docs / using / |
This document outlines the steps to edit an exisiting base or supplemental WDAC code integrity (CI) policy. This tool enables users to edit the policy rules, its signing rules and its attributes.
The official WDAC documentation outlines the edit policy steps.
Using the Browse button, navigate to the WDAC CI policy you would like to edit. The policy Wizard will verify that the policy exists. Once the validation is complete, you can rename the policy and edit the policy ID by editing the values in the textboxes.
The policy rule options will be automatically enabled/disabled based on the policy you are editing. You can edit the desired policy rule options by pressing the slider button next to the policy rule titles. A toggled rule option will appear in the CI policy while a toggled-off option will not.
Hovering the mouse over the policy rule names will display a short description of the ruleat the bottom of the page. More information about each of the policy rules can be located at the WDAC policy rules page.
Selecting the + Advanced Options
button will reveal the advanced policy rule options panel. This grouping of rules contains additional policy rule options which are less common
to a majority of users.
We recommend leaving the Audit Mode policy rule option enabled until users have sufficiently understood how the policy and signing rules will affect their scenario. Disabling Audit Mode will result in the policy running in enforced mode after the policy is deployed. For more information on deploying WDAC policies see Deploying WDAC Policies.
The Signing Rules List on the left-hand side of the page show the pre-exisiting signing rules of the existing policy,as well as any associated files and exceptions. At this point, you may choose to add custom rules to the policy and delete select rules.
Selecting the + Custom Rules
button will open the Custom Rules panel. Four types of custom rules conditions can be defined.
Rule Condition | Usage Scenario |
Publisher | To use a publisher condition, the files must be digitally signed by the software publisher, or you must do so by using an internal certificate. |
File Path | Any file can be assigned this rule condition; however, because path rules specify locations within the file system, any subdirectory will also be affected by the rule (unless explicitly exempted). |
Folder Path | Any folder can be assigned this rule condition; . |
File Hash | Any file can be assigned this rule condition; however, the rule must be updated each time a new version of the file is released because the hash value is based in part upon the version. |
- Publisher Rules - select the Publisher option from the Rule Type combobox. Next choose to Allow or Deny the publisher, and select a reference file signed by the software publisher off which to base the rule. By default, the publisher is set to apply to all files signed by the publisher, with the specific product name and file name with a version at or above the one specified. The restrictiveness of the rule can be modified using the slider. The text below the slider documents outlines the how the rule will be interpreted.
The table below shows the relationship between the slider placement, the corresponding WDAC rule level and its description.
Rule Condition | WDAC Rule Level | Description |
Publisher | FilePublisher | Combination of the file name, PCA cert with CN of the leaf, and the minimum version number. |
Product name | FilePublisher | Combination of the file name, PCA cert with CN of the leaf, and the minimum version number. |
File name | FilePublisher | Combination of the file name, PCA cert with CN of the leaf, and the minimum version number. |
Version | FilePublisher | Combination of the file name, PCA cert with CN of the leaf, and the minimum version number. |
this section needs to be revised
Path Rules - select the Path option from the Rule Type combobox. Next choose to Allow or Deny the path, and select either a File or Folder rule using the radiobutton below the Browse button. Lastly, select the reference file or folder off which to base the rule.
Hash Rules - select the File Hash option from the Rule Type combobox. Next choose to Allow or Deny the hash, and select the file off which to base the rule.
Template signing rules and custom rules can be deleted from the policy by selecting the rule from the rules list dataviewer. Once the rule is highlighted, selecting the delete button underneath the table will prompt for additional confirmation. Select Yes
to remove the rule from the policy and the rules table.
The policy build page will monitor the progress of the WDAC policy creation process. Depending on the number and complexity of the custom signing rules, the build process could take several minutes.
Once the build process is complete, selecting the policy path link will open the policy XML file for review. The binary file is also written to the same path for manual deployment. Steps for manual deployment can be reviewed here Deploying WDAC Policies. To create another policy, edit an exisiting policy or merge two or more policies, select the home button to continue.