
- search_cohorts_all: You have selected all cohorts!
- search_cohorts_empty: No cohorts selected
- search_cohorts_placeholder: Search cohorts
- select_cohorts: "Cohorts assigned to coach:"
- students_assigned: "Students assigned to coach:"
- update_cohort_assignment: Update Cohort Assignment
- CourseCoaches__InfoFormTeam:
- remove_post_confirm: from the list of assigned teams?
- remove_pre_confirm: "Are you sure you want to remove "
- CourseCoaches__Root:
- assign_coaches: Assign Coaches to Course
- coaches_list: List of course coaches
- course_empty: The course has no coaches assigned!
- enrollment_delete_error_head_notification: Coach enrollment could not be deleted
- enrollment_delete_error_notification_body: Please try again
- enrollment_delete_notificaion_success_body: Coach enrollment deleted successfully
- remove_confirm_post: from this course?
- remove_confirm_pre: Are you sure you want to remove
- CourseEditor__Form:
- actions:
- archive_course:
- button_text: Archive Course
- label: Do you want to archive the course?
- clone_course:
- button_text: Clone Course
- label: Do you want to create a copy of the course?
- unarchive_course:
- button_text: Unarchive Course
- label: Do you want to unarchive the course?
- alert:
- archive_message: Are you sure you want to archive the course?
- clone_course_message: Are you sure you want to make a copy of the course?
- unarchive_message: Are you sure you want to unarchive the course?
- course_about:
- label: About
- placeholder: Add more details about the course.
- course_description:
- error_message: A description is required (2-150 characters)
- label: Course description
- placeholder: Short description for this course
- course_highlights:
- label: Course Highlights
- course_name:
- error_message: A name is required (2-50 characters)
- label: Course name
- placeholder: Type course name here
- create_course: Create Course
- enable_public_preview_label: Allow public to view course curriculum?
- enable_public_signup_label: Enable public signup for this course?
- feature_course_in_homepage_label: Feature course in school homepage?
- pick_a_cohort: Pick a Cohort
- pick_default_cohort: Pick the default cohort
- processing_url:
- error: Invalid processing url
- help: You can send the applicants to a processing url once they apply for the course
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/courses#processing-url
- label: Do you want to process applicant information before enrolling them?
- progression_behavior:
- help: This only applies if your course has milestones that requires students to submit their work for review by coaches.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/courses#progression-behaviour
- label: Progression Behavior
- limited:
- description_end: " without getting submissions reviewed."
- description_start: Students can level up
- four_times: four times
- once: once
- thrice: thrice
- title: Limited
- twice: twice
- strict:
- description: Students can level up only after getting submissions reviewed, and passing.
- title: Strict
- unlimited:
- description: Students can level up till the end of the course, without getting submissions reviewed.
- title: Unlimited
- tabs:
- actions: Actions
- details: Details
- images: Images
- title:
- add_new_course: Add New Course
- edit_course_details: Edit Course Details
- update_course: Update Course
- CourseEditor__HighlightsEditor:
- add_highlight: Add Course Highlight
- delete_highlight: Delete highlight
- description:
- placeholder: Description of highlight
- move_down: Move Down
- move_up: Move up
- select: Select
- selected_button:
- title: Select Icon
- title:
- placeholder: Title of highlight
- CourseEditor__ImagesForm:
- button_text:
- update_images: Update Images
- updating: Updating...
- cover_image:
- error_message: must be a JPEG / PNG under 2 MB in size
- help: The cover will be displayed at the top of all student pages within the course, and as the header of some course emails.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/courses#course-images
- label: Cover Image
- empty_image_label: Please choose an image file.
- image_label:
- end: . Click to replace the current image.
- start: "You have selected "
- notification_success:
- description: Images have been updated successfully.
- title: Done!
- replace_image_label: "Please pick a file to replace "
- thumbnail:
- error_message: must be a JPEG / PNG under 2 MB in size
- help: The thumbnail will be displayed on the homepage, and here in the admin courses list.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/courses#course-images
- label: Thumbnail
- CourseEditor__Root:
- add_new_course: Add New Course
- button_load_more: Load More Courses...
- course_links:
- view_calendar: View Calendar
- edit_curriculum: Edit Curriculum
- manage_coaches: Manage Coaches
- manage_students: Manage Students
- view_as_student: View as Student
- courses_fully_loaded_text: Showing all %{total_courses} courses
- courses_partially_loaded_text: Showing %{loaded_courses_count} of %{total_courses} courses
- create_description: هيا لنضيف دورة جديدة
- edit_course_details: Edit Course Details
- empty_courses: You don't have any courses!
- filter:
- input_hint: Or start typing to search by name...
- input_label: Search
- input_placeholder: Filter and Search courses by name
- label:
- name: Search by name
- status: Status
- status:
- active: Active
- archived: Archived
- ended: Ended
- notification_error_body: Our team has been notified about this error. Please try reloading this page.
- notification_error_head: An unexpected error occurred
- quick_links: Quick Links
- view_public_page: View public page
- CourseExport__Root:
- active_students_label: Active Students
- all_students_label: All Students
- all_targets_label: All targets
- close_export_form: Close Export Form
- create_action: Create New Export
- create_action_button: Export Course Data
- create_button_active_label: Setting up an export...
- create_button_text: Create Export
- download_course_export: Download Course Export
- export: Export
- export_cohorts_label: Export only the students in the following cohort(s)
- export_tags_label: Export only students with the following tags
- export_targets_label: Which targets should the export include?
- export_type_label: Please select the kind of export you need
- heading: Exports
- include_inactive_students_tag: Included Inactive Students
- no_exports_notice: You haven't exported anything yet!
- prepared: Prepared
- requested: Requested
- reviewed_only_tag: Reviewed Submissions Only
- reviewed_only_targets_label: Only targets with reviewed assignment
- search_cohort_placeholder: Search for a cohort
- search_cohorts_empty: No cohorts selected
- search_tag_placeholder: Search for a tag
- search_tags_empty: No tags selected
- students_label: Students
- students_to_include_label: Select the students to include in course export
- teams_label: Teams
- CourseResourcesFilter:
- filter_resources: تصفية الموارد
- CourseSelect:
- button_load_more: Load More Courses...
- courses_fully_loaded_text: Showing all %{total_courses} courses
- courses_partially_loaded_text: Showing %{loaded_courses_count} of %{total_courses} courses
- empty_courses: You don't have any courses!
- filter:
- input_hint: Or start typing to search by name...
- input_label: Search
- input_placeholder: Filter and Search courses by name
- label:
- name: Search by name
- status: Status
- status:
- active: Active
- archived: Archived
- ended: Ended
- CoursesApply__Root:
- email_sent_message:
- description: It should reach you in less than a minute. Click the link in the email to sign up, and get started.
- title: We've sent you a verification mail.
- CoursesCurriculum:
- edit_level_button: Edit Level
- edit_target_button_title: Edit target %{title}
- empty_level_content_notice: There's no published content on this level.
- issued_certificate_button: View Certificate
- issued_certificate_heading: Congratulations! You have been issued a certificate.
- level_locked: Level locked
- level_locked_explanation: You can access the content on %{date}.
- level_locked_for_students_notice: This level is still locked for students and will be unlocked on %{date}.
- level_locked_notice: The level is currently locked!
- milestone_label: Milestone
- nav_aria_next_level: انتقل إلى المستوى التالي
- nav_aria_previous_level: انتقل إلى المستوى السابق
- nav_long_next_level: المرحلة التالية
- nav_long_previous_level: المستوى السابق
- nav_short_next_level: التالي
- nav_short_previous_level: سابق
- CoursesCurriculum__AudioRecorder:
- button_text_record_again: Record Again
- button_text_start_recording: Start Recording
- cannot_record: You cannot record audio.
- preview_mode: Preview Mode
- recording_size_limit_warning: The recording should not exceed 5mb in size. Please re-record
- recording_string: Recording...
- CoursesCurriculum__AutoVerify:
- before_marking: Before marking as complete...
- before_visiting: Before visiting the link...
- mark_complete: Mark As Complete
- saving: Saving
- visit_complete: Visit Link To Complete
- visit_link: "Visit Link "
- CoursesCurriculum__Discuss:
- create: Create a topic
- go_to: Go to community
- no_discussion: There's been no recent discussion about this target.
- topics_post: " community"
- topics_pre: "Topics From "
- use_community: Use the community to clear your doubts, and to help your peers!
- CoursesCurriculum__FileForm:
- another_file: Please choose another file for upload.
- cannot_attach: You cannot attach files.
- choose_upload: Choose file to upload
- error: "Error "
- max_file_size: The maximum file size is 5 MB.
- please_reload: Please reload the page and try again.
- preview_mode: Preview Mode
- smth_went_wrong: Something went wrong!
- CoursesCurriculum__Learn:
- edit_target_button: Edit Content
- CoursesCurriculum__LevelUpButton:
- button_text_level_up: Level Up
- button_text_saving: Saving
- CoursesCurriculum__NoticeManager:
- access_ended_description: You have only limited access to the course now. You are allowed preview the content but cannot complete any target.
- access_ended_title: Preview/Limited Access
- course_complete_description: You've completed our coursework. Feel free to complete targets that you might have left out, and read up at attached links.
- course_complete_title: Congratulations! You have completed all milestones in the final level.
- course_ended_description: The course has ended and submissions are disabled for all targets!
- course_ended_title: Course Ended
- preview_mode_description: You are accessing the preview mode for this course
- preview_mode_title: Preview Mode
- team_members_pending_description: You have completed all required milestones, but one or more of your team mates have not. Please ask them to sign in and check for incomplete milestones.
- team_members_pending_title: Check With Your Team
- CoursesCurriculum__Overlay:
- close_button: Close
- completion_tab_complete: Complete
- completion_tab_completed: Completed
- completion_tab_form_response: Form Responses
- completion_tab_locked: Locked
- completion_tab_mark_complete: Mark as Complete
- completion_tab_quiz_result: Quiz Result
- completion_tab_submissions: Submissions & Feedback
- completion_tab_submit_form: Submit Form
- completion_tab_take_quiz: Take Quiz
- completion_tab_visit_link: Visit Link to Complete
- discuss_tab: Discuss
- learn_cta_submit_form: Submit Form
- learn_cta_submit_work: Submit work for review
- learn_cta_take_quiz: Take a Quiz
- learn_tab: Learn
- milestone_label: Milestone
- next_target_button: Next Target
- pending_team_members_notice: "You have team members who have yet to complete this target:"
- preview_mode_text: You are currently looking at a preview of this course.
- previous_target_button: Previous Target
- scroll_to_top: Scroll to Top
- CoursesCurriculum__Quiz:
- next_question: Next Question
- question: Question
- submit_quiz: Submit Quiz
- CoursesCurriculum__SubmissionBuilder:
- accessing_preview: You are accessing the preview mode
- attaching: Attaching
- compete_all: Please complete all the required
- complete: Complete
- for_course: for this course
- no_actions: This target has no actions. Click submit to complete the target
- steps_submit: steps to submit this target
- submit: Submit
- submitting: Submitting
- CoursesCurriculum__SubmissionItem:
- link_error: This doesn't look like a valid URL.
- link_placeholder: Type full URL starting with https://...
- remove: "Remove "
- short_text_error: Answer should be less than 250 characters
- short_text_placeholder: Add a short text
- warning_length_limit: Please keep your answer to less than 5000 characters in length.
- CoursesCurriculum__SubmissionsAndFeedback:
- add_another: Add another
- add_another_response: Add another response
- add_another_submission: Add another submission
- cancel: Cancel
- completed: Completed
- form_response_number: "Response #"
- grading: Grading
- pending_review: Pending Review
- rejected: Rejected
- submission_details: "Details about your submission on "
- submission_number: "Submission #"
- submitted_on: "Submitted on "
- unknown_coach: Unknown Coach
- your_responses: Your Responses
- your_submissions: Your Submissions
- CoursesCurriculum__TargetStatus:
- access_locked: You have only limited access to the course now. You are allowed preview the content but cannot complete any target.
- course_locked: This course has ended.
- prerequisites_incomplete: This target has prerequisites that are incomplete.
- status:
- completed: Completed
- locked: Locked
- pending: Pending
- pending_review: Pending Review
- rejected: Rejected
- submission_limit_reached: You have %{pending_count} pending submissions and cannot submit more until they are reviewed.
- CoursesCurriculum__UndoButton:
- notification_error_body: An unexpected error occured, and our team has been notified about this. Please reload the page before trying again.
- notification_error_head: Unexpected Error
- notification_notice_body: Please reload the page and check the status of the submission before trying again.
- notification_notice_head: Could not undo submission
- undo: تراجع
- undo_submission: تراجع عن الإرسال
- undo_submission_title: Delete this submission
- undoing: يتم التراجع...
- window_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this submission?
- CoursesCurriculum__UrlForm:
- button_placeholder: Type full URL starting with https://...
- button_text: Attach link
- url_validate_error: does not look like a valid URL
- CoursesReport:
- button_overview_text: Overview
- button_submissions_text: Submissions
- CoursesReport__Overview:
- average_grades: Average Grades
- average_quiz_score: Average Quiz Score
- course_completed: Course Completed!
- incomplete_targets: "Incomplete: %{targetsCount}"
- level_progress: Level Progress
- milestone_completed: Completed
- milestone_pending: Pending
- milestone_status_help: Discover your essential milestones for course completion right here. Track your progress and catch any targets you might have overlooked.
- personal_coaches: Personal Coaches
- quizzes_attempted:
- one: 1 Quiz Attempted
- other: "%{count} Quizzes Attempted"
- zero: No Quizzes Attempted
- schedule_coaching_session: Schedule a coaching session
- targets_completed: "Completed: %{targetsCount}"
- targets_overview: Targets Overview
- targets_pending_review: "Pending Review: %{targetsCount}"
- CoursesReport__SubmissionsList:
- completed: Completed
- filter_by_another_level: Filter by another level
- filter_by_another_level_or_status: Filter by another level, or by status
- filter_by_another_status: Filter by another status
- filter_by_level: Filter by level
- filter_by_level_or_status: Filter by level, or by status
- filter_by_status: Filter by status
- load_more: Load More...
- no_submissions_to_show: "No submissions to show "
- pending_review: Pending Review
- rejected: Rejected
- sort_by: "Sort by:"
- status: Status
- submission_not_considered: This submission is not counted toward the target's completion.
- submission_not_considered_help: This is a team target, and this submission is not linked to some members of your team. This can happen if a target is changed after your individual submission, to require a team submission, or if your team's composition changed after a team submission was created.
- submitted_at: Submitted At
- submitted_on: Submitted on %{date}
- view: "View "
- CoursesReview__Checklist:
- create_review_checklist: Create a review checklist
- create_review_checklist_description: Prepare for your review by creating a checklist
- CoursesReview__ChecklistEditor:
- add_checklist_item: Add Checklist Item
- add_result: Add Result
- cancel: Cancel
- checklist_item_description:
- error_message: A check's result cannot be blank
- placeholder: Add feedback (optional)
- checklist_item_title:
- move_down_button_title: Move Down checklist result
- move_up_button_title: Move Up checklist result
- placeholder: Add a result for this check
- remove_button_title: Remove checklist result
- checklist_title:
- error_message: A checklist item cannot be blank
- move_down_button_title: Move Down checklist item
- move_up_button_title: Move Up checklist item
- placeholder: Add an item to the checklist
- remove_button_title: Remove checklist item
- create_review_checklist: Create Review Checklist
- disabled: Disabled
- edit_review_checklist: Edit Review Checklist
- save_checklist: Save Checklist
- CoursesReview__ChecklistShow:
- add_additional_feedback: Add Additional Feedback
- back_to_review: Back to Review
- edit_checklist_button: Edit Checklist
- feedback_placeholder: Add feedback (optional)
- generate_feedback_button: Generate Feedback
- remove_additional_feedback: Remove Additional Feedback
- review_checklist: Review Checklist
- CoursesReview__Editor:
- add_another_feedback: Add another feedback
- add_feedback: Add feedback
- add_your_feedback: Add Your Feedback
- assigned_coaches: Assigned Coaches
- assigned_to: Assigned to
- close: close
- close_submission_warning: Are you sure you want to close the submission without saving?
- create_review_checklist: Create Review Checklist
- deleted_coach: Deleted Coach
- evaluated_at: on %{evaluated_at}
- evaluated_by: Evaluated By
- feedback: Feedback
- feedback_generated_text: Feedback generated from review checklist.
- feedback_placeholder: This feedback will be emailed to students when you finish grading.
- github_action:
- description: Do you want to re-run the Github action on this submission?
- re_run_action_button: Yes, Re-Run Github Action
- view_action_button: View Github Action
- grade_card: Grade Card
- help_text: Notes can be used to keep track of a %{note_about}'s progress. These notes are shown only to coaches in a student's report. %{additional_help}
- hide_test_report_button: Hide Test Report
- level_acronym: L
- no_more_pending_submissions: This submission has been graded, and there are no more submissions awaiting review.
- note_help: هل ترغب في كتابة ملاحظة حول %{noteAbout} هذا؟
- note_placeholder: Did you notice something while reviewing this submission?
- page_title: "Submission #%{submission_number} | %{target_title} | %{name}"
- reject_submission: Reject Submission
- reject_submission_and_send_feedback: Reject submission & send feedback
- rejection_help_note: You are marking this submission as rejected without providing any grades. Please provide your feedback along with the rejection.
- rejection_help_note_title: "Note: "
- remove_assignment: Remove assignment
- report_description: Test Report
- report_status_string:
- error: Automated tests could not complete due to errors
- failure: Some automated tests failed
- in_progress: Automated tests are in progress
- queued: Automated tests are queued
- success: All automated tests succeeded
- review: Review
- review_checklist: Review Checklist
- review_next: Next
- save_grades: Save grades
- save_grades_and_send_feedback: Save grades & send feedback
- share_feedback: Share Feedback
- show_review_checklist: Show Review Checklist
- show_test_report_button: Show Test Report
- status:
- completed: Completed
- pending_review: Pending Review
- rejected: Rejected
- reviewing: Reviewing
- student: student
- student_dropped_out_message_with_timestamp: This submission is from a student whose access to the course has ended, or has dropped out. You can review the submission until %{timestamp}.
- student_dropped_out_message_without_timestamp: This submission is from a student whose access to the course has ended, or has dropped out.
- students_dropped_out_message_with_timestamp: This submission is linked to one or more students whose access to the course has ended, or have dropped out.You can review the submission until %{timestamp}
- students_dropped_out_message_without_timestamp: This submission is linked to one or more students whose access to the course has ended, or have dropped out.
- submission: Submission
- submission_acceptable: Is this submission acceptable?
- submission_number: "Submission #%{number}"
- submitted_by: "Submitted by "
- submitted_by_team: "Submitted by team: "
- team: team
- team_notice: " This submission is from a team, so a note added here will be posted to the report of all students in the team."
- test_report: Test Report
- undo_grade_warning: Are you sure you want to remove these grades? This will return the submission to a 'Pending Review' state.
- undo_grading: Undo Grading
- undo_rejection: Undo Rejection
- undo_rejection_notice: " has marked this submission as rejected without providing any grades."
- undo_rejection_notice_title: "Submission Rejected:"
- undo_rejection_warning: Are you sure you want to undo the rejection? This will return the submission to a 'Pending Review' state.
- write_a_note: Write a Note
- you_are_done: You're done!
- CoursesReview__ReviewerManager:
- assigned_at: Assigned %{date}
- change_reviewer_and_start_review: Yes, Assign Me
- remove_reviewer_assign_to_me: Do you want to remove %{current_coach_name} & assign yourself to review?
- start_review: Start Review
- CoursesReview__Root:
- assigned_to: Assigned To
- assigned_to_coach: "assigned to:"
- assigned_to_me: " assigned to me"
- button_load_more: Load More Submissions...
- coach_filter_by:
- assigned_to: Filter by who's assigned to a submission
- personal_coach: Filter by who's assigned to a student
- reviewed_by: Filter by who reviewed a submission
- filter_by: "Filter by:"
- filter_by_another_level: Filter by another level
- filter_by_another_level_or_submissions_assigned: Filter by another level, or only show submissions assigned to a coach
- filter_by_level: Filter by level
- filter_by_level_or_submissions_assigned: Filter by level, or only show submissions assigned to a coach
- filter_by_submissions_assigned: Only show submissions assigned to a coach
- filter_by_target: Filter by target
- filter_hint: ...or start typing to filter by student using their name or email address
- filter_input:
- assigned_to: "Assigned To: "
- level: "Level: "
- personal_coach: "Personal Coach: "
- reviewed_by: "Reviewed By: "
- target: "Target: "
- inactive_students: Inactive Students
- include: Include
- level: Level
- me: Me
- name_or_email: Name or Email
- now_showing_submissions_assigned_to: Now showing submissions assigned to %{name}.
- now_showing_submissions_from_all_students: Now showing submissions from all students in this course.
- pending: Pending
- personal_coach: Personal Coach
- review: Review
- reviewed: Reviewed
- reviewed_at: Reviewed At
- reviewed_by: Reviewed By
- search:
- assigned_to: "assigned to:"
- level: "level:"
- personal_coach: "personal coach:"
- reviewed_by: "reviewed by:"
- status: "status: "
- target: "target:"
- sort_by: "Sort by:"
- status: Status
- submissions_fully_loaded_text:
- one: There's only one submission.
- other: Showing all %{count} submissions
- submissions_partially_loaded_text: Showing %{loaded_submissions_count} of %{total_submissions} submissions
- submitted_at: Submitted At
- target: Target
- CoursesReview__SubmissionCard:
- assigned_to: Assigned to
- completed: Completed
- created_at: on %{created_at}.
- feedback_sent: Feedback Sent
- level: "Level "
- no_submissions_found: No submissions found
- rejected: Rejected
- submitted_by: "Submitted by "
- submitted_by_team: "Submitted by team "
- CoursesReview__SubmissionInfoCard:
- completed: Completed
- deleted: Deleted
- pending_review: Pending Review
- rejected: Rejected
- submission_hash: Submission
- CoursesReview__SubmissionReportShow:
- hide_report_button: Hide Report
- report_status_string:
- error: Actions could not complete due to errors
- failure: Some actions failed
- in_progress: Actions are in progress
- queued: Actions are queued
- success: All actions succeeded
- show_report_button: Show Report
- test_report: Test Report
- CoursesStudents__CoachNoteShow:
- coach_on: "on"
- delete_note: "Delete note "
- deleted_coach: Deleted Coach
- sure_delete: Are you sure you want to delete this note?
- unknown: Unknown
- CoursesStudents__CoachNotes:
- all_notes: All Notes
- has_archived_notes: This student has some archived notes.
- help_text: Notes can be used to keep track of a student's progress. These notes are shown only to coaches.
- new_note: Add a New Note
- no_notes: No notes here!
- save_note: Save Note
- CoursesStudents__Root:
- assigned_me: "Assigned to: Me"
- assigned_to: Assigned to
- coach_notes: Coach Notes
- filter_level: Filter by level, assigned coach, or search by name or email address, and more...
- has_notes: Has notes
- level_distribution_label: Level-wise student distribution
- me: Me
- name_email: Name or Email
- no_notes: Does not have notes
- not_found: "Could not find level selected from distribution bar, with ID "
- restore_filer_none: Now showing all students in this course.
- search_assigned_me: " assigned to me"
- search_assigned_to: "assigned to "
- search_no_notes: does not have notes has notes coach notes
- search_tag: "tag "
- showing_assigned: "Now showing students assigned to "
- tagged_with: Tagged with
- CoursesStudents__StudentDistribution:
- level_wise: Students level-wise distribution
- students_level: Students in level
- CoursesStudents__StudentOverlay:
- access_ended_at: This student's access to the course ended on %{date}.
- average_grades: Average Grades
- average_quiz_score: Average Quiz Score
- close_student_report: Close student report
- course_completed: Course Completed!
- dropped_out_at: This student dropped out of the course on %{date}.
- level_progress: Level Progress
- notes: Notes
- other_team_members: Other Team Members
- personal_coaches: Personal Coaches
- quizzes_attempted:
- one: 1 Quiz Attempted
- other: "%{count} Quizzes Attempted"
- zero: No Quizzes Attempted
- submissions: Submissions
- targets: " Targets"
- targets_overview: Targets Overview
- team_coaches: Team Coaches
- total_targets_completed: Total Targets Completed
- CoursesStudents__StudentsList:
- last_seen: Last seen %{time_string}
- no_last_seen: This student has never signed in
- no_students: No students to show
- personal_coaches: Personal Coaches
- team_coaches: Team Coaches
- CoursesStudents__SubmissionsList:
- no_revied_submission: No Reviewed Submission
- submitted_on: "Submitted on "
- CurriculumEditor:
- create_level: Create Level
- create_target_group: Create target group
- edit_selected_level: Edit selected level
- hide_archived: إخفاء المؤرشف
- show_archived: إظهار المؤرشف
- CurriculumEditor__ContentBlockCreator:
- audio_upload_size_limit_warning: Please select a file with a size less than 10 MB.
- button_labels:
- embed: Embed
- file: File
- image: Image
- markdown: Markdown
- video: Video
- close_embed: Close Embed Form
- creating: Creating...
- description_video_placeholder: Description for your video
- embed_url:
- help: We support a number of third-party services (check link below). Just copy & paste the full URL to the page that contains the resource that you'd like to embed.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#content-block-types
- label: URL to Embed
- save_button: Save
- failed_create_error: An unexpected error occured. Please reload the page and try again.
- failed_upload_error: Failed to upload file. Please check message in notification, and try again.
- failed_url_error: The URL doesn't look valid. Please make sure that it starts with 'https://' and that it's one of the accepted websites.
- file:
- upload_size_warning: Please select a file with a size less than 5 MB.
- image:
- invalid_image_warning: Please select an image (PNG, JPEG, GIF) with a size less than 5 MB, and less than 4096px wide or high.
- invalid_audio_file_error: Please select a valid audio file
- preparing_upload: Preparing to Upload...
- title_video_placeholder: Title of your video
- toggle_content_block: Toggle Content Block Form
- upload_success_notification: File uploaded successfully.
- video:
- description_label: Description
- invalid_format_warning: Invalid file format, please select an MP4, MOV, WMV or AVI file.
- select_file_button: Select File and Upload
- title_label: Title
- upload_limit_warning: Please select a file less than %{maximumVideoSize} in size.
- uploading: Uploading
- CurriculumEditor__ContentBlockEditor:
- delete: Delete
- delete_block_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this block?
- deleting: Deleting...
- editor_content_block: "Editor for content block "
- embedded_url: Embedded URL
- move_down: Move Down
- move_up: Move Up
- save_changes: Save Changes
- undo_block_confirm: Are you sure you want to undo your changes to this block?
- undo_changes: Undo Changes
- uploading: Updating...
- video: Video
- CurriculumEditor__ContentEditor:
- last_updated: Last Updated
- not_versioned: Not Versioned
- view_as_student: View as Student
- CurriculumEditor__EmbedBlockResolver:
- error_notification: An unexpected error occured, and our team has been notified about this. Please reload the page before trying again.
- trying_embed: Trying to embed URL...
- unable_embed: Unable to embed, retrying in 1 minute...
- video_processed: Video is being processed, retrying in 1 minute...
- CurriculumEditor__FileBlockEditor:
- placeholder: A title for this file
- title: Title
- CurriculumEditor__ImageBlockEditor:
- resize_panel_button_title:
- auto: Automatic width
- four_fifths: Four-fifths width
- full: Full width
- three_fifths: Three-fifths width
- two_fifths: Two-fifths width
- CurriculumEditor__LevelEditor:
- actions_error_title: Oops!
- clone_level_button: Copy Level
- clone_level_confirm: Are you sure you want to make a copy of this level?
- clone_level_error_message: Something went wrong when we tried to copy this level. Please reload this page before trying again.
- clone_level_hint: Pick course to copy this level into. This action will copy all targets into selected course.
- clone_level_label: Copy Into
- create_level: Create New Level
- create_success: Level created successfully
- edit_level: Edit Level %{number}
- level_name_invalid: not a valid name
- level_name_label: Level Name
- level_name_placeholder: Type level name here
- merge_levels_button: Merge and Delete
- merge_levels_confirm: Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
- merge_levels_error_message: Something went wrong when we tried to merge & delete this level. Please reload this page before trying again.
- merge_levels_hint: Pick another level to merge this level into. This action will shift all targets and students in level.
- merge_levels_label: Delete & Merge Into
- merge_levels_select: Select a different level
- optional: " (optional)"
- success: Success
- tabs:
- actions: Actions
- details: Details
- unlock_on_label: Unlock level on
- update_level: Update Level
- update_success: Level updated successfully
- CurriculumEditor__TargetChecklistItemEditor:
- add_choice: Add a choice
- choices: Choices
- choices_not_unique: Choices must be unique
- controls_checklist: Controls for checklist item
- copy: Copy
- delete: Delete
- describe_question: Type your question here
- editor_checklist: Editor for checklist item
- limits_notice: Students can submit up to 3 files, limited to 5 MB each.
- move_down: Move Down
- move_up: Move Up
- multi_choice: Allow multiple selections
- not_unique_question: Not a unique question; required questions must be unique
- not_valid_choice: Not a valid choice
- optional: Optional
- question_cannot_empty: Question cannot be empty
- remove_choice: Remove Choice
- CurriculumEditor__TargetDetailsEditor:
- add_another_question: Add another question
- choose_target_group: Choose a target group
- completion_instructions:
- help: Use this to remind the student about something important. These instructions will be displayed close to where students complete the target.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#setting-the-method-of-completion
- label: Do you have any completion instructions for the student?
- could_not_find: Could not find selected evaluation criterion with ID
- describe_submission: Describe your submission
- empty_questions_warning: There are currently no questions for the student to submit. The target needs to have atleast one question.
- enter_valid_link: Enter a valid link
- enter_valid_title: Enter a valid title
- github_action:
- button_text: Configure Github Actions
- help_description: You can configure Github Actions to automatically grade this target when a student submits a submission.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor/#github-actions
- title: Github Actions
- link_complete: Link to complete
- mark_as_complete: Simply mark the target as completed.
- need_submit: " needs to submit."
- no_targets_selected: No targets selected
- one_student_team: Only one student in a team
- optional_braces: (optional)
- paste_link_complete: Paste link to complete
- prepare_quiz: Prepare the quiz now.
- prepare_quiz_error: All questions must be filled in, and all questions should have at least two answers.
- prerequisite_targets_label: Are there any prerequisite targets?
- search_criteria_all: You have selected all evaluation criteria!
- search_criteria_empty: No criteria selected
- search_criteria_placeholder: Search evaluation criteria
- search_targets: Search targets
- select_criterion_label: Choose evaluation criteria from your list
- select_criterion_warning: At least one has to be selected
- selected_all_targets: You have selected all targets
- submit_form: Submit a form to complete the target.
- submit_individually: All students must submit individually.
- take_quiz: Take a quiz to complete the target.
- target_checklist:
- form_help: These are the questions a student must answer to complete the target.
- form_label: What are the questions you would like the student to answer?
- form_limit_warning: Maximum allowed questions is 25!
- help: These are the steps that a student must complete to submit work on a target. This information will be shown to the coach for review.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#defining-steps-to-complete-a-target
- label: What steps should the student take to complete this target?
- target_group: Target Group
- target_method_of_completion_label: How do you want the student to complete the target?
- target_reviewed_by_coach: Will a coach review submissions on this target?
- target_role:
- help: Should students in a team submit work on a target individually, or together?
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#setting-the-method-of-completion
- label: How should teams tackle this target?
- target_setting_milestone:
- help: Students will not be able to complete the course until they complete this target if set as milestone.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#setting-target-as-a-milestone
- label: Is this target a milestone?
- target_title_placeholder: Type target title here
- target_visibility: Target Visibility
- title: Title
- update_target: Update Target
- visit_link: Visit a link to complete the target.
- CurriculumEditor__TargetDrawer:
- content: Content
- details: Details
- unexpected_error: Unexpected error. Please reload the page.
- unsaved_confirm: There are unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to discard them?
- versions: Versions
- CurriculumEditor__TargetGroupEditor:
- choose_level: Choose a level
- create_group: Create Target Group
- description: Description
- description_placeholder: Type target group description
- group_archived_q: Is this target group archived?
- group_details: Target Group Details
- target_group_created_notification: Target Group created successfully
- target_group_updated_notificaion: Target Group updated successfully
- title: Title
- title_name_error: not a valid Title
- title_placeholder: Type target group name here
- update_group: Update Target Group
- CurriculumEditor__TargetGroupShow:
- create: Create
- create_a_target: Create a target
- create_target: Create target
- move_down: Move Down
- move_up: Move Up
- CurriculumEditor__TargetQuizAnswer:
- answer_placeholder: Answer option (supports markdown)
- correct_answer: Correct Answer
- mark_correct: Mark as correct
- remove_answer_option: Remove this answer option
- CurriculumEditor__TargetQuizQuestion:
- add_another_answer: Add another Answer Option
- answer_placeholder: Type the question here (supports markdown)
- question: Question
- remove_question: Remove Quiz Question
- CurriculumEditor__TargetShow:
- draft: Draft
- edit: Edit
- edit_content: Edit content of target
- milestone_label: Milestone
- move_down: Move Down
- move_up: Move Up
- of_target: of target
- CurriculumEditor__TargetVersionSelector:
- edit: Edit
- preview: Preview
- restore_version: Restore this version
- CurriculumEditor__VersionsEditor:
- help: Use the versions feature to preserve the existing state of a target's content, to browse earlier stored versions, and to restore them, if required.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#target-content-versions
- restore_version: Restore this version
- save_version: Save this version
- select_version: Select version
- EditorDrawer:
- close_editor: Close Editor
- EvaluationCriteria__Index:
- add_new_criterion: Add New Evaluation Criterion
- EvaluationCriterionEditor__Form:
- add_criterion: Add Evaluation Criterion
- create_criterion: Create Criterion
- grade_labels:
- help: Assign labels for each grade, to reflect in grade cards for students and coaches
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/evaluation_criteria
- label: Grade and Labels
- important: Important
- important_details: The values for maximum and passing grades cannot be modified once a criterion is created. Labels given to each grade can be edited later on.
- label_grade_placeholder: Label for grade
- max_grade: Maximum grade is
- name_error: Enter a valid name
- name_placeholder: Evaluation criterion name
- passing_grade: and the passing grade is
- update_criterion: Update Criterion
- HelpIcon:
- read_more: Read more
- Layout__UserControls:
- edit_profile: Edit Profile
- sign_in: Sign In
- sign_out: Sign Out
- user_controls: Show user controls
- LevelProgressBar:
- course_completed: Course Completed!
- heading: Level Progress
- MarkdownEditor:
- attach_file_label: Click here to attach a file.
- bold_insert: bold
- control_label_bold: Bold
- control_label_italic: Italic
- control_label_strikethrough: Strikethrough
- emoji_picker: Emoji
- error_maximum_file_size: The maximum file size is 5 MB. Please select another file.
- error_prefix: Failed to attach file!
- error_unexpected: An unexpected error occured! Please reload the page before trying again.
- exit_full_screen_label: Exit full screen
- file_upload_wait: Please wait for the file to upload...
- help_aria_label: Need help with Markdown?
- help_label: Need help?
- italic_insert: italics
- mode_label_fullscreen: Full screen
- mode_label_fullscreen_exit: Exit full screen
- mode_label_preview: Preview
- mode_label_preview_exit: Edit
- mode_label_split: View editor and preview in split view
- mode_label_split_exit: Close split view
- strikethrough_insert: strikethrough
- MultiselectDropdown:
- suggestions: "اقتراحات:"
- Notifications__EntryCard:
- mark_read: Mark as Read
- Notifications__List:
- button_load_more: Load More Notifications...
- empty_notifications: You don't have any notifications!
- filter:
- events:
- post_created_text: Post Created
- topic_created_text: Topic Created
- input_hint: Search by title name or event type
- input_label: Search
- input_placeholder: Search by title, event, read and unread
- label:
- event: Event
- status: Status
- title: Search by title
- status:
- all: All
- new: new
- read: Read
- unread: Unread
- mark_all_as_read_button: Mark All as Read
- notifications: Notifications
- notifications_fully_loaded_text: Showing all %{total_notifications} notifications
- notifications_partially_loaded_text: Showing %{loaded_notifications_count} of %{total_notifications} notifications
- Notifications__Root:
- close: "Close "
- show_notifications: Show Notifications
- Pagination:
- fully_loaded_text:
- one: Only one %{singular_name} to show
- other: Showing all %{count} %{plural_name}
- zero: No %{plural_name} to show
- partially_loaded_text: Showing %{loaded} of %{total} %{plural_name}
- SA_Coaches_CoachEditor:
- active: Active
- add_coach: Add New Coach
- affiliation: Affiliation
- affiliation_placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- archived: Archived
- coach_add: Add Coach
- coach_created: Coach created successfully
- coach_email: Coach email address
- coach_left_q: Has the coach left the school?
- coach_name: Coach Name
- coach_profile_warn: Since the coach profile isn't public, this won't be shown anywhere
- coach_public_q: Should the coach profile be public?
- coach_status: Coach Status
- coach_title: Coach Title/Expertise
- coach_title_error: Must have at least two characters
- coach_update: Update Coach
- coach_updated: Coach updated successfully
- coach_visibility: Coach Visibility
- connect_link: Connect Link
- connect_link_error: This doesn't look like a valid URL
- connect_link_placeholder: Student connect request link for the coach
- email: Email
- email_input_error: Please enter a valid email address
- exited: Exited
- input_group_error: Must have at least two characters
- name: Name
- replace_avatar: Replace avatar
- title: Title
- upload_avatar: Upload an avatar
- SA_Coaches_SchoolIndex:
- active_coaches: Active Coaches
- add_new_coach: Add New Coach
- avatar_of: "Avatar of "
- coaches: Coaches
- exited_coaches: Exited Coaches
- no_active_coaches: Your school doesn't have active coaches.
- no_coaches: No Coaches Found
- no_exited_coaches: Your school doesn't have exited coaches.
- SA_InactiveStudentsPanel:
- all_students: All Students
- inactive_students: Inactive Students
- next: Next
- prev: Prev
- reactivate_students: Reactivate Students
- search_empty: No inactive student matches your search criteria.
- search_placeholder: Search by student or team name or student email...
- team: Team
- SchoolAdmin__EditorDrawer:
- close_editor: Close Editor
- SchoolAdmins__Editor:
- add_new_admin: Add New School Admin
- remove_confirm_post: from the list of admins?
- remove_confirm_pre: Are you sure you want to remove
- SchoolAdmins__Form:
- add_new_admin: Add new school admin
- admin_created_notification: School Admin created successfully.
- admin_updated_notification: School Admin updated successfully.
- create_admin: Create School Admin
- email_error: Enter a valid Email
- email_placeholder: Add email here
- name_placeholder: Add name here
- update_admin: Update School Admin
- SchoolCommunities__CategoryEditor:
- add_new_category: Add new category
- delete_category: Delete Category
- editor_category_alt: "Editor for category "
- save_category: Save Category
- topics:
- one: 1 topic
- other: "%{count} topics"
- topics_delete_confirm: There are topics assigned to this category! Are you sure you want to delete this category?
- update_category: Update Category
- SchoolCommunities__CategoryManager:
- categories_in: Categories in
- SchoolCommunities__Editor:
- add_categories: Add Categories
- allowed_targets_q: Should students be allowed to discuss targets in this community?
- can_add_topic: You can add topic categories after creating this community!
- community_editor: Community Editor
- community_editor_error: is not a valid name
- community_editor_label: What do you want to call this community?
- community_editor_placeholder: This community needs a name!
- community_updated_notification: Community updated successfully.
- create_community: Create Community
- edit_categories: Edit Categories
- give_access: "Give access to students from:"
- no_topic: There are currently no topic categories in this community!
- note: " Coaches in your school have access to all communities."
- notification_answer_cant_blank: Answer cant be blank
- notification_reload_post: Please reload the page before trying to post again.
- search_course: Search for a course
- search_course_all: You have selected all available courses
- search_course_empty: No courses selected
- topic_categories: Topic Categories
- update_community: Update Community
- SchoolCommunities__Index:
- add_new_community: Add New Community
- close_category_editor: Close Category Editor
- close_community_editor: Close Community Editor
- unsaved_window_confirm: There are unsaved changes! Are you sure you want to close?
- SchoolCustomize__AgreementsEditor:
- agreement_body: Body of Agreement
- agreement_placeholder: Leave the agreement body empty to hide the footer link.
- manage: Manage
- privacy_policy: Privacy Policy
- terms_and_conditions: Terms & Conditions
- update: " تحديث"
- updated_notification: has been updated.
- updating: جارٍ التحديث ...
- SchoolCustomize__ContactsEditor:
- address_placeholder: Leave the address empty to hide the footer section.
- contact_address: Contact Address
- contact_updated_notification: Contact details have been updated.
- email_address: Email Address
- email_address_error: is not a valid email address
- email_address_placeholder: Leave the email address empty to hide the footer link.
- manage_contact: Manage Contact Details
- partial_success_notification: Partial success!
- update_address_notification: We were only able to update the address.
- update_contact: Update Contact Details
- update_email_notification: We were only able to update the email address.
- SchoolCustomize__DetailsEditor:
- about_label: About
- details_placeholder: Add more details about the school.
- max_characters: (Maximum 500 characters)
- school_name: School Name
- school_name_error: name should be greater than 2 characters in length
- school_name_placeholder: Type school name here
- update_details: Update Details
- SchoolCustomize__ImageFileInput:
- choose_customize: Please choose an image file to customize
- image_error_message: must be a JPEG / PNG under 2 MB in size
- pick_replace_pre: Please pick a file to replace
- you_selected_post: to replace the current image.
- you_selected_pre: You have selected
- SchoolCustomize__ImagesEditor:
- cover_image: Cover image
- icon: Icon
- logo_light_label: Logo on a light background
- manage_images: Manage Images
- update_images: Update Images
- updated_notification: Images have been updated successfully.
- SchoolCustomize__LinkComponent:
- cancel_editing: Cancel Editing
- invalid_title: Please enter a non empty title with no more than 24 characters.
- invalid_url: Please enter a valid URL
- move_down: Move Down
- move_up: Move Up
- SchoolCustomize__LinkEditor:
- add_new_link: Add a New Link
- adding_new_link: Adding new link...
- cant_empty_message: can't be empty
- done_notification_body: a custom link has been added.
- error_body: It looks like the URL you've entered isn't valid. Please check, and try again.
- error_head: Invalid URL
- footer_link_title: View and edit footer links
- footer_sitemap: Footer Sitemap
- full_url: Full URL
- full_url_error: is not a valid URL
- full_url_placeholder: Full URL, staring with https://
- header: Header
- header_links: Current Header Links
- invalid_title: Please enter a non empty title with no more than 24 characters.
- location_link: Location of Link
- manage_links: Manage custom links
- no_custom_links: There are no custom links here. Add some?
- show_header_title: View and edit header links
- sitemap_links: Current Sitemap Links
- social: Social
- social_links: Current Social Media Links
- social_links_title: View and edit social media links
- title: Title
- title_placeholder: A short title for a new link
- SchoolCustomize__MoreLinks:
- more: More
- show_more_links: Show more links
- SchoolCustomize__Root:
- add_address_q: Add an address?
- add_contact_email_q: Add a contact email?
- add_more_details: Add more details about the school.
- change_cover: Change cover
- contact: Contact
- customize_link_footer: You can customize links in the footer.
- customize_link_header: You can customize links on the header.
- edit_contact_details: Edit contact details
- edit_footer_links: Edit footer links
- edit_header_links: Edit header links
- edit_icon: Edit icon
- edit_logo_dark: Edit logo (on dark backgrounds)
- edit_logo_light: Edit logo (on light backgrounds)
- edit_privacy: Edit privacy policy
- edit_school_details: Edit school details
- edit_social_links: Edit social media links
- edit_terms: Edit Terms & Conditions
- featured_courses: Featured Courses
- hello_welcome: Hello, welcome to
- homepage: Home Page
- icon: Icon
- privacy_policy: Privacy Policy
- reach_us_at: React us at
- sitemap: Sitemap
- social: Social
- social_links_q: Add social media links?
- terms_and_conditions: Terms & Conditions
- SchoolRouter__CoursesDropdown:
- select_course: اختر الدورة
- SchoolRouter__Page:
- nav:
- course:
- applicants: Applicants
- assignments: Assignments
- authors: Authors
- calendar: Calendars
- certificates: Certificates
- coaches: Coaches
- cohorts: Cohorts
- curriculum: Curriculum
- evaluation_criteria: Evaluation Criteria
- exports: Exports
- students: Students
- teams: Teams
- main:
- admins: Admins
- coaches: Coaches
- communities: Communities
- courses: Courses
- customization: Customization
- overview: Overview
- settings: Settings
- settings:
- admins: المشرفون
- customization: التخصيص
- School__SearchableTagList:
- add_new_tag: Add new tag
- pick_tag: Pick tag
- remove_tag: Remove tag
- search_for_add: Search for, or add new tags
- select_tags: Select tags
- School__SelectBox:
- no_items_select: There are no items to select.
- none_selected: None Selected
- remove: Remove
- select: Select
- select_from_list: Select from the following list.
- type_search: Type to Search
- Sorter:
- order_by: Order by
- toggle_sort: Toggle sort order
- StudentActions__Root:
- active_label: Active
- certificates_label: Course Certificates
- details_certificate: Details of issued certificate
- dropout_student:
- button: Dropout Student
- help: Marking a student as dropped out will remove all of their access to the course.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/students#student-actions
- label: Has this student dropped out?
- edit: Edit
- empty_course_certificates_text: This course does not have any certificates to issue.
- empty_issued_certificates_text: This student has not been issued any certificates.
- issue_certificate_button: Issue Certificate
- issued_by_label: "Issued by:"
- issued_certificates_label: "Issued certificates:"
- issued_date_label: "Issued on:"
- manage_certificates: Manage student certificates
- new_certificate_label: "Issue new certificate:"
- page_description: Actions for the student
- re_activate_student:
- button: Re-Activate Student
- revoke_certificate_button: Revoke Certificate
- revoke_certificate_confirmation: Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
- revoked_by_label: "Revoked by:"
- revoked_date_label: "Revoked on:"
- revoked_status_label: Revoked
- select_certificate_input_label: Select a certificate to issue
- StudentBulkImport__Root:
- csv_data_errors:
- invalid_affiliation: Affiliation has to be less than 250 characters
- invalid_characters: "%{column_name} يحتوي على حرف واحد أو أكثر غير صالح"
- invalid_email: يجب أن يكون البريد الإلكتروني صالحًا وغير مكرر ولا يمكن تركه فارغًا
- invalid_name: Name column can't be blank and should be within 250 characters
- invalid_tags: Maximum of 5 tags allowed per student with a limit of 50 characters each
- invalid_team_name: Team name has to be less than 50 characters
- invalid_title: Title has to be less than 250 characters
- csv_file_errors:
- empty: The selected CSV has no valid rows
- exceeded_entries: The CSV file has more than 1000 entries.
- invalid: Please select a valid CSV file with size less than 5 MB
- invalid_data: The CSV file has invalid data in few cells. Please fix the errors listed below and try again.
- invalid_template: The selected CSV file does not have a valid template; please check the sample file for the required format.
- csv_file_input:
- help: This file will be used to import students in bulk. Check the sample file for the required format.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/students#importing-students-in-bulk
- label: CSV Import file
- placeholder: Select CSV file to import
- csv_parse_error: "لم يتمكن النظام من استيراد ملف الـ CSV المحدد: %{message}"
- drawer_heading: Bulk Import Students
- error_summary_title: "Here is a summary of the errors in the sheet: "
- example_csv_link:
- text: Download an example .csv file
- url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/files/student_import_sample.csv
- import_button_text: Import Students
- more_errors_text: "There are even more errors. Fix the errors in the following rows and upload again: "
- notify_students_label: Notify students, and send them a link to sign into this school.
- page_description: Upload the CSV file containing the students you want to add to the course.
- page_title: Import students
- pages:
- csv_import: CSV File Import
- manual: Manual
- pick_a_cohort: Pick a Cohort
- select_a_cohort: Select a cohort
- success_notification: Import initiated successfully! You will be notified in an email once complete.
- valid_data_message: Data validated successfully!
- valid_data_summary_text: "Here is a summary of student data in the uploaded sheet: "
- StudentCourse__Header:
- calendar: Calendar
- curriculum: Curriculum
- leaderboard: Leaderboard
- report: Report
- review: Review
- students: Students
- unknown: Unknown
- StudentCreator__CreateForm:
- added_full_description: All students were created successfully.
- added_none_description: All the students you tried to add were already a part of this course.
- added_none_title: Nothing Changed
- added_partial_description: "%{students_added} of %{students_requested} students were added. Remaining students are already a part of the course."
- added_partial_title: Partially Added
- drawer_heading: Add New Students
- notify_students_label: Notify students, and send them a link to sign into this school.
- pick_a_cohort: Pick a Cohort
- reload_add_students: Our team has been notified of this failure. Please reload this page before trying to add students again.
- save_list_button: Save List
- select_a_cohort: Select a cohort
- select_cohort: Select Cohort
- student_list: Student list
- team_header_add_more_members: Add more team members!
- team_header_label: TEAM %{team_name}
- teams_to_add_empty: This list is empty! Add some students using the form above.
- teams_to_add_label: "These new students will be added to the course:"
- StudentCreator__Root:
- page_description: You can add multiple students to a list and add them to course
- page_title: Add new students
- pages:
- csv_import: CSV File Import
- manual: Manual
- StudentCreator__StudentInfoForm:
- add_to_list: Add to List
- affiliation:
- label: Affiliation
- placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- email:
- error:
- invalid: invalid email
- not_unique: email address not unique for student
- label: Email
- placeholder: Student email here
- name:
- label: Name
- message: is not valid
- placeholder: Student name here
- tags:
- label: Tags
- team:
- help: Students with same team name will be grouped together; this will not affect existing teams in the course.
- label: Team Name
- placeholder: Avengers, Fantastic Four, etc.
- title:
- label: Title
- placeholder: Student, Coach, CEO, etc.
- StudentDetails__Root:
- affiliation: Affiliation
- affiliation_placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- edit: Edit
- name: Name
- pages:
- actions: Actions
- details: Details
- personal_coaches: Personal Coaches
- pick_a_cohort: Pick a Cohort
- search_coaches_all: You have selected all available coaches!
- search_coaches_empty: No coaches selected
- search_coaches_placeholder: Search coaches
- select_a_cohort: Select a cohort
- student_name_placeholder: Student name here
- student_updated: Student updated successfully
- student_updated_moved: Student has been updated, and moved to list of inactive students
- tags_applied: Tags applied
- tags_applied_team: Tags applied to team
- tags_applied_user: Tags applied to user
- team_coaches: Team Coaches
- team_name: Team Name
- team_name_error: Team Name must have at least two characters
- team_name_placeholder: Team name here
- team_updated_moved: Team has been updated, and moved to list of inactive students
- title: Title
- title_error: Title must have at least two characters
- title_placeholder: Student, Coach, CEO, etc.
- update_student: Update Student
- StudentTopNav:
- sign_in: Sign In
- sign_out: Sign Out
- StudentTopNav__DropDown:
- more: More
- show_links: Show more links
- StudentTopNav__UserControls:
- edit_profile: Edit Profile
- sign_in: Sign In
- sign_out: Sign Out
- user_controls: Show user controls
- StudentsEditor__Root:
- button_add_new_students: Add New Students
- button_all_students: All Students
- button_bulk_import: Bulk Import
- button_inactive_students: Inactive Students
- group_as_team: Group as Team
- move_out_team: Move out from Team
- sort_criterion_label: "Sort by:"
- sort_criterion_last_created: Last Created
- sort_criterion_last_updated: Last Updated
- sort_criterion_name: Name
- teams_updated_success: Teams updated successfully
- StudentsEditor__Search:
- filter_input_label: "Filter by:"
- filter_input_placeholder: Type name, tag or level
- StudentsEditor__StudentInfoForm:
- add_list: Add to List
- affiliation: Affiliation
- affiliation_placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- email: Email
- email_not_unique: email address not unique for student
- email_placeholder: Student email here
- invalid_email: invalid email
- name: Name
- name_placeholder: Student name here
- tags: Tags
- team_name: Team Name
- team_name_help: Students with same team name will be grouped together; this will not affect existing teams in the course.
- team_name_placeholder: Avengers, Fantastic Four, etc.
- title: Title
- title_placeholder: Student, Coach, CEO, etc.
- StudentsEditor__TeamsList:
- check_spelling: Make sure the spelling is correct.
- clear_filter: Clear Filter
- empty_message: No students here.
- level: Level
- load_more: "Load More "
- no_results_found: Sorry, no results found.
- students_fully_loaded_text:
- one: There's only one student.
- other: Showing all %{count} students
- students_partially_loaded_text: Showing %{loaded_students_count} of %{total_students} students
- team: Team
- try_removing_filter: Try removing the search filter options.
- StudentsEditor__UpdateForm:
- actions: Actions
- details: Details
- StudentsIndex__Root:
- add_new_students: Add New Students
- cohort: Cohort
- edit: Edit
- edit_details: Edit %{name}'s details
- filter:
- search_by_email: Search by Email
- search_by_name: Search by Name
- user_tag: User Tag
- level: Level
- load_more: Load More
- pagination:
- empty_message: No Students Found
- sorter:
- first_created: First Created
- first_updated: First Updated
- last_created: Last Created
- last_updated: Last Updated
- name: Name
- student: student
- students: students
- title: Students
- SubmissionChecklistItemShow:
- correct: Correct
- incorrect: Incorrect
- mark_correct: Mark as correct
- mark_incorrect: Mark as incorrect
- SubmissionChecklistShow:
- target_marked_as_complete: Target was marked as complete.
- TargetChecklistItem:
- action_string_attach_link: Attach a Link
- action_string_choose_from_list: Choose from a list
- action_string_record_audio: Record Audio
- action_string_upload_files: Upload Files
- action_string_write_long_text: Write Long Text
- action_string_write_short_text: Write Short Text
- TeamsActions__Root:
- delete: Delete
- delete_team: Delete team
- delete_team_info: Delete will remove all the students from the team and delete the team
- edit: Edit
- pages:
- actions: Actions
- links: Details
- team_actions: Team actions
- TeamsCreator__Root:
- title: Create new team
- TeamsDetails__Root:
- edit: Edit
- page_description: Edit team details
- pages:
- actions: Actions
- details: Details
- TeamsIndex__Root:
- create_team: Create Team
- edit: Edit
- filter:
- search_by_team_name: Search by Team Name
- load_more: Load More
- page_title: Teams
- pagination:
- empty_message: No Teams Found
- sorter:
- first_created: First Created
- last_created: Last Created
- name: Name
- team: team
- teams: teams
- TopicsShow__LikeManager:
- like: Like
- like_button_tooltip: Like this post
- post: post
- unlike: Unlike
- TopicsShow__PostEditor:
- cancel: Cancel
- cant_blank: Reply can't be blank
- empty: Empty
- post_reply: Post Your Reply
- reason_edit: Reason for this edit (optional)
- reply_to: Reply To
- type_reply: Type in your reply. You can use Markdown to format your response.
- update_post: Update Post
- update_reply: Update Reply
- your_reply: Your Reply
- TopicsShow__PostReply:
- jump_reply: Jump to reply
- navigate_post: Navigate to post
- TopicsShow__PostShow:
- add_reply_post: "Add reply to post "
- add_reply_topic: Add reply to topic
- delete_post_confirm_dialog: Are you sure you want to delete the post? This cannot be undone.
- delete_reply_string: Delete Reply
- delete_topic_confirm_dialog: Are you sure you want to delete the topic? This cannot be undone.
- delete_topic_string: Delete Topic
- deleted_user_name: Deleted User
- edit_post_string: Edit Post
- edit_reply_string: Edit Reply
- go_to_solution_button: Go to solution
- history_button_text: History
- last_edited_by_label: "Last edited by "
- mark_as_solution_label: Mark as solution
- mark_solution: Mark as solution
- mark_solution_confirm: Are you sure you want to mark this post as solution?
- marked_solution_icon: Marked as solution icon
- new_reply_button: Reply
- options_post: Options for post
- replies_post: Replies to post
- show_replies: Show replies of post
- show_replies_button:
- one: 1 Reply
- other: "%{count} Replies"
- solution: Solution
- solution_icon_label: Solution
- unmark_solution: Unmark as solution
- unmark_solution_confirm: Are you sure you want to unmark this post as solution?
- TopicsShow__Root:
- edit_topic_button: Edit Topic
- linked_target_label: "Linked Target: "
- lock_topic_button: Lock Topic
- lock_topic_confirm: Are you sure you want to lock this topic?
- locked_topic_notice: This topic thread has been locked; no new replies can be posted.
- select_category: Select category
- select_no_category: Select no category
- selected_category: Selected category
- topic_category_label: "Topic Category: "
- topic_details: Topic Details
- topic_editor_cancel_button: Cancel
- topic_title: Topic Title
- unlock_topic_button: Unlock Topic
- unlock_topic_confirm: Are you sure you want to unlock this topic?
- update_topic_button: Update Topic
- view_target_button: View Target
- TopicsShow__SubscriptionManager:
- subscribe: Subscribe
- unsubscribe: Unsubscribe
- UserEdit:
- about: About
- about_placeholder: A brief introduction about yourself
- account: Account
- account_delete_q: Are you sure you want to delete your account? This will initiate the process to permanently remove your data from our servers.
- already_iniated_deletion_warning: You have already initiated account deletion. Please check your inbox for further steps to delete your account.
- avatar_uploaded_notification: Avatar uploaded successfully.
- cancel: Cancel
- change_account_email: Change account email
- change_password: Change your current password
- change_photo: Change photo
- community_digest: community digest
- community_digest_emails: Community digest emails contain new questions from your communities, and a selection of unanswered questions from the past week.
- confirm_dialog_aria: Confirm dialog for account deletion
- confirm_email: Confirm your email
- confirm_password: Confirm password
- confirm_password_error: New password and confirmation should match and must have atleast 8 characters
- confirm_password_placeholder: Confirm new password
- confirm_using_password: Please confirm using your password
- current_password: Current password
- current_password_placeholder: Type current password
- delete_account: Delete account
- delete_your_account: Delete your account
- deleting_account_warning: Deleting your user account removes all your data from this school. Replies to posts in communities and feedback to students (if user has a coach profile) will not be deleted. Admin rights need to be revoked if you are an admin in this school.
- disable_email_radio: Disable
- displayed_publicly: This information will be displayed publicly so be careful what you share.
- edit_profile: Edit your profile
- email_change_q: Are you sure you want to change your email?
- email_label: Email
- email_placeholder: Type your email
- email_sent_notification: Please check your new email. We've sent instructions to update your email address.
- forgot_password: Forgot your password?
- incorrect_email_for_deletion: Incorrect email
- initiate_deletion: Initiate Deletion
- language: Language
- localization: Localization
- manage_account: Manage your account in this school
- name_error: Name can't be blank
- name_error_length: يجب أن يتكون الاسم من حرفين على الأقل
- name_placeholder: Type your name
- new_password: New password
- new_password_placeholder: Type new password
- notifications: Notifications
- password_placeholder: Type current password
- photo: Photo
- preferred_name_placeholder: Type your preferred name
- reset_password_button_text: Reset password
- reset_password_subtext: If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it using the button below.
- save_changes: Save Changes
- security: Security
- select_image_limit: Please select an image with a size less than 5 MB
- select_language: Select the language that you would prefer the user interface to dislpay.
- send_email_radio: Send me a daily email
- set_password: Set password for your account
- set_password_button_text: Set password
- set_password_subtext: You have not set a password for your account.
- set_up_password: Set up password
- update_credentials: Update your login credentials for the school.
- update_email: Update email
- update_email_disabled_notice: You must set a password before you can edit your account email address.
- update_email_notifications: Update settings for email notifications.
- update_locale: Update settings related to your locale.
- upload_failed: Failed to upload
- you_admin_warning: You are currently an admin of this school. Please delete your admin access to enable account deletion .
- UserSessionResetPassword:
- confirm_password: Confirm Password
- confirm_password_placeholder: Please re-enter your password
- confirm_your_password: Confirm your password
- enter_new_password: Enter new password
- new_password: New Password
- new_password_placeholder: Enter a strong password
- password_short: Password is too short
- passwords_not_match: Passwords do not match
- set_new_password: Set new password
- update_password: Update Password
- updating_password: Updating password...
- UsersDashboard__Root:
- certificates: Certificates
- communities: Communities
- course_locked_message: Your student profile for this course is locked, and cannot be updated.
- cta:
- access_ended: Preview/Limited Access
- course_ended: Course Ended
- dropped_out: Dropped out
- edit_curriculum: Edit Curriculum
- leaderboard: Leaderboard
- my_cohorts: My Cohorts
- my_students: My Students
- review_submissions: Review Submissions
- view_certificate: View Certificate
- view_course: View Course
- view_curriculum: View Curriculum
- visit_community: Visit Community
- edit_curricullum: Edit Curriculum
- edit_profile: Edit Profile
- empty_courses: You don't have any active courses right now.
- issued_on: "Issued on:"
- my_courses: My Courses
- UsersDeleteAccount:
- cancel: Cancel
- click_button_below: Please click the button below to permanently delete your account in this school
- delete_account: Delete Account
- deletion_progresss: Account deletion is in progress.
- head: We're sorry to see you go.
- please_wait: Please wait...
- queuing_deletion: We're queuing your account for deletion.
- signed_out_notified: You will now be signed out, and you will be notified over email once deletion is complete.
- VerifyCertificate__Root:
- cancel: Cancel and return
- description: This certificate was issued to %{name} on %{issue_date} for the course %{course_name}.
- heading: Congratulations %{name}!
You've earned it.
- originally_issued_to: This student's name was updated after the certificate was issued. This certificate was originally issued to %{name}.
- print_or_save: Print, or save as PDF
- serial_number: Serial No. %{serial}
- WebPushSubscriptionManager:
- notification_rejected: Permission Rejected
- notification_rejected_message: If you change your mind, click the lock icon to give your browser permission to send you desktop notifications.
- subscribe: Subscribe
- subscribed_on_another_device: Subscribe on this Device
- unsubscribe: Unsubscribe
- Zxcvbn:
- fair: Fair
- medium: Medium
- strong: Strong
- weak: Weak
- courses:
- apply:
- apply_button: Apply
- email_label: Email
- email_placeholder: john@example.com
- enroll: Enroll in
- heading: Enroll in %{course_name} course
- name_label: Name
- name_placeholder: John Doe
- privacy_policy: Privacy Policy
- terms_and_conditions: Terms & Conditions
- calendar:
- events: Events
- no_events_text: No event scheduled for the selected date
- today: Today
- upcoming_events: Upcoming events in %{month}
- cohorts:
- cohorts_subheading: "%{status} Cohorts"
- end_date: "End Date:"
- nothing_to_show: There are no %{status} cohorts to show.
- pagination_notice: Now showing %{page_start}-%{page_end} of a total of %{count} %{status} cohorts.
- students_enrolled_prefix_html:
- one: 1 student enrolled
- other: %{count} students enrolled
- students_enrolled_suffix_html:
- one: in 1 %{status} cohort
- other: in %{count} %{status} cohorts
- leaderboard:
- active_students: Active Students
- change: Change
- inactive_students: Inactive Students
- level: Level
- new_new: New
- no_entries: The leaderboard doesn't have any entries for this period.
- note_html: This leaderboard shows students who have improved the most compared to the previous leaderboard.
- page_title: Enroll in %{course_name}
- rank: Rank
- score: Score
- student: Student
- process_application:
- errors: "There were errors with your submission: %{form_errors}"
- sent_mail: We've sent you a verification mail. It should reach you in less than a minute. Click the link in the email to sign up, and get started.
- show:
- apply_button: Apply
- apply_now: Apply Now
- continue_course: Continue Course
- enroll: Enroll in
- preview_course: Preview Course
- errors:
- internal_server_error:
- details: Our server seem to have hit a snag while trying to process your request. We track these errors automatically, but if the problem persists feel free to contact us. In the meantime, try reloading the page.
- title: Server Error
- went_wrong: We're sorry, but something went wrong.
- messages:
- content_type_invalid: has an invalid content type
- limit_out_of_range: total number is out of range
- not_acceptable:
- details: It looks like your browser requested a response in a format that our server cannot fulfil. We track these errors automatically, but if the problem persists feel free to contact us. In the meantime, try reloading the page.
- invalid_format: Your browser requested an invalid format.
- title: Invalid Request
- not_found:
- mistyped_moved: You may have mistyped the address, or the page may have moved.
- not_exist: The page you were looking for doesn't exist!
- title: Not Found
- try_homepage: Try heading back to our homepage?
- service_unavailable:
- title: Timed out
- too_long: This page took too long to load.
- try_reloading: Could you please try reloading this page?
- something_went_wrong: هناك خطأ ما!
- unprocessable_entity:
- invalid_request: Your browser made an invalid request.
- title: Invalid Request
- wasnt_valid: Something about the request that your browser sent wasn't valid. We track these errors automatically, but if the problem persists feel free to contact us. In the meantime, try reloading the page.
