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Cornell Tech x National Zoning Atlas: Understanding Zoning Codes with Large Language Models


This repository is the result of a collaboration between the team led by Sara Bronin at the National Zoning Atlas and a team of researchers under Alexander Rush at Cornell Tech.

The National Zoning Atlas (NZA) is working to depict key aspects of zoning codes in an online, user-friendly map. This currently requires extensive human effort to manually review zoning codes and extract information for each zoning district within each jurisdiction in the country.

The goal of this project is to use Large Language Models (LLMs) in conjunction with other natural language processing (NLP) techniques to automatically extract structured, relevant information from U.S. Zoning Code documents, so as to help the NZA team expand the reach of its atlas.


First of all, clone the repository and cd into it.

This repository contains a number of experiments, as well as an automated evaluation pipeline. Dependencies are managed using pip. (Note that this repository has been tested only with Python 3.10.) To setup your development environment, run the following:

brew install pdm
pdm install

or on Linux:

curl -sSL | python3 -

Download Existing Artifacts

To use existing artifacts produced by our team, you will need to obtain access to our Azure Blob Storage. You will need to obtain a credentialed connection string to this blob storage, and add it to your local DVC configuration using the following command:

pdm run dvc remote modify --local cornell-aap-azure connection_string <YOUR CONNECTION STRING HERE>

Request the Connection String from Angky, Jan, Justin or Ruslana.

Once you have the DVC remote added, you can pull all existing pipeline data using:

pdm run dvc pull

Generate/Update Artifacts

Do not run this if you successfully downloaded existing artifacts, unless you really want to re-parse the PDFs.

If you do not have access to the Azure Blob storage or if you wish to generate your own results, you can place any number of PDF documents at data/orig-documents.

You will need an OpenAI API key available in your environment.


Your environment will also need to have credentials to an AWS IAM identity with permissions to use AWS Textract and read/write access to an S3 bucket.

# OR
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=***

or, you can have it all in a .env file and setup the AWS login via their CLI


We also need to run the eval function as a module. In .vscode create a file nammed launch.json with the following configuration.:

  // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
  // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
  // For more information, visit:
  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "Python: Module",
      "type": "python",
      "request": "launch",
      "module": "zoning.data_processing.eval",
      "justMyCode": true,
      "args": [

Before running elastic search, make sure to install the relevant dependencies on your .venv // pdm

source .venv/bin/activate
pdm install

You will need to update params.yaml to point to your S3 bucket. This bucket will be used to store your documents so that Textract can run OCR on them. Chang the orig_document_s3_bucket field to be your bucket name.

Finally, you will need to have an ElasticSearch cluster available at localhost:9200. If you don't have ElasticSearch setup, we provide brief instructions to run a local cluster below.

Once everything running, you can generate a full set of results using the following command:

pdm run dvc repro

Depending on how many documents you provide, running this may take quite some time. Anticipate associated costs with using the AWS Textract and OpenAI APIs. When processing is complete, evaluation metrics will be available in data/results/eval.yaml and the actual generated responses will be available in data/results/eval.csv.

Running experiments

To run experiments, we recommend using DVC Experiments, which this repository is setup for.

Go setup the ElasticSearch+Docker stuff first. The instructions are at the bottom of this readme. After setting up the index, you may have to run the following command to reset the index.

pdm run python -m zoning.data_processing.index_towns

To run an experiment you can do the following:

pdm run python -m zoning.data_processing.eval --num-eval-rows 30 --terms min_lot_size --search-method elasticsearch --extraction-method tournament_reduce --k 10

You can view the metrics/results in data/results/eval.{yaml,csv}.

In order to run an experiment that changes hyperparameters and forces the run instead of caching , you can run something like:

pdm run dvc exp run -S -S eval.extraction-method=tournament_reduce -S eval.k=12 evaluate --force

This will run evaluation with your hyperparameters set to the desired values and log the results to DVC's experiments tracker. When you have an experiment that you want to commit, run the following commands:

pdm run dvc apply <experiment-name> # Apply your experiment results to the working tree
git add --update # Add all tracked files that changed to the git index
git commit -m "<your-commit-message>" # Commit
pdm run dvc push # Push DVC-tracked changes to Azure
git push # Push Git-tracked changes to Github

Tracking experiments methodically in this way ensures that we don't lose track of good or interesting results, and helps with reproducing them down the road.

It also lets us perform data science on experiment results to better understand trends of results. See maxdumas/exp_analysis.ipynb for a basic example of this.

To output all experiment results as a csv for analysis using Pandas, Polars, etc. you can run a command like:

pdm run dvc exp show --csv -A > exps.csv




Running an ElasticSearch Cluster locally

A Docker Compose setup for running a full ElasticSearch stack with Logstash and Kibana is provided by the Docker Organization. This is the easiest way to run ElasticSearch locally, but it requires having Docker available on your machine.

