- Feature Index (for more in-depth documetation about specific WebRTC features)
- GenesysCloudWebrtcSdk
- GenesysCloudMediaSession
- SdkError Class
- WebRTC SoftPhone
- WebRTC Screen Share
- WebRTC Video Conferencing
- WebRTC Screen Recording
- WebRTC Media (media, devices, and permissions support)
- [WebRTC Headset Integration]
To use the SDK with OAuth scopes, you will need the following scopes enabled:
- authorization
- conversations
- organizations
- notifications
These can be set in Genesys Cloud > Admin > Integrations > OAuth > Scope. Note that the scope options are not available when the "Grant Type" option is set to "Client Credentials"
The SDK uses some 3rd packages that rely on builtin node specific modules. The SDK does not bundle these into
its standard esModule and commonjs builds (entry points ""
and ""
respectfully). It is expected that the consuming
application will bundle and polyfill the necessary node modules. However, there are two SDK builds that will bundle and
polyfill these modules.
The CDN bundle will bundle and polyfill all necessary modules to be ready for in-browser use. Simply pull in the SDK via the CDN URL, and it will be available on the
object (see below for example usage). -
An ES Module build is pre-bundled with all dependencies and polyfills. This is not ideal as the final bundle size will be larger. However, some build tools may have issues when trying to bundle and polyfill the SDK. In order to opt-in to using this bundled ES Module build, add this to your build file (example provided is for
):``` js // rollup.config.js import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'; export default { plugins: [ resolve({ mainFields: [ 'es:bundle', // this will load the SDK es bundle – must be first 'module', // this can be which ever order is desired 'esnext', 'main' ] }) ] }; ```
This is a very basic usage of the WebRTC SDK. Be sure to read through the documentation for more advanced usage.
For an authenticated user, a valid accessToken is required on construction. The following example is for an authenticated user (for an unauthenticated user example, see WebRTC Screen Share).
import { GenesysCloudWebrtcSdk } from 'genesys-cloud-webrtc-sdk';
const sdk = new GenesysCloudWebrtcSdk({
accessToken: 'your-access-token'
// Optionally set up some SDK event listeners (not an exhaustive list)
sdk.on('sdkError' (event) => { /* do stuff with the error */ });
sdk.on('pendingSession' (event) => { /* pending session incoming */ });
sdk.on('sessionStarted' (event) => { /* a session just started */ });
sdk.initialize().then(() => {
// the web socket has connected and the SDK is ready to use
You can also access the latest major version (or a specific version) via the CDN. Example:
NOTE: since v6.1.7, you must specify at least the desired major version. The current version (v6.1.6), which is deployed at
, will remain at this location. However, it will no longer update to newer versions. If using this "latest" URL, please update to at least a major version URL.
<!-- latest release of a major version -->
<script src="https://sdk-cdn.mypurecloud.com/webrtc-sdk/v6/genesys-cloud-webrtc-sdk.bundle.min.js"></script>
<!-- or specified version -->
<script src="https://sdk-cdn.mypurecloud.com/webrtc-sdk/v6.1.7/genesys-cloud-webrtc-sdk.bundle.min.js"></script>
<!-- then access the sdk via the window object -->
/* in v7, all files are exported under the `window.GenesysCloudWebrtcSdk` */
const sdk = new window.GenesysCloudWebrtcSdk.GenesysCloudWebrtcSdk({...}); // same usage as above
/* OR – these are the same export of the SDK Client class */
const sdk = new window.GenesysCloudWebrtcSdk.default({...});
constructor(config: ISdkConfig);
The ISdkConfig
's interface definition:
interface ISdkConfig {
environment?: string;
accessToken?: string;
jwt?: string;
organizationId?: string;
wsHost?: string;
autoConnectSessions?: boolean;
autoAcceptPendingScreenRecordingRequests?: boolean;
jidResource?: string;
disableAutoAnswer?: boolean;
logLevel?: LogLevels;
logger?: ILogger;
logFormatters?: LogFormatterFn[];
optOutOfTelemetry?: boolean;
useHeadsets?: boolean;
originAppName?: string;
originAppVersion?: string;
originAppId?: string;
allowedSessionTypes?: SessionTypes[];
defaults?: {
audioStream?: MediaStream;
audioElement?: HTMLAudioElement;
videoElement?: HTMLVideoElement;
videoResolution?: {
width: ConstrainULong;
height: ConstrainULong;
videoDeviceId?: string | null;
audioDeviceId?: string | null;
audioVolume?: number;
outputDeviceId?: string | null;
micAutoGainControl?: ConstrainBoolean;
micEchoCancellation?: ConstrainBoolean;
micNoiseSuppression?: ConstrainBoolean;
monitorMicVolume?: boolean;
environment?: string;
Domain to use.
Optional: default is mypurecloud.com
Available Options:
accessToken?: string;
Access token received from authentication. Required for authenticated users (aka agents).
jwt?: string;
This is tied to some genesys-internal functionality and is not intended for outside use at this point in time.
