🚀 Welcome to my Leetcode Solutions Repository! This repository is a collection of solutions to problems I've tackled on Leetcode, showcasing my problem-solving skills, algorithms, and coding journey.
You can also check this profile"https://codolio.com/profile/nikita2004"
This repository serves as:
- A personal archive of solved Leetcode problems.
- A resource for reviewing problem-solving techniques.
- A platform to track progress and growth over time.
- By Difficulty: Easy, Medium, Hard.
- By Topics: Arrays, Trees, Dynamic Programming, Graphs, and more.
- Tackled several Problem of the Day (POTD) challenges.
- Completed solutions in multiple programming languages, including Python, C++, and JavaScript.
- Convert 1D array to 2D array(1st sep)
- Find the student that will replace the chalk(2nd sep)
- sum-of-digits-of-string-after-convert(3rd sep)
- walking-robot-simulation(4th sep)
- find-missing-observations(5th sep)
- delete-nodes-from-linked-list-present-in-array(6th sep)
- linked-list-in-binary-tree(7th sep)
- split-linked-list-in-parts(8th sep)
- spiral-matrix-iv(9th sep)
- insert-greatest-common-divisors-in-linked-list(10th sep)
- minimum-bit-flips-to-convert-number(11th sep)
- count-the-number-of-consistent-strings(12th sep)
- xor-queries-of-a-subarray(13th sep)
- longest-subarray-with-maximum-bitwise-and(14th sep)
- find-the-longest-substring-containing-vowels-in-even-counts(15th sep)
- Minimum time differance(16th sep)
- Uncommon words from two sentance(17th sep)
- Largest Number(18th sep)
- Different ways to add paranthesis(19th sep)
- Shortest palindrom(20th sep)
- Lexicographical Numbers(21st sep)
- k-th-smallest-in-lexicographical-order(22nd sep)
- Extra characters in string(23rd sep)
- find-the-length-of-the-longest-common-prefix(24th sep)
- Sum of prefix score of string(25th sep)
- My Calander-I(26th sep)
- My Calander-II(27th sep)
- Design circular Deque(28th sep)
- all-oone-data-structure(29th sep)
- design-a-stack-with-increment-operation(30th sep)
- check-if-array-pairs-are-divisible-by-k(1st oct)
- Rank Transform of an Array(2nd oct)
- Make Sum divisable by P(3rd oct)
- Divide Plaers into terms of equal skill(4th oct)
- Permutation in string(5th oct)
- Sentance Similarity III(6th oct)
- minimum-string-length-after-removing-substrings(7th oct)
- minimum-number-of-swaps-to-make-the-string-balanced(8th oct)
- minimum-add-to-make-parentheses-valid(9th oct)
- Maximum width ramp(10th oct)
- The-number-of-the-smallest-unoccupied-chair(11th oct)
- Divide-intervals-into-minimum-number-of-groups(12th oct)
- Smallest-range-covering-elements-from-k-lists(13th oct)
- Maximal Score After Applying K Operations(14th oct)
- Seperate black and white balls(15th oct)
- Longest Happy String(16th oct)
- Maximum Swap(17th oct)
- Count Number of Maximum Bitwise-OR Subsets(18th oct)
- Find Kth bit in Nth Binary string(19th oct)
- Parsing a boolean expression(20th oct)
- Split a String Into the Max Number of Unique Substrings(21th oct)
- Kth largest sum in a binary tree(22nd oct)
- Cousins in binary tree II(23rd oct)
- Flip equivalent in binary trees(24th oct)
- Remove Sub-Folders from the filesystem(25th oct)
- Height of Binary Tree After Subtree Removal Queries(26th oct)
- Count Square Submatrices with All Ones(27th oct)
- Longest Square Streak in an Array(28th oct)
- Maximum Number of Moves in a Grid(29th oct)
- Minimum Number of Removals to Make Mountain Array(30th oct)
- Minimum Total Distance Traveled(31th oct)
- Delete-characters-to-make-fancy-string(1st nov)
- Circular Sentance(2nd nov)
