diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 313a742d..aa24f566 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0 _ ## [Unreleased] +## [Version 1.1.1 (81)] - 2023-11-06T09:55:51Z + ### Added - Added link to Lemmy-Status.org to check if there is an issue with your instance. diff --git a/assets/license.html b/assets/license.html index dc9af93d..c7347d7a 100644 --- a/assets/license.html +++ b/assets/license.html @@ -45,6 +45,6 @@ padding: 15px; } -
name | license type | link | installed version | author |
@react-native-async-storage/async-storage | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-native-async-storage/async-storage.git | 1.19.3 | Krzysztof Borowy |
@react-native-community/slider | MIT | git+https://github.com/callstack/react-native-slider.git | 4.4.3 | react-native-community |
@react-native-picker/picker | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-native-picker/picker.git | 2.5.1 | |
@react-native/metro-config | MIT | git+https://github.com/facebook/react-native.git | 0.74.0 | n/a |
@react-navigation/bottom-tabs | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation.git | 7.0.0-alpha.5 | n/a |
@react-navigation/material-top-tabs | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation.git | 7.0.0-alpha.4 | n/a |
@react-navigation/native | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation.git | 7.0.0-alpha.4 | n/a |
@react-navigation/native-stack | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation.git | 7.0.0-alpha.5 | n/a |
@shopify/flash-list | MIT | git+https://github.com/Shopify/flash-list.git | 1.6.2 | shopify |
@tamagui/animations-react-native | MIT | https://registry.npmjs.org/@tamagui/animations-react-native/-/animations-react-native-1.76.0.tgz | 1.74.19 | n/a |
@tamagui/config | n/a | https://registry.npmjs.org/@tamagui/config/-/config-1.76.0.tgz | 1.74.19 | n/a |
@tamagui/lucide-icons | MIT | https://registry.npmjs.org/@tamagui/lucide-icons/-/lucide-icons-1.76.0.tgz | 1.74.19 | n/a |
@tamagui/theme-builder | n/a | https://registry.npmjs.org/@tamagui/theme-builder/-/theme-builder-1.76.0.tgz | 1.75.9 | n/a |
@tamagui/themes | n/a | https://registry.npmjs.org/@tamagui/themes/-/themes-1.76.0.tgz | 1.75.9 | n/a |
@types/lodash | MIT | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped.git | 4.14.200 | n/a |
@types/markdown-it | MIT | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped.git | 13.0.5 | n/a |
@types/react | MIT | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped.git | 18.2.33 | n/a |
axios | MIT | git+https://github.com/axios/axios.git | 1.6.0 | Matt Zabriskie |
babel-plugin-module-resolver | MIT | git+https://github.com/tleunen/babel-plugin-module-resolver.git | 5.0.0 | Tommy Leunen tommy.leunen@gmail.com http://tommyleunen.com |
dayjs | MIT | git+https://github.com/iamkun/dayjs.git | 1.11.10 | iamkun |
expo | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 49.0.16 | Expo |
expo-build-properties | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 0.8.3 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-clipboard | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 4.5.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-dev-client | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 2.4.11 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-device | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 5.6.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-image | MIT | n/a | 1.6.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-image-picker | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 14.5.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-linear-gradient | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 12.3.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-linking | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 6.0.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-localization | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 14.5.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-mail-composer | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 12.5.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-media-library | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 15.6.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-notifications | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 0.23.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-permissions | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 14.4.