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Lab 1: Setup the Environment

In this lab you will prepare the hardware, download the workshop content locally, and initilize the cloud components. We will also login to your Amazon Web Services account to configure credentials for the hardware used in this workshop and to have interface for tracking the device telemetry data and device shadow.

Applying your Credits

If as part of this workshop you received credits to offset any potential cost occurred in the AWS Cloud during this workshop, please follow the steps on the card provided to apply the credits.

Software Setup

The workshop requires you have the following software installed:

  • Microchip MPLAB X IDE v5.15 or higher
  • Microchip MPLAB XC32 v2.10 (REQUIRED)
  • Microchip MPLAB Harmony v2.05
  • GNU operating environment, with (minimally):
    • GNU Coreutils
    • GNU Shellutils
    • GNU Fileutils
    • Git
  • AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) (Python 3 / Boto)

Microchip MPLAB X IDE

Use the following instructions.

  1. Open browser.
  2. Navigate to the MPLAB X IDE page.
  3. Scroll close to the bottom of the page, and click on the Downloads tab.
  4. Download the latest MPLAB X IDE for your target platform.
  5. Install with default options to your workstation.

Microchip MPLAB Harmony

Use the following instructions.

  1. Open browser.
  2. Navigate to the MPLAB Harmony page.
  3. Scroll down until you see the Downloads tab and click it.
  4. Locate the latest MPLAB Harmony 2.x for your target platform.
  5. Install with default options to your workstation.

GNU Operating Environment

Microchip supports MPLAB X on the Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux operating systems. Both Mac OSX and Linux natively install the GNU stack. On Windows, a GNU stack must be involved. If you are currently not running a modern version of Cygwin or MSYS, we recommend installing Git Bash via [Git for Windows](, which also has Python 3 pre-installed.

Python 3 and AWS CLI

Python 3.x (modern: 3.7.x) is required to install the AWS CLI.


Python 3 is already installed with Git Bash. If not, then then Python3 can be installed from the Python3 website at . Choose the latest version of Python 3. When installing, ensure to add Python3 to your PATH.

To install the AWS CLI:

  1. Open a new Git Bash shell
  2. Issue the following command:
pip3 install --user awscli

You need to then add the AWS CLI to your system path. Open your Computer preferences, and edit the environment. Add the following directory to your path, replacing "" with your user id. Check the path in Windows Explorer before adding to the system path.


After saving the new environment setting, open a new Git Bash shell and issue the following command to verify that the AWS CLI has been installed and the environment configured properly:

which aws


If Python 3 is not already installed, do so:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get install python3.7
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install --user awscli


Unless downloaded from the python website, the easiest way to install Python 3.7 is through brew. If you do not have brew installed, do the following.

Open a terminal window and perform the following to install Python 3.

Your Mac OSX may still uses Python 2.x by default, and your freshly brewed Python 3.7 is in /usr/local/bin.

/usr/local/bin/python --version
Python 2.7.16
/usr/local/bin/python3.7 --version
Python 3.7.3

Ensure that your .bash_profile or local terminal session is fixed properly to include

Hardware Setup

Unless the hardware is still new in box, it will be pre-configured for you prior to the start of the workshop. This section outlines the steps to configuring the physical aspects such that you can quickly check your hardware.

The Mikroelekronika Flip N Click has one serial connection to your workstation and an ICSP header that is used to connect to a Microchip debugger such as an MPLAB SNAP or ICD4.

First, ensure you have all components available to you. You can purchase the Smart Home PIC32MZ Click Kit for AWS or purchase components individually if you already have some of the parts.

  • 1 MIKROE-2340 Flip&Click PIC32MZ
  • 1 MIKROE-1585 OLED C click $29 User interface
  • 1 MIKROE-2046 WiFi 7 click $29 Wireless connectivity
  • 1 MIKROE-1978 Weather click $22 Temperature and Humidity
  • 1 MIKROE-2380 Rotary O Click $12 Analog dial control
  • 1 MPLAB SNAP. To use this, you need to solder the ICSP header to the Flip N Click.
  • 2 USB Micro B cables

Build the components.

  1. Unbox components.

  2. If not done already, solder pins to the ICSP header location.


    Flip over the board.


