diff --git a/PythonWrapper/CentralInterface.py b/PythonWrapper/CentralInterface.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 866e0ec..0000000
--- a/PythonWrapper/CentralInterface.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-__author__ = 'mlampe'
-import sys
-from Wrapper import GlSeqRun
-from CommandsProcessor import CommandsProcessor
-# Command line args incoming~
-update_database = sys.argv[1]
-prepare = sys.argv[2]
-align = sys.argv[3]
-count = sys.argv[4]
-collect = sys.argv[5]
-run_name = sys.argv[6]
-protocol_id = sys.argv[7]
-attribute_file_path = sys.argv[8]
-current_run = GlSeqRun(update_database, prepare, align, count, collect, run_name, protocol_id, attribute_file_path,"TRUE")
-# Initiates a run through the wrapper, and takes in all the output which is the various commands that would be run
-commands = current_run.run()
-# We get back a list of commands that are only cleaned up (Aka they could run if we just threw them at the shell)
-# Let's parallize and break apart the commands in the CommandsProcessor
-processor = CommandsProcessor(commands)
diff --git a/PythonWrapper/Command.py b/PythonWrapper/Command.py
index 81ccdac..dd53ba5 100644
--- a/PythonWrapper/Command.py
+++ b/PythonWrapper/Command.py
@@ -1,5 +1,46 @@
 __author__ = 'mlampe'
+from CommandFile import CommandFile
+# Pydagman can be found at https://github.com/brandentimm/pydagman
+from pydagman.job import Job
 class Command():
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.parent = parent
+    parallel_track = list()
+    job_count = 1
+    def __init__(self,commands,parent_node):
+        self.parent_node = parent_node
+        Command.parallel_track.append(list())
+        Command.parallel_track[self.parent_node].append(self)
+        # A list of commands that can be run in parallel and sequentially
+        self.commands = commands
+        self.associated_bash_files = list()
+        self.dag_jobs = list()
+    # To string method I used for debugging of individual command nodes
+    def toString(self):
+        return("The command is " + str(self.commands) + "." + " This command has parent node of " + str(self.parent_node) + ".")
+    # Creates the bash files that will be addedd to the job flow
+    def create_bash_files(self,run_name):
+        for command in self.commands:
+            new_command = CommandFile(run_name,command,self.parent_node)
+            bash_file = self.command_file = new_command.generate_bash_file()
+            self.associated_bash_files.append(bash_file)
+    # Sets up dag jobs.
+    # Will need to add a controller in the future to optimize mem and cpu usage, as well as GPU.
+    # This will really help when we are mass scheduling batch jobs.
+    def create_dag_jobs(self,run_name):
+        for subcommand in range(0,len(self.commands)):
+            current_job = Job((run_name + "/" + run_name +".submit"),"JOB" + str(Command.job_count))
+            current_job.add_var("mem","4G")
+            current_job.add_var("cpus","2")
+            current_job.add_var("execute","./" + run_name + "/" + self.associated_bash_files[subcommand])
+            current_job.retry(2)
+            current_job.pre_skip("1")
+            # Still need to add parent interactions, which is done in the comm stack
+            Command.job_count = Command.job_count + 1
+            self.dag_jobs.append(current_job)
+        for job in range(0,len(self.dag_jobs)):
+            if (job != 0):
+                self.dag_jobs[job].add_parent(self.dag_jobs[job-1])
diff --git a/PythonWrapper/CommandFile.py b/PythonWrapper/CommandFile.py
index 997fa4e..1406a19 100644
--- a/PythonWrapper/CommandFile.py
+++ b/PythonWrapper/CommandFile.py
@@ -1,29 +1,48 @@
 __author__ = 'mlampe'
+from subprocess import Popen
 class CommandFile:
     file_count = 0
-    def __init__(self,run_name,command_bundle):
+    def __init__(self,run_name,command_bundle,parent):
         # Keep track of how many command files we have
         CommandFile.file_count = CommandFile.file_count + 1
         # Just make the files based on the number of their command and the run name because it is easy.
-        self.file_name = run_name + "_" + str(CommandFile.file_count)
+        self.run_name = run_name
+        self.file_name = run_name + "_" + str(CommandFile.file_count) + ".sh"
