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397 lines (368 loc) · 27.3 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to Vanilla 'War Of The Chosen' Behaviour will be documented in this file.


Ini settings

Mod compatibility

In XComGame.ini mods can specify an array of incompatible and/or required mods. This will be used to show an warning popup if they are present. (#524)

[ModSafeName CHModDependency]
DisplayName="Fancy Mod"

DLC Run Order

In XComGame.ini mods can define an array of other mods which dlc hooks should run before and/or after the mods dlc hook. LoadPriority can be RUN_STANDARD, RUN_FIRST or RUN_LAST. RunBefore and RunAfter only work within the defined LoadPriority group. Only change load priority if you really sure that its needed for you mod (#511)

[ModSafeName CHDLCRunOrder]


Mod/DLC Hooks

  • GetDLCEventInfo allows mods to add their own events for the Geoscape Event List (#112)
  • CanWeaponApplyUpgrade allows mods to restrict what upgrades can be applied to a specific weapon (#260)
  • ModifyEarnedSoldierAbilities allows mods to add their own abilities to soldiers, such as officer abilites (#409)

Event Hooks

  • Triggers the event OnArmoryMainMenuUpdate that allows adding elements into the ArmoryList (#47)
  • Triggers the event PostMissionUpdateSoldierHealing that allows excluding soldiers from starting healing projects (#140)
  • Triggers the event UpdateResources that allows mods to show resources in the ResourceHeader (#174)
  • Triggers the event OverridePsiOpTraining that allows mods to override unit eligibility for Psi Op slots (#159)
  • Triggers the event OverrideItemIsModified to prevent items with custom modifications from being stacked / removed
  • Triggers the events UnitRandomizedStats and RewardUnitGenerated for unit initialization logic (#185)
  • Triggers the events OverrideUIArmoryScale, OverrideUIVIPScale, and OverrideCharCustomizationScale for strategy unit scaling (#229)
  • Triggers the event RegionOutpostBuildStart to add a strategy reward similar to the 'Resistance Network' resistance order, but for Radio Relays instead of Network Contacts. (#279)
  • Triggers the event GeoscapeFlightModeUpdate to allow mods to respond to geoscape mode change (#358)
  • Triggers the event UIAvengerShortcuts_ShowCQResistanceOrders to allow to override the presence of Resistance Orders button in UIAvengerShortcuts (#368)
  • Triggers the event Geoscape_ResInfoButtonVisible to allow to override the visibility of resistance orders button in UIStrategyMap_HUD (#365)
  • Triggers the event NumCovertActionsToAdd to allow mods to modfiy number of Covert Actions (#373)
  • Triggers the event CompleteRespecSoldier when a training center soldier respec was completed. (#339)
  • Triggers the events UIArmory_WeaponUpgrade_SlotsUpdated and UIArmory_WeaponUpgrade_NavHelpUpdated in UIArmory_WeaponUpgrade (#417)
  • Triggers the event GetCovertActionEvents_Settings to allow showing all covert actions in the correct order in the event queue (#391)
  • Triggers the event CovertActionRisk_AlterChanceModifier when calculated covert action risks. (#434)
  • Triggers the event AllowDarkEventRisk during XComGameState_CovertAction::EnableDarkEventRisk to allow alterations of standard logic (#434)
  • Triggers the event AllowDarkEventRisk during XComGameState_CovertAction::CreateRisks to allow alterations of standard logic (#692)
  • Triggers the event UIStrategyPolicy_ScreenInit at the end of UIStrategyPolicy::InitScreen (#440)
  • Triggers the event UIStrategyPolicy_ShowCovertActionsOnClose on UIStrategyPolicy::CloseScreen call (#440)
  • Triggers the event CovertAction_ShouldBeVisible on XComGameState_CovertAction::ShouldBeVisible call (#438)
  • Triggers the event CovertAction_CanInteract on XComGameState_CovertAction::CanInteract call (#438)
  • Triggers the event CovertAction_ActionSelectedOverride on XComGameState_CovertAction::DisplaySelectionPrompt call (#438)
  • Triggers the event CovertAction_PreventGiveRewards on XComGameState_CovertAction::GiveRewards call (#438)
  • Triggers the event CovertAction_RemoveEntity_ShouldEmptySlots on XComGameState_CovertAction::RemoveEntity call (#438)
  • Triggers the event CovertAction_ModifyNarrativeParamTag on XComGameState_CovertAction::GetNarrative call (#438)
  • Triggers the event ShouldCleanupCovertAction to allow mod control over Covert Action deletion. (#435)
  • Triggers the event BlackMarketGoodsReset when the Black Market goods are reset (#473)
  • Triggers the event OverrideImageForItemAvaliable to allow mods to override the image shown in eAlert_ItemAvailable (#491)
  • Triggers the event OverrideCurrentDoom to allow mods to override doom amount for doom updates (#550)
  • Triggers the event PreEndOfMonth to notify mods that the game is about to start its end-of-month processing (#539)