- vimeo:
- "2230": نوع التحميل غير صالح.
- "4003": هناك مشكلة في بدء التحميل.
- "4101": لقد تم الوصول إلى الحد الأقصى لمساحة القرص لديك.
- "4102": لقد تم الوصول إلى الحصة الأسبوعية المخصصة لك.
- "4104": لقد تم الوصول إلى الحصة اليومية المخصصة لك.
- faculty:
- index:
- coaches_at: المشرفون في
- title: المشرفون
- help:
- show:
- title: مساعدة
- helpers:
- page_entries_info:
- entry:
- one: entry
- other: entries
- zero: entries
- more_pages:
- display_entries: Displaying %{entry_name} %{first} - %{last} of %{total} in total
- one_page:
- display_entries:
- one: Displaying 1 %{entry_name}
- other: Displaying all %{count} %{entry_name}
- zero: No %{entry_name} found
- home:
- agreement:
- privacy_policy: الحقوق والخصوصية
- terms_and_conditions: مبادئ حقوق الملكية الفكرية وحقوق النشر
- index:
- access_ended: مراجعة محتوى الدورة
- active: متابعة الدورة
- dropped_out: مفصول
- featured_courses_heading: البرامج الحالية
- get_started: البدء
- learn_more: قراءة المزيد
- welcome_prefix: مرحبًا، اهلا بكم في
- offline:
- heading: انت غير متصل
- message_html: يبدو أن هناك مشكلة في الاتصال
الرجاء التحقق من حالة الشبكة
- title: انت غير متصل
- issued_certificates:
- verify:
- title: شهادة
- jobs:
- courses:
- clone_course:
- new_name: "%{name} - نسخ"
- notifications:
- create:
- message:
- post_created: رد %{user_name} على نقاش شاركت فيه في مجتمع %{community_name}
- topic_created: أنشئ %{user_name} نقاشا جديدا في مجتمع %{community_name}
- layouts:
- course_nav:
- calendar: Calendar
- cohorts: Cohorts
- curriculum: Curriculum
- leaderboard: Leaderboard
- report: Report
- review: Review
- footer_bottom:
- logo_alt: Logo of %{school_name}
- privacy_policy: Privacy Policy
- terms_conditions: Terms & Conditions
- student_footer:
- contact: تواصل معنا
- logo: الشعار
- privacy_policy: سياسة الخصوصية
- reach_us: البريد
- sitemap: خريطة الموقع
- social: شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي
- support: الدعم الفني
- terms_conditions: شروط وأحكام
- mailers:
- applicant:
- enrollment_verification:
- body_html: To activate your %{school_name} account, and enroll to the %{course_name} course, please verify your email address. Clicking on this %{link_to} will verify your email-address and confirm that you wish to create an account at %{school_name}.
- body_processing_url_html: We've received your application to the %{course_name} course at %{school_name}.
Please verify your email address by clicking %{link_to}. Once your email address is verified, you will be shown the next steps required to complete your application.
- link_text: one-time link
- link_text_processing_url: this link
- subject: Verify Your Email Address
- subject_with_processing_url: Complete your %{course_name} course application
- coach:
- course_enrollment:
- subject: You have been added as a coach in %{course_name}
- repeat_rejections_alert:
- body_html: Please consider going through the student's submission to see if there's some feedback you can give to help the student progress.
- header: A bot has rejected a student's submission %{rejection_count} times in the %{course_name} course.
- subject: Repeated rejection of a student's submission (%{rejection_count} times)
- course_author:
- addition:
- body:
- added_author_html: You have been added as an author in the course %{course_name}, on %{school_name}. This gives you the ability to use the school administration interface to edit the contents of the course, and to preview the course as a student.
- link_to: this link
- use_link_html: Use %{link_to} to sign into %{school_name} and view the course
- subject: You have been added as an author in %{course_name}
- course_enrollement:
- added_coach_html: You have been added as a coach in the course %{course_name}, on %{school_name}. This gives you the ability to review submissions from students, assign grades, and give them feedback on their work.
- course_export:
- prepared:
- body:
- footer: The export has been prepared in the ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) format, which you should be able to open in all popular spreadsheet applications.
- header_html: The export that you requested for the course %{course_name} on %{course_export_created_at} is now ready for download. Please visit the course exports page to download the export.
- link_to: link
- subject: Export of %{course_export} course is ready for download
- subtitle: The export of data from course %{course_name} is ready for download.
- title: Export of course is ready
- title_button_text: Visit Exports Page
- issued_certificate:
- issued:
- body:
- awarded_certificate_html: You've been awarded a certificate for completing the %{course_name} course.
- congratulations: Congratulations!
- issued_on_html: The certificate was issued on %{issued_certificate} and can be viewed or printed by %{link_to}.
- link_to: visiting the certificate's public link
- subject: You have been awarded a certificate!
- layouts:
- mail:
- thanks: Thanks,
- link_fallback:
- link_fallback: "If you're unable to click the link above, please copy and paste the following link into your browser's address bar:"
- school_admin:
- email_updated_notification:
- body:
- previous_email_html: The previous email address was %{old_email} and the new email address is %{new_email}.
- user_html: %{name} from your school has updated the email address.
- subject: "%{name} has changed email address."
- school_admin_added:
- body:
- admin_name_html: The new admin's name is %{new_school_admin_name}, and has the registered email address %{new_school_admin_email}.
- link_to: link
- new_admin_html: A new administrator was added to your school %{school_name}, on %{new_school_admin} by %{adding_user_name}.
- not_recognized_html: If you do not recognize this user, you can can remove them from the school administration interface using this %{link_to}.
- subject: New School Admin Added
- students_bulk_import_complete:
- body:
- link_to: view these newly added students in the school administration interface
- report_attachments: Some of the students you tried to import were already enrolled in the course. These students were ignored during the import. A list of email addresses of such students has been included as an attachment with this email.
- students_added_html: Students added: %{report_params}
- students_requested_html: Students requested: %{report_params}
- summary_import_html: "Your request to import students in %{course_name} course, was successfully completed. Here's a small summary on the import:"
- view_html: You can %{link_to}.
- subject: Import of Students Completed
- startup:
- feedback_as_email:
- body:
- grading_details_html: "%{grade_icon} %{criteria_name}: %{grade_label} (%{grade} / %{max_grade})"
- grading_feedback_header: Here is some feedback on your submission
- grading_header: Your submission was awarded the following grades by %{coach_name}
- link_to: the full feedback
- main_html: Here is some feedback from %{coach_name} on your %{update_for}
- recent_submission: recent submission
- recent_updates: recent updates
- rejected_feedback: Your %{update_for} was rejected by %{coach_name}. Here is some feedback for the rejection
- view_html: You can view %{link_to}, including any files attached to the feedback.
- subject: New feedback from %{startup_feedback} on your submission
- student:
- enrollment:
- body:
- link_to: sign into %{school_name} and start working on this course
- main_html: You have been enrolled as a student in the course %{course_name}, on %{school_name}.
- sign_html: You can now %{link_to}.
- team: You have also been teamed up with %{team_members}; this means that you will be expected to work together to progress in this course.
- subject: You have been added as a student in %{school_name}
- user:
- account_deletion_notification:
- body:
- link_to: please sign into the school
- main_html:
We noticed that you haven't used your account in %{school_name} for over %{inactivity_months} months.
We will automatically delete your account after one month. Once your account is deleted, all your personal information will be removed and you will no longer have access to the school.
If you would like to keep your account, %{link_to} before %{one_month_from_now}.
- subject: Your account in %{school_name} will be deleted in 30 days
- confirm_account_deletion:
- body:
- html: Your account in %{school_name} has been successfully deleted.
All your personal information has been removed and you will no longer have access to this school.
- subject: Account deleted successfully from %{school_name}
- confirm_email_update:
- body:
- html: Your email in %{school_name} has been successfully updated.
- subject: Your email in %{school_name} school updated successfully
- daily_digest:
- body:
- asked: asked %{days_ago} days ago.
- assigned:
- one: (1 from a student assigned to you)
- other: (%{count} from students assigned to you)
- assigned_none: (none of which are assigned to you)
- control_emails_html: You can control these emails from %{link_to}.
- latest_topics: "Latest topics posted on your communities:"
- link_to: your profile edit page
- main_html:
- one: "There is 1 new submission to review in a course you're coaching:"
- other: "There are %{count} new submissions to review in the courses you're coaching:"
- older: "Older, popular topics that have seen new activity:"
- replies: replies
- views: views
- subject: Daily Digest
- delete_account_token:
- body:
- link_to: link
- main_html: We received a request to delete your account in %{school_name}.
Please click this %{link_to} to confirm account deletion. The link is valid for 30 minutes only.
- note_html: This action is irreversible, and will permanently remove your access to the school.
- subject: Delete account from %{school_name}
- new_post:
- body:
- link_to: view the reply on the %{community_name} community
- main_html: %{author_name} has posted a reply to something you said on the %{community_name} community.
You can %{link_to}.
- subject: New reply for your post
- update_email_token:
- body:
- link_to: link
- main_html:
We received a request to update your email in %{school_name}.
Please click this %{link_to} to update email. The link is valid for 30 minutes only.
- note_html: This action is irreversible.
- subject: Update your email address in %{school_name} school
- user_session:
- send_login_token:
- body:
- link_to: click here
- main_html: Please %{link_to} to login to your %{school_name} account.
- subject: Log in to
- send_reset_password_token:
- body:
- link_to: click here
- main_html: We received a request to reset your %{school_name} password.
Please %{link_to} to change your password.
- subject: account recovery
- maintenance:
- heading: We'll be back soon!
- message: Sorry for the inconvenience. We are currently undergoing maintenance to improve your experience.
- title: Maintenance Mode
- models:
- faculty:
- commitment:
- full_time: دوام كامل
- part_time: دوام جزئى
- target:
- role:
- students: كل الطلاب
- team: الفريق
- mutations:
- archive_coach_note:
- note_removed_notification: Note removed successfully
- archive_course:
- success_notification: Course archived successfully.
- archive_post:
- post_archived_notification: Post archived successfully
- assign_reviewer:
- submission_already_assigned: This submission has been already assigned to a coach.
- submission_graded_error: You can only assign yourself to pending submissions.
- success_notification: This submission has been assigned to you.
- auto_verify_submission:
- success_notification: Target has been marked as complete.
- clone_course:
- success_notification: Course copy requested. It will appear here soon!
- clone_level:
- success_notification: Level copy requested. It will apppear in target course soon!
- conclude_submission_report:
- invalid_status: The status for this submission is not valid.
- create_coach_note:
- note_added_notification: Note added successfully
- create_cohort:
- success_notification: Cohort created successfully.
- create_community:
- community_created_notification: Community created successfully
- create_course:
- auto_generated_cohort_description: Auto generated cohort for active students in %{course_name}
- auto_generated_cohort_name: Purple (Auto-generated)
- success_notification: Course created successfully!
- create_course_author:
- author_created_notification: Author Created
- new_author_added_notification: A new author has been added to this course.
- create_evaluation_criterion:
- eval_crit_notification: Evaluation criterion created successfully!
- create_feedback:
- success_notification:
- description: Your feedback will be e-mailed to the student.
- title: Feedback Sent
- create_grading:
- evaluation_criteria_error: غير قادر على تقدير الإرسال دون معايير تقييم صالحة
- grade_recorded: Grades Recorded
- invalid_checklist_shape_error: The shape of data in the submission checklist does not match the one sent with the review
- invalid_checklist_values_error: The values for checklist items in the submission does not match with review data
- invalid_grading_error: "Grading values supplied are invalid: %{grades_data}"
- submission_missing_error: "Unable to find submission with ID: %{submission_id}"
- submission_reviewed_error: Submission already reviewed
- success_notification: The submission has been marked as reviewed.
- create_post:
- reply_added_notification: Reply added successfully
- create_quiz_submission:
- responses_saved_notification: Your responses have been saved.
- create_school_link:
- blank_title_error: A title is required
- success_notification: A custom link has been added.
- create_student_from_applicant:
- success_notification: Student created successfully.
- create_students:
- invalid_emails: واحد أو أكثر من الإدخالات بها عنوان بريد إلكتروني غير صالح
- invalid_strings: يحتوي واحد أو أكثر من الإدخالات على سلاسل غير صالحة
- soft_limit_number: لقد وصلت إلى الحد الأدنى لعدد الطلاب في هذه الدورة
- thousand_students_limit: يمكنك فقط ضم 1000 طالب في المرة الواحدة
- unique_emails: يجب أن تكون عناوين البريد الإلكتروني فريدة
- create_submission:
- blocked_submission_status_error: The status of this target is %{target_status}, so you cannot add a new submission; please reload the page
- form_success_notification: Your response has been saved.
- invalid_files_attached: Some files attached are invalid
- invalid_submission_checklist: Submission checklist is not valid.
- item_file_limit_error: No more than three files can be attached to a submission item
- linked_file_exists_error: Some file attachments have already been linked to a submission
- missing_answer_error: "Missing answer for question: %{title}"
- success_notification: Your submission has been queued for review.
- create_target:
- success_notification: Target created successfully.
- create_target_version:
- new_version_notification: A new version has been created.
- create_team:
- success_notification: Team created successfully
- create_topic_subscription:
- success_notification: You will be notified about all the updates.
- delete_certificate:
- success_notification: Certificate has been deleted.
- delete_course_author:
- author_deleted_details_notification: The author has been removed from this course.
- author_deleted_notification: Author Deleted
- destroy_team:
- success_notification: Team deleted successfully
- dropout_student:
- student_updated_notification: Student updated successfully
- evaluation_criterion:
- name_exists: اسم المعيار موجود مسبقاً
- no_course: لا توجد دورة تحمل الرقم %{course_id}
- export_course_report:
- cohorts_not_found_error: Could not find cohorts with the given IDs
- course_not_found_error: Could not find a course with the given ID
- success_notification: Your export is being processed. We'll notify you as soon as it is ready.
- tag_not_found_error: Could not find tags with the given IDs
- initiate_account_deletion:
- check_inbox_notification: Check your inbox for further steps!
- deletion_init_notification: Account Deletion Initiated
- initiate_password_reset:
- email_bounced_error: The email address you supplied cannot be used because an email we sent earlier bounced.
- success_notification: Check your inbox for further steps!
- token_generation_error: An email was sent less than two minutes ago. Please wait for a few minutes before trying again.
- issue_certificate:
- success_notification: Certificate issued successfully!
- lock_topic:
- success_notification: This topic has been locked. No new replies will be accepted.
- mark_post_as_solution:
- reply_marked_notification: Reply marked as solution successfully
- merge_cohort:
- success_notification: Cohorts merged successfully.
- merge_levels:
- merge_complete_notification: Merge complete!
- quiz:
- correct_answer: Correct Answer
- question: Question
- your_answer: Your Answer
- your_correct_answer: Your Correct Answer
- re_activate_student:
- success_notification: Student re-activated successfully!
- re_run_github_action:
- success_notification: Submission queued for re-run on Github
- validation_error:
- student_has_no_github_account: Student does not have a Github account
- target_does_not_have_github_action: Target does not have a Github action configured
- reassign_reviewer:
- submission_graded_error: You can only assign yourself to pending submissions.
- submission_not_assigned_to_coach: The submission is already assigned to you.
- success_notification: The submission has been assigned to you.
- revoke_issued_certificate:
- success_notification: Certificate revoked!
- send_update_email_token:
- success_notification: We've sent you a link to verify your new email!
- unarchive_course:
- success_notification: Course unarchived successfully
- unassign_reviewer:
- submission_assigned_to_another_coach: The submission is assigned to another coach.
- submission_graded_error: This submission has already been graded.
- submission_not_assigned: The submission is not yet assigned.
- success_notification: You're no longer assigned to this submission.
- undo_grading:
- must_be_graded: Could not find a graded submission with the given ID
- success_notification:
- description: The submission is now pending review.
- title: Grades Removed
- unlock_topic:
- success_notification: This topic has been unlocked. Community members can now post replies again.
- unmark_post_as_solution:
- reply_unmarked_notification: Reply unmarked as solution!
- update_certificate:
- success_notification: Certificate details have been updated.
- update_cohort:
- success_notification: Cohort updated successfully.
- update_course:
- select_valid_cohort: "Please select a valid cohort; Unable to find cohort with ID: %{value}"
- success_notification: Course updated successfully!
- unable_to_find_course: "Unable to find course with ID: %{value}"
- course_not_found_error: الدورة غير موجودة
- update_course_author:
- author_name_updated_notification: The author's name has been updated.
- author_updated_notification: Author Updated
- update_evaluation_criterion:
- eval_crit_updated_notification: Evaluation criterion updated successfully!
- update_post:
- updated_success_notification: updated successfully
- update_review_checklist:
- review_updated_notification: Review checklist updated successfully
- update_school:
- details_updated_notification: Details updated successfully!
- update_school_link:
- link_not_found_error: Unable to find link!
- success_notification: Link updated successfully!
- update_student_details:
- success_notification: Student updated successfully
- update_target:
- checklist_items_exceeded_error: Checklist should not have more than 25 items
- evaluation_criteria_course_error: Evaluation criteria must be from the same course as the target
- invalid_checklist_error: Checklist not valid
- multiple_method_of_completion: More than one method of completion
- prerequisities_archived_error: Cannot have archived prerequisites
- prerequisities_in_same_level: Prerequisite targets must be from the same level as the target
- prerequisities_self_error: Prerequisite cannot be the target itself
- success_notification: Target updated successfully!
- target_group_not_present_error: Target group does not exist
- target_missing_error: Target does not exist
- update_team:
- success_notification: Team updated successfully
- update_topic:
- topic_updated_notification: Topic updated successfully!
- update_user:
- profile_saved_notification: Profile updated successfully!
- organisations:
- courses:
- active_cohorts_count: "%{count}"
- active_cohorts_label: الأفواج النشطة
- course_label: دورة
- empty: لا يوجد %{cohort_status} لهذه الدورة التدريبية.
- end_date: "End Date:"
- ended_cohorts_label: Ended Cohorts
- inactive_cohorts_count: "%{count}"
- inactive_cohorts_label: الأفواج غير النشطة
- pagination_notice: يظهر الآن %{page_start}-%{page_end} من إجمالي %{count} %{cohort_status}.
- index:
- heading: Organisations
- show:
- active_cohorts_subheading: Active Cohorts
- active_prefix_html:
- one: 1 student enrolled in
- other: %{count} students enrolled in
- active_students_label: Active Students
- active_suffix_html:
- one: 1 active cohort.
- other: %{count} active cohorts.
- cohorts_subheading: Cohorts
- end_date: "End Date:"
- no_active_cohorts: There are no active cohorts for this course.
- organisation_label: Organisation
- students_enrolled_heading: Students enrolled in
- students_enrolled_prefix_html:
- one: 1 student enrolled in
- other: %{count} students enrolled in
- students_enrolled_suffix_html:
- one: 1 active cohort
- other: %{count} active cohorts
- total_students_label: Total Students
- view_all_cohorts: عرض كل المجموعات
- students:
- show:
- average_grades: Average Grades
- reviewed_submissions:
- button: View previously reviewed submissions
- heading: Reviewed submissions
- targets_completed: "%{completed}/%{total} Targets"
- targets_overview: Targets Overview
- total_targets_completed: Total Targets Completed
- waiting_for_review: Submissions waiting for review
- submission:
- accepted: Accepted
- rejected: Rejected
- reviewed_time_ago: Reviewed %{time_ago_in_words} ago
- submitted_time_ago: Submitted %{time_ago_in_words} ago
- submissions:
- accepted_submissions_label: Accepted
- pagination_notice: Now showing %{page_start}-%{page_end} of a total of %{count} reviewed submissions.
- rejected_submissions_label: Rejected
- student_name_label: Reviewed submissions from
- total_reviewed_submissions: Total
- posts:
- versions:
- back_to_post: العودة إلى المنشور
- created_by: أنشئ بواسطة
- current_version: النسخة الحالية
- edit_history: سجل تعديل المنشور
- edited_by: تم التعديل بواسطة
- reason: السبب
- presenters:
- apply:
- page_title: سجّل في %{course_name}
- cohorts:
- students:
- course_completion: Course completion
- filter_hint: ...or start typing to search by student name or email address.
- filter_placeholder: Click to see options
- milestone_completed: Milestone completed
- milestone_incomplete: Milestone incomplete
- milestone_status_filter_value: "%{m}%{number}: %{title}"
- page_title: "%{cohort_name} | %{course_name}"
- search_by_email: Search by email address
- search_by_name: Search by name
- communities:
- new_topic:
- page_title:
- community: مجتمع
- new_topic: موضوع جديد
- show:
- page_title:
- community: مجتمع
- courses:
- cohorts:
- page_title: Cohorts | %{course_name}
- leaderboard:
- heading:
- multiple_mid_text: "يتصدرون لوحة المتفوقين هذا الاسبوع بنتيجة "
- others: آخرون
- top_leaderboard_html: أنت تحتل مرتبة الصدارة في لوحة المتفوقين تهانينا!
- top_week: يتصدر لوحة المتفوقين هذا الاسبوع بنتيجة
- rank_change_icon:
- rank_down_alt: تخفيص المرتبة
- rank_down_double_alt: تخفيص المرتبة درجتين
- rank_no_change_alt: عدم التغيير
- rank_up_alt: رفع المرتبة
- rank_up_double_alt: رفع المرتبة درجتين
- report:
- student_report: تقرير الطلب
- review:
- review_dashboard: مراجعة اللوحة الرئيسية
- students:
- students_in_course: الطلاب في الدورة
- layouts:
- app_router:
- admin_link:
- title: المدير
- coaches_link:
- title: المشرفون
- dashboard_link:
- title: اللوحة الرئيسية
- footer:
- nav_links:
- dashboard: لوحة المعلومات
- home: الرئيسية
- students_top_nav:
- admin_link:
- title: الأكاديمية
- coaches_link:
- title: الكادر
- dashboard_link:
- title: دوراتي
- organisations_link:
- title: My Org
- posts:
- versions:
- page_title:
- title: الإصدارات | المنشورات
- users:
- sessions:
- new:
- button_text:
- continue_as_developer: المتابعة كمطور
- continue_with_discord: Continue with Discord
- continue_with_email_link: المتابعة بالبريد الالكتروني
- continue_with_facebook: المتابعة بفيسبوك
- continue_with_github: المتابعة بغيتهاب
- continue_with_google: المتابعة بجوجل
- page_title: تسجيل الدخول
- queries:
- delete_certificate_mutator:
- issued_error: تم إصدار هذه الشهادة لطالب واحد أو أكثر - لا يمكن حذفها.
- issue_certificate_mutator:
- certificate_error: تعذر العثور على الشهادة المحددة.
- issued_error: لقد تم بالفعل إصدار شهادة لهذا الطالب لهذه الدورة.
- submission_details_resolver:
- only_coaches_can_review: You cannot review this submission as you're not assigned to this cohort as a coach.
- student_dropped_out_message_with_timestamp:
- one: This submission is from a student whose access to the course has ended, or has dropped out. You can review the submission until %{timestamp}.
- other: This submission is linked to one or more students whose access to the course has ended, or have dropped out. You can review the submission until %{timestamp}.
- student_dropped_out_message_without_timestamp:
- one: This submission is from a student whose access to the course has ended, or has dropped out.
- other: This submission is linked to one or more students whose access to the course has ended, or have dropped out.
- update_evaluation_criterion_mutator:
- evaluation_criterion_not_found: تعذر العثور على معيار التقييم بالمعرف %{id}
- school:
- targets:
- update_action:
- error_message: Action could not be updated, please check the YAML syntax
- schools:
- admins:
- title: المدراء
- calendar_events:
- edit:
- page_title: تعديل الفعالية
- form:
- add_event_button: إضافة الفعالية
- add_event_heading: إضافة فعالية جديدة
- add_link_section_subtitle: إضف رابط للفعالية الرابط يمكن أن يكون زوم - جوجل ميت أو اي رابط أخر
- add_link_section_title: إضافة رابط للفعالية (إختياري)
- calendar_label: إضافة الفعالية الى
- color_label: اللون
- color_label_hint: تساعدك الألوان على التمييز بين أنواع الأحداث المختلفة في لمحة
- description_label: الوصف
- edit_event_heading: تعديل الفعالية
- link_title_label: عنوان الرابط
- link_title_placeholder: مثال، رابط خدمة زوم
- link_url_label: رابط الفعالية
- link_url_placeholder: eg. https://meet.google.com/xxx-yyyy-zzz
- start_time_label: التاريخ والوقت
- title_label: عنوان الفعالية
- title_placeholder: اسم الفعالية
- update_event_button: تعديل الفعالية
- new:
- page_title: Add new event
- show:
- confirm_delete: Are you sure to delete the event?
- date_and_time: Date and time
- description_label: Description
- link_label: Event Link
- title: Calendar event details
- calendars:
- edit:
- page_title: تعديل التقويم
- form:
- add_calendar_button: Add calendar
- add_calendar_heading: Create new calendar
- all_cohorts_selected: تم تحديد كل المجموعات
- cohorts_label: Link calendar to cohorts
- cohorts_label_hint: من هنا يتم ربط التقويم مع مجموعات محددة
- edit_calendar_heading: Edit %{calendar_name}
- name_label: Calendar name
- name_placeholder: مثال، تقويم الدفعة 11
- no_cohorts_selected: لم يتم تحديد أي مجموعة
- update_calendar_button: Update calendar
- new:
- page_title: Create new calendar
- communities:
- index:
- title: المجتمعات
- courses:
- applicants:
- title: المتقدمون
- assignments:
- list_title: Arrange milestone assignments
- milestone_msg: This is the order in which milestones are shown to students on their report page. This does not affect the order in which students submit work for targets; that is controlled by assigning prerequisites.
- no_milestones: No milestones found in this course. Create milestones by visiting curriculum page.
- title: Assignments
- authors:
- title: المؤلفون
- calendar_events:
- add_calendar_button: Add Calendar
- add_event_button: Add an event
- calendar: Calendar
- calendar_filter_label: Showing events from
- calendars: Calendars
- empty_events: No event scheduled for the selected date
- events: Events
- no_calendars_message: No calendars yet
- no_calendars_sub_text: Calendar helps you to schedule events and reminders for upcoming activities.
- select_calendar_filter: Select a calendar
- title: Calendars and Events
- today: Today
- upcoming_events_in: Upcoming events in
- certificates:
- title: الشهادات
- curriculum:
- title: المنهاج
- evaluation_criteria:
- title: معيار التقييم
- exports:
- title: التصديرات
- inactive_students:
- title: الطلاب
- index:
- title: الدورات
- mark_teams_active:
- teams_active: تم إعادة تنشيط الفريق بنجاح
- students:
- title: الطلاب
- customize:
- title: الإعداد
- faculty:
- course_index:
- title: المشرفون
- school_index:
- coach: مشرفين
- title: المشرفون
- show:
- coaches: المشرفون
- courses: الدورات
- levels: المستويات
- no_submissions: لا يوجد إرساليات
- overview: null
- students: الطلاب
- submissions_reviewed: الإرساليات المدققة
- title: نظرة عامة
- services:
- courses:
- demo_content_service:
- criterion_one: Correctness of implementation
- criterion_two: Quality of submission
- grade_1: Bad
- grade_2: Good
- grade_3: Great
- level_1: Level 1
- target_group_description: Description of demo target group
- target_group_name: Demo Target Group
- target_name: Demo Target
- discord:
- community_message_service:
- post_topic_created: |-
- **%{user_name}** created a new discussion:
- %{topic_url}
- > %{topic_title}
- team_up:
- must_be_on_the_same_level: يجب أن ينتمي الطلاب إلى نفس المستوى للانضمام إلى فريق
- shared:
- _no: لا
- _yes: نعم
- admin: إدارة
- affiliation: انتساب
- all: الكل
- and: و
- archived: مؤرشف
- are: هو
- avatar: صورة رمزية
- back_link: Back
- cancel: إلغاء
- caption_image: أضف وصفا لهذه الصورة
- close: إغلاق
- coaches: المشرفون
- cohort: Cohort
- cohort_overview:
- no_milestones: There are no milestones.
- no_students: There are no students in this cohort.
- overview_link: Overview
- student_distribution_by_milestone: Student Distribution by Milestone Completion
- students_completed: Students Completed
- students_link: Students
- total_students: Total Students
- view_all: View All
- cohort_students:
- nothing_to_show: There are no students matching the selected filters.
- pagination_notice: Now showing %{page_start}-%{page_end} of a total of %{count} such students.
- cohorts: المجموعات
- community: المجتمع
- completed: مكتمل
- dashboard: اللوحة الرئيسية
- delete: حذف
- deleting: جار الحذف
- draft: مسودة
- edit: تعديل
- email: بريد
- email_exists_error: عذرًا! هذا البريد خاص بمستخدم آخر
- empty: فارغ
- fail: رسوب
- file_invalid: يرجى اختيار ملف حجمه أقل من 5 ميغابايت
- filter: تصفية
- image_file_invalid: يُرجى تحديد صورة (PNG ، JPEG ، GIF) بحجم أقل من 5 ميغابايت وأقل من 4096 بكسل من حيث العرض أو الارتفاع.
- invalid_authenticity_token_error: يبدو أنك قمت بالخروج من المنصة، يرجى تحديث الصفحة والمتابعة
- is: is
- level: المستوى
- level_label:
- long_with_name: "المستوى %{number}: %{name}"
- long_without_name: المستوى %{number}
- short_with_name: "المستوى %{number}: %{name}"
- short_without_name: المستوى %{number}
- levels: Levels
- live: منشور
- load_more: تحميل المزيد...
- loading: جار التحميل...
- login_token_expiration_warning_html: ستنتهي صلاحية الرابط في %{timestamp}. في حال انتهاء صلاحية الرابط, يمكنك تجديد الرابط من خلال صفحة تسجيل الدخول. يرجى الانتباه أن هذا الرابط مخصص لك ولا يفترض مشاركته.
- m: M
- milestones: معالم
- my_org: My Org
- name: الاسم
- name_email: اسم أو بريد
- no_email_found: لا يوجد مستخدم بهذا البريد. يرجى مراجعة البريد المدخل
- none: بدون
- note: "ملاحظة:"
- notes: ملاحظات
- notifications:
- done: تم!
- done_dot: تم
- done_exclamation: تم!
- empty: فارغ
- error: خطأ
- notice: تنويه
- please_reload: فضلا أعد تحميل الصفحة وحاول مرة أخرى
- something_wrong: يوجد خطأ ما
- success: تم
- try_again: يرجى الملاحظة مرة أخرى
- unexpected_error: خطأ غير متوقع!
- optional: اختياري
- optional_braces: (اختياري)
- or: أو
- pagination:
- first: "«"
- last: "»"
- next: "›"
- previous: "‹ Previous"
- truncate: "…"
- pass: نجاح
- password_strength: Password Strength
- percentage: نسبة
- percentage_completed: "%{percentage}% completed"
- post: Post
- preferred_name: الاسم
- processing: معالجة
- rejected: مرفوض
- replies: ردود
- reply: ردّ
- salutation: مرحبا،
- salutation_name: مرحبا %{name}،
- save_changes: حفظ التغييرات
- saving: حفظ...
- school: الأكاديمية
- search: بحث
- settings: الإعدادات
- sign_out: خروج
- sort_by: ترتيب حسب
- student:
- never_signed_in: Has never signed in
- time_ago: Last seen %{time_ago} ago
- students: الطلاب
- tag: علامة
- tags: علامات
- target: هدف
- team: فريق
- team_name: اسم الفريق
- teams: الفرق
- title: عنوان
- update: تحديث
- updating: جار التحديث
- uploading: جار الرفع
- version: الإصدار
- versions: الإصدارات
- view: عرض
- timeline_events:
- show:
- accepted: Accepted
- accepted_on: تم المراجعة والقبول في %{date}
- feedback:
- one: Feedback
- other: Feedbacks
- no_feedbacks: No feedback received for this submission.
- pending: Pending
- question_with_number: "سؤال #%{number}"
- rejected: Rejected
- rejected_on: تم المراجعة والرفض في %{date}
- reviewed_on: Reviewed on
- status: Status
- submission_from: Submission from
- submitted_on: مرسل في %{date}
- team: Team
- users:
- clear_discord_id:
- success: Discord unlinked successfully.
- delete_account:
- link_expired: That link has expired or is invalid. Please try again.
- title: Edit User
- discord_account_required:
- linked:
- description: Your Discord account has been linked to your %{school_name} account. You can now browse the course and post messages on our Discord server. If you ever need help, don't hesitate to ask for it on the server.
- footer_html: Happy learning!
- go_to_course_button: Begin course
- go_to_dashboard_button: Return to dashboard
- heading: You're all set!
- page_title: Discord Account Required
- unlinked:
- description: The course you're trying to access requires you to connect your Discord account to %{school_name}. Our Discord server is where you get to interact with the community!
- heading: Let's link your Discord account first.
- link_discord_button: Link Discord
- no_discord_account: You don't have a Discord account yet? You can sign up for one and link it in one go.
- process:
- prefix: "The process is simple:"
- step_1_description_html: Click on the Link Discord button below.
- step_1_label: 1
- step_2_description_html: Authorize Pupilfirst LMS to access your Discord account.
- step_2_help_html: If you don't have a Discord account, you can sign up for one and link it in one go using the button on this page.
We'll use the authorization to:- Keep your nickname on the Discord server in sync with your name here.
- Assign additional roles to your account on our Discord server.
- step_2_label: 2
- step_3_description_html: You'll be redirected back to this page, and you can start taking the course.
- step_3_label: 3
- edit:
- course_discord_requirement_met:
- description_html: Your Discord account has been linked to your %{school_name} account. You can now continue browsing the course curriculum.
- heading_html: All done! Let's take you back to the course.
- course_requires_discord_account:
- description_html: The %{course_name} course you're trying to access requires that you link a Discord account to your profile. Use the button below to link your Discord account and continue with the course.
- heading: Wait a second! You need to link your Discord account first.
- discord_connect: Join Our Discord Community
- discord_connected_account: Go to Discord Community
- discord_connected_message: Your nickname on the Discord server will be kept in sync with your name here.You've been assigned additional roles on Discord.
- discord_connected_message_title: Your %{school_name} account is now linked to your Discord account.
- discord_description: Joining our Discord server will let you get in touch with our team, coaches, and your peers instantly.
- discord_how_it_works_html: Join our Discord server (it's free!) Link your Discord account with this school's account.Gain access to our community on Discord!
- discord_how_it_works_title: How it works
- discord_title: Join Our Discord Server
- title: Edit User
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure:
- denied: Authentication was denied. Please try again.
- denied_by: Authentication was denied by %{provider}. Please try again.
- oauth_callback:
- add_facebook: Please remove \'Pupilfirst\' from your authorized apps list and try signing in again.
- add_github: Please add a public email address to your Github profile and try again.
- add_other: Please sign in using another method.
- email_unregistered: "Your email address: %{email} is unregistered."
- not_receive_email: "We're sorry, but we did not receive your email address from %{provider_name}. "
- oauth_origin_missing:
- details: Something about the request that your browser sent wasn't valid. We track these errors automatically, but if the problem persists feel free to contact us. In the meantime, try reloading the page.
- invalid_request: Your browser made an invalid request.
- sessions:
- auth_callback:
- discord_already_linked: Your Discord account is already linked to another account. Please unlink it from that account first.
- discord_link_error: We were unable to link your Discord account. Please try again.
- error: Invalid login credentials
- invalid_session: We were unable to verify whether it was you who asked to be signed in. Please try to sign in again.
- success: Your Discord account has been linked successfully. Your access to our Discord server will be updated shortly.
- email_sent:
- magic_link:
- description: It should reach you in less than a minute. Click the link in the email, and you'll be signed in.
- heading: We've sent you a magic link!
- notice: This link will work only once.
- page_title: Magic link is on its way!
- reset_password_link:
- description: It should reach you in less than a minute. Click the link in the email, and you'll be asked to set a new password.
- heading: We've sent you a link to reset your password!
- notice: This link will work only once.
- page_title: Confirm your request
- new:
- already_signed: You are already signed in.
- continue_with_email_link: Continue with email
- heading: Sign in to %{school_name}
- sign_in_options_separator: OR
- request_password_reset:
- cancel_link: Sign in with Google, Facebook, or Github
- email_label: Email
- email_placeholder: john@example.com
- heading: Reset your password
- page_title: Reset password
- submit_button: Request password reset
- subtitle: Enter your email for password recovery.
- reset_password:
- link_used: That one-time link has already been used, or is invalid. Please try resetting your password again.
- page_title: Reset Password | %{title}
- sign_in_with_password:
- already_signed: You are already signed in.
- email: Continue with email
- email_address: Email Address
- email_me: Email me a link to sign in
- magic_link: We can email you a magic link so you can sign in without having to type your password.
- oauth: Sign in with Google, Facebook, or Github
- password: Password
- password_free: Password-free sign in
- password_new: Reset Your Password
- shared: Are you using a shared device?
- type_password: Type your password
- with_password: Sign in with password.
- sign_in_with_password_form:
- check_credentials:
- error: The supplied email address and password do not match. Please check your credentials and try again.
- token:
- link_expired: That one-time link has expired, or is invalid. Please try signing in again.
- update_email:
- frequent_request_error: An email was sent less than two minutes ago. Please wait for a few minutes before trying again.
- invalid_password_error: The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.
- link_expired: That link has expired or is invalid. Please try again.
- validate_school_link_title:
- title_length_error: Please enter a non empty title with no more than 24 characters.
- validate_submission_gradable:
- owners_should_be_active:
- error: لا يمكن تحديث إرسالية الطلاب غير النشطين
- submission_should_be_live:
- error: هذه الإرسالية لم تعد موجودة، أو قد تكون مؤرشفة
diff --git a/config/locales/devise.ru.yml b/config/locales/devise.ru.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 10465693bd..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise.ru.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# Русский перевод для https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/tree/v4.7.1
-# Другие переводы на https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/I18n
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: "Ваша учётная запись успешно подтверждена."
- send_instructions: "В течение нескольких минут вы получите письмо с инструкциями по подтверждению вашей учётной записи."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Если ваш адрес email есть в нашей базе данных, то в течение нескольких минут вы получите письмо с инструкциями по подтверждению вашей учётной записи."
- failure:
- already_authenticated: "Вы уже вошли в систему."
- inactive: "Ваша учётная запись ещё не активирована."
- invalid: "Неверный %{authentication_keys} или пароль."
- locked: "Ваша учётная запись заблокирована."
- last_attempt: "У Вас осталась еще одна попытка ввести пароль до блокировки."
- not_found_in_database: "Неверный %{authentication_keys} или пароль."
- timeout: "Ваш сеанс закончился. Пожалуйста, войдите в систему снова."
- unauthenticated: "Вам необходимо войти в систему или зарегистрироваться."
- unconfirmed: "Вы должны подтвердить вашу учётную запись."
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: "Инструкции по подтверждению учётной записи."
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: "Инструкции по восстановлению пароля."
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: "Инструкции по разблокировке учётной записи."
- email_changed:
- subject: "Еmail адрес был изменён."
- password_change:
- subject: "Пароль был изменён."
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: "Вы не можете войти в систему с учётной записью из %{kind}, так как \"%{reason}\"."
- success: "Вход в систему выполнен с учётной записью из %{kind}."
- passwords:
- no_token: "Эта страница доступна только при переходе с email для сброса пароля. Если Вы перешли по ссылке из письма, пожалуйста, убедитесь, что вы использовали полный URL."
- send_instructions: "В течение нескольких минут вы получите письмо с инструкциями по восстановлению вашего пароля."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Если ваш адрес email есть в нашей базе данных, то в течение нескольких минут Вы получите письмо с инструкциями по восстановлению вашего пароля."
- updated: "Ваш пароль успешно изменён. Теперь вы вошли в систему."
- updated_not_active: "Пароль успешно изменён."
- registrations:
- destroyed: "До свидания! Ваша учётная запись успешно удалена. Надеемся снова увидеть вас."
- signed_up: "Добро пожаловать! Вы успешно зарегистрировались."
- signed_up_but_inactive: "Вы успешно зарегистрировались. Тем не менее, вы не можете войти, потому что ваша учетная запись ещё не активирована."
- signed_up_but_locked: "Вы успешно зарегистрировались. Тем не менее, вы не можете войти, потому что ваша учетная запись заблокирована."
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: "В течение нескольких минут вы получите письмо с инструкциями по подтверждению вашей учётной записи."
- update_needs_confirmation: "Ваш аккаунт успешно обновлен, но необходимо подтвердить Ваш новый адрес email. Пожалуйста, проверьте свою электронную почту и нажмите на ссылку \"Подтвердить\", чтобы завершить обновления email."
- updated: "Ваша учётная запись успешно изменена."
- updated_but_not_signed_in: "Ваш аккаунт успешно изменен, но так как ваш пароль изменился, нужно войти снова."
- sessions:
- signed_in: "Вход в систему выполнен."
- signed_out: "Выход из системы выполнен."
- already_signed_out: "Выход из системы выполнен."
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: "В течение нескольких минут вы получите письмо с инструкциями по разблокировке вашей учётной записи."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Если ваша учётная запись существует, то в течение нескольких минут вы получите письмо с инструкциями по её разблокировке."
- unlocked: "Ваша учётная запись разблокирована. Теперь вы вошли в систему."
- errors:
- messages:
- already_confirmed: "уже подтверждена. Пожалуйста, попробуйте войти в систему"
- confirmation_period_expired: "должен быть подтвержден в течении %{period}, пожалуйста, запросите подтверждение ещё раз"
- expired: "устарела. Пожалуйста, запросите новую"
- not_found: "не найдена"
- not_locked: "не заблокирована"
- not_saved:
- one: "%{resource}: сохранение не удалось из-за %{count} ошибки"
- few: "%{resource}: сохранение не удалось из-за %{count} ошибок"
- many: "%{resource}: сохранение не удалось из-за %{count} ошибок"
- other: "%{resource}: сохранение не удалось из-за %{count} ошибки"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/pt-br.yml b/config/locales/pt-br.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index ea0e7e5727..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/pt-br.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3154 +0,0 @@
- applicants:
- enroll:
- errors:
- email_should_not_have_bounced: O endereço de e-mail que você forneceu não pode ser usado porque um e-mail que enviamos anteriormente foi devolvido
- ensure_time_between_requests: Um e-mail foi enviado há menos de dois minutos. Por favor, aguarde alguns minutos antes de tentar novamente.
- not_a_student: Você já está matriculado(a) no curso %{course_name}. Em vez disso, tente fazer login.
- link_expired: Esse link único expirou ou é inválido. Se você já completou sua matrícula, faça seu login.
- welcome: Bem-vindo(a) ao %{school_name}!
- resolve_applicant_path:
- welcome: Bem-vindo(a) ao %{school_name}!
- calendar_events:
- create:
- success: Evento criado com sucesso!
- create_or_update_form:
- calendar_error: Por favor, selecione um calendário da lista
- color_error: Por favor, selecione uma cor válida para o evento
- invalid_url: Por favor, informe uma URL válida para o evento
- start_time_error: Por favor, selecione um horário válido para o evento
- title_error: Por favor, informe um título válido para o evento
- delete:
- success: Evento excluído com sucesso!
- update:
- success: Evento atualizado com sucesso!
- calendars:
- create:
- success: Calendário criado com sucesso!
- update:
- success: Calendário atualizado com sucesso!
- communities:
- show:
- community_title: Comunidade %{name}
- new_topic: Novo tópico
- note: " Os professores da sua escola tem acesso a todas as comunidades."
- welcome: Bem-vindo(a) ao
- components:
- AdminCoursesShared__CohortsEditor:
- add_new_cohort: Adicionar nova turma
- cohort:
- label: Nome da turma
- message: Nome da turma
- placeholder: Por exemplo, Turma 1
- cohort_description:
- label: Descrição
- message: Digite uma descrição de turma válida
- placeholder: Por exemplo, Turma 1 de algum ano
- cohort_ends_at:
- help: A turma será arquivado nesta data
- label: Data do fim da turma
- update_cohort: Atualizar turma
- AdminCoursesShared__StudentsPicker:
- all_students_selected: Todos os alunos selecionados
- no_students_found: Nenhum aluno(a) encontrado(a)
- no_students_selected: Nenhum aluno(a) selecionado(a)
- AdminCoursesShared__TeamEditor:
- add_new_team: Adicionar Equipe
- select_cohort:
- label: Selecione uma turma
- placeholder: Escolha uma turma
- team_name:
- label: Nome da equipe
- message: Informe um nome de equipe válido
- placeholder: Por exemplo, Equipe 1
- update_team: Atualizar Equipe
- Api:
- error_notification_body: Nossa equipe foi notificada sobre este erro. Por favor, recarregue a página e tente novamente.
- error_notification_title: Um erro inesperado ocorreu
- AppRouter__Dropdown:
- more: Mais
- show_more_links: Mostrar mais links
- AppRouter__Header:
- edit_profile: Editar Perfil
- sign_in: Entrar
- sign_out: Sair
- AppRouter__Nav:
- calendar: Calendário
- close_sidebar: Fechar barra lateral
- curriculum: Currículo
- leaderboard: Entre os melhores
- report: Relatório
- review: Análise
- sign_out: Sair
- students: Alunos(as)
- CalendarsIndex__DatePicker:
- today: Hoje
- ClickToCopy:
- copied: Copiado!
- copy: Copiar para a área de transferência
- CoachesIndex__Root:
- button_about: Sobre
- button_connect: Conectar
- filter_input_label: Filtrar por
- filter_input_placeholder: Pesquise por nome, ou selecione um curso
- filter_label_name_like: Nome como
- filter_label_teaches_course: Ensina o curso
- filter_result_empty: Os filtros que você aplicou não correspondem a nenhum(a) professor(a). Por favor, mude os filtros e tente novamente.
- filter_search_string_course: ensina o curso %{name}
- heading: Professores
- CohortsActions__Root:
- button_text: Mesclar e excluir
- edit: Editar
- merge_heading_html: Mesclar %{cohort_name} em outra turma
- merge_help: Mesclar turmas moverá todos os alunos da turma selecionada para a turma desejada. Esta ação pode ser usada para excluir turmas desnecessárias. Esta ação não pode ser desfeita.
- page_description: Ações para a turma.
- pick_a_cohort: Escolha uma Turma
- CohortsCreator__Root:
- page_description: Criar uma nova turma para o curso.
- page_title: Adicionar nova turma
- CohortsDetails__Root:
- page_description: Atualizar detalhes da turma
- page_title: Editar %{cohort_name}
- CohortsIndex__Root:
- active_cohorts: Turmas Ativas
- add_new_cohort: Adicionar nova turma
- all_cohorts: Todas as Turmas
- coaches: Professores
- cohort: turma
- cohorts: turmas
- cohorts_end_date: Data do fim da turma
- edit: Editar
- filter:
- first_created: Primeira Criada
- last_created: Última Criada
- last_ending: Última Finalizada
- name: Nome
- search_by_name: Buscar por Nome
- load_more: Carregar mais
- no_cohorts_found: Nenhuma turma encontrada
- students: Alunos
- CommunitiesNewTopic__Root:
- asked_on: "Perguntado em "
- back: Voltar
- be_descriptive: Se você estiver fazendo uma pergunta, tente ser o mais descritivo possível para facilitar a postagem das respostas. Você pode usar Markdown para formatar este texto.
- body: Texto
- clear: Limpar
- count_replies_label: " respostas"
- create_topic: Criar tópico
- create_topic_discussion: Criar tópico de discussão
- done: Concluído!
- failed_fetch_similar: Não conseguimos buscar tópicos similares no servidor! Nossa equipe foi notificada sobre este erro.
- linked_target: "Alvo vinculado: "
- missing_info: Informações ausentes!
- no_category_found: "Não foi possível encontrar a categoria com o ID:"
- no_replies: Sem respostas
- not_selected: Não selecionado
- one_reply: 1 resposta
- oops: Oops!
- please_reload: Por favor, recarregue a página antes de tentar postar novamente.
- redirecting: Redirecionando para o novo tópico agora...
- select_category: Selecionar Categoria
- similar_topics: Tópicos similares
- title: Título
- title_placeholder: Título para o novo tópico
- topic_body_present: Título do tópico e texto devem estar presentes.
- CommunitiesShow__Root:
- all_categories_button: Todas as Categorias
- button_load_more: Carregar mais...
- empty_topics: Não há discussão aqui ainda.
- filter_input_label: "Filtrar por:"
- filter_input_placeholder_categories: Filtre por categoria, solução ou pesquise nos tópicos
- filter_input_placeholder_default: Pesquise nos tópicos ou filtre por solução
- sort_criterion_input_label: "Ordenar por:"
- sort_criterion_last_activity: Última atividade
- sort_criterion_posted_at: Publicado em
- sort_criterion_views: Visualizações
- topic_last_updated_text: Última atualização
- topic_posted_by_text: Publicado por
- topic_stats_likes:
- one: 1 curtida
- other: "%{count} curtidas"
- topic_stats_replies:
- one: 1 resposta
- other: "%{count} respostas"
- topic_stats_views:
- one: 1 visualização
- other: "%{count} visualizações"
- topics_fully_loaded_text: Mostrando todos os %{total_topics} tópicos
- topics_partially_loaded_text: Mostrando %{loaded_topics_count} de %{total_topics} tópicos
- unable_find_id: "Não foi possível encontrar a categoria com ID: "
- CourseApplicants__EditForm:
- add_as_student_button: Adicionar como aluno(a)
- affiliation:
- label: Afiliação
- placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- email:
- label: E-mail
- placeholder: E-mail do aluno(a) aqui
- name:
- error: inválido
- label: Nome
- placeholder: Nome do aluno(a) aqui
- notify_students:
- label: Notificar os alunos, e enviar para eles um link para entrar na escola.
- page_title: Adicionar como um aluno(a)
- tabs:
- actions: Ações
- details: Detalhes
- tags:
- label: Tags
- title:
- label: Título
- placeholder: Aluno(a), Professor(a), CEO, etc.
- CourseApplicants__Root:
- applicants_fully_loaded_text: Mostrando todos os %{total_applicants} solicitantes
- applicants_page_title: Solicitantes
- applicants_partially_loaded_text: Mostrando %{loaded_applicants_count} de %{total_applicants} solicitantes
- button_load_more: Carregar mais Solicitantes...
- empty_applicants: Você não tem solicitantes!
- filter:
- input_label: Pesquisar
- input_placeholder: Filtre e pesquise Solicitantes por nome
- label:
- search: Pesquise por nome ou e-mail
- tag: Etiqueta
- onboard_as_student: Integrar como aluno(a)
- show_actions: Mostrar ações
- show_details: "Mostrar detalhes: "
- sort_criterion:
- created_at: Criado em
- name: Nome
- updated_at: Atualizado em
- sorter:
- label: Ordenar por
- CourseAuthors__Form:
- add_new_author: Adicionar autor
- create_author: Criar Autor
- email: E-mail
- email_message: Informe um e-mail válido
- email_placeholder: Adicione seu e-mail aqui
- name: Nome
- name_message: Informe um nome válido
- name_placeholder: Adicione seu nome aqui
- saving: Salvando
- update_author: Atualizar Autor
- CourseAuthors__Root:
- window_confirm_post: da lista de autores?
- window_confirm_pre: Você tem certeza de que quer remover
- CourseCertificates__CreateDrawer:
- certificate_base_image:
- help: Esta imagem base deve incluir um espaço de linha completo para inserir um nome de aluno(a).
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/certificates#uploading-a-new-certificate
- label: Imagem base do Certificado
- placeholder: Selecione uma imagem base para certificado
- create_action: Criar Novo Certificado
- create_button_text: Criar Certificado
- name_label: Nome
- name_placeholder: Um nome para identificar este certificado
- success_notification: Agora você pode editar este certificado.
- CourseCertificates__EditDrawer:
- active:
- help: Embora você possa ter vários certificados, apenas um pode ser emitido automaticamente; ele será emitido quando um(a) aluno(a) completar um curso.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/certificates#automatically-issuing-certificates
- label: Os alunos devem receber automaticamente o certificado?
- cannot_be_auto_issued_warning: Observe se o curso não tem marcos. Esse certificado será emitido automaticamente somente se o curso possuir no mínimo um marco.
- edit_action: Editar certificado
- font_size_label: Nome
- margin_label: Margem
- name_error: O nome não pode estar em branco
- name_label: Nome
- name_offset_top_label: Deslocamento do Nome (a partir de cima)
- name_placeholder: Um nome curto para este certificado
- qr_bottom_left_label: Inferior esquerdo
- qr_bottom_right_label: Direito inferior
- qr_hidden_label: Escondido
- qr_position_label: Posição do QR Code
- qr_scale_label: Escala do QR Code
- qr_top_left_label: Superior esquerdo
- qr_top_right_label: Direito superior
- qr_visibility:
- help: Ele conterá um link para a página em sua escola que qualquer pessoa pode visitar para verificar um certificado emitido.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/certificates
- label: Adicionar código QR?
- update_issued_certificates_warning:
- one: Este certificado foi emitido uma vez.
Essas mudanças também serão aplicadas para o certificado emitido.
- other: Este certificado já foi emitido %{count} vezes.
Essas mudanças também serão aplicadas para esses %{count} certificados emitidos.
- CourseCertificates__Root:
- auto_issue_tag: Emissão automática
- certificate: Certificado
- create_action: Criar certificado
- delete_button_title: Excluir certificado %{name}
- delete_confirm: Você tem certeza de que deseja excluir este certificado?
- deleting: Excluindo...
- edit_button_title: Editar Certificado %{name}
- heading: Certificados
- issued_count:
- one: Emitido uma vez
- other: Emitido %{count} vezes
- zero: Nunca emitido
- no_certificates: Você ainda não criou nenhum certificado!
- CourseCoaches__EnrollmentForm:
- add_course: Adicionar professores de curso
- notification_coach_enrollment: Matrículas de professor atualizadas com sucesso
- search_coaches_all: Você selecionou todos os professores!
- search_coaches_empty: Nenhum(a) professor(a) selecionado(a)
- search_coaches_placeholder: Pesquisar professores
- search_cohorts_all: Você selecionou todas as turmas!
- search_cohorts_empty: Nenhuma turma selecionada
- search_cohorts_placeholder: Pesquisar turmas
- select_coaches: Selecionar professores
- select_cohorts: Selecionar Turmas
- CourseCoaches__InfoForm:
- no_students_assigned: Não existem alunos atribuídos para este(a) professor(a). Você pode atribuir professores diretamente enquanto edita os detalhes do(a) aluno(a).
- notification_coach_updated: Professor(a) atualizado com sucesso
- pending_submissions: Submissões pendentes
- revied_submissions: Submissões revisadas
- search_cohorts_all: Você selecionou todas as turmas!
- search_cohorts_empty: Nenhuma turma selecionada
- search_cohorts_placeholder: Pesquisar turmas
- select_cohorts: "Turmas atribuídas ao professor:"
- students_assigned: "Alunos atribuídos ao professor:"
- update_cohort_assignment: Atualizar Atrubuição de Turma
- CourseCoaches__InfoFormTeam:
- remove_post_confirm: da lista de equipes atribuídas?
- remove_pre_confirm: "Você tem certeza de que deseja remover "
- CourseCoaches__Root:
- assign_coaches: Atribuir professores para o curso
- coaches_list: Lista de professores do curso
- course_empty: O curso não tem professores atribuídos!
- enrollment_delete_error_head_notification: Inscrição de professor não pôde ser excluída
- enrollment_delete_error_notification_body: Por favor, tente novamente
- enrollment_delete_notificaion_success_body: Inscrição de professor excluída com sucesso
- remove_confirm_post: deste curso?
- remove_confirm_pre: Você tem certeza de que deseja remover
- CourseEditor__Form:
- actions:
- archive_course:
- button_text: Arquivar Curso
- label: Deseja arquivar o curso?
- clone_course:
- button_text: Clonar Curso
- label: Deseja criar uma cópia do curso?
- unarchive_course:
- button_text: Desarquivar Curso
- label: Deseja desarquivar o curso?
- alert:
- archive_message: Tem certeza de que deseja arquivar o curso?
- clone_course_message: Tem certeza de que deseja fazer uma cópia do curso?
- unarchive_message: Tem certeza de que deseja desarquivar o curso?
- course_about:
- label: Sobre
- placeholder: Adicione mais detalhes sobre o curso.
- course_description:
- error_message: É necessário uma descrição (2-150 caracteres)
- label: Descrição do curso
- placeholder: Descrição breve para este curso
- course_highlights:
- label: Destaques do curso
- course_name:
- error_message: É necessário um nome (2-50 caracteres)
- label: Nome do curso
- placeholder: Digite o nome do curso aqui
- create_course: Criar Curso
- enable_public_preview_label: Permitir a visualização pública do currículo do curso?
- enable_public_signup_label: Permitir a inscrição pública neste curso?
- feature_course_in_homepage_label: Destacar curso na página inicial da escola?
- pick_a_cohort: Escolha uma Turma
- pick_default_cohort: Escolha a turma padrão
- processing_url:
- error: URL de processamento inválido
- help: Você pode enviar os solicitantes para uma URL de processamento uma vez que eles se inscreverem no curso
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/courses#processing-url
- label: Deseja processar as informações do solicitante antes de matriculá-lo?
- progression_behavior:
- help: Isso se aplica apenas se o seu curso tiver tarefas que exigem que os alunos enviem seus trabalhos para revisão pelos professores.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/courses#progression-behaviour
- label: Comportamento de Progressão
- limited:
- description_end: sem ter o envio revisado.
- description_start: Os alunos podem enviar
- four_times: quatro vezes
- once: uma vez
- thrice: três vezes
- title: Limitado
- twice: duas vezes
- unlimited:
- description: Os alunos podem enviar todas as tarefas revisadas, sem revisão de envios.
- title: Ilimitado
- tabs:
- actions: Ações
- details: Detalhes
- images: Imagens
- title:
- add_new_course: Adicionar novo curso
- edit_course_details: Editar Detalhes do Curso
- update_course: Atualizar Curso
- CourseEditor__HighlightsEditor:
- add_highlight: Adicionar Destaque do Curso
- delete_highlight: Excluir destaque
- description:
- placeholder: Descrição do destaque
- move_down: Mover para Baixo
- move_up: Mover para Cima
- select: Selecionar
- selected_button:
- title: Selecionar ícone
- title:
- placeholder: Título do destaque
- CourseEditor__ImagesForm:
- button_text:
- update_images: Atualizar imagens
- updating: Atualizando...
- cover_image:
- error_message: deve ser um JPEG / PNG com até 2 MB de tamanho
- help: A imagem de capa será exibida no topo de todas as páginas de alunos dentro do curso, e como cabeçalho de alguns e-mails do curso.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/courses#course-images
- label: Imagem de Capa
- empty_image_label: Por favor, escolha um arquivo de imagem.
- image_label:
- end: . Clique para substituir a imagem atual.
- start: "Você selecionou "
- notification_success:
- description: As imagens foram atualizadas com sucesso.
- title: Concluído!
- replace_image_label: "Por favor, escolha um arquivo para substituir "
- thumbnail:
- error_message: deve ser um JPEG / PNG com até 2 MB de tamanho
- help: A miniatura será exibida na página inicial e na lista de cursos no painel administrativo.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/courses#course-images
- label: Miniatura
- CourseEditor__Root:
- add_new_course: Adicionar novo curso
- button_load_more: Carregar mais cursos...
- course_links:
- edit_curriculum: Editar Currículo
- manage_coaches: Gerenciar Professores
- manage_students: Gerenciar Alunos
- view_as_student: Visualizar como Aluno
- view_calendar: Ver Calendário
- courses_fully_loaded_text: Exibindo todos os %{total_courses} cursos
- courses_partially_loaded_text: Exibindo %{loaded_courses_count} de %{total_courses} cursos
- create_description: Vamos criar outro curso.
- edit_course_details: Editar Detalhes do Curso
- filter:
- input_hint: Ou comece a digitar para pesquisar por nome...
- input_label: Pesquisar
- input_placeholder: Filtrar e pesquisar cursos por nome
- label:
- name: Pesquisar por nome
- status: Status
- status:
- active: Ativo
- archived: Arquivado
- ended: Finalizado
- notification_error_body: Nossa equipe foi notificada sobre esse erro. Por favor, tente recarregar esta página.
- notification_error_head: Ocorreu um erro inesperado
- quick_links: Links Rápidos
- view_public_page: Ver página pública
- CourseExport__Root:
- active_students_label: Alunos Ativos
- all_students_label: Todos os Alunos
- all_targets_label: Todos os alvos
- close_export_form: Fechar Formulário de Exportação
- create_action: Criar Nova Exportação
- create_action_button: Exportar dados do curso
- create_button_active_label: Configurando uma exportação...
- create_button_text: Criar Exportação
- download_course_export: Baixar Exportação do Curso
- export: Exportar
- export_cohorts_label: Exportar apenas os alunos na(s) seguinte(s) turma(s)
- export_tags_label: Exportar apenas alunos com as seguintes tags
- export_targets_label: Quais alvos devem ser incluídos na exportação?
- export_type_label: Por favor, selecione o tipo de exportação que você precisa
- heading: Exportações
- include_inactive_students_tag: Incluído Alunos Inativos
- include_user_standings_help: A exportação deve incluir entradas de log relacionadas ao status do aluno?
- include_user_standings_label: Incluir reputações do usuário na exportação?
- includes_user_standings: Inclui reputações do usuário
- no_exports_notice: Você ainda não exportou nada!
- prepared: Preparado
- requested: Solicitado
- reviewed_only_tag: Apenas Submissões Revisadas
- reviewed_only_targets_label: Apenas alvos com submissões revisadas
- search_cohort_placeholder: Pesquisar por uma turma
- search_cohorts_empty: Nenhuma turma selecionada
- search_tag_placeholder: Pesquisar por uma tag
- search_tags_empty: Nenhuma tag selecionada
- students_label: Alunos
- students_to_include_label: Selecione os alunos para incluir na exportação do curso
- teams_label: Equipamentos
- CourseResourcesFilter:
- filter_resources: Filtrar Recursos
- CourseSelect:
- button_load_more: Carregar mais cursos...
- courses_fully_loaded_text: Exibindo todos os %{total_courses} cursos
- courses_partially_loaded_text: Exibindo %{loaded_courses_count} de %{total_courses} cursos
- empty_courses: Você não tem nenhum curso!
- filter:
- input_hint: Ou comece a digitar para pesquisar por nome...
- input_label: Pesquisar
- input_placeholder: Filtrar e pesquisar cursos por nome
- label:
- name: Pesquisar por nome
- status: Status
- status:
- active: Ativo
- archived: Arquivado
- ended: Finalizado
- CoursesApply__Root:
- email_sent_message:
- description: Deve chegar a você em menos de um minuto. Clique no link do e-mail para se inscrever e começar.
- title: Enviamos um e-mail de verificação para você.
- CoursesCurriculum:
- edit_level_button: Editar Nível
- edit_target_button_title: Editar alvo %{title}
- empty_level_content_notice: Não há conteúdo publicado neste nível.
- issued_certificate_button: Ver Certificado
- issued_certificate_heading: Parabéns! Você recebeu um certificado.
- level_locked: Nível bloqueado
- level_locked_explanation: Você poderá acessar o conteúdo em %{date}.
- level_locked_for_students_notice: Este nível ainda está bloqueado para os alunos e será desbloqueado em %{date}.
- level_locked_notice: O nível está atualmente bloqueado!
- nav_aria_next_level: Ir para o próximo nível
- nav_aria_previous_level: Ir para o nível anterior
- nav_long_next_level: Próximo Nível
- nav_long_previous_level: Nível Anterior
- nav_short_next_level: Próximo
- nav_short_previous_level: Anterior
- target_read_label: Ler
- CoursesCurriculum__AudioRecorder:
- button_text_record_again: Gravar Novamente
- button_text_start_recording: Iniciar Gravação
- cannot_record: Você não pode gravar áudio.
- preview_mode: Modo de Pré-visualização
- recording_size_limit_warning: A gravação não deve exceder 5 MB de tamanho. Por favor, registre.
- recording_string: Gravando...
- CoursesCurriculum__AutoVerify:
- before_marking: Antes de marcar como completo...
- before_visiting: Antes de visitar o link...
- mark_complete: Marcar como completo
- saving: Salvando
- visit_complete: Visite o link para concluir
- visit_link: Visitar o link
- CoursesCurriculum__Discuss:
- create: Criar um tópico
- go_to: Ir para a comunidade
- no_discussion: Não houve discussão recente sobre este alvo.
- topics_post: " comunidade"
- topics_pre: Tópicos da
- use_community: Use a comunidade para tirar suas dúvidas e ajudar seus colegas!
- CoursesCurriculum__DiscussSubmission:
- anonymous_avatar: A
- anonymous_name: Anônimo
- created_at: em %{created_at}.
- hide: Ocultar submissão
- pin: Fixar
- pinned_submission: Submissão Fixada
- submission_hidden: Esta submissão está oculta das discussões
- submitted_by: "Enviado por "
- submitted_by_team: "Enviado pela equipe: "
- unhide: Desocultar a submissão
- unpin: Desfixar
- CoursesCurriculum__FileForm:
- another_file: Por favor, escolha outro arquivo para fazer upload.
