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Introduction to the standalone ViroBLAST server IntroductionThis standalone ViroBLAST server suite of programs wasdesigned to be similar to the NCBI BLAST server andcommand-line NCBI C++ Toolkit BLAST applications referred as the BLAST+ applications. It incorporates mostfeatures that exist in NCBI BLAST+ program, and adds newfeatures to extend the utility of BLAST. It was created tofacilitate verification of the origins of HumanImmunodeficiency Virus (HIV) sequences derived from variousexperiments, and then was developed into the standalone webserver for maximum utility in other research fields. It isrecommended that users have experience in installation andrunning standalone NCBI BLAST+ programs when installing,configuring and customizing ViroBLAST. After files areuncompressed, ViroBLAST server is ready to be usedimmediately. Users then can configure and customize sequencedatabases to manage their own BLAST web server tailored tomeet their specific research purpose. Features* Customize public and user's local sequence databases.* Blast against user's sequence data set by uploading sequence file in FASTA format.* Blast against multiple sequence databases selected by user.* Summarize the BLAST output and easily navigate the result.* Download sequences in database that match user's query sequence. Installation of the standalone ViroBLAST serverAfter downloading the file viroblast.tar.gz, place it intodocument directory of HTTPD server in your computer anduncompress it by gzip -d viroblast.tar.gz tar -xvpf viroblast.tarIt is important to have the parameter "p" in tar options. Itwill preserve file access options stored in thedistribution. Directory for the BLAST output (data) shouldhave readable, writeable and executable permissions foreveryone (777).After you have uncompressed the distribution file, thedirectory "viroblast" will be created. You can access theViroBLAST home page via URL: http://your_hostname/viroblast/viroblast.php Configuration of BLAST programThe standalone ViroBLAST server runs the NCBI BLAST+program and has been tested on Linux, Mac OS X and Sun OS.The distribution comes with a standalone BLAST+ program forlinux ia32. It is your responsibility to downloadappropriate standalone BLAST+ for your computer's operatingsystem from NCBI ftp site(ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables/blast+/LATEST/). After you havedownloaded the standalone BLAST+, uncompress it and put in adirectory you want, then, change the path to "blast+" programinto server configuration file (viroblast.ini). Configuration and customization of BLAST sequence databasesThis distribution comes with 2 BLAST databases to test."Nucleotide test database" - sample nucleotide database and"Protein test database" - sample protein database. Thesedatabases are configured to be searchable immediately. Aftertesting, you need to set up your sequence databases for thestandalone ViroBLAST server. It is necessary to follow thesesteps:1. Put sequence FASTA file in appropriate directory under ./db/ (./db/nucleotide/ or ./db/protein/).2. Run "makeblastdb" program, available from the NCBI ftp site (ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables/blast+/LATEST/) to format the sequence database.3. Add name of the database into server configuration file (viroblast.ini).The format is: "database_file_name => database_name_for_display".If there are more than one database, put comma "," between them. Directories and Files in the distribution* Root directory (./viroblast/): - viroblast.php: viroblast home page. - blastresult.php: blast result output page. - blast.pl: perl program executes blast+ program and formats the output. - sequence.php: page showing sequences ready for download. - download.php: download sequences - viroblast.ini: Default configuration file for the ViroBLAST server.* ./viroblast/blast+/ - Default standalone BLAST+ program for linux ia32 downloaded from NCBI.* ./viroblast/data/ - Storage for BLAST output files.* ./viroblast/docs/ - Documents for the ViroBLAST server.* ./viroblast/db/nucleotide/ - Storage of nucleotide sequence databases for BLAST search. * ./viroblast/db/protein/ - Storage of protein sequence databases for BLAST search.* ./viroblast/image/ - Images used in ViroBLAST pages. Server configuration fileThis distribution comes with a default configuration file"viroblast.ini". The configuration file will set the path toblast+ program and what databases may be used with whatprograms.