diff --git a/.dockerignore b/.dockerignore
deleted file mode 100644
index c6bba59..0000000
--- a/.dockerignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-# Logs
-# Diagnostic reports (https://nodejs.org/api/report.html)
-# Runtime data
-# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
-# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
-# nyc test coverage
-# Grunt intermediate storage (https://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files)
-# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/)
-# node-waf configuration
-# Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html)
-# Dependency directories
-# Snowpack dependency directory (https://snowpack.dev/)
-# TypeScript cache
-# Optional npm cache directory
-# Optional eslint cache
-# Optional stylelint cache
-# Microbundle cache
-# Optional REPL history
-# Output of 'npm pack'
-# Yarn Integrity file
-# dotenv environment variable files
-# parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/)
-# Next.js build output
-# Nuxt.js build / generate output
-# Gatsby files
-# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js
-# https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-1#public-directory-support
-# public
-# vuepress build output
-# vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory
-# Docusaurus cache and generated files
-# Serverless directories
-# FuseBox cache
-# DynamoDB Local files
-# TernJS port file
-# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions
-# yarn v2
diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3897265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.eslintignore
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Ignore files for PNPM, NPM and YARN
diff --git a/.eslintrc.cjs b/.eslintrc.cjs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50b97a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.eslintrc.cjs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+/** @type { import("eslint").Linter.Config } */
+module.exports = {
+ root: true,
+ extends: ['eslint:recommended', 'plugin:svelte/recommended', 'prettier'],
+ parserOptions: {
+ sourceType: 'module',
+ ecmaVersion: 2020,
+ extraFileExtensions: ['.svelte']
+ },
+ env: {
+ browser: true,
+ es2017: true,
+ node: true
+ }
diff --git a/.npmrc b/.npmrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6f27f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.npmrc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.prettierignore b/.prettierignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc41cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.prettierignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Ignore files for PNPM, NPM and YARN
diff --git a/.prettierrc b/.prettierrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9573023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.prettierrc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "useTabs": true,
+ "singleQuote": true,
+ "trailingComma": "none",
+ "printWidth": 100,
+ "plugins": ["prettier-plugin-svelte"],
+ "overrides": [{ "files": "*.svelte", "options": { "parser": "svelte" } }]
diff --git a/.svelte-kit/ambient.d.ts b/.svelte-kit/ambient.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18a7236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.svelte-kit/ambient.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// this file is generated — do not edit it
+ * Environment variables [loaded by Vite](https://vitejs.dev/guide/env-and-mode.html#env-files) from `.env` files and `process.env`. Like [`$env/dynamic/private`](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/modules#$env-dynamic-private), this module cannot be imported into client-side code. This module only includes variables that _do not_ begin with [`config.kit.env.publicPrefix`](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/configuration#env) _and do_ start with [`config.kit.env.privatePrefix`](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/configuration#env) (if configured).
+ *
+ * _Unlike_ [`$env/dynamic/private`](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/modules#$env-dynamic-private), the values exported from this module are statically injected into your bundle at build time, enabling optimisations like dead code elimination.
+ *
+ * ```ts
+ * import { API_KEY } from '$env/static/private';
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Note that all environment variables referenced in your code should be declared (for example in an `.env` file), even if they don't have a value until the app is deployed:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * ```
+ *
+ * You can override `.env` values from the command line like so:
+ *
+ * ```bash
+ * MY_FEATURE_FLAG="enabled" npm run dev
+ * ```
+ */
+declare module '$env/static/private' {
+ export const SHELL: string;
+ export const npm_command: string;
+ export const COLORTERM: string;
+ export const XDG_MENU_PREFIX: string;
+ export const HOSTNAME: string;
+ export const SSH_AUTH_SOCK: string;
+ export const DISTTAG: string;
+ export const DESKTOP_SESSION: string;
+ export const EDITOR: string;
+ export const PWD: string;
+ export const XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP: string;
+ export const XDG_SESSION_TYPE: string;
+ export const TOOLBOX_PATH: string;
+ export const PNPM_HOME: string;
+ export const XAUTHORITY: string;
+ export const container: string;
+ export const HOME: string;
+ export const LANG: string;
+ export const XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP: string;
+ export const FGC: string;
+ export const VTE_VERSION: string;
+ export const WAYLAND_DISPLAY: string;
+ export const XDG_SESSION_CLASS: string;
+ export const TERM: string;
+ export const USER: string;
+ export const DISPLAY: string;
+ export const SHLVL: string;
+ export const npm_config_user_agent: string;
+ export const PNPM_PACKAGE_NAME: string;
+ export const XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: string;
+ export const NODE_PATH: string;
+ export const XDG_DATA_DIRS: string;
+ export const PATH: string;
+ export const DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS: string;
+ * Similar to [`$env/static/private`](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/modules#$env-static-private), except that it only includes environment variables that begin with [`config.kit.env.publicPrefix`](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/configuration#env) (which defaults to `PUBLIC_`), and can therefore safely be exposed to client-side code.
+ *
+ * Values are replaced statically at build time.
+ *
+ * ```ts
+ * import { PUBLIC_BASE_URL } from '$env/static/public';
+ * ```
+ */
+declare module '$env/static/public' {
+ * This module provides access to runtime environment variables, as defined by the platform you're running on. For example if you're using [`adapter-node`](https://github.com/sveltejs/kit/tree/main/packages/adapter-node) (or running [`vite preview`](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/cli)), this is equivalent to `process.env`. This module only includes variables that _do not_ begin with [`config.kit.env.publicPrefix`](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/configuration#env) _and do_ start with [`config.kit.env.privatePrefix`](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/configuration#env) (if configured).
+ *
+ * This module cannot be imported into client-side code.
+ *
+ * Dynamic environment variables cannot be used during prerendering.
+ *
+ * ```ts
+ * import { env } from '$env/dynamic/private';
+ * ```
+ *
+ * > In `dev`, `$env/dynamic` always includes environment variables from `.env`. In `prod`, this behavior will depend on your adapter.
+ */
+declare module '$env/dynamic/private' {
+ export const env: {
+ SHELL: string;
+ npm_command: string;
+ COLORTERM: string;
+ XDG_MENU_PREFIX: string;
+ HOSTNAME: string;
+ SSH_AUTH_SOCK: string;
+ DISTTAG: string;
+ EDITOR: string;
+ PWD: string;
+ TOOLBOX_PATH: string;
+ PNPM_HOME: string;
+ XAUTHORITY: string;
+ container: string;
+ HOME: string;
+ LANG: string;
+ FGC: string;
+ VTE_VERSION: string;
+ TERM: string;
+ USER: string;
+ DISPLAY: string;
+ SHLVL: string;
+ npm_config_user_agent: string;
+ XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: string;
+ NODE_PATH: string;
+ XDG_DATA_DIRS: string;
+ PATH: string;
+ [key: `PUBLIC_${string}`]: undefined;
+ [key: `${string}`]: string | undefined;
+ }
+ * Similar to [`$env/dynamic/private`](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/modules#$env-dynamic-private), but only includes variables that begin with [`config.kit.env.publicPrefix`](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/configuration#env) (which defaults to `PUBLIC_`), and can therefore safely be exposed to client-side code.
+ *
+ * Note that public dynamic environment variables must all be sent from the server to the client, causing larger network requests — when possible, use `$env/static/public` instead.
+ *
+ * Dynamic environment variables cannot be used during prerendering.
+ *
+ * ```ts
+ * import { env } from '$env/dynamic/public';
+ * ```
+ */
+declare module '$env/dynamic/public' {
+ export const env: {
+ [key: `PUBLIC_${string}`]: string | undefined;
+ }
diff --git a/.svelte-kit/generated/client/app.js b/.svelte-kit/generated/client/app.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fabbdee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.svelte-kit/generated/client/app.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+export { matchers } from './matchers.js';
+export const nodes = [
+ () => import('./nodes/0'),
+ () => import('./nodes/1'),
+ () => import('./nodes/2')
+export const server_loads = [];
+export const dictionary = {
+ "/": [2]
+ };
+export const hooks = {
+ handleError: (({ error }) => { console.error(error) }),
+ reroute: (() => {})
+export { default as root } from '../root.svelte';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.svelte-kit/generated/client/matchers.js b/.svelte-kit/generated/client/matchers.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6bd30a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.svelte-kit/generated/client/matchers.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export const matchers = {};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.svelte-kit/generated/client/nodes/0.js b/.svelte-kit/generated/client/nodes/0.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fed1375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.svelte-kit/generated/client/nodes/0.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export { default as component } from "../../../../src/routes/+layout.svelte";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.svelte-kit/generated/client/nodes/1.js b/.svelte-kit/generated/client/nodes/1.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..445e2c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.svelte-kit/generated/client/nodes/1.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export { default as component } from "../../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@sveltejs+kit@2.5.5_@sveltejs+vite-plugin-svelte@3.1.0_svelte@4.2.13_vite@5.2.8/node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/runtime/components/error.svelte";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.svelte-kit/generated/client/nodes/2.js b/.svelte-kit/generated/client/nodes/2.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cb4f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.svelte-kit/generated/client/nodes/2.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export { default as component } from "../../../../src/routes/+page.svelte";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.svelte-kit/generated/root.svelte b/.svelte-kit/generated/root.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1172dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.svelte-kit/generated/root.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+{#if constructors[1]}
+{#if mounted}
+ {#if navigated}
+ {title}
+ {/if}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.svelte-kit/generated/server/internal.js b/.svelte-kit/generated/server/internal.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b30dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.svelte-kit/generated/server/internal.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import root from '../root.svelte';
+import { set_building, set_prerendering } from '__sveltekit/environment';
+import { set_assets } from '__sveltekit/paths';
+import { set_manifest, set_read_implementation } from '__sveltekit/server';
+import { set_private_env, set_public_env, set_safe_public_env } from '../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@sveltejs+kit@2.5.5_@sveltejs+vite-plugin-svelte@3.1.0_svelte@4.2.13_vite@5.2.8/node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/runtime/shared-server.js';
+export const options = {
+ app_dir: "_app",
+ app_template_contains_nonce: false,
+ csp: {"mode":"auto","directives":{"upgrade-insecure-requests":false,"block-all-mixed-content":false},"reportOnly":{"upgrade-insecure-requests":false,"block-all-mixed-content":false}},
+ csrf_check_origin: true,
+ embedded: false,
+ env_public_prefix: 'PUBLIC_',
+ env_private_prefix: '',
+ hooks: null, // added lazily, via `get_hooks`
+ preload_strategy: "modulepreload",
+ root,
+ service_worker: false,
+ templates: {
+ app: ({ head, body, assets, nonce, env }) => "\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t" + head + "\n\t\n\t\n\t\t" + body + "
+ error: ({ status, message }) => "\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t" + message + "\n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t
" + status + "\n\t\t\t
" + message + "
+ },
+ version_hash: "1lqck8o"
+export async function get_hooks() {
+ return {
+ };
+export { set_assets, set_building, set_manifest, set_prerendering, set_private_env, set_public_env, set_read_implementation, set_safe_public_env };
diff --git a/.svelte-kit/non-ambient.d.ts b/.svelte-kit/non-ambient.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46bd7fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.svelte-kit/non-ambient.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// this file is generated — do not edit it
+declare module "svelte/elements" {
+ export interface HTMLAttributes {
+ 'data-sveltekit-keepfocus'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;
+ 'data-sveltekit-noscroll'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;
+ 'data-sveltekit-preload-code'?:
+ | true
+ | ''
+ | 'eager'
+ | 'viewport'
+ | 'hover'
+ | 'tap'
+ | 'off'
+ | undefined
+ | null;
+ 'data-sveltekit-preload-data'?: true | '' | 'hover' | 'tap' | 'off' | undefined | null;
+ 'data-sveltekit-reload'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;
+ 'data-sveltekit-replacestate'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;
+ }
+export {};
diff --git a/.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json b/.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deff228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "paths": {
+ "@/*": [
+ "../path/to/lib/*"
+ ],
+ "$lib": [
+ "../src/lib"
+ ],
+ "$lib/*": [
+ "../src/lib/*"
+ ]
+ },
+ "rootDirs": [
+ "..",
+ "./types"
+ ],
+ "verbatimModuleSyntax": true,
+ "isolatedModules": true,
+ "lib": [
+ "esnext",
+ "DOM",
+ "DOM.Iterable"
+ ],
+ "moduleResolution": "bundler",
+ "module": "esnext",
+ "noEmit": true,
+ "target": "esnext"
+ },
+ "include": [
+ "ambient.d.ts",
+ "non-ambient.d.ts",
+ "./types/**/$types.d.ts",
+ "../vite.config.js",
+ "../vite.config.ts",
+ "../src/**/*.js",
+ "../src/**/*.ts",
+ "../src/**/*.svelte",
+ "../tests/**/*.js",
+ "../tests/**/*.ts",
+ "../tests/**/*.svelte"
+ ],
+ "exclude": [
+ "../node_modules/**",
+ "../src/service-worker.js",
+ "../src/service-worker.ts",
+ "../src/service-worker.d.ts"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 980e4f2..0000000
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# syntax = docker/dockerfile:1
-# Adjust NODE_VERSION as desired
-FROM node:${NODE_VERSION}-slim as base
-LABEL fly_launch_runtime="Node.js"
-# Node.js app lives here
-# Set production environment
-ENV NODE_ENV=production
-# Throw-away build stage to reduce size of final image
-FROM base as build
-# Install packages needed to build node modules
-RUN apt-get update -qq && \
- apt-get install -y python-is-python3 pkg-config build-essential
-# Install node modules
-COPY --link package-lock.json package.json ./
-RUN npm ci
-# Copy application code
-COPY --link . .
-# Final stage for app image
-FROM base
-# Copy built application
-COPY --from=build /app /app
-# Start the server by default, this can be overwritten at runtime
-EXPOSE 3000
-CMD [ "node", "server/server.js" ]
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ce6766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# create-svelte
+Everything you need to build a Svelte project, powered by [`create-svelte`](https://github.com/sveltejs/kit/tree/main/packages/create-svelte).
+## Creating a project
+If you're seeing this, you've probably already done this step. Congrats!
+# create a new project in the current directory
+npm create svelte@latest
+# create a new project in my-app
+npm create svelte@latest my-app
+## Developing
+Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with `npm install` (or `pnpm install` or `yarn`), start a development server:
+npm run dev
+# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
+npm run dev -- --open
+## Building
+To create a production version of your app:
+npm run build
+You can preview the production build with `npm run preview`.
+> To deploy your app, you may need to install an [adapter](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/adapters) for your target environment.
diff --git a/components.json b/components.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5328f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "$schema": "https://shadcn-svelte.com/schema.json",
+ "style": "new-york",
+ "tailwind": {
+ "config": "tailwind.config.js",
+ "css": "src/app.css",
+ "baseColor": "stone"
+ },
+ "aliases": {
+ "components": "$lib/components",
+ "utils": "$lib/utils"
+ },
+ "typescript": false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fly.toml b/fly.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index f57e007..0000000
--- a/fly.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# fly.toml app configuration file generated for bgpp on 2023-08-30T11:39:04+02:00
-# See https://fly.io/docs/reference/configuration/ for information about how to use this file.
