diff --git a/cset-workflow/flow.cylc b/cset-workflow/flow.cylc
index f8cb076bd..c80a717fb 100644
--- a/cset-workflow/flow.cylc
+++ b/cset-workflow/flow.cylc
@@ -121,6 +121,9 @@ URL = https://metoffice.github.io/CSET-workflow
 {% include 'includes/deterministic_plot_cape_ratio.cylc' %}
 {% endif %}
+{% include 'includes/deterministic_plot_inflow_properties.cylc' %}
+{% endif %}
 {% include 'includes/deterministic_plot_model_level_air_temp.cylc' %}
 {% endif %}
diff --git a/cset-workflow/includes/deterministic_plot_inflow_properties.cylc b/cset-workflow/includes/deterministic_plot_inflow_properties.cylc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8697da94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cset-workflow/includes/deterministic_plot_inflow_properties.cylc
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+    [[graph]]
+    P1 = """
+    recipe_start => deterministic_plot_inflow_layer_properties => recipe_finish
+    """
+    [[deterministic_plot_inflow_layer_properties]]
+    script = rose task-run -v --app-key=run_cset_recipe
+    execution time limit = PT15M
+        [[[environment]]]
+        CSET_RECIPE = """
+title: Inflow properties plot
+description: |
+  Extracts data required for, and calculates the Inflow properties diagnostic, plotting on a map.
+  - operator: read.read_cubes
+  - operator: convection.inflow_layer_properties
+    EIB:
+        operator: filters.filter_cubes
+        constraint:
+            operator: constraints.generate_stash_constraint
+            stash: m01s20i119
+    BLheight:
+        operator: filters.filter_cubes
+        constraint:
+            operator: constraints.generate_stash_constraint
+            stash: m01s00i025
+    Orography:
+        operator: filters.filter_cubes
+        constraint:
+            operator: constraints.generate_stash_constraint
+            stash: m01s00i033
+  - operator: filters.filter_cubes
+    constraint:
+        operator: constraints.generate_time_constraint
+        time_start: 2022-10-28T06:00Z
+  - operator: plot.postage_stamp_contour_plot
+  - operator: write.write_cube_to_nc
diff --git a/cset-workflow/meta/rose-meta.conf b/cset-workflow/meta/rose-meta.conf
index f331c7b54..e8672b730 100644
--- a/cset-workflow/meta/rose-meta.conf
+++ b/cset-workflow/meta/rose-meta.conf
@@ -276,3 +276,12 @@ help=See includes/deterministic_plot_cape_ratio.cylc
+description=Extracts data required for, and calculates the inflow properties diagnostic, plotting on a map.
+            Required STASH m01s20i119, m01s00i025, m01s00i033.
+help=See includes/deterministic_plot_inflow_properties.cylc
diff --git a/src/CSET/operators/convection.py b/src/CSET/operators/convection.py
index f3236d0b2..23412171b 100644
--- a/src/CSET/operators/convection.py
+++ b/src/CSET/operators/convection.py
@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@
 import copy
+import logging
+import iris
+import iris.cube
 import numpy as np
@@ -136,3 +139,111 @@ def cape_ratio(SBCAPE, MUCAPE, MUCIN, MUCIN_thresh=-75.0):
     cape_ratio_cube.var_name = "cape_ratio"
     cape_ratio_cube.attributes.pop("STASH", None)
     return cape_ratio_cube
+def inflow_layer_properties(EIB, BLheight, Orography):
+    r"""Filter one value by another to create a binary mask identifying elevated convection.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    EIB: Cube
+        Effective inflow layer base (precalculated or as identified by the model).
+        If using the UM please use STASH ``m01s20i119``.
+    BLheight: Cube
+        Boundary layer height (precalculated or as identified by the model).
+        If using the UM please use STASH ``m01s00i025``.
+    Orography: Cube
+        Model or actual orography, expected to be 2 dimensional. If 3 or 4 dimensional
+        cube given converts to 2 dimensions assuming static orography field
+        in ensemble realization and time.
+        If using the UM please use STASH ``m01s00i033``.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    Cube
+    Notes
+    -----
+    This diagnostic is based on the concept of an effective inflow layer.
+    This concept was first introduced by Thompson et al. (2007) [1]_. The
+    inflow layer defined the region of air that is most likely to be ingested
+    into the convective event. It is defined by thresholding the CAPE and CIN
+    values: CAPE > 100 J/kg and |CIN| < 250 J/kg.
+    To turn this into a diagnostic for elevated convection the inflow layer
+    base is filtered against the boundary layer height. The model orography
+    is added to the boundary layer height to ensure reference height
+    consistency as the BL height is defined above ground level and the
+    inflow layer base is defined above sea level in the model output.
+    .. math:: EIB > BLheight + Orography
+    This is a binary diagnostic. It has a value of 0 to imply the environment
+    is suitable for surface-based convection. It has a value of 1 to indicate
+    the environment is suitable to produce elevated convection.
+    Further details about this diagnostic for elevated convection
+    identification can be found in Flack et al. (2023) [2]_.
+    Expected applicability ranges: Convective-scale models will be noisier than
+    parametrized models as they are more responsive to the convection, and thus
+    it may be more sensible to view as a larger spatial average rather than
+    at native resolution.
+    Interpretation notes: The effective inflow layer base diagnostic from UM STASH
+    is dependent upon the UM CAPE and CIN diagnostics. These diagnostics are
+    calculated at the end of the timestep. Therefore this diagnostic is applicable
+    after precipitation has occurred, not before as is the usual interpretation of
+    CAPE related diagnostics.
