It is imporant to note that starting an nksip service, is really starting a nkservice service! An nkservice is a generic service that can be many different things, including in this case, a SIP service.
Much of the functionality of the nksip module is done via nkservice. There are helper or convinience functions here, that really just call nkservice functions.
NkSIP can be used as a stand-alone product or with other services available via nkservice.
This document describes the API that NkSIP makes available to Services.
The SIP-specific functions are available in the nksip.erl module, while other functions are available in the nkservice module.
See Also:
- Starting a Service for a general overview.
- Tutorial For more examples of start and other options
- Configuration Options for a list of available configuration options.
- Source Code
Function | Description |
start/2 | Starts a new Service |
stop/1 | Stops a started Service |
stop_all/0 | Stops all started Services |
update/2 | Updates the configuration of a started Service |
get_all_services/0 | Gets all currenty started Services |
get/2 | Gets a value for a Service variable |
get/3 | Gets a value for a Service variable, with a default |
put/3 | Saves a vaule for a Service variable |
del/2 | Deletes a Service variable |
get_srv_id/1 | Finds the internal name for a currently started Service |
call/2 | Synchronous call to the Service's gen_server process |
call/3 | Synchronous call to the Service's gen_server process with timeout |
cast/2 | Asynchronous call to the Service's gen_server process |
get_uuid/1 | Get the current UUID for a stared Service |
Starts a new Service.
NkSIP returns the internal name of the application. In most API calls you can use the user defined name ServiceName
or the internal generated id srv_id()
For now OptionsMapOrList
can either be a list of tuples (which is the old way of doing things) or a map()
which is the new way. Maps are preferred.
-spec start( ServiceName, OptionsMapOrList ) -> Result when
ServiceName :: srv_name(),
OptionsMapOrList :: optslist(),
Result :: {ok, srv_id()}
| {error, term()}.
nksip:start(test_server_1, #{
sip_local_host => "localhost",
callback => nksip_tutorial_server_callbacks,
plugins => [nksip_registrar],
sip_listen => "sip:all:5060, <sip:all:5061;transport=tls>"
nksip:start(client5, []). %% Note the list() options. See also Configuration notes below for options
nksip:start(me2, #{}). %% Note the map() options. See also Configuration notes below for options
See Also:
- Tutorial For more examples of start and other options
- Starting a Service
- Configuration Options for a list of available configuration options.
returned by this function is both the id, but it is also a real (compiled on the fly) name of an Erlang module. While you should not use it as a module, for developers it can be useful to know about this.
An example of the functions availble for the `bbkj953` module (also the `srv_id()`) are listed below: ```erlang ([email protected])5> bbkj953: class/0 config/0 config_nkservice/0 config_nksip/0 id/0 listen/0 listen_ids/0 log_level/0 module_info/0 module_info/1 name/0 nksip_authorize_data/3 nksip_call/3 nksip_connection_recv/4 nksip_connection_sent/2 nksip_debug/3 nksip_dialog_update/3 nksip_make_uac_dialog/4 nksip_method/2 nksip_parse_uac_opts/2 nksip_parse_uas_opt/3 nksip_route/4 nksip_transport_uac_headers/6 nksip_transport_uas_sent/1 nksip_uac_pre_request/4 nksip_uac_pre_response/3 nksip_uac_proxy_opts/2 nksip_uac_reply/3 nksip_uac_response/4 nksip_uas_dialog_response/4 nksip_uas_method/4 nksip_uas_process/2 nksip_uas_send_reply/3 nksip_uas_sent_reply/1 nksip_uas_timer/3 plugins/0 service_code_change/3 service_handle_call/3 service_handle_cast/2 service_handle_info/2 service_init/2 service_terminate/2 sip_ack/2 sip_authorize/3 sip_bye/2 sip_cancel/3 sip_dialog_update/3 sip_get_user_pass/4 sip_info/2 sip_invite/2 sip_message/2 sip_notify/2 sip_options/2 sip_publish/2 sip_refer/2 sip_register/2 sip_reinvite/2 sip_resubscribe/2 sip_route/5 sip_session_update/3 sip_subscribe/2 sip_update/2 timestamp/0 uuid/0 ```
Stops a currently started Service.
Notice that the parameter for stop is either the user defined name ServiceName
used with the nksip:start/2
function or the internal generated id srv_id()
which was generated and returned with nksip:start/2
-spec stop( ServiceNameOrId ) -> Result when
ServiceNameOrId :: srv_name()
| srv_id(),
Result :: ok
| {error, not_running}.
