This is HW steering parser and triggering for dump files in CSV format. This tool triggers the app to dump the app specific data, and also triggers the HW to dump the app HW data.
The dump can be triggered by calling the dump API directly via:
mlx5dr_debug_dump function
Also it can be triggered for a DPDK app via:
python --pid <DPDK PID> -f <dump_file>
Trigger a dump to a new CSV file and skip HW dump:
./ --pid <DPDK PID> -f <dump_file> --skip_dump
Parse an existing dump_file CSV:
./ -f <dump_file> --skip_dump
Trigger a DPDK app to dump all the ports HWS app to a new CSV file and skip HW dump:
./ --pid --port -1 -f <dump_file> --skip_dump
Developer triggering and parsing a dump with HW resources from a DPDK app:
./ --pid <DPDK PID> -f <dump_file> -vvv ./ --pid <DPDK PID> -f <dump_file> -vvv --extra_hw_res pat,arg
Customer producing a full dump for developers to debug:
./ --pid <DPDK PID> -f <dump_file> --skip_parse
Customer producing a control dump for developers to debug:
./ --pid <DPDK PID> -f <dump_file> --skip_dump
Please see below "Running syntax" for more info.
./ -f <FILE_PATH> [-v] [--skip_dump] [-d DEVICE]
[--pid DPDK_PID] [--port DPDK_PORT] [--skip_parse]
[--extra_hw_res [pat, arg, all]] [-s] [-h]
Flag | Description |
-f FILE_PATH | Input steering dump file path, also the output of the tool will be written to FILE_PATH.parsed |
optional arguments:
Flag | Description |
-v | Increase output verbosity - v, vv, vvv & vvvv for extra verbosity |
--skip_dump | Skip HW resources dumping |
--skip_parse | Skip HW dumped resources parsing |
-d DEVICE | Provide MST device, otherwise it will be guessed automatically |
--pid DPDK_PID | Trigger DPDK app |
--port DPDK_PORT | Trigger DPDK app (must provide PID with -pid) |
--extra_hw_res [pat, arg, all] | Request extra HW resources to be dumped. For example: -extra_hw_res pat,arg |
-s | Show dump statistics, such as STE's distribution |
-h, --help | It will show the help message and exit |
For dumping the app HW resources:
- Python3
- MFT (Version 4.22.0-80 provided with OFED 5.8 or higher)