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Release Watcher Configuration

A complete configuration sample, along with the generated outputs is available in the example folder of the repository.


Logs can be printed on stdout (default):

  type: stdout
  level: INFO

Or in a file

  type: file
  path: /path/to/release_watcher.log
  level: INFO

Allowed levels are : DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR.


  threads: 2
  runMode: once|repeat
  sleepDuration: duration in seconds

Watchers are executed in a thread pool with threads threads.

With runMode: once (default), the program simply exits once the results are written to the outputs.

Using runMode: repeat, the program never stops (until interrupted) and sleeps for sleepDuration between each execution.


This section contains common configurations shared by multiple watcher types. These settings can also be defined at the watcher level, but it's easier to have default values set once here.

They are grouped by services.



    username: name
    password: password or pat
    timeout: 10
    rate_limit_wait_max: 120

These settings are applied by default on github_release, github_tag and github_commit watchers.

  • username : username to access the GitHub API
  • password : password or personal access token to access GitHub API
  • timeout : timeout in seconds for each request
  • rate_limit_wait_max : maximum number of seconds allowed to wait if the rate limit is exceeded

When authenticated, GitHub has a much high rate limit.


    timeout: 10

These settings are applied by default on docker_registry watchers.

  • timeout : timeout in seconds for each request


    timeout: 10

These settings are applied by default on pypi watchers.

  • timeout : timeout in seconds for each request


    timeout: 10

These settings are applied by default on raw_html watchers.

  • timeout : timeout in seconds for each request


Multiple sources can be used at the same time.


Watchers can be configured inline in the main configuration file :

  - type: inline
      - [watcher_1]
      - [watcher_n]


  - type: file
    path: /path/to/watchers.yml
  - type: file
    path: /path/to/watchers.d/*.yml

If path doesn't start with a /, it is assumed to be relative to the main configuration file directory.

path supports globs.

The external file has the same structure as the watchers sub element :

  - [watcher_1]
  - [watcher_n]


Each watcher configures a thing to watch new releases for.

Docker image

You can watch for a docker image in any v2 registry.

- name: PythonAlpineImage
  type: docker_registry
  image: python
  tag: 3.7.2-alpine3.8
  rate_limit_wait_max: 120
    - 3\.[7-9]\.[0-9]+-alpine3\.8
    - .*rc[0-9]*-.*
    - .*[ab][1-9]-.*
  • name: optional name for the watcher. Defaults to [repo]:[image]
  • repo: the domain of the docker registry.

For DockerHub, you need to use the real repo domain :

  • image: the docker image to watch

For the DockerHub repo (, if the image name doesn't contain a /, library/ is automatically added (example : python becomes library/python)

  • tag: the currently used tag
  • includes: an optional list of regular expressions that a tag must match to be considered
  • excludes: an optional list of regular expressions that a tag must not match to be considered

In the example above, we are watching new tags on the python image on DockerHub. We only want tags for a python v3.x.x based on alpine 3.8 (include 3\.[7-9]\.[0-9]+-alpine3\.8) We also want to ignore RCs (exclude .*rc[0-9]*-.*) and alphas/betas (exclude .*[ab][1-9]-.*)

If tag is found in the repo, only newer tags are listed.

GitHub Release

You can watch for a release in a GitHub repository.

- name: DateUtil
  type: github_release
  repo: dateutil/dateutil
  release: 2.6.0
  username: name
  password: password or pat
  rate_limit_wait_max: 120
    - ^2\.6\.
  • name: optional name for the watcher. Defaults to [repo]
  • repo: the repository name
  • release: the currently used release (based on the release tag name)
  • username : username to access the GitHub API
  • password : password or personal access token to access GitHub API
  • rate_limit_wait_max : maximum number of seconds allowed to wait if the rate limit is exceeded
  • includes: an optional list of regular expressions that a tag must match to be considered
  • excludes: an optional list of regular expressions that a tag must not match to be considered

In the example above, we are watching new releases on the dateutil/dateutil repository on GitHub. We also only want to consider new 2.6.x releases.

If release is found in the repo, only newer releases are listed.

GitHub Tag

You can watch for a tag in a GitHub repository.

