diff --git a/core/ui/public/i18n/de/translation.json b/core/ui/public/i18n/de/translation.json
index c40baf460..664eadf8f 100644
--- a/core/ui/public/i18n/de/translation.json
+++ b/core/ui/public/i18n/de/translation.json
@@ -64,15 +64,20 @@
"external_domains": "externe Nutzerdomänen",
"empty_passphrase": "Ein Kennwort ist verpflichtend",
"hostname_create": "Hostname",
- "domain_join": "Worker node domain",
- "hostname_join": "Worker node hostname",
- "domain_create": "Domain",
- "network_pattern": "Invalid network format",
- "not_a_private_network": "Must be included in the private IPv4 network addresses:,,",
- "hostname_format": "Invalid hostname format",
- "domain_format": "Invalid domain format",
- "not_a_valid_fqdn_endpoint": "Invalid fully qualified domain name",
- "not_a_valid_ipv4_network": "Invalid IPv4 network address"
+ "domain_join": "Domäne des Arbeitsknoten",
+ "hostname_join": "Hostname des Arbeitsknoten",
+ "domain_create": "Domäne",
+ "network_pattern": "Netzwerkdefinition fehlerhaft",
+ "not_a_private_network": "Muss innerhalb eines privaten IPv4-Netzbereich liegen:,,",
+ "hostname_format": "Hostname fehlerhaft",
+ "domain_format": "Domänen-Format fehlerhaft",
+ "not_a_valid_fqdn_endpoint": "Voll-qualifizierter Domänen-Name (FQDN) fehlerhaft",
+ "not_a_valid_ipv4_network": "IPv4-Adresse fehlerhaft",
+ "the_join_code_is_not_correctly_encoded": "Join code is not correctly encoded",
+ "cluster_auth_error": "Invalid response",
+ "the_join_code_cannot_be_parsed": "Join code cannot be parsed",
+ "cluster_tls_verify_error": "TLS certificate of leader node is not valid",
+ "the_join_code_can_not_be_decoded": "Join code cannot be decoded"
"password": {
"uppercase_letter": "Großbuchstaben",
@@ -242,7 +247,7 @@
"join_code": "Beitrittscode",
"copied_to_clipboard": "Kopiert!",
"view_instance_logs": "Protokolle von {instance} anzeigen",
- "edit": "bearbeiten",
+ "edit": "Edit",
"required": "Erforderlich",
"show_more": "Mehr anzeigen",
"selected": "Ausgewählt",
@@ -263,14 +268,14 @@
"optional": "optional",
"click_here_to_upload": "Zum Hochladen hier klicken",
"copy_to_clipboard": "In die Zwischenablage kopieren",
- "clear_search": "Suche löschen",
+ "clear_search": "Clear search",
"no_label": "keine Bezeichung",
"more_info": "Mehr Informationen",
"x_of_y_selected": "{selected} von {total} ausgewählt",
"enable": "aktivieren",
"choose": "Auswählen",
- "delete": "Entfernen",
- "cancel": "Abbrechen",
+ "delete": "Delete",
+ "cancel": "Cancel",
"finish": "Fertig",
"user_input_l": "Benutzereingabe",
"version": "Version",
@@ -294,7 +299,7 @@
"reload_page": "Seite neu laden",
"select": "auswählen",
"remember": "merken",
- "no_search_results_description": "Versuche eine andere Suchanfrage",
+ "no_search_results_description": "Try changing your search query",
"disable": "deaktivieren",
"show_less": "Weniger anzeigen",
"success": "Erfolgreich",
@@ -312,12 +317,12 @@
"global_shortcut": "globales Tastenkürzel",
"previous": "Zurück",
"remove": "entfernen",
- "no_search_results": "keine Ergebnisse",
+ "no_search_results": "No results",
"choose_options_or_input_any_value": "Option auswählen oder einen beliebigen Wert eingeben",
"advanced": "Erweitert",
"choose_an_option_or_input_any_value": "Wähle eine Option aus oder gebe einen beliebigen Wert ein",
"details": "Details",
- "close": "Schließen",
+ "close": "Close",
"enabled": "Aktiviert",
"not_active": "deaktiviert",
"active": "aktiv"
@@ -1021,12 +1026,12 @@
"title": "Cluster"
"pagination": {
- "items_per_page": "Elemente pro Seite:",
- "next_page": "nächste Seite",
- "page_number": "Seitenzahl",
