From 6aaeeec5b6675e0304e0fa3dd214c6c21fb7b646 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Weblate (bot)" Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 09:36:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Translated with Weblate (#46) Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translation: NS8/crowdsec Co-authored-by: Andrea Leardini Co-authored-by: Jon M Co-authored-by: Prefill add-on Co-authored-by: chrkli Co-authored-by: gallegonovato --- ui/public/i18n/de/translation.json | 112 +++++++++++++++ ui/public/i18n/es/translation.json | 112 +++++++++++++++ ui/public/i18n/it/translation.json | 222 ++++++++++++++--------------- 3 files changed, 335 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-) create mode 100644 ui/public/i18n/de/translation.json create mode 100644 ui/public/i18n/es/translation.json diff --git a/ui/public/i18n/de/translation.json b/ui/public/i18n/de/translation.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77cb50e --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/public/i18n/de/translation.json @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +{ + "settings": { + "advanced": "Erweitert", + "disabled": "Deaktiviert", + "receiver_emails": "Empfänger für E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen", + "ban_local_network": "Blockierung im lokalen Netzwerk erlauben", + "whitelists": "Liste zugelassener CIDR, IP-Adressen und voll-qualifizierten Domänennamen (FQDN)", + "ban_local_network_tips": "private IP-Adressbereiche werden standardmäßig nicht blockiert", + "save": "Speichern", + "enabled": "Aktiviert", + "dyn_bantime_tips": "Die Block-Zeit errechnet sich wie folgt: ((Anzahl der Versuche+ 1) * 4) Minuten", + "dyn_bantime": "dynamische Block-Zeit", + "disable_online_api_tips": "Die zentrale API dient dazu, Blacklists abzurufen und die Metriken unter einzusehen", + "helo_host": "Helo Hostname", + "bad_email_address": "fehlerhafte E-Mail-Adresse", + "whitelists_tips": "Mitglieder dieser Liste werden nie blockiert", + "bad_IP_or_hostname": "fehlerhafte CIDR, IP oder FQDN", + "helo_host_placeholder": "", + "receiver_emails_format": "fehlerhafte E-Mail-Adresse: {value}", + "whitelists_format": "fehlerhafte CIDR, IP oder FQDN: {value}", + "smarthost_is_disabled": "E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen sind deaktiviert", + "smarthosts_is_needed_to_send_notifications": "Um E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen von Crowdsec zu erhalten die E-Mail-Einstellungen des Clusters ändern", + "configure_instance": "{instance} konfigurieren", + "enroll_instance": "Diese CrowdSec Instanz registrieren", + "minutes": "Minuten", + "bantime": "Block-Zeit", + "open_app_crowdsec": "CrowdSec Webseite öffnen", + "receiver_emails_string_lte": "fehlerhafte E-Mail-Adresse: {value}", + "enroll_instance_must_be_real_token": "Token von abrufen", + "helo_host_must_be_relevant_for_smtp": "Dies kann erforderlich sein, um E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen korrekt zu empfangen. Wenn Ihr SPAM-Filter aufgrund des Standard-Helo-Namens \"localhost\" Punkte vergibt, können Sie hier einen spezifischen Helo-FQDN festlegen", + "required": "erforderlich", + "token_not_valid": "Das eingegebene Token ist ungültig", + "enable_smarthosts_for_notifications": "Cluster-Einstellungen öffnen", + "whitelists_string_lte": "fehlerhafte CIDR, IP or FQDN: {value}", + "receiver_emails_list": "Eine E-Mail-Adresse pro Zeile", + "enable_online_api": "zentrale API aktivieren", + "whitelists_pattern": "fehlerhafte CIDR, IP oder FQDN: {value}", + "title": "Einstellungen", + "processing": "Verarbeitung läuft...", + "whitelist_placeholder": "ein Eintrag pro Zeile" + }, + "unban": { + "title": "blockierte IP", + "col_value": "IP-Adresse", + "col_scenario": "Grund", + "unban_tooltip": "IP-Adressen mit mehrere fehlgeschlagen Anmeldeversuche werden hier aufgelistet. Bei Bedarf können diese wieder freigeschalten werden", + "confirm_unban_ip_message": "IP-Adresse freigeben?", + "unban_ip": "IP freigeben", + "delete_bans": "alle freigeben", + "col_duration": "Block-Dauer", + "release_all_ip": "alle