-app = "bgpp"
-primary_region = "waw"
- internal_port = 3000
- force_https = true
- auto_stop_machines = true
- auto_start_machines = true
- min_machines_running = 1
- processes = ["app"]
diff --git a/jsconfig.json b/jsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b6fd4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "extends": "./.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json",
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "allowJs": true,
+ "checkJs": false,
+ "esModuleInterop": true,
+ "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
+ "resolveJsonModule": true,
+ "skipLibCheck": true,
+ "sourceMap": true,
+ "strict": true,
+ "moduleResolution": "bundler"
+ }
+ // Path aliases are handled by https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/configuration#alias and https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/configuration#files
+ //
+ // If you want to overwrite includes/excludes, make sure to copy over the relevant includes/excludes
+ // from the referenced tsconfig.json - TypeScript does not merge them in
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a74a4a4..0000000
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1630 +0,0 @@
- "name": "bgpp",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "lockfileVersion": 3,
- "requires": true,
- "packages": {
- "": {
- "name": "bgpp",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "license": "ISC",
- "dependencies": {
- "@fastify/cors": "^8.4.2",
- "@fastify/static": "^6.10.2",
- "axios": "^1.4.0",
- "crypto-js": "^4.2.0",
- "fastify": "^4.24.3",
- "querystring": "^0.2.1"
- },
- "devDependencies": {
- "@flydotio/dockerfile": "^0.3.3",
- "nodemon": "^3.0.1"
- }
- },
- "node_modules/@fastify/accept-negotiator": {
- "version": "1.1.0",
- "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@fastify/accept-negotiator/-/accept-negotiator-1.1.0.tgz",
- "integrity": "sha512-OIHZrb2ImZ7XG85HXOONLcJWGosv7sIvM2ifAPQVhg9Lv7qdmMBNVaai4QTdyuaqbKM5eO6sLSQOYI7wEQeCJQ==",
- "engines": {
- "node": ">=14"
- }
- },
- "node_modules/@fastify/ajv-compiler": {
- "version": "3.5.0",
- "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@fastify/ajv-compiler/-/ajv-compiler-3.5.0.tgz",
- "integrity": "sha512-ebbEtlI7dxXF5ziNdr05mOY8NnDiPB1XvAlLHctRt/Rc+C3LCOVW5imUVX+mhvUhnNzmPBHewUkOFgGlCxgdAA==",
- "dependencies": {
- "ajv": "^8.11.0",
- "ajv-formats": "^2.1.1",
- "fast-uri": "^2.0.0"
- }
- },
- "node_modules/@fastify/cors": {
- "version": "8.5.0",
- "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@fastify/cors/-/cors-8.5.0.tgz",
- "integrity": "sha512-/oZ1QSb02XjP0IK1U0IXktEsw/dUBTxJOW7IpIeO8c/tNalw/KjoNSJv1Sf6eqoBPO+TDGkifq6ynFK3v68HFQ==",
- "dependencies": {
- "fastify-plugin": "^4.0.0",
- "mnemonist": "0.39.6"
- }
- },
- "node_modules/@fastify/deepmerge": {
- "version": "1.3.0",
- "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@fastify/deepmerge/-/deepmerge-1.3.0.tgz",
- "integrity": "sha512-J8TOSBq3SoZbDhM9+R/u77hP93gz/rajSA+K2kGyijPpORPWUXHUpTaleoj+92As0S9uPRP7Oi8IqMf0u+ro6A=="
- },
- "node_modules/@fastify/error": {
- "version": "3.4.1",
- "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@fastify/error/-/error-3.4.1.tgz",
- "integrity": "sha512-wWSvph+29GR783IhmvdwWnN4bUxTD01Vm5Xad4i7i1VuAOItLvbPAb69sb0IQ2N57yprvhNIwAP5B6xfKTmjmQ=="
- },
- "node_modules/@fastify/fast-json-stringify-compiler": {
- "version": "4.3.0",
- "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@fastify/fast-json-stringify-compiler/-/fast-json-stringify-compiler-4.3.0.tgz",
- "integrity": "sha512-aZAXGYo6m22Fk1zZzEUKBvut/CIIQe/BapEORnxiD5Qr0kPHqqI69NtEMCme74h+at72sPhbkb4ZrLd1W3KRLA==",
- "dependencies": {
- "fast-json-stringify": "^5.7.0"
- }
- },
- "node_modules/@fastify/send": {
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+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-VhLPeR8HTMPccbuWWcEUD1Az68TqaTYyj6nfE4QByZIQEQVWBB8vup8PpR7y1QHL3CpcF6xd5WVBU/+SBEvGTg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ cpu: [arm]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@esbuild/linux-ia32@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-o10utieEkNPFDZFQm9CoP7Tvb33UutoJqg3qKf1PWVeeJhJw0Q347PxMvBgVVFgouYLGIhFYG0UGdBumROyiig==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ cpu: [ia32]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@esbuild/linux-loong64@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-PR7sp6R/UC4CFVomVINKJ80pMFlfDfMQMYynX7t1tNTeivQ6XdX5r2XovMmha/VjR1YN/HgHWsVcTRIMkymrgQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ cpu: [loong64]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@esbuild/linux-mips64el@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-4BlTqeutE/KnOiTG5Y6Sb/Hw6hsBOZapOVF6njAESHInhlQAghVVZL1ZpIctBOoTFbQyGW+LsVYZ8lSSB3wkjA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ cpu: [mips64el]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@esbuild/linux-ppc64@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-rD3KsaDprDcfajSKdn25ooz5J5/fWBylaaXkuotBDGnMnDP1Uv5DLAN/45qfnf3JDYyJv/ytGHQaziHUdyzaAg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ cpu: [ppc64]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@esbuild/linux-riscv64@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-snwmBKacKmwTMmhLlz/3aH1Q9T8v45bKYGE3j26TsaOVtjIag4wLfWSiZykXzXuE1kbCE+zJRmwp+ZbIHinnVg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ cpu: [riscv64]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@esbuild/linux-s390x@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-wcWISOobRWNm3cezm5HOZcYz1sKoHLd8VL1dl309DiixxVFoFe/o8HnwuIwn6sXre88Nwj+VwZUvJf4AFxkyrQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ cpu: [s390x]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@esbuild/linux-x64@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-1MdwI6OOTsfQfek8sLwgyjOXAu+wKhLEoaOLTjbijk6E2WONYpH9ZU2mNtR+lZ2B4uwr+usqGuVfFT9tMtGvGw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ cpu: [x64]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@esbuild/netbsd-x64@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-K8/DhBxcVQkzYc43yJXDSyjlFeHQJBiowJ0uVL6Tor3jGQfSGHNNJcWxNbOI8v5k82prYqzPuwkzHt3J1T1iZQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ cpu: [x64]
+ os: [netbsd]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@esbuild/openbsd-x64@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-eMpKlV0SThJmmJgiVyN9jTPJ2VBPquf6Kt/nAoo6DgHAoN57K15ZghiHaMvqjCye/uU4X5u3YSMgVBI1h3vKrQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ cpu: [x64]
+ os: [openbsd]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@esbuild/sunos-x64@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-2UyFtRC6cXLyejf/YEld4Hajo7UHILetzE1vsRcGL3earZEW77JxrFjH4Ez2qaTiEfMgAXxfAZCm1fvM/G/o8w==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ cpu: [x64]
+ os: [sunos]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@esbuild/win32-arm64@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-GRibxoawM9ZCnDxnP3usoUDO9vUkpAxIIZ6GQI+IlVmr5kP3zUq+l17xELTHMWTWzjxa2guPNyrpq1GWmPvcGQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ cpu: [arm64]
+ os: [win32]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@esbuild/win32-ia32@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-HfLOfn9YWmkSKRQqovpnITazdtquEW8/SoHW7pWpuEeguaZI4QnCRW6b+oZTztdBnZOS2hqJ6im/D5cPzBTTlQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ cpu: [ia32]
+ os: [win32]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@esbuild/win32-x64@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-N49X4lJX27+l9jbLKSqZ6bKNjzQvHaT8IIFUy+YIqmXQdjYCToGWwOItDrfby14c78aDd5NHQl29xingXfCdLQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ cpu: [x64]
+ os: [win32]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@eslint-community/eslint-utils@4.4.0(eslint@8.57.0):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-1/sA4dwrzBAyeUoQ6oxahHKmrZvsnLCg4RfxW3ZFGGmQkSNQPFNLV9CUEFQP1x9EYXHTo5p6xdhZM1Ne9p/AfA==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ peerDependencies:
+ eslint: ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || >=8.0.0
+ dependencies:
+ eslint: 8.57.0
+ eslint-visitor-keys: 3.4.3
+ dev: true
+ /@eslint-community/regexpp@4.10.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Cu96Sd2By9mCNTx2iyKOmq10v22jUVQv0lQnlGNy16oE9589yE+QADPbrMGCkA51cKZSg3Pu/aTJVTGfL/qjUA==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.0.0 || ^14.0.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ dev: true
+ /@eslint/eslintrc@2.1.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-269Z39MS6wVJtsoUl10L60WdkhJVdPG24Q4eZTH3nnF6lpvSShEK3wQjDX9JRWAUPvPh7COouPpU9IrqaZFvtQ==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ dependencies:
+ ajv: 6.12.6
+ debug: 4.3.4
+ espree: 9.6.1
+ globals: 13.24.0
+ ignore: 5.3.1
+ import-fresh: 3.3.0
+ js-yaml: 4.1.0
+ minimatch: 3.1.2
+ strip-json-comments: 3.1.1
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ dev: true
+ /@eslint/js@8.57.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ys+3g2TaW7gADOJzPt83SJtCDhMjndcDMFVQ/Tj9iA1BfJzFKD9mAUXT3OenpuPHbI6P/myECxRJrofUsDx/5g==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ dev: true
+ /@floating-ui/core@1.6.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-PcF++MykgmTj3CIyOQbKA/hDzOAiqI3mhuoN44WRCopIs1sgoDoU4oty4Jtqaj/y3oDU6fnVSm4QG0a3t5i0+g==}
+ dependencies:
+ '@floating-ui/utils': 0.2.1
+ dev: true
+ /@floating-ui/dom@1.6.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RnDthu3mzPlQ31Ss/BTwQ1zjzIhr3lk1gZB1OC56h/1vEtaXkESrOqL5fQVMfXpwGtRwX+YsZBdyHtJMQnkArw==}
+ dependencies:
+ '@floating-ui/core': 1.6.0
+ '@floating-ui/utils': 0.2.1
+ dev: true
+ /@floating-ui/utils@0.2.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-9TANp6GPoMtYzQdt54kfAyMmz1+osLlXdg2ENroU7zzrtflTLrrC/lgrIfaSe+Wu0b89GKccT7vxXA0MoAIO+Q==}
+ dev: true
+ /@gcornut/valibot-json-schema@0.0.27(@types/json-schema@7.0.15)(esbuild-runner@2.2.2)(esbuild@0.20.2)(valibot@0.30.0):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xcMaUStVgQzPrK3d7PuLFbQ+3qSp6LzaLExAm52E3FKmUfjQa7Sw5cDK6Hfu/8WT0yfGsuSCuJ5uT1sosjR9Qg==}
+ hasBin: true
+ requiresBuild: true
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/json-schema': '>= 7.0.14'
+ esbuild: '>= 0.18.20'
+ esbuild-runner: '>= 2.2.2'
+ valibot: '>= 0.21.0'
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/json-schema': 7.0.15
+ esbuild: 0.20.2
+ esbuild-runner: 2.2.2(esbuild@0.20.2)
+ valibot: 0.30.0
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@hapi/hoek@9.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/c6rf4UJlmHlC9b5BaNvzAcFv7HZ2QHaV0D4/HNlBdvFnvQq8RI4kYdhyPCl7Xj+oWvTWQ8ujhqS53LIgAe6KQ==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@hapi/topo@5.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-foQZKJig7Ob0BMAYBfcJk8d77QtOe7Wo4ox7ff1lQYoNNAb6jwcY1ncdoy2e9wQZzvNy7ODZCYJkK8kzmcAnAg==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dependencies:
+ '@hapi/hoek': 9.3.0
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@humanwhocodes/config-array@0.11.14:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-3T8LkOmg45BV5FICb15QQMsyUSWrQ8AygVfC7ZG32zOalnqrilm018ZVCw0eapXux8FtA33q8PSRSstjee3jSg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10.10.0'}
+ dependencies:
+ '@humanwhocodes/object-schema': 2.0.3
+ debug: 4.3.4
+ minimatch: 3.1.2
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ dev: true
+ /@humanwhocodes/module-importer@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bxveV4V8v5Yb4ncFTT3rPSgZBOpCkjfK0y4oVVVJwIuDVBRMDXrPyXRL988i5ap9m9bnyEEjWfm5WkBmtffLfA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12.22'}
+ dev: true
+ /@humanwhocodes/object-schema@2.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-93zYdMES/c1D69yZiKDBj0V24vqNzB/koF26KPaagAfd3P/4gUlh3Dys5ogAK+Exi9QyzlD8x/08Zt7wIKcDcA==}
+ dev: true
+ /@internationalized/date@3.5.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vo1yOMUt2hzp63IutEaTUxROdvQg1qlMRsbCvbay2AK2Gai7wIgCyK5weEX3nHkiLgo4qCXHijFNC/ILhlRpOQ==}
+ dependencies:
+ '@swc/helpers': 0.5.8
+ dev: true
+ /@isaacs/cliui@8.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-O8jcjabXaleOG9DQ0+ARXWZBTfnP4WNAqzuiJK7ll44AmxGKv/J2M4TPjxjY3znBCfvBXFzucm1twdyFybFqEA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ dependencies:
+ string-width: 5.1.2
+ string-width-cjs: /string-width@4.2.3
+ strip-ansi: 7.1.0
+ strip-ansi-cjs: /strip-ansi@6.0.1
+ wrap-ansi: 8.1.0
+ wrap-ansi-cjs: /wrap-ansi@7.0.0
+ dev: true
+ /@jridgewell/gen-mapping@0.3.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-IzL8ZoEDIBRWEzlCcRhOaCupYyN5gdIK+Q6fbFdPDg6HqX6jpkItn7DFIpW9LQzXG6Df9sA7+OKnq0qlz/GaQg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'}
+ dependencies:
+ '@jridgewell/set-array': 1.2.1
+ '@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec': 1.4.15
+ '@jridgewell/trace-mapping': 0.3.25
+ dev: true
+ /@jridgewell/resolve-uri@3.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bRISgCIjP20/tbWSPWMEi54QVPRZExkuD9lJL+UIxUKtwVJA8wW1Trb1jMs1RFXo1CBTNZ/5hpC9QvmKWdopKw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /@jridgewell/set-array@1.2.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-R8gLRTZeyp03ymzP/6Lil/28tGeGEzhx1q2k703KGWRAI1VdvPIXdG70VJc2pAMw3NA6JKL5hhFu1sJX0Mnn/A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec@1.4.15:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-eF2rxCRulEKXHTRiDrDy6erMYWqNw4LPdQ8UQA4huuxaQsVeRPFl2oM8oDGxMFhJUWZf9McpLtJasDDZb/Bpeg==}
+ dev: true
+ /@jridgewell/trace-mapping@0.3.25:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vNk6aEwybGtawWmy/PzwnGDOjCkLWSD2wqvjGGAgOAwCGWySYXfYoxt00IJkTF+8Lb57DwOb3Aa0o9CApepiYQ==}
+ dependencies:
+ '@jridgewell/resolve-uri': 3.1.2
+ '@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec': 1.4.15
+ dev: true
+ /@melt-ui/svelte@0.61.2(svelte@4.2.13):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-BHkD9G31zQBToA4euDRBgTQRvWxT9scufOVCXgDO6HKTvyxFspbWT2bgiSFqAK4BbAGDn9Ao36Q8F9O71KN4OQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ svelte: '>=3 <5'
+ dependencies:
+ '@floating-ui/core': 1.6.0
+ '@floating-ui/dom': 1.6.3
+ '@internationalized/date': 3.5.2
+ dequal: 2.0.3
+ focus-trap: 7.5.4
+ nanoid: 4.0.2
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ dev: true
+ /@melt-ui/svelte@0.76.2(svelte@4.2.13):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7SbOa11tXUS95T3fReL+dwDs5FyJtCEqrqG3inRziDws346SYLsxOQ6HmX+4BkIsQh1R8U3XNa+EMmdMt38lMA==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ svelte: '>=3 <5'
+ dependencies:
+ '@floating-ui/core': 1.6.0
+ '@floating-ui/dom': 1.6.3
+ '@internationalized/date': 3.5.2
+ dequal: 2.0.3
+ focus-trap: 7.5.4
+ nanoid: 5.0.7
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ dev: true
+ /@nodelib/fs.scandir@2.1.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vq24Bq3ym5HEQm2NKCr3yXDwjc7vTsEThRDnkp2DK9p1uqLR+DHurm/NOTo0KG7HYHU7eppKZj3MyqYuMBf62g==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ dependencies:
+ '@nodelib/fs.stat': 2.0.5
+ run-parallel: 1.2.0
+ dev: true
+ /@nodelib/fs.stat@2.0.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RkhPPp2zrqDAQA/2jNhnztcPAlv64XdhIp7a7454A5ovI7Bukxgt7MX7udwAu3zg1DcpPU0rz3VV1SeaqvY4+A==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ dev: true
+ /@nodelib/fs.walk@1.2.8:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oGB+UxlgWcgQkgwo8GcEGwemoTFt3FIO9ababBmaGwXIoBKZ+GTy0pP185beGg7Llih/NSHSV2XAs1lnznocSg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ dependencies:
+ '@nodelib/fs.scandir': 2.1.5
+ fastq: 1.17.1
+ dev: true
+ /@pkgjs/parseargs@0.11.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-+1VkjdD0QBLPodGrJUeqarH8VAIvQODIbwh9XpP5Syisf7YoQgsJKPNFoqqLQlu+VQ/tVSshMR6loPMn8U+dPg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14'}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@polka/url@1.0.0-next.25:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-j7P6Rgr3mmtdkeDGTe0E/aYyWEWVtc5yFXtHCRHs28/jptDEWfaVOc5T7cblqy1XKPPfCxJc/8DwQ5YgLOZOVQ==}
+ dev: true
+ /@poppinss/macroable@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xhhEcEvhQC8mP5oOr5hbE4CmUgmw/IPV1jhpGg2xSkzoFrt9i8YVqBQt9744EFesi5F7pBheWozg63RUBM/5JA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=18.16.0'}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-android-arm-eabi@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-fH8/o8nSUek8ceQnT7K4EQbSiV7jgkHq81m9lWZFIXjJ7lJzpWXbQFpT/Zh6OZYnpFykvzC3fbEvEAFZu03dPA==}
+ cpu: [arm]
+ os: [android]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-android-arm64@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y/9OHLjzkunF+KGEoJr3heiD5X9OLa8sbT1lm0NYeKyaM3oMhhQFvPB0bNZYJwlq93j8Z6wSxh9+cyKQaxS7PQ==}
+ cpu: [arm64]
+ os: [android]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-darwin-arm64@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-+kecg3FY84WadgcuSVm6llrABOdQAEbNdnpi5X3UwWiFVhZIZvKgGrF7kmLguvxHNQy+UuRV66cLVl3S+Rkt+Q==}
+ cpu: [arm64]
+ os: [darwin]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-darwin-x64@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-2pYRzEjVqq2TB/UNv47BV/8vQiXkFGVmPFwJb+1E0IFFZbIX8/jo1olxqqMbo6xCXf8kabANhp5bzCij2tFLUA==}
+ cpu: [x64]
+ os: [darwin]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-linux-arm-gnueabihf@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-mS6wQ6Do6/wmrF9aTFVpIJ3/IDXhg1EZcQFYHZLHqw6AzMBjTHWnCG35HxSqUNphh0EHqSM6wRTT8HsL1C0x5g==}
