All notable changes to the "FPGA Develop Support" extension will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fix lib files do not display in tree view
- Fix issue #26
- Rename as Digital-IDE
- Fix generate property.json file
- Fix issue #32
- Optimization of the kernel, fix High CPU usage
- Fix some other known bugs
- Add Formatter function
- Fix some bugs and add instructions
- Added simulation function, automatically pop up error message
- Added simulation function, automatically pop up error message
- Fixed the problem of repeatedly opening a new project and supported adding devices directly from the Makefile
- Add support for IP design and bd design
- Add module jump (
Alt + F12
) - Change the startup shortcut key
- Fix some bugs to enhance robustness
- Address the BUG existing in 0.1.3
- Add Xilinx IP of Soc's cortexM3
- Provide an example for
- Resolve the file structure conversion problem
- Added testbench / instance function
- Initial Release