Here we address some Frequently Asked Questions concerning the Mews Booking Engine integration.
- Which method should I use to integrate?
- Where can I get Configuration ID?
- Why doesn't the Booking Engine use the Configuration IDs I've provided?
- Where can I get City ID?
- Where can I get Age Category ID?
See Ways to integrate.
The Booking Engine Configuration ID is a unique identifier for your particular Booking Engine implementation. You can find it in Mews Operations.
- Start on the Dashboard (the main screen).
- In the left-hand menu, select Settings -> Services.
- In the section Bookable services, select the service which has the Booking Engine configuration. If there's just one service, select that one.
- On the left, select Booking engines.
- Select the configuration you want to use.
- In the upper section there is a field Identifier. This is your Configuration ID. It has the format
If the Booking Engine is not using the Configuration IDs provided, it could be that some of those IDs are not valid Configuration IDs. Please check that:
- All used Configuration IDs are really Configuration IDs, not chain, enterprise or other IDs
- All used Configuration IDs are defined in Mews Operations from the same environment as the Booking Engine you are using.
- You are using only one Configuration ID per enterprise.
You can find the Mews City ID in Mews Operations:
- Start on the Dashboard (the main screen).
- In the left-hand menu, select Settings -> Services.
- In the section Bookable services, select the service which has the Booking Engine configuration. If there's just one service, select that one.
- On the left, select Booking engines.
- Select the configuration you want to use.
- In the upper section there ia a field City Identifier. This is your City ID. It has a format
You can find the AgeCategory ID in Mews Operations:
- Start on the Dashboard (the main screen).
- In the left-hand menu, select Settings -> Services.
- In the section Bookable services, select the service which has the Booking Engine configuration. If there's just one service, select that one.
- On the left, select Age categories.
- Select the age category you want.
- In the URL there is an ID at the end, right after
. This is the age category ID. It has the formataaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee