Platform API version: 8952
/api/v2/organizations/limits/namespaces/{namespaceName}/limits/{limitName}/counts (1 change)
- Path /api/v2/organizations/limits/namespaces/{namespaceName}/limits/{limitName}/counts was removed
/api/v2/organizations/limits/namespaces/{namespaceName}/counts (1 change)
- Path /api/v2/organizations/limits/namespaces/{namespaceName}/counts was removed
POST /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings (1 change)
- Parameter includePauseAnnotationsForScreenRecordings was added
GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/extensionpools (1 change)
- Parameter divisionId was added
GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/mediarequests (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
POST /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId}/messages (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
POST /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId}/typing (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId} (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
DELETE /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId} (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/messages/{messageId} (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/messages (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
GET /api/v2/widgets/deployments/{deploymentId} (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
PUT /api/v2/widgets/deployments/{deploymentId} (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
DELETE /api/v2/widgets/deployments/{deploymentId} (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
GET /api/v2/widgets/deployments (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
POST /api/v2/widgets/deployments (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
ConversationEditedSummary (1 change)
- Model ConversationEditedSummary was removed
LimitCount (1 change)
- Model LimitCount was removed
LimitCountListing (1 change)
- Model LimitCountListing was removed
TimeOffRequestSettings (1 change)
- Model TimeOffRequestSettings was removed
ExternalOrganization (1 change)
- Property primaryContactId was removed
ConversationSessionSummary (1 change)
- Property editedSummary was changed from ConversationEditedSummary to ConversationEditedInput
ConversationSummary (1 change)
- Property editedSummary was changed from ConversationEditedSummary to ConversationEditedInput
SocialTopicResponse (1 change)
- Property dataIngestionRules was removed
BuSchedulingSettingsResponse (2 changes)
- Required property activitySmoothingType was added
- Required property induceScheduleVariability was added
ManagementUnitSettingsResponse (1 change)
- Property timeOff was changed from TimeOffRequestSettings to TimeOffSettingsResponse
ManagementUnitSettingsRequest (1 change)
- Property timeOff was changed from TimeOffRequestSettings to TimeOffSettingsRequest
CreateManagementUnitSettingsRequest (1 change)
- Property timeOff was changed from TimeOffRequestSettings to TimeOffSettingsRequest
/api/v2/externalcontacts/contacts/exports/{exportId} (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/externalcontacts/contacts/exports (3 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
- Operation POST was added
DELETE /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/open/{integrationId} (1 change)
- Response 412 was added
/api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/twitter/{integrationId} (4 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
- Operation DELETE was added
- Operation PATCH was added
/api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/twitter (3 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
- Operation POST was added
/api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/twitter/oauth/settings (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/{integrationId}/twitter/oauth/settings (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/socialmedia/analytics/aggregates/jobs/{jobId}/results (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/socialmedia/analytics/aggregates/jobs (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation POST was added
/api/v2/socialmedia/analytics/aggregates/jobs/{jobId} (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/socialmedia/analytics/messages/jobs (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation POST was added
/api/v2/socialmedia/analytics/messages/jobs/{jobId} (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/socialmedia/analytics/messages/jobs/{jobId}/results (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/socialmedia/topics/{topicId}/dataingestionrules (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/socialmedia/twitter/historical/tweets (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation POST was added
/api/v2/socialmedia/escalationrules/{escalationRuleId} (4 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
- Operation PUT was added
- Operation DELETE was added
/api/v2/socialmedia/escalationrules (3 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
- Operation POST was added
/api/v2/socialmedia/escalations/messages (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation POST was added
AnalyticsSession (1 change)
- Optional property deliveryPushed was added
SegmentDetailQueryPredicate (1 change)
- Enum value deliveryPushed was added to property dimension
ViewFilter (8 changes)
- Enum value Open was added to property botMessageTypes
- Enum value Instagram was added to property botMessageTypes
- Enum value Apple was added to property botMessageTypes
- Enum value AudioConnector was added to property botProductList
- Enum value BotConnector was added to property botProductList
- Enum value AllOptionsRejected was added to property botRecognitionFailureReasonList
- Optional property programIds was added
- Optional property categoryIds was added
ReportingExportJobResponse (1 change)
- Enum value VIRTUAL_AGENT_PERFORMANCE_VIEW was added to property viewType
SelectedCustomCalculationColumns (1 change)
- Model was added
ReportingExportMetadataJobResponse (1 change)
- Enum value VIRTUAL_AGENT_PERFORMANCE_VIEW was added to property viewType
ReportingExportJobRequest (1 change)
- Enum value VIRTUAL_AGENT_PERFORMANCE_VIEW was added to property viewType
ScriptEntityListing (1 change)
- Optional property truncatedDivisions was added
EvaluationForm (1 change)
- Optional property aiScoring was added
EvaluationQuestion (1 change)
- Optional property contextId was added
EvaluationQuestionGroup (1 change)
- Optional property contextId was added
ContactsExport (1 change)
- Model was added
ContactsExportFieldFilter (1 change)
- Model was added
