- DH
- Temreno
- Tector
- Pois1x
- Henchman
- RGBeet
- Windy
- Shiftless
- Haunted Chest
- Dr. Zeal
- Azazelthedemonlord
- Paintedwithdrugs
- Taphrine
- thyreo
Thank you all for making awesome new textures for the mod.
A special thanks goes to Matpac, for providing multiple ingot textures to the mod.
These people have helped translate the mod into different languages. Thank you to:
- Oscienet, for the russian translation.
- DH, for the macedonian translation.
- nageih, pluiedev, and VeriTas-arch for the simplified chinese translations.
- gyular, for the korean translation.
- Kurty00 and SNL Neshorn, for the german translation.
Feel free to contribute a translation if you want to!
I currently do not support Crowdin, so you will have to either put it up as a pull request or raise an issue with a translated lang file.
- Blodgharm
- Undertaker2900
- emroy
- Hugman76, for inspiring me to use Fabric.
- Shadowclaimer, for creating Metallurgy in the first place.
- Daveleo and matpac, for creating Metallurgy Reforged 4.
- Brandcraf06, for his Blockus code, helping creating blocks, chains, and anvils for the mod.
- supersaiyansubtlety and BoogieMonster1O1, for helping me with Mixin.
- LambdAurora, for her readme on how to use Gradle.
- misode, for his loot table generator.
- My friends SnifferProduct, revanitez, drakath9, and Spxtreofficial who have contributed and supported me with the mod.
- LordDeatHunter, for his helpful scripts and direct contributions to the mod.
- Flytre, for helping with the RecipeManager Mixin.
- glisco, for her many contributions and incredible toolchain.
- The incredible music talent from Galaxy Goats, provided by Jan_Boyega.
- williewillus, for the implementation of Fabric's ArmorRenderer.
- Dr. Zeal, for the wisp texture.
- BasiqueEvangelist, for multiple contributions to the project, helping with recipe serialization, and for mining copious amounts of Midas Gold.
- Draylar, for making a ton of cool mods that inspired multiple parts of the project.
- Starmute, for keeping the Terralith compat up-to-date.
- DaFuqs, for the ItemRendererMixin implementation.
- 80020h, for a ton of great suggestions on improvements to the mod.
- Blodgharm, for always being willing to spend hours even just to find a typo in the code.
- The Fabric Project Discord, who have been supportive while developing this mod.