- cannot_attach: Você não pode anexar arquivos.
- choose_upload: Escolha o arquivo para upload
- error: "Erro "
- max_file_size: O tamanho máximo do arquivo é 5 MB.
- please_reload: Por favor, recarregue a página e tente novamente.
- preview_mode: Modo de Pré-visualização
- smth_went_wrong: Algo deu errado!
- CoursesCurriculum__Learn:
- edit_target_button: Editar conteúdo
- CoursesCurriculum__ModerationReportButton:
- cancel: Cancelar
- close: Fechar
- report: Reportar
- reported: Reportado
- share_reason: Compartilhar motivo para reportar
- CoursesCurriculum__NoticeManager:
- access_ended_description: Você tem apenas acesso limitado ao curso agora. Você pode visualizar o conteúdo, mas não pode completar nenhum alvo.
- access_ended_title: Pré-visualização/Acesso Limitado
- course_complete_description: Você completou nosso curso. Sinta-se à vontade para completar alvos que possa ter deixado de lado e ler os links anexados.
- course_complete_title: Parabéns! Você completou todos os marcos do curso.
- course_ended_description: O curso terminou e as submissões estão desativadas para todos os alvos!
- course_ended_title: Curso Encerrado
- preview_mode_description: Você está acessando o modo de pré-visualização deste curso
- preview_mode_title: Modo de Pré-visualização
- CoursesCurriculum__Overlay:
- button_load_more: Carregar mais Envios...
- close_button: Fechar
- completion_tab_complete: Concluir
- completion_tab_completed: Concluído
- completion_tab_form_response: Respostas do formulário
- completion_tab_locked: Bloqueado
- completion_tab_mark_complete: Marcar como Concluído
- completion_tab_quiz_result: Resultado do quiz
- completion_tab_submissions: Envios e Comentários
- completion_tab_submit_form: Enviar Formulário
- completion_tab_take_quiz: Responder ao quiz
- completion_tab_visit_link: Acesse o link para concluir
- discuss_tab: Discutir
- discussion_assignment_notice:
- description: Seu envio será compartilhado com seus colegas; você pode ver, comentar e se inspirar no trabalho dos outros antes de enviar o seu para receber feedback compartilhado.
- title: Atribuição habilitada para discussão
- learn_cta_submit_form: Enviar formulário
- learn_cta_submit_work: Enviar trabalho para revisão
- learn_cta_take_quiz: Faça um teste
- learn_tab: Aprender
- mark_as_read: Marcar como lido
- marked_read: Leitura marcada
- next_target_button: Próximo alvo
- no_peer_submissions: Ainda não há envios
- pending_team_members_notice: "Você tem membros da equipe que ainda não concluíram essa meta:"
- preview_mode_text: No momento, você está vendo uma prévia deste curso.
- previous_target_button: Alvo anterior
- scroll_to_top: Role até o topo
- submissions_fully_loaded_text:
- one: Há apenas um envio.
- other: Mostrando todos os envios de %{count}
- submissions_partially_loaded_text: Mostrando %{loaded_submissions_count} de %{total_submissions} envios
- submissions_peers: Envios de colegas
- CoursesCurriculum__Quiz:
- next_question: Próxima pergunta
- question: Pergunta
- submit_quiz: Enviar questionário
- CoursesCurriculum__Reactions:
- emoji_picker: Adicionar reação
- CoursesCurriculum__SubmissionBuilder:
- accessing_preview: Você está acessando o modo de visualização
- attaching: Fixação
- compete_all: Preencha todos os campos obrigatórios
- complete: Completo
- for_course: para este curso
- no_actions: Essa meta não tem ações. Clique em enviar para concluir o alvo
- steps_submit: etapas para enviar essa meta
- submit: Enviar
- submit_anonymous_label: Envie anonimamente
- submit_anonymous_notice: Você tem a opção de ocultar seu nome ao participar desta discussão. Se estiver selecionando essa opção, certifique-se de não mencionar nada pessoalmente identificável em seu envio.
- submitting: Envio
- CoursesCurriculum__SubmissionCommentShow:
- cancel: Cancelar
- close: Fechar
- delete: Excluir
- delete_comment: Excluir comentário
- delete_confirm: Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este comentário?
- hidden: Este comentário está oculto para discussões
- hide: Esconder
- unhide: Não ocultar
- CoursesCurriculum__SubmissionComments:
- comment_button: Comentário
- comment_text: comentário
- comments: comentários
- hide_comments: Ocultar comentários
- view_comments: Ver comentários
- write_comment: Escreva seu comentário
- CoursesCurriculum__SubmissionItem:
- link_error: Esse não parece ser um URL válido.
- link_placeholder: Digite o URL completo começando com https://...
- remove: "Remover "
- short_text_error: A resposta deve ter menos de 250 caracteres
- short_text_placeholder: Adicionar um texto curto
- warning_length_limit: Mantenha sua resposta com menos de 5.000 caracteres.
- CoursesCurriculum__SubmissionsAndFeedback:
- add_another: Adicionar outro
- add_another_response: Adicionar outra resposta
- add_another_submission: Adicionar outro envio
- cancel: Cancelar
- completed: Concluído
- form_response_number: "Resposta #"
- grading: Classificação
- pending_review: Revisão pendente
- rejected: Rejeitado
- submission_details: "Detalhes sobre seu envio em "
- submission_number: "Submissão #"
- submitted_on: "Enviado em "
- unknown_coach: Treinador desconhecido
- your_responses: Suas respostas
- your_submissions: Seus envios
- CoursesCurriculum__TargetStatus:
- access_locked: Você só tem acesso limitado ao curso agora. Você tem permissão para visualizar o conteúdo, mas não pode concluir nenhum objetivo.
- course_locked: Este curso foi encerrado.
- prerequisites_incomplete: Esse alvo tem pré-requisitos que estão incompletos.
- status:
- completed: Concluído
- locked: Bloqueado
- pending: Pendente
- pending_review: Revisão pendente
- rejected: Rejeitado
- submission_limit_reached: Você tem %{pending_count} envios pendentes e não pode enviar mais até que eles sejam revisados.
- CoursesCurriculum__UndoButton:
- notification_error_body: Ocorreu um erro inesperado, e nossa equipe foi notificada sobre isso. Recarregue a página antes de tentar novamente.
- notification_error_head: Erro inesperado
- notification_notice_body: Recarregue a página e verifique o status do envio antes de tentar novamente.
- notification_notice_head: Não foi possível desfazer o envio
- undo: Desfazer
- undo_submission: Desfazer o envio
- undo_submission_title: Excluir este envio
- undoing: Desfazendo...
- window_confirm: Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este envio?
- CoursesCurriculum__UrlForm:
- button_placeholder: Digite o URL completo começando com https://...
- button_text: Anexar link
- url_validate_error: não se parece com um URL válido
- CoursesReport:
- button_overview_text: Visão geral
- button_submissions_text: Envios
- CoursesReport__Overview:
- average_grades: Notas médias
- average_quiz_score: Pontuação média no questionário
- course_completed: Curso concluído!
- incomplete_assignments: "Incompleto: %{count}"
- milestone_completed: Concluído
- milestone_pending: Pendente
- milestone_status_help: Descubra seus marcos essenciais para a conclusão do curso aqui mesmo. Acompanhe seu progresso e identifique os marcos que possam ter passado despercebidos.
- pages_read: "Leia: %{pagesRead}"
- pages_unread: "Não lido: %{pagesUnread}"
- personal_coaches: Coaches pessoais
- quizzes_attempted:
- one: 1 teste tentado
- other: "%{count} Testes tentados"
- zero: Nenhum teste tentado
- schedule_coaching_session: Agendar uma sessão de treinamento
- targets_completed: "Concluído: %{targetsCount}"
- targets_pending_review: "Revisão pendente: %{targetsCount}"
- CoursesReport__SubmissionsList:
- completed: Concluído
- filter_by_another_status: Filtrar por outro status
- filter_by_status: Filtrar por status
- load_more: Carregar mais...
- no_submissions_to_show: "Não há envios para mostrar "
- pending_review: Revisão pendente
- rejected: Rejeitado
- sort_by: "Ordenar por:"
- status: Status
- submission_not_considered: Esse envio não é contado para a conclusão da meta.
- submission_not_considered_help: Esse é um alvo de equipe e esse envio não está vinculado a alguns membros da sua equipe. Isso pode acontecer se uma meta for alterada após o seu envio individual, para exigir um envio da equipe, ou se a composição da sua equipe for alterada após a criação de um envio da equipe.
- submitted_at: Enviado em
- submitted_on: Enviado em %{date}
- view: "Ver "
- CoursesReview__Checklist:
- create_review_checklist: Criar uma lista de verificação de revisão
- create_review_checklist_description: Prepare-se para sua revisão criando uma lista de verificação
- CoursesReview__ChecklistEditor:
- add_checklist_item: Adicionar item de lista de verificação
- add_result: Adicionar resultado
- cancel: Cancelar
- checklist_item_description:
- error_message: O resultado de um cheque não pode estar em branco
- placeholder: Adicionar feedback (opcional)
- checklist_item_title:
- move_down_button_title: Resultado da lista de verificação Mover para baixo
- move_up_button_title: Resultado da lista de verificação do Move Up
- placeholder: Adicionar um resultado para essa verificação
- remove_button_title: Remover o resultado do checklist
- checklist_title:
- error_message: Um item do checklist não pode estar em branco
- move_down_button_title: Mover item da lista de verificação para baixo
- move_up_button_title: Item da lista de verificação do Move Up
- placeholder: Adicionar um item à lista de verificação
- remove_button_title: Remover item da lista de verificação
- create_review_checklist: Criar lista de verificação de revisão
- disabled: Desativado
- edit_review_checklist: Lista de verificação de revisão de edição
- save_checklist: Salvar lista de verificação
- CoursesReview__ChecklistShow:
- add_additional_feedback: Adicionar comentários adicionais
- back_to_review: Voltar para a revisão
- edit_checklist_button: Editar lista de verificação
- feedback_placeholder: Adicionar feedback (opcional)
- generate_feedback_button: Gerar feedback
- remove_additional_feedback: Remover comentários adicionais
- review_checklist: Lista de verificação de revisão
- CoursesReview__Editor:
- add_another_feedback: Adicionar outro feedback
- add_feedback: Adicionar comentários
- add_your_feedback: Adicione seus comentários
- assigned_coaches: Treinadores designados
- assigned_to: Atribuído a
- close: próximo
- close_submission_warning: Tem certeza de que deseja fechar o envio sem salvar?
- create_review_checklist: Criar lista de verificação de revisão
- deleted_coach: Treinador excluído
- evaluated_at: em %{evaluated_at}
- evaluated_by: Avaliado por
- feedback: Feedback
- feedback_generated_text: Feedback gerado pela lista de verificação de revisão.
- feedback_placeholder: Esse feedback será enviado por e-mail aos alunos quando você terminar a avaliação.
- github_action:
- description: Deseja executar novamente a ação do Github nesse envio?
- re_run_action_button: Sim, execute novamente a ação do Github
- view_action_button: Exibir ação do Github
- grade_card: Cartão de notas
- help_text: As anotações podem ser usadas para acompanhar o progresso de um %{note_about}. Essas notas são exibidas apenas para os instrutores no relatório do aluno. %{additional_help}
- hide_test_report_button: Ocultar relatório de teste
- no_more_pending_submissions: Este envio foi avaliado e não há mais envios aguardando revisão.
- note_help: Você gostaria de escrever uma nota sobre este %{noteAbout} ?
- note_placeholder: Você notou algo ao revisar este envio?
- page_title: "Envio #%{submission_number} | %{target_title} | %{name}"
- reject_submission: Rejeitar o envio
- reject_submission_and_send_feedback: Rejeitar o envio e enviar feedback
- rejection_help_note: Você está marcando este envio como rejeitado sem fornecer nenhuma nota. Forneça seus comentários juntamente com a rejeição.
- rejection_help_note_title: "Observação: "
- remove_assignment: Remover atribuição
- report_description: Relatório de teste
- review: Revisão
- review_checklist: Lista de verificação de revisão
- review_next: Próximo
- save_grades: Salvar notas
- save_grades_and_send_feedback: Salvar notas e enviar comentários
- share_feedback: Compartilhar comentários
- show_review_checklist: Lista de verificação da revisão da exposição
- status:
- completed: Concluído
- pending_review: Revisão pendente
- rejected: Rejeitado
- reviewing: Revisão
- student: estudante
- submission_acceptable: Esse envio é aceitável?
- submission_number: "Envio #%{number}"
- submitted_by: "Enviado por "
- submitted_by_team: "Enviado pela equipe: "
- team: equipe
- team_notice: " Este envio é de uma equipe, portanto, uma nota adicionada aqui será publicada no relatório de todos os alunos da equipe."
- undo_grade_warning: Você tem certeza de que deseja remover essas notas? Isso fará com que o envio volte ao estado "Pending Review" (Revisão pendente).
- undo_grading: Desfazer avaliação
- undo_rejection: Desfazer rejeição
- undo_rejection_notice: " marcou este envio como rejeitado sem fornecer nenhuma nota."
- undo_rejection_notice_title: "Envio rejeitado:"
- undo_rejection_warning: Tem certeza de que deseja desfazer a rejeição? Isso fará com que o envio volte ao estado de "Revisão pendente".
- write_a_note: Escrever uma nota
- you_are_done: Você está pronto!
- CoursesReview__ReviewerManager:
- assigned_at: Atribuído %{date}
- change_reviewer_and_start_review: Sim, atribua-me
- remove_reviewer_assign_to_me: Deseja remover o %{current_coach_name} e atribuir-se uma revisão?
- start_review: Iniciar revisão
- CoursesReview__Root:
- assigned_to: Atribuído a
- assigned_to_coach: "Atribuído a:"
- assigned_to_me: " atribuído a mim"
- button_load_more: Carregar mais Envios...
- coach_filter_by:
- assigned_to: Filtrar por quem está atribuído a um envio
- personal_coach: Filtrar por quem está atribuído a um aluno
- reviewed_by: Filtrar por quem revisou um envio
- filter_by: "Filtrar por:"
- filter_by_submissions_assigned: Mostrar apenas os envios atribuídos a um técnico
- filter_by_target: Filtrar por alvo
- filter_hint: ...ou comece a digitar para filtrar por aluno usando seu nome ou endereço de e-mail
- filter_input:
- assigned_to: "Atribuído a: "
- personal_coach: "Treinador pessoal: "
- reviewed_by: "Avaliado por: "
- target: "Alvo: "
- inactive_students: Alunos inativos
- include: Incluir
- me: Eu
- name_or_email: Nome ou e-mail
- now_showing_submissions_assigned_to: Agora mostrando os envios atribuídos a %{name}.
- now_showing_submissions_from_all_students: Agora mostrando os envios de todos os alunos deste curso.
- pending: Pendente
- personal_coach: Treinador pessoal
- review: Revisão
- reviewed: Avaliado
- reviewed_at: Avaliado em
- reviewed_by: Avaliado por
- search:
- assigned_to: "Atribuído a:"
- personal_coach: "treinador pessoal:"
- reviewed_by: "revisado por:"
- status: "status: "
- target: "alvo:"
- sort_by: "Ordenar por:"
- status: Status
- submissions_fully_loaded_text:
- one: Há apenas um envio.
- other: Mostrando todos os envios de %{count}
- submissions_partially_loaded_text: Mostrando %{loaded_submissions_count} de %{total_submissions} envios
- submitted_at: Enviado em
- target: Alvo
- CoursesReview__SubmissionCard:
- assigned_to: Atribuído a
- completed: Concluído
- created_at: em %{created_at}.
- feedback_sent: Feedback enviado
- no_submissions_found: Não foram encontrados envios
- rejected: Rejeitado
- submitted_by: "Enviado por "
- submitted_by_team: "Enviado pela equipe "
- CoursesReview__SubmissionInfoCard:
- completed: Concluído
- deleted: Eliminado
- pending_review: Revisão pendente
- rejected: Rejeitado
- submission_hash: Submissão
- CoursesReview__SubmissionReportShow:
- hide_report_button: Ocultar relatório
- report_status_string:
- error: As ações não puderam ser concluídas devido a erros
- failure: Algumas ações falharam
- in_progress: As ações estão em andamento
- queued: As ações são colocadas em fila
- success: Todas as ações foram bem-sucedidas
- show_report_button: Relatório de exibição
- test_report: Relatório de teste
- CoursesStudents__CoachNoteShow:
- coach_on: em
- delete_note: "Excluir nota "
- deleted_coach: Treinador excluído
- sure_delete: Tem certeza de que deseja excluir essa nota?
- unknown: Desconhecido
- CoursesStudents__CoachNotes:
- all_notes: Todas as notas
- has_archived_notes: Esse aluno tem algumas anotações arquivadas.
- help_text: As anotações podem ser usadas para acompanhar o progresso de um aluno. Essas anotações são exibidas apenas para os instrutores.
- new_note: Adicionar uma nova nota
- no_notes: Não há anotações aqui!
- save_note: Salvar nota
- CoursesStudents__StudentOverlay:
- access_ended_at: O acesso desse aluno ao curso terminou em %{date}.
- affiliation: Afiliação
- average_grades: Notas médias
- average_quiz_score: Pontuação média no questionário
- close_student_report: Fechar relatório do aluno
- course_completed: Curso concluído!
- dropped_out_at: Esse aluno abandonou o curso em %{date}.
- notes: Notas
- other_team_members: Outros membros da equipe
- personal_coaches: Coaches pessoais
- quizzes_attempted:
- one: 1 teste tentado
- other: "%{count} Testes tentados"
- zero: Nenhum teste tentado
- student_id: ID do aluno
- submissions: Envios
- targets: " Metas"
- team_coaches: Técnicos de equipe
- user_id: ID do usuário
- CoursesStudents__SubmissionsList:
- no_revied_submission: Nenhum envio revisado
- submitted_on: "Enviado em "
- CurriculumEditor:
- create_level: Criar nível
- create_target_group: Criar grupo-alvo
- edit_selected_level: Editar nível selecionado
- hide_archived: Ocultar arquivado
- show_archived: Mostrar arquivado
- CurriculumEditor__ContentBlockCreator:
- audio_upload_size_limit_warning: Selecione um arquivo com tamanho inferior a 10 MB.
- button_labels:
- embed: Incorporar
- file: Arquivo
- image: Imagem
- markdown: Markdown
- video: Vídeo
- close_embed: Fechar formulário incorporado
- creating: Criando...
- description_video_placeholder: Descrição de seu vídeo
- embed_url:
- help: Oferecemos suporte a vários serviços de terceiros (verifique o link abaixo). Basta copiar e colar o URL completo na página que contém o recurso que você deseja incorporar.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#content-block-types
- label: URL para incorporar
- save_button: Salvar
- failed_create_error: Ocorreu um erro inesperado. Recarregue a página e tente novamente.
- failed_upload_error: Falha ao carregar o arquivo. Verifique a mensagem na notificação e tente novamente.
- failed_url_error: O URL não parece ser válido. Verifique se ele começa com "https://" e se é um dos sites aceitos.
- file:
- upload_size_warning: Selecione um arquivo com tamanho inferior a 5 MB.
- image:
- invalid_image_warning: Selecione uma imagem (PNG, JPEG, GIF) com tamanho inferior a 5 MB e menos de 4096px de largura ou altura.
- invalid_audio_file_error: Selecione um arquivo de áudio válido
- preparing_upload: Preparando-se para fazer upload...
- title_video_placeholder: Título de seu vídeo
- toggle_content_block: Alternar formulário de bloco de conteúdo
- upload_success_notification: O arquivo foi carregado com sucesso.
- video:
- description_label: Descrição
- invalid_format_warning: Formato de arquivo inválido, selecione um arquivo MP4, MOV, WMV ou AVI.
- select_file_button: Selecione File e Upload
- title_label: Título
- upload_limit_warning: Selecione um arquivo com tamanho inferior a %{maximumVideoSize} .
- uploading: Carregamento
- CurriculumEditor__ContentBlockEditor:
- delete: Excluir
- delete_block_confirm: Tem certeza de que deseja excluir esse bloco?
- deleting: Excluindo...
- editor_content_block: "Editor para bloco de conteúdo "
- embedded_url: URL incorporado
- move_down: Mover para baixo
- move_up: Mover para cima
- save_changes: Salvar alterações
- undo_block_confirm: Tem certeza de que deseja desfazer as alterações feitas nesse bloco?
- undo_changes: Desfazer alterações
- uploading: Atualizando...
- video: Vídeo
- CurriculumEditor__ContentEditor:
- last_updated: Última atualização
- not_versioned: Não versionado
- view_as_student: Ver como aluno
- CurriculumEditor__EmbedBlockResolver:
- error_notification: Ocorreu um erro inesperado, e nossa equipe foi notificada sobre isso. Recarregue a página antes de tentar novamente.
- trying_embed: Tentando incorporar o URL...
- unable_embed: Não foi possível incorporar, tentaremos novamente em 1 minuto...
- video_processed: O vídeo está sendo processado, tente novamente em 1 minuto...
- CurriculumEditor__FileBlockEditor:
- placeholder: Um título para esse arquivo
- title: Título
- CurriculumEditor__ImageBlockEditor:
- resize_panel_button_title:
- auto: Largura automática
- four_fifths: Largura de quatro quintos
- full: Largura total
- three_fifths: Largura de três quintos
- two_fifths: Largura de dois quintos
- CurriculumEditor__LevelEditor:
- actions_error_title: Ops!
- clone_level_button: Nível de cópia
- clone_level_confirm: Tem certeza de que deseja fazer uma cópia desse nível?
- clone_level_error_message: Algo deu errado quando tentamos copiar este nível. Recarregue esta página antes de tentar novamente.
- clone_level_hint: Escolha o curso para copiar esse nível. Essa ação copiará todos os alvos para o curso selecionado.
- clone_level_label: Copiar para
- create_level: Criar novo nível
- create_success: Nível criado com sucesso
- edit_level: Edit Level %{number}
- level_name_invalid: não é um nome válido
- level_name_label: Nível Nome
- level_name_placeholder: Digite o nome do nível aqui
- merge_levels_button: Mesclar e excluir
- merge_levels_confirm: Tem certeza? Essa ação não pode ser desfeita.
- merge_levels_error_message: Algo deu errado quando tentamos mesclar e excluir este nível. Recarregue esta página antes de tentar novamente.
- merge_levels_hint: Escolha outro nível para mesclar esse nível. Essa ação mudará todos os alvos e alunos de nível.
- merge_levels_label: Excluir e mesclar em
- merge_levels_select: Selecione um nível diferente
- optional: " (opcional)"
- success: Sucesso
- tabs:
- actions: Ações
- details: Detalhes
- unlock_on_label: Desbloquear nível em
- update_level: Nível de atualização
- update_success: Nível atualizado com sucesso
- CurriculumEditor__TargetChecklistItemEditor:
- add_choice: Adicionar uma opção
- choices: Opções
- choices_not_unique: As opções devem ser exclusivas
- controls_checklist: Controles para o item da lista de verificação
- copy: Cópia
- delete: Excluir
- describe_question: Digite sua pergunta aqui
- editor_checklist: Editor do item da lista de verificação
- limits_notice: Os alunos podem enviar até 3 arquivos, limitados a 5 MB cada.
- move_down: Mover para baixo
- move_up: Mover para cima
- multi_choice: Permitir várias seleções
- not_unique_question: Não é uma pergunta exclusiva; as perguntas obrigatórias devem ser exclusivas
- not_valid_choice: Não é uma opção válida
- optional: Opcional
- question_cannot_empty: A pergunta não pode estar vazia
- remove_choice: Remover escolha
- CurriculumEditor__TargetDetailsEditor:
- add_another_question: Adicionar outra pergunta
- allow_anonymous:
- anonymous_text: Os alunos terão a opção de compartilhar seus envios de forma anônima
- no_anonymous: Os alunos deverão compartilhar seu nome junto com o envio do trabalho
- subtitle: Selecione se os alunos podem ou não optar por enviar esse exercício de forma anônima.
- title: Configurar o anonimato do envio
- assignment_discussion:
- help: A ativação de discussões exige que os alunos compartilhem seus envios de exercícios com os colegas e permite que eles visualizem e participem de discussões sobre os envios de outros alunos.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#enable-discussion
- label: Você deseja ativar a discussão sobre este trabalho?
- choose_target_group: Escolha um grupo-alvo
- completion_instructions:
- help: Use isso para lembrar o aluno de algo importante. Essas instruções serão exibidas perto de onde os alunos completam a meta.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#setting-the-method-of-completion
- label: Você tem alguma instrução de conclusão para o aluno?
- could_not_find: Não foi possível encontrar o critério de avaliação selecionado com ID
- describe_submission: Descreva seu envio
- empty_questions_warning: No momento, não há perguntas para o aluno enviar. O exercício precisa ter pelo menos uma pergunta.
- enter_valid_link: Insira um link válido
- enter_valid_title: Digite um título válido
- github_action:
- button_text: Configurar ações do Github
- help_description: Você pode configurar o Github Actions para avaliar automaticamente esse destino quando um aluno enviar um envio.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor/#github-actions
- title: Ações do Github
- link_complete: Link para completar
- mark_as_complete: Basta marcar a meta como concluída.
- need_submit: " precisa enviar."
- no_targets_selected: Nenhum alvo selecionado
- one_student_team: Apenas um aluno em uma equipe
- optional_braces: (opcional)
- paste_link_complete: Cole o link para concluir
- prepare_quiz: Prepare o questionário agora.
- prepare_quiz_error: Todas as perguntas devem ser preenchidas, e todas devem ter pelo menos duas respostas.
- prerequisite_targets_label: Essa tarefa tem algum pré-requisito?
- search_criteria_all: Você selecionou todos os critérios de avaliação!
- search_criteria_empty: Nenhum critério selecionado
- search_criteria_placeholder: Critérios de avaliação da pesquisa
- search_targets: Metas de pesquisa
- select_criterion_label: Escolha os critérios de avaliação de sua lista
- select_criterion_warning: Pelo menos um deve ser selecionado
- selected_all_targets: Você selecionou todos os alvos
- submit_form: Envie um formulário para completar a meta.
- submit_individually: Todos os alunos devem enviar individualmente.
- take_quiz: Faça um teste para completar a meta.
- target_checklist:
- form_help: Essas são as perguntas que o aluno deve responder para concluir a meta.
- form_label: Quais são as perguntas que você gostaria que o aluno respondesse?
- form_limit_warning: O número máximo de perguntas permitidas é 25!
- help: Essas são as etapas que o aluno deve concluir para enviar o trabalho em uma meta. Essas informações serão mostradas ao instrutor para revisão.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#defining-steps-to-complete-a-target
- label: Que etapas o aluno deve seguir para concluir essa tarefa?
- target_group: Grupo-alvo
- target_has_assignment: Esse alvo tem uma atribuição?
- target_method_of_completion_label: Como você quer que o aluno conclua a tarefa?
- target_reviewed_by_coach: Um instrutor analisará os envios dessa tarefa?
- target_role:
- help: Os alunos de uma equipe devem enviar o trabalho sobre uma meta individualmente ou em conjunto?
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#setting-the-method-of-completion
- label: Como as equipes devem lidar com essa tarefa?
- target_setting_milestone:
- help: Os alunos concluem os cursos ao completarem todas as tarefas de marco.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#setting-target-as-a-milestone
- label: Essa tarefa é um marco?
- target_title_placeholder: Digite o título do alvo aqui
- target_visibility: Visibilidade do alvo
- title: Título
- update_target: Meta de atualização
- visit_link: Visite um link para concluir a meta.
- CurriculumEditor__TargetDrawer:
- content: Conteúdo
- details: Detalhes
- unexpected_error: Erro inesperado. Por favor, recarregue a página.
- unsaved_confirm: Há alterações não salvas. Tem certeza de que deseja descartá-las?
- versions: Versões
- CurriculumEditor__TargetGroupEditor:
- choose_level: Escolha um nível
- create_group: Criar grupo-alvo
- description: Descrição
- description_placeholder: Tipo descrição do grupo-alvo
- group_archived_q: Esse grupo-alvo está arquivado?
- group_details: Detalhes do grupo-alvo
- target_group_created_notification: Grupo-alvo criado com sucesso
- target_group_updated_notificaion: Grupo-alvo atualizado com sucesso
- title: Título
- title_name_error: não é um título válido
- title_placeholder: Digite o nome do grupo-alvo aqui
- update_group: Atualizar o grupo-alvo
- CurriculumEditor__TargetGroupShow:
- create: Criar
- create_a_target: Criar um alvo
- create_target: Criar alvo
- move_down: Mover para baixo
- move_up: Mover para cima
- CurriculumEditor__TargetQuizAnswer:
- answer_placeholder: Opção de resposta (compatível com markdown)
- correct_answer: Resposta correta
- mark_correct: Marcar como correto
- remove_answer_option: Remover esta opção de resposta
- CurriculumEditor__TargetQuizQuestion:
- add_another_answer: Adicionar outra opção de resposta
- answer_placeholder: Digite a pergunta aqui (compatível com markdown)
- question: Pergunta
- remove_question: Remover pergunta do questionário
- CurriculumEditor__TargetShow:
- assignment_label: Atribuição
- draft: Rascunho
- edit: Editar
- edit_content: Editar conteúdo do alvo
- move_down: Mover para baixo
- move_up: Mover para cima
- of_target: do alvo
- CurriculumEditor__TargetVersionSelector:
- edit: Editar
- preview: Prévia
- restore_version: Restaurar esta versão
- CurriculumEditor__VersionsEditor:
- help: Use o recurso de versões para preservar o estado existente do conteúdo de um destino, para procurar versões armazenadas anteriores e para restaurá-las, se necessário.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#target-content-versions
- restore_version: Restaurar esta versão
- save_version: Salvar esta versão
- select_version: Selecionar versão
- EditorDrawer:
- close_editor: Fechar editor
- EvaluationCriteria__Index:
- add_new_criterion: Adicionar novo critério de avaliação
- EvaluationCriterionEditor__Form:
- add_criterion: Adicionar critério de avaliação
- create_criterion: Criar critério
- grade_labels:
- help: Atribuir rótulos para cada série, a serem refletidos nos cartões de notas para alunos e técnicos
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/evaluation_criteria
- label: Classificação e rótulos
- important: Importante
- important_details: O valor da nota máxima não pode ser modificado depois que um critério é criado. Os rótulos dados a cada nota podem ser editados posteriormente.
- label_grade_placeholder: Etiqueta para nota
- max_grade: A nota máxima é
- name_error: Digite um nome válido
- name_placeholder: Nome do critério de avaliação
- passing_grade: e a nota de aprovação é
- update_criterion: Critério de atualização
- HelpIcon:
- read_more: Leia mais
- Layout__UserControls:
- edit_profile: Editar perfil
- sign_in: Entrar
- sign_out: Sair
- user_controls: Mostrar controles do usuário
- MarkdownEditor:
- attach_file_label: Clique aqui para anexar um arquivo.
- bold_insert: ousado
- control_label_bold: Negrito
- control_label_italic: Itálico
- control_label_strikethrough: Riscado
- emoji_picker: Emoji
- error_maximum_file_size: O tamanho máximo do arquivo é de 5 MB. Selecione outro arquivo.
- error_prefix: Falha ao anexar o arquivo!
- error_unexpected: Ocorreu um erro inesperado! Recarregue a página antes de tentar novamente.
- exit_full_screen_label: Sair da tela inteira
- file_upload_wait: Aguarde o carregamento do arquivo...
- help_aria_label: Precisa de ajuda com Markdown?
- help_label: Precisa de ajuda?
- italic_insert: itálico
- mode_label_fullscreen: Tela cheia
- mode_label_fullscreen_exit: Sair da tela inteira
- mode_label_preview: Prévia
- mode_label_preview_exit: Editar
- mode_label_split: Exibir editor e visualização em modo de exibição dividida
- mode_label_split_exit: Fechar a visualização dividida
- strikethrough_insert: riscado
- Notifications__EntryCard:
- mark_read: Marcar como lido
- Notifications__List:
- button_load_more: Carregar mais notificações...
- empty_notifications: Você não tem nenhuma notificação!
- filter:
- events:
- post_created_text: Postar criado
- topic_created_text: Tópico criado
- input_hint: Pesquisar por nome de título ou tipo de evento
- input_label: Pesquisa
- input_placeholder: Pesquisar por título, evento, lido e não lido
- label:
- event: Evento
- status: Status
- title: Pesquisar por título
- status:
- all: Todos
- new: novo
- read: Ler
- unread: Não lido
- mark_all_as_read_button: Marcar tudo como lido
- notifications: Notificações
- notifications_fully_loaded_text: Mostrando todas as notificações do %{total_notifications}
- notifications_partially_loaded_text: Mostrando %{loaded_notifications_count} de %{total_notifications} notificações
- Notifications__Root:
- close: "Fechar "
- show_notifications: Mostrar notificações
- Pagination:
- fully_loaded_text:
- one: Apenas um %{singular_name} para mostrar
- other: Mostrando todos os %{count} %{plural_name}
- zero: Não há %{plural_name} para mostrar
- partially_loaded_text: Mostrando %{loaded} de %{total} %{plural_name}
- SA_Coaches_CoachEditor:
- active: Ativo
- add_coach: Adicionar novo treinador
- affiliation: Afiliação
- affiliation_placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- archived: Arquivado
- coach_add: Adicionar treinador
- coach_created: Coach criado com sucesso
- coach_email: Endereço de e-mail do treinador
- coach_name: Treinador Nome
- coach_profile_warn: Como o perfil do coach não é público, isso não será exibido em lugar algum
- coach_public_q: O perfil do coach deve ser público?
- coach_status: Status do treinador
- coach_title: Título/Especialidade do treinador
- coach_title_error: Deve ter pelo menos dois caracteres
- coach_update: Atualização do treinador
- coach_updated: Treinador atualizado com sucesso
- coach_visibility: Visibilidade do treinador
- connect_link: Conectar link
- connect_link_error: Este não parece ser um URL válido
- connect_link_placeholder: Link de solicitação de conexão do aluno para o treinador
- email: E-mail
- email_input_error: Digite um endereço de e-mail válido
- exited: Saído
- input_group_error: Deve ter pelo menos dois caracteres
- name: Nome
- replace_avatar: Substituir o avatar
- title: Título
- upload_avatar: Carregar um avatar
- SA_Coaches_SchoolIndex:
- active_coaches: Treinadores ativos
- add_new_coach: Adicionar novo treinador
- avatar_of: "Avatar de "
- coaches: Treinadores
- exited_coaches: Treinadores que saíram
- no_active_coaches: Sua escola não tem treinadores ativos.
- no_coaches: Nenhum técnico encontrado
- no_exited_coaches: Sua escola não tem treinadores que já saíram.
- SA_InactiveStudentsPanel:
- all_students: Todos os alunos
- inactive_students: Alunos inativos
- next: Próximo
- prev: Anterior
- reactivate_students: Reativar alunos
- search_empty: Nenhum aluno inativo corresponde aos seus critérios de pesquisa.
- search_placeholder: Pesquise pelo nome do aluno ou da equipe ou pelo e-mail do aluno...
- team: Equipe
- SchoolAdmin__EditorDrawer:
- close_editor: Fechar editor
- SchoolAdmins__Editor:
- add_new_admin: Adicionar novo administrador de escola
- remove_confirm_post: da lista de administradores?
- remove_confirm_pre: Você tem certeza de que deseja remover
- SchoolAdmins__Form:
- add_new_admin: Adicionar novo administrador de escola
- admin_created_notification: School Admin criado com sucesso.
- admin_updated_notification: O School Admin foi atualizado com sucesso.
- create_admin: Criar administrador da escola
- email_error: Digite um e-mail válido
- email_placeholder: Adicionar e-mail aqui
- name_placeholder: Adicionar nome aqui
- update_admin: Atualizar o administrador da escola
- SchoolCommunities__CategoryEditor:
- add_new_category: Adicionar nova categoria
- delete_category: Excluir categoria
- editor_category_alt: "Editor para a categoria "
- save_category: Salvar categoria
- topics:
- one: 1 tópico
- other: "%{count} tópicos"
- topics_delete_confirm: Há tópicos atribuídos a esta categoria! Tem certeza de que deseja excluir esta categoria?
- update_category: Categoria de atualização
- SchoolCommunities__CategoryManager:
- categories_in: Categorias em
- SchoolCommunities__Editor:
- add_categories: Adicionar categorias
- allowed_targets_q: Os alunos devem ter permissão para discutir metas nessa comunidade?
- can_add_topic: Você pode adicionar categorias de tópicos depois de criar essa comunidade!
- community_editor: Editor da comunidade
- community_editor_error: não é um nome válido
- community_editor_label: Como você deseja chamar essa comunidade?
- community_editor_placeholder: Essa comunidade precisa de um nome!
- community_updated_notification: Comunidade atualizada com sucesso.
- create_community: Criar comunidade
- edit_categories: Editar categorias
- give_access: "Dar acesso a alunos de:"
- no_topic: No momento, não há categorias de tópicos nesta comunidade!
- note: " Os instrutores de sua escola têm acesso a todas as comunidades."
- notification_answer_cant_blank: A resposta não pode estar em branco
- notification_reload_post: Recarregue a página antes de tentar postar novamente.
- search_course: Pesquisar um curso
- search_course_all: Você selecionou todos os cursos disponíveis
- search_course_empty: Nenhum curso selecionado
- topic_categories: Categorias de tópicos
- update_community: Atualizar a comunidade
- SchoolCommunities__Index:
- add_new_community: Adicionar nova comunidade
- close_category_editor: Fechar o Category Editor
- close_community_editor: Fechar editor da comunidade
- unsaved_window_confirm: Há alterações não salvas! Tem certeza de que deseja fechar?
- SchoolCustomize__AgreementsEditor:
- agreement_body: Corpo do acordo
- agreement_placeholder: Deixe o corpo do contrato vazio para ocultar o link do rodapé.
- manage: Gerenciar
- privacy_policy: Política de privacidade
- terms_and_conditions: Termos e condições
- update: "Atualização "
- updated_notification: foi atualizado.
- updating: Atualizando...
- SchoolCustomize__ContactsEditor:
- address_placeholder: Deixe o endereço vazio para ocultar a seção do rodapé.
- contact_address: Endereço para contato
- contact_updated_notification: Os detalhes de contato foram atualizados.
- email_address: Endereço de e-mail
- email_address_error: não é um endereço de e-mail válido
- email_address_placeholder: Deixe o endereço de e-mail vazio para ocultar o link do rodapé.
- manage_contact: Gerenciar detalhes de contato
- partial_success_notification: Sucesso parcial!
- update_address_notification: Só foi possível atualizar o endereço.
- update_contact: Atualizar detalhes de contato
- update_email_notification: Só foi possível atualizar o endereço de e-mail.
- SchoolCustomize__DetailsEditor:
- about_label: Sobre
- details_placeholder: Adicione mais detalhes sobre a escola.
- max_characters: (Máximo de 500 caracteres)
- school_name: Escola Nome
- school_name_error: o nome deve ter mais de 2 caracteres
- school_name_placeholder: Digite o nome da escola aqui
- update_details: Atualizar detalhes
- SchoolCustomize__ImageFileInput:
- choose_customize: Escolha um arquivo de imagem para personalizar
- image_error_message: deve ser um JPEG / PNG com menos de 2 MB de tamanho
- pick_replace_pre: Escolha um arquivo para substituir
- you_selected_post: para substituir a imagem atual.
- you_selected_pre: O usuário selecionou
- SchoolCustomize__ImagesEditor:
- cover_image: Imagem da capa
- icon_dark_label: Ícone em um fundo escuro
- icon_light_label: Ícone em um fundo claro
- logo_dark_label: Logotipo em um fundo escuro
- logo_light_label: Logotipo em um fundo claro
- manage_images: Gerenciar imagens
- update_images: Atualizar imagens
- updated_notification: As imagens foram atualizadas com sucesso.
- SchoolCustomize__LinkComponent:
- cancel_editing: Cancelar edição
- invalid_title: Digite um título não vazio com no máximo 24 caracteres.
- invalid_url: Digite um URL válido
- move_down: Mover para baixo
- move_up: Mover para cima
- SchoolCustomize__LinkEditor:
- add_new_link: Adicionar um novo link
- adding_new_link: Adicionando novo link...
- done_notification_body: um link personalizado foi adicionado.
- error_body: Parece que o URL que você inseriu não é válido. Por favor, verifique e tente novamente.
- error_head: URL inválido
- footer_link_title: Exibir e editar links de rodapé
- footer_sitemap: Mapa do site no rodapé
- full_url: URL completo
- full_url_error: Digite um URL válido
- full_url_placeholder: URL completo, começando com https://
- header: Cabeçalho
- header_links: Links do cabeçalho atual
- invalid_title: Digite um título não vazio com no máximo 24 caracteres.
- location_link: Localização do link
- manage_links: Gerenciar links personalizados
- no_custom_links: Não há links personalizados aqui. Quer adicionar algum?
- show_header_title: Exibir e editar links de cabeçalho
- sitemap_links: Links do mapa do site atual
- social: Social
- social_links: Links atuais de mídia social
- social_links_title: Exibir e editar links de mídia social
- title: Título
- title_placeholder: Um título curto para um novo link
- SchoolCustomize__MoreLinks:
- more: Mais
- show_more_links: Mostrar mais links
- SchoolCustomize__Root:
- add_address_q: Adicionar um endereço?
- add_contact_email_q: Adicionar um e-mail de contato?
- add_more_details: Adicione mais detalhes sobre a escola.
- change_cover: Mudar a cobertura
- contact: Contato
- customize_link_footer: Você pode personalizar os links no rodapé.
- customize_link_header: Você pode personalizar os links no cabeçalho.
- edit_code_of_conduct: Editar Código de Conduta
- edit_contact_details: Editar detalhes de contato
- edit_footer_links: Editar links de rodapé
- edit_header_links: Editar links de cabeçalho
- edit_icon: Editar ícone
- edit_logo_dark: Editar logotipo (em fundos escuros)
- edit_logo_light: Editar logotipo (em fundos claros)
- edit_privacy: Editar política de privacidade
- edit_school_details: Editar detalhes da escola
- edit_social_links: Editar links de mídia social
- edit_terms: Editar Termos e Condições
- featured_courses: Cursos em destaque
- hello_welcome: Olá, bem-vindo ao
- homepage: Página inicial
- icon: Ícone
- privacy_policy: Política de privacidade
- reach_us_at: Entre em contato conosco em
- sitemap: Mapa do site
- social: Social
- social_links_q: Adicionar links de mídia social?
- terms_and_conditions: Termos e condições
- SchoolRouter__CoursesDropdown:
- select_course: Selecionar curso
- SchoolRouter__Page:
- nav:
- course:
- applicants: Candidatos
- assignments: Atribuições
- authors: Autores
- calendar: Calendários
- certificates: Certificados
- coaches: Treinadores
- cohorts: Coortes
- curriculum: Currículo
- evaluation_criteria: Critérios de avaliação
- exports: Exportações
- students: Estudantes
- teams: Equipes
- main:
- coaches: Treinadores
- communities: Comunidades
- courses: Cursos
- overview: Visão geral
- settings: Configurações
- settings:
- admins: Administradores
- customization: Personalização
- standing: Em pé
- School__SearchableTagList:
- add_new_tag: Adicionar nova tag
- pick_tag: Escolher etiqueta
- remove_tag: Remover etiqueta
- search_for_add: Pesquisar ou adicionar novas tags
- select_tags: Selecionar tags
- School__SelectBox:
- no_items_select: Não há itens a serem selecionados.
- none_selected: Nenhum selecionado
- remove: Remover
- select: Selecione
- select_from_list: Selecione na lista a seguir.
- type_search: Digite para pesquisar
- Sorter:
- order_by: Encomendar por
- toggle_sort: Alternar ordem de classificação
- StudentActions__Root:
- active_label: Ativo
- certificates_label: Certificados de cursos
- details_certificate: Detalhes do certificado emitido
- dropout_student:
- button: Aluno desistente
- help: A marcação de um aluno como desistente removerá todo o seu acesso ao curso.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/students#student-actions
- label: Esse aluno abandonou o curso?
- edit: Editar
- empty_course_certificates_text: Este curso não tem nenhum certificado a ser emitido.
- empty_issued_certificates_text: Esse aluno não recebeu nenhum certificado.
- issue_certificate_button: Emitir certificado
- issued_by_label: "Emitido por:"
- issued_certificates_label: "Certificados emitidos:"
- issued_date_label: "Emitido em:"
- manage_certificates: Gerenciar certificados de alunos
- new_certificate_label: "Emitir novo certificado:"
- page_description: Ações para o aluno
- pages:
- actions: Ações
- details: Detalhes
- standing: Em pé
- re_activate_student:
- button: Reativar aluno
- revoke_certificate_button: Revogação de certificado
- revoke_certificate_confirmation: Tem certeza? Essa ação não pode ser desfeita.
- revoked_by_label: "Revogado por:"
- revoked_date_label: "Revogado em:"
- revoked_status_label: Revogado
- select_certificate_input_label: Selecione um certificado para emitir
- StudentBulkImport__Root:
- csv_data_errors:
- invalid_affiliation: A afiliação deve ter menos de 250 caracteres
- invalid_characters: "%{column_name} A coluna contém um ou mais caracteres inválidos"
- invalid_email: O e-mail deve ser válido, não repetido e não pode estar em branco
- invalid_name: A coluna Nome não pode estar em branco e deve ter até 250 caracteres
- invalid_tags: Máximo de 5 tags permitidas por aluno com um limite de 50 caracteres cada
- invalid_team_name: O nome da equipe deve ter menos de 50 caracteres
- invalid_title: O título deve ter menos de 250 caracteres
- csv_file_errors:
- empty: O CSV selecionado não tem linhas válidas
- exceeded_entries: O arquivo CSV tem mais de 1.000 entradas.
- invalid: Selecione um arquivo CSV válido com tamanho inferior a 5 MB
- invalid_data: O arquivo CSV tem dados inválidos em algumas células. Corrija os erros listados abaixo e tente novamente.
- invalid_template: O arquivo CSV selecionado não tem um modelo válido; verifique o arquivo de amostra quanto ao formato necessário.
- csv_file_input:
- help: Esse arquivo será usado para importar alunos em massa. Verifique o arquivo de amostra para ver o formato necessário.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/students#importing-students-in-bulk
- label: Arquivo de importação CSV
- placeholder: Selecione o arquivo CSV a ser importado
- csv_parse_error: "Não foi possível analisar o arquivo selecionado como CSV: %{message}"
- drawer_heading: Importação em massa de alunos
- error_summary_title: "Aqui está um resumo dos erros na planilha: "
- example_csv_link:
- text: Faça o download de um arquivo .csv de exemplo
- url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/files/student_import_sample.csv
- import_button_text: Importar alunos
- more_errors_text: "Há ainda mais erros. Corrija os erros nas linhas a seguir e faça o upload novamente: "
- notify_students_label: Notifique os alunos e envie a eles um link para se conectarem a esta escola.
- page_description: Carregue o arquivo CSV que contém os alunos que você deseja adicionar ao curso.
- page_title: Importar alunos
- pages:
- csv_import: Importação de arquivo CSV
- manual: Manual
- pick_a_cohort: Escolha uma coorte
- select_a_cohort: Selecione um grupo
- success_notification: Importação iniciada com sucesso! Você será notificado por e-mail após a conclusão.
- valid_data_message: Dados validados com sucesso!
- valid_data_summary_text: "Aqui está um resumo dos dados dos alunos na planilha carregada: "
- StudentCourse__Header:
- calendar: Calendário
- curriculum: Currículo
- leaderboard: Tabela de classificação
- report: Relatório
- review: Revisão
- students: Estudantes
- unknown: Desconhecido
- StudentCreator__CreateForm:
- added_full_description: Todos os alunos foram criados com sucesso.
- added_none_description: Todos os alunos que você tentou adicionar já faziam parte desse curso.
- added_none_title: Nada mudou
- added_partial_description: "%{students_added} de %{students_requested} alunos foram adicionados. Os demais alunos já fazem parte do curso."
- added_partial_title: Parcialmente adicionado
- drawer_heading: Adicionar novos alunos
- notify_students_label: Notifique os alunos e envie a eles um link para se conectarem a esta escola.
- pick_a_cohort: Escolha uma coorte
- reload_add_students: Nossa equipe foi notificada sobre essa falha. Recarregue esta página antes de tentar adicionar alunos novamente.
- save_list_button: Salvar lista
- select_a_cohort: Selecione um grupo
- select_cohort: Selecione a coorte
- student_list: Lista de alunos
- team_header_add_more_members: Adicione mais membros à equipe!
- team_header_label: EQUIPE %{team_name}
- teams_to_add_empty: Esta lista está vazia! Adicione alguns alunos usando o formulário acima.
- teams_to_add_label: "Esses novos alunos serão adicionados ao curso:"
- StudentCreator__Root:
- page_description: Você pode adicionar vários alunos a uma lista e adicioná-los ao curso
- page_title: Adicionar novos alunos
- pages:
- csv_import: Importação de arquivo CSV
- manual: Manual
- StudentCreator__StudentInfoForm:
- add_to_list: Adicionar à lista
- affiliation:
- label: Afiliação
- placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- email:
- error:
- invalid: e-mail inválido
- not_unique: endereço de e-mail não exclusivo do aluno
- label: E-mail
- placeholder: E-mail do aluno aqui
- name:
- label: Nome
- message: não é válido
- placeholder: Nome do aluno aqui
- tags:
- label: Tags
- team:
- help: Os alunos com o mesmo nome de equipe serão agrupados; isso não afetará as equipes existentes no curso.
- label: Equipe Nome
- placeholder: Vingadores, Quarteto Fantástico, etc.
- title:
- label: Título
- placeholder: Estudante, treinador, CEO, etc.
- StudentDetails__Root:
- affiliation: Afiliação
- affiliation_placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- edit: Editar
- name: Nome
- pages:
- actions: Ações
- details: Detalhes
- standing: Em pé
- personal_coaches: Coaches pessoais
- pick_a_cohort: Escolha uma coorte
- search_coaches_all: Você selecionou todos os treinadores disponíveis!
- search_coaches_empty: Nenhum técnico selecionado
- search_coaches_placeholder: Pesquisar treinadores
- select_a_cohort: Selecione um grupo
- student_name_placeholder: Nome do aluno aqui
- student_updated: Aluno atualizado com sucesso
- student_updated_moved: O aluno foi atualizado e movido para a lista de alunos inativos
- tags_applied: Tags aplicadas
- tags_applied_team: Tags aplicadas à equipe
- tags_applied_user: Tags aplicadas ao usuário
- team_coaches: Técnicos de equipe
- team_name: Equipe Nome
- team_name_error: A Equipe Nome deve ter pelo menos dois personagens
- team_name_placeholder: Nome da equipe aqui
- team_updated_moved: A equipe foi atualizada e movida para a lista de alunos inativos
- title: Título
- title_error: O título deve ter pelo menos dois caracteres
- title_placeholder: Estudante, treinador, CEO, etc.
- update_student: Atualizar o aluno
- StudentStanding__Root:
- add_entry_button: Adicionar entrada
- change_standing: Adicionar uma entrada ao registro
- change_standing_info: Ao adicionar uma entrada, você também pode alterar a posição do aluno.
- confirm_delete: Tem certeza de que deseja excluir essa entrada de registro permanente?
- contact_admin: Entre em contato com o administrador da escola.
- delete_standing_log: Excluir registro permanente
- empty_standing_info: Todas as entradas adicionadas usando o formulário abaixo serão exibidas aqui e ficarão visíveis para os alunos e administradores da organização.
- pages:
- actions: Ações
- details: Detalhes
- standing: Em pé
- reason_heading: Razão para esta entrada
- reason_placeholder: Esse motivo ficará visível para o aluno e para os administradores da organização.
- school_standing_disabled: O School Standing está desativado.
- select_standing: Selecionar posição
- standing_description_missing: A posição selecionada não tem descrição.
- StudentTopNav:
- edit_profile: Editar perfil
- sign_in: Entrar
- sign_out: Sair
- StudentTopNav__DropDown:
- more: Mais
- show_links: Mostrar mais links
- StudentTopNav__UserControls:
- edit_profile: Editar perfil
- sign_in: Entrar
- sign_out: Sair
- user_controls: Mostrar controles do usuário
- StudentsEditor__Root:
- button_add_new_students: Adicionar novos alunos
- button_all_students: Todos os alunos
- button_bulk_import: Importação em massa
- button_inactive_students: Alunos inativos
- group_as_team: Grupo como equipe
- move_out_team: Sair da equipe
- sort_criterion_label: "Ordenar por:"
- sort_criterion_last_created: Última criação
- sort_criterion_last_updated: Última atualização
- sort_criterion_name: Nome
- teams_updated_success: Equipes atualizadas com sucesso
- StudentsEditor__Search:
- filter_input_label: "Filtrar por:"
- filter_input_placeholder: Digite o nome, a tag ou o nível
- StudentsEditor__StudentInfoForm:
- add_list: Adicionar à lista
- affiliation: Afiliação
- affiliation_placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- email: E-mail
- email_not_unique: endereço de e-mail não exclusivo do aluno
- email_placeholder: E-mail do aluno aqui
- invalid_email: e-mail inválido
- name: Nome
- name_placeholder: Nome do aluno aqui
- tags: Tags
- team_name: Equipe Nome
- team_name_help: Os alunos com o mesmo nome de equipe serão agrupados; isso não afetará as equipes existentes no curso.
- team_name_placeholder: Vingadores, Quarteto Fantástico, etc.
- title: Título
- title_placeholder: Estudante, treinador, CEO, etc.
- StudentsEditor__TeamsList:
- check_spelling: Certifique-se de que a ortografia esteja correta.
- clear_filter: Limpar filtro
- empty_message: Não há estudantes aqui.
- level: Nível
- load_more: "Carregar mais "
- no_results_found: Desculpe, nenhum resultado foi encontrado.
- students_fully_loaded_text:
- one: Há apenas um aluno.
- other: Mostrando todos os alunos do %{count}
- students_partially_loaded_text: Mostrando %{loaded_students_count} de %{total_students} alunos
- team: Equipe
- try_removing_filter: Tente remover as opções de filtro de pesquisa.
- StudentsEditor__UpdateForm:
- actions: Ações
- details: Detalhes
- StudentsIndex__Root:
- add_new_students: Adicionar novos alunos
- cohort: Coorte
- edit_details: Editar os detalhes de %{name}
- filter:
- search_by_email: Pesquisar por e-mail
- search_by_name: Pesquisar por Nome
- user_tag: Etiqueta de usuário
- level: Nível
- load_more: Carregar mais
- pagination:
- empty_message: Nenhum aluno encontrado
- sorter:
- first_created: Primeira criação
- first_updated: Primeira atualização
- last_created: Última criação
- last_updated: Última atualização
- name: Nome
- student: estudante
- students: estudantes
- title: Estudantes
- SubmissionChecklistItemShow:
- correct: Correto
- incorrect: Incorreto
- mark_correct: Marcar como correto
- mark_incorrect: Marcar como incorreto
- SubmissionChecklistShow:
- target_marked_as_complete: A meta foi marcada como concluída.
- TargetChecklistItem:
- action_string_attach_link: Anexar um link
- action_string_choose_from_list: Escolha em uma lista
- action_string_record_audio: Gravar áudio
- action_string_upload_files: Carregar arquivos
- action_string_write_long_text: Escrever textos longos
- action_string_write_short_text: Escrever um texto curto
- TeamsActions__Root:
- delete: Excluir
- delete_team: Excluir equipe
- delete_team_info: Delete removerá todos os alunos da equipe e excluirá a equipe
- edit: Editar
- pages:
- actions: Ações
- links: Detalhes
- team_actions: Ações da equipe
- TeamsCreator__Root:
- title: Criar nova equipe
- TeamsDetails__Root:
- edit: Editar
- page_description: Editar detalhes da equipe
- pages:
- actions: Ações
- details: Detalhes
- TeamsIndex__Root:
- create_team: Criar equipe
- edit: Editar
- filter:
- search_by_team_name: Pesquisar por equipe Nome
- load_more: Carregar mais
- page_title: Equipes
- pagination:
- empty_message: Nenhuma equipe encontrada
- sorter:
- first_created: Primeira criação
- last_created: Última criação
- name: Nome
- team: equipe
- teams: equipes
- TopicsShow__LikeManager:
- like: Curtida
- like_button_tooltip: Curtir esta publicação
- post: postagem
- unlike: Diferente de
- TopicsShow__PostEditor:
- cancel: Cancelar
- cant_blank: A resposta não pode estar em branco
- empty: Vazio
- post_reply: Publique sua resposta
- reason_edit: Motivo para esta edição (opcional)
- reply_to: Responder a
- type_reply: Digite sua resposta. Você pode usar Markdown para formatar sua resposta.
- update_post: Atualizar postagem
- update_reply: Atualizar resposta
- your_reply: Sua resposta
- TopicsShow__PostReply:
- jump_reply: Pular para responder
- navigate_post: Navegar até a postagem
- TopicsShow__PostShow:
- add_reply_post: "Adicionar resposta à postagem "
- add_reply_topic: Adicionar resposta ao tópico
- delete_post_confirm_dialog: Tem certeza de que deseja excluir a postagem? Isso não pode ser desfeito.
- delete_reply_string: Excluir resposta
- delete_topic_confirm_dialog: Tem certeza de que deseja excluir o tópico? Isso não pode ser desfeito.
- delete_topic_string: Excluir tópico
- deleted_user_name: Usuário excluído
- edit_post_string: Editar postagem
- edit_reply_string: Editar Resposta
- go_to_solution_button: Ir para a solução
- history_button_text: Histórico
- last_edited_by_label: "Última edição por "
- mark_as_solution_label: Marcar como solução
- mark_solution: Marcar como solução
- mark_solution_confirm: Tem certeza de que deseja marcar esta postagem como solução?
- marked_solution_icon: Marcado como ícone de solução
- new_reply_button: Responder
- options_post: Opções para postagem
- replies_post: Respostas à postagem
- show_replies: Mostrar respostas da postagem
- show_replies_button:
- one: 1 Resposta
- other: "%{count} Respostas"
- solution: Solução
- solution_icon_label: Solução
- unmark_solution: Desmarcar como solução
- unmark_solution_confirm: Tem certeza de que deseja desmarcar esta postagem como solução?
- TopicsShow__Root:
- edit_topic_button: Editar tópico
- linked_target_label: "Alvo vinculado: "
- lock_topic_button: Bloquear tópico
- lock_topic_confirm: Tem certeza de que deseja trancar este tópico?
- locked_topic_notice: Este tópico foi bloqueado; nenhuma nova resposta pode ser postada.
- select_category: Selecione a categoria
- select_no_category: Não selecione nenhuma categoria
- selected_category: Categoria selecionada
- topic_category_label: "Categoria do tópico: "
- topic_details: Detalhes do tópico
- topic_editor_cancel_button: Cancelar
- topic_title: Título do tópico
- unlock_topic_button: Desbloquear tópico
- unlock_topic_confirm: Tem certeza de que deseja desbloquear este tópico?
- update_topic_button: Tópico de atualização
- view_target_button: Exibir alvo
- TopicsShow__SubscriptionManager:
- subscribe: Assine
- unsubscribe: Cancelar inscrição
- UserEdit:
- about: Sobre
- about_placeholder: Uma breve introdução sobre você
- account: Conta
- account_delete_q: Tem certeza de que deseja excluir sua conta? Isso iniciará o processo de remoção permanente de seus dados de nossos servidores.
- already_iniated_deletion_warning: Você já iniciou a exclusão da conta. Verifique sua caixa de entrada para saber as etapas adicionais para excluir sua conta.
- appearance_description: Selecione seu estilo preferido.
- appearance_title: Aparência
- avatar_uploaded_notification: O avatar foi carregado com sucesso.
- cancel: Cancelar
- change_account_email: Alterar o e-mail da conta
- change_password: Alterar sua senha atual
- change_photo: Alterar foto
- community_digest: Resumo da comunidade
- community_digest_emails: Os e-mails de resumo da comunidade contêm novas perguntas de suas comunidades e uma seleção de perguntas não respondidas da semana passada.
- confirm_dialog_aria: Caixa de diálogo de confirmação para exclusão de conta
- confirm_email: Confirme seu e-mail
- confirm_password: Confirmar senha
- confirm_password_error: A nova senha e a confirmação devem corresponder e ter pelo menos 8 caracteres
- confirm_password_placeholder: Confirmar a nova senha
- confirm_using_password: Confirme usando sua senha
- current_password: Senha atual
- current_password_placeholder: Digite a senha atual
- dark: Escuro
- delete_account: Excluir conta
- delete_your_account: Excluir sua conta
- deleting_account_warning: A exclusão de sua conta de usuário remove todos os seus dados desta escola. As respostas às publicações nas comunidades e o feedback aos alunos (se o usuário tiver um perfil de treinador) não serão excluídos. Os direitos de administrador precisam ser revogados se você for um administrador nesta escola.
- disable_email_radio: Desativar
- displayed_publicly: Essas informações serão exibidas publicamente, portanto, tenha cuidado com o que você compartilha.
- edit_profile: Editar seu perfil
- email_change_q: Tem certeza de que deseja alterar seu e-mail?
- email_label: E-mail
- email_placeholder: Digite seu e-mail
- email_sent_notification: Verifique seu novo e-mail. Enviamos instruções para atualizar seu endereço de e-mail.
- forgot_password: Esqueceu sua senha?
- incorrect_email_for_deletion: E-mail incorreto
- initiate_deletion: Iniciar a exclusão
- language: Idioma
- light: Luz
- localization: Localização
- manage_account: Gerencie sua conta nesta escola
- name_error: Nome não pode estar em branco
- name_error_length: O nome deve ter pelo menos 2 caracteres
- name_placeholder: Digite seu nome
- new_password: Nova senha
- new_password_placeholder: Digite a nova senha
- notifications: Notificações
- password_placeholder: Digite a senha atual
- photo: Foto
- preferred_name_placeholder: Digite seu nome preferido
- reset_password_button_text: Redefinir senha
- reset_password_subtext: Caso tenha esquecido sua senha, você pode redefini-la usando o botão abaixo.
- save_changes: Salvar alterações
- security: Segurança
- select_image_limit: Selecione uma imagem com tamanho inferior a 5 MB
- select_language: Selecione o idioma que você prefere que a interface do usuário exiba.
- send_email_radio: Envie-me um e-mail diário
- set_password: Definir senha para sua conta
- set_password_button_text: Definir senha
- set_password_subtext: Você não definiu uma senha para sua conta.
- set_up_password: Configurar senha
- system: Sistema
- theme_title: Tema da interface do usuário
- update_credentials: Atualize suas credenciais de login para a escola.
- update_email: Atualizar e-mail
- update_email_disabled_notice: Você deve definir uma senha antes de poder editar o endereço de e-mail da sua conta.
- update_email_notifications: Atualizar as configurações de notificações por e-mail.
- update_locale: Atualize as configurações relacionadas à sua localidade.
- upload_failed: Falha no upload
- you_admin_warning: No momento, você é um administrador desta escola. Exclua seu acesso de administrador para permitir a exclusão da conta.
- UserSessionResetPassword:
- confirm_password: Confirmar senha
- confirm_password_placeholder: Digite novamente sua senha
- confirm_your_password: Confirme sua senha
- enter_new_password: Digite a nova senha
- new_password: Nova senha
- new_password_placeholder: Digite uma senha forte
- password_short: A senha é muito curta
- passwords_not_match: As senhas não correspondem
- set_new_password: Definir nova senha
- update_password: Atualizar senha
- updating_password: Atualizando a senha...
- UsersDashboard__Root:
- certificates: Certificados
- communities: Comunidades
- course_locked_message: Seu perfil de aluno para este curso está bloqueado e não pode ser atualizado.
- cta:
- access_ended: Visualização/Acesso limitado
- course_ended: Curso encerrado
- dropped_out: Desistente
- edit_curriculum: Editar currículo
- leaderboard: Tabela de classificação
- my_cohorts: Meus coortes
- review_submissions: Revisão de envios
- view_certificate: Exibir certificado
- view_course: Ver Curso
- view_curriculum: Exibir currículo
- visit_community: Visite a comunidade
- edit_curricullum: Editar currículo
- edit_profile: Editar perfil
- empty_courses: Você não tem nenhum curso ativo no momento.
- issued_on: "Emitido em:"
- my_courses: Meus cursos
- view_standing: Ver de pé
- UsersDeleteAccount:
- cancel: Cancelar
- click_button_below: Clique no botão abaixo para excluir permanentemente sua conta nesta escola
- delete_account: Excluir conta
- deletion_progresss: A exclusão da conta está em andamento.
- head: Lamentamos sua partida.
- please_wait: Por favor, aguarde...
- queuing_deletion: Estamos colocando sua conta na fila para exclusão.
- signed_out_notified: Agora você estará desconectado e será notificado por e-mail quando a exclusão for concluída.
- VerifyCertificate__Root:
- cancel: Cancelar e retornar
- description: Este certificado foi emitido para %{name} em %{issue_date} para o curso %{course_name}.
