- Have a look at the specifications
Follow the steps below to run the code:
- Install ns3-dev following the guidelines from the link https://www.nsnam.org/docs/release/3.39/installation/html/quick-start.html
- Download the files from the repository
- Place the 1905095.cc, 1905095.sh and 1905095.plt files in the "scratch" folder of "ns3-dev". (Directory: ns3-dev/scratch)
- Place the 1905095_tcp-adaptive-reno.cc and 1905095_tcp-adaptive-reno.h files in the src/internet/model folder of ns3-dev (Directory: ns3-dev/src/internet/model)
- Include 1905095_tcp-adaptive-reno.cc and 1905095_tcp-adaptive-reno.h files in src\internet\CMakeLists.txt like the following:
set(source_files ...................... model/1905095_tcp-adaptive-reno.cc ....................... set(header_files ....................... model/1905095_tcp-adaptive-reno.h .......................
- Run the 1905095.sh file . It will do all the necessary tasks for this assignment for you.
bash 1905095.sh
- You can find the paper here
- You can see my version of output at Output Files and Graphs