This page outlines the usage of library for providing runtime permission on Android.
- Includes pure Kotlin implementation of Runtime Permission Handler
- Includes android counter part implementation to support Runtime Permission Handler with Android Lifecycles
- Permission - Enumeration with primary types of device permissions
- IPermissionsController - Handler for runtime permission requests can be used in the common code with lifecycle safety for Android
- PermissionDeniedException and PermissionDeniedAlwaysException - Exceptions to handle user denial of permissions
- The full list can be found in
enum.- Camera: Permission.CAMERA
- Gallery: Permission.GALLERY
- Storage read: Permission.STORAGE
- Storage write: Permission.WRITE_STORAGE
- Fine location: Permission.LOCATION
- Coarse location: Permission.COARSE_LOCATION
- Remote notifications: Permission.REMOTE_NOTIFICATION
- Audio recording: Permission.RECORD_AUDIO
The AndrioidPermissionController is constructor injected in the viewmodel using HILT.
class ExampleViewModel(
exceptionHandler: IAndroidExceptionHandler,
permissionHandler: IAndroidPermissionsController,
logger: AppLogger) : BaseViewModel(exceptionHandler, permissionHandler, logger) {
fun requestForGalleryPermission() {
viewModelScope.launch {
exceptionHandler.handle { // Automatic Exception Handler
// Permission has been granted successfully.
} .catch<Exception> {
val handled: Boolean = when (it) {
is PermissionDeniedAlwaysException -> {
// Permission is always denied.
// show rational in activity by callback
// we tell the exceptionHandler that
// we are handling the error by our own & return
// true to tell the system to ignore
is PermissionDeniedException -> {
// Permission was denied.
// show system level default error
else -> false // here the system is instructed to handle the error
class ExampleActivity : BaseActivity<ActivityResourceBinding, ExampleViewModel>() {
// Here the Baseactivity already binds the permission handler to activity lifecycle.
override val viewModel by viewModels<ExampleViewModel>()
override fun getLayoutRes() = R.layout.activity_example
override fun initViewModel(viewModel: ExampleViewModel) {
binding.viewModel = viewModel
// request the permission from the corresponding viewmodel
binding.button.setOnClickListener {