- heading: Parabéns! %{name}!
Você mereceu.
- originally_issued_to: O nome do aluno foi atualizado após a emissão do certificado. Este certificado foi originalmente emitido para %{name}.
- print_or_save: Imprimir ou salvar como PDF
- serial_number: Nº de série %{serial}
- WebPushSubscriptionManager:
- notification_rejected: Permissão rejeitada
- notification_rejected_message: Se mudar de ideia, clique no ícone de cadeado para dar permissão ao navegador para enviar notificações da área de trabalho.
- subscribe: Assine
- subscribed_on_another_device: Inscreva-se neste dispositivo
- unsubscribe: Cancelar inscrição
- Zxcvbn:
- fair: Justo
- medium: Médio
- strong: Forte
- weak: Fraco
- courses:
- apply:
- apply_button: Aplicar
- email_label: E-mail
- email_placeholder: john@example.com
- enroll: Inscrever-se em
- heading: Inscreva-se no curso %{course_name}
- name_label: Nome
- name_placeholder: John Doe
- privacy_policy: Política de privacidade
- terms_and_conditions: Termos e condições
- calendar:
- events: Eventos
- no_events_text: Nenhum evento programado para a data selecionada
- today: Hoje
- upcoming_events: Próximos eventos em %{month}
- cohorts:
- cohorts_subheading: "%{status} Coortes"
- end_date: "Data final:"
- nothing_to_show: Não há %{status} cohorts para mostrar.
- pagination_notice: Agora mostrando %{page_start}-%{page_end} de um total de %{count} %{status} coortes.
- students_enrolled_prefix_html:
- one: 1 aluno matriculado
- other: %{count} alunos matriculados
- students_enrolled_suffix_html:
- one: em 1 %{status} coorte
- other: em %{count} %{status} coortes
- leaderboard:
- active_students: Alunos ativos
- change: Mudança
- inactive_students: Alunos inativos
- level: Nível
- new_new: Novo
- no_entries: A tabela de classificação não tem nenhuma entrada para esse período.
- note_html: Essa tabela de classificação mostra os alunos que melhoraram mais em comparação com a tabela de classificação anterior.
- page_title: Inscreva-se em %{course_name}
- rank: Classificação
- score: Pontuação
- student: Estudante
- process_application:
- errors: "Ocorreram erros em seu envio: %{form_errors}"
- sent_mail: Enviamos a você um e-mail de verificação. Ele deve chegar até você em menos de um minuto. Clique no link do e-mail para se registrar e começar.
- show:
- apply_button: Aplicar
- apply_now: Inscreva-se agora
- continue_course: Continuar o curso
- enroll: Inscrever-se em
- preview_course: Curso de pré-visualização
- errors:
- internal_server_error:
- details: Nosso servidor parece ter encontrado um obstáculo ao tentar processar sua solicitação. Nós rastreamos esses erros automaticamente, mas se o problema persistir, entre em contato conosco. Enquanto isso, tente recarregar a página.
- title: Erro do servidor
- went_wrong: Lamentamos, mas algo deu errado.
- messages:
- content_type_invalid: tem um tipo de conteúdo inválido
- limit_out_of_range: o número total está fora do intervalo
- not_acceptable:
- details: Parece que seu navegador solicitou uma resposta em um formato que nosso servidor não pode atender. Nós rastreamos esses erros automaticamente, mas se o problema persistir, entre em contato conosco. Enquanto isso, tente recarregar a página.
- invalid_format: Seu navegador solicitou um formato inválido.
- title: Solicitação inválida
- not_found:
- mistyped_moved: Você pode ter digitado o endereço incorretamente ou a página pode ter sido movida.
- not_exist: A página que você estava procurando não existe!
- title: Não encontrado
- try_homepage: Tente voltar à nossa página inicial.
- service_unavailable:
- title: Tempo esgotado
- too_long: Esta página demorou muito para carregar.
- try_reloading: Você poderia tentar recarregar esta página?
- something_went_wrong: Algo deu errado!
- unprocessable_entity:
- invalid_request: Seu navegador fez uma solicitação inválida.
- title: Solicitação inválida
- wasnt_valid: Alguma coisa na solicitação que seu navegador enviou não era válida. Nós rastreamos esses erros automaticamente, mas se o problema persistir, entre em contato conosco. Enquanto isso, tente recarregar a página.
- vimeo:
- "2230": O tipo de upload é inválido.
- "4003": Há um problema ao iniciar o upload.
- "4101": Seu espaço máximo em disco foi atingido.
- "4102": Sua cota semanal alocada foi atingida.
- "4104": Sua cota diária alocada foi atingida.
- faculty:
- index:
- coaches_at: Técnicos em
- title: Treinadores
- help:
- show:
- title: Ajuda
- helpers:
- page_entries_info:
- entry:
- one: entrada
- other: entradas
- zero: entradas
- more_pages:
- display_entries: Exibindo %{entry_name} %{first} - %{last} de %{total} no total
- one_page:
- display_entries:
- one: Exibindo 1 %{entry_name}
- other: Exibindo todos os %{count} %{entry_name}
- zero: Nenhum %{entry_name} encontrado
- home:
- agreement:
- privacy_policy: Política de privacidade
- terms_and_conditions: Termos e condições
- index:
- access_ended: Revisar o conteúdo do curso
- active: Continuar o curso
- dropped_out: Desistente
- featured_courses_heading: Cursos em destaque
- get_started: Comece a usar
- learn_more: Saiba mais
- welcome_prefix: Olá, bem-vindo ao
- offline:
- heading: Você está off-line!
- message_html: Parece que há um problema com sua conexão.
Verifique o status da sua rede.
- title: Você está off-line
- issued_certificates:
- verify:
- title: Certificado
- jobs:
- courses:
- clone_course:
- new_name: "%{name} - cópia"
- notifications:
- create:
- message:
- post_created: "%{user_name} respondeu a um tópico do qual você faz parte na comunidade %{community_name}"
- topic_created: "%{user_name} criou um novo tópico em %{community_name} community"
- layouts:
- course_nav:
- calendar: Calendário
- cohorts: Coortes
- curriculum: Currículo
- leaderboard: Tabela de classificação
- report: Relatório
- review: Revisão
- footer_bottom:
- privacy_policy: Política de privacidade
- terms_conditions: Termos e condições
- student_footer:
- contact: Contato
- reach_us: Entre em contato conosco em
- sitemap: Mapa do site
- social: Social
- support: Suporte de contato
- mailers:
- applicant:
- enrollment_verification:
- body_html: Para ativar sua conta %{school_name} e se inscrever no curso %{course_name} , verifique seu endereço de e-mail. Ao clicar em %{link_to} , seu endereço de e-mail será verificado e você confirmará que deseja criar uma conta em %{school_name}.
- body_processing_url_html: Recebemos sua inscrição para o curso %{course_name} em %{school_name}.
Verifique seu endereço de e-mail clicando em %{link_to}. Depois que seu endereço de e-mail for verificado, você verá as próximas etapas necessárias para concluir sua inscrição.
- link_text: link único
- link_text_processing_url: este link
- subject: Verificar seu endereço de e-mail
- subject_with_processing_url: Preencha sua inscrição no curso %{course_name}
- coach:
- course_enrollment:
- subject: Você foi adicionado como treinador em %{course_name}
- repeat_rejections_alert:
- body_html: Considere a possibilidade de analisar o envio do aluno para ver se há algum feedback que você possa dar para ajudar o aluno a progredir.
- header: Um bot rejeitou o envio de um aluno %{rejection_count} vezes no curso %{course_name} .
- subject: Rejeição repetida do envio de um aluno (%{rejection_count} vezes)
- course_author:
- addition:
- body:
- added_author_html: Você foi adicionado como autor no curso %{course_name}, em %{school_name}. Isso lhe dá a capacidade de usar a interface de administração da escola para editar o conteúdo do curso e visualizá-lo como aluno.
- link_to: este link
- use_link_html: Use %{link_to} para entrar em %{school_name} e visualizar o curso
- subject: Você foi adicionado como autor em %{course_name}
- course_enrollement:
- added_coach_html: Você foi adicionado como treinador no curso %{course_name}em %{school_name}. Isso lhe dá a capacidade de analisar os envios dos alunos, atribuir notas e dar feedback sobre o trabalho deles.
- course_export:
- prepared:
- body:
- footer: A exportação foi preparada no formato ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet), que pode ser aberto em todos os aplicativos de planilhas populares.
- header_html: A exportação que você solicitou para o curso %{course_name} em %{course_export_created_at} já está pronta para download. Visite a página de exportações do curso para fazer o download da exportação.
- link_to: link
- subject: A exportação do curso %{course_export} está pronta para download
- subtitle: A exportação de dados do curso %{course_name} está pronta para download.
- title: A exportação, é claro, está pronta
- title_button_text: Visite a página de exportações
- issued_certificate:
- issued:
- body:
- awarded_certificate_html: Você recebeu um certificado por ter concluído o %{course_name} curso.
- congratulations: Parabéns!
- issued_on_html: O certificado foi emitido em %{issued_certificate} e pode ser visualizado ou impresso em %{link_to}.
- link_to: visitando o link público do certificado
- subject: Você recebeu um certificado!
- layouts:
- mail:
- thanks: Obrigado,
- link_fallback:
- link_fallback: "Se não for possível clicar no link acima, copie e cole o link a seguir na barra de endereços do navegador:"
- school_admin:
- email_updated_notification:
- body:
- previous_email_html: O endereço de e-mail anterior era %{old_email} e o novo endereço de e-mail é %{new_email}.
- user_html: %{name} de sua escola atualizou o endereço de e-mail.
- subject: "%{name} mudou de endereço de e-mail."
- school_admin_added:
- body:
- admin_name_html: O nome do novo administrador é %{new_school_admin_name}e tem o endereço de e-mail registrado %{new_school_admin_email}.
- link_to: link
- new_admin_html: Um novo administrador foi adicionado à sua escola %{school_name}em %{new_school_admin} por %{adding_user_name}.
- not_recognized_html: Se você não reconhecer esse usuário, poderá removê-lo da interface de administração da escola usando este endereço %{link_to}.
- subject: Novo administrador da escola adicionado
- students_bulk_import_complete:
- body:
- link_to: visualizar esses alunos recém-adicionados na interface de administração da escola
- report_attachments: Alguns dos alunos que você tentou importar já estavam matriculados no curso. Esses alunos foram ignorados durante a importação. Uma lista de endereços de e-mail desses alunos foi incluída como anexo a este e-mail.
- students_added_html: Os alunos acrescentaram: %{report_params}
- students_requested_html: Alunos solicitados: %{report_params}
- summary_import_html: "Sua solicitação para importar alunos do curso %{course_name} curso, foi concluída com êxito. Aqui está um pequeno resumo da importação:"
- view_html: Você pode acessar %{link_to}.
- subject: Importação de alunos concluída
- school_contact:
- moderation_report:
- body:
- comment_details_html: Detalhes do comentário - Comentário feito por %{comment_created_by} em %{comment_created_at} como uma resposta ao envio feito por %{submission_made_by}. Veja o envio aqui.
- comment_id: ID do comentário - %{comment_id}
- footer_html: Você pode ver as discussões sobre o alvo aqui.
- main_html: O usuário %{user_name} no curso %{course_name} relatou o seguinte conteúdo em discussões para o alvo %{target_name}.
- report_reason: Motivo do relatório - %{reason}
- reported_comment: Comentário relatado - %{comment}
- submission_details_html: Envio relatado - Feito por %{submission_created_by} em %{submission_created_at} para o alvo %{target_name}. Veja o envio aqui.
- submission_html: Veja a apresentação em questão aqui.
- subject: Conteúdo relatado em %{course}
- startup:
- feedback_as_email:
- body:
- additional_feedback: "Aqui estão alguns comentários adicionais sobre seu envio de %{coach_name}:"
- feedback: "%{coach_name} tem alguns comentários para você:"
- grading_details_html: "✅ %{criteria_name}: %{grade_label} (%{grade} / %{max_grade})"
- footer_html: Você pode visualizar o feedback completo, incluindo todos os arquivos anexados ao feedback, em %{school_name}.
- header:
- graded: "Seu envio recebeu as seguintes notas pelo site %{coach_name}:"
- rejected_submission: Seu envio foi rejeitado por %{coach_name}.
- rejected_update: Sua atualização foi rejeitada por %{coach_name}.
- subject: Novo feedback de %{coach_name} sobre seu envio
- student:
- enrollment:
- body:
- link_to: Entre em %{school_name} e comece a trabalhar neste curso
- main_html: Você foi matriculado como aluno no curso %{course_name}, em %{school_name}.
- sign_html: Agora você pode acessar %{link_to}.
- team: Você também foi colocado em uma equipe com %{team_members}; isso significa que você deverá trabalhar em conjunto para progredir neste curso.
- subject: "%{name}Você foi adicionado como aluno em %{school_name}"
- user:
- account_deletion_notification:
- body:
- link_to: por favor, registre-se na escola
- main_html: Percebemos que você não usa sua conta em %{school_name} há mais de %{inactivity_months} meses.
Excluiremos sua conta automaticamente após um mês. Quando sua conta for excluída, todas as suas informações pessoais serão removidas e você não terá mais acesso à escola.
Se quiser manter sua conta, %{link_to} antes de %{one_month_from_now}.
- subject: Sua conta em %{school_name} será excluída em 30 dias
- confirm_account_deletion:
- body:
- html: Sua conta em %{school_name} foi excluída com sucesso.
Todas as suas informações pessoais foram removidas e você não terá mais acesso a essa escola.
- subject: Conta excluída com sucesso de %{school_name}
- confirm_email_update:
- body:
- html: Seu endereço de e-mail em %{school_name} foi atualizado com sucesso de %{old_email} para %{new_email}.
- subject: Seu e-mail na escola %{school_name} foi atualizado com sucesso
- confirm_moderation_report:
- body:
- comment_details: Detalhes do comentário - Comentário feito por %{comment_created_by} em %{comment_created_at} como uma resposta ao envio feito por %{submission_made_by}
- footer_html: Você pode ver as discussões sobre o alvo aqui.
- main_html: Seu relatório sobre o conteúdo das discussões para o alvo %{target_name} foi registrado com sucesso e uma atualização foi enviada à escola.
- report_reason: Motivo do relatório - %{reason}
- reported_comment: Comentário relatado - %{comment}
- submission_details: Envio relatado - Feito por %{submission_created_by} em %{submission_created_at} para o alvo %{target_name}
- subject: Conteúdo relatado com sucesso em %{school_name}
- daily_digest:
- body:
- asked: perguntou %{days_ago} dias atrás.
- assigned:
- one: (1 de um aluno designado a você)
- other: (%{count} dos alunos designados a você)
- control_emails_html: Você pode controlar esses e-mails em %{link_to}.
- latest_topics: "Tópicos mais recentes publicados em suas comunidades:"
- link_to: sua página de edição de perfil
- main_html:
- one: "Há um novo envio para analisar em um curso que você está treinando:"
- other: "Há %{count} novos envios para analisar nos cursos que você está treinando:"
- older: "Tópicos mais antigos e populares que tiveram novas atividades:"
- replies: respostas
- views: visualizações
- subject: Resumo diário
- delete_account_token:
- body:
- link_to: link
- main_html: Recebemos uma solicitação para excluir sua conta em %{school_name}.
Clique neste link %{link_to} para confirmar a exclusão da conta. O link é válido por apenas 30 minutos.
- note_html: Essa ação é irreversível e removerá permanentemente seu acesso à escola.
- subject: Excluir conta de %{school_name}
- email_change_in_user_standing:
- body:
- link_to: Visite a página de posição do usuário
- main_html: Sua posição na escola %{school_name} foi alterada de %{previous_standing} para %{current_standing}. O motivo da mudança é o seguinte:
- main_html_for_repeat_standing: Uma nova entrada foi adicionada ao seu registro de posição em %{school_name}. Observe que sua posição continua a mesma de antes. O motivo do registro é o seguinte:
- view_html: Você pode acessar %{link_to} para ver sua posição atual.
- subject: Sua posição em %{school_name} foi alterada.
- subject_no_change_in_standing: Uma nova entrada foi adicionada ao seu registro permanente em %{school_name}.
- new_post:
- body:
- link_to: Veja a resposta na comunidade %{community_name}
- main_html: %{author_name} postou uma resposta a algo que você disse na comunidade %{community_name} .
Você pode acessar %{link_to}.
- subject: Nova resposta para sua postagem
- update_email_token:
- body:
- link_to: link
- main_html:
Recebemos uma solicitação para atualizar seu e-mail em %{school_name}.
Clique neste link %{link_to} para atualizar seu e-mail. O link é válido por apenas 30 minutos.
- note_html: Essa ação é irreversível.
- subject: Atualize seu endereço de e-mail na escola %{school_name}
- user_session:
- send_login_token:
- body:
- link_to: clique aqui
- main_html: Acesse %{link_to} para fazer login em sua conta %{school_name} .
- subject: Faça login em
- send_reset_password_token:
- body:
- link_to: clique aqui
- main_html: Recebemos uma solicitação para redefinir sua senha %{school_name} .
Acesse %{link_to} para alterar sua senha.
- subject: redefinição de senha
- maintenance:
- heading: Voltaremos em breve!
- message: Desculpe pelo incômodo. No momento, estamos passando por manutenção para melhorar sua experiência.
- title: Modo de manutenção
- models:
- faculty:
- commitment:
- full_time: Tempo integral
- part_time: Meio período
- target:
- role:
- students: Todos os alunos
- team: Equipe
- mutations:
- archive_coach_note:
- note_removed_notification: Nota removida com sucesso
- archive_course:
- success_notification: Curso arquivado com sucesso.
- archive_post:
- post_archived_notification: Postagem arquivada com sucesso
- archive_user_standing:
- success_notification: Registro de espera excluído com sucesso!
- assign_reviewer:
- submission_already_assigned: Este envio já foi atribuído a um instrutor.
- submission_graded_error: Você só pode se atribuir a envios pendentes.
- success_notification: Esse envio foi atribuído a você.
- auto_verify_submission:
- success_notification: A meta foi marcada como concluída.
- clone_course:
- success_notification: Solicitação de cópia do curso. Ela aparecerá aqui em breve!
- clone_level:
- success_notification: Cópia de nível solicitada. Ela aparecerá no curso alvo em breve!
- conclude_submission_report:
- invalid_status: O status desse envio não é válido.
- create_coach_note:
- note_added_notification: Nota adicionada com sucesso
- create_cohort:
- success_notification: Coorte criada com sucesso.
- create_community:
- community_created_notification: Comunidade criada com sucesso
- create_course:
- auto_generated_cohort_description: Coorte gerado automaticamente para alunos ativos em %{course_name}
- auto_generated_cohort_name: Roxo (gerado automaticamente)
- success_notification: Curso criado com sucesso!
- create_course_author:
- author_created_notification: Autor criado
- new_author_added_notification: Um novo autor foi adicionado a este curso.
- create_evaluation_criterion:
- eval_crit_notification: Critério de avaliação criado com sucesso!
- create_feedback:
- success_notification:
- description: Seu feedback será enviado por e-mail para o aluno.
- title: Feedback enviado
- create_grading:
- evaluation_criteria_error: Não é possível classificar o envio sem critérios de avaliação válidos.
- grade_recorded: Notas registradas
- invalid_checklist_shape_error: O formato dos dados na lista de verificação de envio não corresponde ao que foi enviado com a revisão
- invalid_checklist_values_error: Os valores dos itens da lista de verificação no envio não correspondem aos dados de revisão
- invalid_grading_error: "Os valores de classificação fornecidos são inválidos: %{grades_data}"
- submission_missing_error: "Não foi possível encontrar o envio com o ID: %{submission_id}"
- submission_reviewed_error: Envio já revisado
- success_notification: O envio foi marcado como revisado.
- create_post:
- reply_added_notification: Resposta adicionada com sucesso
- create_quiz_submission:
- responses_saved_notification: Suas respostas foram salvas.
- create_school_link:
- success_notification: Foi adicionado um link personalizado.
- create_student_from_applicant:
- success_notification: Aluno criado com sucesso.
- create_students:
- invalid_emails: Uma ou mais entradas têm um endereço de e-mail inválido
- invalid_strings: Uma ou mais entradas têm cadeias de caracteres inválidas
- soft_limit_number: Você atingiu o limite flexível de número de alunos neste curso
- thousand_students_limit: Você só pode integrar 1.000 alunos de cada vez
- unique_emails: Os endereços de e-mail devem ser exclusivos
- create_submission:
- blocked_submission_status_error: O status desse alvo é %{target_status}, portanto, você não pode adicionar um novo envio; recarregue a página
- form_success_notification: Sua resposta foi salva.
- invalid_files_attached: Alguns arquivos anexados são inválidos
- invalid_submission_checklist: A lista de verificação de envio não é válida.
- item_file_limit_error: Não é possível anexar mais de três arquivos a um item de envio
- linked_file_exists_error: Alguns anexos de arquivos já foram vinculados a um envio
- missing_answer_error: "Resposta ausente para a pergunta: %{title}"
- success_notification: Seu envio foi colocado na fila para análise.
- create_submission_comment:
- success_notification: Comentário adicionado com sucesso.
- create_target:
- success_notification: Alvo criado com sucesso.
- create_target_version:
- new_version_notification: Foi criada uma nova versão.
- create_team:
- success_notification: Equipe criada com sucesso
- create_topic_subscription:
- success_notification: Você será notificado sobre todas as atualizações.
- create_user_standing:
- standing_archived_error: A posição selecionada não está mais ativa. Atualize a página e tente novamente.
- standing_not_found_error: A posição selecionada não existe. Atualize a página e tente novamente.
- success_notification: Registro de espera criado com sucesso!
- delete_certificate:
- success_notification: O certificado foi excluído.
- delete_course_author:
- author_deleted_details_notification: O autor foi removido deste curso.
- author_deleted_notification: Autor excluído
- destroy_team:
- success_notification: Equipe excluída com sucesso
- dropout_student:
- student_updated_notification: Aluno atualizado com sucesso
- evaluation_criterion:
- name_exists: Já existe um critério com esse nome e nota máxima.
- no_course: O curso com ID %{course_id} não existe; recarregue esta página antes de tentar novamente.
- export_course_report:
- cohorts_not_found_error: Não foi possível encontrar coortes com os IDs fornecidos
- course_not_found_error: Não foi possível encontrar um curso com o ID fornecido
- success_notification: Sua exportação está sendo processada. Nós o notificaremos assim que ela estiver pronta.
- tag_not_found_error: Não foi possível encontrar tags com os IDs fornecidos
- initiate_account_deletion:
- check_inbox_notification: Verifique sua caixa de entrada para obter mais etapas!
- deletion_init_notification: Exclusão de conta iniciada
- initiate_password_reset:
- email_bounced_error: O endereço de e-mail que você forneceu não pode ser usado porque um e-mail que enviamos anteriormente foi devolvido.
- success_notification: Verifique sua caixa de entrada para obter mais etapas!
- token_generation_error: Um e-mail foi enviado há menos de dois minutos. Aguarde alguns minutos antes de tentar novamente.
- issue_certificate:
- success_notification: Certificado emitido com sucesso!
- lock_topic:
- success_notification: Este tópico foi bloqueado. Não serão aceitas novas respostas.
- mark_post_as_solution:
- reply_marked_notification: Resposta marcada como solução bem-sucedida
- merge_cohort:
- success_notification: As coortes foram mescladas com sucesso.
- merge_levels:
- merge_complete_notification: Mesclagem concluída!
- quiz:
- correct_answer: Resposta correta
- question: Pergunta
- your_answer: Sua resposta
- your_correct_answer: Sua resposta correta
- re_activate_student:
- success_notification: Aluno reativado com sucesso!
- re_run_github_action:
- success_notification: Envio em fila para reexecução no Github
- validation_error:
- student_has_no_github_account: O aluno não tem uma conta no Github
- target_does_not_have_github_action: O alvo não tem uma ação do Github configurada
- reassign_reviewer:
- submission_graded_error: Você só pode se atribuir a envios pendentes.
- submission_not_assigned_to_coach: O envio já está atribuído a você.
- success_notification: O envio foi atribuído a você.
- revoke_issued_certificate:
- success_notification: Certificado revogado!
- send_update_email_token:
- success_notification: Enviamos um link para você verificar seu novo e-mail!
- unarchive_course:
- success_notification: Curso desarquivado com sucesso
- unassign_reviewer:
- submission_assigned_to_another_coach: O envio é atribuído a outro técnico.
- submission_graded_error: Esse envio já foi avaliado.
- submission_not_assigned: O envio ainda não foi atribuído.
- success_notification: Você não está mais atribuído a esse envio.
- undo_grading:
- must_be_graded: Não foi possível encontrar um envio avaliado com o ID fornecido
- success_notification:
- description: O envio está aguardando análise.
- title: Notas removidas
- unlock_topic:
- success_notification: Este tópico foi desbloqueado. Os membros da comunidade já podem postar respostas novamente.
- unmark_post_as_solution:
- reply_unmarked_notification: Resposta não marcada como solução!
- update_certificate:
- success_notification: Os detalhes do certificado foram atualizados.
- update_cohort:
- success_notification: A coorte foi atualizada com sucesso.
- update_course:
- course_not_found_error: Curso não encontrado
- select_valid_cohort: "Selecione uma coorte válida; Não foi possível encontrar a coorte com ID: %{value}"
- success_notification: Curso atualizado com sucesso!
- unable_to_find_course: "Não foi possível encontrar o curso com o ID: %{value}"
- update_course_author:
- author_name_updated_notification: O nome do autor foi atualizado.
- author_updated_notification: Autor atualizado
- update_evaluation_criterion:
- eval_crit_updated_notification: Critério de avaliação atualizado com sucesso!
- update_post:
- updated_success_notification: atualizado com sucesso
- update_review_checklist:
- review_updated_notification: Lista de verificação de revisão atualizada com sucesso
- update_school:
- details_updated_notification: Detalhes atualizados com sucesso!
- update_school_link:
- link_not_found_error: Não foi possível encontrar o link!
- success_notification: Link atualizado com sucesso!
- update_student_details:
- success_notification: Aluno atualizado com sucesso
- update_target:
- checklist_items_exceeded_error: A lista de verificação não deve ter mais de 25 itens
- evaluation_criteria_course_error: Os critérios de avaliação devem ser do mesmo curso que o alvo
- invalid_checklist_error: Lista de verificação inválida
- multiple_method_of_completion: Mais de um método de conclusão
- prerequisities_archived_error: Não é possível ter pré-requisitos arquivados
- prerequisities_in_same_level: Os alvos de pré-requisito devem ser do mesmo nível que o alvo
- prerequisities_self_error: O pré-requisito não pode ser o próprio alvo
- success_notification: O alvo foi atualizado com sucesso!
- target_group_not_present_error: O grupo-alvo não existe
- target_missing_error: O alvo não existe
- update_team:
- success_notification: Equipe atualizada com sucesso
- update_topic:
- topic_updated_notification: Tópico atualizado com sucesso!
- update_user:
- profile_saved_notification: Perfil atualizado com sucesso!
- organisations:
- courses:
- active_cohorts_label: Coortes ativas
- course_label: Curso
- empty: Não há %{cohort_status} para este curso.
- end_date: "Data final:"
- ended_cohorts_label: Coortes encerradas
- pagination_notice: Agora mostrando %{page_start}-%{page_end} de um total de %{count} %{cohort_status}.
- index:
- heading: Organizações
- show:
- active_cohorts_subheading: Coortes ativas
- active_prefix_html:
- one: 1 aluno matriculado em
- other: %{count} alunos matriculados em
- active_students_label: Alunos ativos
- active_suffix_html:
- one: 1 coorte ativo.
- other: %{count} coortes ativas.
- end_date: "Data final:"
- no_active_cohorts: Não há grupos ativos para esse curso.
- organisation_label: Organização
- students_enrolled_heading: Alunos matriculados em
- total_students_label: Total de alunos
- view_all_cohorts: Ver todos os grupos
- students:
- show:
- average_grades: Notas médias
- reviewed_submissions:
- button: Veja os envios revisados anteriormente
- heading: Envios revisados
- waiting_for_review: Envios aguardando revisão
- submission:
- accepted: Aceito
- rejected: Rejeitado
- reviewed_time_ago: Avaliado em %{time_ago_in_words} ago
- submitted_time_ago: Enviado %{time_ago_in_words} ago
- submissions:
- accepted_submissions_label: Aceito
- pagination_notice: Agora mostrando %{page_start}-%{page_end} de um total de %{count} envios revisados.
- rejected_submissions_label: Rejeitado
- student_name_label: Revisou os envios de
- total_reviewed_submissions: Total
- posts:
- versions:
- back_to_post: Voltar para a postagem
- created_by: Criado por
- current_version: Versão atual
- edit_history: Histórico de pós-edição
- edited_by: Editado por
- reason: Motivo
- presenters:
- apply:
- page_title: Inscreva-se em %{course_name}
- cohorts:
- students:
- course_completion: Conclusão do curso
- filter_hint: ...ou comece a digitar para pesquisar pelo nome do aluno ou endereço de e-mail.
- filter_placeholder: Clique para ver as opções
- milestone_completed: Marco concluído
- milestone_incomplete: Marco incompleto
- milestone_status_filter_value: "%{m}%{number}: %{title}"
- page_title: "%{cohort_name} | %{course_name}"
- search_by_email: Pesquisar por endereço de e-mail
- search_by_name: Pesquisar por nome
- communities:
- new_topic:
- page_title:
- community: Comunidade
- new_topic: Novo tópico
- show:
- page_title:
- community: Comunidade
- courses:
- cohorts:
- page_title: Cohorts | %{course_name}
- leaderboard:
- heading:
- multiple_mid_text: "estão no topo da tabela de classificação esta semana, compartilhando uma pontuação de "
- others: outros
- top_leaderboard_html: Você está no topo da tabela de classificação. Parabéns!
- top_week: está no topo da tabela de classificação esta semana com uma pontuação de
- rank_change_icon:
- rank_down_alt: Mudança de classificação para baixo
- rank_down_double_alt: Mudança de classificação para baixo duas vezes
- rank_no_change_alt: Classificação sem alteração
- rank_up_alt: Mudança de classificação
- rank_up_double_alt: Mudança de classificação para dupla
- report:
- student_report: Relatório do aluno
- review:
- review_dashboard: Painel de revisão
- students:
- students_in_course: Alunos no curso
- layouts:
- app_router:
- admin_link:
- title: Administrador
- coaches_link:
- title: Treinadores
- dashboard_link:
- title: Painel de controle
- footer:
- logo_alt: Logotipo do site %{school_name}
- nav_links:
- dashboard: Painel de controle
- home: Início
- students_top_nav:
- admin_link:
- title: Administrador
- coaches_link:
- title: Treinadores
- dashboard_link:
- title: Painel de controle
- organisations_link:
- title: Minha organização
- posts:
- versions:
- page_title:
- title: Versões | Postar
- users:
- sessions_new:
- button_text:
- continue_as_developer: Continuar como desenvolvedor
- continue_with_discord: Continuar com o Discord
- continue_with_email_link: Continuar com o e-mail
- continue_with_facebook: Continuar com o Facebook
- continue_with_github: Continuar com o GitHub
- continue_with_google: Continuar com o Google
- page_title:
- title: Entrar
- queries:
- delete_certificate_mutator:
- issued_error: Este certificado foi emitido para um ou mais alunos - não pode ser excluído.
- issue_certificate_mutator:
- certificate_error: Não foi possível encontrar o certificado especificado.
- issued_error: Este aluno já recebeu um certificado para este curso.
- submission_details_resolver:
- only_coaches_can_review: Você não pode revisar esse envio, pois não está designado para esse grupo como instrutor.
- student_dropped_out_message_with_timestamp:
- one: Este envio é de um aluno cujo acesso ao curso foi encerrado ou desistiu. Você pode revisar o envio até %{timestamp}.
- other: Esse envio está vinculado a um ou mais alunos cujo acesso ao curso foi encerrado ou que desistiram. Você pode revisar o envio até %{timestamp}.
- student_dropped_out_message_without_timestamp:
- one: Este envio é de um aluno cujo acesso ao curso foi encerrado ou que desistiu.
- other: Esse envio está vinculado a um ou mais alunos cujo acesso ao curso foi encerrado ou que desistiram.
- update_evaluation_criterion_mutator:
- evaluation_criterion_not_found: Não foi possível encontrar o critério de avaliação com ID %{id}
- school:
- targets:
- update_action:
- error_message: A ação não pôde ser atualizada, verifique a sintaxe YAML
- schools:
- admins:
- title: Administradores
- calendar_events:
- edit:
- page_title: Editar evento
- form:
- add_event_button: Adicionar evento
- add_event_heading: Adicionar novo evento
- add_link_section_subtitle: Adicione um link para seu evento. Por exemplo, no Google Meet ou no Zoom.
- add_link_section_title: Adicionar um link de evento (opcional)
- calendar_label: Adicionar evento a
- color_label: Cor
- color_label_hint: As cores ajudam você a diferenciar os diferentes tipos de eventos em um piscar de olhos
- description_label: Descrição do evento
- edit_event_heading: Editar %{event_title}
- link_title_label: Título do link do evento
- link_title_placeholder: por exemplo. Google Meet
- link_url_label: URL do link do evento
- link_url_placeholder: Por exemplo, https://meet.google.com/xxx-yyyy-zzz
- start_time_label: Data e hora
- title_label: Título do evento
- title_placeholder: por exemplo. Discussão em grupo
- update_event_button: Atualizar evento
- new:
- page_title: Adicionar novo evento
- show:
- confirm_delete: Tem certeza de que deseja excluir o evento?
- date_and_time: Data e hora
- description_label: Descrição
- link_label: Link do evento
- title: Detalhes do evento do calendário
- calendars:
- edit:
- page_title: Atualizar o calendário
- form:
- add_calendar_button: Adicionar calendário
- add_calendar_heading: Criar novo calendário
- all_cohorts_selected: Todas as coortes disponíveis foram selecionadas
- cohorts_label: Vincular o calendário às coortes
- cohorts_label_hint: Isso vinculará o calendário aos grupos especificados
- edit_calendar_heading: Editar %{calendar_name}
- name_label: Nome do calendário
- name_placeholder: eg. Férias
- no_cohorts_selected: Nenhuma coorte selecionada
- update_calendar_button: Atualizar o calendário
- new:
- page_title: Criar novo calendário
- code_of_conduct:
- page_title: Editor do Código de Conduta
- save_code_of_conduct: Código de Conduta da Save
- update_code_of_conduct_heading: Atualize o código de conduta de sua escola
- communities:
- index:
- title: Comunidades
- courses:
- applicants:
- title: Candidatos
- assignments:
- list_title: Organizar atribuições de marcos
- milestone_gap_warning: Detectamos lacunas na numeração de seus marcos. Reorganizar a ordem abaixo garantirá que cada marco receba um número consecutivo sem lacunas.
- milestone_msg: Essa é a ordem em que os marcos são mostrados aos alunos em sua página de relatório. Isso não afeta a ordem em que os alunos enviam o trabalho para as metas; isso é controlado pela atribuição de pré-requisitos.
- no_milestones: Não foram encontrados marcos neste curso. Crie marcos visitando a página do currículo.
- title: Atribuições
- authors:
- title: Autores
- calendar_events:
- add_calendar_button: Adicionar calendário
- add_event_button: Adicionar um evento
- calendar: Calendário
- calendar_filter_label: Exibindo eventos de
- calendars: Calendários
- empty_events: Nenhum evento programado para a data selecionada
- events: Eventos
- no_calendars_message: Ainda não há calendários
- no_calendars_sub_text: O Calendar ajuda você a programar eventos e lembretes para as próximas atividades.
- select_calendar_filter: Selecione um calendário
- title: Calendários e eventos
- today: Hoje
- upcoming_events_in: Próximos eventos em
- certificates:
- title: Certificados
- curriculum:
- title: Currículo
- evaluation_criteria:
- title: Critérios de avaliação
- exports:
- title: Exportações
- inactive_students:
- title: Estudantes
- index:
- title: Cursos
- mark_teams_active:
- teams_active: Equipes marcadas como ativas com sucesso!
- students:
- title: Estudantes
- customize:
- title: Personalização
- faculty:
- course_index:
- title: Treinadores
- school_index:
- coach: Treinador
- title: Treinadores
- show:
- coaches: Treinadores
- courses: Cursos
- levels: Níveis
- no_submissions: Ainda não há envios de alunos!
- overview: null
- students: Estudantes
- submissions_reviewed: envios revisados
- title: Visão geral
- standing:
- add_another_standing: Adicionar outra posição
- add_coc: Adicionar CoC
- confirm_school_standing_disable: Tem certeza de que deseja desativar a posição da sua escola?
- confirm_standing_deletion:
- one: Tem certeza de que deseja arquivar essa posição? Ele tem o registro %{count} associado a ele.
- other: Tem certeza de que deseja arquivar essa posição? Ele tem %{count} logs associados a ele.
- zero: Tem certeza de que deseja excluir essa posição? Não há registros associados a ele.
- default: Padrão
- edit_coc: Editar CdC
- edit_standings_heading: Editar/modificar a classificação
- edit_standings_info: Você pode editar a cor, o nome e a descrição de uma posição ou adicionar uma nova posição. Os alunos podem ser promovidos ou rebaixados a qualquer posição por meio da guia "Editar aluno".
- enable_standing: Ativar a posição de sua escola?
- enabled: Ativado
- learn_more: Saiba mais sobre as classificações.
- learn_more_about_crafting_coc: Saiba mais sobre como elaborar um Código de Conduta.
- page_title: Classificação
- required: Necessário
- save_coc_success: Código de Conduta salvo com sucesso!
- standing_explanation: Use a classificação para comunicar a posição do aluno com relação ao Código de Conduta de sua escola. As ações positivas devem resultar em uma promoção na classificação, enquanto as violações devem levar a um rebaixamento.
- toggle_standing:
- default_standing_description: Essa é a posição padrão para todos os alunos.
- default_standing_name: Neutro
- school_standing_toggle_success:
- _no: O School Standing foi desativado com sucesso!
- _yes: O School Standing foi ativado com sucesso!
- update_coc_heading: Adicionar/atualizar o código de conduta de sua escola
- update_coc_info: É benéfico ter o código de conduta de sua escola escrito em uma linguagem simples e fácil de entender.
- view_coc: Exibir CoC
- standings:
- create:
- success: Posição criada com sucesso!
- delete:
- archive_success: Arquivado com sucesso!
- success: Standing excluído com sucesso!
- edit:
- page_title: Editar posição
- form:
- add_standing_heading: Adicionar nova posição
- add_standing_info: Adicionar cor, nome e descrição de uma posição
- description_max_length_error: não deve ter mais de 150 caracteres.
- description_placeholder: Descrição da posição - opcional
- edit_standing_heading: Editar %{standing_name}
- edit_standing_info: Editar cor, nome e descrição de uma posição
- name_max_length_error: não deve ter mais de 25 caracteres.
- name_placeholder: Nome da posição
- save_standing: Salvar posição
- unique_name_error: deve ser único em uma escola.
- new:
- page_title: Adicionar nova posição
- update:
- success: Standing atualizado com sucesso!
- services:
- courses:
- demo_content_service:
- criterion_one: Correção da implementação
- criterion_two: Qualidade do envio
- grade_1: Certo
- grade_2: Bom
- grade_3: Excelente
- level_1: Nível 1
- target_group_description: Descrição do grupo-alvo da demonstração
- target_group_name: Grupo-alvo da demonstração
- target_name: Meta de demonstração
- discord:
- community_message_service:
- post_topic_created: |-
- **%{user_name}** criou uma nova discussão:
- %{topic_url}
- > %{topic_title}
- students:
- reset_progress_service:
- reset_note: O progresso desse aluno foi redefinido com base na solicitação do aluno.
- team_up:
- must_be_on_the_same_level: Os alunos devem pertencer ao mesmo nível para formar uma equipe
- shared:
- _no: Não
- _yes: Sim
- admin: Administrador
- affiliation: Afiliação
- all: Todos
- and: e
- archived: Arquivado
- are: são
- assignments: Atribuições
- assignments_completed: "%{completed}/%{total} Atribuições"
- avatar: Avatar
- back_link: Voltar
- cancel: Cancelar
- caption_image: Uma legenda para a imagem
- close: Fechar
- coaches: Treinadores
- code_of_conduct: Código de Conduta
- cohort: Coorte
- cohort_overview:
- no_milestones: Não há marcos.
- no_students: Não há alunos nesse grupo.
- overview_link: Visão geral
- student_distribution_by_milestone: Distribuição de alunos por conclusão de etapa
- students_completed: Alunos concluídos
- students_link: Estudantes
- total_students: Total de alunos
- view_all: Ver tudo
- cohort_students:
- nothing_to_show: Não há alunos que correspondam aos filtros selecionados.
- pagination_notice: Agora mostrando %{page_start}-%{page_end} de um total de %{count} desses alunos.
- cohorts: Coortes
- community: Comunidade
- completed: Concluído
- dashboard: Painel de controle
- delete: Excluir
- deleting: Exclusão
- draft: Rascunho
- edit: Editar
- email: E-mail
- email_exists_error: Esse e-mail já está associado a outra conta de usuário.
- empty: Vazio
- fail: Falha
- file_invalid: Selecione um arquivo com tamanho inferior a 5 MB.
- filter: Filtro
- image_file_invalid: Selecione uma imagem (PNG, JPEG, GIF) com tamanho inferior a 5 MB e menos de 4096px de largura ou altura.
- invalid_authenticity_token_error: Token CSRF inválido ou ausente. Atualize esta página antes de tentar executar essa ação.
- is: é
- level: Nível
- level_label:
- long_with_name: "Nível %{number}: %{name}"
- long_without_name: Nível %{number}
- short_with_name: "L%{number}: %{name}"
- short_without_name: L%{number}
- levels: Níveis
- live: Ao vivo
- load_more: Carregar mais...
- loading: Carregando...
- login_token_expiration_warning_html: Esse link expirará em %{timestamp}. Se o link tiver expirado, você poderá solicitar outro token de uso único na página de login. Observe que esse é um URL privado e não deve ser compartilhado.
- m: M
- milestone_label: Marco
- milestones: Marcos
- move_down: Mover para baixo
- move_up: Mover para cima
- my_org: Minha organização
- name: Nome
- name_email: Nome ou e-mail
- none: Nenhum
- note: "Observação:"
- notes: Notas
- notifications:
- done: Pronto!
- done_dot: Feito
- done_exclamation: Pronto!
- empty: Vazio
- error: Erro
- notice: Aviso
- please_reload: Recarregue a página e tente novamente.
- something_wrong: Algo deu errado!
- success: Sucesso
- try_again: Por favor, tente novamente
- unexpected_error: Erro inesperado!
- optional: opcional
- optional_braces: (opcional)
- or: ou
- pages_read: "%{read}/%{total} Metas"
- pagination:
- first: "«"
- last: "»"
- next: Próximo ›
- previous: "‹ Anterior"
- truncate: "…"
- pass: Passe
- password_strength: Força da senha
- percentage: Porcentagem
- percentage_completed: "%{percentage}% concluído"
- post: Postar
- preferred_name: Nome preferido
- processing: Processamento
- rejected: Rejeitado
- replies: Respostas
- reply: Responder
- salutation: Olá,
- salutation_name: Olá %{name},
- save_changes: Salvar alterações
- saving: Salvando...
- school: Escola
- search: Pesquisa
- settings: Configurações
- sign_out: Sair
- sort_by: Ordenar por
- student:
- never_signed_in: Nunca fez login
- time_ago: Visto pela última vez %{time_ago} ago
- students: Estudantes
- tag: Etiqueta
- tags: Tags
- target: Alvo
- targets: Metas
- targets_overview: Visão geral das metas
- team: Equipe
- team_name: Equipe Nome
- teams: Equipes
- title: Título
- total_assignments_completed: Total de tarefas concluídas
- total_pages_read: Total de metas lidas
- update: Atualização
- updating: Atualização
- uploading: Carregamento
- user_standing:
- code_of_conduct_info: Na %{school_name} School, seguimos um código de conduta. Quaisquer ações positivas resultarão em uma promoção de posição, enquanto quaisquer violações resultarão em um rebaixamento.
- current_standing: Situação atual
- current_standing_card_aria: Cartão de permanência atual
- current_standing_shield_aria: Escudo de posição atual
- description_tooltip: Descrição da posição
- empty_standing_info: Todas as entradas adicionadas serão exibidas aqui.
- no_standing_log: Não há entradas no registro.
- page_title_org_admin: Posição do aluno | %{school_name}
- page_title_user: Sua posição | %{school_name}
- reach_us: Entre em contato conosco
- reach_us_info: Se você acredita que houve um erro em sua posição, entre em contato conosco em
- reason_tooltip: Motivo do registro.
- standing: Em pé
- standing_log: Registro em pé
- standing_not_enabled: A permanência não está habilitada para essa escola.
- view_code_of_conduct: Ver Código de Conduta
- versions: Versões
- view: Ver
- view_standing: Ver de pé
- timeline_events:
- show:
- accepted: Aceito
- feedback:
- one: Feedback
- other: Feedbacks
- no_feedbacks: Não recebemos comentários sobre esse envio.
- pending: Pendente
- rejected: Rejeitado
- reviewed_on: Avaliado em
- status: Status
- submission_from: Envio de
- submitted_on: Enviado em
- team: Equipe
- users:
- clear_discord_id:
- success: O Discord foi desvinculado com sucesso.
- delete_account:
- link_expired: Esse link expirou ou é inválido. Por favor, tente novamente.
- title: Editar usuário
- discord_account_required:
- linked:
- description: Sua conta do Discord foi vinculada à sua conta %{school_name} . Agora você pode navegar pelo curso e postar mensagens em nosso servidor Discord. Se precisar de ajuda, não hesite em solicitá-la no servidor.
- footer_html: Bom aprendizado!
- go_to_course_button: Início do curso
- go_to_dashboard_button: Retornar ao painel de controle
- heading: Está tudo pronto!
- page_title: Conta do Discord necessária
- unlinked:
- description: O curso que você está tentando acessar exige que você conecte sua conta do Discord a %{school_name}. Nosso servidor Discord é onde você pode interagir com a comunidade!
- heading: Primeiro, vamos vincular sua conta do Discord.
- link_discord_button: Link Discord
- no_discord_account: Você ainda não tem uma conta no Discord? Você pode se inscrever em uma e vinculá-la de uma só vez.
- process:
- prefix: "O processo é simples:"
- step_1_description_html: Clique no botão Link Disc ord abaixo.
- step_1_label: 1
- step_2_description_html: Autorize o Pupilfirst LMS a acessar sua conta do Discord.
- step_2_help_html: Se você não tiver uma conta no Discord, poderá se inscrever em uma e vinculá-la de uma só vez usando o botão nesta página.
Usaremos a autorização para:- Manter seu apelido no servidor do Discord em sincronia com seu nome aqui.
- Atribuir funções adicionais à sua conta em nosso servidor Discord.
- step_2_label: 2
- step_3_description_html: Você será redirecionado para esta página e poderá começar a fazer o curso.
- step_3_label: 3
- edit:
- discord_connect: Participe de nossa comunidade do Discord
- discord_connected_account: Ir para a comunidade do Discord
- discord_connected_message: Seu apelido no servidor do Discord será mantido em sincronia com seu nome aqui.Foram atribuídas a você funções adicionais no Discord.
- discord_connected_message_title: Sua conta %{school_name} agora está vinculada à sua conta do Discord.
- discord_description: Ao entrar em nosso servidor Discord, você poderá entrar em contato instantaneamente com nossa equipe, treinadores e seus colegas.
- discord_how_it_works_html: Registre-se em nosso servidor Discord (é gratuito!)Vincule sua conta do Discord à conta desta escola.Tenha acesso à nossa comunidade no Discord!
- discord_how_it_works_title: Como funciona
- discord_title: Participe de nosso servidor do Discord
- title: Editar usuário
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure:
- denied: A autenticação foi negada. Por favor, tente novamente.
- denied_by: A autenticação foi negada por %{provider}. Por favor, tente novamente.
- oauth_callback:
- add_facebook: Remova o \'Pupilfirst\' da sua lista de aplicativos autorizados e tente fazer login novamente.
- add_github: Adicione um endereço de e-mail público ao seu perfil do Github e tente novamente.
- add_other: Faça login usando outro método.
- email_unregistered: "Seu endereço de e-mail: %{email} não está registrado."
- not_receive_email: "Lamentamos, mas não recebemos seu endereço de e-mail de %{provider_name}. "
- oauth_origin_missing:
- details: Alguma coisa na solicitação que seu navegador enviou não era válida. Nós rastreamos esses erros automaticamente, mas se o problema persistir, entre em contato conosco. Enquanto isso, tente recarregar a página.
- invalid_request: Seu navegador fez uma solicitação inválida.
- sessions:
- auth_callback:
- discord_already_linked: Sua conta do Discord já está vinculada a outra conta. Por favor, desvincule-a dessa conta primeiro.
- discord_link_error: Não foi possível vincular sua conta do Discord. Por favor, tente novamente.
- error: Credenciais de login inválidas
- invalid_session: Não foi possível verificar se foi você quem pediu para fazer login. Tente fazer login novamente.
- success: Sua conta do Discord foi vinculada com sucesso. Seu acesso ao nosso servidor Discord será atualizado em breve.
- email_sent:
- image_alt: Um e-mail voando para sua caixa de entrada
- magic_link:
- description: Se houver uma conta associada a esse endereço de e-mail, será enviado um link único. Clique no link do e-mail e você estará conectado.
- heading: Enviamos um link mágico para você!
- notice: Observe que esse link funcionará apenas uma vez e enviaremos apenas um e-mail a cada dois minutos.
- page_title: O link mágico está a caminho!
- reset_password_link:
- description: Se o seu endereço de e-mail estiver associado a uma conta, você encontrará instruções para definir uma nova senha na sua caixa de entrada.
- heading: Enviamos um link para você redefinir sua senha!
- notice: Observe que esse link funcionará apenas uma vez e enviaremos apenas um e-mail a cada dois minutos.
- page_title: Confirme sua solicitação
- new:
- already_signed: Você já está conectado.
- continue_with_email_link: Continuar com o e-mail
- heading: Faça login em %{school_name}
- sign_in_options_separator: OU
- request_password_reset:
- cancel_link: Faça login com o Google, Facebook ou Github
- email_label: E-mail
- email_placeholder: john@example.com
- heading: Redefinir sua senha
- image_alt: Um aluno segurando uma chave gigante com um símbolo de reinicialização
- page_title: Redefinir senha
- submit_button: Solicitar redefinição de senha
- subtitle: Digite seu e-mail para recuperação de senha.
- reset_password:
- link_used: Esse link único já foi usado ou é inválido. Tente redefinir sua senha novamente.
- page_title: Redefinir senha | %{title}
- sign_in_with_email:
- already_signed: Você já está conectado.
- email: Continuar com o e-mail
- email_address: Endereço de e-mail
- email_me: Envie-me por e-mail um link para fazer login
- magic_link: Podemos enviar-lhe um link mágico por e-mail para que você possa entrar sem precisar digitar sua senha.
- oauth: Faça login com o Google, Facebook ou Github
- password: Senha
- password_free: Login sem senha
- password_new: Redefinir sua senha
- shared: Você está usando um dispositivo compartilhado?
- type_password: Digite sua senha
- with_password: Faça login com a senha.
- sign_in_with_password_form:
- check_credentials:
- error: O endereço de e-mail e a senha fornecidos não correspondem. Verifique suas credenciais e tente novamente.
- token:
- link_expired: Esse link único expirou ou é inválido. Tente fazer login novamente.
- standing:
- current_standing: Situação atual
- standing: Em pé
- standing_log: Registro em pé
- update_email:
- frequent_request_error: Um e-mail foi enviado há menos de dois minutos. Aguarde alguns minutos antes de tentar novamente.
- invalid_password_error: A senha que você digitou está incorreta. Por favor, tente novamente.
- link_expired: Esse link expirou ou é inválido. Por favor, tente novamente.
- validate_school_link_title:
- title_length_error: Digite um título não vazio com no máximo 24 caracteres.
- validate_submission_gradable:
- owners_should_be_active: Não é possível atualizar envios de alunos inativos.
- submission_should_be_live: Esse envio não existe ou foi arquivado.
diff --git a/config/locales/ru.yml b/config/locales/ru.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index ddca8645f3..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/ru.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3542 +0,0 @@
- communities:
- new_topic: Новая Тема
- note: " Менторы в вашей школе имеют доступ ко всем сообществам."
- welcome: Добро пожаловать в
- show:
- community_title: "%{name} Community"
- new_topic: New Topic
- note: " Coaches in your school have access to all communities."
- welcome: Welcome to the
- components:
- Api:
- error_notification_body: Наша команда была уведомлена об этой ошибке. Пожалуйста, обновите страницу и попробуйте еще раз.
- error_notification_title: An unexpected error occurred
- AppRouter__Dropdown:
- more: Больше
- show_more_links: Показать больше ссылок
- AppRouter__Header:
- edit_profile: Редактировать Профиль
- sign_in: Войти
- sign_out: Выйти
- AppRouter__Nav:
- close_sidebar: Закрыть боковую панель
- curriculum: Силлабус
- leaderboard: Таблица Лидеров
- report: Отчет
- review: Оценить
- sign_out: Выйти
- students: Студенты
- calendar: Calendar
- CoachesIndex__Root:
- button_about: О Менторе
- button_connect: Подключиться
- filter_input_label: Фильтрировать по
- filter_input_placeholder: Найти по названию или выберать курс
- filter_label_name_like: Имя Как
- filter_label_teaches_course: Обучает Курсу
- filter_result_empty: Примененные вами фильтры не соответствуют ни одному ментору. Пожалуйста, измените фильтр и попробуйте еще раз.
- filter_search_string_course: обучает курс %{name}
- heading: Менторы
- CommunitiesNewTopic__Root:
- asked_on: "Спрошен на "
- back: Назад
- be_descriptive: Если вы задаете вопрос, постарайтесь быть как можно более описательным, чтобы другим было легче публиковать ответы. Вы можете использовать Markdown для форматирования этого текста.
- body: Основная часть
- clear: Очистить
- count_replies_label: " ответов"
- create_topic: Создать Тему
- create_topic_discussion: Создать новую тему для обсуждения
- done: Сделано!
- failed_fetch_similar: Нам не удалось получить похожие темы с сервера! Наша команда была уведомлена об этой ошибке.
- linked_target: "Связанные Задачи: "
- missing_info: Недостаточно Информации!
- no_category_found: "Не удалось найти категорию с ID:"
- no_replies: Нет ответов
- not_selected: Не Выбрано
- one_reply: 1 ответ
- oops: Упс!
- please_reload: Пожалуйста, перезагрузите страницу, прежде чем пытаться опубликовать ее снова.
- redirecting: Перенаправляем на новую тему...
- select_category: Выбрать Категорию
- similar_topics: Похожие Темы
- title: Заголовок
- title_placeholder: Заголовок для новой темы
- topic_body_present: Заголовок и основная часть темы должны присутствовать.
- unexpected_error: Непредвиденная ошибка!
- CommunitiesShow__Root:
- all_categories_button: Все Категории
- button_load_more: Загрузить Больше...
- empty_topics: Здесь пока нет обсуждения.
- filter_input_label: "Фильтрировать по:"
- filter_input_placeholder_categories: Фильтрировать по категории, решению или поиск по темам
- filter_input_placeholder_default: Искать по темам или фильтровать по решению
- sort_criterion_input_label: "Сортировать по:"
- sort_criterion_last_activity: Последняя Активность
- sort_criterion_posted_at: Размещено в
- sort_criterion_views: Просмотров
- topic_last_updated_text: Последнне обновление
- topic_posted_by_text: Сообщение от
- topic_stats_likes:
- one: 1 Like
- other: "%{count} Likes"
- topic_stats_replies:
- one: 1 Reply
- other: "%{count} Replies"
- topic_stats_views:
- one: 1 View
- other: "%{count} Views"
- topics_fully_loaded_text: Показать все %{total_topics} темы
- topics_partially_loaded_text: Показано %{loaded_topics_count} из %{total_topics} тем
- unable_find_id: "Не удалось найти категорию темы с ID: "
- CourseApplicants__EditForm:
- add_as_student_button: Добавить как студента
- affiliation:
- label: Принадлежность
- placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University и т.д.
- email:
- label: Почта
- placeholder: Почта студента здесь
- name:
- error: недействителен
- label: Имя
- placeholder: Имя студента здесь
- notify_students:
- label: Уведомите учащихся и отправьте им ссылку для входа в эту школу.
- page_title: Добавить как студента
- tabs:
- actions: Действия
- details: Детали
- tags:
- label: Теги
- title:
- label: Заголовок
- placeholder: Студент, ментор, генеральный директор и т.д.
- CourseApplicants__Root:
- applicants_fully_loaded_text: Показаны все %{total_applicants} абитурентов
- applicants_page_title: Абитуренты
- applicants_partially_loaded_text: Показаны %{loaded_applicants_count} из %{total_applicants} абитурентов
- button_load_more: Загрузить больше абитурентов...
- empty_applicants: У вас нет абитурентов!
- filter:
- input_label: Искать
- input_placeholder: Фильтр и поиск абитурентов по имени
- label:
- search: Поиск по имени или почте
- tag: Тег
- onboard_as_student: Добавить как Студента
- show_actions: Показать Действия
- show_details: "Показать Детали: "
- sort_criterion:
- created_at: Создан В
- name: Имя
- updated_at: Обновлен В
- sorter:
- label: Сортировать по
- CourseAuthors__Form:
- add_new_author: Добавить нового автора
- create_author: Создать Автора
- email: Почта
- email_message: Введите действительную почту
- email_placeholder: Добавьте почту здесь
- name: Имя
- name_message: Введите действительное имя
- name_placeholder: Добавьте почту здесь
- saving: Сохраняется
- update_author: Обновить Автора
- CourseAuthors__Root:
- window_confirm_post: из списка авторов?
- window_confirm_pre: Вы уверены что хотите удалить
- CourseCertificates__CreateDrawer:
- certificate_base_image_label: Основное Изображение Сертификата
- certificate_base_image_placeholder: Выберите основное изображение для сертификата
- create_action: Создать Новый Сертификат
- create_button_text: Создать Сертификат
- name_label: Имя
- name_placeholder: Имя для идентификации этого сертификата
- success_notification: Теперь вы можете редактировать этот сертификат.
- certificate_base_image:
- help: This base image must include a full line's space to insert a student's name.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/certificates#uploading-a-new-certificate
- label: Certificate Base Image
- placeholder: Select a base image for certificate
- CourseCertificates__EditDrawer:
- active_help: Хоть у вас может быть несколько сертификатов, только один может быть выдан автоматически; он будет выдан, когда студент окончит курс.
- active_label: Следует ли студентам автоматически выдавать этот сертификат?
- font_size_label: Размер Шрифта
- margin_label: Отступ
- name_error: Имя не может быть пустым
- name_label: Имя
- name_offset_top_label: Смещение имени (сверху)
- name_placeholder: Краткое название этого сертификата
- qr_bottom_left_label: Нижний Левый
- qr_bottom_right_label: Нижний Правый
- qr_hidden_label: Скрытый
- qr_position_label: Положение QR-кода
- qr_scale_label: Размер QR-кода
- qr_top_left_label: Верхний Левый
- qr_top_right_label: Верхний Правый
- qr_visibility_help: Он будет содержать ссылку на страницу вашей школы, которую каждый может посетить, чтобы проверить выданный сертификат.
- qr_visibility_label: Добавить QR-код?
- update_issued_certificates_warning:
- one: Этот сертификат однажды выдавался.
Эти изменения также будут применены к выданному сертификату.
- other: Этот сертификат выдаввался %{count} раз.
Эти изменения также будут применены к другим %{count} выданным сертификатам.
- active:
- help: While you can have multiple certificates, only one can be automatically issued; it will be issued when a student completes a course.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/certificates#automatically-issuing-certificates
- label: Should students be automatically issued this certificate?
- qr_visibility:
- help: It will contain a link to a page on your school that anyone can visit to verify an issued certificate.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/certificates
- label: Add QR Code?
- CourseCertificates__Root:
- auto_issue_tag: Авто-выпуск
- create_action: Создать новый сертификат
- delete_button_title: Удалить Сертификат %{name}
- delete_confirm: Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот сертификат?
- deleting: Удаляется...
- edit_button_title: Редактировать Сертификат %{name}
- heading: Сертификаты
- issued_count:
- one: Выдавался лишь раз
- other: Выдавался %{count} раз
- zero: Никогда не выдавался
- no_certificates: Вы еще не создали ни одного сертификата!
- certificate: Certificate
- CourseCoaches__EnrollmentForm:
- add_course: Добавить Менторов на Курс
- notification_coach_enrollment: Регистрация менторов успешно обновлена
- search_coaches_all: Вы выбрали всех менторов!
- search_coaches_empty: Менторы не выбраны
- search_coaches_placeholder: Искать менторов
- select_coaches: Выберите менторов
- search_cohorts_all: You have selected all cohorts!
- search_cohorts_empty: No cohorts selected
- search_cohorts_placeholder: Search cohorts
- select_cohorts: Select Cohorts
- CourseCoaches__InfoForm:
- no_students_assigned: У этого ментора нет учеников. Вы можете назначать менторов при редактировании сведений об ученике.
- pending_submissions: Ожидающие отправки
- revied_submissions: Рассмотренные работы
- students_assigned: "Студенты назначены к ментору:"
- notification_coach_updated: Coach updated successfully
- search_cohorts_all: You have selected all cohorts!
- search_cohorts_empty: No cohorts selected
- search_cohorts_placeholder: Search cohorts
- select_cohorts: "Cohorts assigned to coach:"
- update_cohort_assignment: Update Cohort Assignment
- CourseCoaches__InfoFormTeam:
- remove_post_confirm: из списка назначенных команд?
- remove_pre_confirm: "Вы уверены что хочешь удалить "
- CourseCoaches__Root:
- coaches_list: Список тренеров курса
- course_empty: У курса нет назначенных тренеров!
- enrollment_delete_error_head_notification: Зачисление тренера не может быть удалена
- enrollment_delete_error_notification_body: Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз
- enrollment_delete_notificaion_success_body: Зачисление тренера успешно удалена
- remove_confirm_post: с этого курса?
- remove_confirm_pre: Вы уверены, что хочите удалить
- assign_coaches: Assign Coaches to Course
- CourseEditor:
- add_new_course: Добавить новый курс
- button_load_more: Загрузить Больше Курсов...
- course_links:
- download_reports: Загрузить Отчеты
- edit_curriculum: Редактировать Силлабус
- manage_coaches: Управлять Менторами
- manage_students: Управлять Студентами
- view_as_student: Посмотреть как Студент
- courses_fully_loaded_text: Показаны все %{total_courses} курсов
- courses_partially_loaded_text: Показаны %{loaded_courses_count} из %{total_courses} курсов
- edit_course_details: Изменить детали о курса
- empty_courses: У вас нет курсов!
- filter:
- input_hint: Или начните вводить для поиска по имени...
- input_label: Искать
- input_placeholder: Фильтр и поиск курсов по названию
- label:
- name: Искать по имени
- status: Статус
- status:
- active: Активен
- archived: Архивирован
- ended: Окончен
- notification_error_body: Наша команда была уведомлена об этой ошибке. Пожалуйста, попробуйте перезагрузить эту страницу.
- notification_error_head: Произошла непредвиденная ошибка
- quick_links: Быстрые Ссылки
- view_public_page: Посмотреть публичной страницы
- CourseEditor__Form:
- actions:
- archive_course:
- button_text: Архивировать Курс
- label: Хотите ли вы заархивировать курс?
- clone_course:
- button_text: Закрыть Курс
- label: Хотите ли вы создать копию курса?
- unarchive_course:
- button_text: Разархивировать Курс
- label: Хотите ли вы разархивировать курс?
- alert:
- archive_message: Вы уверены, что хотите заархивировать курс?
- clone_course_message: Вы уверены, что хотите создать копию курса?
- unarchive_message: Вы уверены, что хотите разархивировать курс?
- button_text:
- add_new_course: Создать Новый Курс
- edit_course_details: Редактирвовать Детали Курса
- course_about:
- label: О Курсе
- placeholder: Добавьте подробности о курсе.
- course_description:
- error_message: Требуется описание (2–150 знаков)
- label: Описание курса
- placeholder: Краткое описание этого курса
- course_highlights:
- label: Основные моменты курса
- course_name:
- error_message: Требуется название (2–50 знаков)
- label: Название курса
- placeholder: Введите название курса здесь
- create_course: Создать Курс
- enable_public_preview_label: Разрешить всем просматривать учебную программу?
- enable_public_signup_label: Разрешить всем записываться на этот курс?
- feature_course_in_homepage_label: Рекомендовать курс на домашней странице школы?
- processing_url:
- error: Недействительный URL обработки
- help: Вы можете отправить URL курса абитурентам после того, как они подадут заявку на курс.
- label: Хотите ли вы обработать информацию о абитурентах перед их зачислением?
