diff --git a/dietpi/dietpi-software b/dietpi/dietpi-software index 748279b41d..521ec0dee8 100755 --- a/dietpi/dietpi-software +++ b/dietpi/dietpi-software @@ -11438,6 +11438,13 @@ _EOF_ G_EXEC mkdir -p "$ha_home/.pip" G_EXEC eval "echo -e '[global]\nno-cache-dir=true' > '$ha_home/.pip/pip.conf'" + # ARMv6/RISC-V: Work around incompatible latest maturin version with currently declared orjson v3.10.12 dependency: https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/issues/7329 + if (( $G_HW_ARCH == 1 || $G_HW_ARCH == 11 )) + then + G_EXEC eval "echo 'constraint=$ha_home/.pip/constraints.txt' >> '$ha_home/.pip/pip.conf'" + G_EXEC eval "echo 'maturin==1.7.8' >> '$ha_home/.pip/constraints.txt'" + fi + # Generate script to activate pyenv: This must be sourced from the originating shell, hence it does not require execute permissions. echo "#!/bin/dash if [ \$(whoami) != '$ha_user' ]; then