  • Triggers the event ProcessNegativeIncome to allow mods to do their own processing when XCOM's income at the end of the month is negative (#539)
  • Triggers the event OverrideDisplayNegativeIncome to allow mods to override whether negative monthly income is displayed as a negative value or as zero (latter is default behavior) (#539)
  • Triggers the event OverrideSupplyDrop to allow mods to override the amount of supplies awarded at month end (#539)
  • Triggers the event OverrideSupplyLossStrings to allow mods to override the text that is displayed for supplies lost in the monthly resistance report (#539)
  • Triggers the event PostEndOfMonth to notify mods that end-of-month processing has come to an end (#539)
  • Triggers the event PsiProjectCompleted to notify mods when a soldier has finished training in the psi labs (#534)
  • Triggers the event OverrideNoCaEventMinMonths to allow mods to force the UI to display no CA nag during first month
  • Triggers the event CustomizeStatusStringsSeparate in XComGameState_Unit::GetStatusStringsSeparate (#322)
  • Triggers the event OverridePersonnelStatus in UIUtilities_Strategy::GetPersonnelStatusStringParts. This allows listeners the opportunity to override the status, its time remaining and its colour. (#322)
  • Triggers the event OverridePersonnelStatusTime in a number of places to allow listeners to change the way unit status times (like how long is left on a covert action) are displayed. For example, a listener could display a time in hours rather than days, perhaps based on how many hours are left. (#322)
  • Triggers the event OverrideMissionSiteIconImage to allow mods to override the image shown for mission site icons (#537)
  • Triggers the event StrategyMapMissionSiteSelected to allow mods to provide mission launch screens for missions that have custom mission sources (#537)
  • Triggers the event OverrideMissionSiteTooltip to allow mods to override the tooltip displayed for a mission site icon (#537)
  • Triggers the event OverrideScanSiteTooltip to allow mods to override the tooltip displayed for a scan site icon (#537)
  • Triggers the event MissionIconSetMissionSite to allow mods to customize a mission site's icon in other ways than just the tooltip and image (#537)
  • Triggers the event MissionIconSetScanSite to allow mods to customize a scan site's icon in other ways than just the tooltip and image (#537)
  • Triggers the event OverrideShowPromoteIcon to allow mods to override whether the promotion icon is displayed for a given soldier or not (#631)
  • Triggers the event SoldierListItem_ShouldDisplayMentalStatus to allow mods to enable/disable display of mental status based on additional logic (#651)
  • Triggers the event CovertActionStarted to allow mods to react to it in a flexible manner (instead of hooking into UI mess) (#584)
  • Triggers the event CovertActionAllowEngineerPopup to allow mods to forbid the popup (#584)
  • Triggers the event CovertActionAllowCheckForProjectOverlap to allow mods to forbid the "de-bunching" logic on CA start (#584)
  • Triggers the event AllowActionToSpawnRandomly to allow mods to prevent certain CAs from being randomly spawned (#594)
  • Triggers the event OverridePromotionUIClasses to allow mods to override the UI classes used for the three different promotion screens (#600)
  • Triggers the event OverrideRespecSoldierProjectPoints to allow mods to customize how long it should take to respec a given soldier (#624)
  • Triggers the event OverrideScienceScore to allow mods to override the XCOM HQ science score, for example to add their own bonuses or to remove scientists that are engaged in other activities.
  • Triggers the event CanTechBeInspired to allow mods to block techs from being inspired, even if they meet the vanilla game's conditions for it (#633)
  • Triggers the event OverrideMissionImage to allow mods to customize mission's image (used in UIMission and subclasses) (#635)
  • Triggers the event UIResistanceReport_ShowCouncil to allow mods to override whether the council guy (and his remarks) is shown on the end-of-month report or not (#663)
  • Triggers the event OverrideNextRetaliationDisplay to allow mods to customize and/or enable/disable "next retaliation" display in UIAdventOperations (#667)
  • Triggers the event ItemAddedToSlot & ItemRemovedFromSlot to allow mods to change Items that have been Equipped/Unequipped during runtime(#694)
  • Triggers the event CovertAction_AllowResActivityRecord to allow mods to enable/disable "covert action completed" record for the monthly resistance report (#696)
  • Triggers the event OverrideDarkEventCount to allow mods to change the number of dark events in the monthly report (#711)
  • Triggers the event SitRepCheckAdditionalRequirements to allow mods to perform additional checks for sitrep eligibility for a mission (#561)
  • Triggers the event OverrideAddChosenTacticalTagsToMission to allow mods to override chosen spawning (#722)