  3. To mikroBUS location A, insert the WIFI 7 Click.

  4. To mikroBUS location B, insert the OLED C Click.

  5. To mikroBUS location C, insert the Rotary B Click.

  6. To mikroBUS location D, insert the Weather Click.

  7. After all clicks have been input, the result should look like the following.


  8. Insert the MPLAB SNAP to the ICSP header pins so that PIN 0 has alignment. Note the small arrows on each board.


The result should look similar to the following. The orange boxes outline where the USB cables should be connected. You will be using the connection to the main board for power up and serial output. You will be using the connection to the SNAP debugger for programming and debugging.


Connect the two USB cables between the board and your workstation.

Serial Port Installation and Connection: Windows

Ensure you have a serial port terminal emulator such as Putty or Tera Term installed.

  1. Open Device Manager. View the current COM ports available.
  2. Plug in the Flip N Click device.
  3. Identify the change in COM ports.
  4. Use Putty, Tera Term, or your other favorite serial program to connect to the COM port at 115200-N-1.

Serial Port Installation and Connection: MacOS/Linux

Virtually all Linux distributions have screen installed and MacOS has screen installed by default.

  1. Open a Terminal window on MacOS or an XTerm (or your favorite terminal program) on Linux.

  2. Issue the following command to view current serial devices.

    ls /dev/cu.usb*
  3. Plug in the Flip N Click device.

  4. Issue the following command again to identify the device.

    ls /dev/cu.usb*
  5. Identify the change of items in the list, and issue the following command:

    screen /dev/<device> 115200 -L

    For example, if the difference was cu.usbmodem0003, the command would be:

    screen /dev/cu.usbmodem0003 115200 -L

Alternatively, if you use MacOS, the application Serial is a great choice. It is not free, but has many usability features that are common to applications running on MacOS.

AWS Cloud Setup


A general familiarity with Linux command line operation under the bash shell is assumed.

The labs require that you have Git and the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) installed to perform functions in the AWS Cloud.

The following scripts will succeed if your IAM user has the AdministratorAccess policy attached with no permission boundaries. This is very broad, and narrower options might succeed, but have not been tested.

Clone Workshop Repository

In this section, you will clone the workshop Git repository. The Git repository contains all the workshop code and scripts you will use.

  1. If not already done, open a terminal windows that hosts the GNU shell environment.

  2. Ensure you are in the $HOME directory

    cd $HOME
  3. Clone the repository by running the following command.

    git clone --recursive
    cd aws-mikroe-smarthome-pic32mz

    The total repository size is more than 30MB so it may take some time to download. Please be patient.

You're done! Let's move to the next section.

AWS IoT Console Sign In

In this section you will log-in to the AWS IoT Console if you have not already done so. Leave this interface open for the remainder of the lab as it is used for monitoring and testing the target board.

Go to AWS Console Sign In page and click on the "Sign In" box in the upper right. Log in with your AWS credentials and then browse to the IoT Core page. We will use the services provided under IoT Core in the next few labs.

Configure AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)

In this section, we will configure the AWS CLI in your shell environment. The AWS CLI provides the mechanisms for driving AWS IoT Console cloud actions. For more information or details on configuration, visit the Configuring the AWS CLI page and follow steps 1-5 to add the AdministratorAccess policy to your username and capture the Key ID and Secret Access Key as you will need them in the steps below.

The AWS CLI has already been installed in a previous section.

Start the configuration as follows:

aws configure

This step will ask for the following pieces of information:

  1. Type or copy-paste your AWS Access Key ID acquired above and press Enter.

  2. Type or copy-paste AWS Secret Access Key acquired above and press Enter.

  3. Default region name - use us-west-2 (or other region having AWS IoT Core)

    Popular regions include:

|Region ID     |Friendly Name|
|us-east-1     | Ohio        |
|us-east-2     | Virginia    |
|us-west-2     | Oregon      |
|eu-west-1     |Dublin       |
|eu-central-1  |Frankfurt    |
|ap-northeast-1|Tokyo        |

Remember this Region ID for configuration in later sessions.

  1. Default output format - use json

Note that the first two will be stored unencrypted in the file ~/.aws/credentials, the rest will be stored in ~/.aws/config. For your security, delete the credentials file at the end of the workshop.


In this lab, you installed prerequisites to your workstation and installed lab prerequisites to the AWS Cloud in your account.

Next Section


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