IP-Adressen freigeben", + "no_bans": "keine aktiven Blockaden", + "delete_all": "alle Blockaden aufheben", + "delete": "Blockade aufheben", + "col_created_at": "Blocliert", + "reload_bans": "aktualisieren", + "search_bans": "suchen", + "confirm_delete_all_bans_message": "Alle IP-Adressen freigeben?" + }, + "about": { + "title": "Über" + }, + "task": { + "cannot_create_task": "Aufgabe {action} kann nicht erstellt werden" + }, + "error": { + "403": "Vorgang nicht autorisiert", + "cannot_retrieve_installed_modules": "Fehler beim Abruf installierter Module", + "401": "Authentifizierung fehlerhaft", + "cannot_retrieve_module_info": "Fehler beim Abruf der Modul-Info", + "generic_error": "Etwas ist schief gegangen", + "error": "Fehler", + "network_timeout": "Netzwerk-Zeitüberschreitung", + "404": "Ressource nicht gefunden", + "network_error": "Netzwerk-Fehler", + "validation_error": "Fehler bei der Validierung" + }, + "action": { + "list-banned-ip": "blockierte IP-Adressen auflisten", + "unban-ip": "IP-Adresse freigeben", + "unban_ip_status": "Liste blockierte IP-Adressen", + "list-backup-repositories": "Backup-Speicherorte auflisten", + "get-module-info": "Modul-Info abrufen", + "list-installed-modules": "Installierte Module auflisten", + "list-backups": "Backups auflisten", + "get-status": "Status abrufen", + "configure-module": "Modul konfigurieren", + "get-configuration": "Konfiguration abrufen", + "get-name": "Name abrufen" + }, + "common": { + "required": "Erforderlich", + "work_in_progress": "In Bearbeitung", + "processing": "Verarbeitung läuft..." + }, + "status": { + "created": "Erstellt", + "size": "Größe", + "name": "Name", + "no_images": "Keine Abbilder", + "app_volumes": "App Volumen | App Volumen", + "services": "Dienst | Dienste", + "app_images": "App Abbild | App Abbilder", + "no_services": "Keine Dienste", + "app_instance": "App Instanz", + "mount": "Mount", + "title": "Status", + "installation_node": "Knoten der Installation", + "node": "Knoten", + "no_volumes": "Keine Volumen" + } +} diff --git a/ui/public/i18n/es/translation.json b/ui/public/i18n/es/translation.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..010fef2 --- /dev/null +++ b/ui/public/i18n/es/translation.json @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +{ + "status": { + "size": "Tamaño", + "created": "Creado", + "name": "Nombre", + "no_images": "Sin imágenes", + "app_volumes": "Volumen de la aplicación| Volumen de las aplicaciones", + "services": "Servicio | Servicios", + "app_images": "Imagen de la aplicación| Imágenes de las aplicaciones", + "no_services": "Sin servicios", + "app_instance": "Instancia de la aplicación", + "mount": "Montar", + "title": "Estado", + "installation_node": "Nodo de la instalación", + "node": "Nodo", + "no_volumes": "Sin volumenes" + }, + "settings": { + "save": "Guardar", + "dyn_bantime": "Dynamic ban time", + "disable_online_api_tips": "The central API is used to retrieve blacklists and to have a glance on metrics at", + "receiver_emails_format": "Invalid email address: {value}", + "dyn_bantime_tips": "Ban time is calculated by ((number of attempts + 1) * 4) minutes", + "advanced": "Avanzado", + "helo_host": "Helo_host", + "bad_email_address": "Bad email address", + "configure_instance": "Configurar {instance}", + "disabled": "Desactivado", + "whitelists_tips": "No ban will occur for members of this list", + "enroll_instance": "Enroll this CrowdSec instance", + "receiver_emails": "Email recipients for notifications", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "bantime": "Bantime", + "whitelists_format": "Invalid CIDR, IP or FQDN: {value}", + "smarthost_is_disabled": "Email notifications are disabled", + "bad_IP_or_hostname": "Bad CIDR, IP or FQDN", + "helo_host_placeholder": "", + "smarthosts_is_needed_to_send_notifications": "To receive mail notifications from Crowdsec, change the cluster's email settings", + "open_app_crowdsec": "Go to CrowdSec website", + "ban_local_network": "Allow bans on the local network", + "enroll_instance_must_be_real_token": "The token must be retrieved on the website", + "whitelists": "Allow