All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add creation/updating to csv route [WIP] (1737e1e)
- add csv parsing (587c471)
- Add docs for new chain validation endpoint (a73e4f0)
- add dumb-init to address nodejs PID 1 issues (fa833cd)
- add example gitlab-ci (300bbae)
- add getObjPropertyByPath helper function (f50a260)
- add mozilla csv list parser [WIP] (c5585c4)
- add MozillaCAListParser class (4e869e7)
- add parsing for ec eiDAS lotl [WIP] (28372ba)
- add trustFramework.json and create trustAnchorList.service (91c929b)
- add unique index to anchor list schema (febd4cc)
- add xml parser for trust anchor lists in xml format (a62f88a)
- cert chains (dc89b1c)
- chain uri endpoint (919e24d)
- create abstract tal parser class & adjust tal model (a1e5ede)
- resource shapes (30c2aa8)
- static file serving (de998c2)
- update participant shape (0be2237)
- versioning (8e4792d)
- fix docs route in index (063a9ae)
- fix path of static shapes (a5b247e)
- fix postinstall script for production env (cfce8ef)
- fix statuscode for /trustAnchor res to be 200 (1f4fc77)
- fix typos in Dockerfile (4244ab0)
- fix unresolvable imports (3ad5cd0)
- remove second typescript import (bbb6c29)
- use correct function name for findAndUpdateOrCreateTal (d3dda16)
- use env vars for mongodb connection (f93249f)
- add creation/updating to csv route [WIP] (1737e1e)
- add csv parsing (587c471)
- Add docs for new chain validation endpoint (a73e4f0)
- add dumb-init to address nodejs PID 1 issues (fa833cd)
- add example gitlab-ci (300bbae)
- add getObjPropertyByPath helper function (f50a260)
- add mozilla csv list parser [WIP] (c5585c4)
- add MozillaCAListParser class (4e869e7)
- add parsing for ec eiDAS lotl [WIP] (28372ba)
- add terms and conditions route (2bbced3)
- add trustFramework.json and create trustAnchorList.service (91c929b)
- add unique index to anchor list schema (febd4cc)
- add xml parser for trust anchor lists in xml format (a62f88a)
- cert chains (dc89b1c)
- create abstract tal parser class & adjust tal model (a1e5ede)
- resource shapes (30c2aa8)
- static file serving (de998c2)
- update participant shape (0be2237)
- fix docs route in index (063a9ae)
- fix path of static shapes (a5b247e)
- fix postinstall script for production env (cfce8ef)
- fix statuscode for /trustAnchor res to be 200 (1f4fc77)
- fix swagger docs for t&c (a472fa9)
- fix typos in Dockerfile (4244ab0)
- fix unresolvable imports (3ad5cd0)
- remove second typescript import (bbb6c29)
- use correct function name for findAndUpdateOrCreateTal (d3dda16)
- use env vars for mongodb connection (f93249f)
- add creation/updating to csv route [WIP] (1737e1e)
- add csv parsing (587c471)
- Add docs for new chain validation endpoint (a73e4f0)
- add dumb-init to address nodejs PID 1 issues (fa833cd)
- add example gitlab-ci (300bbae)
- add getObjPropertyByPath helper function (f50a260)
- add mozilla csv list parser [WIP] (c5585c4)
- add MozillaCAListParser class (4e869e7)
- add parsing for ec eiDAS lotl [WIP] (28372ba)
- add terms and conditions route (2bbced3)
- add trustFramework.json and create trustAnchorList.service (91c929b)
- add unique index to anchor list schema (febd4cc)
- add xml parser for trust anchor lists in xml format (a62f88a)
- cert chains (dc89b1c)
- create abstract tal parser class & adjust tal model (a1e5ede)
- resource shapes (30c2aa8)
- static file serving (de998c2)
- update participant shape (0be2237)
- fix docs route in index (063a9ae)
- fix path of static shapes (a5b247e)
- fix postinstall script for production env (cfce8ef)
- fix statuscode for /trustAnchor res to be 200 (1f4fc77)
- fix swagger docs for t&c (a472fa9)
- fix typos in Dockerfile (4244ab0)
- fix unresolvable imports (3ad5cd0)
- remove second typescript import (bbb6c29)
- use correct function name for findAndUpdateOrCreateTal (d3dda16)
- use env vars for mongodb connection (f93249f)