         # Should be a list of commands that the class command has prepared.
         # They will be strings that are just a single command
-        self.command_bundle = command_bundle
+        self.command_bundle = command_bundle.split(" && ")
+        #
+        self.parent = parent
     def generate_bash_file(self):
-        with open(self.file_name,"w") as command:
+        file = self.run_name + "/" + self.file_name
+        with open(file,"w") as command:
             # Bash header
             # Index through the commands writing them as we go w/ error checking
             for x in range(0,len(self.command_bundle)):
-                command.write(self.command_bundle[x])
+                # lstrip removes the leading white space which could be annoying
+                self.command_bundle[x] = self.command_bundle[x].replace("\"","")
+                command.write(self.command_bundle[x].lstrip())
+        # Makes the newly created file an executable
+        Popen(self.create_executable(file))
+        return self.file_name
+    def create_executable(self,sh_file):
+        command_list = list()
+        command_list.append("chmod")
+        # Allows for it to be executable on the file system
+        command_list.append("+x")
+        command_list.append(sh_file)
+        return command_list
+    # Adds an error checking script to each command in the shell script
     def error_checking(self,command_number,command):
         error_check = "\n"
-        error_check = error_check + "if [[ $? -ne 0]]; then\n"
-        error_check = error_check + "  echo \"Step " + str(command_number) + " failed. The command was \"" + command + "\" Exiting now.\" \n"
+        error_check = error_check + "if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then\n"
+        error_check = error_check + "  echo \"Step " + str(command_number) + " failed. The command was " + command + " Exiting now.\" \n"
         error_check = error_check + "  exit 1\n"
         error_check = error_check + "fi\n"
         error_check = error_check + "\n"
diff --git a/PythonWrapper/CommandStack.py b/PythonWrapper/CommandStack.py
index 90fc42d..24eea20 100644
--- a/PythonWrapper/CommandStack.py
+++ b/PythonWrapper/CommandStack.py
@@ -1,6 +1,89 @@
 __author__ = 'mlampe'
-class CommandStack:
-    # This will take one parallel command stream
-    def __init__(self):
-        x = 6
\ No newline at end of file
+from Command import Command
+# Pydagman can be found at https://github.com/brandentimm/pydagman
+from pydagman.dagfile import Dagfile
+from subprocess import Popen
+class Stack:
+    # This will take all the commands together and organize them into a command stack composed of command objects.
+    def __init__(self,command_list):
+        self.command_list = command_list
+        self.command_stack = list()
+        self.group_keywords = [
+            # The space is important for keeping them as just the linux commands
+            'mkdir ',
+            'cd ',
+            'mv ',
+            'cp ',
+            'date ',
+            'samtools ',
+            'rm ',
+            'echo '
+        ]
+    def create_stack(self,run_name):
+        # Connects steps that have a key word
+        # The last step is always either the end of this parallel command
+        # Or a larger step that is not a keyword in hopes of creating "larger" chunked steps.
+        for steps in self.command_list:
+            for step in steps:
+                for x in range (len(step) - 1 ,0,-1):
+                    for word in self.group_keywords:
+                        if (word in step[x - 1]):
+                            if (x != 0):
+                                step[x - 1] = step[x-1] + " && " + step[x]
+                                step.pop(x)
+                                # Exit after you find one because that's all good
+                                break
+        for parent in range (0, len(self.command_list)):
+            for step in self.command_list[parent]:
+                command = Command(step,parent)
+                self.command_stack.append(command)
+        for command in self.command_stack:
+            command.create_bash_files(run_name)
+            self.create_submit_file(run_name)
+            command.create_dag_jobs(run_name)
+    def create_dag_workflow(self,run_name):
+        mydag = Dagfile()
+        # Takes care of parallelizing parent child relationships on the graph
+        for x in range(0,len(Command.parallel_track)):
+            if (x != 0):
+                # Add all the previous jobs that are parents
+                for y in range(0,len(Command.parallel_track[x-1])):
+                    # Add all the children
+                    for z in range(0,len(Command.parallel_track[x])):
+                        child_job = Command.parallel_track[x][z].dag_jobs[0]
+                        parent_job = Command.parallel_track[x-1][y].dag_jobs[len(Command.parallel_track[x-1][y].dag_jobs)-1]
+                        child_job.add_parent(parent_job)
+        # Put everything together in the Dagfile workflow
+        for command in self.command_stack:
+            for job in command.dag_jobs:
+                mydag.add_job(job)
+        self.dag_file = run_name + "/my_workflow.dag"
+        mydag.save(self.dag_file)
+    def create_submit_file(self,run_name):
+        submit_file_name = str(run_name + "/" + run_name + ".submit")