Modding Exposures

  • Allows mods to add custom items to the Avenger Shortcuts (#163)
  • UIScanButton now calls OnMouseEventDelegate (#483). Note: DO NOT call ProcessMouseEvents, just set the delegate directly
  • Remove private from X2AIBTBehaviorTree.Behaviors so that mods can change the behavior trees without overwriting all the necessary entries (#410)
  • Removed protectedwrite from AcquiredTraits, PendingTraits, and CuredTraits in XComGameState_Unit, allowing Traits to be modified by external sources (#681)
  • Added X2CovertActionTemplate::bCanNeverBeRookie to allow mods to forbid a CA from being marked as a rookie one (#695)


  • Allow disabling of Factions being initialized on startup by XComGameState_HeadquartersResistance, as it can break if it collect custom factions and then assigns Chosen to them instead of the base game factions. (#82)
  • bDontUnequipCovertOps prevents soldiers gear gets stripped when sending on covert op with no ambush risk (#153)
  • bDontUnequipWhenWounded prevents soldiers gear gets stripped when getting wounded (#310)
  • AdditionalAmbushRiskTemplates array represents risk templates that the game will consider at risk to ambush (#485)
  • bSkipCampaignIntroMovies skips the intro movies on campaign start (#543)


  • Allow UIStrategyMap to display custom Faction HQ icons (#76)
  • Allow customization of auto-equipment removal behavior in 'UISquadSelect' (#134)
  • Class mods adding an eight rank will now interact better with classes with seven ranks (#1)
  • Allow XComGameState_WorldRegion::DestinationReached to use any XCGS_GeoscapeEntity class (#443)
  • Add AmbushMissionSource name property to XComGameState_CovertAction; mods can now specify the ambush mission on creation of Action GameState (#485)
  • Customization localizations now picked up for Torso/Legs/Arms. If the TemplateName already contains the parttype name (ie Torso/Legs/Arms), then the object name in the localization file matches as for other parts (in particular this means Anarchy's Children localizations which already exist in the files are picked up automatically). Otherwise, "_Torso"/"_Legs"/"_Arms" is appended to the template name to create the unique object name. (#328)


  • Fix an issue in base game where strategy X2EventListenerTemplates only register on tactical->strategy transfer, not when loading directly into strategy (#3)
  • Fix GetCrossClassAbilities collecting abilities that are already in that particular Unit Class's skill tree (#30, #62)
  • Fix Loadout utility items when unit has an item equipped in the Ammo Pocket (#99)
  • Fix units unequipping items they shouldn't, resulting in duplicate Paired Weapons (#189)
  • Fix all Covert Actions from being removed when generating covert actions (#435)
  • Make units with a status of eStatus_CovertAction unavailable for missions in XComGameState_Unit.CanGoOnMission() (#665)


Mod/DLC Hooks

  • Allow Mods/DLC to modify spawn locations for player units (#18)
  • Trigger an event for RetainConcealmentOnActivation (#2)
  • Allow Mods/DLC to modify encounters after creation (#136)
  • Allow Mods/DLC to modify encounters generated as reinforcements (#278)
  • Allow Mods/DLC to alter mission data after SitRep creation (#157)
  • Add an array of OverrideFinalHitChance function delegates to X2AbilityToHitCalc that mods can add functions to in order to override the default logic for handling hits, grazes and crits (#555)
  • Adds OnLoadedSavedGameToTactical to DLCInfo that serves like the strategy counterpart OnLoadedSavedGameToStrategy
  • Allow Mods/DLC to utilize multiplayer teams in singleplayer (#188)