(nksip_shell@> nksip:stop(me2).
11:04:18.384 [info] Plugin nksip stopped for service me2
Stops all currently started SIP Services.
-spec stop_all() ->
Updates the callback module or options of a running Service, on the fly.
You can change any configuration parameter on the fly, even for transports. See Configuration Options for a list of available configuration options.
See Configuration.
-spec update( ServiceNameOrId, OptionsMapOrList ) -> Result when
ServiceNameOrId :: srv_name()
| srv_id(),
OptionsMapOrList :: optslist(),
Result :: {ok, srv_id()}
| {error, term()}.
> nksip:update(me, #{log_level => debug}). %% NOTE: Using map() for options
11:31:39.701 [info] Skipping started transport {udp,{0,0,0,0},0}
11:31:39.734 [info] Added config: #{log_level => 8}
11:31:39.734 [info] Removed config: #{log_level => notice}
> nksip:update(me, [{log_level, notice}]).
11:32:16.524 [info] Skipping started transport {udp,{0,0,0,0},0}
11:32:16.555 [info] Added config: #{log_level => 6}
11:32:16.555 [info] Removed config: #{log_level => 8}
See Also:
- Configuration Options for a list of available configuration options.
Gets Id, Name, Class and Pid of all started SIP Services.
-spec get_all_services() -> Result when
Result :: [ ServiceData ],
ServiceData :: { Id, Name, Class, Pid },
Id :: nkservice:id(),
Name :: nkservice:name(),
Class :: nkservice:class(),
Pid :: nkservice:pid().
(nksip_shell@> nksip:get_all_services().
Get the Value into of a Key from the data storage. Each service has data storage options (See saving state information ) for storing things they want to store and get back.
NOTE: This is a convienance function for nkservice:get(ServiceNameOrId, Key)
-spec get(ServiceNameOrId, Key ) -> Result when
ServiceNameOrId :: srv_name()
| srv_id(),
Key :: term(),
Result :: term().
> nksip:get(m2, hello_world).
"Hello World"
See Also:
Get the Value of a Key from the data storage or `DefaultValue' if there is no stored value. Each service has data storage options (See saving state information ) for storing things they want to store and get back.
NOTE: This is a convienance function for nkservice:get(ServiceNameOrId, Key, DefaultValue)
-spec get(ServiceNameOrId, Key, DefaultValue ) -> Result when
ServiceNameOrId :: srv_name()
| srv_id(),
Key :: term(),
DefaultValue :: term(),
Result :: term().
> nksip:get(m2, hello_jim, "Hello there, Jim!").
"Hello there, Jim!"
See Also:
Inserts or Updates a Key and Value into data storage. Each service has data storage options (See saving state information ) for storing things they want to store and get back.
-spec put(ServiceNameOrId, Key, Value ) -> Result when
ServiceNameOrId :: srv_name()
| srv_id(),
Key :: term(),
Value :: term(),
Result :: ok.
> nksip:put(m2, hello_world, "Hello World").
See Also:
Delete the Key and Value from the data store. Each service has data storage options (See saving state information ) for storing things they want to store and get back.
NOTE: This is a convienance function for nkservice:del(ServiceNameOrId, Key)
-spec del( ServiceNameOrId, Key ) -> ok when
ServiceNameOrId :: srv_name()
| srv_id(),
Key :: term().
> nksip:del(m2, hello).
See Also:
nkservice_server:get_srv_id(term()) ->
{ok, srv_id()} | not_found.
Finds the internal name of an existing Service.
nkservice_server:call(nksip:srv_name()|nksip:srv_id(), term()) ->
Synchronous call to the Service's gen_server process. It is a simple gen_server:call/2
but allowing Service names.
nkservice_server:call(nksip:srv_name()|nksip:srv_id(), term(), pos_integer()|infinity) ->
Synchronous call to the Service's gen_server process. It is a simple gen_server:call/3
but allowing Service names.
nkservice_server:cast(nksip:srv_name()|nksip:srv_id(), term()) ->
Asynchronous call to the Service's gen_server process. It is a simple gen_server:cast/2
but allowing Service names.
Gets the Service's UUID.
-spec get_uuid( ServiceNameOrId ) -> Result when
ServiceNameOrId :: srv_name()
| srv_id(),
Result :: binary().
nkserver:uuid(bbkj953). %% srv_id()
nkserver:uuid(me2). %% srv_name()