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/courses#processing-url
- progression_behavior:
- help: Это применимо только в том случае, если ваш курс имеет контрольные задачи, требующие от студентов представления своей работы на рассмотрение менторам.
- label: Успешность
- limited:
- description_end: " без рассмотрения отправленных материалов.."
- description_start: Уровень студентов может подняться
- once: один раз
- thrice: три раза
- title: Лимитировано
- twice: два раза
- four_times: four times
- strict:
- description: Учащиеся могут повысить свой уровень только после проверки и сдачи работ.
- title: Строго
- unlimited:
- description: Студенты могут повышать свой уровень до конца курса без рассмотрения их работ.
- title: Без Лимита
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/courses#progression-behaviour
- tabs:
- actions: Действия
- details: Детали
- images: Картинки
- update_course: Обновить Курс
- pick_a_cohort: Pick a Cohort
- pick_default_cohort: Pick the default cohort
- title:
- add_new_course: Add New Course
- edit_course_details: Edit Course Details
- CourseEditor__HighlightsEditor:
- add_highlight: Добавить Главные Моменты Курса
- delete_highlight: Удалить выделение
- description:
- placeholder: Описание Главных Моментов
- move_down: Двинуть вниз
- move_up: Двинуть вверх
- multi_choice: Разрешить множественный выбор
- select: Выбрать
- selected_button:
- title: Выбрать Иконку
- title:
- placeholder: Название Главных Моментов
- CourseEditor__ImagesForm:
- button_text:
- update_images: Обновить Картинку
- updating: Обновляем...
- cover_image:
- error_message: должен быть в формате JPEG/PNG размером менее 2 МБ.
- help: Обложка будет отображаться в верхней части всех студенческих страниц в рамках курса, а также в качестве заголовка некоторых электронных писем по курсу.
- label: Обложка
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/courses#course-images
- empty_image_label: Пожалуйста, выберите файл изображения.
- image_label:
- end: . Щелкните, чтобы заменить текущее изображение.
- start: "Вы выбрали "
- notification_success:
- description: Изображения успешно обновлены.
- title: Сделано!
- replace_image_label: "Выберите файл для замены "
- thumbnail:
- error_message: должен быть в формате JPEG/PNG размером менее 2 МБ
- help: Миниатюра будет отображаться на главной странице и здесь, в списке административных курсов.
- label: Миниатюра
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/courses#course-images
- CourseExport__Root:
- active_students_label: Активные Студенты
- all_students_label: Все Студенты
- all_targets_label: Все задачи
- close_export_form: Закрыть форму экспорта
- create_action: Создать Новый Экспорт
- create_action_button: Экспорт данных курса
- create_button_active_label: Составляем Экспорт...
- create_button_text: Создать Экспорт
- download_course_export: Скачать экспорт курса
- export: Экспорт
- export_tags_label: Экспортировать только студентов со следующими тегами
- export_targets_label: Какие задачи должен включать экспорт?
- export_type_label: Пожалуйста, выберите тип экспорта
- heading: Экспорты
- include_inactive_students_tag: Включая еактивных студентов
- no_exports_notice: Вы еще ничего не экспортировали!
- prepared: Подготовлено
- requested: Запрошено
- reviewed_only_tag: Только Рассмотренные Подачи
- reviewed_only_targets_label: Только задачи с проверенными подачами
- search_tag_placeholder: Поиск тега
- search_tags_empty: Теги не выбраны
- students_label: Студенты
- students_to_include_label: Выберите учащихся для включения в экспорт курса
- teams_label: Команды
- export_cohorts_label: Export only the students in the following cohort(s)
- search_cohort_placeholder: Search for a cohort
- search_cohorts_empty: No cohorts selected
- CourseSelect:
- button_load_more: Загрузить Больше Курсов...
- courses_fully_loaded_text: Показаны все %{total_courses} курсов
- courses_partially_loaded_text: Показаны %{loaded_courses_count} из %{total_courses} курса
- empty_courses: У вас нет курсов!
- filter:
- input_hint: Или начните вводить для поиска по имени...
- input_label: Искать
- input_placeholder: Фильтруйте и ищите курсы по названию
- label:
- name: Искать по названию
- status: Статус
- status:
- active: Активен
- archived: Архивирован
- ended: Окончен
- CoursesApply__Root:
- email_sent_message:
- description: Он должен добраться до вас меньше чем за минуту. Нажмите на ссылку в электронном письме, чтобы зарегистрироваться, и приступайте.
- title: Мы отправили вам письмо с подтверждением.
- CoursesCurriculum:
- edit_level_button: Редактировать Уровень
- edit_target_button_title: Редактировать Задачу %{title}
- empty_level_content_notice: На этом уровне нет опубликованного контента.
- issued_certificate_button: Посмотреть Сертификат
- issued_certificate_heading: Поздравляем, вам выдан сертификат!
- level_locked: Уровень закрыт
- level_locked_explanation: Вы можете получить доступ к контенту %{date}.
- level_locked_for_students_notice: Этот уровень по-прежнему заблокирован для учащихся и будет разблокирован %{date}.
- level_locked_notice: Уровень в настоящее время заблокирован!
- nav_next_level: След. Уровень
- nav_previous_level: Пред. Уровень
- milestone_label: Milestone
- nav_aria_next_level: Go to the next level
- nav_aria_previous_level: Go to the previous level
- nav_long_next_level: Next Level
- nav_long_previous_level: Previous Level
- nav_short_next_level: Next
- nav_short_previous_level: Previous
- CoursesCurriculum__AudioRecorder:
- button_text_record_again: Записать Снова
- button_text_start_recording: Начать Запись
- cannot_record: Вы не можете записывать аудио.
- preview_mode: Режим Предварительного Просмотра
- recording_size_limit_warning: Размер записи не должен превышать 5 МБ. Пожалуйста, перезапишите
- recording_string: Записываем...
- CoursesCurriculum__AutoVerify:
- before_marking: Перед пометкой как завершенный...
- before_visiting: Прежде чем перейти по ссылке...
- mark_complete: Отметить Как Завершенный
- saving: Сохраняем
- visit_complete: Перейдите По Ссылке, Чтобы Завершить
- visit_link: "Перейти по Ссылке "
- CoursesCurriculum__Discuss:
- create: Создать тему
- go_to: Перейти в сообщество
- no_discussion: В последнее время не было обсуждения этой задачи.
- topics_post: " сообщество"
- topics_pre: "Темы в сообществе "
- use_community: Используйте сообщество, чтобы развеять сомнения и взаимно помогать друг-другу!
- CoursesCurriculum__FileForm:
- another_file: Пожалуйста, выберите другой файл для загрузки.
- cannot_attach: Вы не можете прикреплять файлы.
- choose_upload: Выберите файл для загрузки
- error: "Ошибка "
- max_file_size: Максимальный размер файла составляет 5 МБ.
- please_reload: Пожалуйста, перезагрузите страницу и повторите попытку.
- preview_mode: Режим Предварительного Просмотра
- smth_went_wrong: Что-то пошло не так!
- CoursesCurriculum__Learn:
- edit_target_button: Редактировать Контент
- CoursesCurriculum__LevelUpButton:
- button_text_level_up: Уровень повышен
- button_text_saving: Сохраняем
- CoursesCurriculum__NoticeManager:
- access_ended_description: Ваш доступ к этому курсу закончился.
- access_ended_title: Доступ прекращен
- course_complete_description: Вы выполнили нашу курсовую работу. Не стесняйтесь выполнять задачи, которые вы могли упустить, и читайте по прикрепленным ссылкам.
- course_complete_title: Поздравляю! Вы выполнили все контрольные задачи на последнем уровне.
- course_ended_description: Курс завершен, и отправка материалов отключена для всех задачах!
- course_ended_title: Курс Окончен
- preview_mode_description: Вы входите в режим предварительного просмотра курса
- preview_mode_title: Режим предварительного просмотра
- team_members_pending_description: Вы выполнили все необходимые контрольные задачи, но один или несколько товарищей по команде еще не закончили. Попросите их войти в систему и проверить, нет ли незавершенных контрольных показателей.
- team_members_pending_title: Свяжитесь с вашей командой
- CoursesCurriculum__Overlay:
- close_button: Закрыть
- completion_tab_complete: Завершить
- completion_tab_completed: Завершено
- completion_tab_form_response: Форма ответов
- completion_tab_locked: Заблокировано
- completion_tab_mark_complete: Отметить как завершено
- completion_tab_quiz_result: Результаты Теста
- completion_tab_submissions: Работы и Отзывы
- completion_tab_submit_form: Представить форму
- completion_tab_take_quiz: Пройти Тест
- completion_tab_visit_link: Пройдите по Ссылке для Заввершения
- discuss_tab: Обсуждения
- learn_cta_submit_work: Отправить работу на рассмотрение
- learn_cta_take_quiz: Пройти Тест
- learn_tab: Учиться
- next_target_button: След. Задача
- pending_team_members_notice: "У вас есть члены команды, которым еще предстоит выполнить эту задачу:"
- preview_mode_text: Вы сейчас в режиме предварительного просмотра.
- previous_target_button: Пред. Задача
- scroll_to_top: Пролистать наверх
- learn_cta_submit_form: Submit Form
- milestone_label: Milestone
- CoursesCurriculum__Quiz:
- next_question: След. Вопрос
- question: Вопрос
- submit_quiz: Отправить Тест
- CoursesCurriculum__SubmissionBuilder:
- accessing_preview: Вы получаете доступ к режиму предварительного просмотра
- attaching: Прикрепляется
- compete_all: Пожалуйста, заполните все необходимые
- complete: Завершено
- for_course: для этого курса
- no_actions: У этой задачи нет действий. Нажмите «Отправить», чтобы завершить задачу
- steps_submit: шаги для отправки этой задачи
- submit: Отправить
- submitting: Отправляется
- CoursesCurriculum__SubmissionItem:
- link_error: Это не похоже на действительную ссылку.
- link_placeholder: Введите полный URL, начинающийся с https://...
- remove: "Убрать "
- short_text_error: Ответ должен быть меньше 250 символов
- short_text_placeholder: Добавьте короткий текст
- warning_length_limit: Пожалуйста, старайтесь, чтобы ваш ответ не превышал 5000 символов.
- CoursesCurriculum__SubmissionsAndFeedback:
- add_another: Добавить другую
- add_another_response: Добавить еще один ответ
- add_another_submission: Добавить другую работу
- cancel: Отмена
- completed: Завершено
- form_response_number: "Ответ #"
- grading: Оценивается
- pending_review: Ожидает Оценки
- rejected: Отказано
- submission_details: "Детали вашей работы в "
- submission_number: "Работа #"
- submitted_on: "Отправлено в "
- unknown_coach: Неизвестный Ментор
- your_responses: Ваши ответы
- your_submissions: Ваши Работы
- CoursesCurriculum__TargetStatus:
- access_locked: Ваш доступ к этому курсу закончился.
- course_locked: Курс был окончен.
- prerequisites_incomplete: Данная задача имеет предварительные условия которые вы не выполнили.
- status:
- completed: Завершен
- locked: Заблокирован
- pending: В Ожидании
- pending_review: Ожидает оценки
- rejected: Отклонен
- submission_limit_reached: You have %{pending_count} pending submissions and cannot submit more until they are reviewed.
- CoursesCurriculum__UndoButton:
- notification_error_body: Произошла непредвиденная ошибка, и наша команда была уведомлена об этом. Пожалуйста, перезагрузите страницу перед повторной попыткой.
- notification_error_head: Непредвиденная ошибка
- notification_notice_body: Пожалуйста, перезагрузите страницу и проверьте статус отправки перед повторной попыткой.
- notification_notice_head: Не удалось отменить отправку
- undo_submission_title: Удалить эту работу
- window_confirm: Вы уверены, что хотите удалить это задачу?
- undo: Undo
- undo_submission: Undo submission
- undoing: Undoing...
- CoursesCurriculum__UrlForm:
- button_placeholder: Введите полный URL, начинающийся с https://...
- button_text: Прикрепить ссылку
- url_validate_error: не выглядит как действительная ссылка
- CoursesReport:
- button_overview_text: Обзор
- button_submissions_text: Работы
- CoursesReport__Overview:
- attempted: " Попытки"
- average_grades: Средние Оценки
- average_quiz_score: Средний Балл за Тесты
- course_completed: Курс Пройден!
- incomplete_targets: "Не Завершены: %{targetsCount}"
- level_progress: Прогресс Уровня
- personal_coaches: Персональные Менторы
- quiz: Тест
- schedule_coaching_session: Запланировать сеанс с ментором
- targets_completed: "Завершены: %{targetsCount}"
- targets_overview: Обзор задач
- targets_pending_review: "Ожидают Оценки: %{targetsCount}"
- milestone_completed: Completed
- milestone_pending: Pending
- milestone_status_help: Discover your essential milestones for course completion right here. Track your progress and catch any targets you might have overlooked.
- quizzes_attempted:
- one: 1 Quiz Attempted
- other: "%{count} Quizzes Attempted"
- zero: No Quizzes Attempted
- CoursesReport__SubmissionsList:
- completed: Завершено
- filter_by_another_level: Фильтровать по другому уровню
- filter_by_another_level_or_status: Фильтровать по другому уровню или по статусу
- filter_by_level: Фильтровать по уровню
- filter_by_level_or_status: Фильтровать по уровню или статусу
- load_more: Загрузить Больше...
- no_submissions_to_show: "Нет представленных материалов для показа "
- pending_review: Ожидает оценки
- rejected: Отклонен
- sort_by: "Сортировать по:"
- status: Статус
- submission_not_considered: Данная работа не засчитывается для завершения.
- submission_not_considered_help: Данная задача командная и это работа не связана с некоторыми членами вашей команды. Это может произойти, если задача изменилась после вашего индивидуального представления, чтобы потребовать командной работы или если состав вашей команды изменился после создания команды.
- submitted_at: Отправлено в
- submitted_on: Отправлено в %{date}
- view: "Посмотреть "
- filter_by_another_status: Filter by another status
- filter_by_status: Filter by status
- CoursesReview__Checklist:
- create_review_checklist: Создайте список оценки
- create_review_checklist_description: Подготовьтесь к оценки курса, составив контрольный список
- CoursesReview__ChecklistEditor:
- add_checklist_item: Добавить элемент списка
- add_result: Добавить результат
- cancel: Отменить
- checklist_item_description:
- error_message: Список не может быть пустым
- placeholder: Добавить отзыв (необязательно)
- checklist_item_title:
- placeholder: Добавить результат элемента
- remove_button_title: Удалить результат элемента
- move_down_button_title: Move Down checklist result
- move_up_button_title: Move Up checklist result
- checklist_title:
- error_message: Список не может быть пустым
- placeholder: Добавить элемент списка
- remove_button_title: Удалить элемент списка
- move_down_button_title: Move Down checklist item
- move_up_button_title: Move Up checklist item
- create_review_checklist: Создать список для оценки
- disabled: Отключено
- edit_review_checklist: Изменить список оценки
- save_checklist: Сохранить список оценки
- CoursesReview__ChecklistShow:
- edit_checklist_button: Редактировать список
- feedback_placeholder: Добавить отзыв (необязательно)
- generate_feedback_button: Создать отзыв
- review_checklist: Проверить список
- add_additional_feedback: Add Additional Feedback
- back_to_review: Back to Review
- remove_additional_feedback: Remove Additional Feedback
- CoursesReview__Editor:
- add_another_feedback: Добавить еще один отзыв
- add_feedback: Добавить отзыв
- add_your_feedback: Добавьте свой отзыв
- assigned_coaches: Назначенные менторы
- assigned_to: Назначен к
- close: закрыть
- close_submission_warning: Вы уверены, что хотите закрыть отправку без сохранения?
- create_review_checklist: Создать список для проверки
- deleted_coach: Удаленные менторы
- evaluated_at: на %{evaluated_at}
- evaluated_by: Оценен от
- feedback: Отзыв
- feedback_generated_text: Отзыв, полученный из списка оценки.
- feedback_placeholder: Данный отзыв будет отправлен учащимся по электронной почте, когда вы завершите оценку.
- grade_card: Оценочная Карта
- help_text: Заметки можно использовать для отслеживания прогресса %{note_about}. Эти заметки показываются только менторам в отчете студента. %{additional_help}
- hide_test_report_button: Скрыть Отчет Тестов
- level_acronym: У
- note_help: "Хотели бы вы написать об этом заметку "
- note_placeholder: Заметили ли вы что-то при рассмотре данной работы?
- remove_assignment: Удалить задание
- report_description: Отчет Тестов
- report_status_string:
- error: Автоматические тесты не могут быть завершены из-за ошибок
- failure: Некоторые автоматические тесты не прошли
- success: Все автоматические тесты прошли успешно
- in_progress: Автоматические тесты в ходе выполнения
- queued: Автоматические тесты поставлены в очередь
- review: Проверить
- review_checklist: Проверить список
- review_next: След.
- save_grades: Сохранить оценки
- save_grades_and_send_feedback: Сохранить оценки и отправить отзыв
- share_feedback: Поделиться Отзывом
- show_review_checklist: Показать список оценок
- show_test_report_button: Показать Отчет Тестов
- status:
- completed: Выполнен
- pending_review: Ожидает оценки
- rejected: Отклонен
- reviewing: Оценивается
- student: студент
- student_dropped_out_message: Данная работа от студента, у которого закончился доступ к курсу или который выбыл из него.
- students_dropped_out_message: Данная работа связана с одним или несколькими студентами, доступ которых к курсу закончился или которые бросили учебу.
- submission: Работа
- submitted_by: "Отправлен от "
- submitted_by_team: "Отправлено командой: "
- team: команда
- team_notice: " Это заявление от команды, поэтому добавленная здесь заметка будет опубликована в отчете всех студентов в команде."
- undo_grade_warning: Вы действительно хотите удалить эти оценки? Это вернет отправку в состояние 'Ожидает рассмотрения'.
- undo_grading: Отменить Оценивание
- write_a_note: Написать Заметку
- github_action:
- description: Do you want to re-run the Github action on this submission?
- re_run_action_button: Yes, Re-Run Github Action
- view_action_button: View Github Action
- no_more_pending_submissions: This submission has been graded, and there are no more submissions awaiting review.
- page_title: "Submission #%{submission_number} | %{target_title} | %{name}"
- reject_submission: Reject Submission
- reject_submission_and_send_feedback: Reject submission & send feedback
- rejection_help_note_title: "Note: "
- rejection_help_note: You are marking this submission as rejected without providing any grades. Please provide your feedback along with the rejection.
- submission_acceptable: Is this submission acceptable?
- submission_number: "Submission #%{number}"
- undo_rejection_notice_title: "Submission Rejected:"
- undo_rejection_notice: " has marked this submission as rejected without providing any grades."
- undo_rejection: Undo Rejection
- undo_rejection_warning: Are you sure you want to undo the rejection? This will return the submission to a 'Pending Review' state.
- you_are_done: You're done!
- CoursesReview__ReviewerManager:
- assigned_at: Назначен в %{date}
- change_reviewer_and_start_review: Да, Назначьте меня
- remove_reviewer_assign_to_me: Хотите ли вы удалить %{current_coach_name} и назначить себя на оценивание?
- start_review: Начать Оценивание
- CoursesReview__Root:
- assigned_to: Назначен к
- assigned_to_coach: "Назначен к:"
- assigned_to_me: " назначен ко мне"
- button_load_more: Загрузить Больше Работ...
- coach_filter_by:
- assigned_to: Фильтровать по тем, кто отправил работы
- personal_coach: Фильтровать по тому, кто назначен студенту
- reviewed_by: Фильтровать по тем, кто просмотрел работу
- filter_by: "Фильтровать по:"
- filter_by_another_level: Фильтр по другому уровню
- filter_by_another_level_or_submissions_assigned: Фильтровать по другому уровню или показать только работы, назначенные ментору
- filter_by_level: Фильтровать по уровню
- filter_by_level_or_submissions_assigned: Фильтровать по уровню или показать только работы, назначенные ментору
- filter_by_target: Фильтровать по задачам
- filter_hint: ... или начните вводить текст, чтобы фильтровать учащегося по имени или адресу электронной почты
- filter_input:
- assigned_to: "Назначен: "
- level: "Уровень: "
- personal_coach: "Личный Ментор: "
- reviewed_by: "Оценен от: "
- target: "Задача: "
- inactive_students: Неактивные Студенты
- include: Включать
- level: Уровень
- me: Я
- name_or_email: Имя или Почта
- now_showing_submissions_assigned_to: Теперь отображаются материалы, назначенные %{name}.
- now_showing_submissions_from_all_students: Теперь отображаются работы всех студентов этого курса.
- pending: Ожидаются
- personal_coach: Личный Ментор
- review: Оценить
- reviewed: Оценено
- reviewed_at: Оценено в
- reviewed_by: Оценено
- search:
- assigned_to: "Назначен:"
- level: "Уровень:"
- personal_coach: "личный ментор:"
- reviewed_by: "оценен:"
- status: "статус: "
- target: "задача:"
- sort_by: "Сортировать по:"
- status: Статус
- submissions_fully_loaded_text:
- one: Здась только одна работа.
- other: Показаны все %{count} работы
- submissions_partially_loaded_text: Показаны %{loaded_submissions_count} из %{total_submissions} курсов
- submitted_at: Отправлено в
- target: Задача
- filter_by_submissions_assigned: Only show submissions assigned to a coach
- CoursesReview__SubmissionCard:
- assigned_to: Назначен
- completed: Завершено
- created_at: в %{created_at}.
- feedback_sent: Отзыв Отправлен
- level: "Уровень "
- no_submissions_found: Работы не найдены
- rejected: Отклонено
- submitted_by: "Отправлено от "
- submitted_by_team: "Отправлено от команды "
- CoursesReview__SubmissionInfoCard:
- completed: Завершено
- deleted: Удалено
- pending_review: Ожидает Оценки
- rejected: Отклонено
- submission_hash: Работа
- CoursesStudents__CoachNoteShow:
- coach_on: на
- delete_note: "Удалить заметку "
- deleted_coach: Удаленный Ментор
- sure_delete: Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эту заметку?
- unknown: Неизвестно
- CoursesStudents__CoachNotes:
- all_notes: Все Заметки
- has_archived_notes: У этого студента есть несколько архивных заметок.
- help_text: Заметки можно использовать для отслеживания прогресса студент. Эти заметки показываются только менторам.
- new_note: Добавить Новую Заметку
- no_notes: Здесь нет заметок!
- save_note: Сохранить Заметку
- CoursesStudents__Root:
- assigned_me: "Назначено: Мне"
- assigned_to: Назначен к
- coach_notes: Заметки Ментора
- filter_level: Фильтр по уровню, назначенному ментору или поиск по имени или почте и многое другое...
- has_notes: Имеет заметки
- me: меня
- name_email: Имя или Почта
- no_notes: Не имеет заметок
- not_found: "Не удалось найти уровень, выбранный из панели рассылки, с ID "
- restore_filer_none: Теперь показаны все студенты этого курса.
- search_assigned_me: " назначенных мне"
- search_assigned_to: "назначенных к "
- search_no_notes: нет заметок есть заметки ментор заметки
- search_tag: "тег "
- showing_assigned: "Теперь показаны учащиеся, назначенные к "
- tagged_with: С тегами
- CoursesStudents__StudentDistribution:
- level_wise: Распределение учащихся по уровням
- students_level: Студенты на уровне
- CoursesStudents__StudentOverlay:
- access_ended_at: Доступ этого студента к курсу закончился %{date}.
- attempted: " Попыток"
- average_grades: Средние оценка
- average_quiz_score: Средний Балл за Тест
- close_student_report: Закрыть отчет студента
- course_completed: Курс Пройден!
- dropped_out_at: Этот студент выбыл из курса в %{date}.
- level_progress: Прогресс Уровня
- notes: Заметки
- other_team_members: Другие Члены Команды
- personal_coaches: Личные Менторы
- quiz: Тест
- submissions: Работы
- targets: " Задачи"
- targets_overview: Обзор Задач
- team_coaches: Менторы Команд
- total_targets_completed: Всего задач выполнено
- quizzes_attempted:
- one: 1 Quiz Attempted
- other: "%{count} Quizzes Attempted"
- zero: No Quizzes Attempted
- CoursesStudents__SubmissionsList:
- no_revied_submission: Нет Рассмотренного Работ
- submitted_on: "Отправленный в "
- CoursesStudents__TeamsList:
- no_teams: Нет поманд для показа
- personal_coaches: Личные Менторы
- team_coaches: Командные Менторы
- CurriculumEditor:
- create_level: Создать Уровень
- create_target_group: Создать группу задач
- edit_selected_level: Редактировать выбранный уровень
- hide_archived: Hide Archived
- show_archived: Show Archived
- CurriculumEditor__ContentBlockCreator:
- audio_upload_size_limit_warning: Пожалуйста, выберите файл размером менее 10 МБ.
- button_labels:
- embed: Встроить
- file: Файл
- image: Картинку
- markdown: Текст (Markdown)
- video: Видео
- close_embed: Закрыть форму для встраивания
- creating: Создание...
- description_video_placeholder: Описание для вашего видео
- embed:
- save_button: Сохранить
- url_help: Мы поддерживаем ряд сторонних сервисов (см. Ссылку ниже). Просто скопируйте и вставьте полный URL-адрес на страницу, содержащую ресурс, который вы хотите встроить.
- url_label: Ссылка для встраивания
- failed_create_error: Произошла непредвиденная ошибка. Пожалуйста, обновите страницу и попробуйте еще раз.
- failed_upload_error: Не удалось загрузить файл. Проверьте сообщение в уведомлении и повторите попытку.
- failed_url_error: URL-адрес недействителен. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что он начинается с «https://» и что это один из разрешенных веб-сайтов.
- file:
- upload_size_warning: Пожалуйста, выберите файл размером менее 5 МБ.
- image:
- invalid_image_warning: Выберите изображение (PNG, JPEG, GIF) размером менее 5 МБ и не более 4096 пикселей в ширину или в высоту.
- invalid_audio_file_error: Пожалуйста, выберите допустимый аудиофайл
- preparing_upload: Подготовка к загрузке...
- title_video_placeholder: Название вашего видео
- toggle_content_block: Переключить Форму Блокировки Содержимого
- upload_success_notification: Файл успешно загружен.
- video:
- description_label: Описание
- invalid_format_warning: Неверный формат файла. Пожалуйста, выберите файл MP4, MOV, WMV или AVI.
- select_file_button: Выберите Файл и Загрузите
- title_label: Заголовок
- upload_limit_warning: Пожалуйста, выберите файл меньше чем %{maximumVideoSize}.
- uploading: Загружаем
- embed_url:
- help: We support a number of third-party services (check link below). Just copy & paste the full URL to the page that contains the resource that you'd like to embed.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#content-block-types
- label: URL to Embed
- save_button: Save
- CurriculumEditor__ContentBlockEditor:
- delete: Удалить
- delete_block_confirm: Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот блок?
- deleting: Удаление...
- editor_content_block: "Редактор блока контента "
- move_down: Двигать Вниз
- move_up: Двигать Вверх
- save_changes: Сохранить изменения
- undo_block_confirm: Вы уверены, что хотите отменить изменения в этом блоке?
- undo_changes: Отменить изменения
- uploading: Обновление...
- embedded_url: Embedded URL
- video: Video
- CurriculumEditor__ContentEditor:
- last_updated: Последнее Обновление
- not_versioned: Без Версии
- view_as_student: Посмотреть как студент
- CurriculumEditor__EmbedBlockResolver:
- error_notification: Произошла непредвиденная ошибка, и наша команда была уведомлена об этом. Пожалуйста, перезагрузите страницу перед повторной попыткой.
- trying_embed: Попытка встроить URL...
- unable_embed: Не удалось встроить, повторная попытка через 1 минуту...
- video_processed: Видео обрабатывается, повторная попытка через 1 минуту...
- CurriculumEditor__FileBlockEditor:
- placeholder: Название для этого файла
- title: Название
- CurriculumEditor__ImageBlockEditor:
- resize_panel_button_title:
- auto: Автоматическая ширина
- four_fifths: Четыре пятых ширины
- full: Полная ширина
- three_fifths: Три пятых ширины
- two_fifths: Две пятых ширины
- CurriculumEditor__LevelEditor:
- actions_error_title: Упс!
- clone_level_button: Скопировать Уровень
- clone_level_confirm: Вы уверены, что хотите сделать копию этого уровня?
- clone_level_error_message: Что-то пошло не так, когда мы попытались скопировать этот уровень. Пожалуйста, перезагрузите эту страницу перед повторной попыткой.
- clone_level_hint: Выберите курс, на который нужно скопировать этот уровень. Это действие скопирует все задачи на выбранный курс.
- clone_level_label: Скопировать в
- create_level: Создать Новый Уровень
- create_success: Уровень успешно создан
- edit_level: Редактировать Уровень %{number}
- level_name_invalid: неверное название
- level_name_label: Имя Уровня
- level_name_placeholder: Введите здесь название уровня
- merge_levels_button: Объединить и Удалить
- merge_levels_confirm: Уверены ли вы? Это действие не может быть отменено.
- merge_levels_error_message: Что-то пошло не так, когда мы попытались объединить и удалить этот уровень. Пожалуйста, перезагрузите эту страницу перед повторной попыткой.
- merge_levels_hint: Выберите другой уровень, с которым хотите объединить этот уровень. Это действие сдвинет все задачи и учеников по уровню.
- merge_levels_label: Удалить и Объеденить с
- merge_levels_select: Выбрать другой уровень
- optional: " (не обязательно)"
- success: Успех
- tabs:
- actions: Действия
- details: Детали
- unlock_on_label: Разблокировать уровень в
- update_level: Обновить Уровень
- update_success: Уровень успешно обновлен
- CurriculumEditor__TargetChecklistItemEditor:
- add_choice: Добавить выбор
- choices: Выборов
- controls_checklist: Управление для элемента списка
- copy: Копировать
- delete: Удалить
- describe_question: Введите ваш вопрос здесь
- editor_checklist: Редактор элемента контрольного списка
- limits_notice: Учащиеся могут отправить до 3 файлов размером не более 5 МБ каждый.
- move_down: Двигать Вниз
- move_up: Двигать Вверх
- not_unique_question: Не уникальный вопрос; требуемые вопросы должны быть уникальными
- not_valid_choice: Неверный выбор
- optional: Необязательный
- question_cannot_empty: Вопрос не может быть пустым
- remove_choice: Убрать Выбор
- choices_not_unique: Choices must be unique
- multi_choice: Allow multiple selections
- CurriculumEditor__TargetDetailsEditor:
- add_another_question: Добавить еще один вопрос
- choose_target_group: Выберите группу задач
- completion_instructions_help: Используйте это, чтобы напомнить ученику о чем-то важном. Эти инструкции будут отображаться рядом с тем местом, где учащиеся выполнят задание.
- completion_instructions_label: Есть ли у вас какие-либо инструкции для ученика?
- could_not_find: Не удалось найти выбранный критерий оценки с идентификатором
- describe_submission: Опишите вашу работу
- empty_checklist_warning: У этой задачи нет шагов. Студенты смогут отправить работу без каких-либо действий!
- empty_questions_warning: Эта целевая форма не имеет вопросов. В форме должен быть хотя бы один вопрос.
- enter_valid_link: Введите действительную ссылку
- enter_valid_title: Введите правильный заголовок
- link_complete: Ссылка для завершения
- mark_as_complete: Просто отметьте задачу как выполненную.
- need_submit: " должен отправить"
- no_targets_selected: Задачи не выбраны
- one_student_team: Только один ученик в команде
- optional_braces: (необязательно)
- paste_link_complete: Вставьте ссылку, чтобы завершить
- prepare_quiz: Подготовьте тест прямо сейчас.
- prepare_quiz_error: Все вопросы должны быть заполнены, и на все вопросы должно быть не менее двух ответов.
- prerequisite_targets_label: Есть ли предварительные задачи?
- search_criteria_all: Вы выбрали все критерии оценки!
- search_criteria_empty: Критерии не выбраны
- search_criteria_placeholder: Критерии оценки поиска
- search_targets: Искать Задачи
- select_criterion_label: Выберите критерии оценки из вашего списка
- select_criterion_warning: По крайней мере, один должен быть выбран
- selected_all_targets: Вы выбрали все задачи
- submit_individually: Все студенты должны представить индивидуально.
- take_quiz: Пройдите тест, чтобы выполнить задачу.
- target_checklist_form_help: На эти вопросы студент должен ответить, чтобы выполнить задание.
- target_checklist_form_label: На какие вопросы вы бы хотели, чтобы студент ответил?
- target_checklist_form_limit_warning: Максимально допустимое количество элементов формы — 25!
- target_checklist_help_text: Это шаги, которые студент должен выполнить, чтобы отправить работу позадаче. Эта информация будет показана ментору для ознакомления.
- target_checklist_label: Какие шаги должен предпринять ученик для достижения этой задачи?
- target_group: Группа задач
- target_method_of_completion_label: Как вы хотите, чтобы ученик выполнил задание?
- target_reviewed_by_coach: Будет ли ментор проверять работы по этой задаче?
- target_role_help: Должны ли студенты в команде подавать работу над задачей индивидуально или вместе?
- target_role_label: Как командам следует решать эту задачу?
- target_title_placeholder: Введите название задачи здесь
- target_visibility: Видимость Задачи
- title: Заголовок
- update_target: Обновить Задачу
- visit_link: Пройдите по ссылке, чтобы выполнить задачу.
- completion_instructions:
- help: Use this to remind the student about something important. These instructions will be displayed close to where students complete the target.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#setting-the-method-of-completion
- label: Do you have any completion instructions for the student?
- github_action:
- button_text: Configure Github Actions
- help_description: You can configure Github Actions to automatically grade this target when a student submits a submission.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor/#github-actions
- title: Github Actions
- submit_form: Submit a form to complete the target.
- target_checklist:
- form_help: These are the questions a student must answer to complete the target.
- form_label: What are the questions you would like the student to answer?
- form_limit_warning: Maximum allowed questions is 25!
- help: These are the steps that a student must complete to submit work on a target. This information will be shown to the coach for review.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#defining-steps-to-complete-a-target
- label: What steps should the student take to complete this target?
- target_role:
- help: Should students in a team submit work on a target individually, or together?
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#setting-the-method-of-completion
- label: How should teams tackle this target?
- target_setting_milestone:
- help: Students will not be able to complete the course until they complete this target if set as milestone.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#setting-target-as-a-milestone
- label: Is this target a milestone?
- CurriculumEditor__TargetDrawer:
- content: Контент
- details: Детали
- unexpected_error: Непредвиденная ошибка. Пожалуйста, перезагрузите страницу.
- unsaved_confirm: Есть несохраненные изменения. Вы уверены, что хотите отказаться от них?
- versions: Версии
- CurriculumEditor__TargetGroupEditor:
- choose_level: Выберите уровень
- create_group: Создать Группу Задач
- description: Описание
- description_placeholder: Введите описание группы задач
- group_archived_q: Заархивирована ли эта группа задач?
- group_details: Детали Группы Задач
- milestone_q: Является ли это важной группой задач?
- target_group_created_notification: Группа Задач успешно создана
- target_group_updated_notificaion: Группа Задач успешно обновлена
- title: Заголовок
- title_name_error: недействительный Заголовок
- title_placeholder: Введите название группы задач здесь
- update_group: Обновить Группу Задач
- CurriculumEditor__TargetGroupShow:
- create: Создать
- create_a_target: Создать задачу
- create_target: Создать задачу
- move_down: Двинуть Вниз
- move_up: Двинуть Вверх
- CurriculumEditor__TargetQuizAnswer:
- answer_placeholder: Вариант ответа (поддерживает markdown)
- correct_answer: Правильный Ответ
- mark_correct: Отметить как правильный
- remove_answer_option: Удалить этот вариант ответа
- CurriculumEditor__TargetQuizQuestion:
- add_another_answer: Добавить другой Вариант Ответа
- answer_placeholder: Введите вопрос здесь (поддерживает markdown)
- question: Вопрос
- remove_question: Удалить Вопрос Теста
- CurriculumEditor__TargetShow:
- draft: Черновик
- edit: Редактировать
- edit_content: Редактировать контент задачи
- move_down: Двинуть Вниз
- move_up: Двинуть Вверх
- of_target: задачи
- milestone_label: Milestone
- CurriculumEditor__TargetVersionSelector:
- edit: Редактировать
- preview: Предпросмотр
- restore_version: Восстановить эту версию
- CurriculumEditor__VersionsEditor:
- restore_version: Восстановить эту версию
- save_version: Сохранить эту версию
- select_version: Выберите версию
- version_feature_help: Используйте функцию версий, чтобы сохранить существующее состояние содержимого задачи, просмотреть ранее сохраненные версии и восстановить их, если это необходимо.
- help: Use the versions feature to preserve the existing state of a target's content, to browse earlier stored versions, and to restore them, if required.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#target-content-versions
- EditorDrawer:
- close_editor: Закрыть Редактор
- EvaluationCriteria__Index:
- add_new_criterion: Добавить Новый Критерий Оценки
- EvaluationCriterionEditor__Form:
- add_criterion: Добавить Критерий Оценки
- create_criterion: Создать Критерий
- grade_labels:
- help: Assign labels for each grade, to reflect in grade cards for students and coaches
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/evaluation_criteria
- label: Grade and Labels
- grade_lables_help: Назначьте метки для каждой оценки, чтобы отразить их в карточках оценок для учащихся и тренеров.
- important: Важное
- important_details: Значения максимальных и проходных оценок нельзя изменить после создания критерия. Метки, присвоенные каждому классу, могут быть отредактированы позже.
- label_grade_placeholder: Метка для класса
- max_grade: Максимальная оценка
- name_error: Введите действительное имя
- name_placeholder: Название критерия оценки
- passing_grade: а проходной балл
- update_criterion: Критерий Обновления
- HelpIcon:
- read_more: Подробнее
- LevelProgressBar:
- course_completed: Курс Пройден!
- heading: Прогресс Уровня
- MarkdownEditor:
- attach_file_label: Нажмите здесь, чтобы прикрепить файл.
- bold_insert: жирный
- control_label_bold: Жирный
- control_label_italic: Курсив
- control_label_strikethrough: Зачеркнутый
- error_maximum_file_size: Максимальный размер файла составляет 5 МБ. Пожалуйста, выберите другой файл.
- error_prefix: Не удалось прикрепить файл!
- error_unexpected: Произошла непредвиденная ошибка! Пожалуйста, перезагрузите страницу, прежде чем повторять попытку.
- exit_full_screen_label: Выход из полноэкранного режима
- file_upload_wait: Пожалуйста, дождитесь загрузки файла...
- help_aria_label: Нужна помощь с Markdown?
- help_label: Нужна помощь?
- italic_insert: Курсив
- mode_label_fullscreen: Полный экран
- mode_label_fullscreen_exit: Выйти из полного экрана
- mode_label_preview: Предварительный просмотр
- mode_label_preview_exit: Редактировать
- mode_label_split: Просмотр редактора и предварительный просмотр в режиме разделения
- mode_label_split_exit: Закрыть разделенный вид
- strikethrough_insert: зачеркнутый
- emoji_picker: Emoji
- Notifications__EntryCard:
- mark_read: Пометить, как прочитанное
- Notifications__List:
- button_load_more: Загрузить больше уведомлений...
- empty_notifications: У вас нет уведомлений!
- filter:
- events:
- post_created_text: Пост Создан
- topic_created_text: Тема создана
- input_hint: Поиск по названию или типу события
- input_label: Искать
- input_placeholder: Поиск по заголовку, событию, прочитанным и непрочитанным
- label:
- event: Событие
- status: Статус
- title: Поиск по названию
- status:
- all: Все
- new: Новый
- read: Прочитанно
- unread: Непрочитано
- mark_all_as_read_button: Отметить все как прочитанное
- notifications: Уведомления
- notifications_fully_loaded_text: Показаны все %{total_notifications} уведомления
- notifications_partially_loaded_text: Показаны %{loaded_notifications_count} из %{total_notifications} уведомлении
- Notifications__Root:
- close: "Закрыть "
- show_notifications: Показать уведомления
- SA_Coaches_CoachEditor:
- add_coach: Добавить нового ментора
- coach_add: Добавить Ментора
- coach_created: Ментор успешно создан
- coach_email: Почта ментора
- coach_left_q: Ушел ли ментор из школы?
- coach_name: Имя ментора
- coach_profile_warn: Поскольку профиль ментора не является общедоступным, он нигде не будет отображаться.
- coach_public_q: Должен ли профиль ментора быть общедоступным?
- coach_title: Звание/Опыт Ментора
- coach_title_error: Должно быть не менее двух символов
- coach_update: Обновить Ментора
- coach_updated: Ментор успешно обновлен
- connect_link: Ссылка на подключение
- connect_link_error: Это не похоже на действительный URL
- connect_link_placeholder: Ссылка запроса на подключение студента для ментора
- email_input_error: Пожалуйста, введите действительную почту
- input_group_error: Должно быть не менее двух символов
- replace_avatar: Заменить аватар
- upload_avatar: Загрузить аватар
- active: Active
- affiliation: Affiliation
- affiliation_placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- archived: Archived
- coach_status: Coach Status
- coach_visibility: Coach Visibility
- email: Email
- exited: Exited
- name: Name
- title: Title
- SA_Coaches_SchoolIndex:
- add_new_coach: Добавить Нового Ментора
- avatar_of: "Аватар "
- active_coaches: Active Coaches
- coaches: Coaches
- exited_coaches: Exited Coaches
- no_active_coaches: Your school doesn't have active coaches.
- no_coaches: No Coaches Found
- no_exited_coaches: Your school doesn't have exited coaches.
- SA_InactiveStudentsPanel:
- all_students: Все Студенты
- inactive_students: Неактивные Студенты
- reactivate_students: Реактивировать студентов
- search_empty: Ни один неактивный учащийся не соответствует вашим критериям поиска.
- search_placeholder: Поиск по названию студента или команды...
- next: Next
- prev: Prev
- team: Team
- SchoolAdmin__EditorDrawer:
- close_editor: Закрыть Редактор
- SchoolAdmins__Editor:
- add_new_admin: Добавить нового администратора
- remove_confirm_post: из списка админов?
- remove_confirm_pre: Вы уверены что хотите удалить
- SchoolAdmins__Form:
- add_new_admin: Добавить нового администратора
- admin_created_notification: Администратор успешно создан.
- admin_updated_notification: Администратор успешно обновлен.
- create_admin: Создать Администратора
- update_admin: Обновить Администратора
- email_error: Enter a valid Email
- email_placeholder: Add email here
- name_placeholder: Add name here
- SchoolCommunities__CategoryEditor:
- add_new_category: Добавить новую категорию
- delete_category: Удалить категорию
- editor_category_alt: "Редактор категории "
- save_category: Сохранить Категорию
- topics_delete_confirm: В этой категории есть темы! Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эту категорию?
- update_category: Обновить категорию
- topics:
- one: 1 topic
- other: "%{count} topics"
- SchoolCommunities__CategoryManager:
- categories_in: Категории в
- SchoolCommunities__Editor:
- add_categories: Добавить Категории
- allowed_targets_q: Следует ли разрешать учащимся обсуждать цели в этом сообществе?
- can_add_topic: Вы можете добавить категории тем после создания этого сообщества!
- community_editor: Редактор Сообщества
- community_editor_error: не является допустимым навзанием
- community_editor_label: Как вы хотите назвать это сообщество?
- community_editor_placeholder: Этому сообществу нужно имя!
- create_community: Создать Сообщество
- edit_categories: Изменить категории
- give_access: "Предоставьте доступ учащимся из:"
- no_topic: В настоящее время в этом сообществе нет категории тем!
- notification_answer_cant_blank: Ответ не может быть пустым
- notification_reload_post: Пожалуйста, перезагрузите страницу перед повторной попыткой публикации.
- search_course: Поиск курса
- search_course_all: Вы выбрали все доступные курсы
- search_course_empty: Курсы не выбраны
- topic_categories: Категории Тем
- update_community: Обновить Сообщество
- community_updated_notification: Community updated successfully.
- note: " Coaches in your school have access to all communities."
- SchoolCommunities__Index:
- add_new_community: Добавить Новое Сообщество
- close_category_editor: Закрыть Редактор Категорий
- close_community_editor: Закрыть Редактор Сообщества
- unsaved_window_confirm: Есть несохраненные изменения! Вы уверены, что хотите закрыть?
- SchoolCustomize__AgreementsEditor:
- agreement_body: Основная Часть Соглашения
- agreement_placeholder: Оставьте основную часть документа пустым, чтобы скрыть ссылку в нижнем колонтитуле.
- manage: Управлять
- updated_notification: был обновлен.
- privacy_policy: Privacy Policy
- terms_and_conditions: Terms & Conditions
- update: "Update "
- updating: Updating...
- SchoolCustomize__ContactsEditor:
- address_placeholder: Оставьте адрес пустым, чтобы скрыть нижний колонтитул.
- contact_address: Контактный Адрес
- contact_updated_notification: Контактные данные обновлены.
- email_address: Почта
- email_address_error: не является действительной почтой
- email_address_placeholder: Оставьте почту пустым, чтобы скрыть ссылку в нижнем колонтитуле.
- manage_contact: Управление Контактными Данными
- partial_success_notification: Частичный успех!
- update_address_notification: Нам удалось только обновить адрес.
- update_contact: Обновить контактную информацию
- update_email_notification: Нам удалось обновить только почту.
- SchoolCustomize__DetailsEditor:
- details_placeholder: Добавьте больше информации о школе.
- max_characters: (максимум 500 символов)
- school_name: Название Школы
- school_name_error: длина имени должна быть больше 2 символов
- school_name_placeholder: Введите название школы здесь
- update_details: Обновить Детали
- about_label: About
- SchoolCustomize__ImageFileInput:
- choose_customize: Пожалуйста, выберите файл изображения для кастомизации
- image_error_message: должен быть JPEG / PNG размером до 2 МБ
- pick_replace_pre: Выберите файл для замены
- you_selected_post: для замены текущего изображения.
- you_selected_pre: Вы выбрали
- SchoolCustomize__ImagesEditor:
- cover_image: Изображение обложки
- logo_light_label: Логотип на светлом фоне
- manage_images: Управление изображениями
- update_images: Обновить Изображения
- updated_notification: Изображения успешно обновлены.
- icon: Icon
- SchoolCustomize__LinkComponent:
- cancel_editing: Cancel Editing
- move_down: Move Down
- move_up: Move Up
- invalid_title: Please enter a non empty title with no more than 24 characters.
- invalid_url: Please enter a valid URL
- SchoolCustomize__LinkEditor:
- add_new_link: Добавить Новую Ссылку
- adding_new_link: Добавление новой ссылки...
- cant_empty_message: не может быть пустым
- done_notification_body: добавлена пользовательская ссылка.
- error_body: Похоже, что введенный вами URL-адрес недействителен. Пожалуйста проверьте и попробуйте снова.
- error_head: Неправильный URL-адрес
- footer_link_title: Показать ссылки в нижнем колонтитуле
- footer_sitemap: Карта сайта нижнего колонтитула
- full_url: Полный URL-адрес
- full_url_error: не является действительным URL-адресом
- full_url_placeholder: Полный URL, начиная с https://
- header: Заголовок
- header_links: Текущие Ссылки Заголовка
- location_link: Расположение ссылки
- manage_links: Управление пользовательскими ссылками
- no_custom_links: Здесь нет настраиваемых ссылок. Добавите немного?
- show_header_title: Показать ссылки в заголовке
- sitemap_links: Текущие Ссылки на Карту Сайта
- social: Соц. Сети
- social_links: Текущие Ссылки Социальных Сетей
- social_links_title: Показать ссылки на социальные сети
- title_placeholder: Краткое название для новой ссылки
- invalid_title: Please enter a non empty title with no more than 24 characters.
- title: Title
- SchoolCustomize__MoreLinks:
- more: Больше
- show_more_links: Показать больше ссылок
- SchoolCustomize__Root:
- add_address_q: Добавить адрес?
- add_contact_email_q: Добавить контактную почту?
- add_more_details: Добавьте больше информации о школе.
- change_cover: Изменение обложки
- customize_link_footer: Вы можете настроить ссылки в нижнем колонтитуле.
- customize_link_header: Вы можете настроить ссылки в шапке.
- edit_contact_details: Изменить контактную информацию
- edit_footer_links: Изменить ссылки в нижнем колонтитуле
- edit_header_links: Изменить ссылки в шапке
- edit_icon: Редактировать иконку
- edit_logo_dark: Редактировать логотип (на темном фоне)
- edit_logo_light: Редактировать логотип (на светлом фоне)
- edit_privacy: Изменить Политику Конфиденциальности
- edit_school_details: Изменить информацию о школе
- edit_social_links: Редактировать ссылки соц. сетей
- edit_terms: Изменить Положения и Условия
- featured_courses: Избранные курсы
- hello_welcome: Здравствуйте, добро пожаловать в
- homepage: домашняя страница
- reach_us_at: Свяжитесь с нами по адресу
- social_links_q: Добавить ссылки на социальные сети?
- contact: Contact
- icon: Icon
- privacy_policy: Privacy Policy
- sitemap: Sitemap
- social: Social
- terms_and_conditions: Terms & Conditions
- SchoolRouter__Page:
- nav:
- course:
- applicants: Абитуренты
- authors: Авторы
- certificates: Сертификаты
- coaches: Менторы
- curriculum: Силлабус
- evaluation_criteria: Критерии Оценивания
- exports: Экспорты
- students: Студенты
- assignments: Assignments
- calendar: Calendars
- cohorts: Cohorts
- teams: Teams
- main:
- admins: Админы
- coaches: Менторы
- communities: Сообщество
- courses: Курсы
- customization: Кастомизация
- overview: Обзор
- settings: Настройки
- settings:
- admins: Admins
- customization: Customization
- School__SearchableTagList:
- add_new_tag: Добавить новый тег
- pick_tag: Выберите тег
- remove_tag: Убрать тег
- search_for_add: Найдите или добавьте новые теги
- select_tags: Выберите теги
- School__SelectBox:
- no_items_select: Нет элементов для выбора.
- none_selected: Ничего Не Выбрано
- remove: Удалить
- select: Выбрать
- select_from_list: Выберите из следующего списка.
- type_search: Введите для Поиска
- Sorter:
- order_by: Сортировать по
- toggle_sort: Переключить порядок сортировки
- StudentCourse__Header:
- calendar: Календарь
- curriculum: Силлабус
- leaderboard: Рейтинг
- report: Отчет
- review: Проверка
- students: Студенты
- unknown: Неизвестно
- StudentCreator__CreateForm:
- added_full_description: Все ученики созданы успешно.
- added_none_description: Все студенты, которых вы пытались добавить, уже были частью этого курса.
- added_none_title: Ничего не изменилось
- added_partial_description: "%{students_added} из %{students_requested} студентов были добавлены. Остальные студенты уже прошли курс."
- added_partial_title: Частично добавлено
- drawer_heading: Добавить новых студентов
- notify_students_label: Уведомите учащихся и отправьте им ссылку для входа в эту школу.
- reload_add_students: Наша команда была уведомлена об этой ошибке. Пожалуйста, перезагрузите эту страницу перед повторной попыткой добавить учащихся.
- save_list_button: Сохранить Список
- team_header_add_more_members: Добавьте больше членов команды!
- team_header_label: КОМАНДА %{team_name}
- teams_to_add_empty: Этот список пуст! Добавьте несколько студентов, используя форму выше.
- teams_to_add_label: "Эти новые студенты будут добавлены к курсу.:"
- pick_a_cohort: Pick a Cohort
- select_a_cohort: Select a cohort
- select_cohort: Select Cohort
- student_list: Student list
- StudentEditor__UpdateDetailsForm:
- access_ends: Доступ заканчивается
- personal_coaches: Персональные Менторы
- search_coaches_all: Вы выбрали всех доступных тренеров!
- search_coaches_empty: Менторы не выбраны
- search_coaches_placeholder: Поиск менторов
- student_name_placeholder: Имя ученика здесь
- student_updated: Учащийся успешно обновлен
- student_updated_moved: Учащийся обновлен и перемещен в список неактивных учащихся
- students_not_able_complete_help: Если установлено, учащиеся не смогут выполнять задачи после этой даты.
- tags_applied: Теги применены
- tags_applied_team: Теги применены к команде
- tags_applied_user: Теги, примененные к пользователю
- team_coaches: Командные Менторы
- team_name_error: Название команды должно состоять как минимум из двух символов.
- team_name_placeholder: Название команды здесь
- team_s: Команды
- team_updated_moved: Команда обновлена и перемещена в список неактивных студентов
- update_student: Обновить Учащегося
- StudentTopNav:
- sign_in: Войти
- sign_out: Выйти
- StudentTopNav__DropDown:
- more: Больше
- show_links: Показать больше ссылок
- StudentTopNav__UserControls:
- edit_profile: Редактировать Профиль
- sign_in: Войти
- sign_out: Выйти
- user_controls: Показать пользовательские настройки
- StudentsEditor__ActionsForm:
- active_label: Активен
- certificates_label: Сертификаты Курса
- details_certificate: Сведения о выданном сертификате
- dropout_button: Выгнать Студента
- dropout_student_label: Был ли студент выгнан?
- empty_course_certificates_text: Этот курс не имеет сертификатов для выдачи.
- empty_issued_certificates_text: Этому студенту не выдавали никаких сертификатов.
- issue_certificate_button: Выдать Сертификат
- issued_by_label: "Выдано от:"
- issued_certificates_label: "Выданные сертификаты:"
- issued_date_label: "Выдано в:"
- manage_certificates: Управление студенческими сертификатами
- mark_dropped_note: Пометка учащегося как выбывшего лишает его доступа к курсу.
- new_certificate_label: "Выдать новый сертификат:"
- revoke_certificate_button: Отозвать Сертификат
- revoke_certificate_confirmation: Уверены ли вы? Это действие не может быть отменено.
- revoked_by_label: "Отозван от:"
- revoked_date_label: "Отозван в:"
- revoked_status_label: Отозван
- select_certificate_input_label: Выберите сертификат для выдачи
- StudentsEditor__BulkImportForm:
- csv_data_errors:
- invalid_affiliation: Принадлежность не должна превышать 250 символов.
- invalid_email: Почта должна быть действительной и не может быть пустым.
- invalid_name: Имя не может быть пустым и должен содержать не более 250 символов.
- invalid_tags: Каждому учащемуся разрешено использовать не более 5 тегов (не более 50 символов каждый).
- invalid_team_name: Название команды должно быть меньше 50 символов.
- invalid_title: Название должно быть меньше 250 символов.
- csv_file_errors:
- empty: В выбранном CSV-файле нет допустимых строк.
- exceeded_entries: В CSV-файле более 1000 записей.
- invalid: Выберите действительный файл CSV размером менее 5 МБ.
- invalid_data: В CSV-файле есть недопустимые данные в нескольких ячейках. Исправьте ошибки, перечисленные ниже, и повторите попытку.
- invalid_template: Выбранный файл CSV не имеет допустимого шаблона
- csv_file_input_label: CSV-файл импорта
- csv_file_input_placeholder: Выберите файл CSV для импорта
- drawer_heading: Массовый импорт студентов
- error_summary_title: "Вот сводка ошибок в таблице: "
- example_csv_link: Загрузите пример файла .csv
- import_bulk_help: Этот файл будет использоваться для массового импорта учащихся. Проверьте образец файла на наличие необходимого формата.
- import_button_text: Импортировать студентов
- more_errors_text: "Ошибок еще больше. Исправьте ошибки в следующих строках и загрузите снова: "
- notify_students_label: Уведомите учащихся и отправьте им ссылку для входа в эту школу.
- success_notification: Импорт успешно начат! После завершения вы получите уведомление по электронной почте.
- valid_data_message: Данные успешно подтверждены!
- valid_data_summary_text: "Вот сводка данных о студентах на загруженном листе: "
- StudentsEditor__Root:
- button_add_new_students: Добавить новых студентов
- button_all_students: Все Студенты
- button_bulk_import: Массовый Импорт
- button_inactive_students: Неактивные Студенты
- group_as_team: Группа как команда
- move_out_team: Выйти из команды
- sort_criterion_label: "Сортировать по:"
- sort_criterion_last_created: Последнее Создание
- sort_criterion_last_updated: Последнее Обновление
- sort_criterion_name: Имя
- teams_updated_success: Команды успешно обновлены
- StudentsEditor__Search:
- filter_input_label: "Фильтровать по:"
- filter_input_placeholder: Введите имя, тег или уровень
- StudentsEditor__StudentInforForm:
- add_list: Добавить в список
- email_not_unique: почта не уникален для студента
- email_placeholder: Электронная почта студента здесь
- invalid_email: неверная почта
- name_placeholder: Имя ученика здесь
- team_name: Название Команды
- team_name_help: Учащиеся с одинаковым названием команды будут сгруппированы вместе; это не повлияет на существующие команды в курсе.
- team_name_placeholder: Мстители, Фантастическая четверка и др.
- title_placeholder: Студент, ментор, генеральный директор и т.д.
- StudentsEditor__TeamsList:
- check_spelling: Убедитесь, что написано по буквам правильно.
- clear_filter: Убрать Фильтры
- empty_message: Здесь нет студентов.
- level: Уровень
- load_more: "Загрузить Больше "
- no_results_found: Результатов не найдено.
- students_fully_loaded_text:
- one: Здесь только один студент.
- other: Показаны все %{count} студентов
- students_partially_loaded_text: Показаны %{loaded_students_count} из %{total_students} студентов
- team: Команда
- try_removing_filter: Попробуйте удалить параметры фильтра поиска.
- SubmissionChecklistItemShow:
- correct: Верно
- incorrect: Неверно
- mark_correct: Отметить как верно
- mark_incorrect: Отметить как неверно
- SubmissionChecklistShow:
- target_marked_as_complete: Задача была отмечена как завершенная.
- TargetChecklistItem:
- action_string_attach_link: Прикрепить ссылку
- action_string_choose_from_list: Выбрать из списка
- action_string_record_audio: Записать аудио
- action_string_upload_files: Загрузить файлы
- action_string_write_long_text: Напишите Длинный Текст
- action_string_write_short_text: Напишите Короткий Текст
- TopicsShow__LikeManager:
- like: Нравится
- like_button_tooltip: Лайкнуть Этот Пост
- post: пост
- unlike: Не Нравится
- TopicsShow__PostEditor:
- cancel: Отмена
- cant_blank: Ответы не могут быть пустыми
- empty: Пусто
- post_reply: Опубликуйте Свой Ответ
- reason_edit: Причина изменения поста (необязательно)
- reply_to: Ответить на
- type_reply: Введите свой ответ. Вы можете использовать Markdown для своего ответа.
- update_post: Обновить Пост
- update_reply: Обновить Ответ
- your_reply: Ваш Ответ
- TopicsShow__PostReply:
- jump_reply: Перейти к ответу
- navigate_post: Перейти к посту
- TopicsShow__PostShow:
- add_reply_post: "Добавить ответ на пост "
- add_reply_topic: Добавить ответ в тему
- delete_post_confirm_dialog: Вы уверены, что хотите удалить пост? Это не может быть отменено.
- delete_reply_string: Удалить Ответ
- delete_topic_confirm_dialog: Вы уверены, что хотите удалить тему? Это не может быть отменено.
- delete_topic_string: Удалить Тему
- deleted_user_name: Удаленный Пользователь
- edit_post_string: Редактировать Пост
- edit_reply_string: Редактировать Ответ
- go_to_solution_button: Перейти к Решению
- history_button_text: История
- last_edited_by_label: "Последнее Редактирование "
- mark_as_solution_label: Отметить как решение
- mark_solution: Отметить как решение
- mark_solution_confirm: Вы уверены, что хотите отметить это сообщение как решение?
- marked_solution_icon: Значок Помечен как решение
- new_reply_button: Ответить
- options_post: Опции для поста
- replies_post: Ответов на пост
- show_replies: Показать ответы на сообщение
- solution: Решение
- solution_icon_label: Решение
- unmark_solution: Снять отметку как решение
- unmark_solution_confirm: Вы уверены, что хотите снять отметку с этой записи как с решением?
- show_replies_button:
- one: 1 Reply
- other: "%{count} Replies"
- TopicsShow__Root:
- edit_topic_button: Редактировать
- linked_target_label: "Связанная Задача: "
- lock_topic_button: Заблокировать
- lock_topic_confirm: Вы уверены, что хотите закрыть эту тему?
- locked_topic_notice: Эта тема заблокирована; публиковать новые ответы нельзя.
- select_category: Выберите категорию
- select_no_category: Не выбирать категорию
- selected_category: Выбранная категория
- topic_category_label: "Категория Темы: "
- topic_details: Детали Темы
- topic_editor_cancel_button: Отмена
- topic_title: Название Темы
- unlock_topic_button: Разблокировать Тему
- unlock_topic_confirm: Вы уверены, что хотите разблокировать эту тему?
- update_topic_button: Обновить Тему
- view_target_button: Посмотреть Задачу
- TopicsShow__SubscriptionManager:
- subscribe: Подписаться
- unsubscribe: Отписаться
- UserEdit:
- about: О Себе
- about_placeholder: Краткое описание о себе
- account: Аккаунт
- account_delete_q: Вы уверены, что хотите удалить свой аккаунт? Это запустит процесс окончательного удаления ваших данных с наших серверов.
- already_iniated_deletion_warning: Вы уже инициировали удаление учетной записи. Проверьте свой почтовый ящик, чтобы узнать о дальнейших действиях по удалению учетной записи.
- avatar_uploaded_notification: Аватар успешно загружен.
- cancel: Отмена
- change_password: Изменить текущий пароль
- change_photo: Изменить фото
- community_digest_emails: Дайджесты сообщества содержат новые вопросы от ваших сообществ, а также подборку оставшихся без ответа вопросов за прошедшую неделю.
- confirm_dialog_aria: Диалоговое окно подтверждения удаления учетной записи
- confirm_email: Подтвердите вашу почту
- confirm_password: Подтверждение Пароля
- confirm_password_error: Новый пароль и подтверждение должны совпадать и содержать не менее 8 символов.
- confirm_password_placeholder: Подтвердите новый пароль
- current_password: Текущий пароль
- delete_account: Удалить аккаунт
- delete_your_account: Удалить учетную запись
- deleting_account_warning: Удаление вашей учетной записи пользователя приведет к удалению всех ваших данных из этой школы. Ответы на сообщения в сообществах и отзывы учеников (если у пользователя есть профиль тренера) не удаляются. Права администратора должны быть отозваны, если вы являетесь администратором в этой школе.
- disable_email_radio: Запрещать
- displayed_publicly: Эта информация будет отображаться публично, поэтому будьте осторожны с тем, что вы делитесь.
- edit_profile: Редактировать профиль
- email_placeholder: Введите адрес электронной почты
- initiate_deletion: Инициировать Удаление
- language: Язык
- localization: Локализация
- manage_account: Управляйте своей учетной записью в этой школе
- name_error: Имя не может быть пустым
- name_placeholder: Введите ваше имя
- new_password: Новый пароль
- new_password_placeholder: Введите новый пароль
- notifications: Уведомления
- password_placeholder: Введите текущий пароль
- photo: Фото
- preferred_name_placeholder: Введите предпочитаемое имя
- save_changes: Сохранить изменения
- security: Безопасность
- select_image_limit: Выберите изображение размером менее 5 МБ.
- select_language: Выберите язык, на котором вы предпочитаете отображать пользовательский интерфейс.
- send_email_radio: Присылайте мне ежедневный дайджест
- set_password: Установите пароль для своей учетной записи
- update_credentials: Обновите свои учетные данные для входа в школу.
- update_email_notifications: Обновите настройки уведомлений по почте.
- update_locale: Обновите настройки, связанные с вашей локалью.
- upload_failed: Не удалось загрузить
- you_admin_warning: В настоящее время вы являетесь администратором этой школы. Удалите доступ администратора, чтобы разрешить удаление учетной записи.
- email_change_q: Are you sure you want to change your email?
- confirm_using_password: Please confirm using your password
- change_account_email: Change account email
- update_email_disabled_notice: You must set a password before you can edit your account email address.
- update_email: Update email
- set_password_button_text: Set password
- set_up_password: Set up password
- set_password_subtext: You have not set a password for your account.
- forgot_password: Forgot your password?
- reset_password_button_text: Reset password
- reset_password_subtext: If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it using the button below.
- community_digest: Community Digest
- current_password_placeholder: Type current password
- email_label: Email
- email_sent_notification: Please check your new email. We've sent instructions to update your email address.
- incorrect_email_for_deletion: Incorrect email
- name_error_length: Name should be at least 2 characters long
- UserSessionResetPassword:
- confirm_password: Подтвердить Пароль
- confirm_password_placeholder: Пожалуйста, введите пароль еще раз
- confirm_your_password: Подтвердите свой пароль
- enter_new_password: Введите новый пароль
- new_password: Новый Пароль
- new_password_placeholder: Введите надежный пароль
- password_short: Пароль слишком короткий
- passwords_not_match: Пароли не совпадают
- set_new_password: Установить новый пароль
- update_password: Обновить пароль
- updating_password: Обновляем пароль...
- UsersDashboard__Root:
- certificates: Сертификаты
- communities: Сообщества
- course_locked_message: Ваш профиль студента для этого курса заблокирован и не может быть обновлен.