list of CIDR, IP and fully qualified domain name", + "receiver_emails_string_lte": "Invalid email address: {value}", + "helo_host_must_be_relevant_for_smtp": "This might be needed to properly receive email notifications. If your antispam system adds score due to default 'localhost' Helo name, you can set a specific Helo FQDN here", + "ban_local_network_tips": "By default no ban occurs on private IP class", + "required": "Obligatorio", + "token_not_valid": "The token provided is not valid", + "enabled": "Activado", + "whitelists_string_lte": "Invalid CIDR, IP or FQDN: {value}", + "enable_smarthosts_for_notifications": "Go to cluster Settings", + "receiver_emails_list": "Enter an email address per line", + "enable_online_api": "Enable the central API", + "whitelists_pattern": "Invalid CIDR, IP or FQDN: {value}", + "title": "Ajustes", + "processing": "Procesando…", + "whitelist_placeholder": "One entry per line" + }, + "unban": { + "col_value": "IP address", + "confirm_unban_ip_message": "Unban IP address?", + "title": "Banned IP", + "col_scenario": "Reason", + "unban_tooltip": "IP addresses that failed multiple login attempts are listed here. You can unban them if needed", + "unban_ip": "Unban IP", + "delete_bans": "Unban all", + "col_duration": "Ban time", + "release_all_ip": "Unban all IP addresses", + "no_bans": "No active bans", + "delete_all": "Unban all", + "delete": "Unban", + "col_created_at": "Banned", + "reload_bans": "Refresh", + "search_bans": "Search", + "confirm_delete_all_bans_message": "Unban all IP addresses?" + }, + "about": { + "title": "Acerca de" + }, + "action": { + "get-module-info": "Obtener información del módulo", + "get-status": "Obtener el estado", + "list-banned-ip": "List banned IP", + "unban-ip": "Unban IP address", + "unban_ip_status": "List banned IP addresses", + "list-backup-repositories": "Mostrar repositorios de respaldo", + "list-installed-modules": "Lista de módulos instalados", + "list-backups": "Mostrar copias de seguridad", + "configure-module": "Configurar el módulo", + "get-configuration": "Obtener los ajustes", + "get-name": "Obtener el nombre" + }, + "error": { + "404": "Recurso no encontrado", + "403": "Operación no autorizada", + "cannot_retrieve_installed_modules": "No se pueden recuperar los módulos instalados", + "401": "Autentificación inválida", + "cannot_retrieve_module_info": "No se puede recuperar la información del módulo", + "generic_error": "Algo ha salido mal", + "error": "Error", + "network_timeout": "Tiempo de espera de la red agotado", + "network_error": "Error en la red", + "validation_error": "Error en la validación" + }, + "common": { + "required": "Obligatorio", + "work_in_progress": "Trabajando", + "processing": "Procesando..." + }, + "task": { + "cannot_create_task": "No se puede crear la tarea {action}" + } +} diff --git a/ui/public/i18n/it/translation.json b/ui/public/i18n/it/translation.json index 445eade..52da7d0 100644 --- a/ui/public/i18n/it/translation.json +++ b/ui/public/i18n/it/translation.json @@ -1,113 +1,113 @@ { - "error": { - "validation_error": "Errore di validazione", - "network_error": "Errore di rete", - "error": "Errore", - "404": "Risorsa non trovata", - "cannot_retrieve_installed_modules": "Impossibile elencare moduli installati", - "cannot_retrieve_module_info": "Impossibile recuperare info modulo", - "network_timeout": "Timeout di rete", - "generic_error": "Qualcosa è andato storto", - "401": "Autenticazione non valida", - "403": "Operazione non autorizzata" - }, - "common": { - "required": "Obbligatorio", - "work_in_progress": "In lavorazione", - "processing": "In elaborazione…" - }, - "status": { - "title": "Stato", - "services": "Servizio | Servizi", - "node": "Nodo", - "name": "Nome", - "size": "Dimensione", - "created": "Creato", - "no_services": "Nessun servizio", - "no_images": "Nessuna immagine", - "no_volumes": "Nessun volume", - "app_instance": "Istanza app", - "app_images": "Immagine app|Immagini app", - "app_volumes": "Volume app|Volumi app", - "installation_node": "Nodo", - "mount": "Percorso di