- name: PyYAML
  type: github_tag
  repo: yaml/pyyaml
  tag: 4.1
  username: name
  password: password or pat
  rate_limit_wait_max: 120
    - .*
    - .*[ab][1-9]$
  • name: optional name for the watcher. Defaults to [repo]
  • repo: the repository name
  • tag: the currently used tag
  • username : username to access the GitHub API
  • password : password or personal access token to access GitHub API
  • rate_limit_wait_max : maximum number of seconds allowed to wait if the rate limit is exceeded
  • includes: an optional list of regular expressions that a tag must match to be considered
  • excludes: an optional list of regular expressions that a tag must not match to be considered

In the example above, we are watching new tags on the yaml/pyyaml repository on GitHub. We also want to ignore alphas/betas (exclude .*[ab][1-9]$)

If tag is found on the repo, only newer tags are listed.

Note : the tag API doesn't list the tag date, it requires an additional API call to the commit API. If possible, prefer the 'GitHub Release' watcher.

GitHub Commit

You can watch for commits in a GitHub repository.

- name: PythonDockerSource
  type: github_commit
  repo: docker-library/python
  branch: master
  commit: f6e98ea8b8ef4e9a520e05d481d2640a35f9542c
  username: name
  password: password or pat
  rate_limit_wait_max: 120
  • name: optional name for the watcher. Defaults to [repo]
  • repo: the repository name
  • branch: the branch to scan
  • commit: the current commit hash
  • username : username to access the GitHub API
  • password : password or personal access token to access GitHub API
  • rate_limit_wait_max : maximum number of seconds allowed to wait if the rate limit is exceeded

In the example above, we are watching new tags on the docker-library/python repository on GitHub.

If commit is found on the repo, only newer tags are listed.

PyPI release

You can watch for releases of a PyPI package.

- name: PyYAML
  type: pypi
  package: PyYAML
  version: 5.1.0
    - 5\..*
    - .*[ab][1-9]$
  • name: optional name for the watcher. Defaults to [package]
  • package: the package name
  • version: the current version
  • includes: an optional list of regular expressions that a version must match to be considered
  • excludes: an optional list of regular expressions that a version must not match to be considered

In the example above, we are watching new releases of the PyYAML package. We only want to consider versions 5.* and ignore betas (exclude .*[ab] [1-9]$)


You can watch for items in an HTML page.

This watcher requires css selectors configured to be able to extract the items in the page, and find their id and date.

This method is probably the most unstable one, as a skin change on the page might break the whole watcher.

Using other watchers, when applicable, is preferred.

- name: Gogs
  type: raw_html
  id: 6bd08a0b6f
  container_selector: "#commits-table"
  item_selector: "tbody tr"
  id_selector: "[class~=sha]"
  id_attribute: ""
  date_selector: "[class~=time-since]"
  date_attribute: "title"
  reverse: False
    username: your_username
    password: your_password
  • name: optional name for the watcher. Defaults to [page_url]
  • page_url: the page URL
  • id: the current id

Selectors are used with Beautiful Soup select() method to find the items in the HTML

  • container_selector: optional selector of an element that contains the list of items to analyse.

Empty by default : the whole page is searched.

If provided, items are looked inside the first found container.

  • item_selector : selector used to find items
  • id_selector : selector of the id of an item. The first matching element is used.
  • id_attribute : optional attribute used to extract the id value from the id element.

Empty by default : the text content of the item element will be used (<span>item-id<span>)

If provided, will used the attribute on the item element (<span sha="item-id"><span>)

  • date_selector : selector of the date of an item. The first matching element is used.
  • date_attribute : optional attribute used to extract the date value from the date element.

Empty by default : the text content of the item element will be used (<span>date<span>)

If provided, will used the attribute on the item element (<span release-date="date"><span>)

  • reverse : False by default, the list of items has newer items first.

Set it to true if new items are last.

As this watcher doesn't handle pagination, it will only consider items displayed on the page !

  • basic_auth : optional basic authentication settings

In the example above, we are watching new commits on the Gogs repository hosted on


Once new releases have been found, you need to save the output.

Multiple outputs can be configured at the same time.

YAML file

You can export the outputs to a YAML file.

