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2/27/2017 6:36 PM

conor :

[JOB OPPORTUNITY] Instructional Video Content Creation

OpenBCI is looking to put together a comprehensive set of video tutorials about how to get started with the hardware and software, as well as how to connect OpenBCI to well-known 3rd-party software (OpenVIBE, MatLab, Qusp, Neuromore, etc). We're looking for a freelancer or company with both hardware/software experience and prior experience creating high-quality instructional video content. If you know anybody or any creative companies that fit this profile, please put us in touch.

Feel free to email me at mailto:[email protected]|[email protected] or mailto:[email protected]|[email protected] ...


2/28/2017 5:59 AM

graeme :

Lots of interesting work to be done with Muse data, and there's an awful lot of data. Feel free to pm me here or email mailto:[email protected]|[email protected] if you have questions.

2/28/2017 7:08 PM

sydneyneurotechx :

I feel like we need OpenBCI, Neurosky and Muse Emotes.

3/7/2017 12:48 PM

yannick :

NeuroElectrics is hiring (in Barcelona, Spain):

3/7/2017 8:04 PM

harris :

[Looking for internship] Hello everyone. My name is Harris R. I'm currently a senior in high school and will be attending university in the fall. I will be majoring in computer science with a focus on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data. I am extremely interested in neuroscience/brain computer interfaces (I've spent the past 2 years trying to learn as much as I could) and I am hoping to see if I can intern at a company in the field to gain real world experience. I currently live in the Atlanta, GA area (could potentially relocate for the job) and anyone knew of a company or program which I could apply to.

3/7/2017 10:29 PM

sydneyneurotechx :

harris: Hey harris Have you considered contributing to some of the open sources projects that exists within NeuroTechX? might be a good way to get started. DM if you need to direction on where to start

3/8/2017 5:50 PM

harris :

Could you give a link where I can look more into it? I've wanted to get involved but never realized there were open source projects within NeuroTechX itself.

3/8/2017 6:12 PM

sydneyneurotechx :

Good one based on your skill could be the <#C0K883P71|interactive-tutorial> . We are also in the process of building NeuroTechEDU which will contain open source education content. Once it's ready you would be able to contribute to it. dano Maybe you could tell him a bit about the project?

3/8/2017 6:12 PM

sydneyneurotechx :

Here's the link to the project

3/8/2017 6:12 PM

sydneyneurotechx :

3/8/2017 6:33 PM

dano :

Hey Harris! It's true, we've open sourced our EEG tutorial app and are looking for contributors. Right now we're looking for help

  1. Implementing and testing a Naive Bayes classifier for discriminating between mental states (Java)
  1. Bridging animated SVG Views from native android to JS in React Native

3/8/2017 6:34 PM

dano :

come on over to <#C0K883P71|interactive-tutorial> for more details

3/9/2017 2:04 AM

harris :

Thanks, I'll be checking it out

3/13/2017 11:23 PM

sydneyneurotechx :

To view archived text from Slack please visit:

3/24/2017 12:49 PM

yannick :

New opportunity that some of you might be interested in.

Summer Internship in Japan

beBit, a consulting firm devoted to human brain understanding

beBit is a consulting company focusing on internet strategies using human-centered problem-solving approaches. We�re skilled at deeply understanding customers� minds, and helping our clients design business solution based on their customers� needs. We established R&D Department last year in order to research into the latest technologies of human brain understanding. Given the fast growth in this field, we are looking for more talents, who are full of passion and curiosity, and eager to work with the pioneer companies to disclose the mysteries of human minds and behaviors.

One month internship in R&D

-Time: 1 month, before mid-August (the exact dates can be discussed)

-Location: beBit headquarter in Tokyo

-Work content:

You will be working with beBit�s R&D team, researching into the fields of neuroscience, physiology and cutting-edge technologies according to the needs and focus of the team.

-Compensation: 7,500 /day (may be higher depending on your proficiency in neuroscience/physiology)

beBit will also cover your round-trip tickets and your accommodation in Tokyo.

Who are we looking for?

-Possessed of knowledge about Neuroscience or Physiology

-Interested in human brain understanding

-Excited about cutting-edge technologies

-Fluent in English

If you are interested, please let me know, I'll put you in touch with the person responsible for that position at beBit.

