In our research work we use a genetic programming system called
Clojush that has options to output
large amounts of data (details about every individual in every generation
in the evolutionary system) in the
extensible data notation (EDN) format.
EDN is essentially what you would get if you just printed the information
from Clojure, along with a nice tagging system that allows you to identify
things has being of complex, high-level types (e.g., a User
or an
Since Clojush is written in Clojure, and a lot of our research analysis tools are also written in Clojure, EDN was a natural choice as an output format. A key analytical tool for us, however, has been the Neo4j graph database system. We need to be able to import our big run dumps into Neo4j pretty efficiently. There is a Neo4j batch import tool that we can use to pull all the data into Neo4j pretty efficiently, but it requires that the data be in the form of a collection of CSV files with different kinds of nodes and edges all being in separate files.
So we need a tool to convert one of our EDN output files into the necessary
set of CSV files for the Neo4j import
program. This is a process somewhat
similar to the word count examples in Seven concurrency models in seven
weeks, so you should be able to use those examples to help guide your way on
this project.
In what follows I'll:
- Provide a brief description of the EDN files and how we'll deal with them in Clojure
- Describe the various CSV files we want to construct
- Discuss different ways we might parallelize the work
Your job, then, is to extend this starter code into a fully functional EDN to CSV transformer that uses appropriate Clojure parallelization tools to take advantage of multiple cores.
The EDN files have one "object" per line, where some of the lines are quite
long because the objects are large. All the lines except the first (which is
a bit of an oddball which I'll say a little bit about shortly) has the tag
, indicating that it represents a single individual from
the run. If a run has 11,000 individuals (for example, 1,000 individuals per
generation for 11 generations) then the EDN file will have 11,001 lines
(one for each individual, plus the oddball first line).
The first line has the tag #clojush/run
and is different from all the other
lines. It simply captures all the parameters and settings for this run, and
we'll ignore that for now. In full application we'd want to create a CSV
containing all the data in that line, but that's more tedious than interesting,
and doesn't contribute anything interesting to the parallelization, so we'll
just ignore it.
Each clojush.individual
is essentially a Clojure map containing numerous
key-value pairs describing that particular individual. This is not unlike
having a JSON map describing an object, but EDN uses a Clojure style syntax
instead of a JavaScript style syntax. Happily you don't have to understand the
details as long as you can extract the relevant elements and print them out
in the correct file. That said, here are the key components of an individual:
, a universally unique identifier (UUID) for this individual, which will turn out to be important when we deal with parent-child edges. Happily, EDN and Clojure work together to deal with these very nicely with no effort on our part; they have a#uuid
tag in EDN, and Clojure automatically parses them into an internal UUID format when it reads the EDN file.:generation
, which indicates which generation this individual was in:location
, which indicates which position this individual had in collection of individuals in its generation:parent-uuids
, a sequence of the UUIDs of the parent or parents of this individual. Individuals in generation 0 have no parents, so their:parent-uuids
field has the valuenil
; starting with generation 1, though, that should be a list of one or two UUIDs.:genetic-operators
, either a single keyword or a vector of keywords indicating what genetic operators were used to construct this individual using the genetic information in its parents.:program
, the program (in a cool/strange language called Push) that this individual encodes. These programs are possibly nested lists of instructions, and can be quite long, so the value associated with this key can go on for quite a ways.:genome
, is a vector of genes, each of which is a small map of its own. The genome is the genetic representation encoded in individuals, and is the thing that is mutated and crossed-over to construct new individuals. We'll need to process each gene in the:genome
separately in generating the CSV files. Each gene map has four fields that we care about here::close
, a small integer that plays an important role in deciding when code blocks end in the Push program encoded by this genome.:instruction
, the Push instruction represented by this gene:uuid
, a UUID for this individual gene. This is different from the UUID of the individual containing this gene.:parent-uuid
, the UUID of the gene (not individual) that was the "parent" gene of this gene.
, the total error for this individual on the test suite for the target problem:errors
, a vector of the individual error values on each of the test cases for the target problem. There are typically several hundred of these, and their sum will be the same as:total-error
. We'll need to process each of these separately in generating out CSV files.
The Neo4j import
tool takes multiple CSV files. Some of these specify
different kinds of nodes, while others specify different kinds of edges.
Each different kind of node (e.g., an Individual
vs. a Gene
) has
different fields associated with it (e.g., Individual
s have generation
while Gene
s have instruction
s), so each different kind of node has
its own CSV file (e.g., Individuals.csv
and Genes.csv
) since they'll
have different columns for their different fields. The same is true for
edges; different types of edges will each have their own CSV file.
