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Spring WEB pet-project

Demo implementation of an air travel REST service for airport staff

Development manual to get started:

Work environment settings:

  • Java 17
  • PostgreSQL 16.3
  • Maven 3.9.7

Frameworks used in the project:

  • Spring Boot 3.3.2

Project technologies:

  • Spring:
    • Boot
    • MVC
    • Data JPA
    • Security
  • Lombok
  • Mockito testing
  • Swagger UI

Implemented features:

  • Logging calls and errors in methods of services and controllers using aspects (configured in yaml configuration)
  • User authorization using JWT token
  • Using pagination in queries
  • Swagger UI with JWT authorization and detailed documentation for API testing

Content definitions:

After importing main database in PostgreSQL, use specified requests for creating additional database for simple Spring Security users authentications

-- Creating new user 'pilot' with password 'pilot' for database connections

-- Creating extension for uuid auto generator

-- Creating flights_users table in public scheme
CREATE TABLE public.flights_users (
    id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    username character varying(255) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
    password character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    roles character varying[] NOT NULL,
    active boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL

-- Grant privileges to users table for 'pilot' database user 
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON TABLE public.flights_users TO pilot;

Before run:

Set up next environment variables:

FLIGHTS_SPRING_ROOT_USERNAME - root access username

FLIGHTS_SPRING_ROOT_PASSWORD - root access user password

FLIGHTS_SPRING_JWT_SECRET - secret key for spring security JWT Token encoding

FLIGHTS_SPRING_POSTGRES_URL - postgres flights database url

FLIGHTS_SPRING_POSTGRES_USERNAME - postgres flights database username

FLIGHTS_SPRING_POSTGRES_PASSWORD - postgres flights database user password


API documentation (SwaggerHUB)

Realized endpoints:

1. Airports API (/flights/api/v1/airports) - working with airport data (for authorized users)

  • /cities - getting all cities from the database
  • /city - getting airports in a specific city

2. Flights API (/flights/api/v1/flights) - working with air travel data (for authorized users)

  • /schedule - getting airport schedules
  • /ticket_number - getting flights by ticket number
  • /phone - getting flights using the passenger's phone number
  • /email - getting flights via passenger email

3. Tickets API (/flights/api/v1/tickets) - working with passenger ticket data (for authorized users)

  • /phone - getting a list of tickets by passenger phone number
  • /email - getting a list of tickets by passenger email

4. Auth API (/flights/api/v1/tickets/auth) - user authorization (permit to all)

  • /login - API authorization
  • /refresh_token - JWT token update
  • /check_access - API availability check

5. Admin API (/flights/api/v1/tickets/admin) - administration service (for users with the ADMIN role)

  • /users/new - creating a new user
  • /users/delete - deleting a user by name
  • /users/active - setting user activity by name
  • /users/close_access - closing access to the API for technical work (except for the open Auth API and users with the ADMIN role)
  • /users/open_access - opening access to the API for users