A genesys-signed jwt can be used to allow limited agent access to the sdk. Currently this only enables
screen-recording functionality. This cannot be used in conjuction with an accessToken or guest access.
organizationId?: string;
Organization ID (aka the GUID). Required for unauthenticated users (aka guest).
wsHost?: string;
Optional: defaults to wss://streaming.${config.environment}
WebSocket Host.
autoConnectSessions?: boolean;
Optional: default true
Auto connect incoming softphone sessions (ie. sessions
coming from sdk.on('sessionStarted', (evt))
. If set
to false
, the session will need to be manually accepted
using sdk.acceptSession({ conversationId })
autoAcceptPendingScreenRecordingRequests?: boolean;
Optional: default false
If true, incoming proposes for screen recording sessions will be accepted immediately
and no pendingSession
event will be emitted. The consumer will still have to react to
in order to add screen media and then call sdk.acceptSession(...)
jidResource?: string;
Optional: default undefined
Specify the resource portion of the streaming-client jid. This is likely
only useful for internal purposes. This resource jid should be somewhat
unique. Example: setting the jidResource to
would result in full jid
that looks like <user_bare_jid>/mediahelper_1d43c477-ab34-456b-91f5-c6a993c29f25
The purpose of this property is simply a way to identify certain types of clients.
disableAutoAnswer?: boolean;
Optional: default false
Disable auto answering softphone calls. By default softphone calls will
respect the autoAnswer
flag passed in on the pendingSession
session object.
is always true
for outbound calls and can also be set
in the user's phone settings.
logLevel?: LogLevels;
Optional: defaults to 'info'
Desired log level. Available options:
type LogLevels = 'log' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error';
logger?: ILogger;
Logger to use. Must implement the ILogger
interface (see WebRTC properties for ILogger
Secondary logger to use. Must implement the ILogger
interface. Defaults to console
NOTE: The SDK will always use GenesysCloudClientLogger which sends logs to the server (unless
) and outputs them to the secondary logger (ie. which ever logger was passed in using this config property).
logFormatters?: LogFormatterFn[];
Formatters for intercepting and handling log messages. See
https://github.com/purecloudlabs/genesys-cloud-client-logger#how-formatters-work for more information.
Note: These formatters also apply to logs that are generated by the embedded streaming client.
optOutOfTelemetry?: boolean;
Optional: default false
Opt out of sending logs to the server. Logs are only sent to the server
if the default GenesysCloudClientLogger is used. The default logger will
send logs to the server unless this option is true
useHeadsets?: boolean;
Optional: default true
Opt out of initializing the headset functionality included in the SDK. See the "Headset" documentation of the SDK for more details.
Note: if
, a no-op stub will be used atsdk.headset
to eliminate the need to "null" type checksdk.headset
before using in code.
originAppName?: string;
This is name of the app that is consuming the SDK. This field is optional and only used for logging purposes.
originAppVersion?: string;
This is the version of the app that is consuming the SDK. This field is optional and only used for logging purposes.
originAppId?: string;
This is an unique ID from the app that is consuming the SDK. This field is optional and only used for logging purposes to tie the consuming app client instance with the SDK's logger instance.
allowedSessionTypes?: SessionTypes[];
Optional: defaults to all session types.
Allowed session types the sdk instance should handle. Only session types listed here will be handled. Available options passed in as an array:
enum SessionTypes {
softphone = 'softphone',
collaborateVideo = 'collaborateVideo',
acdScreenShare = 'screenShare',
import { SessionTypes } from 'genesys-cloud-webrtc-sdk';
const sdk = new GenesysCloudWebrtcSdk({
allowedSessionTypes: [SessionTypes.collaborateVideo, SessionTypes.softphone],
// other config options
Optional. Defaults for various SDK functionality. See individual options for defaults and usage.
defaults?: {
audioStream?: MediaStream;
audioElement?: HTMLAudioElement;
videoElement?: HTMLVideoElement;
videoResolution?: {
width: ConstrainULong,
height: ConstrainULong
videoDeviceId?: string | null;
audioDeviceId?: string | null;
audioVolume?: number;
micAutoGainControl?: ConstrainBoolean;
micEchoCancellation?: ConstrainBoolean;
micNoiseSuppression?: ConstrainBoolean;
outputDeviceId?: string | null;
monitorMicVolume?: boolean;
audioStream?: MediaStream;
Optional: no default.
A default audio stream to accept softphone sessions with
if no audio stream was used when accepting the session
(ie: sdk.acceptSession({ id: 'session-id', mediaStream })
Warning: Firefox does not allow multiple microphone media tracks. using a default could cause the SDK to be unable to request any other audio device besides the active microphone – which would be the audio track on this default stream.
audioElement?: HTMLAudioElement;
Optional: no default. (See note about default behavior)
HTML Audio Element to attach incoming audio streams to.
Default behavior if this is not provided here or at
is the sdk will create an HTMLAudioElement and append it to the DOM
videoElement?: HTMLVideoElement;
Optional: no default
HTML Video Element to attach incoming video streams to.
A video element is required for accepting incoming video
calls. If no video element is passed into sdk.acceptSession()
this default element will be used.
videoResolution?: {
width: ConstrainULong,
height: ConstrainULong
Optional: no default.
Video resolution to default to when requesting video media.
Note: if the resolution causes getUserMedia()
to fail
(which can happen sometimes in some browsers), the
SDK will retry without the resolution request.
This means this setting may or may not be used if
depending on the browser.
ConstrainULong type definition:
type ConstrainULong =
| number
| {
exact?: number;
ideal?: number;
max?: number;
min?: number;
videoDeviceId?: string | null;
Optional: defaults to null
Default video device ID to use when starting camera media.
to request media for specified deviceIdnull|falsy
to request media system default device
audioDeviceId?: string | null;
Optional: defaults to null
Default audio device ID to use when starting microphone media.
to request media for specified deviceIdnull|falsy
to request media system default device
audioVolume?: number;
Optional: defaults to 100
Volume level to set on the audio/video elements when attaching media.
This value must be between 0-100
outputDeviceId?: string | null;
Optional: defaults to null
Default output device ID to use when starting camera media.
