Releases: Noaaan/MythicMetals
Fixed an issue where worldgen did not function correctly
Same as 0.17.0+1.19.2, but ported to 1.19.3. See the GitHub Patchnotes File for the sweet details.
Have fun!
A bit late perhaps, but happy new year! I hope this massive content update is worth the wait.
If you are adding integration/making an addon which uses Mythic Metals, please update your compatibility.
This is due to major internal refactors and re-packages.
If you know any authors, please ask them to verify their integration still works.
Mythril Drill
- A new use for Mythril.
Create a mining tool specialized for speed, letting you drill through the world like a hot metal baseball bat through snow. - You can craft it in a Smithing Table by using a Durasteel Engine with a Mythril Pickaxe.
- Requires Morkite to be fueled. Right click Morkite onto it to fuel (like a bundle).
- The Drill has two upgrade slots, which can be used for the following upgrades:
- Prometheum - Regain Durability while holding the drill
- Aquarium Pearl - Acts as Aqua Affinity, and restores air when mining ores
- Stormyx Shell - Reduces the chance of Banglum Ores detonating by 102%
- Warning, driller warranty is void for any case where the chance of a Banglum Ore explosion exceeds 99% - Midas Gold - Randomly drop raw gold when mining ores
- Carmot - Same as Carmot tools - increased Fortune when mining
Runite Arrows
- Use Runite to craft more expensive, but more accurate arrows.
- These can be tipped like normal arrows, although modded potions will likely not have language keys for them.
Quadrillum Nuke Core
- Use Raw Quadrillum to improve the shrapnel of the Banglum Nuke.
- This sacrifices its radius for double the damage.
Carmot Staff Rework
- The Carmot Staff can now accept a large variety of blocks.
- When you use a block that has a unique ability, it will be reflected in its tooltip.
- For mapmakers, if you wish to create a Carmot Staff which is locked to a specific block, you can give yourself a staff with the following NBT:
/give @s mythicmetals:carmot_staff{StoredBlock:"blockid:here", Locked:1b}
- The Locked boolean will prevent anyone from modifying the staff.
- Added a Sponge Block Staff Ability, which clears water around you in a 12 block radius.
- Added stats for using the Hallowed Block.
- Removed the Runite Block ability, since the freeze didn't find the impact it needed.
Palladium Rework
- This rework introduces two new effects for Palladium Weapons: Heat, and Combustion.
- Apply Heat to your targets by combo-ing them with a Palladium tool, and once they are hot enough light them on fire to make them combust!
- This heavily increases the fire damage and duration of their burn. Use this to your advantage in places with low water (and use the Carmot Staff from above to remove it!).
- While combusting you are also vulnerable, meaning Fire Resistance will not make you fully immune against burning.
- The armor also received a buff, and will now provide two different attributes:
- Lava Swim Speed
- Vision in Lava.
- These do exactly as advertised: They reduce the fog from being in lava, and increases you speed while in lava, letting you move around much faster.
Other Changes
- Lightened the outline of the Orichalcum Sword slightly.
- Overhauled some helmet textures into crowns (Thanks Azzy!).
- Increased Star Platinum arrow damage (18 -> 24).
- Compat - Added Wormhole Special and Dark Morkite to Spectrum's Titration Barrel (Infused Beverage).
- Increased the default size of a Banglum Nuke (24 -> 32 blocks radius).
- Increased the vein sizes of Stormyx and End Starrite slightly.
- Increased the bottom spawn range of Aquarium (41 -> 31).
- Changed Durasteel Axe texture (thanks Painted!).
- Added a configurable HUD element which displays your Carmot Shield health.
- Removed Water Protection tooltip if Origins is not installed.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Banglum Nuke would not light with a dispenser on specific sides.
- Fix the Aegis Sword models in item frames and on ground.
- Fix Orichalcum Hammer not applying enchants correctly.
- Fix Origins compat not enabling itself.
- Fixed an oversight related to the Carmot Staff placing Bedrock, and a missing tooltip.
- Please see for patchnotes.
- Due to a big worldgen change, the config file for worldgen is no longer functional. This will be replaced by datapack driven worldgen, as 1.19.3 fundamentally changed how it works.
