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File metadata and controls

170 lines (140 loc) · 11.2 KB


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  • KindleTool md [ <input> ] [ <output> ]

Obfuscates data using Amazon's update algorithm.
If no input is provided, input from stdin
If no output is provided, output to stdout

  • KindleTool dm [ <input> ] [ <output> ]

Deobfuscates data using Amazon's update algorithm.
If no input is provided, input from stdin
If no output is provided, output to stdout

  • KindleTool convert [options] <input>...

Converts a Kindle update package to a gzipped tar archive file, and delete input.

	-c, --stdout                Write to standard output, keeping original files unchanged.
	-i, --info                  Just print the package information, no conversion done.
	-s, --sig                   OTA V2, Recovery V2 & Recovery FB02 with header rev 2 updates only. Extract the payload signature.
	-k, --keep                  Don't delete the input package.
	-u, --unsigned              Assume input is an unsigned & mangled userdata package.
	-w, --unwrap                Just unwrap the package, if it's wrapped in an UpdateSignature header (especially useful for userdata packages).
  • KindleTool extract [options] <input> <output>

Extracts a Kindle update package to a directory.

	-u, --unsigned              Assume input is an unsigned & mangled userdata package.
  • KindleTool create <type> <devices> [options] <dir|file>... [ <output> ]

Creates a Kindle update package.
You should be able to throw a mix of files & directories as input without trouble.
Just keep in mind that by default, if you feed it absolute paths, it will archive absolute paths, which usually isn't what you want!
If input is a single gzipped tarball (".tgz" or ".tar.gz") file, we assume it is properly packaged (bundlefile & sigfile), and will only convert it to an update.
Output should be a file with the extension ".bin", if it is not provided, or if it's a single dash, outputs to standard output.
In case of OTA updates, all files with the extension ".ffs" or ".sh" will be treated as update scripts.

	ota                         OTA V1 update package. Works on Kindle 3 and older.
	ota2                        OTA V2 signed update package. Works on Kindle 4 and newer.
	recovery                    Recovery package for restoring partitions.
	recovery2                   Recovery V2 package for restoring partitions. Works on FW >= 5.2 (PaperWhite) and newer
	sig                         Signature envelope. Use this to build a signed userdata package with the -U switch (FW >= 5.1 only, but device agnostic).

	OTA V1 & Recovery packages only support one device. OTA V2 & Recovery V2 packages can support multiple devices.

	-d, --device k1             Kindle 1
	-d, --device k2             Kindle 2 US
	-d, --device k2i            Kindle 2 International
	-d, --device dx             Kindle DX US
	-d, --device dxi            Kindle DX International
	-d, --device dxg            Kindle DX Graphite
	-d, --device k3w            Kindle 3 WiFi
	-d, --device k3g            Kindle 3 WiFi+3G
	-d, --device k3gb           Kindle 3 WiFi+3G Europe
	-d, --device k4             Silver Kindle 4 (Non-Touch) (2011)
	-d, --device k4b            Black Kindle 4 (Non-Touch) (2012)
	-d, --device kindle2        Alias for k2 + k2i
	-d, --device kindledx       Alias for dx + dxi + dxg
	-d, --device kindle3        Alias for k3w + k3g + k3gb
	-d, --device legacy         Alias for kindle2 + kindledx + kindle3
	-d, --device kindle4        Alias for k4 + k4b
	-d, --device touch          Includes all known Kindle Touch variants
	-d, --device paperwhite     Includes all known Kindle PaperWhite 1 variants
	-d, --device paperwhite2    Includes all known Kindle PaperWhite 2 variants
	-d, --device basic          Includes all known Kindle Basic 1 variants
	-d, --device voyage         Includes all known Kindle Voyage variants
	-d, --device paperwhite3    Includes all known Kindle PaperWhite 3 variants
	-d, --device oasis          Includes all known Kindle Oasis 1 variants
	-d, --device basic2         Includes all known Kindle Basic 2 variants
	-d, --device oasis2         Includes all known Kindle Oasis 2 variants
	-d, --device paperwhite4    Includes all known Kindle PaperWhite 4 variants
	-d, --device basic3         Includes all known Kindle Basic 3 variants
	-d, --device oasis3         Includes all known Kindle Oasis 3 variants
	-d, --device paperwhite5    Includes all known Kindle PaperWhite 5 variants
	-d, --device basic4         Includes all known Kindle Basic 4 variants
	-d, --device scribe         Includes all known Kindle Scribe variants
	-d, --device kindle5        Alias for touch + paperwhite + paperwhite2 + basic + voyage + paperwhite3 + oasis + basic2 + oasis2 + paperwhite4 + basic3 + oasis3 + paperwhite5 + basic4 + scribe
	-d, --device none           No specific device (Recovery V2 & Recovery FB02 with header rev 2 only, default).
	-d, --device auto           The current device (Obviously, has to be run from a Kindle).

	Recovery V2 & Recovery FB02 with header rev 2 updates only. Use a single platform per package.

