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GitHub Training Scripts

This directory contains several scripts used to set up and facilitate our classes.

First Time Usage

Remote Configuration

To use these scripts, please follow these steps first:

  • Create an organization that will house all student repositories. Something like "githubtraining" or "githubschool" will work, but any name will work.

  • If you're using GitHub Enterprise Server, and access to is limited within your organization, import the following repos and all their branches to your GitHub organization: caption-this, conflict-practice, github-games. You'll need access to to perform this one-time operation.

    Note: For the caption-this repository to function properly, the baseurl parameter in _config.yml needs to be the exact same as the GH pages link generated by GHE.

  • Ensure your user account is an owner of the newly created training org, and add any other trainers as owners of the org. Alternatively, you can create a separate teaching account that all trainers have access to, and make that teaching account an owner of the org.

  • Create a Personal Access Token for your user account, or the shared teaching account. You'll need this for the local configuration.

    • Important note: You must have repository creation privileges. Additionally, your personal access token must include the scopes repo and delete_repo.
  • OPTIONAL: If you want to collect feedback from the class, have a URL ready. You can use services such as SurveyMonkey or Google Forms.

  • OPTIONAL: If you're going to offer participants one-on-one appointments, determine the URL participants will use to schedule those. We use You'll need the URL later.

OPTIONAL: Run scripts on a development container or GitHub Codespaces environment

This repository has Visual Studio Code's development container configuration, so you can run these scripts on Remote-Container or GitHub Codespaces. For details, see:

The environment is based on Ubuntu 21.04 and includes:

  • Bash
  • Python 3.10
  • Node.js 16.x
  • jq
  • envsubst
  • http (HTTPie)

Local Configuration

Generally speaking, we'll create a .trainingmanualrc in your home directory, and source that file from your Bash or ZSH profile. The scripts take care of doing that for you. When performing an operation using the training scripts, the variables specified in your ~/.trainingmanualrc file will be used.

Here's how to get your local environment up and running:

  1. install jq

  2. run script/teach-class and choose option 0 to set up your environment variables. You'll need the following pieces of information from above:

    • the title of your newly created training organization
    • your username, or the username of a shared teaching account
    • (optional) the URL to surveys to collect feedback
    • (optional) the URL for one-on-one appointments
  3. exit your terminal session and start a new one

  4. run script/teach-class and choose the option for the task you need

Class Scripts


This script is used to run an entire class and is comprised of some of the scripts that are identified below.

Usage: script/teach-class

Note: This requires jq to be installed. Installation instructions are provided here. The first time you execute script/teach-class, choose option **0** to configure the script within your organization.


This is contained within the teach-class script.

This script is used to create a new class repository for GitHub for Developers based on the class template based on the virtual class content.

Usage: script/new-virtual REPO-NAME


This is contained within the teach-class script.

This script is used to create a unique repository for each user to practice resolving merge conflicts. It pulls the names from the repository used on day 1.

Usage: script/create-conflict-repos


This is contained within the teach-class script.

This script is used to check whether students have resolved the merge conflicts in their individual repos and writes those results back to the day 1 repository.

Usage: script/check-conflict-repos


This is contained within the teach-class script.

This script is used to create an individual game repository for each student where they will learn how troubleshoot using log, show, diff, bisect, etc. It pulls the names from the repository used on day 1 and will also create a repository for githubteacher.

Usage: script/create-game-repos


This script is used to determine whether the students successfully fixed their game and writes those results back to the day 1 repository.

Usage: script/check-game-repos


This script is used to reset the github-games repository in githubschool using the template in githubtraining. It will also delete the copy of the game from the githubteacher account.

Usage: script/reset-game


  • jq not found

    If you are on Windows and download the .exe (instead of using Chocolatey), you will get a file named jq-win64 or similar. You would need to add the folder where you store the .exe to the PATH and rename the .exe to just jq.

  • new-virtual line 52 error "No such file or directory"

    Make sure your PAT includes the scopes of repo and delete_repo. If you edited the scopes, it might automatically remove the SSO authorization and you would need to re-authorize it again.