+ cpu: [arm]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-gnu@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-p9rGKYkHdFMzhckOTFubfxgyIO1vw//7IIjBBRVzyZebWlzRLeNhqxuSaZ7kCEKVkm/kuC9fVRW9HkC/zNRG2w==}
+ cpu: [arm64]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-musl@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-nDY6Yz5xS/Y4M2i9JLQd3Rofh5OR8Bn8qe3Mv/qCVpHFlwtZSBYSPaU4mrGazWkXrdQ98GB//H0BirGR/SKFSw==}
+ cpu: [arm64]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-linux-powerpc64le-gnu@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-im7HE4VBL+aDswvcmfx88Mp1soqL9OBsdDBU8NqDEYtkri0qV0THhQsvZtZeNNlLeCUQ16PZyv7cqutjDF35qw==}
+ cpu: [ppc64le]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-linux-riscv64-gnu@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RWdiHuAxWmzPJgaHJdpvUUlDz8sdQz4P2uv367T2JocdDa98iRw2UjIJ4QxSyt077mXZT2X6pKfT2iYtVEvOFw==}
+ cpu: [riscv64]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-linux-s390x-gnu@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-VMgaGQ5zRX6ZqV/fas65/sUGc9cPmsntq2FiGmayW9KMNfWVG/j0BAqImvU4KTeOOgYSf1F+k6at1UfNONuNjA==}
+ cpu: [s390x]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-9Q7DGjZN+hTdJomaQ3Iub4m6VPu1r94bmK2z3UeWP3dGUecRC54tmVu9vKHTm1bOt3ASoYtEz6JSRLFzrysKlA==}
+ cpu: [x64]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-musl@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-JNEG/Ti55413SsreTguSx0LOVKX902OfXIKVg+TCXO6Gjans/k9O6ww9q3oLGjNDaTLxM+IHFMeXy/0RXL5R/g==}
+ cpu: [x64]
+ os: [linux]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-win32-arm64-msvc@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ryS22I9y0mumlLNwDFYZRDFLwWh3aKaC72CWjFcFvxK0U6v/mOkM5Up1bTbCRAhv3kEIwW2ajROegCIQViUCeA==}
+ cpu: [arm64]
+ os: [win32]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-win32-ia32-msvc@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-TdloItiGk+T0mTxKx7Hp279xy30LspMso+GzQvV2maYePMAWdmrzqSNZhUpPj3CGw12aGj57I026PgLCTu8CGg==}
+ cpu: [ia32]
+ os: [win32]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@rollup/rollup-win32-x64-msvc@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-wQGI+LY/Py20zdUPq+XCem7JcPOyzIJBm3dli+56DJsQOHbnXZFEwgmnC6el1TPAfC8lBT3m+z69RmLykNUbew==}
+ cpu: [x64]
+ os: [win32]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@sideway/address@4.1.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-IqO/DUQHUkPeixNQ8n0JA6102hT9CmaljNTPmQ1u8MEhBo/R4Q8eKLN/vGZxuebwOroDB4cbpjheD4+/sKFK4Q==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dependencies:
+ '@hapi/hoek': 9.3.0
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@sideway/formula@3.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/poHZJJVjx3L+zVD6g9KgHfYnb443oi7wLu/XKojDviHy6HOEOA6z1Trk5aR1dGcmPenJEgb2sK2I80LeS3MIg==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@sideway/pinpoint@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RNiOoTPkptFtSVzQevY/yWtZwf/RxyVnPy/OcA9HBM3MlGDnBEYL5B41H0MTn0Uec8Hi+2qUtTfG2WWZBmMejQ==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@sinclair/typebox@0.32.20:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ziK497ILSIYMxD/thl496idIb03IZPlha04itLQu1xAFQbumWZ+Dj4PMMCkDRpAYhvVSdmRlTjGu2B2MA5RplQ==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@sodaru/yup-to-json-schema@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-lWb0Wiz8KZ9ip/dY1eUqt7fhTPmL24p6Hmv5Fd9pzlzAdw/YNcWZr+tiCT4oZ4Zyxzi9+1X4zv82o7jYvcFxYA==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@sveltejs/adapter-auto@3.2.0(@sveltejs/kit@2.5.5):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-She5nKT47kwHE18v9NMe6pbJcvULr82u0V3yZ0ej3n1laWKGgkgdEABE9/ak5iDPs93LqsBkuIo51kkwCLBjJA==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@sveltejs/kit': ^2.0.0
+ dependencies:
+ '@sveltejs/kit': 2.5.5(@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte@3.1.0)(svelte@4.2.13)(vite@5.2.8)
+ import-meta-resolve: 4.0.0
+ dev: true
+ /@sveltejs/kit@2.5.5(@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte@3.1.0)(svelte@4.2.13)(vite@5.2.8):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ULe3PB00q4+wYRL+IS5FDPsCEVnhEITofm7b9Yz8malcH3r1SAnW/JJ6T13hIMeu8QNRIuVQWo+P4+2VklbnLQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=18.13'}
+ hasBin: true
+ requiresBuild: true
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte': ^3.0.0
+ svelte: ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0-next.0
+ vite: ^5.0.3
+ dependencies:
+ '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte': 3.1.0(svelte@4.2.13)(vite@5.2.8)
+ '@types/cookie': 0.6.0
+ cookie: 0.6.0
+ devalue: 4.3.2
+ esm-env: 1.0.0
+ import-meta-resolve: 4.0.0
+ kleur: 4.1.5
+ magic-string: 0.30.9
+ mrmime: 2.0.0
+ sade: 1.8.1
+ set-cookie-parser: 2.6.0
+ sirv: 2.0.4
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ tiny-glob: 0.2.9
+ vite: 5.2.8
+ dev: true
+ /@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte-inspector@2.1.0(@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte@3.1.0)(svelte@4.2.13)(vite@5.2.8):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-9QX28IymvBlSCqsCll5t0kQVxipsfhFFL+L2t3nTWfXnddYwxBuAEtTtlaVQpRz9c37BhJjltSeY4AJSC03SSg==}
+ engines: {node: ^18.0.0 || >=20}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte': ^3.0.0
+ svelte: ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0-next.0
+ vite: ^5.0.0
+ dependencies:
+ '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte': 3.1.0(svelte@4.2.13)(vite@5.2.8)
+ debug: 4.3.4
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ vite: 5.2.8
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ dev: true
+ /@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte@3.1.0(svelte@4.2.13)(vite@5.2.8):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-sY6ncCvg+O3njnzbZexcVtUqOBE3iYmQPJ9y+yXSkOwG576QI/xJrBnQSRXFLGwJNBa0T78JEKg5cIR0WOAuUw==}
+ engines: {node: ^18.0.0 || >=20}
+ peerDependencies:
+ svelte: ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0-next.0
+ vite: ^5.0.0
+ dependencies:
+ '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte-inspector': 2.1.0(@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte@3.1.0)(svelte@4.2.13)(vite@5.2.8)
+ debug: 4.3.4
+ deepmerge: 4.3.1
+ kleur: 4.1.5
+ magic-string: 0.30.9
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ svelte-hmr: 0.16.0(svelte@4.2.13)
+ vite: 5.2.8
+ vitefu: 0.2.5(vite@5.2.8)
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ dev: true
+ /@swc/helpers@0.5.8:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-lruDGw3pnfM3wmZHeW7JuhkGQaJjPyiKjxeGhdmfoOT53Ic9qb5JLDNaK2HUdl1zLDeX28H221UvKjfdvSLVMg==}
+ dependencies:
+ tslib: 2.6.2
+ dev: true
+ /@types/cookie@0.6.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-4Kh9a6B2bQciAhf7FSuMRRkUWecJgJu9nPnx3yzpsfXX/c50REIqpHY4C82bXP90qrLtXtkDxTZosYO3UpOwlA==}
+ dev: true
+ /@types/eslint@8.56.8:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-LdDdQVDzDXf3ijhhMnE27C5vc0QEknD8GiMR/Hi+fVbdZNfAfCy2j69m0LjUd2MAy0+kIgnOtd5ndTmDk/VWCA==}
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ '@types/json-schema': 7.0.15
+ dev: true
+ /@types/estree@1.0.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/kYRxGDLWzHOB7q+wtSUQlFrtcdUccpfy+X+9iMBpHK8QLLhx2wIPYuS5DYtR9Wa/YlZAbIovy7qVdB1Aq6Lyw==}
+ dev: true
+ /@types/json-schema@7.0.15:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5+fP8P8MFNC+AyZCDxrB2pkZFPGzqQWUzpSeuuVLvm8VMcorNYavBqoFcxK8bQz4Qsbn4oUEEem4wDLfcysGHA==}
+ dev: true
+ /@types/validator@13.11.9:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-FCTsikRozryfayPuiI46QzH3fnrOoctTjvOYZkho9BTFLCOZ2rgZJHMOVgCOfttjPJcgOx52EpkY0CMfy87MIw==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@ungap/structured-clone@1.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-zuVdFrMJiuCDQUMCzQaD6KL28MjnqqN8XnAqiEq9PNm/hCPTSGfrXCOfwj1ow4LFb/tNymJPwsNbVePc1xFqrQ==}
+ dev: true
+ /@vinejs/compiler@2.5.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-hg4ekaB5Y2zh+IWzBiC/WCDWrIfpVnKu/ubUvelKlidc/VbulsexoFRw5kJGHZenPVI5YzNnDeTdYSALkTV7jQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=18.0.0'}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /@vinejs/vine@1.8.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Qq3XxbA26jzqS9ICifkqzT399lMQZ2fWtqeV3luI2as+UIK7qDifJFU2Q4W3q3IB5VXoWxgwAZSZEO0em9I/qQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=18.16.0'}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dependencies:
+ '@poppinss/macroable': 1.0.2
+ '@types/validator': 13.11.9
+ '@vinejs/compiler': 2.5.0
+ camelcase: 8.0.0
+ dayjs: 1.11.10
+ dlv: 1.1.3
+ normalize-url: 8.0.1
+ validator: 13.11.0
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /acorn-jsx@5.3.2(acorn@8.11.3):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-rq9s+JNhf0IChjtDXxllJ7g41oZk5SlXtp0LHwyA5cejwn7vKmKp4pPri6YEePv2PU65sAsegbXtIinmDFDXgQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ acorn: ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0
+ dependencies:
+ acorn: 8.11.3
+ dev: true
+ /acorn@8.11.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y9rRfJG5jcKOE0CLisYbojUjIrIEE7AGMzA/Sm4BslANhbS+cDMpgBdcPT91oJ7OuJ9hYJBx59RjbhxVnrF8Xg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'}
+ hasBin: true
+ dev: true
+ /ajv@6.12.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-j3fVLgvTo527anyYyJOGTYJbG+vnnQYvE0m5mmkc1TK+nxAppkCLMIL0aZ4dblVCNoGShhm+kzE4ZUykBoMg4g==}
+ dependencies:
+ fast-deep-equal: 3.1.3
+ fast-json-stable-stringify: 2.1.0
+ json-schema-traverse: 0.4.1
+ uri-js: 4.4.1
+ dev: true
+ /ansi-regex@5.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-quJQXlTSUGL2LH9SUXo8VwsY4soanhgo6LNSm84E1LBcE8s3O0wpdiRzyR9z/ZZJMlMWv37qOOb9pdJlMUEKFQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dev: true
+ /ansi-regex@6.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-n5M855fKb2SsfMIiFFoVrABHJC8QtHwVx+mHWP3QcEqBHYienj5dHSgjbxtC0WEZXYt4wcD6zrQElDPhFuZgfA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ dev: true
+ /ansi-styles@4.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-zbB9rCJAT1rbjiVDb2hqKFHNYLxgtk8NURxZ3IZwD3F6NtxbXZQCnnSi1Lkx+IDohdPlFp222wVALIheZJQSEg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dependencies:
+ color-convert: 2.0.1
+ dev: true
+ /ansi-styles@6.2.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bN798gFfQX+viw3R7yrGWRqnrN2oRkEkUjjl4JNn4E8GxxbjtG3FbrEIIY3l8/hrwUwIeCZvi4QuOTP4MErVug==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ dev: true
+ /any-promise@1.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7UvmKalWRt1wgjL1RrGxoSJW/0QZFIegpeGvZG9kjp8vrRu55XTHbwnqq2GpXm9uLbcuhxm3IqX9OB4MZR1b2A==}
+ dev: true
+ /anymatch@3.1.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-KMReFUr0B4t+D+OBkjR3KYqvocp2XaSzO55UcB6mgQMd3KbcE+mWTyvVV7D/zsdEbNnV6acZUutkiHQXvTr1Rw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ dependencies:
+ normalize-path: 3.0.0
+ picomatch: 2.3.1
+ dev: true
+ /arg@5.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-PYjyFOLKQ9y57JvQ6QLo8dAgNqswh8M1RMJYdQduT6xbWSgK36P/Z/v+p888pM69jMMfS8Xd8F6I1kQ/I9HUGg==}
+ dev: true
+ /argparse@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-8+9WqebbFzpX9OR+Wa6O29asIogeRMzcGtAINdpMHHyAg10f05aSFVBbcEqGf/PXw1EjAZ+q2/bEBg3DvurK3Q==}
+ dev: true
+ /aria-query@5.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-b0P0sZPKtyu8HkeRAfCq0IfURZK+SuwMjY1UXGBU27wpAiTwQAIlq56IbIO+ytk/JjS1fMR14ee5WBBfKi5J6A==}
+ dependencies:
+ dequal: 2.0.3
+ dev: true
+ /arktype@1.0.29-alpha:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-glMLgVhIQRSkR3tymiS+POAcWVJH09sfrgic0jHnyFL8BlhHAJZX2BzdImU9zYr1y9NBqy+U93ZNrRTHXsKRDw==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /autoprefixer@10.4.19(postcss@8.4.38):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-BaENR2+zBZ8xXhM4pUaKUxlVdxZ0EZhjvbopwnXmxRUfqDmwSpC2lAi/QXvx7NRdPCo1WKEcEF6mV64si1z4Ew==}
+ engines: {node: ^10 || ^12 || >=14}
+ hasBin: true
+ peerDependencies:
+ postcss: ^8.1.0
+ dependencies:
+ browserslist: 4.23.0
+ caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001608
+ fraction.js: 4.3.7
+ normalize-range: 0.1.2
+ picocolors: 1.0.0
+ postcss: 8.4.38
+ postcss-value-parser: 4.2.0
+ dev: true
+ /axobject-query@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-+60uv1hiVFhHZeO+Lz0RYzsVHy5Wr1ayX0mwda9KPDVLNJgZ1T9Ny7VmFbLDzxsH0D87I86vgj3gFrjTJUYznw==}
+ dependencies:
+ dequal: 2.0.3
+ dev: true
+ /balanced-match@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-3oSeUO0TMV67hN1AmbXsK4yaqU7tjiHlbxRDZOpH0KW9+CeX4bRAaX0Anxt0tx2MrpRpWwQaPwIlISEJhYU5Pw==}
+ dev: true
+ /binary-extensions@2.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ceh+7ox5qe7LJuLHoY0feh3pHuUDHAcRUeyL2VYghZwfpkNIy/+8Ocg0a3UuSoYzavmylwuLWQOf3hl0jjMMIw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dev: true
+ /bits-ui@0.21.2(svelte@4.2.13):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-tDOvNdJ+uC/VWlzCZ6Pwv3enQJBw1D7leUfdIqg8WvqcDHnvn3fk4V3Y9VmpMOPnl+xTaiKxSiVpO/Dh8wD6jA==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ svelte: ^4.0.0
+ dependencies:
+ '@internationalized/date': 3.5.2
+ '@melt-ui/svelte': 0.76.2(svelte@4.2.13)
+ nanoid: 5.0.7
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ dev: true
+ /bits-ui@0.9.9(svelte@4.2.13):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-LkdkyTtpXdkjBzPZJVJgpcre4fut6DONoprMfadHFo82HNUhph+02CxDjYEcZcThb5z4YjSxMlCYvQPZm+YtfQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ svelte: ^4.0.0
+ dependencies:
+ '@melt-ui/svelte': 0.61.2(svelte@4.2.13)
+ nanoid: 5.0.7
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ dev: true
+ /brace-expansion@1.1.11:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-iCuPHDFgrHX7H2vEI/5xpz07zSHB00TpugqhmYtVmMO6518mCuRMoOYFldEBl0g187ufozdaHgWKcYFb61qGiA==}
+ dependencies:
+ balanced-match: 1.0.2
+ concat-map: 0.0.1
+ dev: true
+ /brace-expansion@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-XnAIvQ8eM+kC6aULx6wuQiwVsnzsi9d3WxzV3FpWTGA19F621kwdbsAcFKXgKUHZWsy+mY6iL1sHTxWEFCytDA==}
+ dependencies:
+ balanced-match: 1.0.2
+ dev: true
+ /braces@3.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-b8um+L1RzM3WDSzvhm6gIz1yfTbBt6YTlcEKAvsmqCZZFw46z626lVj9j1yEPW33H5H+lBQpZMP1k8l+78Ha0A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dependencies:
+ fill-range: 7.0.1
+ dev: true
+ /browserslist@4.23.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-QW8HiM1shhT2GuzkvklfjcKDiWFXHOeFCIA/huJPwHsslwcydgk7X+z2zXpEijP98UCY7HbubZt5J2Zgvf0CaQ==}
+ engines: {node: ^6 || ^7 || ^8 || ^9 || ^10 || ^11 || ^12 || >=13.7}
+ hasBin: true
+ dependencies:
+ caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001608
+ electron-to-chromium: 1.4.733
+ node-releases: 2.0.14
+ update-browserslist-db: 1.0.13(browserslist@4.23.0)
+ dev: true
+ /buffer-from@1.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-E+XQCRwSbaaiChtv6k6Dwgc+bx+Bs6vuKJHHl5kox/BaKbhiXzqQOwK4cO22yElGp2OCmjwVhT3HmxgyPGnJfQ==}
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /callsites@3.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-P8BjAsXvZS+VIDUI11hHCQEv74YT67YUi5JJFNWIqL235sBmjX4+qx9Muvls5ivyNENctx46xQLQ3aTuE7ssaQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ dev: true
+ /camelcase-css@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-QOSvevhslijgYwRx6Rv7zKdMF8lbRmx+uQGx2+vDc+KI/eBnsy9kit5aj23AgGu3pa4t9AgwbnXWqS+iOY+2aA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 6'}
+ dev: true
+ /camelcase@8.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-8WB3Jcas3swSvjIeA2yvCJ+Miyz5l1ZmB6HFb9R1317dt9LCQoswg/BGrmAmkWVEszSrrg4RwmO46qIm2OEnSA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16'}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /caniuse-lite@1.0.30001608:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-cjUJTQkk9fQlJR2s4HMuPMvTiRggl0rAVMtthQuyOlDWuqHXqN8azLq+pi8B2TjwKJ32diHjUqRIKeFX4z1FoA==}
+ dev: true
+ /chalk@4.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oKnbhFyRIXpUuez8iBMmyEa4nbj4IOQyuhc/wy9kY7/WVPcwIO9VA668Pu8RkO7+0G76SLROeyw9CpQ061i4mA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-styles: 4.3.0
+ supports-color: 7.2.0
+ dev: true
+ /chokidar@3.6.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7VT13fmjotKpGipCW9JEQAusEPE+Ei8nl6/g4FBAmIm0GOOLMua9NDDo/DWp0ZAxCr3cPq5ZpBqmPAQgDda2Pw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8.10.0'}
+ dependencies:
+ anymatch: 3.1.3
+ braces: 3.0.2
+ glob-parent: 5.1.2
+ is-binary-path: 2.1.0
+ is-glob: 4.0.3
+ normalize-path: 3.0.0
+ readdirp: 3.6.0
+ optionalDependencies:
+ fsevents: 2.3.3
+ dev: true
+ /clsx@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-m3iNNWpd9rl3jvvcBnu70ylMdrXt8Vlq4HYadnU5fwcOtvkSQWPmj7amUcDT2qYI7risszBjI5AUIUox9D16pg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ dev: true
+ /cmdk-sv@0.0.17(svelte@4.2.13):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-28QTrK1tT1TSNoGq9MVnzjeLNNjCgjmsM8c2HJfDpRt9t+GD+9m3wX/WdAPaP9jdoNYU0SSdZVdgsGgpaSQOYQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ svelte: ^4.0.0
+ dependencies:
+ bits-ui: 0.9.9(svelte@4.2.13)
+ nanoid: 5.0.7
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ dev: true
+ /code-red@1.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7qJWqItLA8/VPVlKJlFXU+NBlo/qyfs39aJcuMT/2ere32ZqvF5OSxgdM5xOfJJ7O429gg2HM47y8v9P+9wrNw==}
+ dependencies:
+ '@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec': 1.4.15