Event Hooks

  • OnProjectileFireSound and OnProjectileDeathSound in X2UnifiedProjectile that allow to override the default projectile sounds. (#10)
  • Add WillRollContext for modifying Will Rolls in XComGameStateContext_WillRoll (#13)
  • Allow to use the Reaper UI without being super concealed. New events TacticalHUD_RealizeConcealmentStatus and TacticalHUD_UpdateReaperHUD (#6)
  • Trigger CleanupTacticalMission for end of mission recovery. (#96)
  • Allow override of bleedout chances on event basis with OverrideBleedoutChance. (#91)
  • OnGetItemRange override an item's range (#119)
  • PreAcquiredHackReward for overriding Hack Rewards (#120)
  • ModifyEnvironmentDamage to modify environment damage (#200)
  • OverrideKilledByExplosion to allow mods to override the "was killed by explosion" flag (#202)
  • OverrideUnitFocusUI to allow mods to show their own "focus" type using the Templar focus UI (#257)
  • Allow mods to have character templates to use custom base underlays instead of default clerk underlays on the Avenger (#251)
  • OverrideVictoriousPlayer to allow override whether a mission was successful or not (#266)
  • OverrideItemSoundRange to allow overriding an item's sound range (#363)
  • OverrideHackingScreenType and HackIn2D to allow hacking using a 2D movie and using the Skulljack / ADVENT screen arbitrarily (#330)
  • OverrideClipSize to allow effects to modify weapon clip size (#393)
  • PostMissionObjectivesSpawned to allow for map manipulation before units are spawned (#405)
  • Allow mods to override the number of objectives spawned for a mission via the new event OverrideObjectiveSpawnCount, which is triggered as the objective spawns are being selected by XComTacticalMissionManager. (#463)
  • OverrideDisableReinforcementsFlare allows mods to hide the reinforcements flare so that players don't know exactly where reinforcements will be arriving (#448)
  • OverrideReinforcementsAlert allows mods to force the display of the reinforcements alert panel and also change its text and color (#449)
  • AllowInteractHack allows mods to prevent units from being able to hack InteractiveObjects (#564)
  • OverrideEncounterZoneAnchorPoint allows mods to override the anchor point used by XCOM 2 in determining patrol zones for pods (#500)
  • 'OverridePatrolBehavior' allows mods to disable the base game pod patrol logic if they want to handle it themselves (#507)
  • 'DrawDebugLabels' allows mods to draw their own debug information on the canvas used by XComTacticalController.DrawDebugLabels() (#490)
  • OverrideAbilityIconColor provides a tuple with the same ID as the event and data of the form [bool IsObjective, string Color] that allows mods to override the color of soldier abilities in the tactical HUD (#400)
  • OverrideBodyRecovery allows mods to determine whether incapacitated soldiers are recovered at the end of a mission (which is only supported by full sweep missions with corpse retrieval in the base game) (#571)
  • OverrideLootRecovery allows mods to determine whether loot is automatically recovered at the end of a mission (which is only supported by full sweep missions with corpse retrieval in the base game) (#571)


  • Added ability to modify default spawn size (#18)
  • Added ability to modify number of tactical auto-saves kept (#53)
  • Added ability to prevent ragdolls from ever turning off their physics, plus enable Chosen ragdolling (#41)
  • Added ability to customise both Burning and Poison bypassing shields when applied to targets (#89)
  • Added ability to prevent multi-part missions counting as separate missions for will loss purposes (#44)
  • Added option to mitigate all weapon damage using armor instead of always taking at least 1 damage (#321)
  • Able to mark custom targeting methods as RequiresTargetingActivation for controller input (#476)

Modding Exposures

  • Deprivatise variables to protected in XComIdleAnimationStateMachine to allow for subclassing overrides (#15)
  • Remove protectedwrite on X2AbilityTemplate effects arrays: AbilityTarget, AbilityMultiTarget, and AbilityShooter Effects (#68)
  • Deprivatise/const config variables in XComTacticalMissionManager (#101)
  • Deprivatise XComAlienPawn.Voice to allow changes by mods (#275)
  • Deprivatise/const config variables in XComParcelManager (#404)
  • Gives SitReps access to the Tactical StartState in order to widen sitrep capabilities (#450)
  • Deprivatise variables in X2TargetingMethod_EvacZone so that it can be effectively subclassed (#165)