- "range_of_total_items": "{range} von {total} Elementen",
- "of_total_pages": "von {total} Seiten",
- "previous_page": "vorige Seite"
+ "items_per_page": "Items per page:",
+ "next_page": "Next page",
+ "page_number": "Page number",
+ "range_of_total_items": "{range} of {total} items",
+ "of_total_pages": "of {total} pages",
+ "previous_page": "Previous page"
"settings_account": {
"cannot_retrieve_2fa_qr_code": "2FA QR code nicht abrufbar",
diff --git a/core/ui/public/i18n/es/translation.json b/core/ui/public/i18n/es/translation.json
index ad542aa51..7094d6983 100644
--- a/core/ui/public/i18n/es/translation.json
+++ b/core/ui/public/i18n/es/translation.json
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
"save_settings": "Guardar ajustes",
"join_code": "Código de unión",
"copied_to_clipboard": "¡Copiado!",
- "edit": "Editar",
+ "edit": "Edit",
"save": "Guardar",
"collapse": "Contraer",
"understood_delete": "Entiendo, borrar",
@@ -151,12 +151,12 @@
"case_sensitive": "Distingue mayúsculas y minúsculas",
"click_here_to_upload": "Clic aquí para subir",
"copy_to_clipboard": "Copiar al portapapeles",
- "clear_search": "Limpiar búsqueda",
+ "clear_search": "Clear search",
"more_info": "Más info",
"enable": "Habilitar",
"choose": "Elige",
- "delete": "Borrar",
- "cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "delete": "Delete",
+ "cancel": "Cancel",
"finish": "Finalizar",
"core_module_c": "Aplicación principal | Aplicaciones principales",
"node": "Nodo",
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
"advanced": "Avanzado",
"choose_an_option_or_input_any_value": "Elige una opción o escribe cualquier valor",
"details": "Detalles",
- "close": "Cerrar",
+ "close": "Close",
"enabled": "Habilitado",
"optional": "opcional",
"no_label": "No hay etiquetas",
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
"nodes_c": "Nodo | Nodos",
"next": "Siguiente",
"previous": "Anterior",
- "no_search_results": "No hay resultados",
+ "no_search_results": "No results",
"view_instance_logs": "Ver registros de {instance}",
"show_more": "Ver más",
"selected": "Seleccionado",
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
"reload_page": "Recargar página",
"select": "Seleccionar",
"remember": "Recordar",
- "no_search_results_description": "Intenta cambiar tu consulta de búsqueda",
+ "no_search_results_description": "Try changing your search query",
"show_less": "Ver menos",
"success": "Completado",
"search": "Buscar",
@@ -813,16 +813,21 @@
"skip_apps_restore": "Saltar restauración de aplicaciones",
"external_domains": "Dominios de usuario externos",
"empty_passphrase": "Contraseña obligatoria",
- "hostname_create": "Hostname",
- "domain_join": "Worker node domain",
- "hostname_join": "Worker node hostname",
- "domain_create": "Domain",
- "hostname_format": "Invalid hostname format",
- "network_pattern": "Invalid network format",
- "not_a_private_network": "Must be included in the private IPv4 network addresses:,,",
- "domain_format": "Invalid domain format",
- "not_a_valid_fqdn_endpoint": "Invalid fully qualified domain name",
- "not_a_valid_ipv4_network": "Invalid IPv4 network address"
+ "hostname_create": "Nombre de host",
+ "domain_join": "Dominio del nodo de trabajo",
+ "hostname_join": "Nombre de host del nodo de trabajo",
+ "domain_create": "Dominio",
+ "hostname_format": "Formato de nombre de host inválido",
+ "network_pattern": "Formato de red inválido",
+ "not_a_private_network": "Debe incluirse en las direcciones de red IPv4 privadas:,,",
+ "domain_format": "Formato de dominio inválido",
