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Dec 16, 2016
d405605 · Dec 16, 2016




Final Project 🎉 🙆‍♀️

Here is final project rubric!


Proposal (Monday, October 31st)

Before class on Monday, October 31st, upload to your git repo with the following information, and fill out this survey.

We will be meeting with each team at the beginning of class to go over your proposal and approve it.

Include the following information:

  • The names of everyone in your group.
  • A general description of your app idea.
  • A list of features that will be included. Include both:
    • required features for an MVP
    • stretch goals
  • What technologies/APIs/libraries/hardware-components your app will depend on.
  • For each team member:
    • Three project learning goals (e.g., learn good git workflow, learn UI/UX, learn how to do unit tests, learn about threads, etc.). For each learning goal, explain what you hope to get out of the project, and how your project will help accomplish that goal.

Design Write-up and Class Diagrams (Tues, November 3rd)

Class Diagrams

A class diagram looks like this:

Define all the classes and fragments you will be creating and draw out class diagrams for all the major classes. For each class, list all the variables as well as methods available within it. Whenever there is communication between classes, draw those connections between class diagrams. Here is more info on how to make class diagrams.

Design Writeup

Your wireframes should show all screens your app will have, and how your users will navigate/use the app. For each screen, write 2-3 sentences explaining:

  • The purpose of the screen
  • What the user can do in that screen/what all the buttons/elements on the screen will do.
  • How the user can get to/away from the screen.

Put class diagrams + wireframes + your explanations in a single file and upload it to your repo as Design..

Sprint Reviews

Here is the [sprint review rubric](./Rubric Breakdowns/

The final project will be conducted in a series of three two-week sprints. At the end of each sprint, you will have a formal sprint review. The following are the dates for the sprint reviews:

  • Thursday, November 10th
  • Thursday, November 24th
  • EXPO Day

During these reviews, you will:

  • Showcase the progress you have made on your app
  • Show important code snippets and receive feedback
  • Ask questions about how to improve your project or about sticking points you are having
  • Potentially live-demo your app

with an accompanying slide-show.

Daily Standups

In order to monitor progress, we’ll be having a class-wide “standup” at the start of every class. This means that at 6:40 pm, everyone will a) standup b) take up to 2-minutes to describe what they’ve completed since last class and c) ask questions to the teaching team/your peers (if you have any). d) offer thoughts/suggestions to your peers

Final Deliverable

Code freeze

You will choose a code freeze during finals week. This means that you should stop working on your code and start working on the other final deliverables. After your code freeze, you shouldn’t write any more code.


Dec 15th at Midnight:

Dec 18 at Midnight:

via this survey:

  • A detailed write-up explaining how you completed your learning goals.
  • A reflection on what you’ve learned and completed over the semester and final project.

Demo day! ✨

Demo day will be Monday, Dec 19.