Installation of the following on a local machine
- Installation (Debian): How to Install Apache Maven on Debian 11
- Installation (Debian): Install Docker Engine
*Note:*If the os is a fork from Debian, e.g. LMDE, replace $(. /etc/os-release && echo “$VERSION_CODENAME”) with $(echo ) Where e.g. bookworm (lowercase) for Debian.
- Installation (Debian): Install Docker Engine
- The latest release of hapi-fhir can be found at
- The changelog can be found at
Go to repo
Create a new branch named update/
edit pom.xml
- Set the
to the relevant hapi-fhir version - Set the
to the same hapi-fhir version.
- Set the
Within the validator folder run the following:
- $
mvn clean install
- $
docker build -t fhir-validator-r4 .
- $
docker tag fhir-validator-r4:latest <account id><hapi-fhir version-number>
- $
docker tag fhir-validator-r4:latest <account id>
- $
Login in to the AWS website
Click ‘Command line or programmatic access’ within NHS Digital IOPS FHIR dev
Sign into AWS using either:
- Copy option 1 if using bash / windows / powershell
- Copy Option 2 into credentials.txt if you have aws toolkit installed
- $
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <account id>
- $
docker push fhir-validator-r4:<hapi-fhir version-number> <account id><hapi-fhir version-number>
- $
The above cmd can be found within<account id>/fhir-validator-r4?region=eu-west-2
under 'View push commands'.
- In AWS go to ‘Management console’
Search for ECR
Ensure the server is set to ‘eu-west-2’
On the LHS choose repositories
Within Private repositories choose ‘fhir-validator-r4’
Ensure the latest image is the recently uploaded version.
Search for ECS
Go to ‘Task definitions’ (on LHS)
Choose ‘iops-fhir-validation-service’
Choose latest revision
Choose ‘Create new revision’
Go to ‘Container-1’ section
Update the version number within the Image URI
Click ‘Create’
Go to Clusters (on LHS)
Choose ‘iops-fhir-r4’
Choose ‘svc-fhir-validator’
Click ‘Update service’
Change ‘Revision’ to the latest version
Click ‘Update’ This will start the checks. Logs can be found within CloudWatch. ECS is set up for 1 task only so the previous task will shut down automatically.
Once the validator update has been checked to ensure no issues with the build create a GitHub PR and get it approved. Once approved create a new release and detail the changes made.
$ mvn spring-boot:run