- php >= 7.1.3
- Redis
- MariaDB/MySQL (tested on MariaDB 10.1)
- Yarn -- For development*
- composer
- NGINX or Apache (tested on NGINX)
PHP Packages:
- php-pecl-redis
- php-pdo
- php-mysqlnd
- php-mcrypt
- php-mbstring
- php-gd
- php-xml
- php-fpm (NGINX only)
Install MariaDB
Install Redis
Install PHP and extensions
Initialize the DB
create database chocolatier;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON chocolatier.* To 'chocolatier'@'localhost';
- Initialize ORM
# Create a package and backup directory
sudo mkdir -p /home/nginx/packages;
sudo mkdir -p /home/nginx/chocolatier-backup;
# Set the right permissions
sudo chown -R nginx:nginx /home/nginx;
sudo chown -R nginx:nginx /usr/share/nginx/html;
# Go to the web root
cd /usr/share/nginx/html/;
# Clone Repo with composer
sudo -u nginx composer create-project melonsmasher/chocolatier Chocolatier --keep-vcs;
# Link package and backup dirs
sudo -u nginx ln -s /home/nginx/packages/ /usr/share/nginx/html/Chocolatier/storage/app/packages;
sudo -u nginx ln -s /home/nginx/chocolatier-backup/ /usr/share/nginx/html/Chocolatier/storage/app/chocolatier-backup;
# Get into the project
cd Chocolatier;
# Configure environment settings
sudo -u nginx vi .env;
# Run DB Migrations
sudo -u nginx php artisan migrate --force;
# Optimize
sudo -u nginx php artisan optimize
sudo -u nginx php artisan route:cache
# Start NGINX
service nginx restart;