ID for output media device to usenull|falsy
to request media system default deviceNot all browsers support output devices. For supported browsers, system default for output devices is always an empty string (ex:
micAutoGainControl?: ConstrainBoolean;
Optional: defaults to true
Automatic gain control is a feature in which a sound source automatically manages changes in the volume of its source media to maintain a steady overall volume level.
// ConstrainBoolean type
type ConstrainBoolean =
| boolean
| {
exact?: boolean;
ideal?: boolean;
micEchoCancellation?: ConstrainBoolean;
Optional: defaults to true
Echo cancellation is a feature which attempts to prevent echo effects on a two-way audio connection by attempting to reduce or eliminate crosstalk between the user's output device and their input device. For example, it might apply a filter that negates the sound being produced on the speakers from being included in the input track generated from the microphone.
// ConstrainBoolean type
type ConstrainBoolean =
| boolean
| {
exact?: boolean;
ideal?: boolean;
micNoiseSuppression?: ConstrainBoolean;
Optional: defaults to true
Noise suppression automatically filters the audio to remove or at least reduce background noise, hum caused by equipment, and the like from the sound before delivering it to your code.
// ConstrainBoolean type
type ConstrainBoolean =
| boolean
| {
exact?: boolean;
ideal?: boolean;
monitorMicVolume?: boolean;
Optional: defaults to false
When true
all audio tracks created via the SDK
will have their volumes monitored and emited on
sdk.media.on('audioTrackVolume', evt)
See the SDK Media audioTrackVolume event events for more details.
Readonly string
of the SDK version in use.
This is also available as a static
property: GenesysCloudWebrtcSdk.VERSION
Logger used by the SDK. It will implement the ILogger
interface. See constructor for details on how to set the SDK logger and log level.
interface ILogger {
* Log a message to the location specified by the logger.
* The logger can decide if it wishes to implement `details`
* or `skipServer`.
* @param message message or error to log
* @param details any additional details to log
* @param skipServer should log skip server
log(message: string | Error, details?: any, skipServer?: boolean): void;
/** see `log()` comment */
debug(message: string | Error, details?: any, skipServer?: boolean): void;
/** see `log()` comment */
info(message: string | Error, details?: any, skipServer?: boolean): void;
/** see `log()` comment */
warn(message: string | Error, details?: any, skipServer?: boolean): void;
/** see `log()` comment */
error(message: string | Error, details?: any, skipServer?: boolean): void;
SDK Media helper instance. See WebRTC Media for API and usage.
The current authenticated user's effective Webrtc station. Note, this value will always be null
is passed into the SDK's allowedSessionTypes: []
config option. Then, it will
be updated based on the user's effective station in real time. See Events for the corresponding
event and more information on subscribing to association changes.
Available values: IStation | null
interface IStation {
id: string;
name: string;
userId: string;
webRtcUserId: string;
type: 'inin_webrtc_softphone' | 'inin_remote';
webRtcPersistentEnabled: boolean;
webRtcForceTurn: boolean;
webRtcCallAppearances: number;
Setup the SDK for use and authenticate the user
- agents must have an accessToken passed into the constructor options
- guests need a securityCode (or the data received from an already redeemed securityCode). If the customerData is not passed in this will redeem the code for the data, else it will use the data passed in.
initialize(opts?: {
securityCode: string;
} | ICustomerData): Promise<void>;
- opts =
{ securityCode: 'shortCode received from agent to share screen' }
- or if the customer data has already been redeemed using
the securityCode (this is an advanced usage)
interface ICustomerData { conversation: { id: string; }; sourceCommunicationId: string; jwt: string; }
Returns: a Promise that is fulled one the web socket is connected and other necessary async tasks are complete.
Starts a softphone call session with the given peer or peers.
must be called first.
startSoftphoneSession(softphoneSessionParams: IStartSoftphoneSessionParams): Promise<{id: string, selfUri: string}>;
softphoneSessionParams: IStartSoftphoneSessionParams
Required: Contains participant information for placing the call. See softphone#IStartSoftphoneSessionParams for full details on the request parameters.
Returns: a promise with an object containing the id
and selfUri
for the conversation.
Start a screen share. Start a screen share. Currently, screen share is only supported for guest users.
must be called first.
startScreenShare(): Promise<MediaStream>;
Returns: MediaStream
promise for the selected screen stream
Start a video conference. Not supported for guests. Conferences can
only be joined by authenticated users from the same organization.
If inviteeJid
is provided, the specified user will receive a propose/pending session
they can accept and join the conference.
must be called first.
startVideoConference(roomJid: string, inviteeJid?: string): Promise<{
conversationId: string;
roomJid: string
Required: jid of the conference to join. Can be made up if starting a new conference but must adhere to the format:<lowercase string>@conference.<lowercase string>
inviteeJid?: string
Optional: jid of a user to invite to this conference.
Returns: a promise with an object with the newly created conversationId
Start a video meeting with a meetingId. Not supported for guests. Meetings can only be joined by authenticated users from the same organization.
must be called first.
startVideoMeeting(meetingId: string): Promise<{ conversationId: string }>;
meetingId: string
Required: meeting id for the meeting to join, generated by the Genesys Cloud Public API (functionality currently in Preview).
Returns: a promise with an object with the newly created conversationId
Update the output device for all incoming audio
- This will log a warning and not attempt to update the output device if the a broswer does not support output devices
- This will attempt to update all active sessions
- This does not update the sdk
updateOutputDevice(deviceId: string | true | null): Promise<void>;
deviceId: stirng | true | null
deviceId for audio output device,true
for sdk default output, ornull
for system default
Returns: a promise that fullfils once the output deviceId has been updated
Update outgoing media for a specified session
: required if not providing a session. conversationId for which the media should be updated.session?
