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JNBullet (Terasology Version)

JNBullet is a version of bullet with extensions for direct interactions for voxel worlds, written for use with Terasology. Bullet is a real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation, for instance intended for use in games. In Terasology we use it for simulating gravity for player and object movements as well as for collisions between players and/or objects. This is an implementation of bullet wrapped around native bullet using SWIG.


Make sure the following applications are installed:

Clone this repository and initialize all git submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive


To build the Java library and all supported natives for the current platform run

./gradlew build buildNatives

The native libraries are written to build/natives/* and are .so, dll, or .dylib files.

To see a list of all known natives (platforms and operating systems), run

./gradlew listNatives

To build only the Java library part of bullet, simply run

./gradlew build

Release Management

A release denotes that an artifact for the associated commit is available for consumption. Our GitHub action automatically builds and publishes releases for the main master branch. The artifact is published to our [Artifactory] under the version specified in

Note: Whether an artifact should be published as release or snapshot is determined by whether or not there is a -SNAPSHOT in the version. Publishing will fail in case publishing the same non-snapshot version is attempted again.

The exact build steps for this library are defined in the GitHub action workflow.

🗄 SnapshotsReleases

Release Process

As releases are automatically triggered from master the required steps to make a non-snapshot release for any version is as follows:

  1. Decide on release version ▪ Which branch to publish, under which version?

    The version number MUST be a higher SemVer than the current version of the branch to release. The version bump SHOULD follow SemVer specifications, e.g., increase the major version for breaking changes, or do a patch release for bug fixes.

  2. Make the release commit ▪ Trigger a release via the [GitHub Action]

    Update the version in and remove the -SNAPSHOT suffix. Commit the change with the following message and push it:

    release: version {{version}}

    Until we have automatic tagging or a tag-based release process it is recommended to manually [create and push an annotated tag][git-tag] for the respective version on master. For a library release v1.2.3 the tag process is:

    git tag -a v1.2.3 -m "Release version 1.2.3"
    git push --tags
  3. Prepare for next release ▪ Bump to next snapshot version

    Next, we have to increase the version number to be able to get pre-release -SNAPSHOT builds for subsequent commits. Therefore, the version number MUST be a higher SemVer than the version just released. This will typically be a minor version bump. To do this, just update the version in, commit the change with the following message and push it:

    chore: prepare next snapshot for {{version}}

  4. Make the release visible ▪ Create the GitHub Release

    Finally, we need to create the GitHub release to make the new release visible. Navigate to JNBullet Releases and "Draft a new release". Select the tag you created earlier and name the release as "v{{version}}", optionally with a descriptive suffix like " - Initial Release". "Generate release notes" to have GitHub automatically add a list of new changes and contributors since the last release and publish the release.


To test be sure to make the version in unique so you can ensure you use it by updating the corresponding version in Terasology's root build.gradle (natives) as well as its engine/build.gradle (Java wrapper). Use ./gradlew build zipNatives publishToMavenLocal to get binaries created locally for JNBullet that Terasology can then read, and make sure to refresh its natives (delete the natives directory and rerun gradlew extractNatives)


This library is Licensed under the Apache 2 License and is a rework of bullet wrapper from libgdx