- Understanding CSS Stats: How to Make the Most of the Numbers 如何看懂并利用CSS统计工具的数据来改进CSS
- The Specificity Graph 解释了CSS Stat里的Specificity Graph
- WTF, HTML and CSS? Mark Otto's collection of useful front-end gotchas
- CSS Guideline by Harry Roberts
- HTMl&CSS Code Guide by Mark Otto
- Harry Roberts | CSS for Software Engineers for CSS Developers | CSS Day 2016讲了CSS中的一些常见设计模式
- CSSconf EU 2015 | Lea Verou: The Missing Slice炫技的Talk,但看别人写CSS可以学到很多
- React: CSS in JS by vjeux一个Slide。这虽然是讲CSS in JS的,但里面提到了很多CSS的问题,可以启发我们做一些思考
- The case for CSS modules - Mark DalgleishCSS modules,可以考虑一下
- wtf-forms:Friendlier HTML form controls with a little CSS magic. 自定义样式的表单(这个其实是很难做到的,在保留HTML原生标签的情况下,不添加无关的代码,自定义控件的样式。可以研究一下代码)