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ acorn: 8.11.3
+ estree-walker: 3.0.3
+ periscopic: 3.1.0
+ dev: true
+ /color-convert@2.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RRECPsj7iu/xb5oKYcsFHSppFNnsj/52OVTRKb4zP5onXwVF3zVmmToNcOfGC+CRDpfK/U584fMg38ZHCaElKQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=7.0.0'}
+ dependencies:
+ color-name: 1.1.4
+ dev: true
+ /color-name@1.1.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dOy+3AuW3a2wNbZHIuMZpTcgjGuLU/uBL/ubcZF9OXbDo8ff4O8yVp5Bf0efS8uEoYo5q4Fx7dY9OgQGXgAsQA==}
+ dev: true
+ /commander@4.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-NOKm8xhkzAjzFx8B2v5OAHT+u5pRQc2UCa2Vq9jYL/31o2wi9mxBA7LIFs3sV5VSC49z6pEhfbMULvShKj26WA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 6'}
+ dev: true
+ /concat-map@0.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/Srv4dswyQNBfohGpz9o6Yb3Gz3SrUDqBH5rTuhGR7ahtlbYKnVxw2bCFMRljaA7EXHaXZ8wsHdodFvbkhKmqg==}
+ dev: true
+ /cookie@0.6.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-U71cyTamuh1CRNCfpGY6to28lxvNwPG4Guz/EVjgf3Jmzv0vlDp1atT9eS5dDjMYHucpHbWns6Lwf3BKz6svdw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.6'}
+ dev: true
+ /cross-spawn@7.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-iRDPJKUPVEND7dHPO8rkbOnPpyDygcDFtWjpeWNCgy8WP2rXcxXL8TskReQl6OrB2G7+UJrags1q15Fudc7G6w==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ dependencies:
+ path-key: 3.1.1
+ shebang-command: 2.0.0
+ which: 2.0.2
+ dev: true
+ /css-tree@2.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-6Fv1DV/TYw//QF5IzQdqsNDjx/wc8TrMBZsqjL9eW01tWb7R7k/mq+/VXfJCl7SoD5emsJop9cOByJZfs8hYIw==}
+ engines: {node: ^10 || ^12.20.0 || ^14.13.0 || >=15.0.0}
+ dependencies:
+ mdn-data: 2.0.30
+ source-map-js: 1.2.0
+ dev: true
+ /cssesc@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/Tb/JcjK111nNScGob5MNtsntNM1aCNUDipB/TkwZFhyDrrE47SOx/18wF2bbjgc3ZzCSKW1T5nt5EbFoAz/Vg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ hasBin: true
+ dev: true
+ /dayjs@1.11.10:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vjAczensTgRcqDERK0SR2XMwsF/tSvnvlv6VcF2GIhg6Sx4yOIt/irsr1RDJsKiIyBzJDpCoXiWWq28MqH2cnQ==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /debug@4.3.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-PRWFHuSU3eDtQJPvnNY7Jcket1j0t5OuOsFzPPzsekD52Zl8qUfFIPEiswXqIvHWGVHOgX+7G/vCNNhehwxfkQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6.0'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ supports-color: '*'
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ supports-color:
+ optional: true
+ dependencies:
+ ms: 2.1.2
+ dev: true
+ /deep-is@0.1.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oIPzksmTg4/MriiaYGO+okXDT7ztn/w3Eptv/+gSIdMdKsJo0u4CfYNFJPy+4SKMuCqGw2wxnA+URMg3t8a/bQ==}
+ dev: true
+ /deepmerge@4.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-3sUqbMEc77XqpdNO7FRyRog+eW3ph+GYCbj+rK+uYyRMuwsVy0rMiVtPn+QJlKFvWP/1PYpapqYn0Me2knFn+A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /dequal@2.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0je+qPKHEMohvfRTCEo3CrPG6cAzAYgmzKyxRiYSSDkS6eGJdyVJm7WaYA5ECaAD9wLB2T4EEeymA5aFVcYXCA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ dev: true
+ /devalue@4.3.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-KqFl6pOgOW+Y6wJgu80rHpo2/3H07vr8ntR9rkkFIRETewbf5GaYYcakYfiKz89K+sLsuPkQIZaXDMjUObZwWg==}
+ dev: true
+ /didyoumean@1.2.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-gxtyfqMg7GKyhQmb056K7M3xszy/myH8w+B4RT+QXBQsvAOdc3XymqDDPHx1BgPgsdAA5SIifona89YtRATDzw==}
+ dev: true
+ /dlv@1.1.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-+HlytyjlPKnIG8XuRG8WvmBP8xs8P71y+SKKS6ZXWoEgLuePxtDoUEiH7WkdePWrQ5JBpE6aoVqfZfJUQkjXwA==}
+ dev: true
+ /doctrine@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-yS+Q5i3hBf7GBkd4KG8a7eBNNWNGLTaEwwYWUijIYM7zrlYDM0BFXHjjPWlWZ1Rg7UaddZeIDmi9jF3HmqiQ2w==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'}
+ dependencies:
+ esutils: 2.0.3
+ dev: true
+ /eastasianwidth@0.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-I88TYZWc9XiYHRQ4/3c5rjjfgkjhLyW2luGIheGERbNQ6OY7yTybanSpDXZa8y7VUP9YmDcYa+eyq4ca7iLqWA==}
+ dev: true
+ /electron-to-chromium@1.4.733:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-gUI9nhI2iBGF0OaYYLKOaOtliFMl+Bt1rY7VmEjwxOxqoYLub/D9xmduPEhbw2imE6gYkJKhIE5it+KE2ulVxQ==}
+ dev: true
+ /emoji-regex@8.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-MSjYzcWNOA0ewAHpz0MxpYFvwg6yjy1NG3xteoqz644VCo/RPgnr1/GGt+ic3iJTzQ8Eu3TdM14SawnVUmGE6A==}
+ dev: true
+ /emoji-regex@9.2.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-L18DaJsXSUk2+42pv8mLs5jJT2hqFkFE4j21wOmgbUqsZ2hL72NsUU785g9RXgo3s0ZNgVl42TiHp3ZtOv/Vyg==}
+ dev: true
+ /esbuild-runner@2.2.2(esbuild@0.20.2):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-fRFVXcmYVmSmtYm2mL8RlUASt2TDkGh3uRcvHFOKNr/T58VrfVeKD9uT9nlgxk96u0LS0ehS/GY7Da/bXWKkhw==}
+ hasBin: true
+ peerDependencies:
+ esbuild: '*'
+ dependencies:
+ esbuild: 0.20.2
+ source-map-support: 0.5.21
+ tslib: 2.4.0
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /esbuild@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-WdOOppmUNU+IbZ0PaDiTst80zjnrOkyJNHoKupIcVyU8Lvla3Ugx94VzkQ32Ijqd7UhHJy75gNWDMUekcrSJ6g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ hasBin: true
+ requiresBuild: true
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@esbuild/aix-ppc64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/android-arm': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/android-arm64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/android-x64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/darwin-arm64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/darwin-x64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/freebsd-arm64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/freebsd-x64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/linux-arm': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/linux-arm64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/linux-ia32': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/linux-loong64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/linux-mips64el': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/linux-ppc64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/linux-riscv64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/linux-s390x': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/linux-x64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/netbsd-x64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/openbsd-x64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/sunos-x64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/win32-arm64': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/win32-ia32': 0.20.2
+ '@esbuild/win32-x64': 0.20.2
+ dev: true
+ /escalade@3.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ErCHMCae19vR8vQGe50xIsVomy19rg6gFu3+r3jkEO46suLMWBksvVyoGgQV+jOfl84ZSOSlmv6Gxa89PmTGmA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ dev: true
+ /escape-string-regexp@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-TtpcNJ3XAzx3Gq8sWRzJaVajRs0uVxA2YAkdb1jm2YkPz4G6egUFAyA3n5vtEIZefPk5Wa4UXbKuS5fKkJWdgA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ dev: true
+ /eslint-compat-utils@0.5.0(eslint@8.57.0):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dc6Y8tzEcSYZMHa+CMPLi/hyo1FzNeonbhJL7Ol0ccuKQkwopJcJBA9YL/xmMTLU1eKigXo9vj9nALElWYSowg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ eslint: '>=6.0.0'
+ dependencies:
+ eslint: 8.57.0
+ semver: 7.6.0
+ dev: true
+ /eslint-config-prettier@9.1.0(eslint@8.57.0):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-NSWl5BFQWEPi1j4TjVNItzYV7dZXZ+wP6I6ZhrBGpChQhZRUaElihE9uRRkcbRnNb76UMKDF3r+WTmNcGPKsqw==}
+ hasBin: true
+ peerDependencies:
+ eslint: '>=7.0.0'
+ dependencies:
+ eslint: 8.57.0
+ dev: true
+ /eslint-plugin-svelte@2.36.0(eslint@8.57.0)(svelte@4.2.13):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-D30hSj13Y8YEn7yGXos7EYp0lpEb3Z2V/M+6a3MZ13KGVhaefdW2A9j8IBIcW4YR+j6fo901USzLeXQz/XbWeQ==}
+ engines: {node: ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ peerDependencies:
+ eslint: ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0-0 || ^9.0.0-0
+ svelte: ^3.37.0 || ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0-next.95
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ svelte:
+ optional: true
+ dependencies:
+ '@eslint-community/eslint-utils': 4.4.0(eslint@8.57.0)
+ '@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec': 1.4.15
+ debug: 4.3.4
+ eslint: 8.57.0
+ eslint-compat-utils: 0.5.0(eslint@8.57.0)
+ esutils: 2.0.3
+ known-css-properties: 0.30.0
+ postcss: 8.4.38
+ postcss-load-config: 3.1.4(postcss@8.4.38)
+ postcss-safe-parser: 6.0.0(postcss@8.4.38)
+ postcss-selector-parser: 6.0.16
+ semver: 7.6.0
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ svelte-eslint-parser: 0.34.1(svelte@4.2.13)
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ - ts-node
+ dev: true
+ /eslint-scope@7.2.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dOt21O7lTMhDM+X9mB4GX+DZrZtCUJPL/wlcTqxyrx5IvO0IYtILdtrQGQp+8n5S0gwSVmOf9NQrjMOgfQZlIg==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ dependencies:
+ esrecurse: 4.3.0
+ estraverse: 5.3.0
+ dev: true
+ /eslint-visitor-keys@3.4.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-wpc+LXeiyiisxPlEkUzU6svyS1frIO3Mgxj1fdy7Pm8Ygzguax2N3Fa/D/ag1WqbOprdI+uY6wMUl8/a2G+iag==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ dev: true
+ /eslint@8.57.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dZ6+mexnaTIbSBZWgou51U6OmzIhYM2VcNdtiTtI7qPNZm35Akpr0f6vtw3w1Kmn5PYo+tZVfh13WrhpS6oLqQ==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ hasBin: true
+ dependencies:
+ '@eslint-community/eslint-utils': 4.4.0(eslint@8.57.0)
+ '@eslint-community/regexpp': 4.10.0
+ '@eslint/eslintrc': 2.1.4
+ '@eslint/js': 8.57.0
+ '@humanwhocodes/config-array': 0.11.14
+ '@humanwhocodes/module-importer': 1.0.1
+ '@nodelib/fs.walk': 1.2.8
+ '@ungap/structured-clone': 1.2.0
+ ajv: 6.12.6
+ chalk: 4.1.2
+ cross-spawn: 7.0.3
+ debug: 4.3.4
+ doctrine: 3.0.0
+ escape-string-regexp: 4.0.0
+ eslint-scope: 7.2.2
+ eslint-visitor-keys: 3.4.3
+ espree: 9.6.1
+ esquery: 1.5.0
+ esutils: 2.0.3
+ fast-deep-equal: 3.1.3
+ file-entry-cache: 6.0.1
+ find-up: 5.0.0
+ glob-parent: 6.0.2
+ globals: 13.24.0
+ graphemer: 1.4.0
+ ignore: 5.3.1
+ imurmurhash: 0.1.4
+ is-glob: 4.0.3
+ is-path-inside: 3.0.3
+ js-yaml: 4.1.0
+ json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify: 1.0.1
+ levn: 0.4.1
+ lodash.merge: 4.6.2
+ minimatch: 3.1.2
+ natural-compare: 1.4.0
+ optionator: 0.9.3
+ strip-ansi: 6.0.1
+ text-table: 0.2.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - supports-color
+ dev: true
+ /esm-env@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Cf6VksWPsTuW01vU9Mk/3vRue91Zevka5SjyNf3nEpokFRuqt/KjUQoGAwq9qMmhpLTHmXzSIrFRw8zxWzmFBA==}
+ dev: true
+ /espree@9.6.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oruZaFkjorTpF32kDSI5/75ViwGeZginGGy2NoOSg3Q9bnwlnmDm4HLnkl0RE3n+njDXR037aY1+x58Z/zFdwQ==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ dependencies:
+ acorn: 8.11.3
+ acorn-jsx: 5.3.2(acorn@8.11.3)
+ eslint-visitor-keys: 3.4.3
+ dev: true
+ /esquery@1.5.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-YQLXUplAwJgCydQ78IMJywZCceoqk1oH01OERdSAJc/7U2AylwjhSCLDEtqwg811idIS/9fIU5GjG73IgjKMVg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10'}
+ dependencies:
+ estraverse: 5.3.0
+ dev: true
+ /esrecurse@4.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-KmfKL3b6G+RXvP8N1vr3Tq1kL/oCFgn2NYXEtqP8/L3pKapUA4G8cFVaoF3SU323CD4XypR/ffioHmkti6/Tag==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4.0'}
+ dependencies:
+ estraverse: 5.3.0
+ dev: true
+ /estraverse@5.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-MMdARuVEQziNTeJD8DgMqmhwR11BRQ/cBP+pLtYdSTnf3MIO8fFeiINEbX36ZdNlfU/7A9f3gUw49B3oQsvwBA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /estree-walker@3.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7RUKfXgSMMkzt6ZuXmqapOurLGPPfgj6l9uRZ7lRGolvk0y2yocc35LdcxKC5PQZdn2DMqioAQ2NoWcrTKmm6g==}
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ dev: true
+ /esutils@2.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-kVscqXk4OCp68SZ0dkgEKVi6/8ij300KBWTJq32P/dYeWTSwK41WyTxalN1eRmA5Z9UU/LX9D7FWSmV9SAYx6g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /fast-deep-equal@3.1.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-f3qQ9oQy9j2AhBe/H9VC91wLmKBCCU/gDOnKNAYG5hswO7BLKj09Hc5HYNz9cGI++xlpDCIgDaitVs03ATR84Q==}
+ dev: true
+ /fast-glob@3.3.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oX2ruAFQwf/Orj8m737Y5adxDQO0LAB7/S5MnxCdTNDd4p6BsyIVsv9JQsATbTSq8KHRpLwIHbVlUNatxd+1Ow==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8.6.0'}
+ dependencies:
+ '@nodelib/fs.stat': 2.0.5
+ '@nodelib/fs.walk': 1.2.8
+ glob-parent: 5.1.2
+ merge2: 1.4.1
+ micromatch: 4.0.5
+ dev: true
+ /fast-json-stable-stringify@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-lhd/wF+Lk98HZoTCtlVraHtfh5XYijIjalXck7saUtuanSDyLMxnHhSXEDJqHxD7msR8D0uCmqlkwjCV8xvwHw==}
+ dev: true
+ /fast-levenshtein@2.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-DCXu6Ifhqcks7TZKY3Hxp3y6qphY5SJZmrWMDrKcERSOXWQdMhU9Ig/PYrzyw/ul9jOIyh0N4M0tbC5hodg8dw==}
+ dev: true
+ /fastq@1.17.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-sRVD3lWVIXWg6By68ZN7vho9a1pQcN/WBFaAAsDDFzlJjvoGx0P8z7V1t72grFJfJhu3YPZBuu25f7Kaw2jN1w==}
+ dependencies:
+ reusify: 1.0.4
+ dev: true
+ /file-entry-cache@6.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7Gps/XWymbLk2QLYK4NzpMOrYjMhdIxXuIvy2QBsLE6ljuodKvdkWs/cpyJJ3CVIVpH0Oi1Hvg1ovbMzLdFBBg==}
+ engines: {node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0}
+ dependencies:
+ flat-cache: 3.2.0
+ dev: true
+ /fill-range@7.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-qOo9F+dMUmC2Lcb4BbVvnKJxTPjCm+RRpe4gDuGrzkL7mEVl/djYSu2OdQ2Pa302N4oqkSg9ir6jaLWJ2USVpQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dependencies:
+ to-regex-range: 5.0.1
+ dev: true
+ /find-up@5.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-78/PXT1wlLLDgTzDs7sjq9hzz0vXD+zn+7wypEe4fXQxCmdmqfGsEPQxmiCSQI3ajFV91bVSsvNtrJRiW6nGng==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ dependencies:
+ locate-path: 6.0.0
+ path-exists: 4.0.0
+ dev: true
+ /flat-cache@3.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-CYcENa+FtcUKLmhhqyctpclsq7QF38pKjZHsGNiSQF5r4FtoKDWabFDl3hzaEQMvT1LHEysw5twgLvpYYb4vbw==}
+ engines: {node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0}
+ dependencies:
+ flatted: 3.3.1
+ keyv: 4.5.4
+ rimraf: 3.0.2
+ dev: true
+ /flatted@3.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-X8cqMLLie7KsNUDSdzeN8FYK9rEt4Dt67OsG/DNGnYTSDBG4uFAJFBnUeiV+zCVAvwFy56IjM9sH51jVaEhNxw==}
+ dev: true
+ /focus-trap@7.5.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-N7kHdlgsO/v+iD/dMoJKtsSqs5Dz/dXZVebRgJw23LDk+jMi/974zyiOYDziY2JPp8xivq9BmUGwIJMiuSBi7w==}
+ dependencies:
+ tabbable: 6.2.0
+ dev: true
+ /foreground-child@3.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-TMKDUnIte6bfb5nWv7V/caI169OHgvwjb7V4WkeUvbQQdjr5rWKqHFiKWb/fcOwB+CzBT+qbWjvj+DVwRskpIg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14'}
+ dependencies:
+ cross-spawn: 7.0.3
+ signal-exit: 4.1.0
+ dev: true
+ /formsnap@1.0.0(svelte@4.2.13)(sveltekit-superforms@2.12.4):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-NQEbkCS1tKGnn6gBojIuNutxImmq/9bUk9JQ5kW8WOY37QNFtJxYr/SbX8ONWuiVLaczSvGSWXIv3hNu19arqQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ svelte: ^4.0.0
+ sveltekit-superforms: ^2.3.0
+ dependencies:
+ nanoid: 5.0.7
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ sveltekit-superforms: 2.12.4(@sveltejs/kit@2.5.5)(@types/json-schema@7.0.15)(esbuild-runner@2.2.2)(esbuild@0.20.2)(svelte@4.2.13)
+ dev: true
+ /fraction.js@4.3.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZsDfxO51wGAXREY55a7la9LScWpwv9RxIrYABrlvOFBlH/ShPnrtsXeuUIfXKKOVicNxQ+o8JTbJvjS4M89yew==}
+ dev: true
+ /fs.realpath@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-OO0pH2lK6a0hZnAdau5ItzHPI6pUlvI7jMVnxUQRtw4owF2wk8lOSabtGDCTP4Ggrg2MbGnWO9X8K1t4+fGMDw==}
+ dev: true
+ /fsevents@2.3.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5xoDfX+fL7faATnagmWPpbFtwh/R77WmMMqqHGS65C3vvB0YHrgF+B1YmZ3441tMj5n63k0212XNoJwzlhffQw==}
+ engines: {node: ^8.16.0 || ^10.6.0 || >=11.0.0}
+ os: [darwin]
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /function-bind@1.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7XHNxH7qX9xG5mIwxkhumTox/MIRNcOgDrxWsMt2pAr23WHp6MrRlN7FBSFpCpr+oVO0F744iUgR82nJMfG2SA==}
+ dev: true
+ /glob-parent@5.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-AOIgSQCepiJYwP3ARnGx+5VnTu2HBYdzbGP45eLw1vr3zB3vZLeyed1sC9hnbcOc9/SrMyM5RPQrkGz4aS9Zow==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 6'}
+ dependencies:
+ is-glob: 4.0.3
+ dev: true
+ /glob-parent@6.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-XxwI8EOhVQgWp6iDL+3b0r86f4d6AX6zSU55HfB4ydCEuXLXc5FcYeOu+nnGftS4TEju/11rt4KJPTMgbfmv4A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'}
+ dependencies:
+ is-glob: 4.0.3
+ dev: true
+ /glob@10.3.12:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-TCNv8vJ+xz4QiqTpfOJA7HvYv+tNIRHKfUWw/q+v2jdgN4ebz+KY9tGx5J4rHP0o84mNP+ApH66HRX8us3Khqg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.17'}