- cta:
- access_ended: Доступ Закончен
- course_ended: Курс Окончен
- dropped_out: Выгнан
- edit_curriculum: Изменить Силлабус
- leaderboard: Таблица Лидеров
- my_students: Мои студенты
- review_submissions: Оценить работы
- view_certificate: Посмотреть Сертификат
- view_course: Посмотреть Курс
- view_curriculum: Посмотреть Учебную Программу
- visit_community: Посетить Сообщество
- my_cohorts: My Cohorts
- edit_curricullum: Редактировать Силлабус
- edit_profile: Редактировать Профиль
- empty_courses: В данный момент у вас нет активных курсов.
- issued_on: "Выдан в:"
- my_courses: Мои Курсы
- UsersDeleteAccount:
- cancel: Отменить
- click_button_below: Нажмите кнопку ниже, чтобы окончательно удалить свою учетную запись в этой школе.
- delete_account: Удалить аккаунт
- deletion_progresss: Идет удаление аккаунта.
- head: Нам жаль, что вы уходите.
- please_wait: Пожалуйста, подождите...
- queuing_deletion: Ставим ваш аккаунт в очередь на удаление.
- signed_out_notified: Теперь вы выйдете из аккаунта и получите уведомление по почте, как только удаление будет завершено.
- VerifyCertificate__Root:
- cancel: Отменить и Вернуться
- description: Данный сертификат был выдан %{name} в %{issue_date} по курсу %{course_name}.
- heading: Поздравляем, %{name}!
Вы заслужили это.
- originally_issued_to: Имя этого студента было обновлено после выдачи сертификата. Этот сертификат изначально был выдан %{name}.
- print_or_save: Распечатайте или сохраните как PDF
- serial_number: Серийный Номер %{serial}
- WebPushSubscriptionManager:
- notification_rejected: Разрешение отклонено
- notification_rejected_message: Если вы передумали, щелкните значок замка, чтобы разрешить браузеру отправлять вам уведомления на рабочем столе.
- subscribe: Подписаться
- subscribed_on_another_device: Подписаться на этом Устройстве
- unsubscribe: Отписаться
- AdminCoursesShared__CohortsEditor:
- add_new_cohort: Add new cohort
- cohort:
- label: Cohort name
- message: Enter a valid cohort name
- placeholder: eg, Batch 1
- cohort_description:
- label: Cohort description
- message: Enter a valid description for the cohort
- placeholder: eg, Batch 1 of some year
- cohort_ends_at:
- help: The cohort will be archived on this date
- label: Cohort end date
- update_cohort: Update cohort
- AdminCoursesShared__StudentsPicker:
- all_students_selected: All students selected
- no_students_found: No Students found
- no_students_selected: No students selected
- AdminCoursesShared__TeamEditor:
- add_new_team: Add new team
- select_cohort:
- label: Select a cohort
- placeholder: Pick a Cohort
- team_name:
- label: Team name
- message: Enter a valid team name
- placeholder: eg, Batch 1
- update_team: Update Team
- CalendarsIndex__DatePicker:
- today: Today
- ClickToCopy:
- copied: Copied!
- copy: Copy to clipboard
- CohortsActions__Root:
- button_text: Merge and delete
- edit: Edit
- merge_heading_html: Merge %{cohort_name} into another cohort
- merge_help: Merging cohorts will move all students from the selected cohort to the target cohort. This action can be used to delete unnecessary cohorts. This action cannot be undone.
- page_description: Actions for the cohort.
- pick_a_cohort: Pick a Cohort
- CohortsCreator__Root:
- page_description: Create a new cohort for the course.
- page_title: Add new cohort
- CohortsDetails__Root:
- page_description: Update cohort details
- page_title: Edit %{cohort_name}
- CohortsIndex__Root:
- active_cohorts: Active Cohorts
- add_new_cohort: Add new cohort
- all_cohorts: All Cohorts
- coaches: Coaches
- cohort: cohort
- cohorts: cohorts
- cohorts_end_date: Cohort end date
- edit: Edit
- filter:
- first_created: First Created
- last_created: Last Created
- last_ending: Last Ending
- name: Name
- search_by_name: Search by Name
- load_more: Load More
- no_cohorts_found: No Cohorts Found
- students: Students
- CourseEditor__Root:
- add_new_course: Add New Course
- button_load_more: Load More Courses...
- course_links:
- view_calendar: Посмотреть календарь
- edit_curriculum: Edit Curriculum
- manage_coaches: Manage Coaches
- manage_students: Manage Students
- view_as_student: View as Student
- courses_fully_loaded_text: Showing all %{total_courses} courses
- courses_partially_loaded_text: Showing %{loaded_courses_count} of %{total_courses} courses
- create_description: Let's create another course.
- edit_course_details: Edit Course Details
- filter:
- input_hint: Or start typing to search by name...
- input_label: Search
- input_placeholder: Filter and Search courses by name
- label:
- name: Search by name
- status: Status
- status:
- active: Active
- archived: Archived
- ended: Ended
- notification_error_body: Our team has been notified about this error. Please try reloading this page.
- notification_error_head: An unexpected error occurred
- quick_links: Quick Links
- view_public_page: View public page
- CourseResourcesFilter:
- filter_resources: Filter Resources
- CoursesReview__SubmissionReportShow:
- hide_report_button: Hide Report
- report_status_string:
- error: Actions could not complete due to errors
- failure: Some actions failed
- in_progress: Actions are in progress
- queued: Actions are queued
- success: All actions succeeded
- show_report_button: Show Report
- test_report: Test Report
- Layout__UserControls:
- edit_profile: Edit Profile
- sign_in: Sign In
- sign_out: Sign Out
- user_controls: Show user controls
- Pagination:
- fully_loaded_text:
- one: Only one %{singular_name} to show
- other: Showing all %{count} %{plural_name}
- zero: No %{plural_name} to show
- partially_loaded_text: Showing %{loaded} of %{total} %{plural_name}
- SchoolRouter__CoursesDropdown:
- select_course: Select Course
- StudentActions__Root:
- active_label: Active
- certificates_label: Course Certificates
- details_certificate: Details of issued certificate
- dropout_student:
- button: Dropout Student
- help: Marking a student as dropped out will remove all of their access to the course.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/students#student-actions
- label: Has this student dropped out?
- edit: Edit
- empty_course_certificates_text: This course does not have any certificates to issue.
- empty_issued_certificates_text: This student has not been issued any certificates.
- issue_certificate_button: Issue Certificate
- issued_by_label: "Issued by:"
- issued_certificates_label: "Issued certificates:"
- issued_date_label: "Issued on:"
- manage_certificates: Manage student certificates
- new_certificate_label: "Issue new certificate:"
- page_description: Actions for the student
- re_activate_student:
- button: Re-Activate Student
- revoke_certificate_button: Revoke Certificate
- revoke_certificate_confirmation: Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
- revoked_by_label: "Revoked by:"
- revoked_date_label: "Revoked on:"
- revoked_status_label: Revoked
- select_certificate_input_label: Select a certificate to issue
- StudentBulkImport__Root:
- csv_data_errors:
- invalid_affiliation: Affiliation has to be less than 250 characters
- invalid_email: Email has to be valid, not repeated and can't be blank
- invalid_name: Name column can't be blank and should be within 250 characters
- invalid_tags: Maximum of 5 tags allowed per student with a limit of 50 characters each
- invalid_team_name: Team name has to be less than 50 characters
- invalid_title: Title has to be less than 250 characters
- csv_file_errors:
- empty: The selected CSV has no valid rows
- exceeded_entries: The CSV file has more than 1000 entries.
- invalid: Please select a valid CSV file with size less than 5 MB
- invalid_data: The CSV file has invalid data in few cells. Please fix the errors listed below and try again.
- invalid_template: The selected CSV file does not have a valid template; please check the sample file for the required format.
- csv_file_input:
- help: This file will be used to import students in bulk. Check the sample file for the required format.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/students#importing-students-in-bulk
- label: CSV Import file
- placeholder: Select CSV file to import
- csv_parse_error: "We were unable parse the selected file as CSV: %{message}"
- drawer_heading: Bulk Import Students
- error_summary_title: "Here is a summary of the errors in the sheet: "
- example_csv_link:
- text: Download an example .csv file
- url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/files/student_import_sample.csv
- import_button_text: Import Students
- more_errors_text: "There are even more errors. Fix the errors in the following rows and upload again: "
- notify_students_label: Notify students, and send them a link to sign into this school.
- page_description: Upload the CSV file containing the students you want to add to the course.
- page_title: Import students
- pages:
- csv_import: CSV File Import
- manual: Manual
- pick_a_cohort: Pick a Cohort
- select_a_cohort: Select a cohort
- success_notification: Import initiated successfully! You will be notified in an email once complete.
- valid_data_message: Data validated successfully!
- valid_data_summary_text: "Here is a summary of student data in the uploaded sheet: "
- StudentCreator__Root:
- page_description: You can add multiple students to a list and add them to course
- page_title: Add new students
- pages:
- csv_import: CSV File Import
- manual: Manual
- StudentCreator__StudentInfoForm:
- add_to_list: Add to List
- affiliation:
- label: Affiliation
- placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- email:
- error:
- invalid: invalid email
- not_unique: email address not unique for student
- label: Email
- placeholder: Student email here
- name:
- label: Name
- message: is not valid
- placeholder: Student name here
- tags:
- label: Tags
- team:
- help: Students with same team name will be grouped together; this will not affect existing teams in the course.
- label: Team Name
- placeholder: Avengers, Fantastic Four, etc.
- title:
- label: Title
- placeholder: Student, Coach, CEO, etc.
- StudentDetails__Root:
- affiliation: Affiliation
- affiliation_placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- edit: Edit
- name: Name
- pages:
- actions: Actions
- details: Details
- personal_coaches: Personal Coaches
- pick_a_cohort: Pick a Cohort
- search_coaches_all: You have selected all available coaches!
- search_coaches_empty: No coaches selected
- search_coaches_placeholder: Search coaches
- select_a_cohort: Select a cohort
- student_name_placeholder: Student name here
- student_updated: Student updated successfully
- student_updated_moved: Student has been updated, and moved to list of inactive students
- tags_applied: Tags applied
- tags_applied_team: Tags applied to team
- tags_applied_user: Tags applied to user
- team_coaches: Team Coaches
- team_name: Team Name
- team_name_error: Team Name must have at least two characters
- team_name_placeholder: Team name here
- team_updated_moved: Team has been updated, and moved to list of inactive students
- title: Title
- title_error: Title must have at least two characters
- title_placeholder: Student, Coach, CEO, etc.
- update_student: Update Student
- StudentsEditor__StudentInfoForm:
- add_list: Add to List
- affiliation: Affiliation
- affiliation_placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- email: Email
- email_not_unique: email address not unique for student
- email_placeholder: Student email here
- invalid_email: invalid email
- name: Name
- name_placeholder: Student name here
- tags: Tags
- team_name: Team Name
- team_name_help: Students with same team name will be grouped together; this will not affect existing teams in the course.
- team_name_placeholder: Avengers, Fantastic Four, etc.
- title: Title
- title_placeholder: Student, Coach, CEO, etc.
- StudentsEditor__UpdateForm:
- actions: Actions
- details: Details
- StudentsIndex__Root:
- add_new_students: Add New Students
- cohort: Cohort
- edit_details: Edit %{name}'s details
- filter:
- search_by_email: Search by Email
- search_by_name: Search by Name
- user_tag: User Tag
- level: Level
- load_more: Load More
- pagination:
- empty_message: No Students Found
- sorter:
- first_created: First Created
- first_updated: First Updated
- last_created: Last Created
- last_updated: Last Updated
- name: Name
- student: student
- students: students
- title: Students
- TeamsActions__Root:
- delete: Delete
- delete_team: Delete team
- delete_team_info: Delete will remove all the students from the team and delete the team
- edit: Edit
- pages:
- actions: Actions
- links: Details
- team_actions: Team actions
- TeamsCreator__Root:
- title: Create new team
- TeamsDetails__Root:
- edit: Edit
- page_description: Edit team details
- pages:
- actions: Actions
- details: Details
- TeamsIndex__Root:
- create_team: Create Team
- edit: Edit
- filter:
- search_by_team_name: Search by Team Name
- load_more: Load More
- page_title: Teams
- pagination:
- empty_message: No Teams Found
- sorter:
- first_created: First Created
- last_created: Last Created
- name: Name
- team: team
- teams: teams
- Zxcvbn:
- weak: Weak
- fair: Fair
- medium: Medium
- strong: Strong
- controllers:
- ApplicantsController:
- link_expired: Срок действия этой одноразовой ссылки истек или она недействительна. Если вы уже завершили регистрацию, пожалуйста, войдите в систему.
- welcome: Добро пожаловать в %{school_name}!
- CoursesController:
- errors: "В вашей заявке были ошибки: %{form_errors}"
- sent_mail: Мы отправили вам письмо с подтверждением. Он должен добраться до вас менее чем за минуту. Нажмите на ссылку в электронном письме, чтобы зарегистрироваться и приступить к обучению.
- Schools__CoursesController:
- teams_active: Команды, отмеченные как активные, успешно!
- UsersController:
- link_expired: Срок действия этой ссылки истек или она недействительна. Пожалуйста, попробуйте снова.
- Users__SessionsController:
- already_signed: Вы уже вошли в систему.
- link_expired: Срок действия этой одноразовой ссылки истек или она недействительна. Пожалуйста, попробуйте войти в систему еще раз.
- link_used: Эта одноразовая ссылка уже использовалась или является недействительной. Пожалуйста, попробуйте сбросить свой пароль еще раз.
- courses:
- apply:
- apply_button: Применить
- apply_now: Начать Курс
- email_label: Почта
- heading: Зарегистрироваться на курс %{course_name}
- name_label: Имя
- name_placeholder: John Doe
- page_title: Регистрация в %{course_name}
- email_placeholder: john@example.com
- enroll: Enroll in
- privacy_policy: Privacy Policy
- terms_and_conditions: Terms & Conditions
- enroll: Зарегистрироваться в
- leaderboard:
- active_students: Активные Студенты
- change: Изменить
- inactive_students: Неактивные Студенты
- level: Уровень
- new_new: Новый
- no_entries: В таблице лидеров нет никаких записей за этот период.
- note_html: В этой таблице лидеров показаны студенты , которые улучшились больше всего по сравнению с предыдущей таблицей лидеров.
- rank: Ранг
- score: Баллы
- student: Студент
- page_title: Enroll in %{course_name}
- show:
- continue_course: Продолжить Курс
- preview_course: Предварительный просмотр
- apply_button: Apply
- apply_now: Apply Now
- enroll: Enroll in
- calendar:
- events: Events
- no_events_text: No event scheduled for the selected date
- today: Today
- upcoming_events: Upcoming events in %{month}
- cohorts:
- cohorts_subheading: "%{status} Cohorts"
- end_date: "End Date:"
- nothing_to_show: There are no %{status} cohorts to show.
- pagination_notice: Now showing %{page_start}-%{page_end} of a total of %{count} %{status} cohorts.
- students_enrolled_prefix_html:
- one: 1 student enrolled
- other: %{count} students enrolled
- students_enrolled_suffix_html:
- one: in 1 %{status} cohort
- other: in %{count} %{status} cohorts
- process_application:
- errors: "There were errors with your submission: %{form_errors}"
- sent_mail: We've sent you a verification mail. It should reach you in less than a minute. Click the link in the email to sign up, and get started.
- dashboard:
- dashboard:
- tour:
- final_message: Пока это все. Если у вас есть какие-либо сомнения, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам.
- intro: Добро пожаловать в личный кабинет! Здесь будет показано, успеваемость вашей команды.
- level_select: Программа разбита на несколько уровней, содержащих задачи. Новые уровни открываются, когда вы выполняете контрольные задачи на каждом уровне.
Вы можете вернуться к выполнению дополнительных задач на предыдущих уровнях, а также можете проверить задачи на будущих уровнях , но вы не можете отправить работу для них, пока они не будут разблокированы.
- target: Панель задач будет иметь имя задачи и ее статус завершения. Щелкнув задачу, вы получите подробную информацию о задачи, статусе и кнопке отправки задачи.
- target_group: В ваших групп задач будут перечислены все задачи вместе со статусом завершения.
- target_status: Это указывает на текущий статус задачи.
- enrollment:
- activate: Активируйте свою учетную запись и войдите
- hello: Привет
- to_activate: Для активации вашего аккаунта %{school_name} и зарегистрироваться в курс %{course_name}, пожалуйста, подтвердите ваш адрес электронной почты. Нажимая на данную одноразовую ссылку, мы проверим подлинность ваш адрес электронной почты и подтвердим, что вы хотите создать учетную запись на %{school_name}.
- verify: Воспользуйтесь этой одноразовой ссылкой, чтобы подтвердить свой адрес электронной почты и войти в %{school_name}!
- welcome_to: Добро Пожаловать в
- errors:
- internal:
- details: Похоже, наш сервер столкнулся с проблемой при попытке обработать ваш запрос. Мы автоматически отслеживаем эти ошибки, но если проблема не устранена, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам. А пока попробуйте перезагрузить страницу.
- went_wrong: Извините, что-то пошло не так.
- messages:
- content_type_invalid: имеет недопустимый тип содержимого
- limit_out_of_range: общее количество вне допустимого диапазона
- not_acceptable:
- details: Похоже, ваш браузер запросил ответ в формате, который наш сервер не может обработать. Мы автоматически отслеживаем эти ошибки, но если проблема не устранена, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам. А пока попробуйте перезагрузить страницу.
- invalid_format: Ваш браузер запросил недопустимый формат.
- title: Invalid Request
- not_found:
- mistyped_moved: Возможно, вы ошиблись адресом или страница переехала.
- not_exist: Страница, которую вы искали, не существует!
- try_homepage: Попробуйте вернуться на нашу домашнюю страницу.
- title: Not Found
- service_unavailable:
- too_long: Эта страница загружалась слишком долго.
- try_reloading: Не могли бы вы попробовать перезагрузить страницу?
- title: Timed out
- unprocessable_entity:
- invalid_request: Ваш браузер отправил неверный запрос.
- wasnt_valid: Что-то в запросе, отправленном вашим браузером, не было действительным. Мы автоматически отслеживаем эти ошибки, но если проблема не устранена, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам. А пока попробуйте перезагрузить страницу.
- title: Invalid Request
- something_went_wrong: Something went wrong!
- vimeo:
- 2230: The upload type is invalid.
- 4003: There is a problem initiating the upload.
- 4101: Your maximum disk space has been reached.
- 4102: Your allotted weekly quota has been reached.
- 4104: Your allotted daily quota has been reached.
- internal_server_error:
- details: Our server seem to have hit a snag while trying to process your request. We track these errors automatically, but if the problem persists feel free to contact us. In the meantime, try reloading the page.
- title: Server Error
- went_wrong: We're sorry, but something went wrong.
- faculty:
- coaches_at: Менторы в
- index:
- coaches_at: Coaches at
- title: Coaches
- footer:
- contact: Контакты
- logo: Логотип
- privacy_policy: Политика Конфиденциальности
- reach_us: Свяжитесь с нами по
- sitemap: Карта Сайта
- social: Соц. Сети
- support: Обратиться в Поддержку
- terms_conditions: Правила и Условия
- help:
- help: Помощь
- show:
- title: Help
- helpers:
- page_entries_info:
- entry:
- one: запись
- other: записей
- zero: записей
- more_pages:
- display_entries: Показать %{entry_name} %{first} - %{last} из %{total} из всего
- one_page:
- display_entries:
- one: Показываем 1 %{entry_name}
- other: показываем все %{count} %{entry_name}
- zero: "%{entry_name} не найден"
- home:
- index:
- course_status:
- access_ended: Посмотреть содержание курса
- active: Продолжить курс
- dropped_out: Выгнан из курса
- featured_courses_heading: Избранные курсы
- get_started: Начать
- learn_more: Узнать больше
- welcome_prefix: Привет, добро пожаловать в
- access_ended: Review course content
- active: Continue course
- dropped_out: Dropped out
- agreement:
- privacy_policy: Privacy Policy
- terms_and_conditions: Terms & Conditions
- offline:
- heading: You are offline!
- message_html: It seems there is a problem with your connection.
Please check your network status.
- title: You are offline
- jobs:
- courses:
- clone_course:
- new_name: "%{name} - копия"
- notifications:
- post_created_job:
- post_created: "%{user_name} ответил(-а) в чате, в котором вы состоите в сообществе %{community_name}"
- topic_created_job:
- topic_created: "%{user_name} создал(-а) новую тему в сообществе %{community_name}"
- create:
- message:
- post_created: "%{user_name} has responded to a thread you are part of in the %{community_name} community"
- topic_created: "%{user_name} has created a new topic in %{community_name} community"
- targets:
- send_session_feedback_notification:
- message: |
- Привет! Спасибо всем, кто посетил сегодняшнюю прямую трансляцию %{faculty_name}.
- Мы надеемся, что вы нашли эту сессию информативной и полезной.
- Если вы пропустили просмотр в прямом эфире, мы разместим его на панели управления через пару дней.
- Пожалуйста, помогите нам улучшить наши занятия с помощью быстрой обратной связи: https://svlabs.typeform.com/to/h7g9Om?faculty=%{faculty_name_escaped}&session=%{session_title}&date=%{session_date}
- send_session_reminders:
- message: 'Напоминание: "%{title}" начнется через %{time_delta} (в %{time_exact}). Пожалуйста, проверьте коллективный канал Slack, чтобы найти ссылку для присоединения к сеансу.'
- timeline_events:
- verification_notification:
- founder:
- needs_improvement:
- founder_event: Ваша новая запись на таймлайне (<%{event_url}|%{event_title}>) был отмечен как 'нуждается в доработке'. Пожалуйста, отправьте новое и измененное таймлайн ивент на основе полученных отзывов
- startup_event: Ваша новая запись на таймлайне (<%{event_url}|%{event_title}>) для <%{startup_url}|%{startup_name}> был отмечен как 'нуждается в улучшении'. Пожалуйста, отправьте новое и измененное таймлайн ивент на основе полученных отзывов
- not_accepted:
- founder_event: Ваша новая запись на таймлайне (<%{event_url}|%{event_title}>) был отклонен. Отредактируйте и повторно отправьте измененное событие временной шкалы на основе отзыва
- startup_event: Ваша новая запись на таймлайне (<%{event_url}|%{event_title}>) отправленный вами для <%{startup_url}|%{startup_name}> не был принят. Отредактируйте и повторно отправьте измененное событие временной шкалы на основе отзыва
- verified:
- founder_event: Ваша новая запись на таймлайне (<%{event_url}|%{event_title}>) был проверен SV.CO
- startup_event: Ваша новая запись на таймлайне (<%{event_url}|%{event_title}>) для <%{startup_url}|%{startup_name}> был проверен SV.CO
- public:
- needs_improvement: |
- <%{startup_url}|%{startup_name}> есть новая подтвержденная запись на таймлайне: <%{event_url}|%{event_title}>
- *Описание:* %{event_description}
- %{links_attached_notice}
- verified: |
- <%{startup_url}|%{startup_name}> есть новая подтвержденная запись на таймлайне: <%{event_url}|%{event_title}>
- *Описание:* %{event_description}
- %{links_attached_notice}
- team:
- needs_improvement: "Ваша команда <%{startup_url}|%{startup_name}> имеет новую запись на таймлайне: (<%{event_url}|%{event_title}>) и был отмечен как 'нуждается в улучшении'. Пожалуйста, отправьте новое и измененное мероприятие временной шкалы на основе отзывов"
- not_accepted: Ваша новая запись на таймлайне (<%{event_url}|%{event_title}>) отправленная вашей командой <%{startup_url}|%{startup_name}> не был принят. Отредактируйте и повторно отправьте измененное событие временной шкалы на основе отзыва
- verified: "Ваша команда <%{startup_url}|%{startup_name}> есть новая подтвержденная запись на таймлайне: <%{event_url}|%{event_title}>"
- layouts:
- student_footer:
- contact: Contact
- logo: Logo
- privacy_policy: Privacy Policy
- reach_us: Reach us at
- sitemap: Sitemap
- social: Social
- support: Contact Support
- terms_conditions: Terms & Conditions
- course_nav:
- calendar: Calendar
- cohorts: Cohorts
- curriculum: Curriculum
- leaderboard: Leaderboard
- report: Report
- review: Review
- footer_bottom:
- logo_alt: Logo of %{school_name}
- privacy_policy: Privacy Policy
- terms_conditions: Terms & Conditions
- link_fallback:
- link_fallback: "Если вы не можете перейти по ссылке выше, пожалуйста, скопируйте и вставьте следующую ссылку в адресную строку вашего браузера:"
- mailers:
- applicant:
- verify: Подтвердите Свой Адрес Почты
- enrollment_verification:
- body_html: To activate your %{school_name} account, and enroll to the %{course_name} course, please verify your email address. Clicking on this %{link_to} will verify your email-address and confirm that you wish to create an account at %{school_name}.
- body_processing_url_html: We've received your application to the %{course_name} course at %{school_name}.
Please verify your email address by clicking %{link_to}. Once your email address is verified, you will be shown the next steps required to complete your application.
- link_text: one-time link
- link_text_processing_url: this link
- subject: Verify Your Email Address
- subject_with_processing_url: Complete your %{course_name} course application
- coach:
- added: Вы были добавлены в качестве ментора в %{course_name}
- course_enrollment:
- subject: You have been added as a coach in %{course_name}
- repeat_rejections_alert:
- body_html: Please consider going through the student's submission to see if there's some feedback you can give to help the student progress.
- header: A bot has rejected a student's submission %{rejection_count} times in the %{course_name} course.
- subject: Repeated rejection of a student's submission (%{rejection_count} times)
- course_author:
- added: Вы были добавлены в качестве автора в %{course_name}
- addition:
- body:
- added_author_html: You have been added as an author in the course %{course_name}, on %{school_name}. This gives you the ability to use the school administration interface to edit the contents of the course, and to preview the course as a student.
- link_to: this link
- use_link_html: Use %{link_to} to sign into %{school_name} and view the course
- subject: You have been added as an author in %{course_name}
- course_export:
- export: Экспорт курса %{course_export} готов к загрузке
- prepared:
- body:
- footer: The export has been prepared in the ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) format, which you should be able to open in all popular spreadsheet applications.
- header_html: The export that you requested for the course %{course_name} on %{course_export_created_at} is now ready for download. Please visit the course exports page to download the export.
- link_to: link
- subject: Export of %{course_export} course is ready for download
- subtitle: The export of data from course %{course_name} is ready for download.
- title: Export of course is ready
- title_button_text: Visit Exports Page
- issued_certificate:
- awarded: Вы получили сертификат!
- issued:
- body:
- awarded_certificate_html: You've been awarded a certificate for completing the %{course_name} course.
- congratulations: Congratulations!
- issued_on_html: The certificate was issued on %{issued_certificate} and can be viewed or printed by %{link_to}.
- link_to: visiting the certificate's public link
- subject: You have been awarded a certificate!
- school_admin:
- added: Добавлен Новый Администратор Школы
- import: Импорт студентов завершен
- email_updated_notification:
- body:
- previous_email_html: The previous email address was %{old_email} and the new email address is %{new_email}.
- user_html: "%{name} from your school has updated the email address."
- subject: "%{name} has changed email address."
- school_admin_added:
- body:
- admin_name_html: The new admin's name is %{new_school_admin_name}, and has the registered email address %{new_school_admin_email}.
- link_to: link
- new_admin_html: A new administrator was added to your school %{school_name}, on %{new_school_admin} by %{adding_user_name}.
- not_recognized_html: If you do not recognize this user, you can can remove them from the school administration interface using this %{link_to}.
- subject: New School Admin Added
- students_bulk_import_complete:
- body:
- link_to: view these newly added students in the school administration interface
- report_attachments: Some of the students you tried to import were already enrolled in the course. These students were ignored during the import. A list of email addresses of such students has been included as an attachment with this email.
- students_added_html: "Students added: %{report_params}"
- students_requested_html: "Students requested: %{report_params}"
- summary_import_html: "Your request to import students in %{course_name} course, was successfully completed. Here's a small summary on the import:"
- view_html: You can %{link_to}.
- subject: Import of Students Completed
- startup:
- new_feedback: Новый отзыв от %{startup_feedback} о вашей заявке
- feedback_as_email:
- body:
- grading_details_html: "✅ %{criteria_name}: %{grade_label} (%{grade} / %{max_grade})"
- grading_feedback_header: Here is some feedback on your submission
- grading_header: Your submission was awarded the following grades by %{coach_name}
- link_to: the full feedback
- recent_submission: recent submission
- recent_updates: recent updates
- rejected_feedback: Your %{update_for} was rejected by %{coach_name}. Here is some feedback for the rejection
- view_html: You can view %{link_to}, including any files attached to the feedback.
- subject: New feedback from %{startup_feedback} on your submission
- student:
- added_as: Вы были добавлены в качестве студента в %{school_name}
- enrollment:
- body:
- link_to: sign into %{school_name} and start working on this course
- main_html: You have been enrolled as a student in the course %{course_name}, on %{school_name}.
- sign_html: You can now %{link_to}.
- team: You have also been teamed up with %{team_members}; this means that you will be expected to work together to progress in this course.
- subject: You have been added as a student in %{school_name}
- user:
- daily_digest:
- body:
- asked: asked %{days_ago} days ago.
- assigned:
- one: "(1 from a student assigned to you)"
- other: "(%{count} from students assigned to you)"
- control_emails_html: You can control these emails from %{link_to}.
- latest_topics: "Latest topics posted on your communities:"
- link_to: your profile edit page
- main_html:
- one: "There is 1 new submission to review in a course you're coaching:"
- other: "There are %{count} new submissions to review in the courses you're coaching:"
- older: "Older, popular topics that have seen new activity:"
- replies: replies
- views: views
- subject: Daily Digest
- delete_account: Удаление учетной записи из %{school_name}
- deleted_in: Ваша учетная запись в %{school_name} будет удалена через 30 дней
- deleted_success: Учетная запись успешно удалена из %{school_name}
- new_reply: Новый ответ на ваш пост
- account_deletion_notification:
- body:
- link_to: please sign into the school
- main_html: " We noticed that you haven't used your account in %{school_name} for over %{inactivity_months} months.
We will automatically delete your account after one month. Once your account is deleted, all your personal information will be removed and you will no longer have access to the school.
If you would like to keep your account, %{link_to} before %{one_month_from_now}.
- subject: Your account in %{school_name} will be deleted in 30 days
- confirm_account_deletion:
- body:
- html: " Your account in %{school_name} has been successfully deleted.
All your personal information has been removed and you will no longer have access to this school.
- subject: Account deleted successfully from %{school_name}
- confirm_email_update:
- body:
- html: " Your email address in %{school_name} has been successfully updated from %{old_email} to %{new_email}.
- subject: Your email in %{school_name} school updated successfully
- delete_account_token:
- body:
- link_to: link
- main_html: "We received a request to delete your account in %{school_name}.
Please click this %{link_to} to confirm account deletion. The link is valid for 30 minutes only.
- note_html: "This action is irreversible, and will permanently remove your access to the school.
- subject: Delete account from %{school_name}
- new_post:
- body:
- link_to: view the reply on the %{community_name} community
- main_html: "%{author_name} has posted a reply to something you said on the %{community_name} community.
You can %{link_to}."
- subject: New reply for your post
- update_email_token:
- body:
- link_to: link
- main_html: "
We received a request to update your email in %{school_name}.
Please click this %{link_to} to update email. The link is valid for 30 minutes only.
- note_html: "This action is irreversible.
- subject: Update your email address in %{school_name} school
- user_session:
- log_in: Войти в
- recovery: восставновление аккаунта
- send_login_token:
- body:
- link_to: click here
- main_html: " Please %{link_to} to login to your %{school_name} account.
- subject: Log in to
- send_reset_password_token:
- body:
- link_to: click here
- main_html: " We received a request to reset your %{school_name} password.
Please %{link_to} to change your password.
- subject: password reset
- course_enrollement:
- added_coach_html: You have been added as a coach in the course %{course_name}, on %{school_name}. This gives you the ability to review submissions from students, assign grades, and give them feedback on their work.
- layouts:
- mail:
- thanks: Thanks,
- link_fallback:
- link_fallback: "'If you're unable to click the link above, please copy and paste the following link into your browser's address bar:'"
- maintenance:
- title: Maintenance Mode
- heading: Мы скоро вернемся!
- message: Приносим извинения за неудобства. В настоящее время мы проводим технические работы, чтобы улучшить ваш опыт.
- models:
- faculty:
- commitment:
- full_time: Полный рабочий день
- part_time: Неполный рабочий день
- target:
- role:
- founder: Все учредители
- team: Команда
- students: All Students
- mutations:
- archive_course:
- success_notification: Курс успешно заархивирован.
- assign_reviewer:
- submission_already_assigned: Данная работа уже назначена ментору.
- submission_graded_error: Вы можете назначить себя только участникам, ожидающим рассмотрения.
- success_notification: Данная работа была назначена вам.
- auto_verify_submission:
- success_notification: Задача отмечена как завершенная.
- clone_course:
- success_notification: Запрошено создание копии курса. Скоро здесь появится!
- clone_level:
- success_notification: Запрошена копия уровня. Скоро он появится в намеченном курсе!
- create_course:
- success_notification: Курс успешно создан!
- auto_generated_cohort_description: Auto generated cohort for active students in %{course_name}
- auto_generated_cohort_name: Purple (Auto-generated)
- create_feedback:
- success_notification:
- description: Ваш отзыв будет отправлен студенту по электронной почте.
- title: Отзыв Отправлен
- create_grading:
- evaluation_criteria_error: Невозможно оценить работу без действительных критериев оценки.
- grade_recorded: Оценки Записаны
- invalid_checklist_shape_error: Форма данных в списке отправки не соответствует форме, отправленной с оценкой.
- invalid_checklist_values_error: Значения элементов списка в отправке не совпадают с данными обзора.
- invalid_grading_error: "Указанные значения оценок недействительны: %{grades_data}"
- submission_graded_error: Работа уже оценена
- submission_missing_error: "Не удалось найти работу с идентификатором: %{submission_id}"
- success_notification: Работа отмечена как рассмотренная.
- submission_reviewed_error: Submission already reviewed
- create_school_link:
- blank_title_error: Требуется заголовок
- success_notification: добавлена пользовательская ссылка.
- create_student_from_applicant:
- success_notification: Студент успешно создан.
- create_submission:
- blocked_submission_status_error: Статус этой задачи - %{target_status}, поэтому вы не можете добавить новую работу; пожалуйста, перезагрузите страницу
- form_success_notification: Ваш ответ сохранен.
- invalid_files_attached: Некоторые прикрепленные файлы недействительны
- invalid_submission_checklist: Список работ недействителен.
- item_file_limit_error: К отправке можно прикрепить не более трех файлов
- linked_file_exists_error: Некоторые прикрепленные файлы уже связаны с работой
- missing_answer_error: "Отсутствует ответ на вопрос: %{title}"
- success_notification: Ваша работа находится в очереди на рассмотрение.
- create_target:
- success_notification: Задача успешно создана.
- create_topic_subscription:
- success_notification: Вы будете уведомлены обо всех обновлениях.
- delete_certificate:
- success_notification: Сертификат был удален.
- export_course_report:
- course_not_found_error: Не удалось найти курс с указанным идентификатором
- success_notification: Ваш экспорт обрабатывается. Мы сообщим вам, как только он будет готов.
- tag_not_found_error: Не удалось найти теги с указанными идентификаторами
- cohorts_not_found_error: Could not find cohorts with the given IDs
- issue_certificate:
- success_notification: Сертификат успешно выдан!
- lock_topic:
- success_notification: Эта тема была заблокирована. Новые ответы не принимаются.
- reassign_reviewer:
- submission_graded_error: Вы можете назначить себя только участникам, ожидающим рассмотрения.
- submission_not_assigned_to_coach: Работа уже назначена вам.
- success_notification: Работа была назначен вам.
- revoke_issued_certificate:
- success_notification: Сертификат отозван!
- unarchive_course:
- success_notification: Курс успешно разархивирован
- unassign_reviewer:
- submission_assigned_to_another_coach: Работа передана другому ментору.
- submission_graded_error: Эта работа уже была оценена.
- submission_not_assigned: Работа еще не назначена менторам.
- success_notification: Вы больше не назначены для этой работы.
- undo_grading:
- must_be_graded: Не удалось найти оцененную работу с заданным идентификатором ID.
- success_notification:
- description: Отправка сейчас ожидает рассмотрения.
- title: Оценки Удалены
- unlock_topic:
- success_notification: Эта тема разблокирована. Члены сообщества теперь могут снова публиковать ответы.
- update_certificate:
- success_notification: Данные сертификата обновлены.
- update_course:
- success_notification: Курс успешно обновлен!
- select_valid_cohort: "Please select a valid cohort; Unable to find cohort with ID: %{value}"
- unable_to_find_course: "Unable to find course with ID: %{value}"
- update_school_link:
- success_notification: Ссылка успешно обновлена!
- link_not_found_error: Unable to find link!
- update_target:
- checklist_items_exceeded_error: Список должен содержать менее 15 пунктов.
- evaluation_criteria_course_error: Критерии оценки должны быть из того же курса, что и задача
- invalid_checklist_error: Список недействителен
- multiple_method_of_completion: Более одного метода завершения
- prerequisities_archived_error: Невозможно заархивировать предварительные требования
- prerequisities_in_same_level: Предварительные задачи должны быть того же уровня, что и задача.
- success_notification: Задача обновлена успешна!
- target_group_not_present_error: Группа задач не существуеш
- target_missing_error: Задачи не существует
- prerequisities_self_error: Prerequisite cannot be the target itself
- archive_coach_note:
- note_removed_notification: Note removed successfully
- archive_post:
- post_archived_notification: Post archived successfully
- conclude_submission_report:
- invalid_status: The status for this submission is not valid.
- create_coach_note:
- note_added_notification: Note added successfully
- create_cohort:
- success_notification: Cohort created successfully.
- create_community:
- community_created_notification: Community created successfully
- create_course_author:
- author_created_notification: Author Created
- new_author_added_notification: A new author has been added to this course.
- create_evaluation_criterion:
- eval_crit_notification: Evaluation criterion created successfully!
- create_post:
- reply_added_notification: Reply added successfully
- create_quiz_submission:
- responses_saved_notification: Your responses have been saved.
- create_students:
- invalid_emails: One or more of the entries have an invalid email address
- invalid_strings: One or more of the entries have invalid strings
- soft_limit_number: You've hit the soft-limit for number of students in this course
- thousand_students_limit: You can only onboard 1000 students at a time
- unique_emails: Email addresses must be unique
- create_target_version:
- new_version_notification: A new version has been created.
- create_team:
- success_notification: Team created successfully
- delete_course_author:
- author_deleted_details_notification: The author has been removed from this course.
- author_deleted_notification: Author Deleted
- destroy_team:
- success_notification: Team deleted successfully
- dropout_student:
- student_updated_notification: Student updated successfully
- initiate_account_deletion:
- check_inbox_notification: Check your inbox for further steps!
- deletion_init_notification: Account Deletion Initiated
- initiate_password_reset:
- token_generation_error: An email was sent less than two minutes ago. Please wait for a few minutes before trying again.
- email_bounced_error: The email address you supplied cannot be used because an email we sent earlier bounced.
- success_notification: Check your inbox for further steps!
- mark_post_as_solution:
- reply_marked_notification: Reply marked as solution successfully
- merge_cohort:
- success_notification: Cohorts merged successfully.
- merge_levels:
- merge_complete_notification: Merge complete!
- quiz:
- correct_answer: Correct Answer
- question: Question
- your_answer: Your Answer
- your_correct_answer: Your Correct Answer
- re_activate_student:
- success_notification: Student re-activated successfully!
- re_run_github_action:
- success_notification: Submission queued for re-run on Github
- validation_error:
- student_has_no_github_account: Student does not have a Github account
- target_does_not_have_github_action: Target does not have a Github action configured
- send_update_email_token:
- success_notification: We've sent you a link to verify your new email!
- unmark_post_as_solution:
- reply_unmarked_notification: Reply unmarked as solution!
- update_cohort:
- success_notification: Cohort updated successfully.
- update_course_author:
- author_name_updated_notification: The author's name has been updated.
- author_updated_notification: Author Updated
- update_evaluation_criterion:
- eval_crit_updated_notification: Evaluation criterion updated successfully!
- update_post:
- updated_success_notification: updated successfully
- update_review_checklist:
- review_updated_notification: Review checklist updated successfully
- update_school:
- details_updated_notification: Details updated successfully!
- update_student_details:
- success_notification: Student updated successfully
- update_team:
- success_notification: Team updated successfully
- update_topic:
- topic_updated_notification: Topic updated successfully!
- update_user:
- profile_saved_notification: Profile updated successfully!
- navbar:
- admin: Администрация
- coaches: Менторы
- dashboard: Обучение
- home: Главная
- offline:
- heading: Вы не в сети!
- message_html: Похоже, возникла проблема с вашим подключением.
Проверьте статус вашей сети.
- title: Вы не в сети
- omniauth:
- callbacks:
- add_facebook: Пожалуйста уберите \'Pupilfirst\' из вашего списка авторизованных приложений и попробуйте войти в систему еще раз.
- add_github: Пожалуйста, добавьте общедоступный адрес почты в свой профиль на Github и попробуйте снова.
- add_other: Пожалуйста, войдите другим методом.
- denied: В аутентификации было отказано. Пожалуйста, попробуйте снова.
- denied_by: Аутентификация была отклонена от %{provider}. Пожалуйста, повторите снова.
- email_unregistered: "Ваша электронная почта: %{email} не зарегестрирована"
- not_receive_email: "Извините, но мы не получили ваш адрес электронной почты от #{provider_name}. "
- posts:
- back_to_post: Обратно на Пост
- created_by: Созданный
- current_version: Нынешняя Версяя
- edit_history: История Изменении Поста
- edited_by: Редактированный
- reason: Причин
- versions:
- back_to_post: Back to Post
- created_by: Created by
- current_version: Current Version
- edit_history: Post Edit History
- edited_by: Edited by
- reason: Reason
- presenters:
- Communities__NewTopic:
- community: Сообщество
- new_topic: Новая Тема
- Communities__Show:
- community: Сообщество
- Courses__Leaderboard:
- multiple_mid_text: "находитесь на вершине таблицы лидеров на этой неделе, разделяя оценку "
- others: другие
- rank_down_alt: Падение ранга
- rank_down_double_alt: Падение ранга в два раза
- rank_no_change_alt: Нет изменении ранга
- rank_up_alt: Повышение ранга
- rank_up_double_alt: Повышение ранга в два раза
- top_leaderboard_html: Вы находитесь на вершине таблицы лидеров. Поздравляем!
- top_week: находитесь на вершине таблицы лидеров на этой неделе с результатом
- Courses__Report:
- student_report: Отчеты Студентов
- Courses__Review:
- review_dashboard: Панель Оценивания
- Courses__Students:
- students_in_course: Студентов в Курсе
- Layouts__AppRouter:
- admin: Администрация
- coaches: Менторы
- dashboard: Обучение
- Layouts__Footer:
- dashboard: Dashboard
- home: Home
- Layouts__StudentsTopNav:
- admin: Администрация
- coaches: Coaches
- dashboard: Обучение
- home: Home
- Posts__Versions:
- title: Версии | Пост
- layouts:
- app_router:
- admin_link:
- title: Admin
- coaches_link:
- title: Coaches
- dashboard_link:
- title: Dashboard
- footer:
- nav_links:
- dashboard: Dashboard
- home: Home
- students_top_nav:
- admin_link:
- title: Admin
- coaches_link:
- title: Coaches
- dashboard_link:
- title: Dashboard
- organisations_link:
- title: My Org
- apply:
- page_title: Enroll in %{course_name}
- cohorts:
- students:
- course_completion: Course completion
- filter_hint: "...or start typing to search by student name or email address."
- filter_placeholder: Click to see options
- milestone_completed: Milestone completed
- milestone_incomplete: Milestone incomplete
- milestone_status_filter_value: "%{m}%{number}: %{title}"
- page_title: "%{cohort_name} | %{course_name}"
- search_by_email: Search by email address
- search_by_name: Search by name
- communities:
- new_topic:
- page_title:
- community: Community
- new_topic: New Topic
- show:
- page_title:
- community: Community
- courses:
- cohorts:
- page_title: Cohorts | %{course_name}
- leaderboard:
- heading:
- multiple_mid_text: "are at the top of the leaderboard this week, sharing a score of "
- others: others
- top_leaderboard_html: You are at the top of the leaderboard. Congratulations!
- top_week: is at the top of the leaderboard this week with a score of
- rank_change_icon:
- rank_down_alt: Rank change down
- rank_down_double_alt: Rank change down double
- rank_no_change_alt: Rank no change
- rank_up_alt: Rank change up
- rank_up_double_alt: Rank change up double
- report:
- student_report: Student Report
- review:
- review_dashboard: Review Dashboard
- students:
- students_in_course: Students In Course
- posts:
- versions:
- page_title:
- title: Versions | Post
- users:
- sessions:
- new:
- button_text:
- continue_as_developer: Continue as Developer
- continue_with_discord: Continue with Discord
- continue_with_email_link: Continue with email
- continue_with_facebook: Continue with Facebook
- continue_with_github: Continue with Github
- continue_with_google: Continue with Google
- page_title: Sign In
- queries:
- delete_certificate_mutator:
- issued_error: Этот сертификат выдан одному или нескольким студентам - его нельзя удалить.
- issue_certificate_mutator:
- certificate_error: Указанный сертификат не найден.
- issued_error: Этому студенту уже выдан сертификат о прохождении этого курса.
- submission_details_resolver:
- only_coaches_can_review: You cannot review this submission as you're not assigned to this cohort as a coach.
- student_dropped_out_message_with_timestamp:
- one: This submission is from a student whose access to the course has ended, or has dropped out. You can review the submission until %{timestamp}.
- other: This submission is linked to one or more students whose access to the course has ended, or have dropped out. You can review the submission until %{timestamp}.
- student_dropped_out_message_without_timestamp:
- one: This submission is from a student whose access to the course has ended, or has dropped out.
- other: This submission is linked to one or more students whose access to the course has ended, or have dropped out.
- update_evaluation_criterion_mutator:
- evaluation_criterion_not_found: Could not find evaluation criterion with ID %{id}
- quiz:
- correct_answer: Правильный Ответ
- question: Вопрос
- your_answer: Ваш Ответ
- your_correct_answer: Ваш Правильный Ответ
- services:
- team_up_service:
- must_be_on_the_same_level: Для объединения в команду студенты должны принадлежать к одному уровню
- courses:
- demo_content_service:
- criterion_one: Correctness of implementation
- criterion_two: Quality of submission
- grade_1: Okay
- grade_2: Good
- grade_3: Great
- level_1: Level 1
- target_group_description: Description of demo target group
- target_group_name: Demo Target Group
- target_name: Demo Target
- discord:
- community_message_service:
- post_topic_created: |-
- **%{user_name}** created a new discussion:
- %{topic_url}
- > %{topic_title}
- team_up:
- must_be_on_the_same_level: Students must belong to the same level for teaming up
- sessions:
- create:
- invalid_credentials: Почта и пароль не совпадают. Пожалуйста, проверьте свои учетные данные и попробуйте еще раз.
- email_sent:
- magic_link:
- description: Ссылка придет вам на почту менее чем через минуту. Щелкните ссылку в письме, и вы войдете в систему.
- heading: Мы отправили вам ссылку!
- notice: Эта ссылка будет работать только один раз.
- page_title: Ссылка уже в пути!
- reset_password_link:
- description: Он должен быть доставлен вам менее чем через минуту. Щелкните ссылку в письме, и вам будет предложено установить новый пароль.
- heading: Мы отправили вам ссылку для сброса пароля!
- notice: Эта ссылка будет работать только один раз.
- page_title: Подтвердите ваш запрос
- new:
- continue_as_developer: Продолжить как Разработчик
- continue_with_email_link: Продолжить через почту
- continue_with_facebook: Продолжить с Facebook
- continue_with_github: Продолжить с Github
- continue_with_google: Продолжить с Google
- heading: Войти в %{school_name}
- page_title: Войти
- sign_in_options_separator: ИЛИ
- request_password_reset:
- cancel_link: Войдите в систему с Google, Facebook или Github
- email_label: Почта
- heading: Сброс пароля
- page_title: Сброс пароля
- submit_button: Запросить сброс пароля
- subtitle: Введите свой адрес электронной почты для восстановления пароля.
- shared:
- _no: Нет
- _yes: Да
- about: О Нас
- actions: Действия
- affiliation: Аффиляция
- affiliation_placeholder: Acme Inc., Acme University, etc.
- agreements:
- privacy_policy: Политика Конфиденциальности
- terms_and_conditions: Условия и Положения
- all: Все
- and: и
- archived: Архивирован
- are: ""
- avatar: Аватар
- cancel: Отмена
- caption_image: Подпись к изображению
- certificate: Сертификат
- close: Закрыть
- coaches: Менторы
- cohorts: когорты
- communities: Communities
- community: Сообщество
- completed: Завершено
- contact: Контакты
- customization: Кастомизация
- dashboard: Обучение
- delete: Удалить
- deleting: Удаляем
- details: Детали
- done_exclamation: Сделано!
- draft: Черновик
- edit: Редактировать
- email: Почта
- email_error: Введите действительную почту
- email_exists_error: Этот адрес электронной почты уже связан с другой учетной записью пользователя.
- email_placeholder: Добавьте почту здесь
- empty: Пусто
- fail: Провал
- file_invalid: Пожалуйста, выберите файл размером менее 5 МБ.
- icon: Иконка
- image_file_invalid: Выберите изображение (PNG, JPEG, GIF) размером менее 5 МБ и не более 4096 пикселей в ширину или в высоту.
- invalid_authenticity_token_error: Неверный или отсутствующий токен CSRF. Пожалуйста, обновите эту страницу, прежде чем пытаться выполнить это действие.
- is: ""
- level: Уровень
- level_label:
- long_with_name: "Уровень %{number}: %{name}"
- long_without_name: Уровень %{number}
- short_with_name: "У%{number}: %{name}"
- short_without_name: У%{number}
- live: Боевой
- load_more: Загрузить Больше...
- loading: Загрузка...
- login_token_expiration_warning_html: Срок действия этой ссылки истекает через %{timestamp}. Если срок действия ссылки истек, вы можете запросить еще один одноразовый токен на странице входа. Обратите внимание, что это личный URL-адрес, которым нельзя делиться.
- milestones: Вехи
- move_down: Двигать Вниз
- move_up: Двигать Вверх
- name: Имя
- name_email: Имя или Почта
- name_placeholder: Добавьте сюда имя
- next: След
- no_email_found: Не удалось найти пользователя с этим адресом электронной почты. Пожалуйста, проверьте адрес электронной почты, который вы ввели.
- none: Ничего
- note: "Примечание:"
- notifications:
- author_created: Создан Автор
- author_deleted: Автор Удален
- author_deleted_details: Автор был удален из этого курса.
- author_name_updated: Имя автора было обновлено.
- author_updated: Автор Обновлен
- check_inbox: Проверьте почту для дальнейших действий!
- community_created: Сообщество успешно создано
- community_updated: Сообщество успешно обновлено.
- deletion_init: Инициировано Удаление Учетной Записи
- details_updated: Детали успешно обновлены!
- done: Сделано!
- done_dot: Сделано
- error: Ошибка
- eval_crit: Критерии оценки созданы успешно!
- eval_crit_updated: Критерий оценки успешно обновлен!
- merge_complete: слияние завершено!
- new_author: В этот курс был добавлен новый автор.
- new_version: Создана новая версия.
- note_added: Заметка успешно добавлена
- note_removed: Заметка успешно удалена
- notice: Уведомление
- please_reload: Пожалуйста, обновите страницу и попробуйте еще раз.
- post_archived: Пост успешно архивирован
- profile_saved: Профиль успешно обновлен!
- reloading_list: Перезагружается список студентов
- reply_added: Ответ успешно добавлен
- reply_marked: Отметьте ответ как успешное решение
- reply_unmarked: Ответьте убрав пометку как решение!
- responses_saved: Ваши ответы были сохранены.
- review_updated: Контрольный список проверки успешно обновлен
- something_wrong: Что-то пошло не так!
- student_updated: Студент успешно обновлен
- success: Успех
- topic_updated: Тема успешно обновлена!
- try_again: Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз
- unexpected_error: Непредвиденная Ошибка!
- updated_success: обновлено успешно
- done_exclamation: Done!
- empty: Empty
- optional: необязательно
- optional_braces: (необязательно)
- or: или
- pagination:
- first: "«"
- last: "»"
- next: "›"
- previous: "‹"
- truncate: "…"
- pass: Пройдено
- percentage: Процент
- post: Пост
- preferred_name: Предпочитаемое имя
- prev: Пред
- processing: Обрабатывается
- rejected: Отклонено
- replies: Ответов
- reply: Ответ
- salutation: Привет,
- salutation_name: Привет %{name},
- save_changes: Сохранить изменения
- saving: Сохраняем...
- school: Школа
- search: Поиск
- settings: Settings
- sign_out: Выйти
- sitemap: Карта Сайта
- social: Соц. Сети
- students: Студенты
- tag: Тег
- tags: Теги
- target: Задача
- team: Команда
- team_name: Название команды
- teams: Команды
- terms_and_conditions: Условия и Положения
- title: Заголово
- title_error: Название должно содержать не менее двух символов
- title_placeholder: Студент, Ментор, генеральный директор и т.д.
- update: Обновить
- updating: Обновляем
- uploading: Загрузка
- version: Версия
- versions: Версии
- view: Посмотреть
- admin: Admin
- back_link: Back
- cohort: Cohort
- cohort_overview:
- no_milestones: There are no milestones.
- no_students: There are no students in this cohort.
- overview_link: Overview
- student_distribution_by_milestone: Student Distribution by Milestone Completion
- students_completed: Students Completed
- students_link: Students
- total_students: Total Students
- view_all: View All
- cohort_students:
- nothing_to_show: There are no students matching the selected filters.
- pagination_notice: Now showing %{page_start}-%{page_end} of a total of %{count} such students.
- filter: Filter
- levels: Levels
- m: M
- my_org: My Org
- notes: Notes
- percentage_completed: "%{percentage}% completed"
- sort_by: Sort by
- student:
- never_signed_in: Has never signed in
- time_ago: Last seen %{time_ago} ago
- password_strength: Password Strength
- users:
- delete_account:
- edit_user: Редактировать Пользователя
- link_expired: That link has expired or is invalid. Please try again.
- title: Edit User
- oauth:
- details: Что-то в запросе, отправленном вашим браузером, было недействительным. Мы автоматически отслеживаем эти ошибки, но если проблема не устранена, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам. А пока попробуйте перезагрузить страницу.
- invalid_request: Ваш браузер сделал неверный запрос.
- sessions:
- email: Продолжить через почту
- email_address: Адрес Электронной Почты
- email_me: Получить ссылку для входа
- magic_link: Мы можем отправить вам по электронной почте ссылку, чтобы вы могли войти в систему без необходимости вводить свой пароль.
- oauth: Войдите в систему с помощью Google, Facebook или Github
- password: Пароль
- password_free: Вход без пароля
- password_new: Сбросить Пароль
- question: Вопрос
- shared: Вы используете общее устройство?
- with_password: Войти с паролем
- auth_callback:
- discord_already_linked: Your Discord account is already linked to another account. Please unlink it from that account first.
- discord_link_error: We were unable to link your Discord account. Please try again.
- error: Invalid login credentials
- invalid_session: We were unable to verify whether it was you who asked to be signed in. Please try to sign in again.
- success: Your Discord account has been linked successfully. Your access to our Discord server will be updated shortly.
- email_sent:
- magic_link:
- description: If an account is associated with this email address, a one-time link will be sent. Click the link in the email, and you'll be signed in.
- heading: We've sent you a magic link!
- notice: Note that this link will work only once and we will send only one email every two minutes.
- page_title: Magic link is on its way!
- reset_password_link:
- description: If your email address is associated with an account, you'll find instructions to set a new password in your inbox.
- heading: We've sent you a link to reset your password!
- notice: Note that this link will work only once and we will send only one email every two minutes.
- page_title: Confirm your request
- new:
- already_signed: You are already signed in.
- continue_with_email_link: Continue with email
- heading: Sign in to %{school_name}
- sign_in_options_separator: OR
- request_password_reset:
- cancel_link: Sign in with Google, Facebook, or Github
- email_label: Email
- email_placeholder: john@example.com
- heading: Reset your password
- page_title: Reset password
- submit_button: Request password reset
- subtitle: Enter your email for password recovery.
- reset_password:
- link_used: That one-time link has already been used, or is invalid. Please try resetting your password again.
- page_title: Reset Password | %{title}
- sign_in_with_password:
- already_signed: You are already signed in.
- email: Continue with email
- email_address: Email Address
- email_me: Email me a link to sign in
- magic_link: We can email you a magic link so you can sign in without having to type your password.
- oauth: Sign in with Google, Facebook, or Github
- password: Password
- password_free: Password-free sign in
- password_new: Reset Your Password
- shared: Are you using a shared device?
- type_password: Type your password
- with_password: Sign in with password.
- sign_in_with_password_form:
- check_credentials:
- error: The supplied email address and password do not match. Please check your credentials and try again.
- token:
- link_expired: That one-time link has expired, or is invalid. Please try signing in again.
- update_email:
- frequent_request_error: Письмо было отправлено менее двух минут назад. Пожалуйста, подождите несколько минут, прежде чем повторить попытку.
- link_expired: Эта ссылка устарела или недействительна. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз.
- invalid_password_error: The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.
- clear_discord_id:
- success: Discord unlinked successfully.
- discord_account_required:
- linked:
- description: Your Discord account has been linked to your %{school_name} account. You can now browse the course and post messages on our Discord server. If you ever need help, don't hesitate to ask for it on the server.
- footer_html: Happy learning!
- go_to_course_button: Begin course
- go_to_dashboard_button: Return to dashboard
- heading: You're all set!
- page_title: Discord Account Required
- unlinked:
- description: The course you're trying to access requires you to connect your Discord account to %{school_name}. Our Discord server is where you get to interact with the community!
- heading: Let's link your Discord account first.
- link_discord_button: Link Discord
- no_discord_account: You don't have a Discord account yet? You can sign up for one and link it in one go.
- process:
- prefix: "The process is simple:"
- step_1_description_html: Click on the Link Discord button below.
- step_1_label: 1
- step_2_description_html: Authorize Pupilfirst LMS to access your Discord account.
- step_2_help_html: If you don't have a Discord account, you can sign up for one and link it in one go using the button on this page.
We'll use the authorization to:- Keep your nickname on the Discord server in sync with your name here.
- Assign additional roles to your account on our Discord server.
- step_2_label: 2
- step_3_description_html: You'll be redirected back to this page, and you can start taking the course.
- step_3_label: 3
- edit:
- discord_connect: Join Our Discord Community
- discord_connected_account: Go to Discord Community
- discord_connected_message: "Your nickname on the Discord server will be kept in sync with your name here.You've been assigned additional roles on Discord."
- discord_connected_message_title: Your %{school_name} account is now linked to your Discord account.
- discord_description: Joining our Discord server will let you get in touch with our team, coaches, and your peers instantly.
- discord_how_it_works_html: "Join our Discord server (it's free!)Link your Discord account with this school's account.Gain access to our community on Discord!"
- discord_how_it_works_title: How it works
- discord_title: Join Our Discord Server
- title: Edit User
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure:
- denied: Authentication was denied. Please try again.
- denied_by: Authentication was denied by %{provider}. Please try again.
- oauth_callback:
- add_facebook: Please remove \'Pupilfirst\' from your authorized apps list and try signing in again.
- add_github: Please add a public email address to your Github profile and try again.
- add_other: Please sign in using another method.
- email_unregistered: "Your email address: %{email} is unregistered."
- not_receive_email: "'We're sorry, but we did not receive your email address from %{provider_name}. '"
- oauth_origin_missing:
- details: "Something about the request that your browser sent wasn't valid. We track these errors automatically, but if the problem persists feel free to contact us. In the meantime, try reloading the page."
- invalid_request: Your browser made an invalid request.
- validate_submission_gradable:
- owners_should_be_active: Невозможно обновить неактивные работы учащихся.
- submission_should_be_live: Такой подачи не существует, или оно было заархивировано.
- views:
- admin:
- coaches: Менторов
- courses: Курсы
- levels: Уровней
- no_submissions: Еще нет студенческих заявок!
- overview: Обзор
- students: Студентов
- submissions_reviewed: материалов рассмотрено
- admins:
- title: Админы
- applicants:
- title: Абитуренты
- authors:
- title: Авторы
- certificates:
- title: Сертификаты
- coaches:
- title: Менторы
- courses:
- title: Курсы
- curriculum:
- title: Силлабус
- evaluation:
- title: Критерии Оценки
- exports:
- title: Экспорты
- footer:
- sitemap: Sitemap
- mailers:
- account_deletion_notification:
- body:
- link_to: пожалуйста, войдите в школу
- main_html: Мы заметили, что вы не использовали свою учетную запись в %{school_name} более %{inactivity_months} месяцев.
Мы автоматически удалим вашу учетную запись через месяц. После удаления вашей учетной записи вся ваша личная информация будет удалена, и у вас больше не будет доступа к школе.
Если вы хотите сохранить свою учетную запись, %{link_to} до %{one_month_from_now}.
- addition:
- added_author_html: Вы добавлены в качестве автора курса %{course_name} в %{school_name}. Это дает вам возможность использовать интерфейс администрирования учебного заведения для редактирования содержания курса и предварительного просмотра курса в качестве учащегося.
- link_to: данной ссылкой
- use_link_html: Воспользуйтесь %{link_to}, чтобы войти в %{school_name} и просмотреть курс
- confirm_account_deletion:
- body_html: Ваша учетная запись в %{school_name} успешно удалена.
Вся ваша личная информация была удалена, и у вас больше не будет доступа к этой школе.
- confirm_email_update:
- body:
- html: Ваш адрес электронной почты в %{school_name} успешно обновлен.
- subject: Ваш адрес электронной почты в школе %{school_name} успешно обновлен
- course_enrollement:
- added_coach_html: Вы добавлены в качестве ментора курса %{course_name} в %{school_name}. Это дает вам возможность просматривать материалы, отправленные учащимися, выставлять оценки и оставлять отзывы об их работе.
- can_sign_html: Теперь вы можете %{link_to}.
- link_to: войти в %{school_name} и посмотреть на работы ваших учащихся
- daily_digest:
- body:
- asked: спросил %{days_ago} дней назад.
- assigned: (%{stats} назначено вам)
- assigned_none: (из которых ни один не назначен вам)
- control_emails_html: Вы можете управлять этими электронными письмами с %{link_to}.
- latest_topics: "Последние темы, опубликованные в ваших сообществах:"
- link_to: страница редактирования вашего профиля
- main_html: Есть %{article_pending_submissions_count} %{pending_submissions_count} новых материалов для рассмотрения на некоторых курсах, в которых вы являетесь тренером.
- older: "Старые, популярные темы, в которых появились новые действия:"
- replies: ответов
- views: просмотров
- delete_account_token:
- body:
- link_to: ссылку
- main_html: "Мы получили запрос на удаление вашей учетной записи в %{school_name}.
Нажмите на эту %{link_to}, чтобы подтвердить удаление учетной записи. Ссылка действительна только в течение 30 минут.
Если вы не можете перейти по приведенной выше ссылке, скопируйте и вставьте следующую ссылку в адресную строку браузера:
- note_html: Это действие необратимо и навсегда лишит вас доступа к школе.
- enrollment:
- body:
- link_to: войти в %{school_name} и начать учиться вместе с курсом
- main_html: Вы зачислены в качестве студента на курс %{course_name} в %{school_name}.
- sign_html: Теперь вы можете %{link_to}.
- team: Вы также объединились с %{team_members}; это означает, что вы должны будете работать вместе, чтобы продвинуться в этом курсе.
- enrollment_verification:
- activate_account: Активируйте свою учетную запись и войдите
- link_verify_html: Воспользуйтесь этой одноразовой ссылкой, чтобы подтвердить свой адрес электронной почты и войти в %{school_name}!
- to_activate_html: Чтобы активировать свою учетную запись в %{school_name} и записаться на курс %{course_name}, подтвердите свой адрес электронной почты. Нажав на эту одноразовую ссылку, вы подтвердите свой адрес электронной почты и подтвердите, что хотите создать учетную запись в %{school_name}.
- welcome: Добро пожаловать в %{course_name}
- feedback_as_email:
- body:
- grading_details_html: "%{grade_icon} %{criteria_name}: %{grade_label} (%{grade} / %{max_grade})"
- grading_feedback_header: Вот отзыв о вашей работе
- grading_header: Ваша заявка получила следующие оценки от %{coach_name}
- link_to: полный отзыв
- main_html: Вот ответ от %{coach_name} о вашем %{update_for}
- recent_submission: недавней работе
- recent_updates: недавнем обновлении
- view_html: Вы можете просмотреть %{link_to}, включая любые файлы, прикрепленные к отзыву.