: required if not providing a conversationId. session for which the media should be updatedstream
: if a stream is passed in, the session media will be updated to use the media on the stream. This supercedes deviceId(s) passed invideoDeviceId
(superceded bystream
: the sdk will not touch thevideo|audio
: the sdk will update thevideo|audio
media to system defaultstring
: the sdk will attempt to update thevideo|audio
media to the passed in deviceId
Note 1: this does not update the SDK default device(s)
Note 2: if multiple conversations are sharing a session the media for all those conversations will be updated, not just the provided conversationId
Note 3: if the requested device is already in use by the session, the media will not be re-requested.
updateOutgoingMedia (updateOptions: IUpdateOutgoingMedia): Promise<void>;
updateOptions: IUpdateOutgoingMedia
Required: device(s) to update- Basic interface:
interface IUpdateOutgoingMedia { session?: IExtendedMediaSession; conversationId?: string; stream?: MediaStream; videoDeviceId?: string | boolean | null; audioDeviceId?: string | boolean | null; }
- See media#IUpdateOutgoingMedia for full details on the request parameters
Returns: a promise that fullfils once the outgoing media devices have been updated
Update the default device(s) for the sdk. Pass in the following:
: sdk will update that default to the deviceIdnull
: sdk will update to system default deviceundefined
: sdk will not update that media deviceId
If updateActiveSessions
is true
, any active sessions will
have their outgoing media devices updated and/or the output
deviceId updated.
Note, if the requested device is already in use by the session, the media will not be re-requested.
If updateActiveSessions
is false
, only the sdk defaults will be updated and
active sessions' media devices will not be touched.
updateDefaultDevices(options?: IMediaDeviceIds & {
updateActiveSessions?: boolean;
}): Promise<any>;
options?: IMediaDeviceIds & {updateActiveSessions?: boolean;}
Optional: defaults to{}
Basic interface:
interface IMediaDeviceIds { videoDeviceId?: string | null; audioDeviceId?: string | null; outputDeviceId?: string | null; updateActiveSessions?: boolean; }
videoDeviceId?: string | null
for a desired deviceId.null|falsy
for system default device. -
audioDeviceId?: string | null
for a desired deviceId.null|falsy
for system default device. -
outputDeviceId?: string | null
for a desired deviceId.null|falsy
for system default device. -
updateActiveSessions?: boolean
flag to update active sessions' devices -
If updating the audio device, a call will be made to the headset library to ensure the correct implementation is being used
Returns: a promise that fullfils once the default device values have been updated
Update the default video resolution
If updateActiveSessions
is true
, any active sessions will
have their video's resolutions updated to match the passed in value
If updateActiveSessions
is false
, only the sdk defaults will be updated and
active sessions' video resolutions will not be touched
updateDefaultResolution(resolution: IVideoResolution | undefined, updateActiveSessions: boolean): Promise<any>;
resolution: IVideoResolution | undefined
- Basic interface:
interface IVideoResolution { width: ConstrainULong; height: ConstrainULong; }
width: ConstrainULong
Width of the selected video resolutionheight: ConstrainULong
Height of the selected video resolution
- Basic interface:
updateActiveSessions: boolean
Determines if we need to update the active sessions or leave them as is
Returns: a promise that fulfills once the default resolution values have been updated
Update the default media settings that exist in the sdk config.
If updateActiveSessions
is true
, any active sessions will
have their outgoing media devices updated and/or the output
deviceId updated.
If updateActiveSessions
is false
, only the sdk defaults will be updated and
active sessions' media devices will not be touched.
updateDefaultMediaSettings(options?: IMediaSettings & {
updateActiveSessions?: boolean;
}): Promise<any>;
options?: IMediaDeviceIds & {updateActiveSessions?: boolean;}
Optional: defaults to{}
Basic interface:
interface IMediaSettings { micAutoGainControl?: ConstrainBoolean; micEchoCancellation?: ConstrainBoolean; micNoiseSuppression?: ConstrainBoolean; monitorMicVolume?: boolean; updateActiveSessions?: boolean; } type ConstrainBoolean = | boolean | { exact?: boolean; ideal?: boolean; };
micAutoGainControl?: ConstrainBoolean
Optional. This will indicate the default audio constraint forautoGainControl
for future media. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaTrackConstraints/autoGainControl -
micEchoCancellation?: ConstrainBoolean
Optional. This will indicate the default audio constraint forechoCancellation
for future media. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaTrackConstraints/echoCancellation -
micNoiseSuppression?: ConstrainBoolean
Optional. This will indicate the default audio constraint fornoiseSuppression
for future media. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaTrackConstraints/noiseSuppression -
monitorMicVolume?: boolean
Optional. Default setting for emittingaudioTrackVolume
events for future media. -
updateActiveSessions?: boolean
Optional. Flag to update active sessions' media.
Returns: a promise that fullfils once the default settings and active sessions have been updated (if specified)
Updates the audio volume for all active applicable sessions as well as the default volume for future sessions
updateAudioVolume (volume: number) {
volume: number
Required: Value must be between 0 and 100 inclusive
Returns: void
Check to see if the user's currently effective station has persistent connection enabled.
isPersistentConnectionEnabled(): boolean;
Params: none
Returns: a boolean, true
, if the station.webRtcPersistentEnabled === true
and the station.type === 'inin_webrtc_softphone'
Check to see if the user's currently effective station has Line Appearance > 1. See the corresponding concurrentSoftphoneSessionsEnabled event under Events.
