Learn to deploy Python Flask App using Docker, AWS ECS and AWS Fargate.
- Clone this project
- Move to project directory
- Run this to build the image:
docker build -t flask-demo-app .
- Now we need to run the container from image. Run this command:
docker run -it -p 5000:5000 flask-demo-app:latest
- You should be able to open the flask app in browser using:
- Create Repository in Elastic Container Registry (ECR):
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name demo-flask-app
- Get a command you can use for logging in to the ECR repository you’ve just created:
aws ecr get-login --region $YOUR_REGION --no-include-email
- Let's put our local docker image to ECR (ACCOUNTID is your account id and REGIONNAME is your region):
docker tag flask-demo-app:latest ACCOUNTID.dkr.ecr.REGIONNAME.amazonaws.com
- Go to ECS. Create cluster and click on get started
- Write container name and give the link to the docker image and you uploaded in the preivous steps. You should be able to get it from ECR as well.
- Click on next
- Make sure the service has ecsContainerRole Click on next
- Click on next
- Finally, Review and create the cluster