(PS: I'm not affiliate with the company, I'm just sharing the opportunity)

3/28/2017 5:24 AM

sayan_faraz :

Well, so turns out Elon Musk is hiring 😛

3/28/2017 6:37 AM

w :

the site loads jQuery 😕 &and then doesn�t even use it

3/28/2017 4:33 PM

sayan_faraz :

yeah 😕 ... its literally just an image and an email address lool

3/28/2017 4:55 PM

dano :


3/28/2017 4:56 PM

dano :

Welp! Looks like they need a web dev! I'm goin in 😛

4/7/2017 6:21 PM

w :

Hey all, a friend�s startup is focused on 3D body scanning and looking for their first backend / cloud engineer / architect and also their first iOS engineer. It�s not brain data, but thought someone here might be interested in body imaging. They�ve developed awesome hardware and have the some analysis work done. PM me if you�re interested and able to architect and build this.

4/10/2017 6:59 AM

frentrepreneur :

Hey <!channel> we are hiring a data scientist / neuroscience in France to hack thousands of brain :

4/10/2017 7:01 AM

frentrepreneur :

Hey <!channel> we (Open Mind -| are hiring a Neuroscience Data Scientist to hack thousands of EEG :

4/13/2017 6:21 PM

dutch84 :

Anyone looking to hire an entry-level java developer?

5/1/2017 9:40 PM

sydneyneurotechx :

Neuralink is now hiring :

5/1/2017 11:27 PM

dano :

Cool opportunity at CAMH in Toronto applying tDCS and treating dementia

5/2/2017 12:57 PM

aj :

sydneyneurotechx wow

5/2/2017 5:12 PM

mhough :

sydneyneurotechx I love the no neuroscience required.

5/2/2017 5:21 PM

yannick :

mhough: hahahaha, I had the same reaction. �We�re taking on the biggest challenge of all time: The Brain. Come work with us, you don�t even need to know anything about the Brain! We�ll figure it out as we go!� (I hope you can feel the irony here, love the mission and I�m a huge fan of Musk, but I loved the �no neuroscience experience required� quite a lot)

5/2/2017 5:25 PM

alexandre.barachant :

That make sense as they are approaching BCI from a pure engineering perspective.

5/2/2017 5:25 PM

yrenard :

The reason he puts that is to have more candidates apply, it looks such a huge challenge that he does not want candidates to just not-apply because they do not address every single field they will have to deal with

5/2/2017 5:26 PM

alexandre.barachant :

5/2/2017 5:28 PM

yrenard :

Ahah good one alexandre.barachant

5/2/2017 5:28 PM

yrenard :

I think they'll do better than Facebook though

5/2/2017 5:35 PM

alexandre.barachant :

Facebook has a 2 year target for the project, so my guess is that they will either succeed to get something working a little bit (not 100WPM, but they might end up making some progess) or they will pull the plus soon.

Elon, on the other hand, as a longer target of something like a 9 year for a first implanted device. IMO, it's too short, they will get slowed down like hell by regulatory issues. but he might manage to keep it afloat long enough so that we can something going out of it

5/3/2017 5:54 AM

mhough :

alexandre.barachant no I get that too. Its just so Musk right

5/8/2017 9:05 PM

bciguy :

anyone know what NeuraLink does?

5/11/2017 3:02 PM

eferdinand :

5/12/2017 1:01 PM

sidksv :

eferdinand thank you for the information.

5/13/2017 9:49 PM

wronk :

They want to make invasive implants to eventually improve human intelligence. I think they're going to start in rats/monkeys and initially try to build devices that will help rehabilitate clinical populations.

5/13/2017 9:49 PM

wronk :

This should give you a good idea of their plan 😛

5/14/2017 8:00 AM

mhough :

It's not neurotech but if anyone is interested in running the nuclear reactor at Reed College they are hiring an operations manager.

5/14/2017 8:00 AM

mhough :

5/14/2017 8:02 AM

mhough :

If you already know what Cherenkov radiation is you might be interested in applying

5/16/2017 3:34 AM

octonomy :

Jeez Louise! I grew up in Portland and all this time I had NO idea Reed had a nuclear reactor.