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-secure-store | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 12.5.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-splash-screen | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 0.22.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-status-bar | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 1.7.1 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-system-ui | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 2.6.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-web-browser | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 12.5.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
fuse.js | Apache-2.0 | git+https://github.com/krisk/Fuse.git | 6.6.2 | Kiro Risk kirollos@gmail.com http://kiro.me |
i18next | MIT | git+https://github.com/i18next/i18next.git | 23.6.0 | Jan Mühlemann |
immer | MIT | git+https://github.com/immerjs/immer.git | 10.0.3 | Michel Weststrate |
lemmy-js-client | AGPL-3.0 | git+https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-js-client.git | 0.18.1 | Dessalines |
lodash | MIT | git+https://github.com/lodash/lodash.git | 4.17.21 | John-David Dalton |
markdown-it | MIT | git+https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it.git | 13.0.2 | n/a |
moti | MIT | git+https://github.com/nandorojo/moti.git | 0.27.0 | n/a |
react | MIT | git+https://github.com/facebook/react.git | 18.2.0 | n/a |
react-dom | MIT | git+https://github.com/facebook/react.git | 18.2.0 | n/a |
react-error-boundary | MIT | git+https://github.com/bvaughn/react-error-boundary.git | 4.0.11 | Brian Vaughn |
react-i18next | MIT | git+https://github.com/i18next/react-i18next.git | 13.3.1 | Jan Mühlemann |
react-native | MIT | git+https://github.com/facebook/react-native.git | 0.72.5 | n/a |
react-native-change-icon | MIT | git+https://github.com/skb1129/react-native-change-icon.git | 5.0.0 | Surya Kant Bansal |
react-native-device-info | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-native-device-info/react-native-device-info.git | 10.11.0 | Rebecca Hughes |
react-native-drawer-layout | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation.git | 4.0.0-alpha.1 | n/a |
react-native-fs | MIT | git+ssh://git@github.com/itinance/react-native-fs.git | 2.20.0 | Johannes Lumpe |
react-native-gesture-handler | MIT | git+https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-gesture-handler.git | 2.13.4 | Krzysztof Magiera krzys.magiera@gmail.com |
react-native-haptic-feedback | MIT | git+https://github.com/mkuczera/react-native-haptic-feedback.git | 2.2.0 | Michael Kuczera |
react-native-ios-context-menu | MIT | git+https://github.com/indominicstop/react-native-ios-context-menu.git | 1.15.3 | Dominic Go <18517029+dominicstop@users.noreply.github.com> (https://github.com/dominicstop) |
react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view | MIT | git+https://github.com/APSL/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view.git | 0.9.5 | Alvaro Medina Ballester |
react-native-material-tabs | MIT | git+https://github.com/iRoachie/react-native-material-tabs.git | 4.2.0 | Kyle Roach kroach.work@gmail.com |
react-native-pager-view | MIT | git+https://github.com/callstack/react-native-pager-view.git | 7.0.0-rc.0 | troZee |
react-native-reanimated | MIT | git+https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-reanimated.git | 3.3.0 | Krzysztof Magiera krzys.magiera@gmail.com |
react-native-reanimated-swipeable | MIT | git+https://github.com/gkasdorf/react-native-reanimated-swipeable.git | 1.0.11 | gkasdorf |
react-native-safe-area-context | MIT | git+https://github.com/th3rdwave/react-native-safe-area-context.git | 4.7.4 | Janic Duplessis |
react-native-screens | MIT | git+https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-screens.git | 3.27.0 | Krzysztof Magiera krzys.magiera@gmail.com |
react-native-share | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-share.git | 9.4.1 | Esteban Fuentealba efuentealba@json.cl |
react-native-svg | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-svg.git | 13.14.0 | n/a |
react-native-web | MIT | git://github.com/necolas/react-native-web.git | 0.19.9 | Nicolas Gallagher |
react-native-webview | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-native-webview/react-native-webview.git | 13.6.2 | Jamon Holmgren |
react-navigation-header-buttons | MIT | git+https://github.com/vonovak/react-navigation-header-buttons.git | 11.1.1 | Vojtech Novak |