+ "not_a_valid_fqdn_endpoint": "Nombre de dominio completamente calificado inválido",
+ "not_a_valid_ipv4_network": "Dirección de red IPv4 inválida",
+ "the_join_code_is_not_correctly_encoded": "Join code is not correctly encoded",
+ "cluster_auth_error": "Invalid response",
+ "the_join_code_cannot_be_parsed": "Join code cannot be parsed",
+ "cluster_tls_verify_error": "TLS certificate of leader node is not valid",
+ "the_join_code_can_not_be_decoded": "Join code cannot be decoded"
"settings_account": {
"i_have_stored_setup_key": "He guardado la clave de configuración 2FA en un lugar seguro",
@@ -1160,12 +1165,12 @@
"title": "Clúster"
"pagination": {
- "items_per_page": "Elementos por página:",
- "next_page": "Siguiente página",
- "page_number": "Número de página",
- "range_of_total_items": "{range} de {total} elementos",
- "of_total_pages": "de {total} páginas",
- "previous_page": "Página anterior"
+ "items_per_page": "Items per page:",
+ "next_page": "Next page",
+ "page_number": "Page number",
+ "range_of_total_items": "{range} of {total} items",
+ "of_total_pages": "of {total} pages",
+ "previous_page": "Previous page"
"settings_tls_certificates": {
"delete_certificate_description": "¿Eliminar el certificado TLS para {fqdn}?",
diff --git a/core/ui/public/i18n/eu/translation.json b/core/ui/public/i18n/eu/translation.json
index 39eed2c35..c1d193ec0 100644
--- a/core/ui/public/i18n/eu/translation.json
+++ b/core/ui/public/i18n/eu/translation.json
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@
"about": {
"animated_icons_by": "Ikono animatuen egilea",
- "title": "About",
+ "title": "Honi buruz",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"by_company": "by",
"helpdesk": "Helpdesk"
"common": {
- "required": "Required",
+ "required": "Beharrezkoa",
"show_more": "Gehiago erakutsi",
"all": "Guztiak",
"all_good": "Dena ondo",
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@
"all_nodes": "Nodo guztiak",
"show_less": "Gutxiago erakutsi",
"clear_filter": "Iragazkia garbitu",
- "advanced": "Advanced",
+ "advanced": "Aurreratua",
"details": "Xehetasunak",
- "edit": "Editatu",
+ "edit": "Edit",
"selected": "Hautatuta",
"collapse": "Tolestu",
- "clear_search": "Garbitu bilaketa",
+ "clear_search": "Clear search",
"more_info": "Informazio gehiago",
"enable": "Gaitu",
"choose": "Aukeratu",
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
"disable": "Desgaitu",
"menu": "Menua",
"expand": "Zabaldu",
- "close": "Itxi",
+ "close": "Close",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"delete": "Delete",
"hide": "Hide",
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
"choose_options_or_input_any_value": "Choose options or input any value",
"choose_an_option_or_input_any_value": "Choose an option or input any value",
"not_active": "Inactive",
- "active": "Active"
+ "active": "Aktiboa"
"backup": {
"aws": "Amazon S3",
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
"open_app": "Open app",
"custom_schedule_tooltip_more_info": "See:",
"disable_backup": "Disable backup",
- "backup_repository_exists": "A repository with this URL already exists",
+ "backup_repository_exists": "URL hau duen biltegi bat badago jada",
"edit_backup": "Edit backup",
"repo_password_tooltip": "This password is used to encrypt data in the repository. Store this password in a safe place, otherwise you won't be able to restore your backed up data",
"type_repo_password_to_confirm": "Type repository password to confirm deletion",
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
"select_backup_provider": "Select backup provider",
"hourly": "Hourly",
"backup_has_not_run_yet": "Backup has not run yet",