- Until the config is finalized, this alpha exists to catch bugs with modpacks in mind. Please test it out, and open any issues on the issue tracker:
See for detailed info on what changed.
Final patchnotes will be available once fully released.
Increased Banglum vein sizes.
Increased Midas Gold drops.
Nether Banglum Ores explode less frequently when Silk Touch + Efficiency/Fortune is used.
Nether Banglum Chunk drops happen more frequently when lucky.
Reduced Midas Gold Discard Chance.
Improved the effect Luck has on Midas Gold bartering.
Increased Durasteel yield from full ores when using a Tier 3 Forge Controller.
Improved Bronze tool textures.
Reduced Orichalcum Hammer mining speed by 10%.
Increased the chance of Carmot spawning in caves (Discard Chance 25% -> 12.5%).
Increased the healing from a Carmot Block in a Carmot Staff (2.5 Hearts -> 5 Hearts).
Reduced the cooldown of the Carmot Block healing ability (700 ticks -> 480 ticks).
Increased the attack speed of a Carmot Staff with a Netherite Block (0.6 -> 0.7).
Increased the range of small AoE Carmot Staff abilities.
Reduced the levels of the following abilities:
- Holy (For anyone wondering, Holy is just extra levels of Smite): 4 -> 3
- Natural Fire Protection: 2 -> 1
- Natural Feather Falling: 4 -> 3
Re-worked Carmot Shield
- You now gain more shield per armor piece, 4 -> 5
- The ability description has been updated to reflect this.
- Increased shield recharge rate
- Improved the rendering of the shield
- The shield now goes on a 2.5 second (50 tick) cooldown whenever you take damage
- The Particle trail will no longer show on players if the shield has 0 health
Fixed an issue where Natural Armor Enchants would not apply correctly.
Fixed an issue where breaking blocks with Hammers would not respect the player.
Fixed an issue where Banglum Ores are not triggered by the Orichalcum Hammer.
Fixed a server crash related to a missing sound effect when using a Runite Block powered Carmot Staff.
Increased Banglum vein sizes.
Increased Midas Gold drops.
Nether Banglum Ores explode less frequently when Silk Touch + Efficiency/Fortune is used.
Nether Banglum Chunk drops happen more frequently when lucky.
Reduced Midas Gold Discard Chance.
Improved the effect Luck has on Midas Gold bartering.
Increased Durasteel yield from full ores when using a Tier 3 Forge Controller.
Improved Bronze tool textures.
Reduced Orichalcum Hammer mining speed by 10%.
Increased the chance of Carmot spawning in caves (Discard Chance 25% -> 12.5%).
Increased the healing from a Carmot Block in a Carmot Staff (2.5 Hearts -> 5 Hearts).
Reduced the cooldown of the Carmot Block healing ability (700 ticks -> 480 ticks).
Increased the attack speed of a Carmot Staff with a Netherite Block (0.6 -> 0.7).
Increased the range of small AoE Carmot Staff abilities.
Reduced the levels of the following abilities:
- Holy (For anyone wondering, Holy is just extra levels of Smite): 4 -> 3
- Natural Fire Protection: 2 -> 1
- Natural Feather Falling: 4 -> 3
Re-worked Carmot Shield
- You now gain more shield per armor piece, 4 -> 5
- The ability description has been updated to reflect this.
- Increased shield recharge rate
- Improved the rendering of the shield
- The shield now goes on a 2.5 second (50 tick) cooldown whenever you take damage
- The Particle trail will no longer show on players if the shield has 0 health
Fixed an issue where Natural Armor Enchants would not apply correctly.
Fixed an issue where breaking blocks with Hammers would not respect the player.
Fixed an issue where Banglum Ores are not triggered by the Orichalcum Hammer.
Fixed a server crash related to a missing sound effect when using a Runite Block powered Carmot Staff.
Gave Palladium Natural Fire Resistance, reducing damage taken from fire sources.
Removed outdated Lumi Lights compat, which was causing a crash (#124).
Fixed missing raw ore tags (#126).
Added a recipe for Flint and Steel... using Steel.
Note that this is a major backport from 1.19.
Will likely break compatability, and might have unknown bugs.
Report these when found!
Prevent players from dropping more experience when being killed with Experience Boost.
Added Korean Translations (thanks gyular!).
Fixed crashes with Terralith installed.