+ hasBin: true
+ dependencies:
+ foreground-child: 3.1.1
+ jackspeak: 2.3.6
+ minimatch: 9.0.4
+ minipass: 7.0.4
+ path-scurry: 1.10.2
+ dev: true
+ /glob@7.2.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-nFR0zLpU2YCaRxwoCJvL6UvCH2JFyFVIvwTLsIf21AuHlMskA1hhTdk+LlYJtOlYt9v6dvszD2BGRqBL+iQK9Q==}
+ dependencies:
+ fs.realpath: 1.0.0
+ inflight: 1.0.6
+ inherits: 2.0.4
+ minimatch: 3.1.2
+ once: 1.4.0
+ path-is-absolute: 1.0.1
+ dev: true
+ /globals@13.24.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-AhO5QUcj8llrbG09iWhPU2B204J1xnPeL8kQmVorSsy+Sjj1sk8gIyh6cUocGmH4L0UuhAJy+hJMRA4mgA4mFQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dependencies:
+ type-fest: 0.20.2
+ dev: true
+ /globalyzer@0.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-40oNTM9UfG6aBmuKxk/giHn5nQ8RVz/SS4Ir6zgzOv9/qC3kKZ9v4etGTcJbEl/NyVQH7FGU7d+X1egr57Md2Q==}
+ dev: true
+ /globrex@0.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-uHJgbwAMwNFf5mLst7IWLNg14x1CkeqglJb/K3doi4dw6q2IvAAmM/Y81kevy83wP+Sst+nutFTYOGg3d1lsxg==}
+ dev: true
+ /graphemer@1.4.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-EtKwoO6kxCL9WO5xipiHTZlSzBm7WLT627TqC/uVRd0HKmq8NXyebnNYxDoBi7wt8eTWrUrKXCOVaFq9x1kgag==}
+ dev: true
+ /has-flag@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-EykJT/Q1KjTWctppgIAgfSO0tKVuZUjhgMr17kqTumMl6Afv3EISleU7qZUzoXDFTAHTDC4NOoG/ZxU3EvlMPQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dev: true
+ /hasown@2.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0hJU9SCPvmMzIBdZFqNPXWa6dqh7WdH0cII9y+CyS8rG3nL48Bclra9HmKhVVUHyPWNH5Y7xDwAB7bfgSjkUMQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ dependencies:
+ function-bind: 1.1.2
+ dev: true
+ /ignore@5.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5Fytz/IraMjqpwfd34ke28PTVMjZjJG2MPn5t7OE4eUCUNf8BAa7b5WUS9/Qvr6mwOQS7Mk6vdsMno5he+T8Xw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 4'}
+ dev: true
+ /import-fresh@3.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-veYYhQa+D1QBKznvhUHxb8faxlrwUnxseDAbAp457E0wLNio2bOSKnjYDhMj+YiAq61xrMGhQk9iXVk5FzgQMw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ dependencies:
+ parent-module: 1.0.1
+ resolve-from: 4.0.0
+ dev: true
+ /import-meta-resolve@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-okYUR7ZQPH+efeuMJGlq4f8ubUgO50kByRPyt/Cy1Io4PSRsPjxME+YlVaCOx+NIToW7hCsZNFJyTPFFKepRSA==}
+ dev: true
+ /imurmurhash@0.1.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-JmXMZ6wuvDmLiHEml9ykzqO6lwFbof0GG4IkcGaENdCRDDmMVnny7s5HsIgHCbaq0w2MyPhDqkhTUgS2LU2PHA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.8.19'}
+ dev: true
+ /inflight@1.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-k92I/b08q4wvFscXCLvqfsHCrjrF7yiXsQuIVvVE7N82W3+aqpzuUdBbfhWcy/FZR3/4IgflMgKLOsvPDrGCJA==}
+ dependencies:
+ once: 1.4.0
+ wrappy: 1.0.2
+ dev: true
+ /inherits@2.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-k/vGaX4/Yla3WzyMCvTQOXYeIHvqOKtnqBduzTHpzpQZzAskKMhZ2K+EnBiSM9zGSoIFeMpXKxa4dYeZIQqewQ==}
+ dev: true
+ /is-binary-path@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZMERYes6pDydyuGidse7OsHxtbI7WVeUEozgR/g7rd0xUimYNlvZRE/K2MgZTjWy725IfelLeVcEM97mmtRGXw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dependencies:
+ binary-extensions: 2.3.0
+ dev: true
+ /is-core-module@2.13.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-hHrIjvZsftOsvKSn2TRYl63zvxsgE0K+0mYMoH6gD4omR5IWB2KynivBQczo3+wF1cCkjzvptnI9Q0sPU66ilw==}
+ dependencies:
+ hasown: 2.0.2
+ dev: true
+ /is-extglob@2.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-SbKbANkN603Vi4jEZv49LeVJMn4yGwsbzZworEoyEiutsN3nJYdbO36zfhGJ6QEDpOZIFkDtnq5JRxmvl3jsoQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /is-fullwidth-code-point@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-zymm5+u+sCsSWyD9qNaejV3DFvhCKclKdizYaJUuHA83RLjb7nSuGnddCHGv0hk+KY7BMAlsWeK4Ueg6EV6XQg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dev: true
+ /is-glob@4.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xelSayHH36ZgE7ZWhli7pW34hNbNl8Ojv5KVmkJD4hBdD3th8Tfk9vYasLM+mXWOZhFkgZfxhLSnrwRr4elSSg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ dependencies:
+ is-extglob: 2.1.1
+ dev: true
+ /is-number@7.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-41Cifkg6e8TylSpdtTpeLVMqvSBEVzTttHvERD741+pnZ8ANv0004MRL43QKPDlK9cGvNp6NZWZUBlbGXYxxng==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.12.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /is-path-inside@3.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Fd4gABb+ycGAmKou8eMftCupSir5lRxqf4aD/vd0cD2qc4HL07OjCeuHMr8Ro4CoMaeCKDB0/ECBOVWjTwUvPQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dev: true
+ /is-reference@3.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-v3rht/LgVcsdZa3O2Nqs+NMowLOxeOm7Ay9+/ARQ2F+qEoANRcqrjAZKGN0v8ymUetZGgkp26LTnGT7H0Qo9Pg==}
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ dev: true
+ /isexe@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RHxMLp9lnKHGHRng9QFhRCMbYAcVpn69smSGcq3f36xjgVVWThj4qqLbTLlq7Ssj8B+fIQ1EuCEGI2lKsyQeIw==}
+ dev: true
+ /jackspeak@2.3.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-N3yCS/NegsOBokc8GAdM8UcmfsKiSS8cipheD/nivzr700H+nsMOxJjQnvwOcRYVuFkdH0wGUvW2WbXGmrZGbQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14'}
+ dependencies:
+ '@isaacs/cliui': 8.0.2
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@pkgjs/parseargs': 0.11.0
+ dev: true
+ /jiti@1.21.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-gFqAIbuKyyso/3G2qhiO2OM6shY6EPP/R0+mkDbyspxKazh8BXDC5FiFsUjlczgdNz/vfra0da2y+aHrusLG/Q==}
+ hasBin: true
+ dev: true
+ /joi@17.12.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-2RRziagf555owrm9IRVtdKynOBeITiDpuZqIpgwqXShPncPKNiRQoiGsl/T8SQdq+8ugRzH2LqY67irr2y/d+g==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dependencies:
+ '@hapi/hoek': 9.3.0
+ '@hapi/topo': 5.1.0
+ '@sideway/address': 4.1.5
+ '@sideway/formula': 3.0.1
+ '@sideway/pinpoint': 2.0.0
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /js-yaml@4.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-wpxZs9NoxZaJESJGIZTyDEaYpl0FKSA+FB9aJiyemKhMwkxQg63h4T1KJgUGHpTqPDNRcmmYLugrRjJlBtWvRA==}
+ hasBin: true
+ dependencies:
+ argparse: 2.0.1
+ dev: true
+ /json-buffer@3.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-4bV5BfR2mqfQTJm+V5tPPdf+ZpuhiIvTuAB5g8kcrXOZpTT/QwwVRWBywX1ozr6lEuPdbHxwaJlm9G6mI2sfSQ==}
+ dev: true
+ /json-schema-traverse@0.4.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xbbCH5dCYU5T8LcEhhuh7HJ88HXuW3qsI3Y0zOZFKfZEHcpWiHU/Jxzk629Brsab/mMiHQti9wMP+845RPe3Vg==}
+ dev: true
+ /json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Bdboy+l7tA3OGW6FjyFHWkP5LuByj1Tk33Ljyq0axyzdk9//JSi2u3fP1QSmd1KNwq6VOKYGlAu87CisVir6Pw==}
+ dev: true
+ /just-clone@6.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-1IynUYEc/HAwxhi3WDpIpxJbZpMCvvrrmZVqvj9EhpvbH8lls7HhdhiByjL7DkAaWlLIzpC0Xc/VPvy/UxLNjA==}
+ dev: true
+ /keyv@4.5.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oxVHkHR/EJf2CNXnWxRLW6mg7JyCCUcG0DtEGmL2ctUo1PNTin1PUil+r/+4r5MpVgC/fn1kjsx7mjSujKqIpw==}
+ dependencies:
+ json-buffer: 3.0.1
+ dev: true
+ /kleur@4.1.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-o+NO+8WrRiQEE4/7nwRJhN1HWpVmJm511pBHUxPLtp0BUISzlBplORYSmTclCnJvQq2tKu/sgl3xVpkc7ZWuQQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ dev: true
+ /known-css-properties@0.30.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-VSWXYUnsPu9+WYKkfmJyLKtIvaRJi1kXUqVmBACORXZQxT5oZDsoZ2vQP+bQFDnWtpI/4eq3MLoRMjI2fnLzTQ==}
+ dev: true
+ /levn@0.4.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-+bT2uH4E5LGE7h/n3evcS/sQlJXCpIp6ym8OWJ5eV6+67Dsql/LaaT7qJBAt2rzfoa/5QBGBhxDix1dMt2kQKQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'}
+ dependencies:
+ prelude-ls: 1.2.1
+ type-check: 0.4.0
+ dev: true
+ /lilconfig@2.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-utWOt/GHzuUxnLKxB6dk81RoOeoNeHgbrXiuGk4yyF5qlRz+iIVWu56E2fqGHFrXz0QNUhLB/8nKqvRH66JKGQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ dev: true
+ /lilconfig@3.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-O18pf7nyvHTckunPWCV1XUNXU1piu01y2b7ATJ0ppkUkk8ocqVWBrYjJBCwHDjD/ZWcfyrA0P4gKhzWGi5EINQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14'}
+ dev: true
+ /lines-and-columns@1.2.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7ylylesZQ/PV29jhEDl3Ufjo6ZX7gCqJr5F7PKrqc93v7fzSymt1BpwEU8nAUXs8qzzvqhbjhK5QZg6Mt/HkBg==}
+ dev: true
+ /locate-character@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-SW13ws7BjaeJ6p7Q6CO2nchbYEc3X3J6WrmTTDto7yMPqVSZTUyY5Tjbid+Ab8gLnATtygYtiDIJGQRRn2ZOiA==}
+ dev: true
+ /locate-path@6.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-iPZK6eYjbxRu3uB4/WZ3EsEIMJFMqAoopl3R+zuq0UjcAm/MO6KCweDgPfP3elTztoKP3KtnVHxTn2NHBSDVUw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ dependencies:
+ p-locate: 5.0.0
+ dev: true
+ /lodash.merge@4.6.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0KpjqXRVvrYyCsX1swR/XTK0va6VQkQM6MNo7PqW77ByjAhoARA8EfrP1N4+KlKj8YS0ZUCtRT/YUuhyYDujIQ==}
+ dev: true
+ /lru-cache@10.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-2bIM8x+VAf6JT4bKAljS1qUWgMsqZRPGJS6FSahIMPVvctcNhyVp7AJu7quxOW9jwkryBReKZY5tY5JYv2n/7Q==}
+ engines: {node: 14 || >=16.14}
+ dev: true
+ /lru-cache@6.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Jo6dJ04CmSjuznwJSS3pUeWmd/H0ffTlkXXgwZi+eq1UCmqQwCh+eLsYOYCwY991i2Fah4h1BEMCx4qThGbsiA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ dependencies:
+ yallist: 4.0.0
+ dev: true
+ /magic-string@0.30.9:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-S1+hd+dIrC8EZqKyT9DstTH/0Z+f76kmmvZnkfQVmOpDEF9iVgdYif3Q/pIWHmCoo59bQVGW0kVL3e2nl+9+Sw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ dependencies:
+ '@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec': 1.4.15
+ dev: true
+ /mdn-data@2.0.30:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-GaqWWShW4kv/G9IEucWScBx9G1/vsFZZJUO+tD26M8J8z3Kw5RDQjaoZe03YAClgeS/SWPOcb4nkFBTEi5DUEA==}
+ dev: true
+ /memoize-weak@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-gj39xkrjEw7nCn4nJ1M5ms6+MyMlyiGmttzsqAUsAKn6bYKwuTHh/AO3cKPF8IBrTIYTxb0wWXFs3E//Y8VoWQ==}
+ dev: true
+ /merge2@1.4.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-8q7VEgMJW4J8tcfVPy8g09NcQwZdbwFEqhe/WZkoIzjn/3TGDwtOCYtXGxA3O8tPzpczCCDgv+P2P5y00ZJOOg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ dev: true
+ /micromatch@4.0.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-DMy+ERcEW2q8Z2Po+WNXuw3c5YaUSFjAO5GsJqfEl7UjvtIuFKO6ZrKvcItdy98dwFI2N1tg3zNIdKaQT+aNdA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8.6'}
+ dependencies:
+ braces: 3.0.2
+ picomatch: 2.3.1
+ dev: true
+ /minimatch@3.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-J7p63hRiAjw1NDEww1W7i37+ByIrOWO5XQQAzZ3VOcL0PNybwpfmV/N05zFAzwQ9USyEcX6t3UO+K5aqBQOIHw==}
+ dependencies:
+ brace-expansion: 1.1.11
+ dev: true
+ /minimatch@9.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-KqWh+VchfxcMNRAJjj2tnsSJdNbHsVgnkBhTNrW7AjVo6OvLtxw8zfT9oLw1JSohlFzJ8jCoTgaoXvJ+kHt6fw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.17'}
+ dependencies:
+ brace-expansion: 2.0.1
+ dev: true
+ /minipass@7.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-jYofLM5Dam9279rdkWzqHozUo4ybjdZmCsDHePy5V/PbBcVMiSZR97gmAy45aqi8CK1lG2ECd356FU86avfwUQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.17'}
+ dev: true
+ /mri@1.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-tzzskb3bG8LvYGFF/mDTpq3jpI6Q9wc3LEmBaghu+DdCssd1FakN7Bc0hVNmEyGq1bq3RgfkCb3cmQLpNPOroA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ dev: true
+ /mrmime@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-eu38+hdgojoyq63s+yTpN4XMBdt5l8HhMhc4VKLO9KM5caLIBvUm4thi7fFaxyTmCKeNnXZ5pAlBwCUnhA09uw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ dev: true
+ /ms@2.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-sGkPx+VjMtmA6MX27oA4FBFELFCZZ4S4XqeGOXCv68tT+jb3vk/RyaKWP0PTKyWtmLSM0b+adUTEvbs1PEaH2w==}
+ dev: true
+ /mz@2.7.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-z81GNO7nnYMEhrGh9LeymoE4+Yr0Wn5McHIZMK5cfQCl+NDX08sCZgUc9/6MHni9IWuFLm1Z3HTCXu2z9fN62Q==}
+ dependencies:
+ any-promise: 1.3.0
+ object-assign: 4.1.1
+ thenify-all: 1.6.0
+ dev: true
+ /nanoid@3.3.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-eSRppjcPIatRIMC1U6UngP8XFcz8MQWGQdt1MTBQ7NaAmvXDfvNxbvWV3x2y6CdEUciCSsDHDQZbhYaB8QEo2g==}
+ engines: {node: ^10 || ^12 || ^13.7 || ^14 || >=15.0.1}
+ hasBin: true
+ dev: true
+ /nanoid@4.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7ZtY5KTCNheRGfEFxnedV5zFiORN1+Y1N6zvPTnHQd8ENUvfaDBeuJDZb2bN/oXwXxu3qkTXDzy57W5vAmDTBw==}
+ engines: {node: ^14 || ^16 || >=18}
+ hasBin: true
+ dev: true
+ /nanoid@5.0.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oLxFY2gd2IqnjcYyOXD8XGCftpGtZP2AbHbOkthDkvRywH5ayNtPVy9YlOPcHckXzbLTCHpkb7FB+yuxKV13pQ==}
+ engines: {node: ^18 || >=20}
+ hasBin: true
+ dev: true
+ /natural-compare@1.4.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-OWND8ei3VtNC9h7V60qff3SVobHr996CTwgxubgyQYEpg290h9J0buyECNNJexkFm5sOajh5G116RYA1c8ZMSw==}
+ dev: true
+ /node-releases@2.0.14:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-y10wOWt8yZpqXmOgRo77WaHEmhYQYGNA6y421PKsKYWEK8aW+cqAphborZDhqfyKrbZEN92CN1X2KbafY2s7Yw==}
+ dev: true
+ /normalize-path@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-6eZs5Ls3WtCisHWp9S2GUy8dqkpGi4BVSz3GaqiE6ezub0512ESztXUwUB6C6IKbQkY2Pnb/mD4WYojCRwcwLA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /normalize-range@0.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bdok/XvKII3nUpklnV6P2hxtMNrCboOjAcyBuQnWEhO665FwrSNRxU+AqpsyvO6LgGYPspN+lu5CLtw4jPRKNA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /normalize-url@8.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-IO9QvjUMWxPQQhs60oOu10CRkWCiZzSUkzbXGGV9pviYl1fXYcvkzQ5jV9z8Y6un8ARoVRl4EtC6v6jNqbaJ/w==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14.16'}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /object-assign@4.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-rJgTQnkUnH1sFw8yT6VSU3zD3sWmu6sZhIseY8VX+GRu3P6F7Fu+JNDoXfklElbLJSnc3FUQHVe4cU5hj+BcUg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /object-hash@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RSn9F68PjH9HqtltsSnqYC1XXoWe9Bju5+213R98cNGttag9q9yAOTzdbsqvIa7aNm5WffBZFpWYr2aWrklWAw==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 6'}
+ dev: true
+ /once@1.4.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-lNaJgI+2Q5URQBkccEKHTQOPaXdUxnZZElQTZY0MFUAuaEqe1E+Nyvgdz/aIyNi6Z9MzO5dv1H8n58/GELp3+w==}
+ dependencies:
+ wrappy: 1.0.2
+ dev: true
+ /optionator@0.9.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-JjCoypp+jKn1ttEFExxhetCKeJt9zhAgAve5FXHixTvFDW/5aEktX9bufBKLRRMdU7bNtpLfcGu94B3cdEJgjg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'}
+ dependencies:
+ '@aashutoshrathi/word-wrap': 1.2.6
+ deep-is: 0.1.4
+ fast-levenshtein: 2.0.6
+ levn: 0.4.1
+ prelude-ls: 1.2.1
+ type-check: 0.4.0
+ dev: true
+ /p-limit@3.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-TYOanM3wGwNGsZN2cVTYPArw454xnXj5qmWF1bEoAc4+cU/ol7GVh7odevjp1FNHduHc3KZMcFduxU5Xc6uJRQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ dependencies:
+ yocto-queue: 0.1.0
+ dev: true
+ /p-locate@5.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-LaNjtRWUBY++zB5nE/NwcaoMylSPk+S+ZHNB1TzdbMJMny6dynpAGt7X/tl/QYq3TIeE6nxHppbo2LGymrG5Pw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ dependencies:
+ p-limit: 3.1.0
+ dev: true
+ /parent-module@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-GQ2EWRpQV8/o+Aw8YqtfZZPfNRWZYkbidE9k5rpl/hC3vtHHBfGm2Ifi6qWV+coDGkrUKZAxE3Lot5kcsRlh+g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ dependencies:
+ callsites: 3.1.0
+ dev: true
+ /path-exists@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ak9Qy5Q7jYb2Wwcey5Fpvg2KoAc/ZIhLSLOSBmRmygPsGwkVVt0fZa0qrtMz+m6tJTAHfZQ8FnmB4MG4LWy7/w==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dev: true
+ /path-is-absolute@1.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-AVbw3UJ2e9bq64vSaS9Am0fje1Pa8pbGqTTsmXfaIiMpnr5DlDhfJOuLj9Sf95ZPVDAUerDfEk88MPmPe7UCQg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /path-key@3.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ojmeN0qd+y0jszEtoY48r0Peq5dwMEkIlCOu6Q5f41lfkswXuKtYrhgoTpLnyIcHm24Uhqx+5Tqm2InSwLhE6Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dev: true
+ /path-parse@1.0.7:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-LDJzPVEEEPR+y48z93A0Ed0yXb8pAByGWo/k5YYdYgpY2/2EsOsksJrq7lOHxryrVOn1ejG6oAp8ahvOIQD8sw==}
+ dev: true
+ /path-scurry@1.10.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7xTavNy5RQXnsjANvVvMkEjvloOinkAjv/Z6Ildz9v2RinZ4SBKTWFOVRbaF8p0vpHnyjV/UwNDdKuUv6M5qcA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.17'}
+ dependencies:
+ lru-cache: 10.2.0
+ minipass: 7.0.4
+ dev: true
+ /periscopic@3.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vKiQ8RRtkl9P+r/+oefh25C3fhybptkHKCZSPlcXiJux2tJF55GnEj3BVn4A5gKfq9NWWXXrxkHBwVPUfH0opw==}
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ estree-walker: 3.0.3
+ is-reference: 3.0.2
+ dev: true
+ /picocolors@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-1fygroTLlHu66zi26VoTDv8yRgm0Fccecssto+MhsZ0D/DGW2sm8E8AjW7NU5VVTRt5GxbeZ5qBuJr+HyLYkjQ==}
+ dev: true
+ /picomatch@2.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-JU3teHTNjmE2VCGFzuY8EXzCDVwEqB2a8fsIvwaStHhAWJEeVd1o1QD80CU6+ZdEXXSLbSsuLwJjkCBWqRQUVA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8.6'}