reactotron-plugin-zustand | MIT | git+https://github.com/joalisonpereira/reactotron-plugin-zustand.git | 1.0.3 | joalisonpereira |
reanimated-color-picker | MIT | git+https://github.com/alabsi91/reanimated-color-picker.git | 2.4.0 | Ahmed Alabsi |
tamagui | n/a | https://registry.npmjs.org/tamagui/-/tamagui-1.76.0.tgz | 1.74.19 | n/a |
zustand | MIT | git+https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand.git | 4.4.5 | Paul Henschel |
@babel/core | MIT | https://github.com/babel/babel.git | 7.23.2 | The Babel Team (https://babel.dev/team) |
@tamagui/babel-plugin | MIT | https://registry.npmjs.org/@tamagui/babel-plugin/-/babel-plugin-1.76.0.tgz | 1.74.21 | n/a |
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin | MIT | git+https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint.git | 6.9.1 | n/a |
eslint | MIT | git+https://github.com/eslint/eslint.git | 8.52.0 | Nicholas C. Zakas |
eslint-config-prettier | MIT | git+https://github.com/prettier/eslint-config-prettier.git | 9.0.0 | Simon Lydell |
eslint-config-standard-with-typescript | MIT | git+https://github.com/standard/eslint-config-standard-with-typescript.git | 39.1.1 | Shahar Or |
eslint-plugin-import | MIT | git+https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import.git | 2.29.0 | Ben Mosher |
eslint-plugin-n | MIT | git+https://github.com/eslint-community/eslint-plugin-n.git | 16.2.0 | Toru Nagashima |
eslint-plugin-prettier | MIT | git+https://github.com/prettier/eslint-plugin-prettier.git | 5.0.1 | Teddy Katz |
eslint-plugin-promise | ISC | git+https://github.com/eslint-community/eslint-plugin-promise.git | 6.1.1 | jden |
eslint-plugin-react | MIT | git+https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-react.git | 7.33.2 | Yannick Croissant |
license-report | MIT | git+https://github.com/ironSource/license-report.git | 6.5.0 | Yaniv Kessler |
patch-package | MIT | git+https://github.com/ds300/patch-package.git | 8.0.0 | David Sheldrick |
postinstall-postinstall | MIT | https://github.com/ds300/postinstall-postinstall | 2.1.0 | David Sheldrick |
prettier | MIT | git+https://github.com/prettier/prettier.git | 3.0.3 | James Long |
reactotron-react-native | MIT | git+https://github.com/infinitered/reactotron-react-native.git | 5.0.3 | Infinite Red |
typescript | Apache-2.0 | git+https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript.git | 5.2.2 | Microsoft Corp. |
name | license type | link | installed version | author |
@react-native-async-storage/async-storage | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-native-async-storage/async-storage.git | 1.19.3 | Krzysztof Borowy |
@react-native-community/slider | MIT | git+https://github.com/callstack/react-native-slider.git | 4.4.3 | react-native-community |
@react-native-picker/picker | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-native-picker/picker.git | 2.5.1 | |
@react-native/metro-config | MIT | git+https://github.com/facebook/react-native.git | 0.74.0 | n/a |
@react-navigation/bottom-tabs | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation.git | 7.0.0-alpha.5 | n/a |
@react-navigation/material-top-tabs | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation.git | 7.0.0-alpha.4 | n/a |
@react-navigation/native | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation.git | 7.0.0-alpha.4 | n/a |
@react-navigation/native-stack | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation.git | 7.0.0-alpha.5 | n/a |
@shopify/flash-list | MIT | git+https://github.com/Shopify/flash-list.git | 1.6.2 | shopify |
@tamagui/animations-react-native | MIT | https://registry.npmjs.org/@tamagui/animations-react-native/-/animations-react-native-1.76.0.tgz | 1.74.19 | n/a |
@tamagui/config | n/a | https://registry.npmjs.org/@tamagui/config/-/config-1.76.0.tgz | 1.74.19 | n/a |
@tamagui/lucide-icons | MIT | https://registry.npmjs.org/@tamagui/lucide-icons/-/lucide-icons-1.76.0.tgz | 1.74.19 | n/a |
@tamagui/theme-builder | n/a | https://registry.npmjs.org/@tamagui/theme-builder/-/theme-builder-1.76.0.tgz | 1.75.9 | n/a |
@tamagui/themes | n/a | https://registry.npmjs.org/@tamagui/themes/-/themes-1.76.0.tgz | 1.75.9 | n/a |
@types/lodash | MIT | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped.git | 4.14.200 | n/a |
@types/markdown-it | MIT | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped.git | 13.0.5 | n/a |
@types/react | MIT | https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped.git | 18.2.33 | n/a |