  • Make suppression work with weapons that don't have suppression specific animations set on them (#45)
  • Make suppression work with units that don't have a suppression specific idle animation animation set on them (#74)
  • Register tactical event listeners in TQL (#406)
  • Allow mods to decide which team(s) are granted an ability via X2SitRepEffect_GrantAbilities and better document that class (#445)
  • Allow X2AbilityToHitCalc_StatCheck to check for hit chance modifiers (#467)
  • Allow aliens and other teams to properly register non-XCOM unit locations to adjust their positions accordingly (#619)


  • Fixed XCGS_Unit::GetStatModifiers() as XCGS_Unit::GetStatModifiersFixed(), X2AbilityToHitCalc_StandardAim, the only vanilla user of this method, changed to match(#313)
  • Allow abilities that deal damage without a source weapon to still display their damage with psi flyovers (Psi Bomb, mod abilities) (#326)
  • Make disorient reapply to disoriented units so that things like flashbangs can still remove overwatch from disoriented units (#475)
  • Fix rocket targeting so that it isn't always unobstructed when the shooter has a valid step-out tile (#617)
  • MindControlLost fires whenever a unit stops being mind controlled or hacked. The event passes the affected unit state as both event data and event source (#643)


Mod/DLC Hooks

  • UpdateAnimations added to allow adding CustomAnimsets to UnitPawns (#24)
  • DLCAppendSockets added to allow appending sockets to UnitPawns (#21)
  • CanAddItemToInventory added to allow configuring whether or not a unit can equip a particular item as an extension to the standand rules (#50)
  • CanAddItemToInventory_CH_Improved added as a backwards compatible extension to other CanAddItem... helpers, allowing access to the ItemState (#114)
  • GetLocalizedCategoryadded to allow inject custom weapon category localizations (#125)
  • UpdateUIOnDifficultyChange added to allow modders to modify the UI on the difficulty selection (UIShellDifficulty) (#148)
  • GetNumUtilitySlotsOverride and GetNumHeavyWeaponSlotsOverride added to allow mods to override the numer of available slots (#171)
  • OverrideItemImage added to conditionally change the loadout image of an item (#171)
  • MatineeGetPawnFromSaveData added to allow manipulation of the shell screen matinee (#240)
  • UpdateWeaponAttachments added to allow manipulation weapon attachments at runtime (#239)
  • WeaponInitialized added to conditionally change the weapon archetype on initialization (#245)
  • UpdateWeaponMaterial added to conditionally change the weapon materials(#246)
  • OnPreCreateTemplates allows mods to modify properties of X2DataSet(s) before they are invoked (#412)
  • UpdateTransitionMap allows overriding the transition map -- dropship interior by default (#388)
  • UseAlternateMissionIntroDefinition allows overriding the mission intro (#395)
  • UnitPawnPostInitAnimTree allows Allows patching the animtree template before its initialized.(#455)
  • AbilityTagExpandHandler_CH expands vanilla AbilityTagExpandHandler to allow reflection

Event Hooks

  • Triggers the events SoldierClassIcon, SoldierClassDisplayName, SoldierClassSummary that allow replacement of the class icon/display name/summary dynamically e.g. depending on UnitState or Soldier Loadout, and adds accessor functions for those to XComGameState_Unit. (#106)
  • GetPCSImageTuple added to allow customising PCS Image string (#110)
  • Triggers the event OverrideHasHeavyWeapon that allows to override the result of XComGameState_Unit.HasHeavyWeapon (#172)
  • OverrideItemMinEquipped added to allow mods to override the min number of equipped items in a slot (#171)
  • AddConversation added to allow mods to change narrative behavior before they are played (#204)
  • OverrideRandomizeAppearance added to allow mods to block updating appearance when switching armors (#299)
  • XComGameState_Unit triggers SoldierRankName, SoldierShortRankName and SoldierRankIcon events that allow listeners to override the those particular properties of a soldier's rank, i.e. rank name, short name and icon (#408)


  • Able to list classes as excluded from AWC Skill Rolling, so they can still take part in the Combat Intelligence / AP System, without getting randomised skills (#80)
  • Able to list classes to be excluded from being 'needed', which means they are rarely meant to be acquired via Rookie level up and instead trained (#113)

