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openFrameworks | Documentation table of contents

Android Studio

The Android distribution of openFrameworks is setup to work with Android Studio IDE.


Setting up openFrameworks with Android Studio is fairly straightforward. The basic steps are:

  • Install latest version of Android Studio (Tested with version 3.0)
  • Download openFrameworks 0.10.0 or later from the download page or from github
  • Download and unzip the Android NDK version r15c: Windows, Linux, OSX. It doesn't matter where you store the library, you will point Android Studio to this location later. Notice that openFrameworks only works with version r15c!
  • If you got openFrameworks from git:
    • run scripts/android/ to download libraries.
    • Use project generator to generate Android Studio project files for android examples.
  • In Android Studio, use Open an existing Android Studio project and select an openFrameworks example from the examples/android folder
  • It will ask you for NDK location, either put the path in or click Project Structure and select the NDK location.
  • Let Android Studio download all other dependencies missing automatically
  • Build and run

Build and run

Press the Play button next to the androidEmptyExample shown in the toolbar. With any luck, it should build the app, and momentarily deploy it to your Android device (or prompt you to deploy it on a suitable emulator). If the app runs, congratulations! You have setup openFrameworks.

Creating new projects

  1. Use project generator to generate new projects for Android Studio
  2. Open Android Studio and click Open an existing Android Studio project, and point to the newly created project folder
  3. Certain apps need additional permissions, for example access to camera, add these in the AndroidManifest.xml file


  • You may need to adjust the following numbers to match your installed Android Studio and Android SDK. Android Studio should offer to fix these values for you when you open the appropriate build files.

    • The Gradle version specified in /build.gradle
    • The compileSdkVersion, buildToolsVersion, minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion values in /addons/ofxAndroid/ofAndroidLib/build.gradle and /apps/myApps/androidEmptyExample/build.gradle
  • If you get strange linker errors, check that you are using the r15c version of the NDK. Newer NDKs might work but usually there's some always some fixes that need to be done when moving to a new NDK version.

  • If your connected device is not recognized by Android Studio, restart adb with adb kill-server && adb start-server

  • If, when syncronizing a project for the first time, clicking on the console messages does not solves the problem regarding a missing dependency of the android API (like for example Android API 22), open the sdk from the console, select the missing API and install it