Command | Description | Usage | Aliases | Permission |
wp | List all WarpPortal related commands | /wp | phelp, wp-help | warpportals.listcommands |
wp-portal-create | Bind the WarpPortal Creation tool to the current item | /wp-portal-create [portalname] [destName|(World,x,y,z)] [portalMaterial] | pcreate, wppc | warpportals.admin.portal.create |
wp-portal-material | Change a WarpPortal's block type to another material | /wp-portal-material [portalname] [portalMaterial] | wppm | warpportals.admin.portal.material |
wp-portal-delete | Delete a WarpPortal by name. | /wp-portal-delete [portalName] | pdelete, wppd | warpportals.admin.portal.delete.command |
wp-portal-deltool | Bind the Portal Deletion tool to the current item | /wp-portal-deltool | pdeltool, wppdt | warpportals.admin.portal.delete.tool |
wp-portal-list | List all WarpPortals | /wp-portal-list | plist, wp-portals, wppl | warpportals.admin.portal.list |
wp-portal-teleport | Teleport to a WarpPortal | /wp-portal-teleport [portalName] | wp-portal-tp, wpptp | warpportals.admin.portal.teleport |
wp-destination-create | Create a WarpPortal Location using your current location and point-of-view | /wp-destination-create [destinationName] | pdest, wpdc, wp-dest-create | warpportals.admin.destination.create |
wp-destination-delete | Remove a WarpPortal Destination by name | /wp-destination-delete [destinationName] | pdestdel, wpdd, wp-dest-delete | warpportals.admin.destination.delete |
wp-destination-list | List all saved WarpPortal Destinations | /wp-destination-list | pdestlist, wp-destinations, wp-dest-list, wpdl, wp-dests | warpportals.admin.destination.list |
wp-destination-teleport | Teleport to a WarpPortal Destination | /wp-destination-teleport [destinationName] | wp-destination-tp, wp-dest-tp, wp-dest-teleport, wpdtp | warpportals.admin.destination.teleport |
wp-save | Force save all WarpPortal data | /wp-save | psave, wps | |
wp-load | Force load WarpPortal data from portals.yml | /wp-load | pload, wpl | warpportals.admin.op.load |
wp-backup | Backup the current WarpPortal data to 'portals.yml_yyyy-MM-ddTkk-mm-ss.bac | /wp-backup | pbackup, wpb | warpportals.admin.op.backup" |