- "at": "At",
+ "at": "etan",
"every_day_at": "Every day at {time}",
"restore": "Restore",
"samba_placeholder": "Share name",
@@ -306,10 +306,10 @@
"testing": "Testing",
"title": "Software repositories",
"repository_not_accessible": "Repository not accessible",
- "repository_same_url_already_exists": "A repository with this URL already exists",
+ "repository_same_url_already_exists": "URL hau duen biltegi bat badago jada",
"url": "URL",
"name": "Name",
- "repository_same_name_already_exists": "A repository with this name already exists",
+ "repository_same_name_already_exists": "Badago izen hau duen biltegi bat",
"status": "Status",
"no_sw_repositories": "No software repository",
"edit_repository": "Edit repository",
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
"hide_setup_key": "Hide 2FA setup key"
"settings_http_routes": {
- "host_tooltip": "Baliozko ostalari baten adibidea bat: nireapp.domeinua.eus
+ "host_tooltip": "Baliozko ostalariaren adibide bat: nireapp-a.adibidea.eus
"url_tooltip": "Baliozko URLaren adibide bat:
"request_lets_encrypt_certificate": "Request Let's Encrypt certificate",
"node": "Node",
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@
"host_placeholder": "E.g. myapp.example.org",
"skipCertVerify_tooltip": "Skip certificate validation for the backend target URL",
"skip_cert_verify": "Skip certificate validation",
- "instance_pattern": "Allowed characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ and -"
+ "instance_pattern": "Onartutako karaktereak: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ eta -"
"action": {
"add-user": "Erabiltzaile bat gehitu",
@@ -539,10 +539,10 @@
"domain_summary": "Summary",
"location": "Location",
"enter_external_domain_name": "Enter external domain name",
- "ipaddress_dc_conflict_check_failed": "A provider with this IP already exists",
+ "ipaddress_dc_conflict_check_failed": "IP hau duen hornitzaile bat badago jada",
"port_connection_error": "Port connection error",
"port": "Port",
- "adminuser_string_gte": "Required",
+ "adminuser_string_gte": "Beharrezkoa",
"tls_required_for_authentication": "TLS required for authentication",
"configure_provider": "Configure provider",
"strength": "Strength policy",
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@
"unconfigured_domains_or_providers_title": "There are unconfigured domains or providers",
"enable_the_password_expiration": "The minimum password age setting determines the period of time (in days) that a password must be used before the user can change it. The maximum password age setting determines the period of time (in days) that a password can be used before the system requires the user to change it",
"domain_is_going_to_be_deleted": "Domain {object} is going to be deleted...",
- "adminpass_string_gte": "Required",
+ "adminpass_string_gte": "Beharrezkoa",
"enable_complexity_check_tips": "Enforce complexity by requesting uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols",
"create_domain": "Create domain",
"domain": "Domain",
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@
"audit_info_placeholder": "Search anything inside data content of log",
"end_time_label": "End time (24-hour)",
"cannot_retrieve_audit_trail": "Cannot retrieve audit trail",
- "auditInfo": "Audit info",
+ "auditInfo": "Ikuskaritza informazioa",
"users": "Users",
"no_log_found": "No log found",
"search": "Search",
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@
"node_is_offline_description": "Check node status and connectivity",
"remove_node_from_cluster": "Remove node from cluster",