5/18/2017 6:07 AM

wronk :

Hi all, do any of you have a handle on the BCI/neural engineering space in Boston (concerning, for example, Kernel or Neurable)? I'm trying to find someone with some insight past what's on the internet. Thanks!

5/18/2017 7:38 PM

pierre :

wronk maybe ask in <#C0VT5N8S2|_boston> ?

5/18/2017 7:59 PM

wronk :

pierre I did, but it's fairly quiet in there 😛

5/18/2017 8:03 PM

pierre :

Ah I see... My impression is that kernel is mainly based in LA, and neurable is in San Diego

5/18/2017 8:20 PM

yannick :

Neurable is in San Diego? I thought they were based out of U. of Michigan. pharo or adamm_neurable ?

5/18/2017 8:30 PM

pierre :

Oh my bad I think you're right

5/18/2017 8:36 PM

pierre :

stephen might know about any opportunities around kernel as well

5/19/2017 2:07 PM

dano :

wronk, for what it's worth, iMotions looks like a pretty cool neurotech company in the Boston area. They do EEG, eye tracking, facial expression analysis, etc. I spoke to them about an event and they seemed really interested in the NeuroTechX cause

5/20/2017 5:18 AM

wronk :

Thanks for all the leads!

5/20/2017 7:05 PM

harris :

yannick pierre Neurable is in Boston

5/20/2017 7:06 PM

harris :

When I had a call with Adam, he confirmed that

5/20/2017 7:07 PM

harris :

5/20/2017 11:21 PM

sayan_faraz :

For those of you who haven't seen this yet, Facebook's starting a bunch of BCI stuff (speech thoughts to actual text, and sensory substitution) and it comes along with some job openings 😄

5/21/2017 9:28 AM

okbalefthanded :

sayan_faraz: The job opennings are limited to PhD holders, I wonder it they offer internships for graduate students pursuing a Master degree

5/21/2017 3:40 PM

sayan_faraz :

not sure; though there could be a (small) possibility that you could get an internship there through connections

since they're a pretty new thing i'd assume probably not 😢 though you never know!

5/21/2017 7:19 PM

wronk :

If anyone wants more info, I talked to Mark Chevillet (the team leader) about this job. They want a pretty broad skill set including deep learning and software development (in addition to BCI mastery). I didn't ask about internships, but the fact that the team is super small/focused makes it seem like the answer is probably not atm for interns. The team is going to be up for renewal/change every 2 years though, so it's worth keeping up with their postings

5/21/2017 7:36 PM

wronk :

harris: Thanks for confirming that. Do you know anything more about where they're going as a company (besides what on the website) or what the team dynamic is? I'll reach out to them directly soon, but just trying to get as much info as I can.

5/22/2017 2:03 AM

harris :

I do not recall any info about them which isn't already public.

5/22/2017 1:35 PM

alexandre.barachant :

wronk interesting. I actually applied to this job a few month ago, but they never contacted me 😞

5/22/2017 5:45 PM

wronk :

DM'ing you

5/26/2017 11:26 AM

yannick :

PhD Position (funded) in �Ethics of Human Enhancement in an International Context� at U. Twente.!/vacature/1042649

5/29/2017 2:59 PM

eferdinand :

For people based in Montreal! We are currently looking for a Sales & Marketing Hunter to help create new partnerships and lines of business for St-RINO Technologies Inc.

If you are good in Building sales pipeline, Networking with small to large businesses, and would like to Increase a rising technology brand image

by developing Marketing and Sales strategies then send me a DM or an e-mail to mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]

5/30/2017 2:00 PM

yannick :

Awesome opportunity at UPenn for a full-time Unity Dev. working on a Game for Memory and Brain Stimulation! (how cool is that?)

6/2/2017 12:27 PM

francescacoo :

it seems interesting (lab visits in Europe): "Eager to gain some practical experience?

Lab visits at HBP partner labs are a possibility for applicants to develop new technical or conceptual expertise for implementation in your research as well as your home institute's research program.