Modding Exposures

  • Renable the ability to add positive traits in codebase, as well as additional filtering and behaviour on the various Trait Functions on XComGameState_Unit (#85)
  • Allow mods to register custom OnInput UI handlers (#198, #501)
  • Unprotect X2DataSet::bShouldCreateDifficultyVariants to allow mods to force templates from other packages to use difficulty variants (#413)
  • Allow mods to manipulate X2GameRuleset::EventObserverClasses, eg. on CDOs (#481)
  • Uprivate XComTacticalMissionManager::CacheMissionManagerCards to allow mods to use manager's decks (#528)
  • Unprotect X2ItemTemplateManager::Loadouts so they can be changed Programmatically (#698)
  • Unprotect XComGameState_EvacZone::CenterLocation & XComGameState_EvacZone::Team (#702)


  • Create a mod friendly way to manipulate loot tables (#8)
  • Allow enemies with assigned names to have them appear as their name, rather than a generic label. (#52)
  • Change UIUtilities_Colors.GetColorForFaction to use Faction template color as a backup (#72)
  • Prevent items from stacking if they have ComponentObjects attached to them, useful for mods to create uniques out of stackable items. (#104)
  • Allow to define mutually exclusive abilities (#128) like Template.PrerequisiteAbilities.AddItem('NOT_SomeAbility');
  • Rebuild PerkContentCache during OnPostTemplatesCreated to improve handling for PerkContent attachments to Units (#123)
  • Check DLCInfo for CanAddItemToInventory no matter what, rather than short circuiting if DisabledReason != "" (#127)
  • Major Overhaul of InventorySlot handling so modders can suggest extra inventory slots (#118, #137)
  • Fix UIOptionsPCScreen so part pack sliders actually get shown as intended (#150)
  • Fix XGCharacterGenerator so it's actually possible to disable part packs for new soldiers (#154)
  • Alter XComGameState_Unit so it obeys part pack sliders when picking new armour appearances. Use CHHelpers.CosmeticDLCNamesUnaffectedByRoll to remove the random roll from specific part names (#155)
  • eInvSlot_HeavyWeapon is now a multi-item slot (#171)
  • Improve performance by removing unnecessary calls to UpdateAllMeshMaterials (#186)
  • Adds ability to have weapon upgrades modify damage, and properly accounts for any damage upgrades in the UI. (#237)
  • Allow Human Pawns to freely switch between custom heads and base pawn heads, eliminating the need for head mods to include invisible heads (#219)
  • Changes to "Legacy Operations" squad loadout and ability selections are now always applied for the first mission. Note any non-AWC-eligble abilities added need to exist in the Soldier Classes ability tree (#307)
  • For "Legacy Operations" changes to squad members' Soldier Class, and changes to the Soldier Classes themselves, are taken into account for pre-existing operations. Particularly important for Central and Shen, whose custom Soldier Classes ability tree contain only the abilities granted by their squad progression (#307)
  • Better Photobooth support for custom Soldier Classes and Spark-like units, no broken duo poses for units that can't play them (#309)
  • Additional Photobooth particle system enums for mods (#359)
  • Tweaks to "Resistance Archives" random Legacy Operations UI. Restarts show the correct locked difficulty, and a crash condition on backing out of a restart fixed. (#307)
  • Added CovertAction as its own EventSource on Event 'CovertActionCompleted' (#383)
  • "Arms" no longer always hide forearm decos, but obey the archetype flag as the left/right arms do. (#350)
  • Arms and left/right arm customization dropdowns remain selectable even if they only have one entry iff both arms and seperate left/right arms are available. (#350)
  • Allow mods to check whether VIP units left a mission successfully via the bRemovedFromPlay flag on XComGameState_Unit. This behavior is gated behind the new CHHelpers.PreserveProxyUnitData config variable. (#465)
  • Adds CustomDeathAnimationName property to X2Action_Death that allows overriding the default death animations (#488)
  • Change GetScreen() and IsCurrentClass() on UIScreenStack to take into account subclasses by default. This is a breaking change but fixes a lot of problems with vanilla and mod code that mistakenly ignores subclasses of screens, particularly those provided by mod. The original behavior can still be accessed via new GetScreen_CH() and IsCurrentClass_CH(). (#290)
  • Allow PCS granting PsiOffense to be equiped by other classes than PsiOperative (#602)
  • Added Inventory Slots eInvSlot_Wings and eInvSlot_ExtraBackpack. (#678)


  • Fixes game terminating SoundCue narrative moments after three seconds because it assumes they didn't play at all. (#66)
  • Fixes UIPanels animating in with a huge delay when they are direct child panels of UIScreen (#341)
  • Appearances now update correctly when a part change differs only by material override (#354)
  • All relevant body parts are now correctly validated when the torso is changed. (#350)