With a debian based system, it can be compiled executing the following commands on a terminal:
Install golang:
sudo apt install golang-go
Install git:
sudo apt install git
Install GLFW dependencies:
sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev xorg-dev
Install OpenAL dependencies:
sudo apt install libopenal1 libopenal-dev
Download Ikemen GO Plus repository:
git clone https://github.com/Windblade-GR01/Ikemen_GO.git
Move to downloaded folder:
cd Ikemen_GO
Then, move to the build folder:
cd build
Execute get.sh to download Ikemen dependencies (it takes a while):
FINALLY compile:
The compiled Ikemen GO binary now should be inside the bin folder.
And now, Ikemen can be opened double clicking Ikemen_GO, or with the terminal:
PS: If you want to run the engine you can to donwload the mugen font and screenpack files at this link,
they need to be extracted at the bin