For more information about Line Appearance, see WebRTC SoftPhone.
isConcurrentSoftphoneSessionsEnabled(): boolean;
Params: none
Returns: a boolean, true
, if station.webRtcCallAppearances > 1
Mutes/Unmutes video/camera for a session and updates the conversation accordingly. Will fail if the session is not found. Incoming video is unaffected.
When muting, the camera track is destroyed. When unmuting, the camera media must be requested again.
NOTE: if no
is provided when unmuting, it will unmute and attempt to use the sdkdefaults.videoDeviceId
as the camera device
setVideoMute(muteOptions: ISessionMuteRequest): Promise<void>;
muteOptions: ISessionMuteRequest
Required:- Basic interface
interface ISessionMuteRequest { conversationId: string; mute: boolean; fromHeadset?: boolean; unmuteDeviceId?: string | boolean | null; }
conversationId: string
Required: conversation id to for which perform the actionmute: boolean
to mute,false
to unmutefromHeadset?: boolean
Optional: iftrue
event came from headset, iffalse
event came from consuming appunmuteDeviceId?: string
Optional: the desired deviceId to use when unmuting,true
for sdk default,null
for system default,undefined
will attempt to use the sdk default device
- Basic interface
Returns: a promise that fullfils once the mute request has completed
Mutes/Unmutes audio/mic for a session and updates the conversation accordingly. Will fail if the session is not found. Incoming audio is unaffected.
If fromHeadset is false, a call will be made to the headset library to ensure the connected device's state is properly updated. If fromHeadset is true, no call to the headset library will be made. This is because if the event comes from the headset, its state will already be the most up to date
NOTE: if no
is provided when unmuting AND there is no active audio stream, it will unmute and attempt to use the sdkdefaults.audioDeviceId
at the device
setAudioMute(muteOptions: ISessionMuteRequest): Promise<void>;
muteOptions: ISessionMuteRequest
Required:conversationId: string
Required: conversation id to for which perform the actionmute: boolean
to mute,false
to unmutefromHeadset?: boolean
Optional: iftrue
do not call headsets library functions, iffalse
call headsets library functionsunmuteDeviceId?: string
Optional: the desired deviceId to use when unmuting,true
for sdk default,null
for system default,undefined
will attempt to use the sdk default device- Basic interface:
interface ISessionMuteRequest { conversationId: string; mute: boolean; fromHeadset?: boolean; unmuteDeviceId?: string | boolean | null; }
Returns: a promise that fullfils once the mute request has completed
Set a conversation's hold state.
If fromHeadset is false, a call will be made to the headset library to ensure the connected device's state is properly updated. If fromHeadset is true, no call to the headset library will be made. This is because if the event comes from the headset, its state will already be the most up to date
NOTE: only applicable for softphone conversations
setConversationHeld(heldOptions: IConversationHeldRequest): Promise<void>;
heldOptions: IConversationHeldRequest
Required:interface IConversationHeldRequest { /** conversation id */ conversationId: string; /** `true` to place on hold, `false` to take off hold */ held: boolean; /** `true` if from headset, `false` if from app */ fromHeadset?: boolean; }
Returns: a promise that fullfils once the hold request has completed
Set the accessToken the sdk uses to authenticate to the API.
setAccessToken(token: string): void;
token: string
Required: new access token
Returns: void
Set the sdk default audioStream. Calling with a falsy value will clear out sdk default.
This will call through to sdk.media.setDefaultAudioStream(stream);
setDefaultAudioStream(stream?: MediaStream): void;
stream: MediaStream
– (Optional) media stream to use
Returns: void
Accept a pending session based on the passed in ID.
If fromHeadset is false, a call will be made to the headset library to ensure the connected device's state is properly updated. If fromHeadset is true, no call to the headset library will be made. This is because if the event comes from the headset, its state will already be the most up to date
acceptPendingSession(params: { conversationId: string, fromHeadset: boolean }): Promise<void>;
conversationId: string
Required: id of the pending conversation to acceptfromHeadset?: boolean
Optional: iftrue
do not call headsets library functions, iffalse
call headsets library functions Returns: a promise that fullfils once the session accept goes out
Reject a pending session based on the passed in ID.
If fromHeadset is false, a call will be made to the headset library to ensure the connected device's state is properly updated. If fromHeadset is true, no call to the headset library will be made. This is because if the event comes from the headset, its state will already be the most up to date
rejectPendingSession(params: { conversationId: string, fromHeadset: boolean }): Promise<void>;
conversationId: string
Required: id of the conversation to rejectfromHeadset?: boolean
Optional: iftrue
do not call headsets library functions, iffalse
call headsets library functions
Returns: a promise that fullfils once the session reject goes out
Accept a pending session based on the passed in ID.