"validation_endpoint_address_format": "Invalid format",
- "nodes_online_cluster_status": "All nodes are online"
+ "nodes_online_cluster_status": "Nodo guztiak konektatuta daude"
"init": {
"join_cluster_description": "Lehendik dagoen kluster batera nodo hau gehitu",
@@ -836,7 +836,12 @@
"hostname_format": "Invalid hostname format",
"domain_format": "Invalid domain format",
"not_a_valid_fqdn_endpoint": "Invalid fully qualified domain name",
- "not_a_valid_ipv4_network": "Invalid IPv4 network address"
+ "not_a_valid_ipv4_network": "Invalid IPv4 network address",
+ "cluster_auth_error": "Invalid response",
+ "the_join_code_is_not_correctly_encoded": "Join code is not correctly encoded",
+ "the_join_code_cannot_be_parsed": "Join code cannot be parsed",
+ "cluster_tls_verify_error": "TLS certificate of leader node is not valid",
+ "the_join_code_can_not_be_decoded": "Join code cannot be decoded"
"login": {
"2fa_code_required": "6 digituko kodea beharrezkoa da",
@@ -934,7 +939,7 @@
"documentation": "Documentation",
"about_to_uninstall_instance": "{instance} will be uninstalled from the cluster",
"app_without_ui_name_cloned_to_node": "{instance} cloned to {node} as {module_id}",
- "apps_update_will_start_in_a_moment": "Apps update will start in a moment...",
+ "apps_update_will_start_in_a_moment": "Aplikazioen eguneraketa une batean hasiko da...",
"no_app_found": "No app found",
"update_app": "Update {app}",
"edit_instance_label": "Edit instance label",
@@ -1280,7 +1285,7 @@
"authentication_token_helper": "Obtain a registration token from the subscription web portal",
"remove_subscription": "Remove subscription",
"subscription_cannot_be_enabled": "Subscription is not available",
- "remote_support_description": "Allow {productName} support team to remotely access your cluster",
+ "remote_support_description": "Baimendu {productName} laguntza-taldeari zure klusterra urrunetik atzitzeko",
"remove_cluster_subscription_description": "You are going to remove the subscription plan. This will disable the subscription features.",
"stop_session_support": "End session",
"must_be_32_chars_but_less_than_128": "Must be between 32 and 128 characters",
diff --git a/core/ui/public/i18n/it/translation.json b/core/ui/public/i18n/it/translation.json
index cbb7ef249..797281dce 100644
--- a/core/ui/public/i18n/it/translation.json
+++ b/core/ui/public/i18n/it/translation.json
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@
"save_settings": "Salva impostazioni",
"enabled": "Abilitato",
"disabled": "Disabilitato",
- "delete": "Elimina",
+ "delete": "Delete",
"advanced": "Avanzate",
"join_code": "Codice di join",
"cluster_label": "Etichetta cluster",
@@ -771,12 +771,12 @@
"cluster_label_tooltip": "Puoi assegnare al cluster un nome facile da ricordare",
"all_good": "Tutto bene",
"all_nodes": "Tutti i nodi",
- "cancel": "Annulla",
+ "cancel": "Cancel",
"case_sensitive": "Sensibile a maiuscole e minuscole",
- "close": "Chiudi",
+ "close": "Close",
"copied_to_clipboard": "Copiato!",
"copy_to_clipboard": "Copia negli appunti",
- "clear_search": "Pulisci ricerca",
+ "clear_search": "Clear search",
"collapse": "Collassa",
"clear_selection": "Pulisci selezione",
"clear_filter": "Pulisci filtro",
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@
"details": "Dettagli",
"disable": "Disabilita",
"done": "Completato",
- "edit": "Modifica",
+ "edit": "Edit",
"enable": "Abilita",
"use_landscape_mode_description": "Questa pagina è ottimizzata per la modalità orizzontale",
"global_shortcut": "Scorciatoia globale",
@@ -817,8 +817,8 @@
"none": "Nessuno",