mount" - }, - "settings": { - "save": "Salva", - "title": "Impostazioni", - "whitelist_placeholder": "Una voce per linea", - "enabled": "Abilitato", - "disable_online_api_tips": "La central API è utilizzata per ottenere le liste di blocco e consultare le metriche su", - "enable_online_api": "Abilita la central API", - "dyn_bantime_tips": "La durata del ban è calcolata come (number of attempts + 1) * 4) minuti", - "advanced": "Avanzate", - "helo_host": "HELO host", - "bad_email_address": "Bad email address", - "dyn_bantime": "Durata ban dinamica", - "configure_instance": "Configura {instance}", - "disabled": "Disabilitato", - "whitelists_tips": "No ban will occur for members of this list", - "enroll_instance": "Registra questa istanza di CrowdSec", - "enroll_instance_placeholder": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", - "receiver_emails": "Destinatari delle notifiche email", - "minutes": "Minuti", - "bantime": "Durata ban", - "smarthost_is_disabled": "Email notifications are disabled", - "bad_IP_or_hostname": "Bad CIDR, IP or FQDN", - "helo_host_placeholder": "", - "smarthosts_is_needed_to_send_notifications": "To receive mail notifications from Crowdsec, change the cluster's email settings", - "open_app_crowdsec": "Vai al sito web di CrowdSec", - "ban_local_network": "Consentire ban sulla rete locale", - "enroll_instance_must_be_real_token": "Il token deve essere ottenuto sul sito web", - "whitelists": "Consenti l'elenco di CIDR, IP e nomi di dominio pienamente qualificati", - "helo_host_must_be_relevant_for_smtp": "This might be needed to properly receive email notifications. If your antispam system adds score due to default 'localhost' Helo name, you can set a specific Helo FQDN here", - "required": "Required", - "ban_local_network_tips": "Per default nessun ban avviene sulla classe IP privata", - "token_not_valid": "The token provided is not valid", - "enable_smarthosts_for_notifications": "Go to cluster Settings", - "receiver_emails_list": "Inserire un indirizzo email per riga", - "processing": "Processing...", - "receiver_emails_format": "Invalid email address: {value}", - "whitelists_format": "Invalid CIDR, IP or FQDN: {value}", - "receiver_emails_string_lte": "Invalid email address: {value}", - "whitelists_string_lte": "Invalid CIDR, IP or FQDN: {value}", - "whitelists_pattern": "Invalid CIDR, IP or FQDN: {value}" - }, - "action": { - "configure-module": "Configura modulo", - "get-configuration": "Visualizza configurazione", - "get-module-info": "Visualizza info modulo", - "get-status": "Visualizza stato", - "get-name": "Visualizza nome", - "list-banned-ip": "List banned IP", - "unban-ip": "Unban IP address", - "unban_ip_status": "List banned IP addresses", - "list-backup-repositories": "Elenca repository di backup", - "list-installed-modules": "Elenca moduli installati", - "list-backups": "Elenca backup" - }, - "about": { - "title": "Informazioni" - }, - "task": { - "cannot_create_task": "Impossibile eseguire task {action}" - }, - "unban": { - "no_bans": "No active bans", - "delete_all": "Unban all", - "title": "Banned IP", - "col_value": "IP address", - "col_scenario": "Reason", - "unban_tooltip": "IP addresses that failed multiple login attempts are listed here. You can unban them if needed", - "confirm_unban_ip_message": "Unban IP address?", - "unban_ip": "Unban IP", - "delete_bans": "Unban all", - "col_duration": "Ban time", - "release_all_ip": "Unban all IP addresses", - "delete": "Unban", - "col_created_at": "Banned", - "reload_bans": "Refresh", - "search_bans": "Search", - "confirm_delete_all_bans_message": "Unban all IP addresses?" - } + "error": { + "validation_error": "Errore di validazione", + "network_error": "Errore di rete", + "error": "Errore", + "404": "Risorsa non trovata", + "cannot_retrieve_installed_modules": "Impossibile elencare moduli installati", + "cannot_retrieve_module_info": "Impossibile recuperare info modulo", + "network_timeout": "Timeout di rete", + "generic_error": "Qualcosa è andato storto", + "401": "Autenticazione non valida", + "403": "Operazione non autorizzata" + }, + "common": { + "required": "Obbligatorio", + "work_in_progress": "In