acceptSession(acceptOptions: IAcceptSessionRequest): Promise<void>;
acceptOptions: IAcceptSessionRequest
Required: options with which to accept the session- Basic interface:
interface IAcceptSessionRequest { conversationId: string; mediaStream?: MediaStream; audioElement?: HTMLAudioElement; videoElement?: HTMLVideoElement; videoDeviceId?: string | boolean | null; audioDeviceId?: string | boolean | null; screenRecordingMetadatas?: ScreenRecordingMetadata[]; }
conversationId: string
Required: id of the conversation to acceptmediaStream?: MediaStream
Optional: media stream to use on the session. If this is provided, no media will be requested.audioElement?: HTMLAudioElement
Optional: audio element to attach incoming audio to default is sdkdefaults.audioElement
videoElement?: HTMLAudioElement
Optional: video element to attach incoming video to default is sdkdefaults.videoElement
. (only used for video sessions)videoDeviceId?: string | boolean | null;
Optional: See ISdkMediaDeviceIds for full detailsaudioDeviceId?: string | boolean | null;
Optional: See ISdkMediaDeviceIds for full detailsscreenRecordingMetadatas?: ScreenRecordingMetadata[];
Required for screen recording sessions- Basic interface:
interface ScreenRecordingMetadata { trackId: string; screenId: string; originX: number; originY: number; resolutionX: number; resolutionY: number; primary: boolean; }
trackId: string;
associated with this screen.screenId: string;
The id associated with the monitor/screen you are recording. This can often be found atMediaStreamTrack.getSettings().deviceId
.originX: number;
The left coordinate for this screen.originY: number;
The bottom coordinate for this screen. *NOTE: Windows and Mac sometimes switch where they reference originY. This property is for playback purposes and a Y coordinate of 0 should always represent the bottom of the screen.resolutionX: number
The width of the screen.resolutionY: number
The height of the screen.primary: boolean
This monitor is the system default/primary monitor where the start bar and/or dock lives.
- Basic interface:
- Basic interface:
Returns: a promise that fullfils once the session accept goes out
End an active session based on the session ID or conversation ID (one is required)
If fromHeadset is false, a call will be made to the headset library to ensure the connected device's state is properly updated. If fromHeadset is true, no call to the headset library will be made. This is because if the event comes from the headset, its state will already be the most up to date
endSession(endOptions: IEndSessionRequest): Promise<void>;
endOptions: IEndSessionRequest
object with session ID or conversation ID- Basic interface:
interface IEndSessionRequest { conversationId: string; reason?: JingleReason; fromHeadset?: boolean; }
conversationId: string
conversation id of the session to end.fromHeadset?: boolean
Optional: iftrue
do not call headsets library functions, iffalse
call headsets library functionsreason?: JingleReason
Optional: defaults tosuccess
. This is for internal usage and should not be provided in custom applications.
- Basic interface:
Returns: a promise that fullfils once the session has ended
Forcibly end a session by sessionId
forceTerminateSession(sessionId: string, reason?: JingleReasonCondition): Promise<void>;
sessionId: string
id of the session you wish to terminatereason?: JingleReasonCondition
Optional: defaults tosuccess
The corresponding reason why the session is being terminated.
Returns: a promise that fullfils onces the session is terminated
Disconnect the streaming connection
disconnect(): Promise<any>;
Params: none
Returns: a promise that fullfils once the web socket has disconnected
Ends all active sessions, disconnects the streaming-client, removes all event listeners, and cleans up media.
WARNING: calling this effectively renders the SDK instance useless. A new instance will need to be created after this is called.
destroy(): Promise<any>;
Returns: a promise that fullfils once all the cleanup tasks have completed
The WebRTC SDK extends the browser version of EventEmitter
Reference the NodeJS documentation for more information. The basic interface that is
inherited by the SDK is:
interface EventEmitter {
addListener(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
on(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
once(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
event: string | symbol,
listener: (...args: any[]) => void
): this;
off(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
removeAllListeners(event?: string | symbol): this;
setMaxListeners(n: number): this;
getMaxListeners(): number;
listeners(event: string | symbol): Function[];
rawListeners(event: string | symbol): Function[];
emit(event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean;
listenerCount(event: string | symbol): number;
event: string | symbol,
listener: (...args: any[]) => void
): this;
event: string | symbol,
listener: (...args: any[]) => void
): this;
eventNames(): Array<string | symbol>;
The SDK leverages strict-event-emitter-types to strongly type available events and their emitted values.
Emitted when a call session is being initiated for an outbound or inbound call.
is emitted for all softphone sessions and inbound 1-to-1 video
sdk.on('pendingSession', (pendingSession: IPendingSession) => {});
Value of event:
interface IPendingSession {
sessionId: string;
id: string;
autoAnswer: boolean;
toJid: string;
fromJid: string;
conversationId: string;
originalRoomJid?: string;
fromUserId?: string;
roomJid?: string;
accepted?: boolean;
sessionType: SessionTypes | SessionTypesAsStrings;
// and where
enum SessionTypes {
softphone = 'softphone',
collaborateVideo = 'collaborateVideo',
acdScreenShare = 'screenShare',
screenRecording = 'screenRecording',
unknown = 'unknown',
id: string
&sessionId: string
– the unique Id for the session proposal; used to accept or reject the proposalautoAnswer: boolean
– whether or not the client should auto answer the sessiontrue
for all outbound callsfalse
for inbound calls, unless Auto Answer is configured for the user by an admin public api request and/or push notifications
fromJid: string
– the jid that the session is coming fromtoJid: string
– the jid that the session is coming fromconversationId: string
– id for the associated conversation object (used in platform API requests)sessionType: SessionTypes
– type of pending session. See AllowedSessionTypes for a list of available values.originalRoomJid: string
– video specific alternate roomJid (for 1-to-1 video calls)fromUserId?: string
– Optional: the userId the call is coming from (for 1-to-1 video calls)accepted?: boolean
– is used for internal state tracking for sessions that have already attempted to acceptroomJid?: string
– is the jid for the webrtc session room
Emitted when a the call has been canceled due to remote disconnect or answer timeout
sdk.on('cancelPendingSession', (event: ISessionIdAndConversationId) => {});
Value of event:
event: ISessionIdAndConversationId
– Note thatconversationId
is not guaranteed to be present.interface ISessionIdAndConversationId { sessionId?: string; conversationId?: string; }
Emitted when another client belonging to this user has handled the pending session; used to stop ringing
sdk.on('handledPendingSession', (event: ISessionIdAndConversationId) => {});
Value of event:
event: ISessionIdAndConversationId
– Note thatconversationId
is not guaranteed to be present.interface ISessionIdAndConversationId { sessionId?: string; conversationId?: string; }
Emitted when negotiation has started; before the session has connected
sdk.on('sessionStarted', (session: IExtendedMediaSession) => {});
Value of event:
session: IExtendedMediaSession
– the session that has started. See GenesysCloudMediaSession for details on the session object.