ContactsExportFieldListFilter (1 change)
- Model was added
ContactsExportFilter (1 change)
- Model was added
ContactsExportQueryConditions (1 change)
- Model was added
ExportListing (1 change)
- Model was added
AiScoring (3 changes)
- Optional property failureType was added
- Optional property pending was added
- Optional property dateLastChanged was added
Evaluation (1 change)
- Optional property aiScoring was added
EvaluationQuestionScore (1 change)
- Optional property aiAnswer was added
DiagnosticsSettings (1 change)
- Model was added
OpenRichMediaSetting (1 change)
- Model was added
OutboundOnlySetting (1 change)
- Model was added
TwitterIntegration (1 change)
- Model was added
TwitterIntegrationUpdateRequest (1 change)
- Model was added
TwitterIntegrationRequest (1 change)
- Model was added
TwitterIntegrationEntityListing (1 change)
- Model was added
TwitterSignupOAuthSettings (1 change)
- Model was added
TwitterOAuthSettings (1 change)
- Model was added
ConversationEditedInput (1 change)
- Model was added
FeedbackAddRequest (1 change)
- Enum value Unknown was added to property rating
ResponseSet (1 change)
- Optional property liveSpeakerDetectionMode was added
EventMessage (2 changes)
- Enum value CAMPAIGN_WHATSAPP_HEADER_VALUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED was added to property code
- Enum value CAMPAIGN_WHATSAPP_BUTTON_URL_VALUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED was added to property code
ReplacementTerm (1 change)
- Enum value FACEBOOK was added to property type
SocialHandle (1 change)
- Enum value FACEBOOK was added to property type
DocumentBodyImageProperties (3 changes)
- Optional property width was added
- Optional property widthWithUnit was added
- Optional property altText was added
DocumentBodyTableCellBlockProperties (1 change)
- Optional property widthWithUnit was added
DocumentBodyTableProperties (1 change)
- Optional property widthWithUnit was added
DocumentBodyVideoProperties (2 changes)
- Optional property width was added
- Optional property height was added
KnowledgeExportJobFilter (1 change)
- Optional property exclude was added
LogCaptureUserConfiguration (1 change)
- Optional property captureMethod was added
EvaluationFormResponse (1 change)
- Optional property aiScoring was added
EvaluationResponse (1 change)
- Optional property aiScoring was added
SocialMediaAggregateDataContainer (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialMediaAggregateMetricData (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialMediaAsyncAggregateQueryResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialMediaStatisticalResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialMediaStatisticalSummary (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialMediaAsyncAggregationQuery (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialMediaQueryClause (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialMediaQueryFilter (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialMediaQueryPredicate (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialMediaAsyncDetailQuery (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialMediaAsyncDetailQueryResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialMediaDetailDataContainer (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialMediaDetailMessageContainer (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialMediaMessageEscalationInfo (1 change)
- Model was added
DataIngestionRuleResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
DataIngestionRuleResponseEntityListing (1 change)
- Model was added
TweetUsage (1 change)
- Model was added
TwitterDataHistoricalTweetResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
TwitterDataHistoricalTweetRequest (1 change)
- Model was added
EscalationRuleResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
EscalationTarget (1 change)
- Model was added
OverrideEscalationTarget (1 change)
- Model was added
EscalationRuleRequest (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialEscalationResponseEntityListing (1 change)
- Model was added
ManualEscalationResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
ManualEscalationRequest (1 change)
- Model was added
SocialTopicResponse (1 change)
- Optional property dataIngestionRulesMetadata was added
Dependency (1 change)
- Enum value DIGITALBOTCONNECTOR was added to property type
DependencyObject (1 change)
- Enum value DIGITALBOTCONNECTOR was added to property type
BuSchedulingSettingsRequest (2 changes)
- Optional property activitySmoothingType was added
- Optional property induceScheduleVariability was added
IgnoredActivityCodeIds (1 change)
- Model was added
TimeOffSettingsResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
TimeOffSettingsRequest (1 change)
- Model was added
ValueWrapperLocalDate (1 change)
- Model was added
BuRescheduleRequest (2 changes)
- Optional property activitySmoothingType was added
- Optional property induceScheduleVariability was added
SchedulingOptionsRequest (2 changes)
- Optional property activitySmoothingType was added
- Optional property induceScheduleVariability was added
WorkitemQueryJobSort (1 change)
- Enum value dateCreated was added to property name
WorkitemStatusUpdate (1 change)
- Optional property autoTerminateWorkitem was added
WorkitemStatusCreate (1 change)
- Optional property autoTerminateWorkitem was added
POST /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations (1 change)
- Description was changed
GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/mediarequests (1 change)
- Description was changed
POST /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId}/messages (1 change)
- Description was changed
POST /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId}/typing (1 change)
- Description was changed
GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId} (1 change)
- Description was changed
DELETE /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId} (1 change)
- Description was changed
GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members (1 change)
- Description was changed
GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/messages/{messageId} (1 change)
- Description was changed
GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/messages (1 change)
- Description was changed
GET /api/v2/widgets/deployments/{deploymentId} (1 change)
- Description was changed
PUT /api/v2/widgets/deployments/{deploymentId} (1 change)
- Description was changed
DELETE /api/v2/widgets/deployments/{deploymentId} (1 change)
- Description was changed
GET /api/v2/widgets/deployments (1 change)
- Description was changed
POST /api/v2/widgets/deployments (1 change)
- Description was changed