- Rotate String(3rd nov)
- String Comparisson-III(4th nov)
- Minimum-number-of-changes-to-make-binary-string-beautiful(5th nov)
- Find if array can be sorted(6th nov)
- largest-combination-with-bitwise-and-greater-than-zero(7th nov)
- Maximum XOR for each array(8th nov)
- minimum-array-end(9th nov)
- shortest-subarray-with-or-at-least-k-ii(10th nov)
- prime-subtraction-operation(11th nov)
- most-beautiful-item-for-each-query(12th nov)
- count-the-number-of-fair-pairs(13th nov)
- minimized-maximum-of-products-distributed-to-any-store(14th nov)
- shortest-subarray-to-be-removed-to-make-array-sorted(15th nov)
- find-the-power-of-k-size-subarrays-i(16th nov)
- shortest-subarray-with-sum-at-least-k(17th nov)
- defuse the bomb(18th nov)
- maximum-sum-of-distinct-subarrays-with-length-k(19th nov)
- take-k-of-each-character-from-left-and-right(20th nov)
- count-unguarded-cells-in-the-grid(21th nov)
- Flip Columns For Maximum Number of Equal Rows(22nd nov)
- Rotating the Box(23rd nov)
- Maximum Matrix Sum(24th nov)
- Sliding Puzzle(25th nov)
- Find Champion II(26th nov)
- Shortest Distance After Road Addition Queries(27th nov)
- Minimum Obstacle Removal to Reach Corner(28th nov)
- Minimum Time to Visit a Cell In a Grid(29th nov)
- Valid Arrangement of Pairs(30th nov)
- Check If N and Its Double Exist(1st dec)
- Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence(2nd dec)
- Adding Spaces to a String(3rd dec)
- Make String a Subsequence Using Cyclic Increments(4th dec)
- Move Pieces to Obtain a String(5th dec)
- Maximum Number of Integers to Choose From a Range(6th dec)
- Minimum Limit of Balls in a Bag(7th dec)
- Two Best Non-Overlapping Events(8th dec)
- Special Array II(9th dec)
- Find Longest Special Substring That Occurs Thrice I(10th dec)
- Maximum Beauty of an Array After Applying Operation(11th dec)
- Take Gifts From the Richest Pile(12th dec)
- Find Score of an Array After Marking All Elements(13th dec)
- Continuous Subarrays(14th dec)
- Maximum Average Pass Ratio(15th dec)
- Final Array State After K Multiplication Operations I(16th dec)
- Construct String With Repeat Limit(17th dec)
- Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop(18th dec)
- Mac Chunks to make Sorted(19th dec)
- Reverse Odd Levels of Binary Tree(20th dec)
- Maximum Number of K-Divisible Components(21th dec)
- Find Building Where Alice and Bob Can Meet(22nd dec)
- Minimum Number of Operations to Sort a Binary Tree by Level(23rd dec)
- Find Minimum Diameter After Merging Two Trees(24th dec)
- Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row(25th dec)
- Target Sum(26th dec)
- Best Sightseeing Pair(27th dec)
- Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays(28th dec)
- Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary(29th dec)
- Count Ways To Build Good Strings(30th dec)
- Minimum Cost For Tickets(31th dec)
- Browse through the repository structure to find problems by name or category.
- Review solution files for detailed implementation and comments.
- Use the repository as a reference for learning and revision.
I am a passionate coder and lifelong learner who enjoys solving algorithmic problems and sharing knowledge. Through this repository, I aim to grow my skills and contribute to the developer community.
📬 Feel free to connect with me for discussions and collaborations!🤝
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nikita-karmakar-31336a270
- Email: [email protected]
- GitHub Profile: https://github.com/NikitaKarmakarP
Thank you for visiting this repository. Let’s solve problems and grow together!💻✨