In order to improve the collaboration and experience with open source development. We expect the following skills to be learned and improved with this initiative:
1. Usage for GitHub and structure of open source projects.
2. Code readability and documentation.
3. Creating high level 'wrapper' scripts for simple access to underlying functionality.
4. The quality of everyone's GitHub profile.
As such, code reviews are now compulsory before every check-in for at least one project
These are the basic guidelines we expect you to follow.
- Every check-in requires at least 1 project (Even if it is as small as MNIST).
- At least 1 of these projects must have its entire code base on a GitHub repository.
- Each repository must have the following:
- A README with documentation of what the project aims to do and general approach used.
- A high-level wrapper or executable script to run your code—for example, run inference for a single jpeg in case of a computer vision problem.
- A list of dependencies or a
- Your code must be reviewed by 2 fellow associates who, will join you during your check-in
- The comments from your reviewers must be incorporated in the for of an Issue on GitHub.
Finally all projects that, after following the aforementionted procedures, shall be up for consideration for the Next Tech Hall of Fame.
The Hall of Fame constitutes of the following:
- The project repository will be forked to the Next Tech Lab GitHub and website.
- The project repository will then get the option of posting on medium if the author(s) so choose.
- If the project has the potential, we will assist in creating a research paper based on it.