Further information and a list of contacts can be found on our website:"

6/4/2017 4:08 AM

mhough :

francescacoo I would like to visit and gain some practical experience with HBP and what it can do to improve/complement our research. The weblink seems broken though. Can you give me any info on when I would be able to visit? Thanks, -M

6/4/2017 8:18 AM

francescacoo :

mhough: yep the website seems to be down.. I found it on their facebook page: they posted on the 31st of may

6/4/2017 9:15 PM

mhough :

Look I've been kind of busy and on the road for a long time now. These guys should post their own ads honestly but here are two open jobs I know about in SF.

6/4/2017 9:19 PM

mhough :

First, EEG analysis full time with Greg Simpson at Go-think. It's neurofeedback and a large number of subjects but I havent gotten a public release commitment. I feel like I should say Greg's a friend so check him out with other people but get in touch if you want my two cents. If someone does take it I hope you get in touch because I think he values my opinion on analysis and I know what I would do with it

6/4/2017 9:23 PM

mhough :

Second, and I don't know if it's fully what's appropriate here but there is a part time digital marketing job with Steve Miller I think his name is. He is on the game parents (God damn autocorrect) with Merznicech and if you know who I am talking about and that's the kind of gig you want I think you could turn it into an opportunity. My guess is he wants someone to keep up his LinkedIn content but ask him.

6/5/2017 3:44 PM

benjamindeleener :

<!channel> Would you like to get involved in #NeuroTechnology and make a difference with your marketing and/or writing skills?

--> Join the NeuroTechX Student Clubs Initiative!

We are currently looking for someone to help with Marketing, Social Media, Promotion of Events, Projects, Activities, etc. Undergrads are working on <#C3PRKC41K|neurotech> projects in many universities and we need your help to showcase them to the world:

We are also looking for someone to help with our Student Club Blog, writing short posts about the initiative, the student clubs, the field, etc.

If this sounds like something you�d be interested in, please contact me on Slack or at mailto:[email protected]|[email protected] (these are volunteer positions)

6/5/2017 5:22 PM

bryan_j :

yannick: great uni!

6/6/2017 1:42 AM :

benjamindeleener: Awesome Ben goodluck with this!

Looks like a really great opportunity to work with really smart people.

6/6/2017 2:15 AM

benjamindeleener :

Thanks! I hope many will embrace this opportunity. We need active and smart people to change the way people perceive neurotechnologies.

6/8/2017 5:18 PM

eferdinand :

6/8/2017 8:57 PM :

Amazing job opportunity.

6/10/2017 9:06 PM

bryan_j :

eferdinand: thanks for sharing!

6/21/2017 9:11 AM

alexandre.barachant :

Post doc position in BCI :

6/23/2017 2:38 AM

adam :

Delta Brain Inc. is hiring a Back End / Machine Learning Engineer. Salaried position with benefits in Pasadena, California for a US citizen or permanent resident. No remote/no recruiters. If interested, please email resume and cover letter to: mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]. Details:

7/5/2017 3:00 PM

jonas.chatel-goldman :

hi all, at Open Mind Innovation we�re hiring skilled data engineers and data scientists. Wanna do cool neurotech research in French Normandy?!

If interested feel free to MP me or register on our website.

7/5/2017 3:05 PM

alexandre.barachant :

Omind has a great team 🙂 I recommend +1

7/10/2017 9:26 PM

jacobflood :

Hey all, Mindset is hiring an electrical engineer! We�re looking for someone that�s played with analog/digital electronics, embedded firmware, and (hopefully!) EEG. Paid position (salary + equity) based in Montreal, with opportunity to travel to Shenzhen.

Check out the posting here:

7/14/2017 9:41 AM

alexandre.barachant :

7/17/2017 5:39 AM

stephen :

Does anyone here have experience with the TI CC2541 BLE v1.4.2 stack and firmware image file formats (Standard, OAD, SBL) for the CC2541?

There�s a remote part-time or potential full-time opportunity for you with cool IoT /neurotech education startup in California!

7/18/2017 12:37 AM

eferdinand :

Web dev / data entry paid internship!

We are looking for a motivated College or Undergraduate Student capable of handling WordPress content creation and help our community to successfully support its talent pool.

