contains line <link xtargets="s1241;" id="SL1241"/>
under <linkGrp targType="s" fromDoc="en/Doyle_Arthur_Conan-Hound_of_the_Baskervilles.xml.gz" toDoc="es/Doyle_Arthur_Conan-Hound_of_the_Baskervilles.xml.gz" >
- Sentence with id
does not exist in file Books/xml/en/Doyle_Arthur_Conan-Hound_of_the_Baskervilles.xml
in /proj/nlpl/data/OPUS/Books/latest/xml/en.zip
- Error message:
xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 1, column 3234
- Probably caused by not having closing tags for
<no description>
<no description>
-tags in GNOME/xml/en/accerciser.gnome-2-30/accerciser.gnome-2-30.xml
<ei kuvausta>
in GNOME/xml/fi/accerciser.gnome-2-30/accerciser.gnome-2-30.xml
<keine Beschreibung>
in GNOME/xml/de/accerciser.gnome-2-30/accerciser.gnome-2-30.xml
<sin descripciÃ<U+0083>³n>
in GNOME/xml/es/accerciser.gnome-2-30/accerciser.gnome-2-30.xml
<нема опиÑ<U+0081>>
in GNOME/xml/mk/accerciser.gnome-2-30/accerciser.gnome-2-30.xml
- Same problem possibly in all languages
- Error message:
xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 1, column 122657
- A paragraph beginning with "He considered the version" has no
but does have </p>
in MPC1/xml/en/Jersild_Barnenso.xml
- A paragraph beginning with "Il finit son" in
- A paragraph beginning with "BREVET SER KONSTIGT UT" in
- A paragraph at the beginning of
- Sentence ids are not always in sequential order.
- In en-fi.xml.gz the second document pair:
fromDoc="en/0/3808640/5878190.xml.gz" toDoc="fi/0/3808640/6350206.xml.gz"
<link id="SL286" xtargets="318 320;292" overlap="0.775" />
<link id="SL287" xtargets="319;" />
- In en-es.xml.gz the first document pair:
fromDoc="en/0/1084944/3377035.xml.gz" toDoc="es/0/1084944/4103721.xml.gz"
<link id="SL149" xtargets="153;149" overlap="0.960" />
<link id="SL150" xtargets="152;148" overlap="0.710" />
- In de-en.xml.gz the first document pair:
fromDoc="de/0/1467474/6453495.xml.gz" toDoc="en/0/1467474/6185069.xml.gz"
<link id="SL249" xtargets="268 266;231" overlap="0.932" />
<link id="SL250" xtargets="267;232" overlap="0.271" />