+ dev: true
+ /pify@2.3.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-udgsAY+fTnvv7kI7aaxbqwWNb0AHiB0qBO89PZKPkoTmGOgdbrHDKD+0B2X4uTfJ/FT1R09r9gTsjUjNJotuog==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /pirates@4.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-saLsH7WeYYPiD25LDuLRRY/i+6HaPYr6G1OUlN39otzkSTxKnubR9RTxS3/Kk50s1g2JTgFwWQDQyplC5/SHZg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 6'}
+ dev: true
+ /postcss-import@15.1.0(postcss@8.4.38):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-hpr+J05B2FVYUAXHeK1YyI267J/dDDhMU6B6civm8hSY1jYJnBXxzKDKDswzJmtLHryrjhnDjqqp/49t8FALew==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14.0.0'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ postcss: ^8.0.0
+ dependencies:
+ postcss: 8.4.38
+ postcss-value-parser: 4.2.0
+ read-cache: 1.0.0
+ resolve: 1.22.8
+ dev: true
+ /postcss-js@4.0.1(postcss@8.4.38):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dDLF8pEO191hJMtlHFPRa8xsizHaM82MLfNkUHdUtVEV3tgTp5oj+8qbEqYM57SLfc74KSbw//4SeJma2LRVIw==}
+ engines: {node: ^12 || ^14 || >= 16}
+ peerDependencies:
+ postcss: ^8.4.21
+ dependencies:
+ camelcase-css: 2.0.1
+ postcss: 8.4.38
+ dev: true
+ /postcss-load-config@3.1.4(postcss@8.4.38):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-6DiM4E7v4coTE4uzA8U//WhtPwyhiim3eyjEMFCnUpzbrkK9wJHgKDT2mR+HbtSrd/NubVaYTOpSpjUl8NQeRg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 10'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ postcss: '>=8.0.9'
+ ts-node: '>=9.0.0'
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ postcss:
+ optional: true
+ ts-node:
+ optional: true
+ dependencies:
+ lilconfig: 2.1.0
+ postcss: 8.4.38
+ yaml: 1.10.2
+ dev: true
+ /postcss-load-config@4.0.2(postcss@8.4.38):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bSVhyJGL00wMVoPUzAVAnbEoWyqRxkjv64tUl427SKnPrENtq6hJwUojroMz2VB+Q1edmi4IfrAPpami5VVgMQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 14'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ postcss: '>=8.0.9'
+ ts-node: '>=9.0.0'
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ postcss:
+ optional: true
+ ts-node:
+ optional: true
+ dependencies:
+ lilconfig: 3.1.1
+ postcss: 8.4.38
+ yaml: 2.4.1
+ dev: true
+ /postcss-nested@6.0.1(postcss@8.4.38):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-mEp4xPMi5bSWiMbsgoPfcP74lsWLHkQbZc3sY+jWYd65CUwXrUaTp0fmNpa01ZcETKlIgUdFN/MpS2xZtqL9dQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12.0'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ postcss: ^8.2.14
+ dependencies:
+ postcss: 8.4.38
+ postcss-selector-parser: 6.0.16
+ dev: true
+ /postcss-safe-parser@6.0.0(postcss@8.4.38):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-FARHN8pwH+WiS2OPCxJI8FuRJpTVnn6ZNFiqAM2aeW2LwTHWWmWgIyKC6cUo0L8aeKiF/14MNvnpls6R2PBeMQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12.0'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ postcss: ^8.3.3
+ dependencies:
+ postcss: 8.4.38
+ dev: true
+ /postcss-scss@4.0.9(postcss@8.4.38):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-AjKOeiwAitL/MXxQW2DliT28EKukvvbEWx3LBmJIRN8KfBGZbRTxNYW0kSqi1COiTZ57nZ9NW06S6ux//N1c9A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12.0'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ postcss: ^8.4.29
+ dependencies:
+ postcss: 8.4.38
+ dev: true
+ /postcss-selector-parser@6.0.16:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-A0RVJrX+IUkVZbW3ClroRWurercFhieevHB38sr2+l9eUClMqome3LmEmnhlNy+5Mr2EYN6B2Kaw9wYdd+VHiw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ dependencies:
+ cssesc: 3.0.0
+ util-deprecate: 1.0.2
+ dev: true
+ /postcss-value-parser@4.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-1NNCs6uurfkVbeXG4S8JFT9t19m45ICnif8zWLd5oPSZ50QnwMfK+H3jv408d4jw/7Bttv5axS5IiHoLaVNHeQ==}
+ dev: true
+ /postcss@8.4.38:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Wglpdk03BSfXkHoQa3b/oulrotAkwrlLDRSOb9D0bN86FdRyE9lppSp33aHNPgBa0JKCoB+drFLZkQoRRYae5A==}
+ engines: {node: ^10 || ^12 || >=14}
+ dependencies:
+ nanoid: 3.3.7
+ picocolors: 1.0.0
+ source-map-js: 1.2.0
+ dev: true
+ /prelude-ls@1.2.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vkcDPrRZo1QZLbn5RLGPpg/WmIQ65qoWWhcGKf/b5eplkkarX0m9z8ppCat4mlOqUsWpyNuYgO3VRyrYHSzX5g==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /prettier-plugin-svelte@3.2.2(prettier@3.2.5)(svelte@4.2.13):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZzzE/wMuf48/1+Lf2Ffko0uDa6pyCfgHV6+uAhtg2U0AAXGrhCSW88vEJNAkAxW5qyrFY1y1zZ4J8TgHrjW++Q==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ prettier: ^3.0.0
+ svelte: ^3.2.0 || ^4.0.0-next.0 || ^5.0.0-next.0
+ dependencies:
+ prettier: 3.2.5
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ dev: true
+ /prettier@3.2.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-3/GWa9aOC0YeD7LUfvOG2NiDyhOWRvt1k+rcKhOuYnMY24iiCphgneUfJDyFXd6rZCAnuLBv6UeAULtrhT/F4A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14'}
+ hasBin: true
+ dev: true
+ /property-expr@2.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-SVtmxhRE/CGkn3eZY1T6pC8Nln6Fr/lu1mKSgRud0eC73whjGfoAogbn78LkD8aFL0zz3bAFerKSnOl7NlErBA==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /punycode@2.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vYt7UD1U9Wg6138shLtLOvdAu+8DsC/ilFtEVHcH+wydcSpNE20AfSOduf6MkRFahL5FY7X1oU7nKVZFtfq8Fg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ dev: true
+ /queue-microtask@1.2.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-NuaNSa6flKT5JaSYQzJok04JzTL1CA6aGhv5rfLW3PgqA+M2ChpZQnAC8h8i4ZFkBS8X5RqkDBHA7r4hej3K9A==}
+ dev: true
+ /read-cache@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Owdv/Ft7IjOgm/i0xvNDZ1LrRANRfew4b2prF3OWMQLxLfu3bS8FVhCsrSCMK4lR56Y9ya+AThoTpDCTxCmpRA==}
+ dependencies:
+ pify: 2.3.0
+ dev: true
+ /readdirp@3.6.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-hOS089on8RduqdbhvQ5Z37A0ESjsqz6qnRcffsMU3495FuTdqSm+7bhJ29JvIOsBDEEnan5DPu9t3To9VRlMzA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8.10.0'}
+ dependencies:
+ picomatch: 2.3.1
+ dev: true
+ /regenerator-runtime@0.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dYnhHh0nJoMfnkZs6GmmhFknAGRrLznOu5nc9ML+EJxGvrx6H7teuevqVqCuPcPK//3eDrrjQhehXVx9cnkGdw==}
+ dev: true
+ /resolve-from@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-pb/MYmXstAkysRFx8piNI1tGFNQIFA3vkE3Gq4EuA1dF6gHp/+vgZqsCGJapvy8N3Q+4o7FwvquPJcnZ7RYy4g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=4'}
+ dev: true
+ /resolve@1.22.8:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-oKWePCxqpd6FlLvGV1VU0x7bkPmmCNolxzjMf4NczoDnQcIWrAF+cPtZn5i6n+RfD2d9i0tzpKnG6Yk168yIyw==}
+ hasBin: true
+ dependencies:
+ is-core-module: 2.13.1
+ path-parse: 1.0.7
+ supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: 1.0.0
+ dev: true
+ /reusify@1.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-U9nH88a3fc/ekCF1l0/UP1IosiuIjyTh7hBvXVMHYgVcfGvt897Xguj2UOLDeI5BG2m7/uwyaLVT6fbtCwTyzw==}
+ engines: {iojs: '>=1.0.0', node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /rimraf@3.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-JZkJMZkAGFFPP2YqXZXPbMlMBgsxzE8ILs4lMIX/2o0L9UBw9O/Y3o6wFw/i9YLapcUJWwqbi3kdxIPdC62TIA==}
+ hasBin: true
+ dependencies:
+ glob: 7.2.3
+ dev: true
+ /rollup@4.14.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-4LnHSdd3QK2pa1J6dFbfm1HN0D7vSK/ZuZTsdyUAlA6Rr1yTouUTL13HaDOGJVgby461AhrNGBS7sCGXXtT+SA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=18.0.0', npm: '>=8.0.0'}
+ hasBin: true
+ dependencies:
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@rollup/rollup-android-arm-eabi': 4.14.1
+ '@rollup/rollup-android-arm64': 4.14.1
+ '@rollup/rollup-darwin-arm64': 4.14.1
+ '@rollup/rollup-darwin-x64': 4.14.1
+ '@rollup/rollup-linux-arm-gnueabihf': 4.14.1
+ '@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-gnu': 4.14.1
+ '@rollup/rollup-linux-arm64-musl': 4.14.1
+ '@rollup/rollup-linux-powerpc64le-gnu': 4.14.1
+ '@rollup/rollup-linux-riscv64-gnu': 4.14.1
+ '@rollup/rollup-linux-s390x-gnu': 4.14.1
+ '@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu': 4.14.1
+ '@rollup/rollup-linux-x64-musl': 4.14.1
+ '@rollup/rollup-win32-arm64-msvc': 4.14.1
+ '@rollup/rollup-win32-ia32-msvc': 4.14.1
+ '@rollup/rollup-win32-x64-msvc': 4.14.1
+ fsevents: 2.3.3
+ dev: true
+ /run-parallel@1.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5l4VyZR86LZ/lDxZTR6jqL8AFE2S0IFLMP26AbjsLVADxHdhB/c0GUsH+y39UfCi3dzz8OlQuPmnaJOMoDHQBA==}
+ dependencies:
+ queue-microtask: 1.2.3
+ dev: true
+ /sade@1.8.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xal3CZX1Xlo/k4ApwCFrHVACi9fBqJ7V+mwhBsuf/1IOKbBy098Fex+Wa/5QMubw09pSZ/u8EY8PWgevJsXp1A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ dependencies:
+ mri: 1.2.0
+ dev: true
+ /semver@7.6.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-EnwXhrlwXMk9gKu5/flx5sv/an57AkRplG3hTK68W7FRDN+k+OWBj65M7719OkA82XLBxrcX0KSHj+X5COhOVg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ hasBin: true
+ dependencies:
+ lru-cache: 6.0.0
+ dev: true
+ /set-cookie-parser@2.6.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RVnVQxTXuerk653XfuliOxBP81Sf0+qfQE73LIYKcyMYHG94AuH0kgrQpRDuTZnSmjpysHmzxJXKNfa6PjFhyQ==}
+ dev: true
+ /shebang-command@2.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-kHxr2zZpYtdmrN1qDjrrX/Z1rR1kG8Dx+gkpK1G4eXmvXswmcE1hTWBWYUzlraYw1/yZp6YuDY77YtvbN0dmDA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dependencies:
+ shebang-regex: 3.0.0
+ dev: true
+ /shebang-regex@3.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7++dFhtcx3353uBaq8DDR4NuxBetBzC7ZQOhmTQInHEd6bSrXdiEyzCvG07Z44UYdLShWUyXt5M/yhz8ekcb1A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dev: true
+ /signal-exit@4.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-bzyZ1e88w9O1iNJbKnOlvYTrWPDl46O1bG0D3XInv+9tkPrxrN8jUUTiFlDkkmKWgn1M6CfIA13SuGqOa9Korw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14'}
+ dev: true
+ /sirv@2.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-94Bdh3cC2PKrbgSOUqTiGPWVZeSiXfKOVZNJniWoqrWrRkB1CJzBU3NEbiTsPcYy1lDsANA/THzS+9WBiy5nfQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 10'}
+ dependencies:
+ '@polka/url': 1.0.0-next.25
+ mrmime: 2.0.0
+ totalist: 3.0.1
+ dev: true
+ /source-map-js@1.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-itJW8lvSA0TXEphiRoawsCksnlf8SyvmFzIhltqAHluXd88pkCd+cXJVHTDwdCr0IzwptSm035IHQktUu1QUMg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ dev: true
+ /source-map-support@0.5.21:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-uBHU3L3czsIyYXKX88fdrGovxdSCoTGDRZ6SYXtSRxLZUzHg5P/66Ht6uoUlHu9EZod+inXhKo3qQgwXUT/y1w==}
+ dependencies:
+ buffer-from: 1.1.2
+ source-map: 0.6.1
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /source-map@0.6.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-UjgapumWlbMhkBgzT7Ykc5YXUT46F0iKu8SGXq0bcwP5dz/h0Plj6enJqjz1Zbq2l5WaqYnrVbwWOWMyF3F47g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /string-width@4.2.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-wKyQRQpjJ0sIp62ErSZdGsjMJWsap5oRNihHhu6G7JVO/9jIB6UyevL+tXuOqrng8j/cxKTWyWUwvSTriiZz/g==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dependencies:
+ emoji-regex: 8.0.0
+ is-fullwidth-code-point: 3.0.0
+ strip-ansi: 6.0.1
+ dev: true
+ /string-width@5.1.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-HnLOCR3vjcY8beoNLtcjZ5/nxn2afmME6lhrDrebokqMap+XbeW8n9TXpPDOqdGK5qcI3oT0GKTW6wC7EMiVqA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ dependencies:
+ eastasianwidth: 0.2.0
+ emoji-regex: 9.2.2
+ strip-ansi: 7.1.0
+ dev: true
+ /strip-ansi@6.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y38VPSHcqkFrCpFnQ9vuSXmquuv5oXOKpGeT6aGrr3o3Gc9AlVa6JBfUSOCnbxGGZF+/0ooI7KrPuUSztUdU5A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-regex: 5.0.1
+ dev: true
+ /strip-ansi@7.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-iq6eVVI64nQQTRYq2KtEg2d2uU7LElhTJwsH4YzIHZshxlgZms/wIc4VoDQTlG/IvVIrBKG06CrZnp0qv7hkcQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-regex: 6.0.1
+ dev: true
+ /strip-json-comments@3.1.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-6fPc+R4ihwqP6N/aIv2f1gMH8lOVtWQHoqC4yK6oSDVVocumAsfCqjkXnqiYMhmMwS/mEHLp7Vehlt3ql6lEig==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dev: true
+ /sucrase@3.35.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-8EbVDiu9iN/nESwxeSxDKe0dunta1GOlHufmSSXxMD2z2/tMZpDMpvXQGsc+ajGo8y2uYUmixaSRUc/QPoQ0GA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.17'}
+ hasBin: true
+ dependencies:
+ '@jridgewell/gen-mapping': 0.3.5
+ commander: 4.1.1
+ glob: 10.3.12
+ lines-and-columns: 1.2.4
+ mz: 2.7.0
+ pirates: 4.0.6
+ ts-interface-checker: 0.1.13
+ dev: true
+ /superstruct@1.0.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7JpaAoX2NGyoFlI9NBh66BQXGONc+uE+MRS5i2iOBKuS4e+ccgMDjATgZldkah+33DakBxDHiss9kvUcGAO8UQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14.0.0'}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /supports-color@7.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-qpCAvRl9stuOHveKsn7HncJRvv501qIacKzQlO/+Lwxc9+0q2wLyv4Dfvt80/DPn2pqOBsJdDiogXGR9+OvwRw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8'}
+ dependencies:
+ has-flag: 4.0.0
+ dev: true
+ /supports-preserve-symlinks-flag@1.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ot0WnXS9fgdkgIcePe6RHNk1WA8+muPa6cSjeR3V8K27q9BB1rTE3R1p7Hv0z1ZyAc8s6Vvv8DIyWf681MAt0w==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
+ dev: true
+ /svelte-eslint-parser@0.34.1(svelte@4.2.13):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-9+uLA1pqI9AZioKVGJzYYmlOZWxfoCXSbAM9iaNm7H01XlYlzRTtJfZgl9o3StQGN41PfGJIbkKkfk3e/pHFfA==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+ peerDependencies:
+ svelte: ^3.37.0 || ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0-next.94
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ svelte:
+ optional: true
+ dependencies:
+ eslint-scope: 7.2.2
+ eslint-visitor-keys: 3.4.3
+ espree: 9.6.1
+ postcss: 8.4.38
+ postcss-scss: 4.0.9(postcss@8.4.38)
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ dev: true
+ /svelte-hmr@0.16.0(svelte@4.2.13):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Gyc7cOS3VJzLlfj7wKS0ZnzDVdv3Pn2IuVeJPk9m2skfhcu5bq3wtIZyQGggr7/Iim5rH5cncyQft/kRLupcnA==}
+ engines: {node: ^12.20 || ^14.13.1 || >= 16}
+ peerDependencies:
+ svelte: ^3.19.0 || ^4.0.0
+ dependencies:
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ dev: true
+ /svelte-radix@1.1.0(svelte@4.2.13):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-kyE9wZiJV937INGb+wiBkAjmGtQUUYRPkVL2Q+/gj+9Vog1Ewd2wNvNmpNMUd+c+euxoc5u5YZMuCUgky9EUPw==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ svelte: ^3.54.0 || ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0
+ dependencies:
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ dev: true
+ /svelte@4.2.13:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-jtVt2KXLbQnsWN93Zd7EVboNh8Tqexes4rZfXNP7nYRjd9+JjubTD8BXloUmU1OUYpc6pdd1aKBhCV+b2ZKoMg==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16'}
+ dependencies:
+ '@ampproject/remapping': 2.3.0
+ '@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec': 1.4.15
+ '@jridgewell/trace-mapping': 0.3.25
+ '@types/estree': 1.0.5
+ acorn: 8.11.3
+ aria-query: 5.3.0
+ axobject-query: 4.0.0
+ code-red: 1.0.4
+ css-tree: 2.3.1
+ estree-walker: 3.0.3
+ is-reference: 3.0.2
+ locate-character: 3.0.0
+ magic-string: 0.30.9
+ periscopic: 3.1.0
+ dev: true
+ /sveltekit-superforms@2.12.4(@sveltejs/kit@2.5.5)(@types/json-schema@7.0.15)(esbuild-runner@2.2.2)(esbuild@0.20.2)(svelte@4.2.13):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0LILJfTpOZj8UhEfcuVZwuyDR63EGTjBq/TwHJn38PcC6KHGZ0bXu8DVHxslGUffEi9EHgeyshoJk7x3EoJVhQ==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@sveltejs/kit': 1.x || 2.x
+ svelte: 3.x || 4.x || >=5.0.0-next.51
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@sinclair/typebox':
+ optional: true
+ '@vinejs/vine':
+ optional: true
+ arktype:
+ optional: true
+ joi:
+ optional: true
+ superstruct:
+ optional: true
+ valibot:
+ optional: true
+ yup:
+ optional: true
+ zod:
+ optional: true
+ dependencies:
+ '@sveltejs/kit': 2.5.5(@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte@3.1.0)(svelte@4.2.13)(vite@5.2.8)
+ devalue: 4.3.2
+ just-clone: 6.2.0
+ memoize-weak: 1.0.2
+ svelte: 4.2.13
+ ts-deepmerge: 7.0.0
+ optionalDependencies:
+ '@gcornut/valibot-json-schema': 0.0.27(@types/json-schema@7.0.15)(esbuild-runner@2.2.2)(esbuild@0.20.2)(valibot@0.30.0)
+ '@sinclair/typebox': 0.32.20
+ '@sodaru/yup-to-json-schema': 2.0.1
+ '@vinejs/vine': 1.8.0
+ arktype: 1.0.29-alpha
+ joi: 17.12.3
+ superstruct: 1.0.4
+ valibot: 0.30.0
+ yup: 1.4.0
+ zod: 3.22.4
+ zod-to-json-schema: 3.22.5(zod@3.22.4)
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - '@types/json-schema'
+ - esbuild
+ - esbuild-runner
+ dev: true
+ /tabbable@6.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Cat63mxsVJlzYvN51JmVXIgNoUokrIaT2zLclCXjRd8boZ0004U4KCs/sToJ75C6sdlByWxpYnb5Boif1VSFew==}
+ dev: true
+ /tailwind-merge@2.2.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-tWANXsnmJzgw6mQ07nE3aCDkCK4QdT3ThPMCzawoYA2Pws7vSTCvz3Vrjg61jVUGfFZPJzxEP+NimbcW+EdaDw==}
+ dependencies:
+ '@babel/runtime': 7.24.4
+ dev: true
+ /tailwind-variants@0.2.1(tailwindcss@3.4.3):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-2xmhAf4UIc3PijOUcJPA1LP4AbxhpcHuHM2C26xM0k81r0maAO6uoUSHl3APmvHZcY5cZCY/bYuJdfFa4eGoaw==}