+    You might encounter warnings with the following text ``Orography assumed not
+    to vary with time or ensemble member.`` or ``Orography assumed not to vary with
+    time and ensemble member. `` these warnings are expected when the orography files
+    are not 2-dimensional, and do not cause any problems unless ordering is not as
+    expected.
+    References
+    ----------
+    .. [1] Thompson, R. L. Mead, C. M., and Edwards, R., (2007) "Effective
+       Storm-Relative Helicity and Bulk Shear in Supercell Thunderstorm
+       Environments." Weather and Forecasting, vol. 22, 102-115,
+       doi: 10.1175/WAF969.1
+    .. [2] Flack, D.L.A., Lehnert, M., Lean, H.W., and Willington, S. (XXXX)
+       "Characteristics of Diagnostics for Identifying Elevated
+       Convection over the British Isles in a Convection-Allowing Model."
+       Weather and Forecasting, vol. 30, 1079-1094, doi:
+       10.1175/WAF-D-22-0219.1
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> Inflow_properties=convection.inflow_layer_properties(EIB,BLheight,Orography)
+    >>> iplt.pcolormesh(Inflow_properties[0,:,:],cmap=mpl.cm.Purples)
+    >>> plt.gca().coastlines('10m')
+    >>> plt.colorbar()
+    >>> plt.clim(0,1)
+    >>> plt.show()
+    """
+    # Setup new array for output of the diagnostic.
+    EC_Flagd = np.zeros(EIB.shape)
+    # Check dimensions for Orography cube and replace with 2D array if not 2D.
+    if Orography.ndim == 3:
+        try:
+            Orography = Orography.slices_over("realization").next()
+        except iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError:
+            Orography = Orography.slices_over("time").next()
+        logging.warning("Orography assumed not to vary with time or ensemble member")
+    elif Orography.ndim == 4:
+        Orography = Orography.slices_over(("time", "realization")).next()
+        logging.warning("Orography assumed not to vary with time or ensemble member. ")
+    # Change points where Effective inflow layer base is larger than boundary
+    # layer height to 1 implying elevated convection.
+    EC_Flagd[EIB.data > (BLheight.data + Orography.data)] = 1.0
+    # Take the coordinates from an existing cube and replace the data.
+    inflow_properties_cube = EIB.copy()
+    inflow_properties_cube.data = EC_Flagd
+    # Rename and remove STASH code.
+    inflow_properties_cube.var_name = "inflow_layer_properties"
+    inflow_properties_cube.attributes.pop("STASH", None)
+    # Return the cube.
+    return EC_Flagd
diff --git a/src/CSET/recipes/Inflow_layer_properties_plot.yaml b/src/CSET/recipes/Inflow_layer_properties_plot.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..398053867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CSET/recipes/Inflow_layer_properties_plot.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+title: Inflow layer properties plot
+description: |
+  Extracts data required for, and calculates the Inflow properties diagnostic, plotting on a map.
+  - operator: read.read_cubes
+  - operator: convection.inflow_layer_properties
+    EIB:
+        operator: filters.filter_cubes
+        constraint:
+            operator: constraints.generate_stash_constraint
+            stash: m01s20i119
+    BLheight:
+        operator: filters.filter_cubes
+        constraint:
+            operator: constraints.generate_stash_constraint
+            stash: m01s00i025
+    Orography:
+        operator: filters.filter_cubes
+        constraint:
+            operator: constraints.generate_stash_constraint
+            stash: m01s00i033
+  - operator: filters.filter_cubes
+    constraint:
+        operator: constraints.generate_time_constraint
+        time_start: 2022-10-28T06:00Z
+  - operator: plot.postage_stamp_contour_plot
+  - operator: write.write_cube_to_nc
diff --git a/tests/operators/test_convection.py b/tests/operators/test_convection.py
index 57774000e..5b1e2f05a 100644
--- a/tests/operators/test_convection.py
+++ b/tests/operators/test_convection.py
@@ -22,3 +22,15 @@ def test_cape_ratio():
         convection.cape_ratio(SBCAPE, MUCAPE, MUCIN, MUCIN_thresh=-1.5).data.all()
         == precalculated_2.data.all()
+def test_inflow_layer_properties():
+    """Compare with precalculated properties."""
+    precalculated = iris.load_cube("tests/test_data/convection/ECFlagD.nc")
+    EIB = iris.load_cube("tests/test_data/convection/EIB.nc")
+    BLheight = iris.load_cube("tests/test_data/convection/BLheight.nc")
+    Orography = iris.load_cube("tests/test_data/convection/Orography.nc")
+    assert (
+        convection.inflow_layer_properties(EIB, BLheight, Orography).all()
+        == precalculated.data.all()
+    )
diff --git a/tests/test_data/convection/BLheight.nc b/tests/test_data/convection/BLheight.nc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09a9fcb70
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/test_data/convection/BLheight.nc differ
diff --git a/tests/test_data/convection/ECFlagD.nc b/tests/test_data/convection/ECFlagD.nc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1dcd4a53
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/test_data/convection/ECFlagD.nc differ
diff --git a/tests/test_data/convection/EIB.nc b/tests/test_data/convection/EIB.nc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92196370c
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/test_data/convection/EIB.nc differ
diff --git a/tests/test_data/convection/Orography.nc b/tests/test_data/convection/Orography.nc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36b94db37
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/test_data/convection/Orography.nc differ