	-p, --platform unspecified  Don't target a specific platform.
	-p, --platform mario        Mario (mostly devices shipped on FW 1.x?) [Deprecated].
	-p, --platform luigi        Luigi (mostly devices shipped on FW 2.x?).
	-p, --platform banjo        Banjo (devices shipped on FW 3.x?).
	-p, --platform yoshi        Yoshi (mostly devices shipped on FW <= 5.1).
	-p, --platform yoshime-p    Yoshime (Prototype).
	-p, --platform yoshime      Yoshime (Also known as Yoshime3, mostly devices shipped on FW >= 5.2).
	-p, --platform wario        Wario (mostly devices shipped on FW >= 5.4).
	-p, --platform duet         Duet (mostly devices shipped on FW >= 5.7).
	-p, --platform heisenberg   Heisenberg (mostly devices shipped on FW >= 5.8).
	-p, --platform zelda        Zelda (mostly devices shipped on FW >= 5.9).
	-p, --platform rex          Rex (mostly devices shipped on FW >= 5.10).
	-p, --platform bellatrix    Bellatrix (mostly devices shipped on FW >= 5.14).
	-p, --platform bellatrix3   Bellatrix3 (mostly devices shipped on FW >= 5.16).

	Recovery V2 & Recovery FB02 with header rev 2 updates only. Use a single board per package.

	-B, --board unspecified     Don't target a specific board, skip the device check.
	-B, --board tequila         Tequila (Kindle 4)
	-B, --board whitney         Whitney (Kindle Touch)

	All the following options are optional and advanced.
	-k, --key <file>            PEM file containing RSA private key to sign update. Default is popular jailbreak key.
	-b, --bundle <type>         Manually specify package magic number. May override the value dictated by "type", if it makes sense. Valid bundle versions:
                                  FB01, FB02 = recovery; FB03 = recovery2; FC02, FD03 = ota; FC04, FD04, FL01 = ota2; SP01 = sig
	-s, --srcrev <ulong|uint>   OTA updates only. Source revision. OTA V1 uses uint, OTA V2 uses ulong.
                                  Lowest version of device that package supports. Default is 0.
                                  Also acccepts min for 0.
	-t, --tgtrev <ulong|uint>   OTA, Recovery V2 & Recovery FB02 with header rev 2 updates only. Target revision. OTA V1 & Recovery V1H2 uses uint, OTA V2 & Recovery V2 uses ulong.
                                  Highest version of device that package supports. Default is ulong/uint max value.
                                  Also acccepts max for the appropriate maximum value for the chosen update package type.
	-h, --hdrrev <uint>         Recovery V2 & Recovery FB02 updates only. Header Revision. Default is 0.
	-1, --magic1 <uint>         Recovery updates only. Magic number 1. Default is 0.
	-2, --magic2 <uint>         Recovery updates only. Magic number 2. Default is 0.
	-m, --minor <uint>          Recovery updates only. Minor number. Default is 0.
	-c, --cert <ushort>         OTA V2 & Recovery V2 updates only. The number of the certificate to use (found in /etc/uks on device). Default is 0.
                                  0 = pubdevkey01.pem, 1 = pubprodkey01.pem, 2 = pubprodkey02.pem
	-o, --opt <uchar>           OTA V1 updates only. One byte optional data expressed as a number. Default is 0.
	-r, --crit <uchar>          OTA V2 updates only. One byte optional data expressed as a number. Default is 0.
	-x, --meta <str>            OTA V2 updates only. An optional string to add. Multiple "--meta" options supported.
                                  Format of metastring must be: key=value
	-X, --packaging             OTA V2 updates only. Adds PackagedWith, PackagedBy & PackagedOn metastrings, storing packaging metadata.
	-a, --archive               Keep the intermediate archive.
	-u, --unsigned              Build an unsigned & mangled userdata package.
	-U, --userdata              Build an userdata package (can only be used with the sig update type).
	-O, --ota                   Build a versioned OTA bundle (can only be used with the ota2 update type).
	-C, --legacy                Emulate the behaviour of yifanlu's KindleTool regarding directories. By default, we behave like tar:
                                  every path passed on the commandline is stored as-is in the archive. This switch changes that, and store paths
                                  relative to the path passed on the commandline, like if we had chdir'ed into it.
  • KindleTool info <serialno>

Get the default root password.
Unless you changed your password manually, the first password shown will be the right one.
(The Kindle defaults to DES hashed passwords, which are truncated to 8 characters).
If you're looking for the recovery MMC export password, that's the second one.

  • KindleTool version

Show some info about this KindleTool build.

  • KindleTool help

Show this help screen.


  1. If the variable KT_WITH_UNKNOWN_DEVCODES is set in your environment (no matter the value), some device checks will be relaxed with the create command.
  2. If the variable KT_PKG_METADATA_DUMP is set in your environment, convert will dump header info in a shell-friendly format in the file this variable points to.
  3. Updates with meta-strings will probably fail to run when passed to "Update Your Kindle".
  4. Currently, even though OTA V2 supports updates that run on multiple devices, it is not possible to create an update package that will run on both FW 4.x (Kindle 4) and FW 5.x (Basically everything since the Kindle Touch).