The right candidate should fit the following criteria:

-be legally admissible to work in Canada

-was registered and intends to register as a student in a related field of study

-is between 15 and 30 years of age

-preferably living in Montreal

-has some WordPress experience

The internship is for 240hrs distributed over 6months and compensation is 11.25$/hr

Interested candidates plz share your profiles with mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]

7/21/2017 1:35 PM

dano :

Hey neurotechers,

Mozilla has put out a call for applications to join the Mozilla Open Leaders cohort. It's cool program where you'll be taught the best ways to manage multi-user GitHub projects and lead open-source and open-science initiatives.

I took part last year and am grateful for all the awesome people I met and the momentum it gave to EEG 101

The deadline for applications is August 1st, check it out!

7/22/2017 12:54 PM

mhough :

That sounds great dano

7/22/2017 2:45 PM

aj :

dano I really want to do this cause I could be so much better hahah

7/22/2017 3:15 PM

dano :

Yea, do it! AJ, you'd be a great candidate. It's not that big of a time commitment either

7/22/2017 4:03 PM

aj :

dano should i propose Decentralization or Open Innovation?

7/22/2017 4:19 PM

aj :


7/22/2017 4:19 PM

aj :

+1 it!

7/22/2017 4:37 PM

aj :

i applied to everything lol

7/27/2017 8:50 PM

bciguy :

Are you an experienced Android Developer with BLE experience looking for an opportunity to BURST onto the BCI scene?

We have an IMMEDIATE Android app project to begin asap. The app will integrate with our wearable EEG device. The ideal candidate will be able to display proficiency with: 1) the BLE stack, 2) custom data graphing capabilities and 3) Automated testing/ CI. The majority of our app requirements are very simple and have ALREADY been implemented in iOS, so this is a porting project. If you have extensive BLE experience this project will be a breeze for you. We have an existing partially functional java codebase which is up to the developer to decide to use or not. Can you do all of this quickly and for a flat fee? Then you may be an ideal candidate, please email me at mailto:[email protected]|[email protected].

thank you!

7/27/2017 8:55 PM

bciguy :

sc 🙂

7/27/2017 9:26 PM

sc :

Ha, sure thing, hit me up

7/27/2017 9:26 PM

sc :

email is mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]

7/27/2017 9:58 PM

stephen :

If you know any skilled marketing/storytelling people that would love writing articles/podcasts and hosting events around human intelligence enhancement&.

8/1/2017 12:48 AM

bhargava2566302 :

Ha ya sure give me reply at mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]

8/3/2017 7:37 PM

falk :

Hi guys... we have a PhD position opening up in the MuSAE Lab (INRS-EMT, Montreal,Canada) in partnership with USC (in LA) in the domain of affective body-machine interfaces. If interested, please send CV, transcripts and copy of publications to mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]. Thanks!

8/3/2017 9:29 PM

sydneyneurotechx :

I applied for NeuroTechX as well. Let's see if we can merge the two applications

8/4/2017 7:07 PM

yrenard :

Interesting projet :

8/4/2017 7:16 PM

psoulos :


8/4/2017 7:16 PM

psoulos :

sorry, my keyboard focus was in the wrong text box

8/28/2017 8:26 PM

sheida :

Hi everyone,

California-based startup Stoke Brain Inc. (| is looking for additional founding members with proficiency in programming. Preference for people with experience in signal processing, Javascript, and React + Redux. PM me or contact mailto:[email protected]|[email protected] for more details!

8/29/2017 7:14 PM

dano :

Sweet, that's the hack project I really wanted to do last year. EEG REM detection + tDCS

9/21/2017 3:51 PM

litvak :

Senior MEG Research Technician

Applications are invited for a Senior Research Technician in the Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, UCL Institute of Neurology.

The Centre houses an Electroencephalography (EEG) system, two Magnetoencephalography (MEG) systems - a CTF 275 channel Omega System and an Optically Pumped Magnetometer (OPM) System - and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) facilities - two 3T Siemens Prisma scanners and a 3T Siemens Trio. The successful candidate will be responsible for coordinating and maintaining an efficient MEG and EEG service for a range of different research projects. This role will be constantly evolving as new and alternative technologies are incorporated into the functional imaging department.