+        with open(str(submit_file_name),'w') as submit_file:
+            submit_file.write("universe = vanilla\n")
+            submit_file.write("executable = $(execute)\n")
+            #submit_file.write("arguments = $(args)\n")
+            submit_file.write("log = job.log\n")
+            submit_file.write("out = job.out\n")
+            submit_file.write("err = job.err\n")
+            submit_file.write("request_memory = $(mem)\n")
+            submit_file.write("request_cpus = $(cpus)\n")
+            submit_file.write("queue\n")
+        self.submit_file = submit_file_name
+    def submit(self):
+        submit_command = list()
+        submit_command.append("condor_submit_dag")
+        submit_command.append(self.dag_file)
+        Popen(submit_command)
diff --git a/PythonWrapper/CommandsProcessor.py b/PythonWrapper/CommandsProcessor.py
index 5b1df3f..17088ee 100644
--- a/PythonWrapper/CommandsProcessor.py
+++ b/PythonWrapper/CommandsProcessor.py
@@ -1,82 +1,54 @@
 __author__ = 'mlampe'
 import re
-command = "command 1 && command2 & parallel1 && parallel2 && parallel3 &"
 class CommandsProcessor:
     def __init__(self,commands):
         # The list of all commands broken into the order they were sent
         self.commands = commands
-        # These are keywords that can be matched so we can better groups jobs
-        self.group_keywords = {
-            'mkdir',
-            'cd',
-            'mv',
-            'cp',
-            'date',
-            'samtools'
-            'rm'
-        }
-        self.parallelize_keywords = {
-            'HTSeq.scripts.count'
-            'GLSeq.FeatureCounts.R'
-            'RSEM'
-            'cufflinks'
-        }
-    # Just kinda sounds cool when you call it
     # This takes all the commands and divides it into the order they were run and tries
     # to paralleize commands run together and group smaller commands
     def handle(self):
         # All the commands in the order they should appear
-        ordered_commands = list()
+        command_list = list()
+        # Splits the commands by parallel processes (&)
         for command in self.commands:
-            # Parallel commands are divided into another list, so that order is retained, but
-            # the ability to be run in parallel is easily identified.
-            parallel_list = self.parallelize_commands(command)
-            ordered_commands.append(parallel_list)
-        grouped_ordered_commands = list()
-        for command in ordered_commands:
-            grouped_ordered_commands.append(self.group_commands(command))
-    def parallelize_commands(self,command):
-        command = command.split("&&")
-        parallel_commands = list()
-        single_command = list()
-        for comm in command:
-            if ("&" in comm):
-                # Split on parallelizer
-                parts = comm.split("&")
-                # Add the last command of the first to that command
-                if ("wait" not in parts[0]):
-                    single_command.append(parts[0])
-                # This command is finished, add it to the whole deal & remove empty strings
-                single_command = filter(bool,single_command)
-                parallel_commands.append(single_command)
-                # Clear it
-                single_command = list()
-                # Add the first part to the new list
-                if ("wait" not in parts[1]):
-                    single_command.append(parts[1])
-            else:
-                if ("wait" not in comm):
-                    single_command.append(comm)
-        single_command = filter(bool,single_command)
-        parallel_commands.append(single_command)
-        # Remove empty strings
-        parallel_commands = filter(bool,parallel_commands)
-        return parallel_commands
+            command = self.split_background(command)
+            command = filter(bool,command)
+            command_list.append(command)
+        # Reassign and clear
+        self.commands = command_list
+        command_list = list()
+        for command in self.commands:
+            command = self.split_linked(command)
+            command = filter(bool,command)
+            command_list.append(command)
+        return command_list
-    def group_commands(self,command):
-        print command
+    # This breaks parts that have only one "&" into an array that will then be able to be run in parallel
+    def split_background(self,command):
+        re1='(?<!&)&(?!&)'	# Matches only a single & that cannot be preceded or succeeded by another &
+        rg = re.compile(re1,re.IGNORECASE)
+        command_split = rg.split(command)
+        return command_split
-# Command 1 needs to be run first
-command1 = "command 1 && command2 & parallel1 && parallel2 && parallel3 &"
-# Command 2 is run after
-command2 = "comm2 && comm3 & wait"
-together = list()
-proc = CommandsProcessor(together)
\ No newline at end of file
+    # This breaks linked commands (&& or ;) into parts that are in sequence (In this same array)
+    def split_linked(self,command):
+        """
+        I know this somewhat violates duck typing but it is an easy (And really readable) way to check if it is a
+        single command.  Without this, iteration would cause individual string characters to be printed and the lack
+        of iteration would cause a regex error because you can't regex a list type.
