A full migration of the gux-accordion-legacy
improves the 2.1.1 Keyboard
, 2.4.7 Focus Visible
, and 4.1.2: Name, Role, Value
WCAG Success Criteria.
<gux-accordion-legacy heading-level="2" arrow-position="beside-text">
<div slot="First Section">
<span>I'm a span in a div.</span>
<button>I'm the button.</button>
<p slot="Second Section">I'm a p.</p>
<span slot="Third Section">I'm a span.</span>
slot="Fourth Section has a really really long title to see what it looks like when the title overflows"
>I'm a span.</span
<h1>I'm an h1, but i'm not a slot.</h1>
- Slot
children intogux-accordion
instead of using named slots arrow-position
property should be removed from thegux-accordion
component and should be set on the nestedgux-accordion-section
- <gux-accordion arrow-position="beside-text">
- <div slot="First Section">
+ <gux-accordion>
+ <gux-accordion-section arrow-position="beside-text">
+ <h2 slot="header">First Section</h2>
+ <div slot="content">
<span>I'm a span in a div.</span>
<button>I'm the button.</button>
+ </gux-accordion-section>
<gux-accordion-section arrow-position="beside-text">
<h2 slot="header">First Section</h2>
<div slot="content">
<span>I'm a span in a div.</span>
<button>I'm the button.</button>
<gux-accordion-section arrow-position="beside-text">
<h2 slot="header">Second Section</h2>
<p slot="content">I'm a p.</p>
<gux-accordion-section arrow-position="beside-text">
<h2 slot="header">Third Section</h2>
<span slot="content">I'm a span.</span>
<gux-accordion-section arrow-position="beside-text">
<h2 slot="header">
Fourth Section has a really really long title to see what it looks like
when the title overflows
<span slot="content">I'm a span.</span>
These stable accordion components have some properties that were not available in the legacy version that you should review to see if they are useful to your use case.
- properties
- single-open-section
- properties
- properties
- arrow-position
- content-layout
- disabled
- open
- reverse-headings
- properties
Note: the 'arrow-position' is now on the gux-accordion-section
Note: the functionality previously enabled by the removed gux-accordion
methods {open, close, toggle} can be implemented in your application via the new open
property on the gux-accordion-section