Below is a description of several of the desired CSV files that we want to generate for a given EDN file. There are some additional files that we would actually want in production, but including them isn't particularly instructive and ends up becoming more like "busy work" than useful in the context of a class exercise.
Every row in every node CSV file has to have a unique identifier in it's first
column. In some cases we already have that (usually a UUID from the EDN file),
but there are cases where we don't. If we don't, we'll need to construct one;
the simplest solution is to generate a new UUID using
Clojure (or you can use
the clj-uuid
This is the file created by the sample code, and has one line per individual in the EDN file. It has four columns:
for the individual. For technical reasons having to do with the way Neo4j'simport
tool works, the header for this column needs to beUUID:ID(Individual)
, which is required by Neo4jimport
so that it knows what type of node this row represents. Every row in this file should have the valueIndividual
in this column because every row represents anIndividual
node in the resulting graph.
The Semantics
nodes represent the semantics (or behavior) of individuals,
which in this situation is the combination of the :total-error
the values in the :errors
vector. One of the complications here is that
many individuals can have the same semantics, and we only want one instance
of each semantics in this file. So we'll essentially have to maintain a
set of semantics as we process the EDN file, and only output one line
to Semantics.csv
for each item in that set.
This file has three columns:
; you'll need to construct a UUID hereTotalError:int
, which will always have the valueSemantics
for every row in this file
For each (unique) semantics, we need to iterate through all the errors
in the :errors
vector and create an Error
node for each of these,
eventually (see below) connecting it to the Semantics
node it was part
This file will have four columns:
; you'll need to construct a UUID hereErrorValue:int
, which is the value for this entry in the:errors
, which is the (zero-based) index of this error in the:errors
, which should beError
for every row in this file
This indicates edges that connect parent individuals to child individuals. These are directed edges that go from the parent to the child. It has four columns:
, which is the UUID of the parent nodeGeneticOperator
, which is the value (as a string) of the:genetic-operator
field in the child individual:END_ID(Individual)
, which is the UUID of the child node:TYPE
, which should bePARENT_OF
for every row (edge) in this file
These are edges that connect individuals to their semantics and should have three columns:
, which is the UUID of the individual:END_ID(Semantics)
, which is the UUID of the semantics node. Note that since we only want oneSemantics
node for each unique semantics, we'll have to get the UUID of the one unique instances of this semantics in the set of semantics we build up as we go through the population.:TYPE
, which should beHAS_SEMANTICS
for every row in this file
These are edges that connect semantics to the error nodes representing the
values in their :errors
vector. It should have three columns:
, which is the UUID of the semantics:END_ID(Error)
, which is the UUID of theError
, which should beHAS_ERROR
for every row in this file
You'll need to start by forking this repository, and then doing your work in that fork.
The -main
method in the starter code takes an EDN file name such as
as an argument and generates the Individuals
file with a
name such as log1_Individuals.csv
. The -main
method also allows you
to specify one of three strategies for processing the EDN file:
, which doesn't use any parallelismpmap
, which uses a couple of applications ofpmap
to provide parallelism. (You might explore the impact of the two uses ofpmap
. Are they both important? Is one more effective on it's own than the other?)reducers
, which uses reducers along with theiota
library to provide the parallelism.
The code uses sequential
by default if you don't provide a strategy
argument. So you can call this on command line using things like:
lein run ../data/log1.edn
(which usessequential
by default)lein run ../data/log1.edn pmap
lein run ../data/log1.edn reducers
If you have a sequential version of the system working, it would seem
reasonable to compare the results of your parallel output with the serial
output as a way of checking that your parallel version works. The problem
there is that the output of the parallel versions will almost certainly
not be in the same order as the serial output so you can't do something
simple like diff
the output files.
They should, however, have the same lines in a possibly different order, so
using sort
to order them and then diff
the resulting files. If, for
example, you have Individuals_serial.csv
and Individuals_pmap.csv
, then
this would let you compare them:
sort Individuals_serial.csv > Individuals_serial.csv.sorted
sort Individuals_pmap.csv > Individuals_pmap.csv.sorted
diff Individuals_serial.csv.sorted Individuals_pmap.csv.sorted
If the two files have same lines but in a different order
then the diff
should return nothing (i.e., there are no
Copyright © 2018 Nic McPhee
Distributed under the MIT License.