axios | MIT | git+https://github.com/axios/axios.git | 1.6.0 | Matt Zabriskie |
babel-plugin-module-resolver | MIT | git+https://github.com/tleunen/babel-plugin-module-resolver.git | 5.0.0 | Tommy Leunen tommy.leunen@gmail.com http://tommyleunen.com |
dayjs | MIT | git+https://github.com/iamkun/dayjs.git | 1.11.10 | iamkun |
expo | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 49.0.16 | Expo |
expo-build-properties | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 0.8.3 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-clipboard | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 4.5.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-dev-client | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 2.4.11 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-device | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 5.6.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-haptics | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 12.6.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-image | MIT | n/a | 1.6.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-image-picker | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 14.5.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-image-viewer | MIT | git+https://github.com/gkasdorf/expo-image-viewer.git | 0.4.1 | gkasdorf |
expo-linear-gradient | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 12.3.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-linking | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 6.0.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-localization | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 14.5.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-mail-composer | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 12.5.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-media-library | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 15.6.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-notifications | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 0.23.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-permissions | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 14.4.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-secure-store | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 12.5.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-splash-screen | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 0.22.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-status-bar | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 1.7.1 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-system-ui | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 2.6.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
expo-web-browser | MIT | git+https://github.com/expo/expo.git | 12.5.0 | 650 Industries, Inc. |
fuse.js | Apache-2.0 | git+https://github.com/krisk/Fuse.git | 6.6.2 | Kiro Risk kirollos@gmail.com http://kiro.me |
i18next | MIT | git+https://github.com/i18next/i18next.git | 23.6.0 | Jan Mühlemann |
immer | MIT | git+https://github.com/immerjs/immer.git | 10.0.3 | Michel Weststrate |
lemmy-js-client | AGPL-3.0 | git+https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-js-client.git | 0.18.1 | Dessalines |
lodash | MIT | git+https://github.com/lodash/lodash.git | 4.17.21 | John-David Dalton |
markdown-it | MIT | git+https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it.git | 13.0.2 | n/a |
moti | MIT | git+https://github.com/nandorojo/moti.git | 0.27.0 | n/a |
react | MIT | git+https://github.com/facebook/react.git | 18.2.0 | n/a |
react-dom | MIT | git+https://github.com/facebook/react.git | 18.2.0 | n/a |
react-error-boundary | MIT | git+https://github.com/bvaughn/react-error-boundary.git | 4.0.11 | Brian Vaughn |
react-i18next | MIT | git+https://github.com/i18next/react-i18next.git | 13.3.1 | Jan Mühlemann |
react-native | MIT | git+https://github.com/facebook/react-native.git | 0.72.5 | n/a |
react-native-change-icon | MIT | git+https://github.com/skb1129/react-native-change-icon.git | 5.0.0 | Surya Kant Bansal |
react-native-device-info | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-native-device-info/react-native-device-info.git | 10.11.0 | Rebecca Hughes |
react-native-drawer-layout | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation.git | 4.0.0-alpha.1 | n/a |
react-native-fs | MIT | git+ssh://git@github.com/itinance/react-native-fs.git | 2.20.0 | Johannes Lumpe |