- issued:
- awarded_certificate_html: Вы получили сертификат за прохождение курса %{course_name}.
- congratulations: Поздравляем!
- issued_on_html: Сертификат был выпущен в %{issued_certificate} и может быть просмотрен или распечатан пользователем %{link_to}.
- link_to: через публичную ссылку сертификата
- layouts_school:
- thanks: Спасибо,
- new_post:
- body:
- link_to: просмотреть ответ в сообществе %{community_name}
- main_html: %{author_name} опубликовал ответ на то, что вы сказали в сообществе %{community_name}.
Вы можете %{link_to}.
- prepared:
- body: Экспорт, который вы запросили для курса %{course_name} на %{course_export_created_at}, теперь готов для загрузки. Посетите страницу экспорта курса, используя %{link_to}, чтобы загрузить экспорт.
- export_data_ready: Экспорт данных из курса %{course_name} готов к загрузке.
- export_ods: Экспорт был подготовлен в формате ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet), который вы сможете открыть во всех популярных приложениях для работы с электронными таблицами.
- export_ready: Экспорт курса готов
- link_to: ссылку
- visit_page: Посетить страницу экспорта
- school_admin_added:
- body:
- admin_name_html: Имя нового администратора — %{new_school_admin_name}, и его зарегистрированный адрес электронной почты %{new_school_admin_email}.
- link_to: ссылку
- new_admin_html: Новый администратор был добавлен в вашу школу %{school_name}, как %{new_school_admin} пользователем %{adding_user_name}.
- not_recognized_html: Если вы не знаете этого пользователя, вы можете удалить его из интерфейса администрирования учебного заведения, используя эту %{link_to}.
- send_login_token:
- body:
- link_to: нажмите здесь
- main_html:
Пожалуйста, %{link_to}, чтобы войти в свою учетную запись школы %{school_name}.
- send_reset_password_token:
- body:
- link_to: нажмите здесь
- main_html: Мы получили запрос на сброс вашего пароля в школе %{school_name}.
Пожалуйста, %{link_to}, чтобы изменить свой пароль.
- students_bulk_import_complete:
- body:
- link_to: просмотреть этих недавно добавленных учеников в интерфейсе администрации школы
- report_attachments: Некоторые из студентов, которых вы пытались импортировать, уже зачислены на курс. Эти студенты были проигнорированы во время импорта. Список адресов электронной почты таких студентов был включен в качестве приложения к настоящему письму.
- students_added_html: Учащихся добавлено: %{report_params}
- students_requested_html: Учащихся запрошено: %{report_params}
- summary_import_html: "Ваш запрос на импорт учащихся в курс %{course_name} успешно выполнен. Вот краткий обзор импорта:"
- view_html: Вы можете %{link_to}.
- update_email_token:
- body:
- link_to: link
- main_html: "Мы получили запрос на обновление вашей электронной почты в %{school_name}.
Нажмите на эту ссылку %{link_to}, чтобы обновить электронную почту. Ссылка действительна только в течение 30 минут.
- note_html: Это действие необратимо.
- subject: Обновите свой адрес электронной почты в школе %{school_name}
- sign_in_with_password:
- type_password: Ваш Пароль
- students:
- title: Студенты
- timeline_events:
- submitted_on: Отправлено в
- applicants:
- enroll:
- errors:
- email_should_not_have_bounced: The email address you supplied cannot be used because an email we sent earlier bounced
- ensure_time_between_requests: An email was sent less than two minutes ago. Please wait for a few minutes before trying again.
- not_a_student: You are already enrolled in %{course_name} course. Try signing in, instead.
- link_expired: That one-time link has expired, or is invalid. If you have already completed enrollment, please sign in.
- welcome: Welcome to %{school_name}!
- resolve_applicant_path:
- welcome: Welcome to %{school_name}!
- calendar_events:
- create:
- success: Event created successfully!
- create_or_update_form:
- calendar_error: Please select a calendar from the list
- color_error: Please select a valid color for the event
- invalid_url: Please enter a valid URL for the event
- start_time_error: Please select a valid time for the event
- title_error: Please enter a valid title for the event
- delete:
- success: Event deleted successfully!
- update:
- success: Event updated successfully!
- calendars:
- create:
- success: Calendar created successfully!
- update:
- success: Calendar updated successfully!
- issued_certificates:
- verify:
- title: Certificate
- organisations:
- courses:
- active_cohorts_label: Active Cohorts
- course_label: Course
- empty: No %{cohort_status} for this course.
- end_date: "End Date:"
- ended_cohorts_label: Ended Cohorts
- pagination_notice: Now showing %{page_start}-%{page_end} of a total of %{count} %{cohort_status}.
- index:
- heading: Organisations
- show:
- active_cohorts_subheading: Active Cohorts
- active_prefix_html:
- one: 1 student enrolled in
- other: %{count} students enrolled in
- active_students_label: Active Students
- active_suffix_html:
- one: 1 active cohort.
- other: %{count} active cohorts.
- end_date: "End Date:"
- no_active_cohorts: There are no active cohorts for this course.
- organisation_label: Organisation
- students_enrolled_heading: Students enrolled in
- total_students_label: Total Students
- view_all_cohorts: View All Cohorts
- students:
- show:
- average_grades: Average Grades
- reviewed_submissions:
- button: View previously reviewed submissions
- heading: Reviewed submissions
- targets_completed: "%{completed}/%{total} Targets"
- targets_overview: Targets Overview
- total_targets_completed: Total Targets Completed
- waiting_for_review: Submissions waiting for review
- submission:
- accepted: Accepted
- rejected: Rejected
- reviewed_time_ago: Reviewed %{time_ago_in_words} ago
- submitted_time_ago: Submitted %{time_ago_in_words} ago
- submissions:
- accepted_submissions_label: Accepted
- pagination_notice: Now showing %{page_start}-%{page_end} of a total of %{count} reviewed submissions.
- rejected_submissions_label: Rejected
- student_name_label: Reviewed submissions from
- total_reviewed_submissions: Total
- school:
- targets:
- update_action:
- error_message: Action could not be updated, please check the YAML syntax
- schools:
- admins:
- title: Admins
- calendar_events:
- edit:
- page_title: Edit event
- form:
- add_event_button: Add event
- add_event_heading: Add new event
- add_link_section_subtitle: Add a link to your event. For example, on Google Meet, or Zoom.
- add_link_section_title: Add an event link (optional)
- calendar_label: Add event to
- color_label: Color
- color_label_hint: Colors help you to differentiate different types of events at glance
- description_label: Event description
- edit_event_heading: Edit %{event_title}
- link_title_label: Event link title
- link_title_placeholder: eg. Google Meet
- link_url_label: Event link URL
- link_url_placeholder: eg. https://meet.google.com/xxx-yyyy-zzz
- start_time_label: Date and Time
- title_label: Event Title
- title_placeholder: eg. Group Discussion
- update_event_button: Update event
- new:
- page_title: Add new event
- show:
- confirm_delete: Are you sure to delete the event?
- date_and_time: Date and time
- description_label: Description
- link_label: Event Link
- title: Calendar event details
- calendars:
- edit:
- page_title: Update calendar
- form:
- add_calendar_button: Add calendar
- add_calendar_heading: Create new calendar
- all_cohorts_selected: All available cohorts have been selected
- cohorts_label: Link calendar to cohorts
- cohorts_label_hint: This will link calendar to specified cohorts
- edit_calendar_heading: Edit %{calendar_name}
- name_label: Calendar name
- name_placeholder: eg. Holidays
- no_cohorts_selected: No cohorts selected
- update_calendar_button: Update calendar
- new:
- page_title: Create new calendar
- communities:
- index:
- title: Communities
- courses:
- applicants:
- title: Applicants
- assignments:
- list_title: Arrange milestone assignments
- milestone_msg: This is the order in which milestones are shown to students on their report page. This does not affect the order in which students submit work for targets; that is controlled by assigning prerequisites.
- no_milestones: No milestones found in this course. Create milestones by visiting curriculum page.
- title: Assignments
- authors:
- title: Authors
- calendar_events:
- add_calendar_button: Add Calendar
- add_event_button: Add an event
- calendar: Calendar
- calendar_filter_label: Showing events from
- calendars: Calendars
- empty_events: No event scheduled for the selected date
- events: Events
- no_calendars_message: No calendars yet
- no_calendars_sub_text: Calendar helps you to schedule events and reminders for upcoming activities.
- select_calendar_filter: Select a calendar
- title: Calendars and Events
- today: Today
- upcoming_events_in: Upcoming events in
- certificates:
- title: Certificates
- curriculum:
- title: Curriculum
- evaluation_criteria:
- title: Evaluation Criteria
- exports:
- title: Exports
- inactive_students:
- title: Students
- index:
- title: Courses
- mark_teams_active:
- teams_active: Teams marked active successfully!
- students:
- title: Students
- customize:
- title: Customization
- faculty:
- course_index:
- title: Coaches
- school_index:
- coach: Coach
- title: Coaches
- show:
- coaches: Coaches
- courses: Courses
- levels: Levels
- no_submissions: No student submissions yet!
- overview:
- students: Students
- submissions_reviewed: submissions reviewed
- title: Overview
- timeline_events:
- show:
- accepted: Accepted
- feedback:
- one: Feedback
- other: Feedbacks
- no_feedbacks: No feedback received for this submission.
- pending: Pending
- rejected: Rejected
- reviewed_on: Reviewed on
- status: Status
- submission_from: Submission from
- submitted_on: Submitted on
- team: Team
- validate_school_link_title:
- title_length_error: Please enter a non empty title with no more than 24 characters.
diff --git a/config/locales/zh-cn.yml b/config/locales/zh-cn.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index dd33f2db64..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/zh-cn.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3004 +0,0 @@
- applicants:
- enroll:
- errors:
- email_should_not_have_bounced: 由于我们先前发送的电子邮件被退回,您提供的电子邮件地址无法使用。
- ensure_time_between_requests: 刚刚发送了一封电子邮件,请稍等几分钟再尝试。
- not_a_student: 您已经成功注册了 %{course_name} 课程。请尝试登录。
- link_expired: 那个一次性链接已经过期或者无效。如果您已经完成注册,请登录。
- welcome: 欢迎来到%{school_name}!
- resolve_applicant_path:
- welcome: 欢迎来到%{school_name}!
- calendar_events:
- create:
- success: 事件已成功创建!
- create_or_update_form:
- calendar_error: 请从列表中选择一个日历。
- color_error: 请为活动选择一个有效的颜色。
- invalid_url: 请输入一个有效的活动URL。
- start_time_error: 请为活动选择一个合适的时间。
- title_error: 请为活动输入一个有效的标题。
- delete:
- success: 事件已成功删除!
- update:
- success: 事件更新成功!
- calendars:
- create:
- success: 日历创建成功!
- update:
- success: 日历已成功更新!
- cohorts:
- shared:
- overview_link: 概述
- students_link: 学生们
- show:
- distribution_heading: 学生的分级分布
- students_completed: 学生完成了。
- total_students: 总学生数。
- view_all: 查看全部
- student:
- level_label: 等级
- never_signed_in: 从未登录过
- time_ago: 最后一次出现在%{time_ago}之前。
- students:
- distribution_heading: Level-wise student distribution
- nothing_to_show: 没有符合所选筛选条件的学生。
- pagination_notice: 目前显示了总共 %{count} 名这样的学生中的第 %{page_start} - %{page_end} 名。
- communities:
- show:
- community_title: "%{name}社区"
- new_topic: 新话题
- note: 你们学校的教师可以接触到所有社区。
- welcome: 欢迎来到这里。
- components:
- AdminCoursesShared__CohortsEditor:
- add_new_cohort: 添加新的队列
- cohort:
- label: 队列名称
- message: 请输入一个有效的群组名称。
- placeholder: 第一批
- cohort_description:
- label: 队列描述
- message: 请输入一个有效的队列描述。
- placeholder: 某年的第一批次
- cohort_ends_at:
- help: 该队列将在此日期归档。
- label: 队列结束日期
- update_cohort: 更新队列
- AdminCoursesShared__StudentsPicker:
- all_students_selected: 所有学生被选中
- no_students_found: 没有找到学生
- no_students_selected: 没有学生被选中。
- AdminCoursesShared__TeamEditor:
- add_new_team: 添加新团队
- select_cohort:
- label: 选择一个队伍
- placeholder: 选择一个队伍
- team_name:
- label: 团队名称
- message: 请输入一个有效的团队名称。
- placeholder: 第一批
- update_team: 更新团队
- Api:
- error_notification_body: 我们的团队已经收到了这个错误通知。请重新加载页面并再次尝试。
- error_notification_title: 发生了一个意外的错误。
- AppRouter__Dropdown:
- more: 更多
- show_more_links: 展示更多链接
- AppRouter__Header:
- edit_profile: 编辑个人资料
- sign_in: 登录
- sign_out: 退出登录
- AppRouter__Nav:
- calendar: 日历
- close_sidebar: 关闭侧边栏。
- curriculum: 课程
- leaderboard: 排行榜
- report: 报告
- review: 评论
- sign_out: 退出登录
- students: 学生们
- CalendarsIndex__DatePicker:
- today: 今天
- ClickToCopy:
- copied: 已拷贝
- copy: 拷贝
- CoachesIndex__Root:
- button_about: 关于
- button_connect: 连接
- filter_input_label: 筛选按
- filter_input_placeholder: 搜索姓名,或选择一门课程。
- filter_label_name_like: 根据名字
- filter_label_teaches_course: 教授课程
- filter_result_empty: 您所选择的筛选条件没有匹配到任何教师。请更改筛选条件后再试一次。
- filter_search_string_course: 教授课程 %{name}
- heading: 教师们
- CohortsActions__Root:
- button_text: 合并和删除
- edit: 编辑
- merge_heading_html: 将%{cohort_name}合并到另一个群组中。
- merge_help: 合并队列将把所选队列中的所有学生移动到目标队列中。这个操作可以用来删除不必要的队列。此操作无法撤销。
- page_description: 团队的行动计划。
- pick_a_cohort: 选择一个队伍
- CohortsCreator__Root:
- page_description: 为该课程创建一个新的学员群体。
- page_title: 新增一批人员组合
- CohortsDetails__Root:
- page_description: 更新队列详情
- page_title: 编辑 %{cohort_name}
- CohortsIndex__Root:
- active_cohorts: 活跃群体
- add_new_cohort: 添加新的队列
- all_cohorts: 所有队列
- coaches: 教师们
- cohort: 同伴群体
- cohorts: 同伴、同事、队友、同学、同年级学生、同期人员、同辈人
- cohorts_end_date: 队列结束日期
- edit: 编辑
- filter:
- first_created: 首次创建
- last_created: 最近创建的
- last_ending: 最后的结束
- name: 名字
- search_by_name: 按姓名搜索
- load_more: 加载更多
- no_cohorts_found: 未找到任何群体。
- students: Students
- CommunitiesNewTopic__Root:
- asked_on: 在“问到”上询问
- back: 返回
- be_descriptive: 如果你在提问,尽量详细描述问题,这样可以更容易让他人回答。你可以使用Markdown格式化文本。
- body: 身体
- clear: 清除
- count_replies_label: 回复
- create_topic: 创建话题
- create_topic_discussion: 创建一个新的讨论话题
- done: 完成
- failed_fetch_similar: 我们无法从服务器获取相似的主题!我们的团队已经收到了这个错误的通知。
- linked_target: 关联目标:
- missing_info: 丢失信息
- no_category_found: 找不到ID为xx的分类。
- no_replies: 无回复
- not_selected: 没有选择
- one_reply: 一个回复
- oops: 哎呀!
- please_reload: 请在再次尝试发布之前刷新页面。
- redirecting: 正在转向新话题...
- select_category: 选择分类
- similar_topics: 相似的主题
- title: 标题
- title_placeholder: 新话题的标题
- topic_body_present: 主题标题和内容必须存在。
- CommunitiesShow__Root:
- all_categories_button: 所有类别
- button_load_more: 加载更多...
- empty_topics: 这里还没有讨论。
- filter_input_label: 按条件筛选:
- filter_input_placeholder_categories: 按类别、解决方案或在主题中搜索进行筛选。
- filter_input_placeholder_default: 按主题搜索或按解决方案筛选
- sort_criterion_input_label: 按输入标签排序
- sort_criterion_last_activity: 按活动时间排序
- sort_criterion_posted_at: 按发布时期排序。
- sort_criterion_views: 按观点排序
- topic_last_updated_text: 最后更新日期
- topic_posted_by_text: 发布者
- topic_stats_likes:
- one: 一个赞。
- other: "%{count}个赞"
- topic_stats_replies:
- one: 一个回复。
- other: "%{count} 条回复"
- topic_stats_views:
- one: 一个浏览
- other: "%{count} 浏览"
- topics_fully_loaded_text: 显示所有的 %{total_topics} 个主题
- topics_partially_loaded_text: 显示 %{loaded_topics_count} 个主题中的 %{total_topics} 个主题
- unable_find_id: 无法找到ID为"的主题类别。
- CourseApplicants__EditForm:
- add_as_student_button: 我作为学生添加。
- affiliation:
- label: 所属关系/单位
- placeholder: Acme公司,Acme大学,等等。
- email:
- label: 电子邮件
- placeholder: 学生邮箱在这里。
- name:
- error: 不是有效的。
- label: 姓名
- placeholder: 学生姓名在这里。
- notify_students:
- label: 通知学生,并发送给他们一个链接以登录该学校。
- page_title: 作为学生添加
- tabs:
- actions: 行动
- details: 细节
- tags:
- label: 标签
- title:
- label: 标题
- placeholder: 学生、教师、首席执行官等。
- CourseApplicants__Root:
- applicants_fully_loaded_text: 显示所有 %{total_applicants} 位申请者
- applicants_page_title: 申请人们
- applicants_partially_loaded_text: 展示 %{loaded_applicants_count} 名申请人中的 %{total_applicants} 名申请人
- button_load_more: 加载更多申请者...
- empty_applicants: 你没有任何申请者!
- filter:
- input_label: 搜索
- input_placeholder: 按姓名筛选和搜索申请者。
- label:
- search: 按姓名或电子邮件搜索
- tag: 标签
- onboard_as_student: 加入为学生
- show_actions: 展示行动
- show_details: 展示详情:
- sort_criterion:
- created_at: 创建时间
- name: 名称
- updated_at: 更新时间
- sorter:
- label: 按照...排序
- CourseAuthors__Form:
- add_new_author: 添加新作者
- create_author: 创造作者
- email: 电子邮件
- email_message: 请输入有效的电子邮件地址。
- email_placeholder: 请将电子邮件添加在这里。
- name: 名字
- name_message: 请输入有效的姓名。
- name_placeholder: 请在这里填写姓名。
- saving: 储蓄
- update_author: 更新作者
- CourseAuthors__Root:
- window_confirm_post: 从作者列表中选择?
- window_confirm_pre: 你确定要移除吗?
- CourseCertificates__CreateDrawer:
- certificate_base_image:
- help: 这个基础图片必须包含一个完整的行间距,以便插入学生的姓名。
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/certificates#uploading-a-new-certificate
- label: 证书模板
- placeholder: 选择一个证书的模板
- create_action: 创建新证书
- create_button_text: 创建证书
- name_label: 姓名
- name_placeholder: 用于标识此证书的名称。
- success_notification: 你现在可以编辑这个证书。
- CourseCertificates__EditDrawer:
- active:
- help: 虽然你可以拥有多个证书,但只能自动颁发一个;当学生完成一门课程时,该证书将被颁发。
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/certificates#automatically-issuing-certificates
- label: 学生是否应该自动获得这个证书?
- edit_action: 编辑证书
- font_size_label: 字体大小
- margin_label: 利润空间,利润率,边际
- name_error: 姓名不能为空。
- name_label: 姓名
- name_offset_top_label: 名称 偏移量(从顶部)
- name_placeholder: 这个证书的简称
- qr_bottom_left_label: 左下角
- qr_bottom_right_label: 右下角
- qr_hidden_label: 隐藏的
- qr_position_label: 二维码位置
- qr_scale_label: 二维码的缩放比例
- qr_top_left_label: 左上角
- qr_top_right_label: 右上角
- qr_visibility:
- help: 这将包含一个链接,指向您学校的一个页面,任何人都可以访问该页面以验证颁发的证书。
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/certificates
- label: 添加二维码?
- update_issued_certificates_warning:
- one: 这个证书已经发放过一次。这些变更也将被应用到已发放的证书上。
- other: 这个证书已经发行了%{count}次。
- CourseCertificates__Root:
- auto_issue_tag: 自动发布
- certificate: 证书
- create_action: 创建新证书
- delete_button_title: 删除证书 %{name}。
- delete_confirm: 你确定要删除这个证书吗?
- deleting: 正在删除
- edit_button_title: 编辑证书 %{name}
- heading: 证书
- issued_count:
- one: 只发行一次。
- other: 发行了%{count}次
- zero: 从未发布过。
- no_certificates: 你还没有创建任何证书!
- CourseCoaches__EnrollmentForm:
- add_course: 添加课程导师
- assign_coaches: 分配教师给这门课程。
- notification_coach_enrollment: 教师注册已成功更新。
- search_coaches_all: 您已选择了所有教师!
- search_coaches_empty: 没有选中的教师。
- search_coaches_placeholder: 搜索教师
- search_cohorts_all: 您已选择了所有的队列!
- search_cohorts_empty: 没有选择队友
- search_cohorts_placeholder: 搜索队伍
- select_coaches: 选择教师
- select_cohorts: 选择队伍
- CourseCoaches__InfoForm:
- no_students_assigned: 这个教师没有被分配给任何学生。您可以在编辑学生详情时直接分配教师。
- notification_coach_updated: 教师信息已成功更新。
- pending_submissions: 待处理的提交
- revied_submissions: 已审核提交内容。
- search_cohorts_all: 你已选择了所有队伍!
- search_cohorts_empty: 没有选择队友
- search_cohorts_placeholder: 搜索队伍
- select_cohorts: 分配给教师的同伴:
- students_assigned: 被指派担任教师的学生们:
- update_cohort_assignment: 更新队列分配
- CourseCoaches__InfoFormTeam:
- remove_post_confirm: 从指定的团队列表中?
- remove_pre_confirm: 您确定要移除“
- CourseCoaches__Root:
- assign_coaches: 分配教师给课程
- coaches_list: 课程教师名单
- course_empty: 课程还没有指定教师!
- enrollment_delete_error_head_notification: 教师注册信息无法删除。
- enrollment_delete_error_notification_body: 请再次尝试
- enrollment_delete_notificaion_success_body: 教师注册已成功删除。
- remove_confirm_post: 从这门课程中学到了什么?
- remove_confirm_pre: 你确定要删除吗?
- CourseEditor__Form:
- actions:
- archive_course:
- button_text: 存档课程
- label: 你想要归档这门课程吗?
- clone_course:
- button_text: 克隆课程
- label: 你想创建一个课程的副本吗?
- unarchive_course:
- button_text: Unarchive Course
- label: 你想要取消存档这门课程吗?
- alert:
- archive_message: 你确定要归档这门课程吗?
- clone_course_message: 你确定要复制这门课程吗?
- unarchive_message: 你确定要取消存档该课程吗?
- course_about:
- label: 关于
- placeholder: 增加关于课程的更多细节。
- course_description:
- error_message: 需要提供一个描述(2-150个字符)
- label: 课程描述
- placeholder: 这门课程的简短描述如下:
- course_highlights:
- label: 课程亮点
- course_name:
- error_message: 需要填写姓名(2-50个字符)
- label: 课程名称
- placeholder: 请输入课程名称。
- create_course: 创建课程
- enable_public_preview_label: 允许公众查看课程大纲吗?
- enable_public_signup_label: 是否允许公众报名参加这门课程?
- feature_course_in_homepage_label: 学校主页上的特色课程?
- pick_a_cohort: 选择一个队列
- pick_default_cohort: 选择默认的队列。
- processing_url:
- error: 处理URL无效。
- help: 申请者提交申请后,您可以将其发送到一个处理链接。
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/courses#processing-url
- label: 你是否希望在录取申请者之前处理他们的信息?
- progression_behavior:
- help: 只有在你的课程中设有里程碑目标,要求学生提交作品供教师审阅时,才适用此规定。
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/courses#progression-behaviour
- label: 进步行为
- limited:
- description_end: 没有进行审核的情况下。
- description_start: 学生可以升级。
- four_times: four times
- once: 一旦
- thrice: 三次
- title: 有限的
- twice: 两次
- strict:
- description: 学生只有在提交作业被审阅并通过后才能升级。
- title: 严格的
- unlimited:
- description: 学生可以在课程结束前升级,而无需提交作业进行审核。
- title: 无限的
- tabs:
- actions: 行动
- details: 细节
- images: 图片
- title:
- add_new_course: 添加新课程
- edit_course_details: 编辑课程详情
- update_course: 更新课程
- CourseEditor__HighlightsEditor:
- add_highlight: 课程亮点
- delete_highlight: 删除高亮。
- description:
- placeholder: 亮点的描述
- move_down: 下降
- move_up: 提升/晋升
- select: 选择
- selected_button:
- title: 选择图标
- title:
- placeholder: 精彩瞩目的标题
- CourseEditor__ImagesForm:
- button_text:
- update_images: 更新图片
- updating: 更新中
- cover_image:
- error_message: 必须是不超过2MB大小的JPEG / PNG格式的图片。
- help: 该封面将展示在课程内所有学生页面的顶部,并作为某些课程邮件的标题。
- help_url: http://这是链接到《Pupilfirst用户手册》中关于课程图片的部分。
- label: 封面图片
- empty_image_label: 请选择一个图片文件。
- image_label:
- end: 点击以替换当前图片。
- start: 您已选择"
- notification_success:
- description: 图片已成功更新。
- title: 标题
- replace_image_label: 请选择一个文件来替换。
- thumbnail:
- error_message: 必须是大小不超过2 MB的JPEG/PNG格式的图片。
- help: 缩略图将显示在主页上,以及在管理员课程列表中。
- help_url: http://这是一个链接,指向"Pupilfirst"文档中的一个页面。
- label: 缩略图
- CourseEditor__Root:
- add_new_course: 新增课程
- button_load_more: 加载更多课程...
- course_links:
- view_calendar: 查看日历
- edit_curriculum: 编辑课程
- manage_coaches: 管理教师
- manage_students: 管理学生
- view_as_student: 以学生的角度来看
- courses_fully_loaded_text: 展示所有 %{total_courses} 门课程。
- courses_partially_loaded_text: 展示 %{loaded_courses_count} 个课程中的 %{total_courses} 个课程
- create_description: 让我们创建另一个课程。
- edit_course_details: 编辑课程详情
- filter:
- input_hint: 或者开始键入姓名进行搜索...
- input_label: 搜索
- input_placeholder: 按课程名称进行筛选和搜索
- label:
- name: 按姓名搜索
- status: 状态
- status:
- active: 活动的
- archived: 已存档
- ended: 已结束
- notification_error_body: 我们的团队已收到有关此错误的通知。请尝试重新加载此页面。
- notification_error_head: 发生了一个意外错误。
- quick_links: 快速链接
- view_public_page: 查看公共页面
- CourseExport__Root:
- active_students_label: 积极的学生
- all_students_label: 所有学生
- all_targets_label: 所有目标
- close_export_form: 关闭导出表单
- create_action: 创建新的导出
- create_action_button: 导出课程数据
- create_button_active_label: 建立一个出口...
- create_button_text: 创建导出文件
- download_course_export: 下载课程导出文件
- export: 出口
- export_cohorts_label: 只导出以下队列中的学生。
- export_tags_label: 只导出带有以下标签的学生。
- export_targets_label: 出口应该包括哪些目标?
- export_type_label: 请选择您需要的出口类型。
- heading: 出口
- include_inactive_students_tag: 包括停学学生
- no_exports_notice: 你还没有出口任何东西!
- prepared: 准备就绪
- requested: 已请求
- reviewed_only_tag: 仅查看已审核
- reviewed_only_targets_label: 仅限已经审核过的提交目标。
- search_cohort_placeholder: 寻找一个同伴
- search_cohorts_empty: 未选择任何同伴。
- search_tag_placeholder: 搜索标签
- search_tags_empty: 查找空白的标签
- students_label: 学生们
- students_to_include_label: 选择要包括在课程导出中的学生。
- teams_label: 团队
- CourseResourcesFilter:
- filter_resources: 筛选资源
- CourseSelect:
- button_load_more: 加载更多课程...
- courses_fully_loaded_text: 展示所有的 %{total_courses} 门课程。
- courses_partially_loaded_text: 展示 %{loaded_courses_count} 门课程中的 %{total_courses} 门课程
- empty_courses: 你没有任何课程!
- filter:
- input_hint: 或者开始输入以按名称搜索...
- input_label: 搜索
- input_placeholder: 按照课程名称进行筛选和搜索
- label:
- name: 按姓名搜索
- status: 状态
- status:
- active: 活动的
- archived: 已归档
- ended: 已结束
- CoursesApply__Root:
- email_sent_message:
- description: 不到一分钟的时间你就能收到。点击邮件中的链接进行注册并开始使用。
- title: 我们已经向您发送了一封验证邮件。
- CoursesCurriculum:
- edit_level_button: 编辑等级
- edit_target_button_title: 编辑目标 %{title}
- empty_level_content_notice: 这个层级上没有已发布的内容。
- issued_certificate_button: 查看证书
- issued_certificate_heading: 恭喜!您已获得一张证书。
- level_locked: 等级锁定
- level_locked_explanation: 您可以在%{date}访问到内容。
- level_locked_for_students_notice: 这个关卡对学生来说仍然是锁定状态,将在%{date}解锁。
- level_locked_notice: 当前关卡已锁定!
- milestone_label: Milestone
- nav_aria_next_level: 进入下一个层次
- nav_aria_previous_level: 返回上一级
- nav_long_next_level: 下一个级别
- nav_long_previous_level: 上一关
- nav_short_next_level: 下一级
- nav_short_previous_level: 之前的/以前的
- CoursesCurriculum__AudioRecorder:
- button_text_record_again: 重新录制
- button_text_start_recording: 我开始录音了。
- cannot_record: 你无法录制音频。
- preview_mode: 预览模式。
- recording_size_limit_warning: 录音文件的大小不应超过5MB,请重新录制。
- recording_string: 录音
- CoursesCurriculum__AutoVerify:
- before_marking: 在标记为完成之前...
- before_visiting: 在访问链接之前...
- mark_complete: 标记为已完成
- saving: 请稍后...
- visit_complete: 点击链接完成。
- visit_link: 访问链接
- CoursesCurriculum__Discuss:
- create: 创建一个主题
- go_to: 去社区
- no_discussion: 最近没有关于这个目标的讨论。
- topics_post: 社区
- topics_pre: 《Topics From》的主题来源
- use_community: 利用社区来解决你的疑问,并帮助你的同行!
- CoursesCurriculum__FileForm:
- another_file: 请为上传选择另一个文件。
- cannot_attach: 您无法附加文件。
- choose_upload: 选择要上传的文件。
- error: 错误
- max_file_size: 文件的最大大小为5MB。
- please_reload: 请刷新页面并重试。
- preview_mode: 预览模式
- smth_went_wrong: 出了点问题!
- CoursesCurriculum__Learn:
- edit_target_button: 编辑内容
- CoursesCurriculum__LevelUpButton:
- button_text_level_up: 升级
- button_text_saving: 请稍后
- CoursesCurriculum__NoticeManager:
- access_ended_description: 你目前只能有限地访问该课程。你可以预览内容,但无法完成任何目标。
- access_ended_title: 预览/有限访问
- course_complete_description: 你已经完成了我们的课程。请随意完成可能遗漏的目标,并阅读附带的链接内容。
- course_complete_title: 恭喜!你已经成功完成了最后一关的所有里程碑目标。
- course_ended_description: 课程已结束,所有任务的提交功能已关闭!
- course_ended_title: 课程结束了。
- preview_mode_description: 您正在访问此课程的预览模式。
- preview_mode_title: 预览模式
- team_members_pending_description: 你已经完成了所有必要的里程碑目标,但你的一个或多个团队成员尚未完成。请要求他们登录并检查未完成的里程碑目标。
- team_members_pending_title: 请与你的团队确认。
- CoursesCurriculum__Overlay:
- close_button: 关闭
- completion_tab_complete: 部分完成
- completion_tab_completed: 已完成
- completion_tab_form_response: 表单回复
- completion_tab_locked: 已锁定
- completion_tab_mark_complete: 标记为已完成
- completion_tab_quiz_result: 测验结果
- completion_tab_submissions: 投稿与反馈
- completion_tab_submit_form: 提交表格
- completion_tab_take_quiz: 参加测验
- completion_tab_visit_link: 点击链接以完成。
- discuss_tab: 讨论
- learn_cta_submit_form: 提交表格
- learn_cta_submit_work: 提交作品进行审查。
- learn_cta_take_quiz: 参加一个问答游戏
- learn_tab: 学习。
- milestone_label: Milestone
- next_target_button: 下一个目标
- pending_team_members_notice: 你还有团队成员尚未完成这个目标:
- preview_mode_text: 您目前正在查看本课程的预览。
- previous_target_button: 以前的目标
- scroll_to_top: 回到顶部
- CoursesCurriculum__Quiz:
- next_question: 下一个问题。
- question: 问题
- submit_quiz: 提交测验
- CoursesCurriculum__SubmissionBuilder:
- accessing_preview: 你正在访问预览模式。
- attaching: 附加
- compete_all: 请完成所有必填项。
- complete: 完成
- for_course: 对于这门课程
- no_actions: 此目标无任何操作。点击提交以完成目标。
- steps_submit: 提交此目标的步骤如下:
- submit: 提交
- submitting: 提交
- CoursesCurriculum__SubmissionItem:
- link_error: 这似乎不是一个有效的网址。
- link_placeholder: 请提供以https://开头的完整URL。
- remove: 删除
- short_text_error: 答案需要少于250字
- short_text_placeholder: 添加一段短文本
- warning_length_limit: 请将您的回答保持在5000个字符以内。
- CoursesCurriculum__SubmissionsAndFeedback:
- add_another: 增加另一个
- add_another_response: 增加另一个回复
- add_another_submission: 再添加一份提交
- cancel: 取消
- completed: 已完成
- form_response_number: 回应
- grading: 评分
- pending_review: 待审核
- rejected: 已拒绝
- submission_details: 有关您在“”上提交的详细信息。
- submission_number: 提交编号
- submitted_on: 提交于:
- unknown_coach: 未知的教师
- your_responses: 你的回答
- your_submissions: 你的提交内容
- CoursesCurriculum__TargetStatus:
- access_locked: 你现在只有有限的课程访问权限。你可以预览内容,但不能完成任何目标。
- course_locked: 这门课程已经结束了。
- prerequisites_incomplete: 这个目标的前提条件不完整。
- status:
- completed: 已完成
- locked: 已锁定
- pending: 待定
- pending_review: 待审核
- rejected: 已拒绝
- submission_limit_reached: You have %{pending_count} pending submissions and cannot submit more until they are reviewed.
- CoursesCurriculum__UndoButton:
- notification_error_body: 出现了意外错误,我们的团队已经收到了通知。请重新加载页面后再试。
- notification_error_head: 意外错误
- notification_notice_body: 请重新加载页面,查看提交状态,然后再试一次。
- notification_notice_head: 无法撤销提交。
- undo: 撤销
- undo_submission: 撤销提交
- undo_submission_title: 删除这个提交。
- undoing: 正在撤销
- window_confirm: 你确定要删除这个提交吗?
- CoursesCurriculum__UrlForm:
- button_placeholder: 请提供以https://开头的完整URL。
- button_text: 附件链接
- url_validate_error: 看起来不像一个有效的URL。
- CoursesReport:
- button_overview_text: 概述
- button_submissions_text: 投稿
- CoursesReport__Overview:
- average_grades: 平均成绩
- average_quiz_score: 平均测验分数
- course_completed: 课程完成了!
- incomplete_targets: 未完成:%{targetsCount}个。
- level_progress: 级别进度
- milestone_completed: Completed
- milestone_pending: Pending
- milestone_status_help: Discover your essential milestones for course completion right here. Track your progress and catch any targets you might have overlooked.
- personal_coaches: 个人教师
- quizzes_attempted:
- one: 1次测验已尝试。
- other: 已尝试 %{count} 份测验
- zero: 未尝试任何测验。
- schedule_coaching_session: 安排一次辅导会议。
- targets_completed: "已完成: %{targetsCount}"
- targets_overview: 目标概述
- targets_pending_review: "待审核: %{targetsCount}个"
- CoursesReport__SubmissionsList:
- completed: 已完成
- filter_by_another_level: 按另一个层级筛选
- filter_by_another_level_or_status: 按另一个层级筛选,或按状态筛选。
- filter_by_another_status: Filter by another status
- filter_by_level: 按照等级筛选
- filter_by_level_or_status: 按级别筛选,或按状态筛选。
- filter_by_status: Filter by status
- load_more: 点击加载更多...
- no_submissions_to_show: 暂无可展示的提交内容。
- pending_review: 待审核
- rejected: Rejected
- sort_by: 排序方式:
- status: 状态
- submission_not_considered: 此提交不计入目标的完成情况。
- submission_not_considered_help: 这是一个团队目标,而这份提交与你团队的某些成员没有关联。这可能是因为在你个人提交之后,目标发生了变化,需要进行团队提交,或者在创建团队提交后,你的团队成员发生了变动。
- submitted_at: 提交于
- submitted_on: 提交于%{date}。
- view: 视图
- CoursesReview__Checklist:
- create_review_checklist: 创建一个评论清单
- create_review_checklist_description: 通过创建一份清单来为您的审查做好准备。
- CoursesReview__ChecklistEditor:
- add_checklist_item: 添加检查项
- add_result: 添加结果
- cancel: 取消
- checklist_item_description:
- error_message: 检查的结果不能是空白的。
- placeholder: 添加反馈(可选)
- checklist_item_title:
- move_down_button_title: 下移检查清单结果
- move_up_button_title: 提升清单结果
- placeholder: 为这次检查添加一个结果。
- remove_button_title: 移除检查清单结果
- checklist_title:
- error_message: 检查清单项目不能为空。
- move_down_button_title: 向下移动清单项
- move_up_button_title: 前进清单项目
- placeholder: 添加一个项目到清单中。
- remove_button_title: 移除清单项目
- create_review_checklist: 创建审核清单
- disabled: 残疾人/身体有障碍者
- edit_review_checklist: 编辑审核清单
- save_checklist: 保存清单
- CoursesReview__ChecklistShow:
- add_additional_feedback: 添加更多反馈
- back_to_review: 回顾回归
- edit_checklist_button: 编辑清单
- feedback_placeholder: 添加反馈(可选)
- generate_feedback_button: 产生反馈
- remove_additional_feedback: 移除额外的反馈信息
- review_checklist: 审核清单
- CoursesReview__Editor:
- add_another_feedback: 再添加一条反馈意见。
- add_feedback: 添加反馈
- add_your_feedback: 添加您的反馈
- assigned_coaches: 指定教师
- assigned_to: 指派给
- close: 关闭
- close_submission_warning: 您确定要关闭并且不保存提交内容吗?
- create_review_checklist: 创建审核清单
- deleted_coach: Deleted Coach
- evaluated_at: 在 %{evaluated_at}
- evaluated_by: 评估者
- feedback: 反馈
- feedback_generated_text: 来自审查清单的反馈。
- feedback_placeholder: 完成评分后,此反馈将通过电子邮件发送给学生。
- github_action:
- description: 你想要重新运行这个提交的 Github action 吗?
- re_run_action_button: 重新运行 Github Action
- view_action_button: 查看Github Action
- grade_card: 成绩单
- help_text: 笔记可以用来跟踪关于%{note_about}的进展。这些笔记仅在学生的报告中向教师显示。%{additional_help}
- hide_test_report_button: 隐藏测试报告
- no_more_pending_submissions: This submission has been graded, and there are no more submissions awaiting review.
- note_help: 你愿意写一篇关于这个 %{noteAbout} 的笔记吗?
- note_placeholder: 在审核这个提交时,你注意到了什么吗?
- page_title: 提交
- reject_submission: Reject Submission
- reject_submission_and_send_feedback: Reject submission & send feedback
- rejection_help_note: You are marking this submission as rejected without providing any grades. Please provide your feedback along with the rejection.
- rejection_help_note_title: "Note: "
- remove_assignment: 取消任务
- report_description: 测试报告
- review: 评论
- review_checklist: 评论清单
- review_next: 评论下一个
- save_grades: 保持成绩
- save_grades_and_send_feedback: 保存成绩并发送反馈
- share_feedback: 分享反馈
- show_review_checklist: 演出回顾清单
- status:
- completed: 已完成
- pending_review: 待审核
- rejected: 已拒绝
- reviewing: 复习、回顾
- student: 学生
- student_dropped_out_message_with_timestamp: 这份提交是来自一位已经结束了课程或者退课的学生。您可以在%{timestamp}之前查看这份提交。
- student_dropped_out_message_without_timestamp: 这份提交来自一位已经结束了对该课程的访问或者已经退学的学生。
- students_dropped_out_message_with_timestamp: 这个提交与一个或多个学生相关联,这些学生的课程访问已结束,或者已经退出。您可以在%{timestamp}之前查看这个提交。
- students_dropped_out_message_without_timestamp: 这个提交与一个或多个学生相关联,这些学生已经失去了对该课程的访问权限,或者已经退出了该课程。
- submission_acceptable: Is this submission acceptable?
- submission_number: "提交 #%{number}"
- submitted_by: 提交者:
- submitted_by_team: 提交者团队:
- team: 团队
- team_notice: 这份提交来自一个团队,因此在这里添加的备注将会被发布到团队中所有学生的报告中。
- undo_grade_warning: 你确定要删除这些成绩吗?这将使提交状态变为“待审核”。
- undo_grading: 撤销评分
- undo_rejection: Undo Rejection
- undo_rejection_notice: " has marked this submission as rejected without providing any grades."
- undo_rejection_notice_title: "Submission Rejected:"
- undo_rejection_warning: Are you sure you want to undo the rejection? This will return the submission to a 'Pending Review' state.
- write_a_note: 写一张便条
- you_are_done: You're done!
- CoursesReview__ReviewerManager:
- assigned_at: 分配于%{date}
- change_reviewer_and_start_review: 改变审核人员并开始审核
- remove_reviewer_assign_to_me: 你是否想要移除当前的教师 %{current_coach_name} 并将自己指派为审查者?
- start_review: 开始审查
- CoursesReview__Root:
- assigned_to: 指派给
- assigned_to_coach: 指派给:
- assigned_to_me: 分配给我
- button_load_more: 加载更多提交...
- coach_filter_by:
- assigned_to: 按照被指派给某人的提交进行筛选。
- personal_coach: 按照被指派给学生的人进行筛选。
- reviewed_by: 按照谁审核了提交内容进行筛选。
- filter_by: 筛选方式:
- filter_by_another_level: 按另一个层次筛选
- filter_by_another_level_or_submissions_assigned: 按照另一个层级筛选,或者只显示分配给教师的提交作品。
- filter_by_level: 按级别筛选
- filter_by_level_or_submissions_assigned: 按照等级筛选,或只显示分配给教师的提交作品。
- filter_by_submissions_assigned: Only show submissions assigned to a coach
- filter_by_target: 按目标筛选
- filter_hint: ...or start typing to filter by student using their name or email address
- filter_input:
- assigned_to: 指派给:
- level: 等级:
- personal_coach: 个人教师:
- reviewed_by: 审查人员:
- target: 目标:
- inactive_students: 不活跃的学生
- include: 包含
- level: 级别
- me: 我
- name_or_email: 姓名或电子邮件
- now_showing_submissions_assigned_to: 现在展示分配给%{name}的提交。
- now_showing_submissions_from_all_students: 现在展示来自该课程所有学生的提交作品。
- pending: 等待中
- personal_coach: 个人教师
- review: 评论
- reviewed: 已阅。
- reviewed_at: 审查完成
- reviewed_by: 经过审核
- search:
- assigned_to: 分配给:
- level: 水平:
- personal_coach: 个人教师:
- reviewed_by: 评论人:
- status: 状态:
- target: 目标
- sort_by: 排序方式:
- status: 状态
- submissions_fully_loaded_text:
- one: 只有一个提交。
- other: 显示所有的 %{count} 提交
- submissions_partially_loaded_text: 显示 %{loaded_submissions_count} 条中的 %{total_submissions} 条提交
- submitted_at: 提交于
- target: 目标
- CoursesReview__SubmissionCard:
- assigned_to: 分配给
- completed: 已完成
- created_at: 在%{created_at}。
- feedback_sent: 已发送反馈。
- level: 水平
- no_submissions_found: 未找到任何提交。
- rejected: 已拒绝
- submitted_by: 由...提交
- submitted_by_team: 由团队“提交”
- CoursesReview__SubmissionInfoCard:
- completed: 已完成
- deleted: 已删除
- pending_review: 待审核
- rejected: 已拒绝
- submission_hash: 提交
- CoursesReview__SubmissionReportShow:
- hide_report_button: 隐藏报告
- report_status_string:
- error: 由于错误,操作无法完成。
- failure: 一些行动失败了。
- in_progress: 正在进行行动。
- queued: 操作已排队
- success: 所有行动都成功了。
- show_report_button: 展示报告
- test_report: 测试报告
- CoursesStudents__CoachNoteShow:
- coach_on: 在,就在那里。
- delete_note: 删除笔记
- deleted_coach: 已删除教师
- sure_delete: 你确定要删除这条笔记吗?
- unknown: 未知
- CoursesStudents__CoachNotes:
- all_notes: 所有笔记
- has_archived_notes: This student has some archived notes.
- help_text: 笔记可以用来记录学生的进步。这些笔记只向教师展示。
- new_note: 添加一个新的笔记
- no_notes: 这里没有任何笔记!
- save_note: 保存笔记
- CoursesStudents__Root:
- assigned_me: 分配给:我
- assigned_to: 指派给
- coach_notes: 教师笔记
- filter_level: 按照级别、分配的教师、姓名或电子邮件地址进行筛选,以及更多...
- has_notes: 有笔记
- level_distribution_label: 学生分布情况的等级划分
- me: 我
- name_email: 姓名或电子邮件
- no_notes: 没有笔记
- not_found: 无法从分布栏中找到所选的级别,其ID为"
- restore_filer_none: 现在显示该课程中的所有学生。
- search_assigned_me: 分配给我
- search_assigned_to: 分配给
- search_no_notes: 没有笔记 有笔记 教师笔记
- search_tag: 标签
- showing_assigned: 现在展示被分配给学生的内容。
- tagged_with: 标记为
- CoursesStudents__StudentDistribution:
- level_wise: 学生按照等级分布
- students_level: 学生等级
- CoursesStudents__StudentOverlay:
- access_ended_at: 这名学生对该课程的访问权限于%{date}结束。
- average_grades: 平均成绩
- average_quiz_score: 平均测验成绩
- close_student_report: 学生报告结束。
- course_completed: 课程完成了!
- dropped_out_at: 这名学生在%{date}退课了。
- level_progress: 等级进展
- notes: 笔记
- other_team_members: 其他团队成员
- personal_coaches: 个人教师
- quizzes_attempted:
- one: 1 Quiz Attempted
- other: "%{count}次尝试的测验"
- zero: 未尝试任何测验
- submissions: 投稿
- targets: 目标
- targets_overview: 目标概览
- team_coaches: 团队教师
- total_targets_completed: 总共完成的目标数量
- CoursesStudents__StudentsList:
- last_seen: 上次活动时间为 %{time_string}。
- no_last_seen: 这位学生从未签到过。
- no_students: 没有学生出示
- personal_coaches: 个人教师
- team_coaches: 团队教师
- CoursesStudents__SubmissionsList:
- no_revied_submission: 未审核的提交
- submitted_on: 提交于
- CurriculumEditor:
- create_level: 创建等级
- create_target_group: 创建目标群体
- edit_selected_level: 编辑选定的关卡
- hide_archived: 隐藏已归档的内容
- show_archived: 显示已归档
- CurriculumEditor__ContentBlockCreator:
- audio_upload_size_limit_warning: 请选择一个大小小于10MB的文件。
- button_labels:
- embed: 嵌入
- file: 文件
- image: 形象
- markdown: markdown
- video: 视频
- close_embed: 关闭嵌入表单
- creating: 正在创建
- description_video_placeholder: 视频描述
- embed_url:
- help: 我们支持多个第三方服务(请查看下面的链接)。只需复制并粘贴包含所需嵌入资源的页面的完整URL即可。
- help_url: http://
- label: 嵌入链接的URL
- save_button: 保存
- failed_create_error: 发生了一个意外的错误。请重新加载页面并重试。
- failed_upload_error: 上传文件失败。请检查通知中的消息,并重试。
- failed_url_error: 该URL似乎无效,请确保以“https://”开头,并且是被接受的网站之一。
- file:
- upload_size_warning: 请选择一个小于5MB的文件。
- image:
- invalid_image_warning: 请选择一张大小不超过5 MB,宽度或高度不超过4096像素的图片(PNG、JPEG、GIF格式均可)。
- invalid_audio_file_error: 请选择一个有效的音频文件。
- preparing_upload: 准备上传...
- title_video_placeholder: 您的视频标题
- toggle_content_block: 切换内容块表单
- upload_success_notification: 文件上传成功。
- video:
- description_label: 描述
- invalid_format_warning: 文件格式无效,请选择一个MP4、MOV、WMV或AVI文件。
- select_file_button: 选择文件并上传
- title_label: 标题
- upload_limit_warning: 请选择一个文件大小不超过 %{maximumVideoSize} 的文件。
- uploading: 正在上传中。
- CurriculumEditor__ContentBlockEditor:
- delete: 删除
- delete_block_confirm: 你确定要删除这个区块吗?
- deleting: 正在删除
- editor_content_block: 内容块的编辑器
- embedded_url: Embedded URL
- move_down: 下移
- move_up: 提升
- save_changes: 保存更改
- undo_block_confirm: 你确定要撤销对此块的更改吗?
- undo_changes: 撤销更改
- uploading: 上传中
- video: Video
- CurriculumEditor__ContentEditor:
- last_updated: 最后更新时间
- not_versioned: 未版本化
- view_as_student: 作为学生而言,
- CurriculumEditor__EmbedBlockResolver:
- error_notification: 发生了意外错误,我们的团队已经收到了通知。请在再次尝试之前重新加载页面。
- trying_embed: 尝试嵌入
- unable_embed: 无法嵌入,将在1分钟后重试...
- video_processed: 视频正在处理中,请在1分钟后重试...
- CurriculumEditor__FileBlockEditor:
- placeholder: 这个文件的标题
- title: 标题
- CurriculumEditor__ImageBlockEditor:
- resize_panel_button_title:
- auto: 自动宽度
- four_fifths: 四分之四宽度
- full: 全宽
- three_fifths: 三分之五的宽度
- two_fifths: 两分之一的宽度
- CurriculumEditor__LevelEditor:
- actions_error_title: 出错了...
- clone_level_button: 复制级别
- clone_level_confirm: 你确定要复制这个关卡吗?
- clone_level_error_message: 在我们尝试复制该关卡时出现了问题,请在再次尝试之前重新加载此页面。
- clone_level_hint: 选择要将此级别复制到的课程。此操作将把所有目标复制到选定的课程中。
- clone_level_label: 复制进入
- create_level: 创建新的关卡
- create_success: 关卡创建成功
- edit_level: 编辑等级 %{number}
- level_name_invalid: 不是一个有效的名字。
- level_name_label: 级别名称
- level_name_placeholder: 请在此处填写级别名称。
- merge_levels_button: 合并和删除
- merge_levels_confirm: 你确定吗?这个操作无法撤销。
- merge_levels_error_message: 在我们尝试合并和删除该级别时出现了问题。请在再次尝试之前重新加载此页面。
- merge_levels_hint: 选择另一个级别将此级别合并。此操作将移动所有目标和学生的级别。
- merge_levels_label: 删除和合并为
- merge_levels_select: 选择一个不同的级别。
- optional: (可选)
- success: 成功
- tabs:
- actions: 行动
- details: 细节
- unlock_on_label: 解锁等级
- update_level: 更新级别
- update_success: 等级成功更新。
- CurriculumEditor__TargetChecklistItemEditor:
- add_choice: 添加一个选择
- choices: 选择
- choices_not_unique: 选择必须是独一无二的。
- controls_checklist: 清单项目的控制方式
- copy: 复制
- delete: 删除
- describe_question: 问题描述
- editor_checklist: 清单项目的编辑者
- limits_notice: 学生可以提交最多3个文件,每个文件限制为5 MB。
- move_down: 下移
- move_up: 提升
- multi_choice: 允许多选
- not_unique_question: 不是一个独特的问题;必须要求的问题必须是独一无二的。
- not_valid_choice: 不是一个有效的选择。
- optional: 随意的/可选的/自愿的
- question_cannot_empty: 问题不能为空
- remove_choice: 取消选择
- CurriculumEditor__TargetDetailsEditor:
- add_another_question: 添加另一个问题
- choose_target_group: 选择一个目标群体
- completion_instructions:
- help: 使用此功能来提醒学生关于重要事项。这些指示将显示在学生完成目标的附近。
- help_url: http://
- label: 你对学生有任何完成指示吗?
- could_not_find: 无法找到具有ID的选定评估标准。
- describe_submission: 评估描述
- empty_questions_warning: 目前没有学生需要提交问题。目标至少需要一个问题。
- enter_valid_link: 请输入一个有效的链接。
- enter_valid_title: 请输入一个有效的标题。
- github_action:
- button_text: 配置Github Actions。
- help_description: 当学生提交作业时,你可以配置Github Actions自动评分此目标。
- help_url: http://
- title: GitHub Actions是一项由GitHub提供的持续集成和持续部署服务。
- link_complete: 链接到完成的页面。
- mark_as_complete: 已完成,将目标标记为已完成。
- need_submit: 需要提交。
- no_targets_selected: 没有选择目标
- one_student_team: 一个团队只有一个学生。
- optional_braces: (可选)
- paste_link_complete: 粘贴链接已完成任务
- prepare_quiz: 现在准备测验。
- prepare_quiz_error: 所有问题必须填写完整,而且每个问题至少应有两个答案。
- prerequisite_targets_label: 有任何先决目标吗?
- search_criteria_all: 你已选择了所有评估标准!
- search_criteria_empty: 未选择任何标准。
- search_criteria_placeholder: 搜索评估标准
- search_targets: 搜索目标
- select_criterion_label: 从您的列表中选择评估标准。
- select_criterion_warning: 至少要选择一个。
- selected_all_targets: 您已选择所有目标。
- submit_form: 提交表单以完成目标。
- submit_individually: 所有学生必须单独提交。
- take_quiz: 完成目标之前先进行一次测验。
- target_checklist:
- form_help: 这些是学生必须回答以完成目标的问题。
- form_label: 你希望学生回答哪些问题?
- form_limit_warning: 最大允许的问题数量为25个!
- help: 这是学生在提交作品时必须完成的步骤。这些信息将被显示给教师进行审查。
- help_url: http://
- label: 学生应该采取哪些步骤来完成这个目标?
- target_group: 目标群体
- target_method_of_completion_label: 你希望学生如何完成这个目标?
- target_reviewed_by_coach: 教师会审查这个目标的提交吗?
- target_role:
- help: 学生在团队中应该个别提交还是一起提交作业目标?
- help_url: http://
- label: 团队应该如何应对这个目标?
- target_setting_milestone:
- help: Students will not be able to complete the course until they complete this target if set as milestone.
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/curriculum_editor#setting-target-as-a-milestone
- label: Is this target a milestone?
- target_title_placeholder: 请提供需要翻译的具体内容,谢谢!
- target_visibility: 目标可见性
- title: 标题
- update_target: 更新目标
- visit_link: 请点击链接完成目标。
- CurriculumEditor__TargetDrawer:
- content: 内容
- details: 细节
- unexpected_error: 出现了意外错误,请重新加载页面。
- unsaved_confirm: 您有未保存的更改。您确定要放弃它们吗?
- versions: 版本
- CurriculumEditor__TargetGroupEditor:
- choose_level: 请选择一个级别。
- create_group: 创建目标群体
- description: 描述
- description_placeholder: 目标群体描述类型
- group_archived_q: 这个目标群体已经归档了吗?
- group_details: 目标群体细节
- milestone_q: 这是一个里程碑式的目标群体吗?
- target_group_created_notification: 目标群体已成功创建。
- target_group_updated_notificaion: 目标群体已成功更新。
- title: 标题
- title_name_error: 这不是一个有效的标题。
- title_placeholder: 输入目标群体名称
- update_group: 更新目标群体
- CurriculumEditor__TargetGroupShow:
- create: 创造
- create_a_target: 制定一个目标
- create_target: 创建目标
- move_down: 下降
- move_up: 前进/上升
- CurriculumEditor__TargetQuizAnswer:
- answer_placeholder: 请输入回答
- correct_answer: 正确答案
- mark_correct: 标记为正确
- remove_answer_option: 删除此答案选项。
- CurriculumEditor__TargetQuizQuestion:
- add_another_answer: 添加另一个答案选项
- answer_placeholder: 请输入回答
- question: 问题
- remove_question: 移除测验问题
- CurriculumEditor__TargetShow:
- draft: 起草稿
- edit: 编辑
- edit_content: 编辑
- milestone_label: Milestone
- move_down: 下移
- move_up: 提升
- of_target: 目标的定义是指在一定时间内所要达到的特定结果或成就。目标可以是个人、团队或组织的,它们通常是为了实现某种愿望、追求某种价值或满足某种需求而设定的。目标的设定需要具体、可衡量和可实现,以便能够有针对性地制定相应的计划和行动步骤。通过设定明确的目标,人们可以更加有效地管理自己的时间和资源,提高工作效率,实现个人或组织的长期发展和成功。
- CurriculumEditor__TargetVersionSelector:
- edit: 编辑
- preview: 预览
- restore_version: 恢复此版本。
- CurriculumEditor__VersionsEditor:
- help: 使用版本功能可以保存目标内容的当前状态,浏览之前存储的版本,并在需要时恢复它们。
- help_url: http://
- restore_version: 恢复此版本
- save_version: 保存这个版本。
- select_version: 选择版本
- EditorDrawer:
- close_editor: 关闭编辑器
- EvaluationCriteria__Index:
- add_new_criterion: 添加新的评估标准
- EvaluationCriterionEditor__Form:
- add_criterion: 添加评价标准
- create_criterion: 制定标准
- grade_labels:
- help: 为每个年级分配标签,以在学生和教师的成绩单上反映出来。
- help_url: https://docs.pupilfirst.com/users/evaluation_criteria
- label: 等级和标签
- important: 重要
- important_details: 最高分和及格分数的值一旦设定,就无法修改。对每个等级的标签可以稍后进行编辑。
- label_grade_placeholder: 等级标签
- max_grade: 最高分是
- name_error: 请输入有效的姓名。
- name_placeholder: 评估标准名称
- passing_grade: 并且及格分数是
- update_criterion: 更新标准
- HelpIcon:
- read_more: 了解更多
- Layout__UserControls:
- edit_profile: 编辑个人资料
- sign_in: 登录
- sign_out: 退出登录
- user_controls: 显示用户控件
- LevelProgressBar:
- course_completed: 课程完成了!
- heading: 等级进度
- MarkdownEditor:
- attach_file_label: 点击此处附加文件。
- bold_insert: 加粗
- control_label_bold: 粗体字
- control_label_italic: 斜体字
- control_label_strikethrough: 删除线
- emoji_picker: 表情符号
- error_maximum_file_size: 文件大小不能超过5MB,请选择其他文件。
- error_prefix: 附件上传失败!
- error_unexpected: 发生了意外错误!请在再次尝试之前重新加载页面。
- exit_full_screen_label: 退出全屏模式
- file_upload_wait: 请等待文件上传完成...
- help_aria_label: 需要帮助使用Markdown吗?
- help_label: 需要帮助吗?
- italic_insert: 斜体
- mode_label_fullscreen: 全屏
- mode_label_fullscreen_exit: 退出全屏
- mode_label_preview: 预览
- mode_label_preview_exit: 退出预览
- mode_label_split: 分屏视图中显示编辑器和预览
- mode_label_split_exit: 关闭分屏视图。
- strikethrough_insert: 删除线
- Notifications__EntryCard:
- mark_read: 标记为已读
- Notifications__List:
- button_load_more: 加载更多通知...
- empty_notifications: 你没有任何通知!
- filter:
- events:
- post_created_text: 帖子已创建。
- topic_created_text: 话题已创建
- input_hint: 按标题名称或事件类型搜索
- input_label: 搜索
- input_placeholder: 按标题、事件、已读和未读进行搜索。
- label:
- event: 活动
- status: 状态
- title: 按标题搜索
- status:
- all: 所有的
- new: 新的
- read: 已读
- unread: 未读
- mark_all_as_read_button: 全部标记为已读
- notifications: 通知
- notifications_fully_loaded_text: 显示所有的 %{total_notifications} 条通知
- notifications_partially_loaded_text: 显示 %{loaded_notifications_count} 条通知中的 %{total_notifications} 条通知
- Notifications__Root:
- close: 关闭
- show_notifications: 显示通知
- Pagination:
- fully_loaded_text:
- one: 只有一个 %{singular_name} 显示
- other: 展示所有的 %{count} 个 %{plural_name}
- zero: 没有要展示的%{plural_name}。
- partially_loaded_text: Showing %{loaded} of %{total} %{plural_name}
- SA_Coaches_CoachEditor:
- active: 活跃的
- add_coach: 新增教师
- affiliation: 所属关系
- affiliation_placeholder: Acme公司,Acme大学,等等。
- archived: 存档的
- coach_add: 添加教师
- coach_created: 教师成功创建
- coach_email: 教师的电子邮件地址
- coach_name: 教师姓名
- coach_profile_warn: 由于教师个人资料不公开,这将不会在任何地方显示。
- coach_public_q: Should the coach profile be public?
- coach_status: 教师状态
- coach_title: 教师职称/专业领域
- coach_title_error: 必须至少有两个角色。
- coach_update: 更新教师
- coach_updated: 教师已成功更新
- coach_visibility: 教师的可见性
- connect_link: 连接链接
- connect_link_error: 这看起来不像一个有效的URL。
- connect_link_placeholder: 教师的学生连接请求链接
- email: 电子邮件
- email_input_error: 请输入一个有效的电子邮件地址。
- exited: 已退出
- input_group_error: 必须至少有两个角色。
- name: 名字
- replace_avatar: 更换头像
- title: 标题
- upload_avatar: 上传一个头像
- SA_Coaches_SchoolIndex:
- active_coaches: 活跃的教师
- add_new_coach: 新增教师
- avatar_of: 化身,化身者
- coaches: 教师们
- exited_coaches: 激动的教师们
- no_active_coaches: 你们学校没有积极主动的教师。
- no_coaches: 没有找到教师
- no_exited_coaches: 你们学校没有出色的教师。
- SA_InactiveStudentsPanel:
- all_students: 所有学生
- inactive_students: 不活跃的学生
- next: 下一个
- prev: 上一个
- reactivate_students: 激发学生的积极性
- search_empty: 没有符合您搜索条件的非活跃学生。
- search_placeholder: 按学生或团队名称或学生电子邮件搜索...
- team: 团队
- SchoolAdmin__EditorDrawer:
- close_editor: 关闭编辑器
- SchoolAdmins__Editor:
- add_new_admin: 添加新的学校管理员
- remove_confirm_post: 从管理员列表中选择?
- remove_confirm_pre: 你确定要删除吗?
- SchoolAdmins__Form:
- add_new_admin: 添加新的学校管理员
- admin_created_notification: 学校管理员创建成功。
- admin_updated_notification: 学校管理员更新成功。
- create_admin: 创建学校管理系统
- email_error: 请输入有效的电子邮件地址。
- email_placeholder: 请在这里添加电子邮件。
- name_placeholder: 请在此处填写姓名。
- update_admin: 更新学校管理系统
- SchoolCommunities__CategoryEditor:
- add_new_category: 添加新分类
- delete_category: 删除分类
- editor_category_alt: 类别编辑
- save_category: 保存分类
- topics:
- one: 1个主题
- other: "%{count}个话题"
- topics_delete_confirm: 这个类别下有一些主题!您确定要删除这个类别吗?
- update_category: 更新分类
- SchoolCommunities__CategoryManager:
- categories_in: 分类中的内容
- SchoolCommunities__Editor:
- add_categories: 添加分类
- allowed_targets_q: 学生是否应该被允许在这个社区中讨论目标?
- can_add_topic: 创建社区后,您可以添加主题分类!
- community_editor: 社区编辑
- community_editor_error: 这不是一个有效的名称。
- community_editor_label: 你想给这个社区起什么名字?
- community_editor_placeholder: 这个社区需要一个名字!
- community_updated_notification: 社区更新成功。
- create_community: 创建社区
- edit_categories: 编辑分类
- give_access: 给予学生们访问权限来自以下地方:
- no_topic: 当前社区中没有任何主题分类!