"x_of_y_selected": "selezionati {selected} di {total}",
"search": "Ricerca",
- "no_search_results": "Nessun risultato",
- "no_search_results_description": "Prova a modificare la query di ricerca",
+ "no_search_results": "No results",
+ "no_search_results_description": "Try changing your search query",
"success": "Successo",
"save": "Salva",
"this_action_is_not_reversible": "Questa azione NON è reversibile",
@@ -965,7 +965,12 @@
"not_a_private_network": "Deve essere incluso nelle reti IPv4 private:,,",
"domain_format": "Formato di dominio non valido",
"not_a_valid_fqdn_endpoint": "Nome host assoluto (FQDN) non valido",
- "not_a_valid_ipv4_network": "Indirizzo di rete IPv4 non valido"
+ "not_a_valid_ipv4_network": "Indirizzo di rete IPv4 non valido",
+ "the_join_code_is_not_correctly_encoded": "Join code is not correctly encoded",
+ "cluster_auth_error": "Invalid response",
+ "the_join_code_cannot_be_parsed": "Join code cannot be parsed",
+ "cluster_tls_verify_error": "TLS certificate of leader node is not valid",
+ "the_join_code_can_not_be_decoded": "Join code cannot be decoded"
"account_provider": {
"title": "Account provider"
@@ -1261,12 +1266,12 @@
"title": "Firewall"
"pagination": {
- "page_number": "Numero pagina",
- "items_per_page": "Elementi per pagina:",
- "range_of_total_items": "{range} di {total} elementi",
- "of_total_pages": "di {total} pagine",
- "previous_page": "Pagina precedente",
- "next_page": "Pagina successiva"
+ "page_number": "Page number",
+ "items_per_page": "Items per page:",
+ "range_of_total_items": "{range} of {total} items",
+ "of_total_pages": "of {total} pages",
+ "previous_page": "Previous page",
+ "next_page": "Next page"
"websocket": {
"websocket_disconnected": "Websocket disconnessa",
diff --git a/core/ui/public/i18n/pt/translation.json b/core/ui/public/i18n/pt/translation.json
index 3eefda7fe..b261ed0dc 100644
--- a/core/ui/public/i18n/pt/translation.json
+++ b/core/ui/public/i18n/pt/translation.json
@@ -770,7 +770,12 @@
"hostname_format": "Invalid hostname format",
"domain_format": "Invalid domain format",
"not_a_valid_fqdn_endpoint": "Invalid fully qualified domain name",
- "not_a_valid_ipv4_network": "Invalid IPv4 network address"
+ "not_a_valid_ipv4_network": "Invalid IPv4 network address",
+ "the_join_code_can_not_be_decoded": "Join code cannot be decoded",
+ "cluster_auth_error": "Invalid response",
+ "the_join_code_is_not_correctly_encoded": "Join code is not correctly encoded",
+ "the_join_code_cannot_be_parsed": "Join code cannot be parsed",
+ "cluster_tls_verify_error": "TLS certificate of leader node is not valid"
"password": {
"uppercase_letter": "Uppercase letter",
diff --git a/core/ui/public/i18n/pt_BR/translation.json b/core/ui/public/i18n/pt_BR/translation.json
index 0f54a3948..bac5a074f 100644
--- a/core/ui/public/i18n/pt_BR/translation.json
+++ b/core/ui/public/i18n/pt_BR/translation.json
@@ -300,7 +300,12 @@
"not_a_private_network": "Must be included in the private IPv4 network addresses:,,",
"domain_format": "Invalid domain format",
"not_a_valid_fqdn_endpoint": "Invalid fully qualified domain name",
- "not_a_valid_ipv4_network": "Invalid IPv4 network address"
+ "not_a_valid_ipv4_network": "Invalid IPv4 network address",
+ "cluster_auth_error": "Invalid response",
+ "the_join_code_is_not_correctly_encoded": "Join code is not correctly encoded",
+ "the_join_code_cannot_be_parsed": "Join code cannot be parsed",
+ "cluster_tls_verify_error": "TLS certificate of leader node is not valid",
+ "the_join_code_can_not_be_decoded": "Join code cannot be decoded"
"password": {
"uppercase_letter": "Uppercase letter",