lavorazione", + "processing": "In elaborazione…" + }, + "status": { + "title": "Stato", + "services": "Servizio | Servizi", + "node": "Nodo", + "name": "Nome", + "size": "Dimensione", + "created": "Creato", + "no_services": "Nessun servizio", + "no_images": "Nessuna immagine", + "no_volumes": "Nessun volume", + "app_instance": "Istanza app", + "app_images": "Immagine app|Immagini app", + "app_volumes": "Volume app|Volumi app", + "installation_node": "Nodo", + "mount": "Percorso di mount" + }, + "settings": { + "save": "Salva", + "title": "Impostazioni", + "whitelist_placeholder": "Una voce per linea", + "enabled": "Abilitato", + "disable_online_api_tips": "La central API è utilizzata per ottenere le liste di blocco e consultare le metriche su", + "enable_online_api": "Abilita la central API", + "dyn_bantime_tips": "La durata del ban è calcolata come (number of attempts + 1) * 4) minuti", + "advanced": "Avanzate", + "helo_host": "HELO host", + "bad_email_address": "Bad email address", + "dyn_bantime": "Durata ban dinamica", + "configure_instance": "Configura {instance}", + "disabled": "Disabilitato", + "whitelists_tips": "No ban will occur for members of this list", + "enroll_instance": "Registra questa istanza di CrowdSec", + "enroll_instance_placeholder": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", + "receiver_emails": "Destinatari delle notifiche email", + "minutes": "Minuti", + "bantime": "Durata ban", + "smarthost_is_disabled": "Email notifications are disabled", + "bad_IP_or_hostname": "Bad CIDR, IP or FQDN", + "helo_host_placeholder": "", + "smarthosts_is_needed_to_send_notifications": "To receive mail notifications from Crowdsec, change the cluster's email settings", + "open_app_crowdsec": "Vai al sito web di CrowdSec", + "ban_local_network": "Consentire ban sulla rete locale", + "enroll_instance_must_be_real_token": "Il token deve essere ottenuto sul sito web", + "whitelists": "Consenti l'elenco di CIDR, IP e nomi di dominio pienamente qualificati", + "helo_host_must_be_relevant_for_smtp": "This might be needed to properly receive email notifications. If your antispam system adds score due to default 'localhost' Helo name, you can set a specific Helo FQDN here", + "required": "Required", + "ban_local_network_tips": "Per default nessun ban avviene sulla classe IP privata", + "token_not_valid": "The token provided is not valid", + "enable_smarthosts_for_notifications": "Go to cluster Settings", + "receiver_emails_list": "Inserire un indirizzo email per riga", + "processing": "Processing...", + "receiver_emails_format": "Invalid email address: {value}", + "whitelists_format": "Invalid CIDR, IP or FQDN: {value}", + "receiver_emails_string_lte": "Invalid email address: {value}", + "whitelists_string_lte": "Invalid CIDR, IP or FQDN: {value}", + "whitelists_pattern": "Invalid CIDR, IP or FQDN: {value}" + }, + "action": { + "configure-module": "Configura modulo", + "get-configuration": "Visualizza configurazione", + "get-module-info": "Visualizza info modulo", + "get-status": "Visualizza stato", + "get-name": "Visualizza nome", + "list-banned-ip": "List banned IP", + "unban-ip": "Unban IP address", + "unban_ip_status": "List banned IP addresses", + "list-backup-repositories": "Elenca repository di backup", + "list-installed-modules": "Elenca moduli installati", + "list-backups": "Elenca backup" + }, + "about": { + "title": "Informazioni" + }, + "task": { + "cannot_create_task": "Impossibile eseguire il task {action}" + }, + "unban": { + "no_bans": "No active bans", + "delete_all": "Unban all", + "title": "Banned IP", + "col_value": "IP address", + "col_scenario": "Reason", + "unban_tooltip": "IP addresses that failed multiple login attempts are listed here. You can unban them if needed", + "confirm_unban_ip_message": "Unban IP address?", + "unban_ip": "Unban IP", + "delete_bans": "Unban all", + "col_duration": "Ban time", + "release_all_ip": "Unban all IP addresses", + "delete": "Unban", + "col_created_at": "Banned", + "reload_bans": "Refresh", + "search_bans": "Search", + "confirm_delete_all_bans_message": "Unban all IP addresses?" + } }