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186 lines (179 loc) · 4.19 KB

File metadata and controls

186 lines (179 loc) · 4.19 KB


It's a Whatsapp like clone which uses firebase for online auth and storage and Android Room (not complete working on it) for creating local database


This activity takes the phone number and passes it through itent to the SmsVerifyActivity. On click Country's Spinner CountryPickerActivity opens, which cointains country flag, calling code and country, therefore it can be easily searched from the search menu

ContactPickerDialong uses telephonyManager.simCountryIso and SubscriptionManager to get the arrayList of Sim's Data

SmsVerify Activity uses Firebase Auth to send otp verfication and uses Google Cloud Platfrom's SafetyNet Verify Apps API which is a Android device app verfification api.As soon as the sms comes the Google Play services automatically perform verification without user action

RegisterNameActivity registers the name in Firebase Auth current user display name and Profile picture in optional and uses MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE to get image and then stores it to Firebase Storage and stores Uri in Fireabase Auth

Home Activity contains 3 tab first is camera fragment uses Jetpack CameraX libraray can take picture but not video recording as it is in CameraX beta and the third activity is just for show right now.

ChatActivity is noraml Chat with whatsapp like ui animates the displayPicture on click action bar for Chat or group info as same as whatsapp does

Camera Fragment show camera using PreviewView and cameraX. There are options like pinch to zoom out and do opposite for zoom in,touch to focus, uses broadcast manager to click image with lower volume button and support custom landscape mode