This file is used to list changes made in each version of kibana.
- proxy backend healthcheck
- update proxy templates to match kibana master
- changed config.js template to pull from attributes
- Add ability to choose install type of either git repo or zipfile
- Add web_dir attribute to handle kibana location for different install types
- Add attributes for http scheme for both webserver and es, helpful if they're managed outside of this cookbook.
- Some Attribute namespace cleanup, read through carefully if upgrading. ?????? * Update config.js to newer format
- Added Strainer test suite
- Allow installing kibana without a webserver
- Boolean Attribute kibana['git']['checkout'] to allow default git behavior to be checkout rather than sync.
- Update configuration to use proxy_pass setup by cookbook
- Rename dist to src symlink as per latest kibana folder structure change
- Update config.js.erb to be the same as the new config.js source from kibana
- Fixed previous symlink of whole repository, now it only symlinks the dist directory
- Changed paths in default recipe for kibana source to the new kibana directory structure
- Initial release of kibana