+ engines: {node: '>=16.x', pnpm: '>=7.x'}
+ peerDependencies:
+ tailwindcss: '*'
+ dependencies:
+ tailwind-merge: 2.2.2
+ tailwindcss: 3.4.3
+ dev: true
+ /tailwindcss@3.4.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-U7sxQk/n397Bmx4JHbJx/iSOOv5G+II3f1kpLpY2QeUv5DcPdcTsYLlusZfq1NthHS1c1cZoyFmmkex1rzke0A==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14.0.0'}
+ hasBin: true
+ dependencies:
+ '@alloc/quick-lru': 5.2.0
+ arg: 5.0.2
+ chokidar: 3.6.0
+ didyoumean: 1.2.2
+ dlv: 1.1.3
+ fast-glob: 3.3.2
+ glob-parent: 6.0.2
+ is-glob: 4.0.3
+ jiti: 1.21.0
+ lilconfig: 2.1.0
+ micromatch: 4.0.5
+ normalize-path: 3.0.0
+ object-hash: 3.0.0
+ picocolors: 1.0.0
+ postcss: 8.4.38
+ postcss-import: 15.1.0(postcss@8.4.38)
+ postcss-js: 4.0.1(postcss@8.4.38)
+ postcss-load-config: 4.0.2(postcss@8.4.38)
+ postcss-nested: 6.0.1(postcss@8.4.38)
+ postcss-selector-parser: 6.0.16
+ resolve: 1.22.8
+ sucrase: 3.35.0
+ transitivePeerDependencies:
+ - ts-node
+ dev: true
+ /text-table@0.2.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-N+8UisAXDGk8PFXP4HAzVR9nbfmVJ3zYLAWiTIoqC5v5isinhr+r5uaO8+7r3BMfuNIufIsA7RdpVgacC2cSpw==}
+ dev: true
+ /thenify-all@1.6.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RNxQH/qI8/t3thXJDwcstUO4zeqo64+Uy/+sNVRBx4Xn2OX+OZ9oP+iJnNFqplFra2ZUVeKCSa2oVWi3T4uVmA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=0.8'}
+ dependencies:
+ thenify: 3.3.1
+ dev: true
+ /thenify@3.3.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RVZSIV5IG10Hk3enotrhvz0T9em6cyHBLkH/YAZuKqd8hRkKhSfCGIcP2KUY0EPxndzANBmNllzWPwak+bheSw==}
+ dependencies:
+ any-promise: 1.3.0
+ dev: true
+ /tiny-case@1.0.3:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Eet/eeMhkO6TX8mnUteS9zgPbUMQa4I6Kkp5ORiBD5476/m+PIRiumP5tmh5ioJpH7k51Kehawy2UDfsnxxY8Q==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /tiny-glob@0.2.9:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-g/55ssRPUjShh+xkfx9UPDXqhckHEsHr4Vd9zX55oSdGZc/MD0m3sferOkwWtp98bv+kcVfEHtRJgBVJzelrzg==}
+ dependencies:
+ globalyzer: 0.1.0
+ globrex: 0.1.2
+ dev: true
+ /to-regex-range@5.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-65P7iz6X5yEr1cwcgvQxbbIw7Uk3gOy5dIdtZ4rDveLqhrdJP+Li/Hx6tyK0NEb+2GCyneCMJiGqrADCSNk8sQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=8.0'}
+ dependencies:
+ is-number: 7.0.0
+ dev: true
+ /toposort@2.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-0a5EOkAUp8D4moMi2W8ZF8jcga7BgZd91O/yabJCFY8az+XSzeGyTKs0Aoo897iV1Nj6guFq8orWDS96z91oGg==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /totalist@3.0.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-sf4i37nQ2LBx4m3wB74y+ubopq6W/dIzXg0FDGjsYnZHVa1Da8FH853wlL2gtUhg+xJXjfk3kUZS3BRoQeoQBQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=6'}
+ dev: true
+ /ts-deepmerge@7.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-WZ/iAJrKDhdINv1WG6KZIGHrZDar6VfhftG1QJFpVbOYZMYJLJOvZOo1amictRXVdBXZIgBHKswMTXzElngprA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=14.13.1'}
+ dev: true
+ /ts-interface-checker@0.1.13:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y/arvbn+rrz3JCKl9C4kVNfTfSm2/mEp5FSz5EsZSANGPSlQrpRI5M4PKF+mJnE52jOO90PnPSc3Ur3bTQw0gA==}
+ dev: true
+ /tslib@2.4.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-d6xOpEDfsi2CZVlPQzGeux8XMwLT9hssAsaPYExaQMuYskwb+x1x7J371tWlbBdWHroy99KnVB6qIkUbs5X3UQ==}
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /tslib@2.6.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-AEYxH93jGFPn/a2iVAwW87VuUIkR1FVUKB77NwMF7nBTDkDrrT/Hpt/IrCJ0QXhW27jTBDcf5ZY7w6RiqTMw2Q==}
+ dev: true
+ /type-check@0.4.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-XleUoc9uwGXqjWwXaUTZAmzMcFZ5858QA2vvx1Ur5xIcixXIP+8LnFDgRplU30us6teqdlskFfu+ae4K79Ooew==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'}
+ dependencies:
+ prelude-ls: 1.2.1
+ dev: true
+ /type-fest@0.20.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ne+eE4r0/iWnpAxD852z3A+N0Bt5RN//NjJwRd2VFHEmrywxf5vsZlh4R6lixl6B+wz/8d+maTSAkN1FIkI3LQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ dev: true
+ /type-fest@2.19.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-RAH822pAdBgcNMAfWnCBU3CFZcfZ/i1eZjwFU/dsLKumyuuP3niueg2UAukXYF0E2AAoc82ZSSf9J0WQBinzHA==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12.20'}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /update-browserslist-db@1.0.13(browserslist@4.23.0):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-xebP81SNcPuNpPP3uzeW1NYXxI3rxyJzF3pD6sH4jE7o/IX+WtSpwnVU+qIsDPyk0d3hmFQ7mjqc6AtV604hbg==}
+ hasBin: true
+ peerDependencies:
+ browserslist: '>= 4.21.0'
+ dependencies:
+ browserslist: 4.23.0
+ escalade: 3.1.2
+ picocolors: 1.0.0
+ dev: true
+ /uri-js@4.4.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7rKUyy33Q1yc98pQ1DAmLtwX109F7TIfWlW1Ydo8Wl1ii1SeHieeh0HHfPeL2fMXK6z0s8ecKs9frCuLJvndBg==}
+ dependencies:
+ punycode: 2.3.1
+ dev: true
+ /util-deprecate@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-EPD5q1uXyFxJpCrLnCc1nHnq3gOa6DZBocAIiI2TaSCA7VCJ1UJDMagCzIkXNsUYfD1daK//LTEQ8xiIbrHtcw==}
+ dev: true
+ /valibot@0.30.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-5POBdbSkM+3nvJ6ZlyQHsggisfRtyT4tVTo1EIIShs6qCdXJnyWU5TJ68vr8iTg5zpOLjXLRiBqNx+9zwZz/rA==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /validator@13.11.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ii+sehpSfZy+At5nPdnyMhx78fEoPDkR2XW/zimHEL3MyGJQOCQ7WeP20jPYRz7ZCpcKLB21NxuXHF3bxjStBQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 0.10'}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /vite@5.2.8:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-OyZR+c1CE8yeHw5V5t59aXsUPPVTHMDjEZz8MgguLL/Q7NblxhZUlTu9xSPqlsUO/y+X7dlU05jdhvyycD55DA==}
+ engines: {node: ^18.0.0 || >=20.0.0}
+ hasBin: true
+ peerDependencies:
+ '@types/node': ^18.0.0 || >=20.0.0
+ less: '*'
+ lightningcss: ^1.21.0
+ sass: '*'
+ stylus: '*'
+ sugarss: '*'
+ terser: ^5.4.0
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ '@types/node':
+ optional: true
+ less:
+ optional: true
+ lightningcss:
+ optional: true
+ sass:
+ optional: true
+ stylus:
+ optional: true
+ sugarss:
+ optional: true
+ terser:
+ optional: true
+ dependencies:
+ esbuild: 0.20.2
+ postcss: 8.4.38
+ rollup: 4.14.1
+ optionalDependencies:
+ fsevents: 2.3.3
+ dev: true
+ /vitefu@0.2.5(vite@5.2.8):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-SgHtMLoqaeeGnd2evZ849ZbACbnwQCIwRH57t18FxcXoZop0uQu0uzlIhJBlF/eWVzuce0sHeqPcDo+evVcg8Q==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ vite: ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ vite:
+ optional: true
+ dependencies:
+ vite: 5.2.8
+ dev: true
+ /which@2.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-BLI3Tl1TW3Pvl70l3yq3Y64i+awpwXqsGBYWkkqMtnbXgrMD+yj7rhW0kuEDxzJaYXGjEW5ogapKNMEKNMjibA==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+ hasBin: true
+ dependencies:
+ isexe: 2.0.0
+ dev: true
+ /wrap-ansi@7.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-YVGIj2kamLSTxw6NsZjoBxfSwsn0ycdesmc4p+Q21c5zPuZ1pl+NfxVdxPtdHvmNVOQ6XSYG4AUtyt/Fi7D16Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-styles: 4.3.0
+ string-width: 4.2.3
+ strip-ansi: 6.0.1
+ dev: true
+ /wrap-ansi@8.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-si7QWI6zUMq56bESFvagtmzMdGOtoxfR+Sez11Mobfc7tm+VkUckk9bW2UeffTGVUbOksxmSw0AA2gs8g71NCQ==}
+ engines: {node: '>=12'}
+ dependencies:
+ ansi-styles: 6.2.1
+ string-width: 5.1.2
+ strip-ansi: 7.1.0
+ dev: true
+ /wrappy@1.0.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-l4Sp/DRseor9wL6EvV2+TuQn63dMkPjZ/sp9XkghTEbV9KlPS1xUsZ3u7/IQO4wxtcFB4bgpQPRcR3QCvezPcQ==}
+ dev: true
+ /yallist@4.0.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-3wdGidZyq5PB084XLES5TpOSRA3wjXAlIWMhum2kRcv/41Sn2emQ0dycQW4uZXLejwKvg6EsvbdlVL+FYEct7A==}
+ dev: true
+ /yaml@1.10.2:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-r3vXyErRCYJ7wg28yvBY5VSoAF8ZvlcW9/BwUzEtUsjvX/DKs24dIkuwjtuprwJJHsbyUbLApepYTR1BN4uHrg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 6'}
+ dev: true
+ /yaml@2.4.1:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-pIXzoImaqmfOrL7teGUBt/T7ZDnyeGBWyXQBvOVhLkWLN37GXv8NMLK406UY6dS51JfcQHsmcW5cJ441bHg6Lg==}
+ engines: {node: '>= 14'}
+ hasBin: true
+ dev: true
+ /yocto-queue@0.1.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-rVksvsnNCdJ/ohGc6xgPwyN8eheCxsiLM8mxuE/t/mOVqJewPuO1miLpTHQiRgTKCLexL4MeAFVagts7HmNZ2Q==}
+ engines: {node: '>=10'}
+ dev: true
+ /yup@1.4.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-wPbgkJRCqIf+OHyiTBQoJiP5PFuAXaWiJK6AmYkzQAh5/c2K9hzSApBZG5wV9KoKSePF7sAxmNSvh/13YHkFDg==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dependencies:
+ property-expr: 2.0.6
+ tiny-case: 1.0.3
+ toposort: 2.0.2
+ type-fest: 2.19.0
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /zod-to-json-schema@3.22.5(zod@3.22.4):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-+akaPo6a0zpVCCseDed504KBJUQpEW5QZw7RMneNmKw+fGaML1Z9tUNLnHHAC8x6dzVRO1eB2oEMyZRnuBZg7Q==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ peerDependencies:
+ zod: ^3.22.4
+ dependencies:
+ zod: 3.22.4
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
+ /zod@3.22.4:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-iC+8Io04lddc+mVqQ9AZ7OQ2MrUKGN+oIQyq1vemgt46jwCwLfhq7/pwnBnNXXXZb8VTVLKwp9EDkx+ryxIWmg==}
+ requiresBuild: true
+ dev: true
+ optional: true
diff --git a/postcss.config.js b/postcss.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e7af2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postcss.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export default {
+ plugins: {
+ tailwindcss: {},
+ autoprefixer: {},
+ },
diff --git a/src/app.css b/src/app.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25a7a38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app.css
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+@tailwind base;
+@tailwind components;
+@tailwind utilities;
+@layer base {
+ :root {
+ --background: 0 0% 100%;
+ --foreground: 20 14.3% 4.1%;
+ --muted: 60 4.8% 95.9%;
+ --muted-foreground: 25 5.3% 44.7%;
+ --popover: 0 0% 100%;
+ --popover-foreground: 20 14.3% 4.1%;
+ --card: 0 0% 100%;
+ --card-foreground: 20 14.3% 4.1%;
+ --border: 20 5.9% 90%;
+ --input: 20 5.9% 90%;
+ --primary: 24 9.8% 10%;
+ --primary-foreground: 60 9.1% 97.8%;
+ --secondary: 60 4.8% 95.9%;
+ --secondary-foreground: 24 9.8% 10%;
+ --accent: 60 4.8% 95.9%;
+ --accent-foreground: 24 9.8% 10%;
+ --destructive: 0 72.2% 50.6%;
+ --destructive-foreground: 60 9.1% 97.8%;
+ --ring: 20 14.3% 4.1%;
+ --radius: 0.5rem;
+ }
+ .dark {
+ --background: 20 14.3% 4.1%;
+ --foreground: 60 9.1% 97.8%;
+ --muted: 12 6.5% 15.1%;
+ --muted-foreground: 24 5.4% 63.9%;
+ --popover: 20 14.3% 4.1%;
+ --popover-foreground: 60 9.1% 97.8%;
+ --card: 20 14.3% 4.1%;
+ --card-foreground: 60 9.1% 97.8%;
+ --border: 12 6.5% 15.1%;
+ --input: 12 6.5% 15.1%;
+ --primary: 60 9.1% 97.8%;
+ --primary-foreground: 24 9.8% 10%;
+ --secondary: 12 6.5% 15.1%;
+ --secondary-foreground: 60 9.1% 97.8%;
+ --accent: 12 6.5% 15.1%;
+ --accent-foreground: 60 9.1% 97.8%;
+ --destructive: 0 62.8% 30.6%;
+ --destructive-foreground: 60 9.1% 97.8%;
+ --ring: 24 5.7% 82.9%;
+ }
+@layer base {
+ * {
+ @apply border-border;
+ }
+ body {
+ @apply bg-background text-foreground;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app.html b/src/app.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38fbd5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app.html
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ %sveltekit.head%
+ %sveltekit.body%
diff --git a/src/lib/components/forms/formid/formid.svelte b/src/lib/components/forms/formid/formid.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4d027d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/forms/formid/formid.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/forms/formlocation/formlocation.svelte b/src/lib/components/forms/formlocation/formlocation.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98af359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/forms/formlocation/formlocation.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/forms/formname/formname.svelte b/src/lib/components/forms/formname/formname.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5490ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/forms/formname/formname.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/button/button.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/button/button.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ecd500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/button/button.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/button/index.js b/src/lib/components/ui/button/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6db13e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/button/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { tv } from "tailwind-variants";
+import Root from "./button.svelte";
+const buttonVariants = tv({
+ base: "inline-flex items-center justify-center whitespace-nowrap rounded-md text-sm font-medium transition-colors focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-1 focus-visible:ring-ring disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50",
+ variants: {
+ variant: {
+ default: "bg-primary text-primary-foreground shadow hover:bg-primary/90",
+ destructive:
+ "bg-destructive text-destructive-foreground shadow-sm hover:bg-destructive/90",
+ outline:
+ "border border-input bg-background shadow-sm hover:bg-accent hover:text-accent-foreground",
+ secondary: "bg-secondary text-secondary-foreground shadow-sm hover:bg-secondary/80",
+ ghost: "hover:bg-accent hover:text-accent-foreground",
+ link: "text-primary underline-offset-4 hover:underline",
+ },
+ size: {
+ default: "h-9 px-4 py-2",
+ sm: "h-8 rounded-md px-3 text-xs",
+ lg: "h-10 rounded-md px-8",
+ icon: "h-9 w-9",
+ },
+ },
+ defaultVariants: {
+ variant: "default",
+ size: "default",
+ },
+export {
+ Root,
+ //
+ Root as Button,
+ buttonVariants,
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-content.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-content.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0a603e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-content.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-description.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-description.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1aa254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-description.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-footer.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-footer.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1645ea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-footer.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-header.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-header.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b86e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-header.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-title.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-title.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbe1d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/card/card-title.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/card/card.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/card/card.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7d2b76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/card/card.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/card/index.js b/src/lib/components/ui/card/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ed11eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/card/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import Root from "./card.svelte";
+import Content from "./card-content.svelte";
+import Description from "./card-description.svelte";
+import Footer from "./card-footer.svelte";
+import Header from "./card-header.svelte";
+import Title from "./card-title.svelte";
+export {
+ Root,
+ Content,
+ Description,
+ Footer,
+ Header,
+ Title,
+ //
+ Root as Card,
+ Content as CardContent,
+ Description as CardDescription,
+ Footer as CardFooter,
+ Header as CardHeader,
+ Title as CardTitle,
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/checkbox/checkbox.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/checkbox/checkbox.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d62951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/checkbox/checkbox.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ {#if isIndeterminate}
+ {:else}
+ {/if}
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/checkbox/index.js b/src/lib/components/ui/checkbox/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d92d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/checkbox/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import Root from "./checkbox.svelte";
+export {
+ Root,
+ //
+ Root as Checkbox,
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/combobox/combobox.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/combobox/combobox.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cf9ae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/combobox/combobox.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ Stanica nije pronađena.