Emitted when a session has ended
(session: IExtendedMediaSession, reason: JingleReason) => {}
Value of event:
session: IExtendedMediaSession
– the session that ended. See GenesysCloudMediaSession for details on the session object.reason: JingleReason
– the reason code for why the session ended. Available reasons:reason: { condition: 'alternative-session' | 'busy' | 'cancel' | 'connectivity-error' | 'decline' | 'expired' | 'failed-application' | 'failed-transport' | 'general-error' | 'gone' | 'incompatible-parameters' | 'media-error' | 'security-error' | 'success' | 'timeout' | 'unsupported-applications' | 'unsupported-transports'; }
Emits when softphone conversations change. Some changes that trigger this event are, but not limited to:
- new conversation started
- conversation ended
- participants state changed (mute, held, connection state, etc)
Note: this event will only be available for softphone conversations. Video conversations have their own session level events (see video event docs).
sdk.on('conversationUpdate', (event: ISdkConversationUpdateEvent) => {});
Value of event:
event: ISdkConversationUpdateEvent
interface ISdkConversationUpdateEvent {
* assumed conversationId of the activce conversation
activeConversationId: string;
* All current softphone conversations
current: IStoredConversationState[];
* Newly added softphone conversations
added: IStoredConversationState[];
* Removed softphone conversations
removed: IStoredConversationState[];
interface IStoredConversationState {
* Most recent conversation event received for this conversation
conversationUpdate: ConversationUpdate;
* conversationId of this conversation
conversationId: string;
* Webrtc session this conversation is using
session?: IExtendedMediaSession;
* Most recent participant for the authenticated user
mostRecentUserParticipant?: IConversationParticipantFromEvent;
* Most recent call start for the authenticated user
mostRecentCallState?: ICallStateFromParticipant;
A few things to note about this event:
is not guaranteed to be accurate and sometimes it will be''
. This is rare, but usually this is seen when there are mutliple active calls all on hold. As soon as one is taken off hold, this event will then be able to determine the correct active conversation ID. -
can benull
because there are times when the conversation will not have a session (for instance, when it is in theremoved
property). Also, depending on the Line Appearance configured for the station, this session may be in use by other conversations. -
Because of the previous point, the
is very unreliable since the session is reused. This ID can change very quickly and may not actually be the conversation ID of the active Webrtc call. It is recommended to use the conversation ID from theIStoredConversationState
in conjunction with the provided session.// example: let conversationState: IStoredConversationState; // assume this is already set // use this ID conversationState.conversationId; // use this session conversationState.session; // do NOT rely on this ID conversationState.session.conversationId; // To know which conversationId is active on the session use let event: ISdkConversationUpdateEvent; // assume this is already set event.activeConversationId;
Emitted when a session has ended
sdk.on('sdkError', (sdkError: SdkError) => {});
Value of event:
sdkError: SdkError
– error emitted by the sdk. See SdkError Class for more details.
Emitted when the SDK has successfull initialized – fired once after
await sdk.initialize({...})
sdk.on('ready', () => {});
Value of event: void
Emitted when the underlying websocket has (re)connected
sdk.on('connected', (info: { reconnect: boolean }) => {});
Value of event:
info: { reconnect: boolean }
– indicator if it is a reconnect event
Emitted when the underlying websocket connection has disconnected.
The event body will contain a value that states whether the streaming-client websocket will attempt
to reconnect or is in the process of reconnecting. This value is defaulted to true
in the streaming-client.
This value should be used to inform your application of whether you should wait for the websocket to reconnect or
proceed with tearing down your SDK instance via sdk.destroy()
or page refresh.
(info: string, eventData: { reconnecting: boolean }) => {}
Value of event:
info: string
– String of'Streaming API connection disconnected'
. This value should not be relied upon for anything other than logging.eventData: { reconnecting: boolean }
- Boolean value that determines whether the streaming API is attempting to reconnect (this value is defaulted totrue
in the streaming-client).
Emitted when the authenticated user's Webrtc station association changes. Note, this event will only fire if
is passed into the SDK's allowedSessionTypes: []
config option.
The sdk.station
property will be updated based on the events emitted from this event. If you need the current
station value, access this property directly on the SDK.
sdk.on('station', ({ action: 'Associated' | 'Disassociated', station: IStation | null }) => { });
Value of event:
action: Associated
– if the user's Webrtc station was associated, thestation
will be the newly associated station.action: Disassociated
– if the user's Webrtc station was disassociated, thestation
will benull
station: IStation
– ifaction == 'Associated'
, this will be a webrtc station (seeIStation
interface above under Properties).
Emitted when the authenicated user's Webrtc station is loaded. It will indicate if the Line Appearance is greater than 1.
For more information about Line Appearance, see WebRTC SoftPhone. Also see the corresponding isConcurrentSoftphoneSessionsEnabled() function which will return the last value emitted on this event.
sdk.on('concurrentSoftphoneSessionsEnabled', (isEnabled: boolean) => {});
Value of event:
isEnabled: boolean
– if the user's Webrtc station has a Line Appearance greater than 1.
