It can be really difficult and frustrating to get an editor set up.
These guidelines aim to help make this process as easy as possible.
I recommend using a
skeleton like this:
# Elm Plugin for X
## Install
- [Mac](install/
- [Linux](install/
- [Windows](install/
## Highlighted Features
- [Compile this file](features/ (Ctrl+B)
- [Format this file](features/ (Cmd+K Cmd+F)
## Additional Features
- [Format on Save](features/ ([enable](features/
- [Jump to Definition](features/ (Cmd+Click)
- [Find Usages](features/ (Ctrl+Shift+U)
- [Bulk Rename](features/ (Ctrl+R)
- ...
The rest of this document gets into the particulars of each section.
I usually end up opening my README a bunch of times on GitHub to make sure it is possible to scan through. I often find myself adding <br>
and changing things around because it looks like something I would not read. Typesetting is a big factor!
Put this above everything else so it is easy to find.
Many editors come with a bunch of pre-installed plugins, so people may have been using the editor for years without needing to know how install new plugins. This means this is the most important information in the whole README because it blocks people from using any of the features!
The links should go to documents that explain all the tricky corner cases.
Use the install instructions for the Sublime Text as a model:
It is possible to do all this with keyboard shortcuts, but I found that the directions were easiest to follow when they just used images with big yellow arrows like this. Having the images be specific to the operating system makes people a lot more confident that they are doing things correctly. The bold text in those directions is also important. Emphasize the essentials of each image in text just in case!
The goal is to avoid overwhelming newcomers with features.
It can be overwhelming to see a bunch of possibilities all at once. Having fewer bullets somehow makes them easier to understand.
No more than three very short bullets.
Bullets that fit on one line are way easier to read, particularly if they are under five words. Start with a link to a file explaining the feature in more detail. (Guidelines for these files are in the next section.) Then have the keyboard shortcut. Specify explicitly if the keyboard shortcut is different between Mac, Linux, and Windows.
Pick keyboard shortcuts that a newcomer would want.
Newcomers are mostly just trying to get a file compiling on their computer. They are often stressed out because they have recently had to install software, so pick things that do not require more installation. Newcomers may not be super familiar with all Elm features yet (e.g. types) so try to pick things that do not rely on knowing a bunch of things already.
These should look basically the same as the "Highlighted Features" except that there are more of them. Each feature should have an entry in the features/
directory. Those files would be something like this:
# Format On Save
Run `elm-format` whenever you save a file.
This is useful for Elm projects with many team members. You can save
time in code review if your files are just always formatted this way.
This feature may lead to slight delays (<500ms) when saving.
## Enable
Go to **Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> Elm Format on Save -> Settings**
You will see two panels. The left is all the defaults and the right is your custom overrides. So in the right panel, you can override the default settings with something like:
## Demo

The first line is a short description of the feature. Avoid wrapping to a second line!
The second line is a description of who wants it and why.
The third line is a performance disclosure. It explicitly describes any RAM overhead or battery implications for people who care about that sort of thing. "Enabling this feature will keep about 10MB in memory per file" or "Enabling this feature will do work on each keystroke, so it will shorten battery life." These should be as quantitative as possible, matching up with your perf table.
Check out the elm-format-on-save plugin for a baseline of what it looks like to have enable/disable settings. People may not need screenshots of everything at this phase, but the convention of bolding things like Sublime Text -> Preferences is still helpful.
Having more things in a document somehow makes it harder to understand overall, so it is best to have as few sections as possible.
Try to answer the questions of newcomers directly, and provide links to materials that people may find interesting once they have been using your plugin for a while.