- type: yaml_file
  path: /path/to/out.yaml
  displayUpToDate: yes
  • path: path to the yaml file

If path doesn't start with a /, it is assumed to be relative to the main configuration file directory.

  • displayUpToDate: if set to no, only watchers with new releases will be listed

The generated file will contain a list of results, each with :

  • currentRelease : the current release
  • currentReleaseDate : the date of the current release
  • name : the watcher name
    • for example docker_repo:docker_image:tag
  • missedReleaseCount : the number of missed releases
  • missedReleases : the list of missed releases, with a date and name for each one of them
  • newestRelease : the newest release, with a date and name
  • type : the watcher type

Example :

- currentRelease: 3.7.2-alpine3.8
  currentReleaseDate: 2019-03-07 22:47:31.896533+00:00
  missedReleaseCount: 2
  - date: '2019-05-11 02:03:33.380024+00:00'
    name: 3.7.3-alpine3.9
  - date: '2019-05-08 00:13:13.242555+00:00'
    name: 3.7.3-alpine3.8
  name: PythonImage
    date: '2019-05-11 02:03:33.380024+00:00'
    name: 3.7.3-alpine3.9
  type: docker_registry

CSV File

You can export the outputs to a CSV file.

- type: csv_file
  path: /path/to/out.csv
  displayUpToDate: yes
  displayHeaders: yes
  • path: path to the csv file

If path doesn't start with a /, it is assumed to be relative to the main configuration file directory.

  • displayUpToDate (optional, default yes): if set to no, only watchers with new releases will be listed
  • displayHeaders (optional, default yes): if set to no, the header line is skipped

The generated file will contain 1 row for each result, with the following columns :

  • Type: the watcher type
  • Name: the watcher name
  • Current release: the current release
  • Current release date: the date of the current release
  • Missed releases: the number of missed releases
  • Newest release: the newest release name
  • Newest release date: the newest release date

For example :

Type,Name,Current release,Current release date,Missed releases,Newest release,Newest release date
docker_registry,PythonImage,3.7.2-alpine3.8,2019-03-07 22:47:31.896533+00:00,2,3.7.3-alpine3.9,2019-05-11 02:03:33.380024+00:00

Prometheus File

You can export the outputs to a Prometheus file.

- type: prometheus_file
  path: /path/to/out.prom
  • path: path to the prom file

If path doesn't start with a /, it is assumed to be relative to the main configuration file directory.

The exported metrics are :

  • releasewatcher_new_releases_total : the number of missed releases
  • releasewatcher_release_age_seconds : the age (in seconds) of the current release
    • this metric doesn't handle time zones well, so it should be used at the days scope to make sense
    • if the current release is not found (too old to be on the first 'page' of results), it will be set to +Inf

These metrics have the following labels :

  • name : the watcher name
  • type : the watcher type

For example :

# HELP releasewatcher_new_releases_total Number of new releases
# TYPE releasewatcher_new_releases_total gauge
releasewatcher_new_releases_total{name="PyYAML PyPI",type="pypi"} 2.0
releasewatcher_release_age_seconds{name="PyYAML PyPI",type="pypi"} +Inf

Prometheus Http endpoint

You can expose the outputs on an HTTP endpoint to be scraped by a Prometheus instance.

- type: prometheus_http
  port: 8080
  • port: port to expose

The metrics will be available on http://[host_ip]:[port]/

The exported metrics are :

  • releasewatcher_new_releases_total : the number of missed releases
  • releasewatcher_release_age_seconds : the age (in seconds) of the current release
    • this metric doesn't handle time zones well, so it should be used at the days scope to make sense
    • if the current release is not found (too old to be on the first page of results), it will be set to +Inf

These metrics have the following labels :

  • name : the watcher name
  • type : the watcher type

For example :

[many python standard metrics]

# HELP releasewatcher_new_releases_total Number of new releases
# TYPE releasewatcher_new_releases_total gauge
releasewatcher_new_releases_total{name="PyYAML PyPI",type="pypi"} 2.0
releasewatcher_release_age_seconds{name="PyYAML PyPI",type="pypi"} +Inf

Note : this exporter only makes sense with core.runMode set to repeat. When using core.runMode = once, the HTTP server will start and shutdown immediately.