If you have Docker available, you can clone the repository and start the cluster by running:

git clone
cd awesome-compose/elasticsearch-logstash-kibana
docker compose up

The initial startup may take some time.

Instructions for adding new terms

STEP 1: Edit/review thesaurus
  • Ensure that the new term is in the thesaurus (ex. “min unit size”)
  • Ensure that relevant identifier terms like “max” or “min” are included in thesaurus (ex. “min” for “min unit size”)
  • Add expected dimensions (and its variations) for the term to thesaurus (ex. ["square feet", "sq ft", "sf", "s.f.", "sq. ft.", "SF", "sq. ft", "sqft", "sq.ft.”] for “min unit size”)
STEP 2: Check ground_truth.csv file
  • Ensure that the two columns corresponding to the term are in the ground_truth.csv file
    • f”{term}_gt”: This is the ground truth answer
    • f”{term}_page_gt”: This is the ground truth page where you would expect to find the answer
  • Note that evaluation metrics will only be produced if this data is present. The model will run and produce results anyway but will not produce evaluation metrics if the ground truth columns are missing.
STEP 3: Add term to
  • In order to run the model for a term, add the term as string to terms list in zoning/data_processing/ (ex. “min unit size”) terms = ["min lot size", "min unit size"] # update to list of terms you want to run
STEP 4: Edit/review prompt
  • This will be under [templates/extraction_chat_completion.pmpt.tpl] for gpt-3.5 and gpt-4 or [templates/extraction_completion.pmpt.tpl] for gpt-3 "text-davinci-003"
  • We are using a few-shot prompting approach by providing the model with various examples of formats in which it may find the answer. Though the generalized prompt should work for all numerical terms, you may edit the prompt or add additional examples to it if you believe that certain formats are missing.
  • The suggested path is to start with the default prompt and edit it while debugging if you find multiple instances of a format that is not captured by the prompt. It is advised to not add very extreme cases as examples in the prompt because if it is just an outlier, it will not affect model performance significantly.
STEP 5: Run
  • Run using command python -m zoning.data_processing.eval from root directory
STEP 6: View results
  • View metrics in eval.yaml and results in eval.csv in the [data/results] folder

Debugging and improvement tips

  • When adding a new term, first establish a baseline by following the steps above.
  • Debugging and improving page recall (search):
    • Note that you can only debug search if you have the data for the ground truth page for the term.
    • The main reason for poor search recall is typically the lack of a fleshed out thesaurus. The best way to debug this is to add more terms to the thesaurus by manually going over the cases where it does not find the correct page and seeing what term is used in that zoning doc.
    • We are currently using a simple elastic search query for search. You may want to experiment with faiss indexing (embeddings based search) as it may work better for cases where a fleshed out thesaurus is not available.
  • Debugging and improving answer accuracy (extraction):
    • In order to improve answer accuracy, it is important to understand the types of errors. The different types of errors are:
      • Incorrect answer because correct page not found (this can likely be addressed by improving page recall performance)
      • Incorrect answer despite correct page being found
        • Answer in complex table, model returns NaN/incorrect cell (this is a common error and we have found that even GPT-4 makes such errors when tables are complex and especially when keywords like “Minimum” and “Lot Size” are split up into different cells of the table)
          • This can be addressed either by changing the way tables are represented in text or by providing examples in the prompt that capture such cases
        • Answer is in linked table/appendix that is inaccessible (this is not very common)
        • Text-based answer with not very obvious wording (the answer is in the text but the keywords used are different from what is in the thesaurus)
        • Complex answer with multiple values - the model just returns 1 of the others or something completely incorrect
  • Other things to look out for:
    • Sometimes (very rarely) the answer may be correct (or somewhat correct) but may be marked as wrong by our evaluation pipeline.
      • We have two evaluation workflows:
        • For simple numerical answers, we clean the model output (using regex) and convert it to a numerical value for direct comparison with expected value
        • For complex answers with multiple values, we pass the model output to another prompt that compared the expected and returned answers
      • For the numerical workflow, the evaluation pipeline may sometimes (very rarely) mark a correct answer as incorrect if it is not in the correct format or has an atypical unit. If this happens, you should update the clean_string_units function in zoning/prompting/ to include the edge case you found.
      • For the complex answer workflow, our method is not perfect, so you may want to iterate on the prompt to improve evaluation performance.


# Compute page accuracy
pdm run python -m zoning.data_processing.eval --num-eval-rows 30 --terms min_lot_size --search-method experiment_3 --extraction-method tournament_reduce --k 10 --tournament-k 1
# Compute page recall@10
pdm run python -m zoning.data_processing.eval --num-eval-rows 30 --terms min_lot_size --search-method experiment_3 --extraction-method map --k 10 --tournament-k 1

The results + csvs are saved in data/results/snapshots/*.{yaml,csv}.