+ {#each selectables as selectable}
+ {
+ value = currentValue;
+ closeAndFocusTrigger(ids.trigger);
+ }}
+ >
+ {selectable.label}
+ {/each}
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-dialog.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-dialog.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9be6100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-dialog.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-empty.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-empty.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2cf86f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-empty.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-group.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-group.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea6ef47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-group.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-input.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-input.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cced2c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-input.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-item.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-item.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f406525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-item.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-list.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-list.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0529bf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-list.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-separator.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-separator.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37cb268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-separator.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-shortcut.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-shortcut.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..660f239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command-shortcut.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/command/command.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d7cc6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/command/command.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/command/index.js b/src/lib/components/ui/command/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fee7ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/command/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import { Command as CommandPrimitive } from "cmdk-sv";
+import Root from "./command.svelte";
+import Dialog from "./command-dialog.svelte";
+import Empty from "./command-empty.svelte";
+import Group from "./command-group.svelte";
+import Item from "./command-item.svelte";
+import Input from "./command-input.svelte";
+import List from "./command-list.svelte";
+import Separator from "./command-separator.svelte";
+import Shortcut from "./command-shortcut.svelte";
+const Loading = CommandPrimitive.Loading;
+export {
+ Root,
+ Dialog,
+ Empty,
+ Group,
+ Item,
+ Input,
+ List,
+ Separator,
+ Shortcut,
+ Loading,
+ //
+ Root as Command,
+ Dialog as CommandDialog,
+ Empty as CommandEmpty,
+ Group as CommandGroup,
+ Item as CommandItem,
+ Input as CommandInput,
+ List as CommandList,
+ Separator as CommandSeparator,
+ Shortcut as CommandShortcut,
+ Loading as CommandLoading,
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-content.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-content.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a8c409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-content.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ Close
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-description.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-description.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..495a0f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-description.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-footer.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-footer.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a4693e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-footer.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-header.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-header.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7da48fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-header.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-overlay.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-overlay.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d6c828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-overlay.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-portal.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-portal.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edefb38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-portal.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-title.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-title.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a295b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/dialog-title.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/index.js b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..219714f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/dialog/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import { Dialog as DialogPrimitive } from "bits-ui";
+import Title from "./dialog-title.svelte";
+import Portal from "./dialog-portal.svelte";
+import Footer from "./dialog-footer.svelte";
+import Header from "./dialog-header.svelte";
+import Overlay from "./dialog-overlay.svelte";
+import Content from "./dialog-content.svelte";
+import Description from "./dialog-description.svelte";
+const Root = DialogPrimitive.Root;
+const Trigger = DialogPrimitive.Trigger;
+export {
+ Root,
+ Title,
+ Portal,
+ Footer,
+ Header,
+ Trigger,
+ Overlay,
+ Content,
+ Description,
+ //
+ Root as Dialog,
+ Title as DialogTitle,
+ Portal as DialogPortal,
+ Footer as DialogFooter,
+ Header as DialogHeader,
+ Trigger as DialogTrigger,
+ Overlay as DialogOverlay,
+ Content as DialogContent,
+ Description as DialogDescription,
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-button.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-button.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0e4f67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-button.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-description.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-description.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f62d4aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-description.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-element-field.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-element-field.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd650ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-element-field.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-field-errors.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-field-errors.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87659eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-field-errors.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ {#each errors as error}
+ {error}
+ {/each}
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-field.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-field.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbe7e81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-field.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-fieldset.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-fieldset.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae842c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-fieldset.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-label.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-label.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec3fa8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-label.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-legend.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-legend.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e8347c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/form/form-legend.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/form/index.js b/src/lib/components/ui/form/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0639ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/form/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import * as FormPrimitive from "formsnap";
+import Description from "./form-description.svelte";
+import Label from "./form-label.svelte";
+import FieldErrors from "./form-field-errors.svelte";
+import Field from "./form-field.svelte";
+import Button from "./form-button.svelte";
+import Fieldset from "./form-fieldset.svelte";
+import Legend from "./form-legend.svelte";
+import ElementField from "./form-element-field.svelte";
+const Control = FormPrimitive.Control;
+export {
+ Field,
+ Control,
+ Label,
+ FieldErrors,
+ Description,
+ Fieldset,
+ Legend,
+ ElementField,
+ Button,
+ //
+ Field as FormField,
+ Control as FormControl,
+ Description as FormDescription,
+ Label as FormLabel,
+ FieldErrors as FormFieldErrors,
+ Fieldset as FormFieldset,
+ Legend as FormLegend,
+ ElementField as FormElementField,
+ Button as FormButton,
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/input/index.js b/src/lib/components/ui/input/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc3324a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/input/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import Root from "./input.svelte";
+export {
+ Root,
+ //
+ Root as Input,
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/input/input.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/input/input.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc5a441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/input/input.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/label/index.js b/src/lib/components/ui/label/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b19048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/label/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import Root from "./label.svelte";
+export {
+ Root,
+ //
+ Root as Label,
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/label/label.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/label/label.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ac36eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/label/label.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/popover/index.js b/src/lib/components/ui/popover/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a9673d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/popover/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import { Popover as PopoverPrimitive } from "bits-ui";
+import Content from "./popover-content.svelte";
+const Root = PopoverPrimitive.Root;
+const Trigger = PopoverPrimitive.Trigger;
+const Close = PopoverPrimitive.Close;
+export {
+ Root,
+ Content,
+ Trigger,
+ Close,
+ //
+ Root as Popover,
+ Content as PopoverContent,
+ Trigger as PopoverTrigger,
+ Close as PopoverClose,
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/popover/popover-content.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/popover/popover-content.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d1b323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/popover/popover-content.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/select/index.js b/src/lib/components/ui/select/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c601cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/select/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import { Select as SelectPrimitive } from "bits-ui";
+import Label from "./select-label.svelte";
+import Item from "./select-item.svelte";
+import Content from "./select-content.svelte";
+import Trigger from "./select-trigger.svelte";
+import Separator from "./select-separator.svelte";
+const Root = SelectPrimitive.Root;
+const Group = SelectPrimitive.Group;
+const Input = SelectPrimitive.Input;
+const Value = SelectPrimitive.Value;
+export {
+ Root,
+ Item,
+ Group,
+ Input,
+ Label,
+ Value,
+ Content,
+ Trigger,
+ Separator,
+ //
+ Root as Select,
+ Item as SelectItem,
+ Group as SelectGroup,
+ Input as SelectInput,
+ Label as SelectLabel,
+ Value as SelectValue,
+ Content as SelectContent,
+ Trigger as SelectTrigger,
+ Separator as SelectSeparator,
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-content.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-content.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bcc40b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-content.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-item.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-item.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c429e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-item.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ {label || value}
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-label.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-label.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03417c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-label.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-separator.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-separator.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..198f9e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-separator.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-trigger.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-trigger.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d52fda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/select/select-trigger.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ className
+ )}
+ {...$$restProps}
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/separator/index.js b/src/lib/components/ui/separator/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..073c5c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/separator/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import Root from "./separator.svelte";
+export {
+ Root,
+ //
+ Root as Separator,
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/separator/separator.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/separator/separator.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7886568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/separator/separator.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/slider/index.js b/src/lib/components/ui/slider/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2618c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/slider/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import Root from "./slider.svelte";
+export {
+ Root,
+ //
+ Root as Slider,
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/slider/slider.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/slider/slider.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..072e600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/slider/slider.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ {#each thumbs as thumb}
+ {/each}
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/table/index.js b/src/lib/components/ui/table/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bb36d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/table/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import Root from "./table.svelte";
+import Body from "./table-body.svelte";
+import Caption from "./table-caption.svelte";
+import Cell from "./table-cell.svelte";
+import Footer from "./table-footer.svelte";
+import Head from "./table-head.svelte";
+import Header from "./table-header.svelte";
+import Row from "./table-row.svelte";
+export {
+ Root,
+ Body,
+ Caption,
+ Cell,
+ Footer,
+ Head,
+ Header,
+ Row,
+ //
+ Root as Table,
+ Body as TableBody,
+ Caption as TableCaption,
+ Cell as TableCell,
+ Footer as TableFooter,
+ Head as TableHead,
+ Header as TableHeader,
+ Row as TableRow,
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-body.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-body.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f7ef5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-body.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-caption.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-caption.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b10e21a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-caption.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-cell.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-cell.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9545950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-cell.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ className
+ )}
+ {...$$restProps}
+ on:click
+ on:keydown
+ |
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-footer.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-footer.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f8c4df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-footer.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-head.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-head.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f119ca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-head.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ className
+ )}
+ {...$$restProps}
+ |
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-header.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-header.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6d8841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-header.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-row.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-row.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db4ba92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table-row.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/components/ui/table/table.svelte b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09d5a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/components/ui/table/table.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/index.js b/src/lib/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..856f2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+// place files you want to import through the `$lib` alias in this folder.
diff --git a/server/apikeys.json b/src/lib/server/apikeys.json
similarity index 100%
rename from server/apikeys.json
rename to src/lib/server/apikeys.json
diff --git a/server/crypto.js b/src/lib/server/crypto.js
similarity index 100%
rename from server/crypto.js
rename to src/lib/server/crypto.js
diff --git a/server/server.js b/src/lib/server/server.js
similarity index 100%
rename from server/server.js
rename to src/lib/server/server.js
diff --git a/src/lib/utils.js b/src/lib/utils.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29aa840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import { clsx } from "clsx";
+import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";
+import { cubicOut } from "svelte/easing";
+export function cn(...inputs) {
+ return twMerge(clsx(inputs));
+export const flyAndScale = (
+ node,
+ params = { y: -8, x: 0, start: 0.95, duration: 150 }
+) => {
+ const style = getComputedStyle(node);
+ const transform = style.transform === "none" ? "" : style.transform;
+ const scaleConversion = (valueA, scaleA, scaleB) => {
+ const [minA, maxA] = scaleA;
+ const [minB, maxB] = scaleB;
+ const percentage = (valueA - minA) / (maxA - minA);
+ const valueB = percentage * (maxB - minB) + minB;
+ return valueB;
+ };
+ const styleToString = (style) => {
+ return Object.keys(style).reduce((str, key) => {
+ if (style[key] === undefined) return str;
+ return str + `${key}:${style[key]};`;
+ }, "");
+ };
+ return {
+ duration: params.duration ?? 200,
+ delay: 0,
+ css: (t) => {
+ const y = scaleConversion(t, [0, 1], [params.y ?? 5, 0]);
+ const x = scaleConversion(t, [0, 1], [params.x ?? 0, 0]);
+ const scale = scaleConversion(t, [0, 1], [params.start ?? 0.95, 1]);
+ return styleToString({
+ transform: `${transform} translate3d(${x}px, ${y}px, 0) scale(${scale})`,
+ opacity: t
+ });
+ },
+ easing: cubicOut
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/routes/+layout.svelte b/src/routes/+layout.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20510fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routes/+layout.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/src/routes/+page.svelte b/src/routes/+page.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c32cc6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routes/+page.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ BG++
+ fixamo fix ideje since 2023
+ {#each gradovi as grad}
+ {grad.label}
+ {/each}
+ Po ID-u
+ Po imenu
+ Po lokaciji
+ {#if selected != undefined && selected.value === 'ids'}
+ {:else if selected != undefined && selected.value === 'ime'}
+ {:else if selected != undefined && selected.value === 'lok'}
+ {/if}
+ Stanica: Futoška Bla Bla
+ Poslednji put ažurirana: 12.4.2023. 00:00:00
+ Ažuriranje u toku...
+ Linija
+ Preostale stanice
+ Trenutna stanica
+ ID Vozila
+ {#each linije as linija}
+ {linija.linija}
+ {linija.eta}
+ {linija.stanice}
+ {linija.trenutna}
+ {linija.id}
+ {/each}
diff --git a/svelte.config.js b/svelte.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87e9116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svelte.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-auto';
+import { vitePreprocess } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte';
+/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
+const config = {
+ kit: {
+ // adapter-auto only supports some environments, see https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/adapter-auto for a list.
+ // If your environment is not supported or you settled on a specific environment, switch out the adapter.
+ // See https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/adapters for more information about adapters.
+ adapter: adapter(),
+ alias: {
+ "@/*": "./path/to/lib/*",
+ },
+ },
+ preprocess: vitePreprocess()
+export default config;
diff --git a/tailwind.config.js b/tailwind.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa1cb36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tailwind.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import { fontFamily } from "tailwindcss/defaultTheme";
+/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
+const config = {
+ darkMode: ["class"],
+ content: ["./src/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}"],
+ safelist: ["dark"],
+ theme: {
+ container: {
+ center: true,
+ padding: "2rem",
+ screens: {
+ "2xl": "1400px"
+ }
+ },
+ extend: {
+ colors: {
+ border: "hsl(var(--border) / )",
+ input: "hsl(var(--input) / )",
+ ring: "hsl(var(--ring) / )",
+ background: "hsl(var(--background) / )",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--foreground) / )",
+ primary: {
+ DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--primary) / )",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--primary-foreground) / )"
+ },
+ secondary: {
+ DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--secondary) / )",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--secondary-foreground) / )"
+ },
+ destructive: {
+ DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--destructive) / )",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--destructive-foreground) / )"
+ },
+ muted: {
+ DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--muted) / )",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--muted-foreground) / )"
+ },
+ accent: {
+ DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--accent) / )",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--accent-foreground) / )"
+ },
+ popover: {
+ DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--popover) / )",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--popover-foreground) / )"
+ },
+ card: {
+ DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--card) / )",
+ foreground: "hsl(var(--card-foreground) / )"
+ }
+ },
+ borderRadius: {
+ lg: "var(--radius)",
+ md: "calc(var(--radius) - 2px)",
+ sm: "calc(var(--radius) - 4px)"
+ },
+ fontFamily: {
+ sans: [...fontFamily.sans]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+export default config;
diff --git a/vite.config.js b/vite.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbf8c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vite.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
+import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
+export default defineConfig({
+ plugins: [sveltekit()]