react-native-gesture-handler | MIT | git+https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-gesture-handler.git | 2.13.4 | Krzysztof Magiera krzys.magiera@gmail.com |
react-native-ios-context-menu | MIT | git+https://github.com/indominicstop/react-native-ios-context-menu.git | 1.15.3 | Dominic Go <18517029+dominicstop@users.noreply.github.com> (https://github.com/dominicstop) |
react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view | MIT | git+https://github.com/APSL/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view.git | 0.9.5 | Alvaro Medina Ballester |
react-native-material-tabs | MIT | git+https://github.com/iRoachie/react-native-material-tabs.git | 4.2.0 | Kyle Roach kroach.work@gmail.com |
react-native-pager-view | MIT | git+https://github.com/callstack/react-native-pager-view.git | 7.0.0-rc.0 | troZee |
react-native-reanimated | MIT | git+https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-reanimated.git | 3.3.0 | Krzysztof Magiera krzys.magiera@gmail.com |
react-native-reanimated-swipeable | MIT | git+https://github.com/gkasdorf/react-native-reanimated-swipeable.git | 1.0.11 | gkasdorf |
react-native-safe-area-context | MIT | git+https://github.com/th3rdwave/react-native-safe-area-context.git | 4.7.4 | Janic Duplessis |
react-native-screens | MIT | git+https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-screens.git | 3.27.0 | Krzysztof Magiera krzys.magiera@gmail.com |
react-native-share | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-share.git | 9.4.1 | Esteban Fuentealba efuentealba@json.cl |
react-native-svg | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-svg.git | 13.14.0 | n/a |
react-native-web | MIT | git://github.com/necolas/react-native-web.git | 0.19.9 | Nicolas Gallagher |
react-native-webview | MIT | git+https://github.com/react-native-webview/react-native-webview.git | 13.6.2 | Jamon Holmgren |
react-navigation-header-buttons | MIT | git+https://github.com/vonovak/react-navigation-header-buttons.git | 11.1.1 | Vojtech Novak |
reactotron-plugin-zustand | MIT | git+https://github.com/joalisonpereira/reactotron-plugin-zustand.git | 1.0.3 | joalisonpereira |
reanimated-color-picker | MIT | git+https://github.com/alabsi91/reanimated-color-picker.git | 2.4.0 | Ahmed Alabsi |
tamagui | n/a | https://registry.npmjs.org/tamagui/-/tamagui-1.76.0.tgz | 1.74.19 | n/a |
zustand | MIT | git+https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand.git | 4.4.5 | Paul Henschel |
@babel/core | MIT | https://github.com/babel/babel.git | 7.23.2 | The Babel Team (https://babel.dev/team) |
@tamagui/babel-plugin | MIT | https://registry.npmjs.org/@tamagui/babel-plugin/-/babel-plugin-1.76.0.tgz | 1.74.21 | n/a |
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin | MIT | git+https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint.git | 6.9.1 | n/a |
eslint | MIT | git+https://github.com/eslint/eslint.git | 8.52.0 | Nicholas C. Zakas |
eslint-config-prettier | MIT | git+https://github.com/prettier/eslint-config-prettier.git | 9.0.0 | Simon Lydell |
eslint-config-standard-with-typescript | MIT | git+https://github.com/standard/eslint-config-standard-with-typescript.git | 39.1.1 | Shahar Or |
eslint-plugin-import | MIT | git+https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import.git | 2.29.0 | Ben Mosher |
eslint-plugin-n | MIT | git+https://github.com/eslint-community/eslint-plugin-n.git | 16.2.0 | Toru Nagashima |
eslint-plugin-prettier | MIT | git+https://github.com/prettier/eslint-plugin-prettier.git | 5.0.1 | Teddy Katz |
eslint-plugin-promise | ISC | git+https://github.com/eslint-community/eslint-plugin-promise.git | 6.1.1 | jden |
eslint-plugin-react | MIT | git+https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-react.git | 7.33.2 | Yannick Croissant |
license-report | MIT | git+https://github.com/ironSource/license-report.git | 6.5.0 | Yaniv Kessler |
patch-package | MIT | git+https://github.com/ds300/patch-package.git | 8.0.0 | David Sheldrick |
postinstall-postinstall | MIT | https://github.com/ds300/postinstall-postinstall | 2.1.0 | David Sheldrick |
prettier | MIT | git+https://github.com/prettier/prettier.git | 3.0.3 | James Long |
reactotron-react-native | MIT | git+https://github.com/infinitered/reactotron-react-native.git | 5.0.3 | Infinite Red |
typescript | Apache-2.0 | git+https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript.git | 5.2.2 | Microsoft Corp. |