Applicants are required to have:

· Experience of EEG/MEG or similar electrophysiological recording methods (e.g. cardiology/audiology) within a clinical or research environment.

· A commitment to academic research.

· MEG experience is not essential as training will be provided.

Salary - UCL Grade 7:

£34,653 to £41,864 inclusive of London Allowance.

The post is available immediately and is funded until Nov 2021 in the first instance.

Applications through UCL's online recruitment �| where you can download a job description and person specification using ref: 1671016.

Informal enquiries to Elaine Williams: mailto:[email protected]|[email protected] . If you have any queries regarding the application process, please contact Samantha Robinson, HR Officer, Institute of Neurology, 23 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG (email: mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]).

Closing date: 26th September 2017

Taking Action for Equality

10/8/2017 4:04 AM

harris :

Hello everyone! My name is Harris Rothaermel, and I'm a computer science undergrad at Brigham Young University. I've been on the lookout for potential internships next summer from May-August involving brain computer interfaces and haven't been that successful. If you know of any that may of interest, could you please message me. Thanks!

10/8/2017 6:14 PM

joeyo :

harris U of U has a strong neural engineering research program that would be worth reaching out to since it's in your neighborhood.

10/8/2017 6:14 PM

joeyo :

10/8/2017 10:28 PM

harris :

Thanks, will look into it!

10/8/2017 10:28 PM

harris :

Thanks, will look into it

10/9/2017 10:25 PM

mrkrause :

harris, you might also want to look at Ripple ( or Blackrock Microsystems ( Blackrock commericalized the "Utah" arrays that are used in a lot of human and animal experiments, while Ripple is an up-and-coming neurophysiology hardware company.

10/10/2017 12:36 AM

harris :

Thanks! Didn't know there were so many neuroscience related companies nearby

10/10/2017 12:37 AM

harris :

Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll be combing through them. I also have no issue with relocating for the summer, so I'm also looking for places I might apply

10/10/2017 1:31 AM

ray_cassani :

Hi everyone, Smartstones, now :prose translating nonverbal inputs such a to verbal communication, is "seeking for world-class partners, talented data scientist and software engineers to join [their] team in Toronto-California" Apply at:

10/11/2017 3:30 PM

mrkrause :

Yeah, you're in a really good place! I have no idea what our funding will be like next summer, but if we're hiring, I'll get in touch.

10/24/2017 9:57 PM

joeyo :

10/24/2017 10:07 PM

aj :

God those qualifications thoo

10/25/2017 12:38 AM

dano :

Are you a University of Toronto student who wants to get into neurotech research? The Carlen lab is looking for a highly interested student to join their lab to perform intracranial EEG and signal processing as part of a study on new treatments for epilepsy. No previous experience necessary, just passion. They'll teach you everything.

10/25/2017 7:44 PM

ben.tam :

Happy to note that Euler Technologies has successfully completed our latest financing round and we are now setting up a new R&D center in beautiful Vancouver, Canada.

We'll soon be hiring locally and globally for talented individuals who share our mission to transform the world of education using data science and BCI/HCI.

Our long term goal is crazy. But worth it's the shot.

We are going to modernize the world of academia and scalably provide a PhD level education for every future child.

Really revolutionary stuff.

Updates about job postings coming soon.

10/28/2017 8:10 PM

dano :

Interaction Designer wanted for Mindfulness position at Lumosity

11/3/2017 4:11 PM

bciguy :

isnt this the company that got sued for false claims?

11/7/2017 1:26 PM

eferdinand :

Internship for g.tec customers

As a special education service, g.tec has open internships or thesis possibilities in order to learn EEG/BCI skills for your lab. Apply now! Send your internship/thesis applications to Christoph Guger mailto:[email protected]|[email protected].

11/8/2017 4:01 AM

dano :

Yep! I imagine they're trying all kinds of things now

11/13/2017 4:30 PM

dano :

This position is still open

11/22/2017 1:00 PM

ray_cassani :

The Neural Plasticity and Neurorehabilitation Laboratory (NPNL) of the University of Southern California, directed by Dr. Sook-Lei Liew, is now looking for a Postdoctoral Fellow with expertise in brain computer interfaces, electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG) and/or virtual reality (VR).