This page outlines the usage of library for providing Biometry authentication to login user on Android.
- Includes Android & Kotlin implementation for Biometry authentication
- IAndroidBiometryAuthenticator - Biometry authentication controller to access fingerprint or pattern
The AndroidBiometryAuthenticator
is constructor injected in the viewmodel using HILT.
class ExampleViewModel(
exceptionHandler: IAndroidExceptionHandler,
permissionHandler: IAndroidPermissionsController,
logger: AppLogger,
val biometryAuthenticator: IAndroidBiometryAuthenticator) : BaseViewModel(exceptionHandler, permissionHandler, logger) {
fun openBiometricAuthenticator() {
viewModelScope.launch {
try {
val isSuccess: Boolean =
biometryAuthenticator.checkBiometryAuthentication("Just for test", "Oops")
if (isSuccess) {
// action to handle after authentication
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
// action to handler after failure
class ExampleActivity : BaseActivity<ActivityExampleBinding, ExampleViewModel>() {
override val viewModel by viewModels<ExampleViewModel>()
override fun getLayoutRes() = R.layout.activity_example
override fun initViewModel(viewModel: ExampleViewModel) {
binding.viewModel = viewModel
// bind authenticator to lifecycle
viewModel.biometryAuthenticator.bind(lifecycle, supportFragmentManager)
// request the information from the corresponding ViewModel
binding.button.setOnClickListener {