- add white list for da fraud proof(#496)
- support mt-batcher and mt-challenger send transaction by EIP1559(#524)
- da challenger integrate to mantle(#527)
- add da rollup min and max size config(#528)
- Add WBIT Token on mantle network(#540)
- Make challenge period time for fraud proofs configurable(#461)
- Updates to main README.md(#543)
- sdk bump to v0.1.4(#546)
- fix bug when tss manager get signature from store (#538)
0.2.0-alpha - 2022-12-23
- Implement the mechanism of triggering the Rollback instruction when the MPC signature fails (#377).
- Add data availability layer eigenlayer (#395) .
- Add the rollback mechanism (#430).
- Update hardhat version (#382).
- Update datalayer to support l1 hardhat and bit token (#410).
- Update golang version to 1.19 (#424).
0.1.1 - 2022-12-01
- Delete automatic withdraw (#323).
- Fix tssReward contract.batchTime update exception (#299) .
- Fix gasPriceOracle contract modifier checkValue (#320).
- Delete automatic burning (#328) .
0.1.0 - 2022-11-11
- MPC validators module in Layer 2 network, to minimize the trust risk of L2 execution results by threshold signature scheme(TSS).
- Native Token replacement in Layer 2 Network, to empower BitDAO's ecosystem by replacing the native token with BIT.
- Token Reward, to inspire community, organization and individual to run a l2geth-node and TSS-node.
- Gas fee adjustment, the Bit destruction mechanism will be triggered after collecting enough GasFee in the special contract.