Emitted for trace, debug, log, warn, and error messages from the SDK
sdk.on('trace', (level: string, message: string, details?: any) => {});
Value of event:
level: string
- the log level of the messagetrace|debug|log|warn|error
message: string
- the log messagedetails?: any
- details about the log message
This is the session object that manages WebRTC connections. The actual interface has been extended and should be imported like this (if using typescript):
import {
} from 'genesys-cloud-webrtc-sdk';
const sdk = new GenesysCloudWebrtcSdk({
/* your config options */
let activeSession: IExtendedMediaSession;
sdk.on('sessionStarted', (session) => {
activeSession = session; // `session` is already strongly typed
There are many properties, methods, and accessors on the IExtendedMediaSession
Since most of these are extended from 3rd party libraries, we will not go into
detail on each or list all of them. Instead, here is a brief list of the useful
properties and methods on the IExtendedMediaSession
session object:
interface IExtendedMediaSession extends GenesysCloudMediaSession {
id: string;
sid: string; // same as `id`
peerID: string;
conversationId: string;
active: boolean;
sessionType: SessionTypes;
pc: RTCPeerConnection;
originalRoomJid: string;
get state(): string;
get connectionState(): string;
* general media properties
videoMuted?: boolean;
audioMuted?: boolean;
Some session types have an expanded set of properties such as CollaborateVideo sessions:
interface VideoMediaSession extends IExtendedMediaSession {
fromUserId?: string;
startScreenShare?: () => Promise<void>;
stopScreenShare?: () => Promise<void>;
pinParticipantVideo?: (participantId: string) => Promise<void>;
Session level events are events emitted from the session
objects themselves,
not the SDK instance library. These can be used if you want lower level access
and control.
Sessions implement the same EventEmitter
interface and strict-typings that the base WebRTC SDK does.
See SDK Events for the full list of inherited functions.
Emitted when the state of the session changes.
(sessionState: 'starting' | 'pending' | 'active') => {}
Value of event:
sessionState: 'starting' | 'pending' | 'active'
– new state of the session
Emitted when the state of the underlying RTCPeerConnection state changes.
| 'starting'
| 'connecting'
| 'connected'
| 'interrupted'
| 'disconnected'
| 'failed'
) => {}
Value of event:
connectionState: 'starting' | 'connecting' | 'connected' | 'interrupted' | 'disconnected' | 'failed'
– new state of the RTCPeerConnection
Emits the ICE connection type
session.on('iceConnectionType', (iceConnectionType: {
localCandidateType: string,
relayed: boolean,
remoteCandidateType: string
})) => { });
Value of event:
iceConnectionType: ({localCandidateType: string, relayed: boolean, remoteCandidateType: string}
– information about the ICE connection
Emitted when a new peer media track is added to the session
(track: MediaStreamTrack, stream?: MediaStream) => {}
Value of event:
track: MediaStreamTrack
– the media track that was addedstream?: MediaStream
– the media stream that was added
Emitted when a peer media track is removed from the session
(track: MediaStreamTrack, stream?: MediaStream) => {}
Value of event:
track: MediaStreamTrack
– the media track that was removedstream?: MediaStream
– the media stream that was removed
Emit stats for the underlying RTCPeerConnection.
See webrtc-stats-gatherer for more details and typings on stats collected.
session.on('stats', (stats: any) => {});
Value of event:
stats: any
– stats for the RTCPeerConnection. value emitted varies based on stat event type.
Emits when the end of candidate gathering; used to check for potential connection issues
session.on('endOfCandidates', () => {});
Value of event: void
Emits when the session ends
session.on('terminated', (reason: JingleReason) => {});
Value of event:
reason: JingleReason
– reason for session ending. See the SDK sessionEnded event for details onJingleReason
Emits when the session mutes
session.on('mute', (info: JingleInfo) => {});
Value of event:
reason: JingleInfo
– info regarding the mute- Basic interface:
interface JingleInfo { infoType: string; creator?: JingleSessionRole; name?: string; }
Emits when the session unmutes
session.on('unmute', (info: JingleInfo) => {});
Value of event:
reason: JingleInfo
– info regarding the mute- Basic interface: See mute
Emits when the session's resolution updates
requestedResolution: IVideoResolution,
actualResolution: IVideoResolution,
videoTrack: MediaStreamTrack,
sessionId: string,
conversationId: string
) => {}
Value of event:
requestedResolution: IVideoResolution
- the height and width for the requested resolutionactualResolution: IVideoResolution
- the heigh and width actually set in the case of camera capabilities being lower than requested- Basic interface:
interface IVideoResolution { width: ConstrainULong; height: ConstrainULong; }
videoTrack: MediaStreamTrack
- the video track whose resolution was updatedsessionId: string
- the session that had the resolution updatedconversationId: string
- the conversation that had the resolution updated
There are session events that are specific for video sessions. See WebRTC Video Conferencing for more info.
This is an Error wrapper class to give a little more detail regarding errors
thrown. The errors usually thrown by the SDK. However, there are a few instances
where the browser throws an error and the SDK will emit the "wrapped" error to
sdk.on('sdkError', (err) => { });
. If it wraps an existing error, it will keep
the error.name
and error.message
to avoid masking the original problem.
class SdkError extends Error {
type: SdkErrorTypes;
details: any;
/* inherited */
name: string;
message: string;
// Available Error types
enum SdkErrorTypes {
generic = 'generic',
initialization = 'initialization',
invalid_token = 'invalid_token',
http = 'http',
invalid_options = 'invalid_options',
not_supported = 'not_supported',
session = 'session',
call = 'call',
media = 'media',
The SDK will add the type
to give more clarity as to why the error was thrown.