- note: 你们学校的教师可以进入所有社区。
- notification_answer_cant_blank: 答案不能为空
- notification_reload_post: 请在再次尝试发布之前刷新页面。
- search_course: 搜索课程
- search_course_all: 您已选择了所有可用课程。
- search_course_empty: 未选择任何课程。
- topic_categories: 主题分类
- update_community: 更新社区
- SchoolCommunities__Index:
- add_new_community: 添加新社区
- close_category_editor: 关闭分类编辑器
- close_community_editor: 关闭社区编辑器。
- unsaved_window_confirm: 您有未保存的更改!您确定要关闭吗?
- SchoolCustomize__AgreementsEditor:
- agreement_body: 协议正文
- agreement_placeholder: 将协议正文留空以隐藏页脚链接。
- manage: 管理
- privacy_policy: 隐私政策
- terms_and_conditions: 条款和条件
- update: 更新
- updated_notification: 已更新。
- updating: 更新中
- SchoolCustomize__ContactsEditor:
- address_placeholder: 留空地址以隐藏页脚部分。
- contact_address: 联系地址
- contact_updated_notification: 联系方式已更新。
- email_address: 电子邮件地址
- email_address_error: 这不是一个有效的电子邮件地址。
- email_address_placeholder: 留空电子邮件地址以隐藏页脚链接。
- manage_contact: 管理联系方式
- partial_success_notification: 部分成功!
- update_address_notification: 我们只能更新地址。
- update_contact: 更新联系方式
- update_email_notification: 我们只能更新电子邮件地址。
- SchoolCustomize__DetailsEditor:
- about_label: 关于
- details_placeholder: 请提供关于学校的更多细节。
- max_characters: 最大字符
- school_name: 学校名称
- school_name_error: 名称长度应大于2个字符。
- school_name_placeholder: 请在这里填写学校名称。
- update_details: 更新详情
- SchoolCustomize__ImageFileInput:
- choose_customize: 请选择一张图片文件进行个性化定制。
- image_error_message: 必须是大小不超过2 MB的JPEG / PNG格式图片。
- pick_replace_pre: 请选择一个文件进行替换。
- you_selected_post: 替换当前的图像。
- you_selected_pre: 您已选择
- SchoolCustomize__ImagesEditor:
- cover_image: 封面图片
- icon: 图标
- logo_light_label: 浅色背景上的标志
- manage_images: 管理图片
- update_images: 更新图片
- updated_notification: 图片已成功更新。
- SchoolCustomize__LinkComponent:
- cancel_editing: 取消编辑
- invalid_title: Please enter a non empty title with no more than 24 characters.
- invalid_url: Please enter a valid URL
- move_down: 下移
- move_up: 提升
- SchoolCustomize__LinkEditor:
- add_new_link: 添加新链接
- adding_new_link: 添加新链接...
- cant_empty_message: 不能为空。
- done_notification_body: 已添加自定义链接。
- error_body: 看起来你输入的URL不是有效的,请检查后再试一次。
- error_head: 无效的网址
- footer_link_title: 查看和编辑页脚链接
- footer_sitemap: 页脚网站地图
- full_url: 完整的URL
- full_url_error: 这不是一个有效的URL。
- full_url_placeholder: 完整的URL,以https://开头
- header: 页眉
- header_links: 当前的页眉链接
- invalid_title: Please enter a non empty title with no more than 24 characters.
- location_link: 链接的位置
- manage_links: 管理自定义链接
- no_custom_links: 这里没有自定义链接。要添加一些吗?
- show_header_title: 查看和编辑页眉链接
- sitemap_links: 当前站点地图链接
- social: 社交
- social_links: 当前的社交媒体链接
- social_links_title: 查看和编辑社交媒体链接。
- title: 标题
- title_placeholder: 一个新链接的简短标题。
- SchoolCustomize__MoreLinks:
- more: 更多
- show_more_links: 显示更多链接
- SchoolCustomize__Root:
- add_address_q: 添加一个地址?
- add_contact_email_q: 添加一个联系邮箱?
- add_more_details: 增加有关学校的更多细节。
- change_cover: 更换封面
- contact: 联系方式
- customize_link_footer: 您可以自定义页脚中的链接。
- customize_link_header: 您可以自定义页眉上的链接。
- edit_contact_details: 编辑联系方式
- edit_footer_links: 编辑页脚链接
- edit_header_links: 编辑页眉链接
- edit_icon: 编辑图标
- edit_logo_dark: 编辑徽标(在暗色背景上)
- edit_logo_light: 编辑标志(在浅色背景上)
- edit_privacy: 编辑隐私政策
- edit_school_details: 编辑学校详细信息。
- edit_social_links: 编辑社交媒体链接
- edit_terms: 编辑条款与条件
- featured_courses: 精选课程
- hello_welcome: 你好,欢迎来到
- homepage: 主页
- icon: 图标
- privacy_policy: 隐私政策
- reach_us_at: 请与我们联系。
- sitemap: 网站地图
- social: 社交
- social_links_q: 添加社交媒体链接?
- terms_and_conditions: 条款和条件
- SchoolRouter__CoursesDropdown:
- select_course: 选择课程
- SchoolRouter__Page:
- nav:
- course:
- applicants: 申请人
- assignments: Assignments
- authors: 作者
- calendar: 日历
- certificates: 证书
- coaches: 教师们
- cohorts: 同伴、同僚、同侪、队友
- curriculum: 课程
- evaluation_criteria: 评估标准
- exports: 出口
- students: 学生们
- teams: 团队
- main:
- coaches: 教师
- communities: 社区
- courses: 课程
- overview: 概览
- settings: 设置
- settings:
- admins: 管理员
- customization: 个性化定制
- School__SearchableTagList:
- add_new_tag: 添加新标签
- pick_tag: 选择标签
- remove_tag: 移除标签
- search_for_add: 搜索或添加新标签
- select_tags: 选择标签
- School__SelectBox:
- no_items_select: 没有可选择的项目。
- none_selected: 未选择
- remove: 移除
- select: 选择
- select_from_list: 从以下列表中选择。
- type_search: 搜索输入框
- Sorter:
- order_by: 按照...排序
- toggle_sort: 切换排序顺序
- StudentActions__Root:
- active_label: 积极的
- certificates_label: 课程证书
- details_certificate: 发放证书的详细信息
- dropout_student:
- button: 辍学学生
- help: 将学生标记为退学将会取消他们对课程的所有访问权限。
- help_url: http://
- label: 这个学生退学了吗?
- edit: 编辑
- empty_course_certificates_text: 该课程没有发放任何证书。
- empty_issued_certificates_text: 这位学生尚未获得任何证书。
- issue_certificate_button: 颁发证书
- issued_by_label: 发布者:
- issued_certificates_label: 颁发的证书:
- issued_date_label: 发布日期:
- manage_certificates: 管理学生证书
- new_certificate_label: 发行新证书:
- page_description: 学生的行动方案
- re_activate_student:
- button: 重新激活学生
- revoke_certificate_button: 吊销证书
- revoke_certificate_confirmation: 你确定吗?这个操作无法撤销。
- revoked_by_label: 撤销者:
- revoked_date_label: 撤销日期:
- revoked_status_label: 撤销
- select_certificate_input_label: 选择要颁发的证书。
- StudentBulkImport__Root:
- csv_data_errors:
- invalid_affiliation: 所属关系必须少于250个字符。
- invalid_email: 电子邮件必须有效且不能为空。
- invalid_name: 名称栏不能为空,并且应该在250个字符以内。
- invalid_tags: 每个学生最多允许5个标签,每个标签限制为50个字符。
- invalid_team_name: 团队名称必须少于50个字符。
- invalid_title: 标题必须少于250个字符。
- csv_file_errors:
- empty: 所选的CSV文件中没有有效的行。
- exceeded_entries: 这个CSV文件中有1000多个条目。
- invalid: 请选择一个有效的CSV文件,大小不超过5MB。
- invalid_data: CSV文件中有几个单元格中的数据无效。请修复以下列出的错误,然后重试。
- invalid_template: 所选的CSV文件没有有效的模板,请查看示例文件以获取所需的格式。
- csv_file_input:
- help: 这个文件将用于批量导入学生信息。请查看示例文件以了解所需的格式。
- help_url: http://
- label: CSV导入文件
- placeholder: 选择要导入的CSV文件
- csv_parse_error: 我们无法将所选文件解析为CSV格式:%{message}。
- drawer_heading: 批量导入学生
- error_summary_title: 这是表格中错误的总结:
- example_csv_link:
- text: 下载一个示例的 .csv 文件。
- url: http://
- import_button_text: 导入学生
- more_errors_text: 还有更多的错误。请修正以下行中的错误,并重新上传:
- notify_students_label: 通知学生,并发送给他们一个链接,让他们登录这个学校。
- page_description: 请上传包含您要添加到课程中的学生的CSV文件。
- page_title: 导入学生
- pages:
- csv_import: CSV文件导入
- manual: 手册
- pick_a_cohort: 选择一个队伍
- select_a_cohort: 选择一个群体
- success_notification: 导入成功!完成后,您将收到一封电子邮件通知。
- valid_data_message: 数据验证成功!
- valid_data_summary_text: 这是上传表格中学生数据的总结:
- StudentCourse__Header:
- calendar: 日历
- curriculum: 课程
- leaderboard: 排行榜
- report: 报告
- review: 评论
- students: 学生们
- unknown: 未知
- StudentCreator__CreateForm:
- added_full_description: 所有学生创建成功。
- added_none_description: 你试图添加的所有学生已经是该课程的一部分了。
- added_none_title: 一切都没有改变。
- added_partial_description: 已添加了%{students_added}名学生中的%{students_requested}名学生。剩余的学生已经是该课程的一部分了。
- added_partial_title: 部分添加
- drawer_heading: 添加新学生
- notify_students_label: 通知学生,并发送给他们一个链接,让他们登录这个学校。
- pick_a_cohort: 选择一个同行群体
- reload_add_students: 我们的团队已经收到了这个失败的通知。请在尝试再次添加学生之前重新加载这个页面。
- save_list_button: 保存列表
- select_a_cohort: 选择一个队伍
- select_cohort: 选择群体
- student_list: 学生名单
- team_header_add_more_members: 增加更多的团队成员!
- team_header_label: 团队%{team_name}
- teams_to_add_empty: 这个列表是空的!请使用上面的表格添加一些学生。
- teams_to_add_label: 这些新生将会被加入到这门课程中:
- StudentCreator__Root:
- page_description: 您可以将多名学生添加到一个列表中,并将他们加入课程。
- page_title: 添加新学生
- pages:
- csv_import: CSV文件导入
- manual: 说明书
- StudentCreator__StudentInfoForm:
- add_to_list: 添加到列表
- affiliation:
- label: 隶属关系
- placeholder: 阿克米公司,阿克米大学等等。
- email:
- error:
- invalid: 无效的电子邮件地址
- not_unique: 学生的电子邮件地址不是唯一的。
- label: 邮件
- placeholder: 学生邮件在这里。
- name:
- label: 姓名
- message: 无效。
- placeholder: 学生姓名在这里。
- tags:
- label: 标签
- team:
- help: 学生们如果有相同的团队名称,将会被分在一起;这不会影响课程中已存在的团队。
- label: 团队名称
- placeholder: 复仇者联盟,神奇四侠等等。
- title:
- label: 标题
- placeholder: 学生、教师、首席执行官等等。
- StudentDetails__Root:
- affiliation: 从属关系
- affiliation_placeholder: Acme公司,Acme大学等。
- edit: 编辑
- name: 姓名
- pages:
- actions: 动作
- details: 详情
- personal_coaches: 个人教师
- pick_a_cohort: 选择一个群体
- search_coaches_all: 您已选择了所有可用的教师!
- search_coaches_empty: 没有教师被选中。
- search_coaches_placeholder: 搜索教师
- select_a_cohort: 选择一个队伍
- student_name_placeholder: 学生姓名在这里。
- student_updated: 学生信息已成功更新。
- student_updated_moved: 学生信息已更新,并移至不活跃学生名单。
- tags_applied: 标签已应用。
- tags_applied_team: 应用于团队的标签
- tags_applied_user: 应用于用户的标签
- team_coaches: 团队教师
- team_name: 团队名称
- team_name_error: 团队名称必须至少包含两个字符。
- team_name_placeholder: 团队名称在这里
- team_updated_moved: 团队已更新,并移至不活跃学生名单中。
- title: 标题
- title_error: 标题必须至少包含两个字符。
- title_placeholder: 学生、教师、首席执行官等。
- update_student: 更新学生信息
- StudentTopNav:
- sign_in: 登录
- sign_out: 退出登录
- StudentTopNav__DropDown:
- more: 更多
- show_links: 展示更多链接
- StudentTopNav__UserControls:
- edit_profile: 编辑个人资料
- sign_in: 登录
- sign_out: 退出登录
- user_controls: 显示用户控件
- StudentsEditor__Root:
- button_add_new_students: 添加新学生
- button_all_students: 所有学生
- button_bulk_import: 批量导入
- button_inactive_students: 非活跃学生
- group_as_team: 团队合作
- move_out_team: 退出团队
- sort_criterion_label: 排序方式:
- sort_criterion_last_created: 最新创建的
- sort_criterion_last_updated: 最后更新时间
- sort_criterion_name: 姓名
- teams_updated_success: 团队已成功更新
- StudentsEditor__Search:
- filter_input_label: 筛选方式:
- filter_input_placeholder: 输入姓名、标签或级别。
- StudentsEditor__StudentInfoForm:
- add_list: 添加列表
- affiliation: 隶属关系
- affiliation_placeholder: Acme公司,Acme大学等等。
- email: 邮件
- email_not_unique: 学生的电子邮件地址不是唯一的。
- email_placeholder: 学生邮箱在这里。
- invalid_email: 无效的电子邮件地址
- name: 名字
- name_placeholder: 学生姓名在这里。
- tags: 标签
- team_name: 团队名称
- team_name_help: 具有相同团队名称的学生将被分组在一起;这不会影响课程中现有的团队。
- team_name_placeholder: 复仇者联盟,神奇四侠等等。
- title: 标题
- title_placeholder: 学生,教师,首席执行官等。
- StudentsEditor__TeamsList:
- check_spelling: 请确保拼写无误。
- clear_filter: 清除过滤器
- empty_message: 这里没有学生。
- level: 级别
- load_more: 加载更多
- no_results_found: 抱歉,未找到结果。
- students_fully_loaded_text:
- one: 只有一个学生。
- other: 展示所有的 %{count} 名学生
- students_partially_loaded_text: 展示 %{loaded_students_count} / %{total_students} 名学生
- team: 团队
- try_removing_filter: 尝试移除搜索过滤选项。
- StudentsEditor__UpdateForm:
- actions: 动作
- details: 更多
- StudentsIndex__Root:
- add_new_students: 添加新学生
- cohort: 队列
- edit_details: 编辑 %{name} 的详细信息。
- filter:
- search_by_email: 搜索邮箱
- search_by_name: 按姓名搜索
- user_tag: 用户标签
- level: 等级
- load_more: 加载更多
- pagination:
- empty_message: 未找到学生。
- sorter:
- first_created: 首次创建
- first_updated: 首次更新
- last_created: 最后创建的
- last_updated: 最后更新时间
- name: 名字
- student: 学生
- students: 学生们
- title: 学生们
- SubmissionChecklistItemShow:
- correct: 正确
- incorrect: 错误
- mark_correct: 标记为正确
- mark_incorrect: 标记为错误
- SubmissionChecklistShow:
- target_marked_as_complete: 目标已标记为完成。
- TargetChecklistItem:
- action_string_attach_link: 添加一个网址
- action_string_choose_from_list: 从列表中选择
- action_string_record_audio: 录音
- action_string_upload_files: 上传文件
- action_string_write_long_text: 一篇文章
- action_string_write_short_text: 一段摘要
- TeamsActions__Root:
- delete: 删除
- delete_team: 解散团队
- delete_team_info: 删除将会移除所有学生并删除团队。
- edit: 编辑
- pages:
- actions: 行动
- links: 链接
- team_actions: 团队行动
- TeamsCreator__Root:
- title: 创建新团队
- TeamsDetails__Root:
- edit: 编辑
- page_description: 编辑团队详情
- pages:
- actions: 动作
- details: 更多
- TeamsIndex__Root:
- create_team: 创建团队
- edit: 编辑
- filter:
- search_by_team_name: 按团队名称搜索
- load_more: 加载更多
- page_title: 团队
- pagination:
- empty_message: 未找到任何团队
- sorter:
- first_created: 首次创建
- last_created: 最近创建的
- name: 名字
- team: 团队
- teams: 团队
- TopicsShow__LikeManager:
- like: 点赞
- like_button_tooltip: 点赞这条帖子
- post: 岗位/职位
- unlike: 与......不同
- TopicsShow__PostEditor:
- cancel: 取消
- cant_blank: 不能为空
- empty: 空的
- post_reply: 发布你的回复
- reason_edit: 编辑原因(可选)
- reply_to: 回复给
- type_reply: 输入回复
- update_post: 更新帖子
- update_reply: 更新回复
- your_reply: 你的回复
- TopicsShow__PostReply:
- jump_reply: 跳转到回复
- navigate_post: 导航到帖子
- TopicsShow__PostShow:
- add_reply_post: 回复帖子
- add_reply_topic: 回复话题
- delete_post_confirm_dialog: 你确定要删除这篇帖子吗?这个操作无法撤销。
- delete_reply_string: 删除回复
- delete_topic_confirm_dialog: 你确定要删除这个主题吗?此操作不可撤销。
- delete_topic_string: 删除话题
- deleted_user_name: 抱歉,我不太明白你的问题。你能提供更多的上下文吗?
- edit_post_string: 编辑帖子
- edit_reply_string: 编辑回复
- go_to_solution_button: 前往解决方案
- history_button_text: 历史
- last_edited_by_label: 最后编辑者:
- mark_as_solution_label: 标记为已解决
- mark_solution: 标记解决方案
- mark_solution_confirm: 你确定要将这篇帖子标记为解决方案吗?
- marked_solution_icon: 标记为解决方案图标
- new_reply_button: 新回复
- options_post: 发布的选项
- replies_post: 回复帖子:
- show_replies: 显示帖子的回复
- show_replies_button:
- one: 一条回复
- other: "%{count} 条回复"
- solution: 解决方案
- solution_icon_label: 解决方案
- unmark_solution: 取消标记为解决方案
- unmark_solution_confirm: 你确定要取消将这篇帖子标记为解决方案吗?
- TopicsShow__Root:
- edit_topic_button: 主题编辑
- linked_target_label: 关联目标:
- lock_topic_button: 锁定话题
- lock_topic_confirm: 你确定要锁定这个话题吗?
- locked_topic_notice: 该主题帖已被锁定,无法发表新回复。
- select_category: 选择类别
- select_no_category: 请选择不选择任何类别。
- selected_category: 选择的类别
- topic_category_label: 话题类别:
- topic_details: 话题详情
- topic_editor_cancel_button: 取消
- topic_title: 话题标题
- unlock_topic_button: 解锁话题
- unlock_topic_confirm: 你确定要解锁这个话题吗?
- update_topic_button: 更新话题
- view_target_button: 查看目标
- TopicsShow__SubscriptionManager:
- subscribe: 订阅
- unsubscribe: 取消订阅
- UserEdit:
- about: 关于
- about_placeholder: 请输入关于的内容
- account: 账户
- account_delete_q: 你确定要删除你的账户吗?这将启动一个过程,从我们的服务器上永久移除你的数据。
- already_iniated_deletion_warning: 你已经开始了账户删除的流程。请查看你的收件箱,了解进一步的账户删除步骤。
- avatar_uploaded_notification: 头像上传成功。
- cancel: 取消
- change_account_email: Change account email
- change_password: 修改您当前的密码
- change_photo: 更换照片
- community_digest: 社区摘要
- community_digest_emails: 社区摘要邮件包含来自您所在社区的新问题,以及过去一周中未解答的一些问题。
- confirm_dialog_aria: 账户删除确认对话框
- confirm_email: 请确认您的电子邮件。
- confirm_password: 确认密码
- confirm_password_error: 新密码和确认密码应该一致,并且至少包含8个字符。
- confirm_password_placeholder: 确认新密码
- confirm_using_password: Please confirm using your password
- current_password: 当前密码
- current_password_placeholder: Type current password
- delete_account: 删除账户
- delete_your_account: 删除你的账号
- deleting_account_warning: 删除您的用户账户将从该学校中删除所有您的数据。在社区中对帖子的回复以及对学生的反馈(如果用户具有教师资料)将不会被删除。如果您是该学校的管理员,则需要撤销管理员权限。
- disable_email_radio: 禁用
- displayed_publicly: 这些信息将公开展示,请小心分享内容。
- edit_profile: 编辑个人资料
- email_change_q: Are you sure you want to change your email?
- email_label: 电子邮件
- email_placeholder: 请在此处输入您的电子邮件。
- email_sent_notification: 请查看您的新电子邮件。我们已经发送了更新电子邮件地址的说明。
- forgot_password: Forgot your password?
- incorrect_email_for_deletion: 电子邮件地址错误
- initiate_deletion: 发起删除
- language: 语言
- localization: 本地化
- manage_account: 在这所学校管理您的账户。
- name_error: 名字不能为空。
- name_error_length: 名称长度应至少为2个字符。
- name_placeholder: 请输入您的名字。
- new_password: 新密码
- new_password_placeholder: 请输入新密码
- notifications: 通知
- password_placeholder: 请输入当前密码。
- photo: 照片
- preferred_name_placeholder: 请输入您的首选名称。
- reset_password_button_text: Reset password
- reset_password_subtext: If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it using the button below.
- save_changes: 保存更改
- security: 安全
- select_image_limit: 请选择一张大小小于5 MB的图片。
- select_language: 请选择您希望用户界面显示的语言。
- send_email_radio: 每天给我发送一封电子邮件。
- set_password: 为您的账户设置密码
- set_password_button_text: Set password
- set_password_subtext: You have not set a password for your account.
- set_up_password: Set up password
- update_credentials: 请更新您在学校的登录凭据。
- update_email: Update email
- update_email_disabled_notice: You must set a password before you can edit your account email address.
- update_email_notifications: 更新电子邮件通知的设置。
- update_locale: 更新与您所在地区相关的设置。
- upload_failed: 上传失败
- you_admin_warning: 您目前是这所学校的管理员。请删除您的管理员权限以便进行账户删除。
- UserSessionResetPassword:
- confirm_password: 确认密码
- confirm_password_placeholder: 请重新输入您的密码。
- confirm_your_password: 请确认您的密码。
- enter_new_password: 请输入新密码。
- new_password: 新密码
- new_password_placeholder: 请设置一个强密码。
- password_short: 密码太短了。
- passwords_not_match: 密码不匹配。
- set_new_password: 设置新密码
- update_password: 更新密码
- updating_password: 正在更新密码...
- UsersDashboard__Root:
- certificates: 证书
- communities: 社区
- course_locked_message: 你的课程学生档案已被锁定,无法进行更新。
- cta:
- access_ended: 预览/有限访问
- course_ended: 课程结束了。
- dropped_out: 辍学
- edit_curriculum: 编辑课程
- leaderboard: 排行榜
- my_cohorts: My Cohorts
- my_students: 我的学生们
- review_submissions: 审查提交内容
- view_certificate: 查看证书
- view_course: 查看课程
- view_curriculum: 查看课程表
- visit_community: 参观社区。
- edit_curricullum: 编辑课程
- edit_profile: 编辑个人资料
- empty_courses: 您目前没有任何正在进行的课程。
- issued_on: 发布日期:
- my_courses: 我的课程
- UsersDeleteAccount:
- cancel: 取消
- click_button_below: 请点击下方按钮永久删除您在该学校的账户。
- delete_account: 删除账户
- deletion_progresss: 账户删除正在进行中。
- head: 很遗憾看到您要离开。
- please_wait: 请稍等...
- queuing_deletion: 我们正在排队删除您的账户。
- signed_out_notified: 您将被注销,并且在删除完成后将通过电子邮件通知您。
- VerifyCertificate__Root:
- cancel: 取消并退还
- description: 这张证书是在%{issue_date}颁发给%{name},以表彰他(她)完成了%{course_name}课程。
- heading: 恭喜你,%{name}!你真的值得这个奖励。
- originally_issued_to: 这位学生的姓名在证书发放后进行了更新。该证书最初是发给%{name}的。
- print_or_save: 打印,或保存为PDF文件。
- serial_number: 序列号:%{serial}
- WebPushSubscriptionManager:
- notification_rejected: 抱歉,我无法完成你的请求。
- notification_rejected_message: 如果你改变主意了,点击锁定图标,给予你的浏览器发送桌面通知的权限。
- subscribe: 订阅
- subscribed_on_another_device: 在此设备上订阅
- unsubscribe: 取消订阅
- Zxcvbn:
- fair: Fair
- medium: Medium
- strong: Strong
- weak: Weak
- courses:
- apply:
- apply_button: 申请
- email_label: 电子邮件
- email_placeholder: 请输入电子邮件地址
- enroll: 报名参加
- heading: 报名参加%{course_name}课程。
- name_label: 姓名
- name_placeholder: 约翰·多伊
- privacy_policy: 隐私政策
- terms_and_conditions: 条款与条件
- calendar:
- events: 活动
- no_events_text: 所选日期没有安排任何活动。
- today: 今天
- upcoming_events: 在%{month}即将举行的活动
- cohorts:
- cohorts_subheading: "%{status} Cohorts"
- end_date: "End Date:"
- nothing_to_show: There are no %{status} cohorts to show.
- pagination_notice: Now showing %{page_start}-%{page_end} of a total of %{count} %{status} cohorts.
- students_enrolled_prefix_html:
- one: 1 student enrolled
- other: %{count} students enrolled
- students_enrolled_suffix_html:
- one: in 1 %{status} cohort
- other: in %{count} %{status} cohorts
- leaderboard:
- active_students: 积极的学生
- change: 变化
- inactive_students: 非活跃学生
- level: 级别
- new_new: 新的
- no_entries: 这个排行榜在这个时间段没有任何记录。
- note_html: 这个排行榜展示了与之前排行榜相比最大幅度提升的学生。
- page_title: 报名参加 %{course_name}。
- rank: 排名
- score: 得分
- student: 学生
- process_application:
- errors: 提交时出现错误:%{form_errors}
- sent_mail: 我们已经向您发送了一封验证邮件。它应该在不到一分钟内送达。请点击邮件中的链接进行注册并开始使用。
- show:
- apply_button: 申请
- apply_now: 立即申请
- continue_course: 继续课程
- enroll: 报名参加
- preview_course: 预览课程
- errors:
- internal_server_error:
- details: 我们的服务器在处理您的请求时似乎遇到了问题。我们会自动跟踪这些错误,但如果问题持续存在,请随时联系我们。同时,请尝试重新加载页面。
- title: 服务器错误
- went_wrong: 很抱歉,但是出了点问题。
- messages:
- content_type_invalid: 内容类型无效
- limit_out_of_range: 总数超出范围。
- not_acceptable:
- details: 看起来你的浏览器请求了一个我们服务器无法满足的格式的响应。我们会自动跟踪这些错误,但如果问题仍然存在,请随时与我们联系。同时,请尝试重新加载页面。
- invalid_format: 您的浏览器请求了一个无效的格式。
- title: 标题
- not_found:
- mistyped_moved: 您可能输入了错误的地址,或者该页面已经移动。
- not_exist: 你所寻找的页面不存在!
- title: 未找到
- try_homepage: 试试返回我们的首页吧?
- service_unavailable:
- title: 连接超时
- too_long: 这个页面加载时间太长了。
- try_reloading: 请问您可以尝试重新加载此页面吗?
- something_went_wrong: Something went wrong!
- unprocessable_entity:
- invalid_request: 您的浏览器发出了一个无效的请求。
- title: 出错了
- wasnt_valid: 您的浏览器发送的请求有一些问题。我们会自动跟踪这些错误,但如果问题持续存在,请随时与我们联系。同时,您可以尝试重新加载页面。
- vimeo:
- "2230": The upload type is invalid.
- "4003": There is a problem initiating the upload.
- "4101": Your maximum disk space has been reached.
- "4102": Your allotted weekly quota has been reached.
- "4104": Your allotted daily quota has been reached.
- faculty:
- index:
- coaches_at: 教师们在
- title: 教师
- help:
- show:
- title: 帮助
- helpers:
- page_entries_info:
- entry:
- one: 入口
- other: 条目
- zero: 条目
- more_pages:
- display_entries: 总共显示了%{total}个中的%{first} - %{last}个%{entry_name}。
- one_page:
- display_entries:
- one: 显示 1 个 %{entry_name}
- other: 展示所有的%{count}个%{entry_name}
- zero: 未找到 %{entry_name}
- home:
- agreement:
- privacy_policy: 隐私政策
- terms_and_conditions: 条款与条件
- index:
- access_ended: 审查课程内容
- active: 继续课程
- dropped_out: 辍学了。
- featured_courses_heading: 精选课程
- get_started: 开始吧
- learn_more: 了解更多
- welcome_prefix: 你好,欢迎来到
- offline:
- heading: 你已经离线了!
- message_html: 似乎您的连接有问题,请检查您的网络状态。
- title: 你已离线。
- issued_certificates:
- verify:
- title: 证书
- jobs:
- courses:
- clone_course:
- new_name: "%{name} - 复件"
- notifications:
- create:
- message:
- post_created: "%{user_name} 在 %{community_name} 社区的一个帖子中回复了你"
- topic_created: "%{user_name} 在 %{community_name} 社区创建了一个新主题"
- layouts:
- course_nav:
- calendar: Calendar
- cohorts: Cohorts
- curriculum: Curriculum
- leaderboard: Leaderboard
- report: Report
- review: Review
- footer_bottom:
- logo_alt: 校徽:%{school_name}
- privacy_policy: 隐私政策
- terms_conditions: 条款与条件
- student_footer:
- contact: 联系方式
- reach_us: 联系我们:
- sitemap: 网站地图
- social: 社交
- support: 联系支持
- mailers:
- applicant:
- enrollment_verification:
- body_html: 激活您的%{school_name}账户并加入%{course_name}课程,请验证您的电子邮件地址。点击此%{link_to}将验证您的电子邮件地址,并确认您希望在%{school_name}创建一个账户。
- body_processing_url_html: 我们已收到您在%{school_name}申请%{course_name}课程的申请。
- link_text: 一次性链接
- link_text_processing_url: 这个链接
- subject: 请验证您的电子邮件地址。
- subject_with_processing_url: 完成您的%{course_name}课程申请。
- coach:
- course_enrollment:
- subject: 你已被添加为%{course_name}的教师。
- repeat_rejections_alert:
- body_html: 请考虑查看学生的提交,看看是否有一些建议可以帮助学生进步。
- header: 一个机器人已经在《%{course_name}》课程中拒绝了学生的提交%{rejection_count}次。
- subject: 学生的提交被多次拒绝(已拒绝 %{rejection_count} 次)。
- course_author:
- addition:
- body:
- added_author_html: 你已被添加为课程%{course_name}的作者,位于%{school_name}。这使你有能力使用学校管理界面来编辑课程内容,并以学生身份预览课程。
- link_to: 这个链接
- use_link_html: 使用 %{link_to} 登录 %{school_name} 并查看课程。
- subject: 你已被添加为《%{course_name}》的作者。
- course_enrollement:
- added_coach_html: 你已被添加为课程%{course_name}在%{school_name}的教师。这使你有能力审查学生的提交作业,评分并给予他们反馈。
- course_export:
- prepared:
- body:
- footer: 这个导出文件已经以ODS(OpenDocument Spreadsheet)格式准备好了,你应该能够在所有流行的电子表格应用程序中打开它。
- header_html: 您所请求的课程%{course_name}的导出文件已经准备好供下载了,导出文件创建时间为%{course_export_created_at}。请访问课程导出页面下载导出文件。
- link_to: 链接
- subject: 课程 %{course_export} 的导出已经准备好可以下载了。
- subtitle: 课程 %{course_name} 的数据导出已准备好下载。
- title: 出口当然准备好了。
- title_button_text: 访问出口页面
- issued_certificate:
- issued:
- body:
- awarded_certificate_html: 你已获得完成《%{course_name}》课程的证书。
- congratulations: 恭喜!
- issued_on_html: 该证书于 %{issued_certificate} 发布,并可通过 %{link_to} 进行查看或打印。
- link_to: 访问证书的公开链接。
- subject: 你获得了一张证书!
- layouts:
- mail:
- thanks: 谢谢。
- link_fallback:
- link_fallback: 如果您无法点击上面的链接,请将以下链接复制并粘贴到您浏览器的地址栏中:
- school_admin:
- email_updated_notification:
- body:
- previous_email_html: 之前的电子邮件地址是%{old_email},新的电子邮件地址是%{new_email}。
- user_html: 你们学校的%{name}已经更新了电子邮件地址。
- subject: "%{name}更改了电子邮件地址。"
- school_admin_added:
- body:
- admin_name_html: 新的管理员名字是%{new_school_admin_name},注册的电子邮件地址是%{new_school_admin_email}。
- link_to: 链接
- new_admin_html: 在%{school_name}中新增了一名管理员,该管理员是由 %{adding_user_name} 在 %{new_school_admin} 添加的。
- not_recognized_html: 如果您不认识这个用户,您可以使用这个 %{link_to} 从学校管理界面中将其删除。
- subject: New School Admin Added
- students_bulk_import_complete:
- body:
- link_to: 在学校管理界面中查看这些新加入的学生。
- report_attachments: 您尝试导入的一些学生已经在该课程中注册了。在导入过程中,这些学生被忽略了。附件中附有这些学生的电子邮件地址列表。
- students_added_html: 学生添加: %{report_params}
- students_requested_html: 学生们的要求: %{report_params}
- summary_import_html: 您对导入%{course_name}课程中的学生的请求已成功完成。以下是导入的简要总结:
- view_html: 你可以%{link_to}。
- subject: 学生的进口已完成。
- startup:
- feedback_as_email:
- body:
- grading_details_html: "%{grade_icon} %{criteria_name}: %{grade_label} (%{grade} / %{max_grade})"
- grading_feedback_header: 这是对你提交的反馈意见。
- grading_header: 您的提交作品被%{coach_name}评为以下等级:
- link_to: 全部反馈
- main_html: 这是来自 %{coach_name} 关于你的 %{update_for} 的一些建议反馈。
- recent_submission: 最近的提交
- recent_updates: 最近的更新
- rejected_feedback: Your %{update_for} was rejected by %{coach_name}. Here is some feedback for the rejection
- view_html: 您可以查看%{link_to},其中包括与反馈相关的任何附件。
- subject: 您的提交收到了 %{startup_feedback} 的新反馈。
- student:
- enrollment:
- body:
- link_to: 登录%{school_name}并开始学习这门课程。
- main_html: 你已经被注册为%{school_name}的课程%{course_name}的学生。
- sign_html: 你现在可以%{link_to}了。
- team: 你还与%{team_members}组成了一个团队;这意味着你们需要共同努力才能在这门课程中取得进步。
- subject: 你已被添加为%{school_name}的学生。
- user:
- account_deletion_notification:
- body:
- link_to: 请登录学校系统。
- main_html: 我们注意到您在%{school_name}的帐户已经超过%{inactivity_months}个月未使用。我们将在一个月后自动删除您的帐户。一旦您的帐户被删除,所有个人信息将被清除,您将无法再访问学校。如果您想保留您的帐户,请在%{one_month_from_now}之前%{link_to}。
- subject: 您在%{school_name}的账户将在30天内被删除。
- confirm_account_deletion:
- body:
- html: 你在%{school_name}的账户已成功删除。你的所有个人信息已被删除,你将无法再访问这个学校。
- subject: 成功从%{school_name}删除账户。
- confirm_email_update:
- body:
- html: 你在%{school_name}的电子邮件已成功更新。
- subject: 您在%{school_name}学校的电子邮件已成功更新。
- daily_digest:
- body:
- asked: 已回答
- assigned:
- one: (1 from a student assigned to you)
- other: (%{count} from students assigned to you)
- assigned_none: (其中没有分配给你的)
- control_emails_html: 你可以从%{link_to}控制这些电子邮件。
- latest_topics: 您社区最新发布的主题:
- link_to: 个人资料编辑页面
- main_html:
- one: "There is 1 new submission to review in a course you''re coaching:"
- other: "There are %{count} new submissions to review in the courses you''re coaching:"
- older: 老旧但受欢迎的话题,近期又出现了新的活跃度:
- replies: 回复
- views: 观点
- subject: 每日摘要
- delete_account_token:
- body:
- link_to: 链接
- main_html: 我们收到了关于删除您在%{school_name}的账户的请求。请点击此链接%{link_to}确认删除账户。该链接只在30分钟内有效。
- note_html: 这个操作是不可逆转的,将永久地取消你对学校的访问权限。
- subject: 从%{school_name}删除账户
- new_post:
- body:
- link_to: 在%{community_name}社区上查看回复。
- main_html: 【%{author_name}】在%{community_name}社区回复了你的留言。你可以%{link_to}。
- subject: 对你的帖子的新回复
- update_email_token:
- body:
- link_to: 链接
- main_html: 我们收到了一个关于更新您在%{school_name}的电子邮件的请求。请点击此链接%{link_to}来更新您的电子邮件。该链接仅在30分钟内有效。
- note_html: 这个行动是不可逆的。
- subject: 请更新你在%{school_name}学校的电子邮件地址。
- user_session:
- send_login_token:
- body:
- link_to: 点击这里。
- main_html: 请点击链接登录您的%school_name账户。
- subject: 登录账户
- send_reset_password_token:
- body:
- link_to: 点击这里
- main_html: 我们收到了重置你的%{school_name}密码的请求。请%{link_to}以更改你的密码。
- subject: 账号恢复
- maintenance:
- heading: We'll be back soon!
- message: Sorry for the inconvenience. We are currently undergoing maintenance to improve your experience.
- title: Maintenance Mode
- models:
- faculty:
- commitment:
- full_time: 全职
- part_time: 兼职
- target:
- role:
- founder: 所有创始人
- students: All Students
- team: 团队
- mutations:
- archive_coach_note:
- note_removed_notification: 已成功删除备注。
- archive_course:
- success_notification: 课程已成功归档。
- archive_post:
- post_archived_notification: 成功存档帖子。
- assign_reviewer:
- submission_already_assigned: 这个任务已经分配给一位教师了。
- submission_graded_error: 你只能将自己分配到待处理的提交中。
- success_notification: 这个任务已经分配给你了。
- auto_verify_submission:
- success_notification: 目标已标记为已完成。
- clone_course:
- success_notification: 课程复制请求已提交。它将很快出现在这里!
- clone_level:
- success_notification: 已请求复制级别的文本。它将很快出现在目标课程中!
- conclude_submission_report:
- invalid_status: 该提交的状态无效。
- create_coach_note:
- note_added_notification: 添加备注成功。
- create_cohort:
- success_notification: 成功创建队列。
- create_community:
- community_created_notification: 社区成功创建
- create_course:
- auto_generated_cohort_description: 自动生成的%{course_name}课程中活跃学生的同学群
- auto_generated_cohort_name: 紫色
- success_notification: 课程创建成功!
- create_course_author:
- author_created_notification: 作者创作
- new_author_added_notification: 这门课程中增加了一位新作者。
- create_evaluation_criterion:
- eval_crit_notification: 评估标准已成功创建!
- create_feedback:
- success_notification:
- description: 您的反馈将通过电子邮件发送给学生。
- title: 已发送反馈
- create_grading:
- evaluation_criteria_error: 如果没有有效的评估标准,则无法对提交的内容进行评分。
- grade_recorded: 成绩记录完毕。
- invalid_checklist_shape_error: 提交清单中的数据形状与发送给审查的数据形状不匹配。
- invalid_checklist_values_error: 提交的清单项目的值与审核数据不匹配。
- invalid_grading_error: 提供的评分数值无效:%{grades_data}
- submission_graded_error: 提交已经评分完成。
- submission_missing_error: 无法找到 ID 为 %{submission_id} 的提交。
- submission_reviewed_error: Submission already reviewed
- success_notification: 该提交已被标记为已审阅。
- create_post:
- reply_added_notification: 回复成功添加
- create_quiz_submission:
- responses_saved_notification: 您的回答已保存。
- create_school_link:
- blank_title_error: 需要提供一个标题。
- success_notification: 已添加自定义链接。
- create_student_from_applicant:
- success_notification: 学生创建成功。
- create_students:
- invalid_emails: 其中一个或多个条目的电子邮件地址无效。
- invalid_strings: 其中一个或多个条目包含无效的字符串。
- soft_limit_number: 您已经达到了该课程学生数量的软限制。
- thousand_students_limit: 一次只能接纳1000名学生。
- unique_emails: 电子邮件地址必须是唯一的。
- create_submission:
- blocked_submission_status_error: 该目标的状态为%{target_status},因此您无法添加新的提交;请重新加载页面。
- form_success_notification: 您的回复已保存。
- invalid_files_attached: 一些附加的文件是无效的。
- invalid_submission_checklist: 提交清单无效。
- item_file_limit_error: 每个提交项目最多只能附加三个文件。
- linked_file_exists_error: 一些文件附件已经与提交的内容关联起来。
- missing_answer_error: 对不起,我无法提供问题“%{title}”的答案。
- success_notification: 您的提交已进入审核队列。
- create_target:
- success_notification: 目标创建成功。
- create_target_version:
- new_version_notification: 已经创建了一个新版本。
- create_team:
- success_notification: 团队创建成功
- create_topic_subscription:
- success_notification: 您将会收到所有的更新通知。
- delete_certificate:
- success_notification: 证书已被删除。
- delete_course_author:
- author_deleted_details_notification: 作者已被移除出该课程。
- author_deleted_notification: 作者已删除。
- destroy_team:
- success_notification: 团队删除成功。
- dropout_student:
- student_updated_notification: 学生信息已成功更新。
- export_course_report:
- cohorts_not_found_error: 找不到具有给定ID的同伴群体。
- course_not_found_error: 未找到对应ID的课程。
- success_notification: 您的导出正在处理中。一旦准备好,我们将立即通知您。
- tag_not_found_error: 找不到对应ID的标签。
- initiate_account_deletion:
- check_inbox_notification: 请查看您的收件箱以获取后续步骤!
- deletion_init_notification: 账户删除已启动。
- initiate_password_reset:
- email_bounced_error: The email address you supplied cannot be used because an email we sent earlier bounced.
- success_notification: Check your inbox for further steps!
- token_generation_error: An email was sent less than two minutes ago. Please wait for a few minutes before trying again.
- issue_certificate:
- success_notification: 证书成功颁发!
- lock_topic:
- success_notification: 该主题已被锁定,不再接受新回复。
- mark_post_as_solution:
- reply_marked_notification: 回复成功标记为解决方案。
- merge_cohort:
- success_notification: 同伴成功合并。
- merge_levels:
- merge_complete_notification: 合并完成!
- quiz:
- correct_answer: 正确答案
- question: 问题
- your_answer: 你的回答
- your_correct_answer: 你的正确回答
- re_activate_student:
- success_notification: 学生已成功重新激活
- re_run_github_action:
- success_notification: 提交已排队,等待在Github上重新运行。
- validation_error:
- student_has_no_github_account: 学生没有Github账户。
- target_does_not_have_github_action: Target没有配置Github action。
- reassign_reviewer:
- submission_graded_error: 你只能将自己分配给待处理的提交。
- submission_not_assigned_to_coach: 这个任务已经分配给你了。
- success_notification: 这个任务已经分配给你了。
- revoke_issued_certificate:
- success_notification: 证书已注销!
- send_update_email_token:
- success_notification: 我们已经向您发送了一个链接,用于验证您的新电子邮件!
- unarchive_course:
- success_notification: 课程已成功取消归档。
- unassign_reviewer:
- submission_assigned_to_another_coach: 该提交被分配给另一位教师。
- submission_graded_error: 这个作业已经被评分了。
- submission_not_assigned: 该提交尚未分配。
- success_notification: 你不再负责这个提交。
- undo_grading:
- must_be_graded: 找不到具有给定ID的已评分提交。
- success_notification:
- description: 提交现在正在等待审核。
- title: 成绩被删除
- unlock_topic:
- success_notification: This topic has been unlocked. Community members can now post replies again.
- unmark_post_as_solution:
- reply_unmarked_notification: 取消标记为解决方案!
- update_certificate:
- success_notification: 证书详情已更新。
- update_cohort:
- success_notification: 队列成功更新。
- update_course:
- select_valid_cohort: 请选择一个有效的队列;无法找到 ID 为 %{value} 的队列。
- success_notification: 课程已成功更新!
- unable_to_find_course: 找不到ID为%{value}的课程。
- update_course_author:
- author_name_updated_notification: 作者的名字已经更新。
- author_updated_notification: 作者更新了。
- update_evaluation_criterion:
- eval_crit_updated_notification: 评估标准已成功更新!
- update_post:
- updated_success_notification: 更新成功。
- update_review_checklist:
- review_updated_notification: 审核清单已成功更新。
- update_school:
- details_updated_notification: 详细信息已成功更新!
- update_school_link:
- link_not_found_error: 找不到链接!
- success_notification: 链接已成功更新!
- update_student_details:
- success_notification: 学生信息更新成功。
- update_target:
- checklist_items_exceeded_error: 清单不应该超过25项。
- evaluation_criteria_course_error: 评估标准必须来自于与目标相同的课程。
- invalid_checklist_error: 清单无效
- multiple_method_of_completion: 不止一种完成方法
- prerequisities_archived_error: 无法有已归档的先决条件。
- prerequisities_in_same_level: 先决目标必须与目标处于同一层级。
- prerequisities_self_error: Prerequisite cannot be the target itself
- success_notification: 目标已成功更新!
- target_group_not_present_error: 目标群体不存在。
- target_missing_error: 目标不存在。
- update_team:
- success_notification: 团队已成功更新。
- update_topic:
- topic_updated_notification: 主题更新成功!
- update_user:
- profile_saved_notification: 个人资料更新成功!
- organisations:
- courses:
- active_cohorts_label: 活跃群体
- course_label: 课程
- empty: 这门课程没有%{cohort_status}。
- end_date: 结束日期:
- ended_cohorts_label: 结束的队伍
- pagination_notice: Now showing %{page_start}-%{page_end} of a total of %{count} %{cohort_status}.
- index:
- heading: 组织
- show:
- active_cohorts_subheading: 活跃群体
- active_prefix_html:
- one: 有一个学生报名了。
- other: 有%{count}名学生报名参加。
- active_students_label: 积极的学生
- active_suffix_html:
- one: 1个活跃的群体。
- other: 有%{count}个活跃的队列。
- end_date: 结束日期:
- no_active_cohorts: 这门课程目前没有正在进行的学习小组。
- organisation_label: 组织
- students_enrolled_heading: 学生被分配到的小组
- total_students_label: 全部学生
- view_all_cohorts: 查看所有群体
- students:
- show:
- average_grades: 平均成绩
- reviewed_submissions:
- button: 查看之前审核过的提交
- heading: 审查了提交的内容
- targets_completed: "%{completed}/%{total} 个目标"
- targets_overview: 目标概述
- total_targets_completed: 已完成的总目标数
- waiting_for_review: 等待审核的提交稿件
- submission:
- accepted: 已接受
- rejected: 已拒绝
- reviewed_time_ago: 【%{time_ago_in_words}】前进行了审查。
- submitted_time_ago: 提交于%{time_ago_in_words}之前
- submissions:
- accepted_submissions_label: 已接受的提交
- pagination_notice: 现在展示的是共有%{count}个已审核的提交中的第%{page_start}-%{page_end}个。
- rejected_submissions_label: 已拒绝的提交
- student_name_label: 审查了提交的稿件。
- total_reviewed_submissions: 总计
- posts:
- versions:
- back_to_post: 回到帖子
- created_by: 创作于
- current_version: 当前版本
- edit_history: 编辑历史
- edited_by: 经过编辑
- reason: 原因。
- presenters:
- apply:
- page_title: 报名参加%{course_name}。
- cohorts:
- students:
- course_completion: Course completion
- filter_hint: ...or start typing to search by student name or email address.
- filter_placeholder: Click to see options
- milestone_completed: Milestone completed
- milestone_incomplete: Milestone incomplete
- milestone_status_filter_value: "%{m}%{number}: %{title}"
- page_title: "%{cohort_name} | %{course_name}"
- search_by_email: Search by email address
- search_by_name: Search by name
- communities:
- new_topic:
- page_title:
- community: 社区
- new_topic: 新话题
- show:
- page_title:
- community: 社区
- courses:
- cohorts:
- page_title: Cohorts | %{course_name}
- leaderboard:
- heading:
- multiple_mid_text: 本周位列排行榜榜首,共享同分的得分。
- others: 其他人
- top_leaderboard_html: 你在排行榜的顶端。恭喜!
- top_week: 本周,他以高分位居排行榜首。
- rank_change_icon:
- rank_down_alt: 排名下降
- rank_down_double_alt: 排名下降一倍。
- rank_no_change_alt: 排名不变。
- rank_up_alt: 排名上升
- rank_up_double_alt: 名次翻倍上升
- report:
- student_report: Student Report
- review:
- review_dashboard: 审查仪表板
- students:
- students_in_course: 课程中的学生
- layouts:
- app_router:
- admin_link:
- title: 管理员
- coaches_link:
- title: 教师们
- dashboard_link:
- title: 仪表盘
- footer:
- nav_links:
- dashboard: 仪表板
- home: 家
- students_top_nav:
- admin_link:
- title: 管理员
- coaches_link:
- title: 教师们
- dashboard_link:
- title: 仪表盘
- organisations_link:
- title: 我所在的组织
- posts:
- versions:
- page_title:
- title: 版本 | 发布
- users:
- sessions:
- new:
- button_text:
- continue_as_developer: 继续作为开发者
- continue_with_discord: 继续使用Discord
- continue_with_email_link: 继续使用电子邮件进行沟通
- continue_with_facebook: 继续使用Facebook登录
- continue_with_github: 继续使用Github。
- continue_with_google: 继续使用Google
- page_title: 登录
- queries:
- delete_certificate_mutator:
- issued_error: 该证书已经颁发给一个或多个学生,无法删除。
- issue_certificate_mutator:
- certificate_error: 找不到指定的证书。
- issued_error: 这名学生已经领取了这门课程的证书。
- submission_details_resolver:
- only_coaches_can_review: You cannot review this submission as you're not assigned to this cohort as a coach.
- student_dropped_out_message_with_timestamp:
- one: This submission is from a student whose access to the course has ended, or has dropped out. You can review the submission until %{timestamp}.
- other: This submission is linked to one or more students whose access to the course has ended, or have dropped out. You can review the submission until %{timestamp}.
- student_dropped_out_message_without_timestamp:
- one: This submission is from a student whose access to the course has ended, or has dropped out.
- other: This submission is linked to one or more students whose access to the course has ended, or have dropped out.
- update_evaluation_criterion_mutator:
- evaluation_criterion_not_found: 无法找到 ID 为 %{id} 的评估准则。
- school:
- targets:
- update_action:
- error_message: 操作无法更新,请检查YAML语法。
- schools:
- admins:
- title: 管理员
- calendar_events:
- edit:
- page_title: 编辑事件
- form:
- add_event_button: 添加事件
- add_event_heading: 添加新事件
- add_link_section_subtitle: 请提供您活动的链接。例如,在Google Meet上或Zoom上。
- add_link_section_title: 添加一个活动链接(可选)
- calendar_label: 添加事件到
- color_label: 颜色
- color_label_hint: 颜色可帮助您一目了然地区分不同类型的事件
- description_label: 活动描述
- edit_event_heading: 编辑 %{event_title}
- link_title_label: 活动链接标题
- link_title_placeholder: 谷歌会议
- link_url_label: 活动链接URL
- link_url_placeholder: https://meet.google.com/xxx-yyyy-zzz
- start_time_label: 日期和时间
- title_label: 活动标题
- title_placeholder: 小组讨论
- update_event_button: 更新事件
- new:
- page_title: 添加新事件
- show:
- confirm_delete: 您确定要删除这个事件吗?
- date_and_time: 日期和时间
- description_label: 描述
- link_label: 活动链接
- title: 日历事件详情
- calendars:
- edit:
- page_title: 更新日历
- form:
- add_calendar_button: 添加日历
- add_calendar_heading: 创建新日历
- all_cohorts_selected: 所有可用的队列都已经被选定。
- cohorts_label: 将日历与群体关联
- cohorts_label_hint: 这将把日历与指定的群体链接起来。
- edit_calendar_heading: 编辑 %{calendar_name}
- name_label: Calendar name
- name_placeholder: eg. Holidays
- no_cohorts_selected: 未选择任何队友
- update_calendar_button: 更新日历
- new:
- page_title: 创建新的日历
- communities:
- index:
- title: 社区
- courses:
- applicants:
- title: 申请人
- assignments:
- list_title: Arrange milestone assignments
- milestone_msg: This is the order in which milestones are shown to students on their report page. This does not affect the order in which students submit work for targets; that is controlled by assigning prerequisites.
- no_milestones: No milestones found in this course. Create milestones by visiting curriculum page.
- title: Assignments
- authors:
- title: 作者们
- calendar_events:
- add_calendar_button: 添加日历
- add_event_button: 添加一个事件
- calendar: 日历
- calendar_filter_label: 展示来自
- calendars: 日历
- empty_events: 所选日期没有安排任何活动。
- events: 活动
- no_calendars_message: 还没有日历。
- no_calendars_sub_text: 日历可以帮助您安排未来活动的事件和提醒。
- select_calendar_filter: 请选择一个日历。
- title: 日历和事件
- today: 今天
- upcoming_events_in: 即将到来的活动
- certificates:
- title: 证书
- curriculum:
- title: 课程
- evaluation_criteria:
- title: 评估标准
- exports:
- title: 出口
- inactive_students:
- title: 学生们
- index:
- title: 课程
- mark_teams_active:
- teams_active: 团队已成功标记为活跃!
- students:
- title: 学生们
- customize:
- title: 个性化定制
- faculty:
- course_index:
- title: 教师们
- school_index:
- coach: 教师
- title: 教师们
- show:
- coaches: 教师们
- courses: 课程
- levels: 水平
- no_submissions: 还没有学生提交作业!
- overview: 概览
- students: 学生们
- submissions_reviewed: 稿件审查完毕
- title: 概述
- services:
- courses:
- demo_content_service:
- criterion_one: 实现的正确性
- criterion_two: 提交的质量
- grade_1: 糟糕的
- grade_2: 好的。
- grade_3: 太棒了。
- level_1: 级别一
- target_group_description: 示范目标群体的描述
- target_group_name: 示范目标群体
- target_name: 演示目标
- discord:
- community_message_service:
- post_topic_created: |-
- **%{user_name}** 创建了一个新的讨论:
- %{topic_url}
- > %{topic_title}
- team_up:
- must_be_on_the_same_level: 学生们必须处于相同的水平才能组成团队。
- shared:
- _no: 不
- _yes: 是的。
- admin: 管理员
- all: 所有的
- and: 与
- archived: 已存档
- are: are
- avatar: 化身
- back_link: 返回
- cancel: 取消
- caption_image: 这幅图片的标题是:
- close: 关闭
- coaches: 教师们
- cohort: Cohort
- cohort_overview:
- no_milestones: There are no milestones.
- no_students: There are no students in this cohort.
- overview_link: Overview
- student_distribution_by_milestone: Student Distribution by Milestone Completion
- students_completed: Students Completed
- students_link: Students
- total_students: Total Students
- view_all: View All
- cohort_students:
- nothing_to_show: There are no students matching the selected filters.
- pagination_notice: Now showing %{page_start}-%{page_end} of a total of %{count} such students.
- cohorts: 同伴、同事、队友、同学、同年级学生、同乡、同龄人、同辈人群、同一群体的人
- community: 社区
- completed: 已完成
- dashboard: 仪表盘
- delete: 删除
- deleting: 删除
- draft: 草稿
- edit: 编辑
- email: 电子邮件
- email_exists_error: 此电子邮件已与另一个用户账户关联。
- empty: 空的
- fail: 失败
- file_invalid: 请选择一个大小小于5MB的文件。
- filter: 过滤器
- image_file_invalid: 请选择一张文件大小小于5MB,并且宽度或高度小于4096像素的图片(PNG、JPEG或GIF格式)。
- invalid_authenticity_token_error: CSRF令牌无效或缺失。在尝试执行该操作之前,请刷新此页面。
- is: 是
- level: 水平
- level_label:
- long_with_name: 第 %{number} 关:%{name}
- long_without_name: 等级 %{number}
- short_with_name: "L%{number}: %{name}"
- short_without_name: L%{number}
- levels: 层次
- live: 直播
- load_more: 加载更多...
- loading: 正在加载...
- login_token_expiration_warning_html: 此链接将在%{timestamp}之前失效。如果链接已过期,您可以从登录页面请求另一个一次性令牌。请注意,这是一个私密的链接,请勿分享。
- m: M
- milestones: 里程碑
- my_org: My Org
- name: 名字
- name_email: 姓名或电子邮件
- no_email_found: 无法找到使用该电子邮件的用户。请检查您输入的电子邮件。
- none: 没有
- note: 注意
- notes: 注意
- notifications:
- done: 完成
- done_dot: 完成
- done_exclamation: 完成!
- empty: 空的
- error: 错误
- notice: 通知
- please_reload: 请重新加载页面并重试。
- something_wrong: 出了点问题!
- success: 成功
- try_again: 再试一次
- unexpected_error: 意外错误!
- optional: 可选的
- optional_braces: (可选的)
- or: 或
- pagination:
- first: “«”
- last: »
- next: 下一页 »
- previous: 上一页
- truncate: ...
- pass: 通过
- password_strength: Password Strength
- percentage: 百分比
- percentage_completed: "%{percentage}% completed"
- post: 发布
- preferred_name: 首选姓名
- processing: 处理中。
- rejected: 已拒绝
- replies: 回复
- reply: 恢复
- salutation: 你好,
- salutation_name: 你好,%{name},
- save_changes: 保存更改。
- saving: 正在保存...
- school: 学校
- search: 搜索
- settings: 设置
- sign_out: 退出登录
- sort_by: 按照...进行排序
- student:
- never_signed_in: Has never signed in
- time_ago: Last seen %{time_ago} ago
- students: 学生们
- tag: 标签
- tags: 标签
- target: 目标
- team: 团队
- team_name: 团队名称
- teams: 团队
- update: 更新
- updating: 更新中
- uploading: 上传中
- version: 版本
- versions: 版本
- view: 视图
- timeline_events:
- show:
- accepted: 已接受
- feedback:
- one: 反馈
- other: 反馈意见
- no_feedbacks: 此提交未收到任何反馈。
- pending: 待定
- rejected: 已拒绝
- reviewed_on: 评论于
- status: 状态
- submission_from: 来自的提交
- submitted_on: 提交于
- team: 团队
- users:
- clear_discord_id:
- success: 成功解除 Discord 的关联。
- delete_account:
- link_expired: 该链接已过期或无效。请再试一次。
- title: 编辑用户
- discord_account_required:
- linked:
- description: 您的Discord账号已与您的%{school_name}账号关联。您现在可以浏览课程并在我们的Discord服务器上发布信息。如果您需要帮助,请随时在服务器上提出。
- footer_html: 愉快学习!
- go_to_course_button: 开始课程
- go_to_dashboard_button: 返回仪表盘
- heading: 你已经准备好了!
- page_title: 需要Discord账号
- unlinked:
- description: 您正在尝试访问的课程要求您将Discord帐户与%{school_name}连接起来。我们的Discord服务器是您与社区互动的地方!
- heading: 让我们先绑定你的Discord账户。
- link_discord_button: 链接 Discord
- no_discord_account: 你还没有Discord账号吗?你可以一次性注册一个并将其与其它账号关联起来。
- process:
- prefix: 这个过程很简单:
- step_1_description_html: 请点击下面的“连接到Discord”按钮。
- step_1_label: 1
- step_2_description_html: 授权Pupilfirst LMS访问您的Discord账户。
- step_2_help_html: 如果您没有Discord账号,您可以注册一个,并使用本页面上的按钮一次性将其链接起来。我们将使用授权来:- 使您在Discord服务器上的昵称与您在这里的名字保持同步。- 为您的Discord账号分配额外的角色。
- step_2_label: 2
- step_3_description_html: 你将被重定向回到本页面,然后你可以开始学习这门课程。
- step_3_label: 3
- edit:
- discord_connect: 加入我们的Discord社群。
- discord_connected_account: 进入Discord社区。
- discord_connected_message: 你在Discord服务器上的昵称将与你在这里的名字保持同步。你在Discord上被分配了额外的角色。
- discord_connected_message_title: 你的%{school_name}账户现在与你的Discord账户关联起来了。
- discord_description: 加入我们的Discord服务器可以让您立即与我们的团队、教师和同龄人联系上。
- discord_how_it_works_html: 加入我们的Discord服务器(免费!)将你的Discord账号与学校的账号关联起来。在Discord上获得我们社区的访问权限!
- discord_how_it_works_title: 它是如何工作的?
- discord_title: 加入我们的Discord服务器。
- title: 编辑用户
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure:
- denied: 认证被拒绝。请再试一次。
- denied_by: 认证被%{provider}拒绝了。请再试一次。
- oauth_callback:
- add_facebook: 请从您的授权应用程序列表中移除\'Pupilfirst\',然后再次尝试登录。
- add_github: 请在您的Github个人资料中添加一个公共电子邮件地址,然后再尝试一次。
- add_other: 请使用其他方式进行登录。
- email_unregistered: 您的电子邮件地址:%{email} 未注册。
- not_receive_email: 很抱歉,我们没有收到您的电子邮件地址来自%{provider_name}。
- oauth_origin_missing:
- details: 你的浏览器发送的请求有些问题,不太合法。我们会自动跟踪这些错误,但如果问题仍然存在,请随时与我们联系。同时,请尝试重新加载页面。
- invalid_request: 您的浏览器发出了一个无效的请求。
- sessions:
- auth_callback:
- discord_already_linked: 你的Discord账户已经与另一个账户绑定。请先解除与该账户的绑定。
- discord_link_error: 我们无法链接您的Discord账户。请再试一次。
- error: 登录凭证无效
- invalid_session: 我们无法验证是否是您请求登录。请再次尝试登录。
- success: 您的Discord账户已成功关联。您将很快获得我们Discord服务器的访问权限更新。
- email_sent:
- magic_link:
- description: 不到一分钟的时间,它就会送到您手上。点击邮件中的链接,您就可以登录了。
- heading: 我们已经给您发送了一个神奇的链接!
- notice: 这个链接只能使用一次。
- page_title: 神奇的链接即将送到!
- reset_password_link:
- description: 不到一分钟的时间,你应该会收到。点击邮件中的链接,然后会要求你设置一个新的密码。
- heading: 我们已向您发送了重置密码的链接!
- notice: 这个链接只能使用一次。
- page_title: 请确认您的请求。
- new:
- already_signed: 您已经登录。
- continue_with_email_link: 使用邮箱登陆
- heading: 登录%{school_name}。
- sign_in_options_separator: 或者
- request_password_reset:
- cancel_link: 使用Google、Facebook或Github进行登录
- email_label: 邮件
- email_placeholder: john@example.com
- heading: 重置您的密码。
- page_title: 重置密码
- submit_button: 请求重置密码。
- subtitle: 请输入您的电子邮件以进行密码恢复。
- reset_password:
- link_used: 该一次性链接已被使用或已失效。请再次尝试重置您的密码。
- page_title: Reset Password | %{title}
- sign_in_with_password:
- already_signed: 您已经登录。
- email: 继续通过电子邮件进行沟通。
- email_address: 电子邮件地址
- email_me: 请给我发送一封邮件,里面包含登录链接。
- magic_link: 我们可以给您发送一封含有魔法链接的电子邮件,这样您就可以无需输入密码进行登录。
- oauth: 使用谷歌、Facebook或Github登录
- password: 密码
- password_free: 无需密码登录
- password_new: 重置您的密码
- shared: 你是否在使用共享设备?
- type_password: 请输入您的密码
- with_password: 用密码登录。
- sign_in_with_password_form:
- check_credentials:
- error: 提供的电子邮件地址和密码不匹配。请检查您的凭据并重试。
- token:
- link_expired: 该一次性链接已过期或无效。请尝试重新登录。
- update_email:
- frequent_request_error: 刚刚发送了一封电子邮件,请稍等几分钟后再尝试。
- invalid_password_error: The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.
- link_expired: 该链接已过期或无效。请重新尝试。
- validate_school_link_title:
- title_length_error: Please enter a non empty title with no more than 24 characters.
- validate_submission_gradable:
- owners_should_be_active:
- error: 无法更新未激活的学生提交内容。
- submission_should_be_live:
- error: 这样的提交不存在,或者已经被归档。
diff --git a/spec/mailers/school_mailer_spec.rb b/spec/mailers/school_mailer_spec.rb
index ce355808a1..f51cdd9c83 100644
--- a/spec/mailers/school_mailer_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/mailers/school_mailer_spec.rb
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
it "uses school name and default address as signature for emails" do
- expect(mail[:from].value).to eq("#{school.name} ")
+ expect(mail[:from].value).to eq("#{school.name} ")