+        """
+        if type(command) is list:
+            split_list = list()
+            for c in command:
+                re1 = '&&|;'
+                rg = re.compile(re1,re.IGNORECASE)
+                split_list.append(rg.split(c))
+            return split_list
+        else:
+            re1 = '&&|;'
+            rg = re.compile(re1,re.IGNORECASE)
+            command_split = rg.split(command)
+            return command_split
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PythonWrapper/CondorGrapher.py b/PythonWrapper/CondorGrapher.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..872f880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PythonWrapper/CondorGrapher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+__author__ = 'mlampe'
+# Pygraph library
+# Modified from https://github.com/pmatiello/python-graph
+from pygraph.classes.digraph import digraph as graph
+class GraphCondor:
+    def __init__(self,dag_file_name):
+        self.dag_file_name = dag_file_name
+        self.condor_graph = graph()
+    def read_connections(self):
+        with open(self.dag_file_name,'r'):
+            for line in file:
+                if "PARENT" in line:
+                    # Splits the line and the left space is the string "PARENT"
+                    # with the right half being the value of that
+                    split = line.split(" ")
+                    parent = split[1]
+                    child = split[3]
+                    self.create_connection(parent,child)
+    def create_connection(self,parent,child):
+        # Adds the parent and child nodes if they don't exist already
+        [self.condor_graph.add_node(n) for n in (parent,child) if not self.condor_graph.has_node(n)]
+        # Adds the edge from parent to child
+        self.condor_graph.add_edge(parent,child)
+    # Still need to add visualization
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PythonWrapper/PyGLSeqWrapper.py b/PythonWrapper/PyGLSeqWrapper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e64331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PythonWrapper/PyGLSeqWrapper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+__author__ = 'mlampe'
+import sys
+import os
+from Wrapper import GlSeqRun
+from CommandsProcessor import CommandsProcessor
+from CommandStack import Stack
+# Command line args incoming~
+glseq_path = sys.argv[1]
+update_database = sys.argv[2]
+prepare = sys.argv[3]
+align = sys.argv[4]
+count = sys.argv[5]
+collect = sys.argv[6]
+run_name = sys.argv[7]
+protocol_id = sys.argv[8]
+attribute_file_path = sys.argv[9]
+current_run = GlSeqRun(glseq_path,update_database, prepare, align, count, collect, run_name, protocol_id, attribute_file_path,"TRUE")
+# Initiates a run through the wrapper, and takes in all the output which is the various commands that would be run
+commands = current_run.run()
+# We get back a list of commands that are only cleaned up (Aka they could run if we just threw them at the shell)
+# Let's parallize and break apart the commands in the CommandsProcessor
+# Command 1 needs to be run first
+# # Test Stuff
+# command0 = "first"
+# command1 = "\"mkdir \"I love cookies\" && mkdir 2 && mkdir 3\""
+# # Command 2 is run after
+# command2 = "above && above2 ; above3"
+# commands = list()
+# commands.append(command0)
+# commands.append(command1)
+# commands.append(command2)
+if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(run_name + "/")):
+    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(run_name + "/"))
+processor = CommandsProcessor(commands)
+# This will break apart the commands in groups that can be parallelized while still being ordered.
+ordered_commands = processor.handle()
+command_stack = Stack(ordered_commands)
+# This is temp
+#run_name = "temp"
diff --git a/PythonWrapper/Wrapper.py b/PythonWrapper/Wrapper.py
index a0a0ac9..ab0c1fa 100644
--- a/PythonWrapper/Wrapper.py
+++ b/PythonWrapper/Wrapper.py
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
 # GLSeq and receive the output command
 class GlSeqRun:
-    def __init__(self,update_database,prepare_data,align,count,collect,run_name,protocol_id,attribute_file_path,condor):
+    def __init__(self,glseq_path,update_database,prepare_data,align,count,collect,run_name,protocol_id,attribute_file_path,condor):
+        self.glseq_path = glseq_path
         self.update = update_database
         self.prepare = prepare_data
         self.align = align
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ def run(self):
     def defineRunArgs(self):
         run = list()
-        run.append("GLSeq.top.R")
+        run.append(self.glseq_path)